tv News Al Jazeera January 10, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST
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it has all but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied easter eastern and with movements being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. the and now the nice of hardware for the people of the rasa is where the attacks kill an engine. thousands off to a residential building is hit and run. the hello autumn is of a put on and this is all just the line from door. how is so coming up? medical stuff, it unlocks the hospital and gaza offense to evacuate of to israel bombs. it's maternity and intensive care units is ready for his rage. several areas of the
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occupied westbank and olives before the us secretary of state meets palestinian. lead them up with a boss and others use gunman, an equitable storm, a tv station to disrupt and i both costs rise and gang volumes for the government to impose a state of emergency, the palestinians and dogs. i have enjoyed another knife is ready attacks. at least 15 people were killed when a residential building was hit in java and the south. the engines were rushed to me about hospitals, which remain overwhelmed as rarely as strikes. also destroyed a mosque and several houses in con eunice. more than 23200 pounds. finance have been coach since october. the 7th. let's go to honey macklin, when he is joining us, live from alpha and how did you change location since i last live an hour ago. i understand because of ongoing is really a tax. yes
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. well there's a 0 guarantee. the safety around the vicinity of the uh, the international medical chords, hospital field hospital in rough, i city, northern of brooklyn city. and we were planning on doing a couple of more reports and you uh, further uh, coverage of the work of the hospital in northern drop off, but the right after we finish our 1st report across the street just from the uh, the uh, the hospital about uh, 50 meters air this then uh the building was targeted. but what it looks like a drawer, missiles, the targeted, the rooftop of the building were heard loud explosion. and then a cloud of dark smoke over over the building. what we learned right at the spot that this building. uh, 1st of all, it doesn't have any people there, but it houses the power generators that supplies the field hospital with
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electricity. and we knew this right of, from where the uh, the door man just ran it from the area coming all the way to the court yard of the field hospital describing what happening and screaming and frantically about the sort of protection that he was told about by the hospitals, a management that the hospital and its vicinity and the building that houses the power generated with all protected and saved because all the coordinates of this area had been given to these really military. so basically he was running screaming and wondering what kind of protection were these people talk about of what guarantee they were given to the vicinity of that area. and this is another reminder, nothing is safe here. no place is safe, not even an international medical course field hospital and it's just been a d r say for for college city and yeah honey,
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what you've said bez repeating. you went to cover that field hospital, which is supposed to have the capacity of around 200 people. you were telling us earlier that it hasn't even been completely set up. and what you're telling us is that the building housing, the power generation, is to supply the hospitals with electricity has been attacked. and that is just the latest attack across the gaza, over the last 24 hours. i know that before we spoke last hour, you were also supposed to be traveling today at all by law in central gaza, which has seemed sustained attacks. you weren't able to get there a yes said the travelling become increasingly difficult about on save between instead is particularly from south to the vin, from the area of the central air is under to be a bargain, intense artillery, selling it and not, not only the, the buildings in the vicinity of the house,
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but also the roles, the very roads people are traveling on are becoming increasingly a on save due to the indiscriminate attacks and areas a aerial bombardment that's going on. but we wanted to document what's going on in the lock. so hospitality that vicinity have been under heavy bombardment for the past few days. and since the beginning of the expensing of the the, the, the operations in the central area, it's becoming a dangerous store network. some 600, a medical, a style fan, patients work order to back the weights and let alone be 1000 of people who are filtering within the vicinity and on and within the courtyard of the hospital. the fact that this number of medical staff a are, are leaving any value in the hospital just put the, the, the, the sustainability, the, the continuity of the hospital to, to offer services even if it's at the low capacity possible. right now. just put it
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on the jeopardy and a growing concern over the safety and security of the national team who are still in the hospital when there's through the, from our store, the, this medical, the staff team that wasn't deluxe. the hospital was there in order to support the operations. the hospital then did sick sustainability to continue provide the best medical intervention possible for the large number of injuries inside the the hospital. but as of now, there is not only concern over the life and safety of the remaining national things, but also the services that are provided to do injuries. and patients which something that a gradually pushing the hospital out of service. honey. thank you very much for that. that is honey mountain, with the very latest live in java. and as honey has said, intensifying is why the attacks on the oxy hospital and central gaza forcing medical staff to evacuate the maternity and intensive care units have been attacked
