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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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it has all but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east ridge to live with movements being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. the at least 40 people are killed. this is where the strikes hits me a lot. so let's put it in central garza, the other 1 o'clock. the sounds are life and also coming up. yes, extra. stay down to the blinking says he's spoken about reforming the palestinian authority during totes, with which lead me to $500.00. the people gather in ramallah, supporting south africa's application to the i. c. j that is read is committing genocide in jobs. tensions in the red sea by the us and the case a favor pelt
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a series of attacks by can see the so news right. the strikes on central dogs are of killed more than 40 people in wounded thousands of others. the tank was carried out in a residential building near the out actual hospital and above. like level begins are coverage and a warning. some of us may find images and this report disturbing the light on the wall smocks the spot where a falafel salesman stood. within his riley, a striking key and dozens more people died in the attack just outside deal. ok. so hospital in the city of day, at old law, and the guardian, the me who we were select not paying attention to anything else with the going about our business. the work is it works for me was sitting next to me here in the
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other work. i was wrong, so i lost all over the suddenly i had missed 1000 explosions. i saw a body parts got it around to me. you me off to mass twisted metal and tons of rubble. some of those trampled elsewhere in. dead old by the palestinian red christian society reports that at least 6 people were killed when the ambulance they were travelling in was hit in the south of the strip, near the city of rough uh, bodies all prepared for burial following a strikes on a family on the other hand, what was that crime? tell me where they carrying weapons, shame on all those who abandoned and betrayed us. shame on those who was silent witnesses, shame on arab leaders. tell me what these children and women did wrong to end up as body parts of the world. health organization is eating with israel to allow it great to access to the split the body of to delivering the money to it in
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a to the people of guys is not the cup abilities of the u. n. w drawer, our partners the bunny is, is access. we quoted on easily in to approve requests by w t o in other partners to deliver you money to it. in 8, we continue to call them for a cease fire. almost 90 percent of the population of gaza. 1.9000000 people had been forced from the homes of a 3 months of war. with the lights, his dates told, topping 23300 people. majority women and children. with nearly $60000.00 wounded mike level, how does era? well that's heading out to reference southern dogs across wanna a type of coverage you'd be standing by for us the entire goal. this goes on in depth and casualties continue to mount top in the hospital while they're unable to cope to yes,
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generally as the fighting on the ground by the palestinian fighters and these really so we just continue alongside with the ongoing military campaign from land and sea in gauze and it means that more casualties amongst the bill gives definitely will increase as hospitals are trying to do the best in terms of keep providing medical treatment for the in get people we clearly remember the hospitals . natalie, beginning of this, found a fine thing as there was no. if you had been allowed to get to the territory to help hospitals feel rate at some have become out of service due to the lack of a few others later have to come out of a functioning and no longer a rating. and due to the unrelenting button mitchell on the vicinity of set horses, such hospitals on the part of his hospitals, had been stormed by the military of the and with the expansion right now, the military operations in the southern parts of gauze, a strip and in the middle go from a more hospitals are expected to be in selected from the ongoing conflict on the
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ground as at least that you hospital and have to come out of service that still new operating at the moment we've moved kind of that challenge for the still few functioning alongside with the lack of medical, the medical supplies for these hospitals to be upper rates. and we need also to say that some areas of because a strict but its hospitals did not receive any kind of medical supplies, which is also one of the main challenges out there was where for at the main operating cost. this was done right now in the south, a very limited number of horses remain um its ongoing pressure on these hospitals to be operating under. we're talking about the 1000000 policy and right now i've been inside a roof i district and a very limited number. we're talking about 3 hospitals are still a breaking right now. and a doctors are trying to tirelessly provide the treatments with those people and the, the unprecedented level of disease spread among those people. sites,
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the number being just a residence will have been inflicted at a through these by the ongoing buttons and the last, all exactly the rates have intensified. of course, a gauze, especially in rough work to many attacks, had been condemned to have been conducted in the part of cause a strip where a number of residents have been injured. due to these military attacks along side with ongoing confrontations and flashes on the ground between the policy and fighters and the as well as to just in the city of con eunice, and also in the middle coordinates of gauze trip attire. thanks for that to talk to resume the in reference in southern garza, your effective date on the blinking says he's discuss performing the policy, you know, authority with the state, if not me to pass the to discuss the future of guys including possible steps towards the palestinian state, but the lincoln's presence led to protest in ramallah with many carrying partners appraising a visit. they accused the us a contingency. what they called is randy genocide. garza blinking says he's paid to
