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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 4:00am-4:30am AST

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the on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand and the results and under pressure forensic investigate and the teen piece together. evidence. let's take russell with the relentless cycle of homicide. blows on the side, a witness documentary on houses that are the is rarely asked strikes, targets, central gauze, or 40 people are killed in an attack near locks the hospital. the mom hasn't sick of this is i just see that line from the ha also coming up, delivering you money to the in hate. and guys that continues to face the lean side of my own to be chatting just too dangerous to operate. the world health
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organization cancels and aid mission to northern garza for the 6th time in 2 weeks . a soft a full pallets thing and red crest officer killed in his riley strike on an ambulance in service and central guns must hundreds of palestinians gather in rome. i look to support south africa's case in the international court of justice, accusing israel of committing genocide income. the israel is intensifying its bombardment of central and southern gauze, and ambulance and areas sheltering displaced. families were among those hits. more than 40 people were killed in a strike on a residential building near the oaks. the hospital a correspondent hen heard that a reports now from the scene of the attack and a wanting some view as may find the images in her report. the stub is that up to
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the hospital, it has been targeted with at least 3 is right. the air strikes in the past hour. here is a residential building that has been targeted by the is there any were pains today? this is a building in front of the entrance of an ox, off hospitals. as you see, this is one of the main gate for up to the hospice and, and a lot of people are seeking refuge here. and here, as you see, the ambulances of the minister of house have been severely damaged from the air strikes. here is the hospital this, this at street is a very busy street where people are walking 24 and 7 back and forth through the hospitalized. and, and not only the people twice, there are cars here. i remember that every single day we used to park our, our,
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our car over here in this street. as you see, all of the markets in here are damaged here, where people normally send fluids and people who normally buy stuff. there's a very heartbreaking story where a guy who said laughing has been accepted by a sharpening and he was killed by you. unfortunately, on the wall we also see his blood on the philosopher's ingredients dozens of injuries are now and it just locks the hospital where the hospital is working on a very low capacity. and the doctors are trying to help as much people as possible as we tried to talk to the policy administered the house and ask them about the
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injuries. and the killings. they said that they couldn't even come from because the ambulance is not transferring the injuries. and the killings from this era strike, this is in the put the need for august, the, you know, there is, but i had up to the hospital casa, i thought i was zoom, has more from russell in southern guns. that compartment did not stop during the last few hours. of course the territory and the last hour exactly more attacks have been carried out against roof districts. in the south part of the of gaza strip, where a farmland had been hit, that was sheltering displaced evacuees were 5 palestinians revolted, killed, including 4 children who have been also killed in the air strike. and this is a part of the ongoing series of attacks on the south as roughly yesterday, had been hit at the same time right now at the top that was being hit again. we're
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also con, you to city had been us into for the military operations of the last a few hours where we can see more elimination, if less have been fired on the facility of the, the nozzler hospital where it had lights. and all this quite that. i'm usually the system and i should have flies have been fired by these really met a tree and that part of cause a just to give a clear vision for the maneuver a troops who are still operating in a han, eunice as they are twice to a deep, full control over the city, and we can say that the middle school renee, it's on the a middle govern dates and the last hour had been on the white military ongoing button. and by the use made out to read the as a residential building again, almost an hour after a few decals was destroyed. and those of palestinians today in the middle of coordinates have been in, did that being transported to our us a hospital, which is a new attack to date, had been carried doubts only to specific just a few meters away from the medical complex as these kinds of village attacks to day
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you had claimed the lives of at least 147 palestinian alongside with more than 240 others being wanted till now. of the world health organization has canceled emission to northern garza the 6th time it's had to do that. in 2 weeks. the chief of the w i chose says it was cooled off because israel rejected their requests and safe passage could not be assured. he actually is well to allow them to enter and deliver humanitarian aid. it comes of 6 people were killed, including 4 from the red crescent, one and is really striking. an ambulance in dated by dr. nick may not is a consultant surgeon who regularly visits garza. he was performing surgeries in the opposite hospital until his team were told to leave last friday. he explains the increasing threat facing health workers in that part of the central gauze. and we saw the beginnings of the dismantlement of i likes the hospital last
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week, my last day operating and now lot. so it was friday and having spend all day operating on a lost trauma victim, i came out to the operating today to hear that that'd be the missed all attack on the intensive k unit that lunch time. so we were already seeing stuff leaving and progressively more stuff left off to that the is right, it defense schools. co got told us that it was no longer safe for any foreign doctors to go that because of that activities. so our team and m. s f were forced to leave the hospital and what else is happening now is very much what we fear that the tax will be getting close and the majority of stuff,