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. thousands of people taking shelter in the area in order to leave in the facility is at the hospital and the law. we are in the hospital imbedded bella, where most of the medical team evacuated after the fires live by munition on the i c u unit and the maternity unit in the cause. sure, let's walk inside. as you see, the only medical person on the left are in the nursing team where most of them are volunteers and live in the area and do not have any place to evacuate. we have been talking to the nursing team and they're sending us that's they were go, our goal is to stay here because they feel that it is a huge responsibility for them to leave the hospital. they also told us that the main doctors are evacuated with their families because their families were inside the house with us. also, the administrative team is completely empty,
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where the doctors are doing the doctors left in the hospital are doing both the administrative work and the medical you are here. there are sin also volunteers for the cleaning, for cleanings the hospital and uh, 2 days ago. some journalists who were here in the hospital had and made an initiative, has been at the hospital to clean its floors and its emergency department a more than 90 percent of the men because team in the opposite has put the evacuating through the after i myself. also evacuated the hospitals and it's not only the doctors who evacuated but also journalists where we're talking about more than 10 media organizations less than evacuated studying. to con you and it's entered a we're also talking about people who were seeking refuge in the hospital for more
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than 3 months in that and but the hospital is not witnessing a collapse, but it's has been also with missing a severe shortage of medical use according to the method can see him in this hospital. this is in the clinic as data garza product is really mandatory, is conducting rates across the occupied westbank. at least 10 palestinians have been arrested some of the storm. several cities including the mala, nablus, to cut an engineering where is valuable. does this have destroyed rows of infrastructure? phase 341 palestinians have been killed by his very forces and the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. that's when you mohammed jump june. his life for us in the, in the occupied westbank and mohammed another nice of destructive rates across the occupied westbank. that's right, elizabeth, you and i were speaking just last hour about the fact that these rates have become
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part of the fabric of daily life for palestinians throughout the occupied west bank . on average these days there are around 40 raids that happen per day. now of the rates that happened last night, you had several, including in areas like bid, ahmad, uh, the, for what a refugee camp in the south would be occupied. westbank to cut them a 3 months. but the 2 most significant rates we should tell you in our audience about took place in the city of janine as well as nablus now as far as the rate that was going on and jeanine were told that ended around 2 and a half hours ago that there had been armed confrontations that are updated in the eastern neighborhoods of the city of janine uh that those took place between uh our palestinian fighters and the is really army members who were reading the city also were told by eye witnesses that they were explosive devices that were used during that read uh as far as nablus, we're told that that rate ended about an hour ago,
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but there are concerns that perhaps not all of the is really armed forces have withdrawn completely from the area. we're told that there was gunfire. the targeted is really forces during the course of that rate in nablus city that there were armed confrontations interrupted there between palestinian fighters and these really soldiers. that's according to local media as well as i witnesses. we have been speaking with a lot of tension. this is something that really showcases how dire the situation remains for palestinians throughout the occupied west bank. and as you mentioned, one of the things that continues to happen when these rates take place is that critical infrastructure continues to be destroyed by these really is i can tell you, even when i have gone on reporting trips to these areas where they be refugee camp cities, villages, towns throughout the occupied west bank. when we go there repeatedly, we are told by residents that this is a form of collective punishment that these really army goes in, that they tear up roads with their on bulldozers. they cut electricity lines and water lines, and this is one of the reasons concerned continues to grow about the situation in the occupied west. yeah,
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absolutely. mohammed and local media of important that the roads that were destroyed around jeanine this time around a hospital. so it certainly a charged atmosphere in the west bank, but the us secretary of state anthony blinking will be entering when he goes to mace palestinian president mark with a boss. so that's right, and we're expecting that meeting will take place around 2 to 3 hours from now. elizabeth, there's a lot of expectations about this meeting, but of course the last time that us secretary of state anthony blinking was here in the middle of the meeting with proud sydney and president would i best really, very little came out of that meeting. in fact, that meeting lasted even less than an hour the last time that he was here. now, yesterday you had the secretary of state blinking a he had met with numerous has really officials, including the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and he gave a press conference in the evening and tell it be in which he stated that he expected is really officials to do more to allow the palestinian leadership to govern palestinians and not make it so difficult for palestinian leadership to