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the president of the palestinian authority about reforming its governance. talked as well about the importance of reforming the outstanding authority policy and governance so that it can effectively take responsibility for gaza. that so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under a palestinian leadership. it's very clear to me for the president of boston. he's prepared to move forward and engage in all these efforts while crowds and romano girls are riley to thank south africa for long. as your legal case with the top you in court accusing is relative genocide or the home. it has more on that among the crowd. the people were quite satisfied and there was a certain degree of, i would say relief in the sense that many told us was finally as someone is speaking, you know,
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name and hoping that really to move of south africa. that $84.00 page filing in which south africa describes what it considers as acts of genocide you'll need to do with the palestinians of would be taken into consideration. and maybe we'll reverberate among more countries around the world. because the policy needs have been extremely frustrated by the new world reaction of maybe will leaders when it comes to the applied no, only now during this guy's a war, but for the past decades, you know their situation here and do all divide was back. this continues land grab the expansion of settlements, how's the pollution all that they have been in jury on a daily basis. and then there was a 2nd message, which i think was probably the most important one in the short term. which is hoping that that move would put pressure on an international level to bring
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a ceasefire. every person we spoke to that was listening or every person that was on, on the podium talking was, was good bang the same message as these fire needs to come immediately. and you may need, terry, an aid needs to go in, in much bigger numbers because the needs of the file is sinews in guys. absolutely enormous venue with just telling me. no, it's not just about the ceasefire. people will continue to die because of disease. people will continue to die because they're sleeping and the cold of people will continue to die because of many things. so certainly that was the main message of israel's vote. cabinet has been holding meetings with, among other things that look at how the ministration moves forward in his campaign in gauze there and where the situation stands with seeking a release of captives. let's cross now talk to by these truism honda sounded to study by for us to,
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to have the what do we heard come out of these will come in to what we do know that on the table are 2 main agenda items. the 1st is the issue of the captives and their release, and the 2nd is a conversation about what these rallies are hoping to do after the war. remember, there hasn't been any sort of consensus among these really. governments though, there was a preliminary and initial framework released by israel's defense, but a certain just last week. but this is something that's going to be up for discussion. the issue of the captives is something that is of the utmost importance within is really society. so the government has had a lot of pressure on it from the public, from the families of the captives who say that enough time has gone by and they are simply not a priority to the is really government. and just today you had war cabinet member benny gans come out and say that the issue of the captive is the most important
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goal in the war. the most important for the political and security establishment. but then you have other rhetoric from the prime minister himself. but all of these goals of the war are equally as important, dismantling him as militarily and politically. he says is just as important as getting the captives back. but these are 3 initiatives, these really se 10 not to be looked over and that the war has to continue until all 3 are achieved. have that thanks for that to have to send it there in occupied east jerusalem. the most of the head here are not 0 from republic. viruses to abuse you advised curated by a i. we check out the latest tech innovations from this is consumer electronics. trade shows the las vegas, the
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challenges here with the explorer 2023. the fascination for sign or join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the the
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other day you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories is uh and health officials and dogs of say more than 40 people have been killed in new is ready strikes. now x, the hospital, a house was bombed in the city of the butler in central cost. us extra stay touching, blinking says he's discuss reforming the product signal parity with the speed of the past towards the part of why the diplomatic tourism at least which triggered
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purchase in ramallah. now the united nations security council is expected to face and a resolution to monday. i hope to attract some vessels card up by humans, sushi fighters and the red sea. the drop resolution was brought forward by the united states becomes the us and u. k. military say they've repelled large fuse the attack over the red sea. us defense ministry says 18 drones and 3 missiles with launch from control pods have given no damage to vessels or injuries were reported. continue to have launch multiple attack. somebody should ships and support the palestine. you guys want that will take action to protect international shipping lines with the monks is putting developments from london. they are the only country that is supporting the us with military hardware in that region south and the suez canal. they have a vested involved in repelling the tax over the course of tuesday. thing was the 26th, the us ministry said all the the time since mid november and the u. k. in terms of
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its potential consequences for the who sees that the defense minister, ground shops outlined that those could, of course involved strikes on e. m. and that's something that up until now both the u. k and the us seemingly have ruled out that's been a month long, relatively tenuous, cx, 5 between who's the forces, who control the north of yemen and saudi bank forces in the south. this is something the russians in particular are very concerned about and not tension between the us. the u. k and russia may play out later today. we're expecting to see a security council vote on a resolution related to the c. c, a tax on shipping in the red sea, it's 15 percent of the level trade obviously was around the 20 and the trillion dollars, 10 percent of all the local o as a 5 going through this as seriously consequential for global come us the russians, very concerned they've said about the impact on that tenuous c spot in yemen. if there are indeed as strikes down the road by the us, all the u. k. or all right. as we touched on the south africa as long as the case