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how not have now left. so i think it's look a stream the likely that i like so it will become complete disabled as a, as a health care facility to the us secretary of state anthony blinking store across the region has seen him visit ramallah, where he met with protest thing. and president moved on bass the to discuss the future of garza including possible steps towards a policy in the states. the blinking surprises that led to protest in ramallah was many tearing banners opposing disease. it say choose the united states as simplicity and what they called is wally genocide in garza talked as well about the importance of reforming the cost and you know, it's already costing and governance so that it can effectively take responsibility for gaza that the so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under a palestinian leadership. it's very clear to me for the president of boston. he's
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prepared to move forward and engaged all these efforts on thursday, the international court of justice will hear arguments from south africa, accusing israel of committing genocide against the people of cause or is relo defend itself against these accusations on friday or from the haze that bus and explains just why the case could be a game changer. it seen as one of the most prominent cases in the more than 75 year long history of the international court of justice. 17 charges will have to decide if it's ro is committing genocide. that is deliberately wiping out palestinians in gaza as an ethnic group entirely. or in part, the genocide convention was anonymously adopted in 1948 after world war 2, a unified commitment by the international community to napa, let atrocities like the holocaust happen again. south africa, i decided to bring the case before the world's highest court after un resolutions
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calling for a stop to israel's actions and goss. i were either feet, towed or ignored by israel, is a compelling argument. the general site is being committed and in gaza on the basis that is in, in elation or can single facing indian population. and then also the, the, the, the quotes or for him is that i had a minute stuff. and in general, i was of the, i'm a to, to, to, to nearly the entire population of put a student from, from the augusta. the, the founding father has been very clear that didn't so, but forgot is not free until the people of pee. this type of thing is, well, the nice it is committing genocide, calling the case blocked libel, a false anti semitic accusation. they say history will judge south africa. that is really delegation was not available to comment. wednesday, exports on international law. call us ironic that $75.00 he is off to the genocide
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convention was adopted because of the hollow costs. it really is for outlets will be in the dock facing genocide accusation. this fix here at the police palace and they hate a high because the un court is the highest body, the un has to uphold international law. south africa has asked the court for an urgent injunction to stop is for house military campaign to most cases that the i, c. j, usually take use a decision. unprofessional measures is expected within weeks. the procedure of the un as a whole, as a system is hanging in the balance here. this is a moment for the west to actually answer to the, the signs of the, of international law that they have has so sacred i. c, j. o. world court decisions are binding, but the court has no power to enforce them. recently me, on my end, russia ignored verdicts to stop potential genocidal exit government. south africa hopes that if they win, it will further increase international pressure on countries like the united states
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who are backing is for out to do more to stop the fighting, steadfast and algebra. take him the son who is live for us now and occupied east jerusalem. so honda, what's been the reaction to all of this in israel at this point and what are we expecting out of this tomorrow? well, these really is have denied any wrongdoing. and in fact, have constantly said that they are operating within the realms of international law, though many are arguing against that. and the facts on the ground speak for themselves more than 23000 palestinians who have been killed. 60000 others injured . 8000 who are missing and not to mention the more than 2000000 who had been displaced, forced to flee their homes multiple times. but it's not just about the killing and the displacing of palestinians. it's also about the fact that there is not enough
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age going into the gaza. it's the fact that the rhetoric about the palestinians and about the war it has really shaped the way that these really is have been prosecuting this war. but i want us to listen to comments now from is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i want to make a few points, absolutely clear, as well as no intentional, permanently occupying gaza or displacing that civilian population as well as finding how much terrace, not the palestinian population, and we're doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. the idea for just palestinian civilians to leave or zones by disseminating leaflets, making phone calls, providing safe passage corner doors. welcome mosse prevents palestinians from
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leaving at gunpoint. and often with gun far, our goal is to rid guys of how much terrace and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize and do radicalize, thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians. i like of the, some of these really are likely to argue that the high dest toll, especially among civilians, is just part of this war and collateral damage. but they're also going to say that they do what they can to protect civilians like dropping leaflets to tell them to go to areas that are quote, safe zones. but again, they have continuously bombarded areas. they have told displaced palestinians to go to. but that's not all, let's talk about the rhetoric that has come from is really officials even at the highest level, like these really prime minister, the defense minister jo off kalonde, who in the very early days of this war has said that there is going to be
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a total siege on god's that no water, no electricity, no aid, no medical supplies, so that the people there will suffer. additionally, this shift in tone from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these comments are coincidentally, on the eve of what israel is supposed to be there at the hague or in south africa, is going to be presenting their evidence as to why israel is committing genocide. and it's also not a coincidence that these really prime minister release these comments in english though he does release statements in english. the timing of this is because of everything else that israel has to deal with. so there has been a shift in tell him like these really are not going to occupied gaza. these rallies are not going to forcibly displace palestinians from gaza in hopes of perhaps helping their case at the i c j. but again, the evidence that is going to be presented against israel,