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govern. palestinians going forward. and also to for their to be this pathway for palestinian statehood. this is rhetoric we've heard before from blinking and other us officials. and really there's been no concrete evidence that there is no roadmap being developed for this to become a reality. now one of the challenges faced by my food i bust as well as other palestinian officials is the fact that there is such a high level of distrust in the government in the palestinian authority. i'll tell you about a recent poll that we heard here that found that almost 2 thirds of palestinians are opposed to the palestinian authority, participating in meetings to discuss causes future after the war in. that's just one of the challenges. now we spoke in the last couple of days to a palestinian official to do that. so i'm a cheese. i thought that central committee member and asked her about the proposals that are being made when it comes to gaza and the role of palestinian leadership in a scenario after the end of the war there. and this is what she told us to hop lucky is that in the proposals being made in this context,
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i think and so does the policy. and you know, 40 are attempts to escape from the primary purgative, which is ending the question. the details discussed about the day off to the shape of fuels, 13 garza, or a way to escape another purgative which is ending the occupation. what are every day that we had proposals about the day off the blinking is in the region for the 5th time to discuss details about the day off the we get a lot of these proposals, but let me tell you they are all about running away from discussing ending the occupation when quite a bit, this again just goes to show how challenging all of this will be. not just for the palestinian authority for palestinian leadership, but also for us secretary of state anthony blinking when it comes to discussing scenarios about the end of the war in gaza. and the day after the policy and authority, palestinian leaders have continued to emphasize that they want to see 1st and foremost the whole to the aggression. and it doesn't look like the aggression will end any time soon. and cost elizabeth mohammad,
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thank you so much for that. mohammed junction with the very latest live in my life . to find visits to israel, us secretary of state antony blinking has repeated a familiar message, a cold for restraint, but he has refused to cool for a cease fire. more than 23000 palestinians. many of them children have been killed in 3 months of war on gaza. blankets urged as round to allow more humanitarian aid into this truth and he said, palestinians in northern gaza must be allowed to return to their homes as soon as conditions and now saw hi raj reports from tennessee. he came to israel with a message from some arab leaders that normally ization of relations is still possible. but with conditions they are ready to support elastic solution that ends the long learning cycle of violence and ensures israel security. the. but the underscore the this can only come through a regional approach that includes a pathway to a palestinian state. i see if there's no sign that is right,
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the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is willing to allow a protest in states. but anthony, blinking again as than to allow more aids into the cause, a strip, any seemed to convince, is ralph and now to consider allowing people that the space from northern garza to return. we agreed to down a plan for the un to carry out an assessment mission. it will determine what needs to be done to allow this place pallets and palestinians to return safely to homes in the north. now this is not going to happen overnight. there are serious security infrastructure and humanitarian challenges. 70 percent. so the goal is the strips infrastructure has been destroyed. the majority of the population is hungry with farm and said to be around the corner and diseases already spreading. bodies continue to roll underneath the rubble and then the st. anthony blink can says that several arab countries already to support causes reconstruction off to the war. but
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it's hard to tell when not will be is israel says it will continue the wall throughout the year. and the so called say off the plan is still not clear, but goals and may not have been these riley sides. main concern. brinkman's flurry of me things and minute treat updates, focused on escalating tensions along his rouse, northern border with uranium, but group has by law in southern lebanon. been comes next. stop is egypt with the revival of a sci fi deal? and another round of hostage release is set to be taught of his agenda boxes. this trip has highlighted anything. it's how far away from a real settlement, all the policies to this conflict, still all a sort of fight. it's all, it's a 0 tell if he's still a head on knowledge, a 0 dentist who diesel, which one of the biggest attacks, yes, on ships and the red sea prompting the us and you have to take action on 2023 breaks record system will still just yeah,