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of the united nations topcoat, international court of justice accusing is rather committing genocide against palestinians and garza, the calling on the i, c, j to review the case and cool for an emergency suspension of israel's military campaign is ready, government has cooled, the accusations baseless i said, let's take this on with us as our senior political, i'm his mom shar, who joins here on set, so small. and as we discussed earlier, what could come out of this as an interim measure, which would aim to hold as rails ridiculous attacks. if israel is implicated in genocide, then the united states surely will be complicit to i'm you can come to that. absolutely. um, look, i mean, just the last few days weeks we've been hearing a lot of statements from the united states about the whole seas attacks and that i'd see it every time they invoke it, they'll talk about how they are supported by iran, and hence iran is complicit because they're on arms. the whole these. i think that
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same principle applies even more so to the united states and is right because the united states not only arms finances and protects is right. it has done so for the past half a century, a more uh why is that kind of the various war crimes in that assign 11 on east jerusalem and so on, so forth. so the united states and this very particular war has been stepped past from the very, very beginning. in fact, the american leaders, including the president himself as his secretary of state. and who's the cause of defense, have joined war cabinet meetings in his right. which means they were part of boston of the management of the war in guys of the fact that it's american amunition american arms. the fact that america committed $14000000000.00 to is there as war efforts and goes on the fact that it continues to veto. you on
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security, customization to protect and shield is on the fact that the american officials and security or officials are in daily contact with their is there any comforter parts, all of that on the lines, the fact that the united states is totally, i totally compress it. all right, so, so how concerned then will they be about this i c j case and the end the chances of then favoring the south african k? well, they're not concerned at all of that. any measures would be taken against that. you know, the powerful in our international system is never accountable. i mean, when was the last time a powerful country was comfortable for anything? you would think that if the united states had a reasonable leadership that does, in fact, the respect international law and the international based rules system that they would distance himself from genocide imagined for a moment in our best of 3 rooms that the united states would do something to is,
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or that the to russia imagine if it will take it out through the swift, the trends that bank transactions. right? just that's kind of a threat, would bring an immediate stoppage to the war and garza, any warning by the united states to is right. we make sure that genocide ends today, but the united states is fet, fast and support for is because it is in agreement with israel apply the defeat of how much no reserves declared. the objective is the defeat of how much. but what we've heard, we've seen the last 3 months, was the undeclared objective is the destruction of guys. and that's what the united states have been trying sort of to distinguish his position from. that's what his right to buy or drink is that all the time. not over do it's revenge. remember
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back in october, 1st on by then told premises anyhow, go get justice, which usually means revenge, which usually means not a, by the, by international law or anything of that nature, but he added, we've made our mistakes. after all my life and don't make the mistakes approved on . but these words about the humanitarian. this on death of that, all that issue touchy feely about the value of human life was not backed by real pressure on is read to do exactly that. try to not inflict such harm on the civilian population of god. so all right, well it be interesting to see how things on feldman missiles, thoughts at the heck tomorrow? thanks bye. the alright, let's take a look at some of the world views. now in
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a constitutional crisis is escalate the opponent of to the rest of to form a government ministers convicted of abuse of power, the parent being supported by ponens president on today due to events in direct defiance with the countries recently elected prime minister donald, to us for brandon has this now the arrest for interior administer amount of years kaminsky and his one time deputy, much of washington, turned a simmering political rivalry into a constitutional crisis. kaminsky and washer could taken refuge for several hours in the palace of the political ally, president andre, due to it was an extraordinary act of defiance directed opponents. recently elected prime minister donald to ask the responded by accusing the president of obstructing justice. we're going to put us to a moment to shake the to be direct. it is obvious, sabotaged. i'm very, very concerned about this. and it's not about washington or mr. kaminski. that's the court's decision. but i'm worried that president do dollars involved. this
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specific dispute is over with a president, dude. i was legally entitled to ground problems to kaminsky and flushing after they were convicted of abuse of pa, in 2015. the supreme court said he was intent titled, he disagrees and accuses to us. a brutality is advisable. these echo presents are to post party things. i must tell you, this is presidents of the republic component of mine who believes in adjusted known as poland. i am deeply shaken by the situation by the fact that they will put in prison despite the presidential. pardon? i am with such as you and such brutality at its core, this is a bit of a power struggle involving the new sense of left government led by tusk on the presidency led by due to the remains plus the aligned with the previous government of the right wing nationalist lord and just this policy the on the do to is making clear. he will oppose tusks, agenda, and do this presidential term runs until mid 2025. it's going to be a very tough 18 months old brandon,