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they say is all false. i'm the sad who live 1st day in occupied east jerusalem. thanks a of a sort of head on the edges 0, the un security council adults, a resolution demanding and immediate in to who the attacks and the red sea who these cold at the political game the, the weather brought to you by visit castle fell out of the powerful storm systems are coming thick and fast across the us. this is the latest one. slipped across the 8th to see both damaging waves smell on the northern flank about as i 1st every flight pressure. here comes another one in the pass code enough good. another one out towards the pacific northwest. well making the wife of a switch and it's pretty co behind that 26 minus 26. the top 10 percent calgary on
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the state but the symbols down towards the south. for now, that was case some 21 to around 8 degrees celsius is that cold air continues to sink its way for the south, which i picked temperature contrast big and live the weather as well to go with that. so say a good deal, try for the east to staples till a few showers, like fix knows that just around the east, the lakes, most snow coming in across the rockies rolling into the plains. and there's an next system at just talk soon. behind this, we go on into friday that way, whether that when she, whether we will tell us what ryan is amazing to the mazda at 16 celsius the for right sir. but we are looking get some big down pools, most sunray down post damaging waves potential for further tonight. i say it was a go one for a friday. i to the north. is that? yep, there was most snow in the full costs name all across the car, been losey find and try with plenty of sunshine for the weather. brought to you by visit cuts on the
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the the the again you're watching. i just need a reminder of our top stories. this sounds residential building near the box. the hospital is the latest to be hit by as rainy bombing and central guns or at least
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40 people were killed. 5 people were also killed in a strike on a farm sheltering displaced families in rough us 60 states anthony blinking says these disgusts reforming the powers spinning authority with a sleet. and i knew that best folks upon off his why the diplomatic toward the middle east, which triggered protests enrollment. the international court of justice will hear arguments on thursday from south africa. accusing is role of committing genocide against the people in gaza. south africa is urging the codes to go to provisional measures to protect civilian populations. in the script, toby cabman is an international human rights lawyer. he says the court has moved fast of the normal to hear the case. so successful, i think it is very likely the court will rule in south africa's favor, and i think that the court very, very quickly because of what we're seeing on the following day by day,
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the numbers getting higher and higher. and despite the be the roots, are it's by the israelis and as on the other ministration that it is standing by 10, it is protecting. so the last thing is not the good news is every bit as by to day by day. so i think the likelihood, if we look ahead quickly, festival the hearing was scheduled to bargain technical justice, which is which is much quicker than for example, when we dealt with the, the syria torture case. i think the likelihood is that they will roll very, very quickly. one will be off of that. i think it's going to be very difficult for them to rule against that. that's okay. based on the previous ruling that it made in respect to the genocide in, in mind. well, i guess the ranger so it's, it's gonna be very, very different for them to, to, to come up with the outside to the conclusion. i think the, the application 70, the application for personal matters is by strong is whitlock you'd, it subsides the historical basis. but it also set aside the more recent matches. it
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looks through some of the evidence that obviously will be going on. and it looks at statements from um, is there any political figures and makes it a very reasonable request for provisional measures? section 9 requests that they make so called to, to, to issue and based on on previous matters that have been before the quote. based on what we know that has been happening since the 7th of october. and based on the provisions of the genocide convention, it is very strong across in ramallah, have riley to thank south africans for supporting palestinians during the world. and that i mean has more from their and among the crowd the people were quite satisfied. and there was a certain degree of, i would say relief in the sense that many told us was finally as someone is speaking, you know, name and hoping that really to move of south africa. that $84.00 page
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filing in which south africa describes what it considers as acts of genocide you'll need to do with the palestinians of would be taken into consideration. and maybe we'll reverberate a bunk more countries around the world because the policy needs have been extremely frustrated by the new world reaction of maybe we'll leaders when it comes to the applied no, only now during this guy's a war, but for the past decades. oh, you know, the situation here, the all divide was back, this continues led, grab the expansion of settlement. how's the militias all that they have been in jury on a daily basis? and then there was a 2nd message, which i think was probably the most important one in the short term, which is hoping that that move would put pressure on an international level to
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bring a ceasefire. every person we spoke to that was listening or every person that was on, on the podium talking was, was good bang the same message as these fire needs to come immediately. and you may need, terry, an aid needs to go in a much bigger numbers because the needs of the file is sinews in guys. absolutely enormous venue with just telling me. no, it's not just about the ceasefire. people will continue to die because of these, these people will continue to die because they're sleeping in the cold. people will continue to die because of many things. so certainly that was the main message. the united nations security council has adopted a resolution demanding a whole to a tax on vessels from humans who the fighters in the red sea. the head of the hoot is called the move a political game. and so the united states is the one violating international law.