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under the old links to man named climate change the the how i, we have a little splits in the weather across here for the moment. says, thought he try across know the most part, some pretty on settle down towards the south and wherever you are, it is not the cold. high pressure still very much in charges for locking of feature here, keeping weather systems that they can try to move in from the atlantic further south is significantly on the settled weather. a lot of rain around stormy showers. rumbling away for many assistance now with the lady i just well it be. so whether it's despite impulse cool snow for the parent a some positive front side, which we'll see else. a bit of a winfrey mix to across stuckey. i didn't see a lot of single figures showing up on our charts, sub 0. i further north at the moment as well, minus 11 the
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a most got it warms up as we go on into west size. this area, snow pushes into that western side of russia more shot was big down, pulls that across the met it's friday, but else was because he lost the dry. here's a barrier of high pressure, and that is blocking off those weather systems. tried to push the inform, the land sakes i felt on frost, still very much an issue across many parts of europe. the path so that progressing some onset of whether from that stone system moving across the mediterranean. why don't you try to central past, which is the old show down towards west africa? as the unique perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that people don't know more and more lives of voices. you don't often hear problem nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share
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of displacement. connect with our community and tap into conversations you find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, are the, [000:00:00;00] the watching on just the of the elizabeth put on. and a reminder about 12 stories to sell. the residential building and 7 guys was being hitched here and nothing nice with his radio tags. at least 15 people were killed in the strike and rough uh those randy middle trays carrying out movies across the
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occupied west back sort of storms several cities including them on the map list to cut them. and janine, these 10 palestinians have been arrested and us secretary of state antony blinking says the number of civilians killed in israel. swan gaza is far too high to urge to strange batch, student cooling pharmacies. fine. so us and you came in the trees, so they've shut down a series of drawings, a missiles of the red c u. s. central come on says 18 joins for launched as well as to cruise myself and the ballistic missile. washington says that the names that were launched from corporate control areas and again in no damage to vessels will injuries sylvania punctured the u. k. is wanting, it will take action to protect the shipping lanes. heidi joe cost or has moved from washington dc. a more details from us central command to describe it as a complex attack. at this barrage of the object of object tiles and rows were launched from yemen toward international shipping lays. as dozens of merchant ships
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were traversing through the southern red c, u. s. and u. k. fighter jets responded according to the pentagon and they worked in tandem shooting down 18 drones to cruise missiles and one ballistic missile. there was no reported damage or injuries as a result of these attacks. and the response here part of that naval coalition that now counts 20 nations as participants led by the us that was formed back in december and response to this escalation from the ryan back. who sees that have continued as we've seen this now to be the 26th such attack since november 19th, this happens. and even as of lincoln's presence is there in the middle east, which makes us attack more braves. and so what response has there been from the us to this well over repetition. in fact, they quoted a previous statement by 14 coalition countries, including the us, again,
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telling the who these quote that they will bear the responsibility for the quite consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, or the free flow of commerce in the regions. critical waterways. so what more will result, besides these words, we're not sure we know that this coalition continues to shoot down attacks from who sees as far as whether it will escalate further appears to be in the who sees hands to withdraw. now by lucy, i know is that gonna associate professor at the golf study center here at country university. thank you very much for your time. is that gonna, how dangerous a situation do you think we're seeing in the red sea now, especially since the us launch that naval mission defend off of tech tax by the who these who say that they are targeting vessels linked as well? because of the support for the people of gaza. well actually it's dangerous to set up an expand because it actually is endangered in and the roots of the good stuff
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that are coming from the swift, swift, they, the west is not actually because of the bank, the damage that they can cost profile. actually, all the parts of the, the have been launched from, from the control area never which is probably because there were a lot of there is a better legal patient that is preventing any. okay, i'll talk to rich, east of so the main cause of some of the united states on the other powers of democracy. this collision is to prevent disruption of the fonts for the alliance and the regional. and this is what they're going to do. and without engaging directly with the who it is in the, in the you have any everybody, and it's probably not there up to some extent, i'm confident that's oil, it's passing through this place. but if we see there that then the price of oil, it wasn't not even affected, affected the price of for the price of all actually is going down. even though there have been cut, sold some policy since i'm any advice how the process is long time to cut the production in order to avoid the drop off the people at the end of the day,