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i'll just hear me. okay. document is looking to net to correct what it cools in a putting these kinds of justice following the post office for rise and scandal between 19992015. hundreds of employees of the state run post office were wrongfully convicted of fest fraud in fulton county for the software incorrectly showed money missing from accounts under that watch many with jail. well, others careers were ruined and independent inquiry and police investigation is underway. come to seeking to use new legislation to have a ton the wrongful convictions. this is rico, this is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice and all nations history. people, it was taught us that communities have the noise and the reputations destroyed throughout the really no fault of that, right? the victims must get justice and compensation. so when williams inquiry is, i'm just taking crucial works on the, to expose what went wrong. we paid almost 150000000 pounds in compensation to have a 2 and a half 1000 victims
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a bit today. i kinda announce that we will introduce new primary legislation to make sure that those convicted as a result of the horizon scandal all swiftly exonerated uncompensated to c. e. o. a boeing has admitted the play manufacturer was at fault off to the door and the alaska airlines jet blew out last week. they've calhoun said, bowing, but approach the problem with complete transparency and ensure it never happens again. no one was injured in the incident, but several that line say they found loose pops on the 737 mex 9 planes since a cold weather and heavy range of hampering efforts to find people still missing in japan. following and as quick on year's day, the number of those who died has now passed 200, at least 68 to missing and the remote did not open into the government is deployed more than 6000 soldiers to help such operations. spain is set to range juice and nationwide mosque mandates and health care facilities following an increase in coverage. 19 and influenza cases,
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some spanish regions had already ordered patients, visitors and stuff with hospitals to where mosques last week with the countries health ministry wants to extend the requirement nationwide. spain was among the last your pin countries to trump mosque requirements of the k with 90 demik artificial intelligence, a generating billions of dollars worth of business from electronic cafe wages to beauty advice created by a i the consumer electronics trade show has plenty to offer to reach you mentioned . thank you. as this report, the any sign of catching this is a real playground. all the thousands of electronics enthusiasts on here. that's one of the biggest consumer electronics text, both in the world. and it's not just for show this event is driving investment c as, as the world cup renovation and technology. it's a place where those with ideas gather with a noise with the business to let is all the name of the game,
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ai, artificial intelligence, even the industries you might not expect on getting involved like cosmetics, john laurie, oh, it's offering an a. i beauty consultants. hello nicholas. what's up on surprisingly, this consultant recommends products from its makeup to anyone who uploads that photos. then this robot respect. promising to make the perfect coffee. it's equipped with cameras to make sure it's sending the right person as follow me, the old comic is have tradition leased out within the show here. and this year i were using the honda is putting its latest electric vehicle on stage with the help of a playstation controller and mercedes as showcasing an a. i driven dashboard,
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best analyzes traffic around the driver to mixed reactions is absolutely amazing if it will be available outside when it comes to self driving. an alternative kind of describing vehicles like watching if that's really the way of the future, or whether we want us humans to be really driving or vehicles. of the honorable mentions include an x of skeleton to help people run foster headsets to help you sleep. and a sonic tooth brush for the really adventurous wild cove of 19 pandemic made events like these take a pause. others like the annual 3 gaming expo in los angeles didn't survive, but see yes, appears to be generating lots of traffic and business activity with the most common complaint being how big the event is. the problem is not being able to see everything every so every year i come, i only see 20 percent and i'm here for the entire time to meet you. minimal didn't
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go out to 0. that's it for me. in the clock, i can find more information on the website out there at the company's address. so it needs to go in there, quick comment to novices. take what is coming up next and i'll be back in about the, the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. color, the most ancient was really gathering now across northern, possible straight. see lots of from the storms rumbling away here. and i think this has become more prevalent as we go on through the next day or 2. still a fair bit of cloud down across that eastern side of us the, the south is trying to dry out because an area of high pressure just around the bytes, squeeze them, the showers as to the why. 31 celsius, the apple ad light,
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but not too far away. that means a good positive, new south wales. good parts of queensland, certainly up across the gulf commentary. i'd just rather take your peninsula. i brought across it to the top hand in the shop was really ramping up and see nasty bill circulation just coming in. he was a good one for you friday. so potential for some most thoughtfulness development tropical psych size possible. as we go on through the next few days or something to watch out for further south and getting into. so that's one celsius, the full melvin. still a few showers around that is to sort of astride it, but hopefully not quite as widespread as we go through saturday. so anyone celsius in cross church as well. so i thought of and these in, in the fall south my see if you, she asked for much of new say that is looking fine and dry for the drawing on thursday. 2 full roger pad and also across the korean peninsula. but unsettled with that, with some snow these into japan, for from the weather, brought to you by visit cuts on the
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colleges the of the time, the international court of justice, force israel to stop its war on concept south africa says, but this way i'll subtract some palestinians, a genocidal at its launching a legal battle with the un. it's top port. so when it's product make any difference of who would enforce this? this is inside story the .


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