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the resolution was brought forward by the us since i may be 100 percent clear here . the provision of arms and related material of all types to the host. these is a violation of resolution 2216 and adapting this resolution today will reaffirm that all member states, including a ron, must adhere to their obligations colleagues, the threat to navigational rights and freedoms in the red sea is a global challenge that necessitates a global response the basic principle of freedom of navigation is that state and the hoop bees, and anyone who enables them need to hear a clear message from this counsel. these attacks us stop and we've all the us and u. k. say they have repelled the launch. who the attack over the red sea,
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the pentagon saying 18 drones and 3 missiles were launched from who to control pots have given no damage to vessels or injuries, was reported on the table. i have to get it to jane's face. is that the united nations with more as well? this is a resolution that condemns the attacks and the red sea by the who sees and says that those attacks must stop and takes note of the rights of countries who are operating in the area to defend the, the amount of time assets. and so resolutions that i think was somewhat controversial with some of the countries on the security council, particularly russia, which had problems with this resolution. in fact, russia, the last minute decided to produce its own amendments, they have 3 different amendments. the resolution they wanted past, those were voted on, they did not pause, and then the main resolution was put to the vote of the security council. and that
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resolution dates poss, russia, and china could have blocked it because they have a veto at the security council. they decided not to and abstained, and they would join in that extension by mozambique and also by algae area, which is the current arab member of the security council. all of those countries said they were worried about the potential for a, for a tax by west and villages on the who see targets. and i can tell you that sol, so worry of the united nations of the spokesperson for the united nations. secretary general said that he was concerned that if there were any west in the tax and certainly secretary of state, that's me blinking is that if they're off for the who's the attacks, that will be consequences. will that who these then that could mean something very bad for the right on the easy piece we have in yemen, off the use of all the us be working very, very hard to try and to the very front you all piece into more of a pop up piece process, the
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taking a look at some of the other stories from around the world. the head of the ecuadorian ministry says 300 gang members had been arrested since the state of emergency was declared on monday. president, daniel, no boy, impose the meshes off to a powerful gang lead to escape. prison has been riots and attacks and several cities. since i'm more than a 113 prison offices were taken hostage, the military has been deployed to restore order. going to see that's the phone company, since it is considered a non international arm conflict, the armed forces have the power to use the legal weapons. and this is a change and the rules of engagement. lisa west connery was certainly being used and is being used against the groups that have been identified as terrorist and not against common criminals. and going to build out of funds or. and he has the latest from key to the tensions remain high,
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and people are anguish by what's happened. and the last 2448 hours in the country. they're still trying to make sense of how the gangs have been able to create so much chaos. not only inside the prisons that also outside in the number of cities across the country, whether it has been biased overall. today, even if there have been a number of isolated incidents, we understand also that police and military separation are under way. the crisis is far from over del, given the fact that according to the story, these at least a 139 people, most of them prison guides and other prison employees. the still remain in the hands of the inmates that have taken over at least 5 major prisons in the countries here in the capital. kito overall has been a quiet day. the streets have been mostly empty compared to
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a normal work day. schools are closed, they will remain close, at least all of this week. the same for public office is also the state of emergency roommates in place, which means that there is a curfew at night from 11 pm on sale at 5 am. thousands of people are protesting outside argentina's congress in the account to where a controversial bill on economic reforms is up for debate. demonstrate to say the bill removes protections full consumers and workers. last month. president harvey, emulate issued a decree, scrapping or changing more than $350.00 economic regulations that's being challenged in court. a field has narrow the in the race for the us republican policies. presidential nomination for my new jersey governor chris christy has dropped down. that leaves nikki haley and rhonda santas still competing. the former
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president donald trump remains the clear front run out ahead of the 1st major votes in iowa next week. i just real castro has moved from washington dc. yeah, chris, christy, he happens isn't himself in a unique place in this j o p field as the obvious and t trump candidate. and he was the only one to unequivocally condemn the former president out of that field. but it was a message that was risky and did not resonate with g o p voters. and so because he barely even showed up on these poles, of christie announced today in new hampshire, before a group of supporters that he was suspending the race. but he did so in a fiery speech, which he used to really get in that final word against trump, saying that he's no trump for more than 20 years, is that christine was trump advisor. and during the 20.


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