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the impacts on the economy is not. that's the big us, okay, is expected is just one of many funds at the moment, isn't it the way you have that as, as well. and its allies like the united states and those are pushing the people in gaza on the other hand. and everyone is trying not to making this calculation challenging each other. the try not to miss making this calculation. us secretary of state, actually blinking 1st visit to as well. right. so she goes to my lesson. so do you think that he has achieved anything with his visit? he leaves saying that israel should practice more restrained. why do you think that some portion for the americans to say such things when it hasn't been done and more than 3 months before now? well, actually the blinking and by then are worried about their own public opinion, because the political penis increasingly asking governments not only the safe but the europe on any part of the world to ask israel to stop their work. not to restrain the amount of cash flow to be able to, to,
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to send to meet the appraiser that they are basically asking to allow people to guess have to leave without being threatened daily on a daily basis of the lives. i mean, and we keep seeing it keeps being killed on the i'm of ask him to stop that. we are still discussing whether it's rarely committing crimes or not. when actually the fiscal year that's up to the $3000.00 people killed. most of them children and women got some a room for assessing that they are now war crimes to, to be committed by east or on both european countries, u. k. germany or even united states are claiming that they actually see some sort of basis. okay. we know that another one of the focuses, the state department, us state department said that uh anthony, blinking will be talking to as well about the escalation and the violence one as well as the northern border with 11 on a number of senior has bella. kalonde is having code in recent days. what do you
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think, if anything, this visit will achieve on that folder? while i, this is one of the points i've been assigned to, to achieve, to prevent the expansion of the conflicts. i assume that the was the strength to do is to guarantee as well to a security. i'm asking you sort of to restrain, not only eh, and gus about restraining the ethics or policing against. here's what our other states. i mean, nobody wants the leveled to be engaging that a war. nobody wants him to. they started say you nickel foundation, because this is something that they can contain and independently from, from mr. i believe on, on this barry come to get to the show and kindergarten and many other countries to, to confront. there's always something that you're not, this has, doesn't want this where you assume that they would try to, to, to prevent a threat to my, to keep killing people in, in the center. the say. so really i by relation of the they ask based on the 3 that of level i'm come, drive to a longer outpatient. let me get that operation. i need an invasion of that.
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something like that is luciana, is that gonna off coming into the city? thank you. very much the the time now for a look at some other world news and police in ecuador say at least 10 people have been killed in recent gang widens on tuesday, a group of on demand broke into a television station in the city of black in june, and live broad cost and space and stuff on a sounds around pnc, the thoughts on the capital case of the live footage showed that it's our main storming this tv station in way of q and taking the hosting crew hostage. the shots were heard, and the said is, during the least bit not to be home before the signal was cut off. it was the most brazen attack in the day of k os. across ecuador, gang members,
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detonated car bombs, attacked universities, and kidnapped or killed police, meaning several cities in the declaration of war against the government of president. then you're the noble and is at the time. so the security crack down, it always puts you on a lot of able to 35 year old president who began this term the less than 2 months ago, responded by declaring a state of internal conflict. a day after decreeing a 60 day state of emergency and nighttime curfew, he named 22 games, this terrorist organizations and military targets. up at this moment though, from this moment, every terrace group mentioned in the degree that it has become a military target. the present and future of our country is that place we will not the system or negotiate. the crisis has escalated following the escape from prison and sunday of a door for macias, better known as speak to like what the most powerful drug lord before he could be transferred to
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a different prison. the violence broke out in the coastal city of y. a keeling is made as to that is extended to the capital key to and even to safe and peaceful. curious locations like queen the old citizens who were afraid today there are a tax in kito, tanka vedo. every way, the police arrested 13 gunmen who allegedly took over the television station and freed the hostages. but they have been unable to stop the rest of the mag and neighboring, but also declared an emergency along its northern border. in recent years, equis there has been living to unprecedented security crisis fuels by drug trafficking, deltore. these have failed to address during getting to let you know, america's most dangerous country. the most difficult. we all know that when there
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