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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the alignment case at the hague, the un stop cool to set to hear arguments from south africa. that is where it is committing genocide against the people have gotten the hello. i'm dire in jordan, this is out of here on line from don't also coming out. we take a look at how the international court of justice may help break the deadlock of the un security council for the gaza. meanwhile, these really on still continues 40 people not killed in an attack. maybe alex of
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delivering the money to then have the guys that continues to face nearly inside of mount to be traveling. just too dangerous to authorize the world health organization councils. admission to northern johnson for the 6th time in 2 weeks. the we begin at the hague, where the international court of justice is preparing to your arguments that israel is committing genocide, then it's war on gaza. the case broke by south africa accuses israel of violating the 1948 you in genocide convention with mass cuttings, expulsions, and statements describing palestinians as a sub human hold on $23000.00. to me, i'm just gonna be hard for those children have been killed sofa, but you and says gone. so it has become uninhabitable from the hague step, fashion begins are coverage. it seen as one of the most prominent cases in the more than 75 year long history of the international court of justice. 17 charges will
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have to decide if it's ro is committing genocide that is deliberately wiping out by listing in, in gaza as an ethnic group entirely or in part. the genocide convention was adopted in 1948 after world war 2, a unified commitment by the international community to national let the atrocities like the holocaust happen. again. south africa decided to bring the case before the world's highest court after un resolutions calling for a stop to israel's actions and goss. i were either vetoed or ignored by israel is a compelling argument. the general site is being committed and in gaza on the basis that is in an under elation or can single facing indian population. and then also the, the, the, the quotes or for him is that either minute stuff. and in general, i was of the, i mean, a to, to, to, to an elite, the entire population of put a student from,
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from the augusta. though a funding fund has been very clear that the so the for got is not free until the people of by this day and a free israel. the nice it is committing genocide, calling the case blocked libel, a false anti semitic accusation. they say history will judge south africa. this really delegation was not available to comment wednesday, exports on international law call of ironic that $75.00 he is off to the genocide convention, was adopted because of the hollow cost is really is for oh, that's will be in the dock facing genocide accusations this fix here as a piece palace and they hate a high because the un court is the highest body, the un has to uphold international law. south africa has asked the court for an urgent injunction to stop is for health, military campaign, but case is a d i. c, j usually take years. a decision, unprofessional measures is expected within weeks. south africa hopes that if they
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win, it will further increase international pressure on countries like the united states who are backing is for out to do more to stop the fighting stuff fast and l just sierra to take. well, the hearings of the hague are scheduled to last 2 days with both parties laying out their arguments ourselves. individual takes a closer look at the evidence of africa will be presenting at the united nations highest court. the israel stands accused of carrying out genocide in gaza. south africa has filed a $84.00 page document with the international court of justice and the hague is claims. israel has killed more than $17000.00 palestinians from october until december last year. just on december 7th, approximately one. palestinian was killed in gauze up every 4 minutes. entire families had been wiped out with no remaining survivors. at the heart of south africa's legal argument is the mess. expulsion of palestinians. 85 percent of the
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population has to be forced to leave their homes. 60 percent of the homes in gaza are now destroyed, and civilians following evacuation orders were targeted by israeli forces on designated safety routes. the case also highlights the dire humanitarian. the crisis into strip. experts are predicting that more palestinians and gaza may die from starvation and disease than air strikes. the submission also includes inflammatory statements made by israeli leaders. this really president said it's an entire nation out there that is responsible. it's not true that rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. it's absolutely not true. this really minister of energy and infrastructure tweeted, oldest civilian population in gauze ice order to leave immediately. we will when they will not receive a drop of water or a single battery until they leave the world. the deputy speaker of the nasa tweeted, we all have one common goal raising the gaza strip from the face of to or the
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former head of these really national security council said the state of israel has no choice but to make us place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in the us must ultimately back even in operation like this. even if there are thousands of bodies of civilians, industry it's afterward and gaza will become a place would no human being can exist. there are also examples of the destruction of palestinian identity, which i believe south africa's legal team is led by former you and envoy john to guard take. it compares israel's actions and gauze at the crimes carried out in south africa during the apartheid era. but proving genocidal intent is legally complicated. israel's defense theme is represented by the former head of these really supreme court a wrong but rock he's denied all accusations and argues israel's
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actions have been made in self defense in response to how mazda is attack themselves in israel on october 7th, last year. the killed 1200 is released. please be seated. the case will be decided by a 15 member panel. decisions are based on a majority vote with a leading judge holding the decisive vote in case of a tie. despite calls for a swift hearing, the case has already been delayed by a week of a final rolling on the genocide allegations could take months or years and have legal experts say a decision by the court on whether to announce the immediate measures might come soon. as of africa, hopes it will call on israel to stop it's for on the counseling access, i'm, which will just say we're slow. so that focus case is an unprecedented one. but the humans highest legal body has been adjudicating international disputes for 78 years of experience takes a closer look at the role. the i,
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c. j has place to the international court of justice or i, c, j has been the united nations main judicial body since 1946. its main role is handling disputes between countries, most individuals and its decisions a legally binding. but it's also office legal advice to the united nations despite being dumped the wills court. the i. c j's role is more limited than the name suggests. it can only resolve disputes of the countries involved have recognized its jurisdiction. the court has 15 judges elected by the un general assembly and the security council. it's laid by us judge john donahue, a former state department official, and the peachy is russian judge, curio give organ, former invested as of the naval lens. they all represent the different regions and legal systems, and it looks like this. 3 seats occupied by african judges, judges from s and america, and the caribbean, hold another 23 occupied by asian judges,
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5 held by judges from western europe and other wasting countries. and to buy judges from eastern europe. if a country involved in a case doesn't have a judge from its region on the beach, it can appoint a temporary one to that case. according to the union cha set the judges perform the duties individually, not as representatives of the home countries. in its history, the court has seen $193.00 cases, including disputes or the land and maritime borders and genocide. one significant case was between the cut aguayo and the united states. in 1986 when the icj i rolled that the us had violated international law by supporting rebels in nicaragua . but the us ignored the ruling and blocked enforcement action. so another major case was in 1993 when both in the year and hits a venus sued serbia, and montenegro for genocide. the defendants were found not directly responsible. alex bid, which is 0. well,
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we have correspondence on the ground following this story. we'll get these right and a reaction from stephanie deca who's in occupied east jerusalem. but 1st let's go to honey mac mood. we're joining us now from rafa in southern gaza. honey, so how people and guns have been responding to this case at the international criminal court, and what are their expectations? the yes, darren, well there is a great deal of expectations across the palestinian territories here in, in dogs on the west side. but more and the for found the from the gaza strip here, but at the same time, a large deal of people at the these deep. they still believe that the, the international court of justice can make binding decisions but has no authority to enforce them. something that they think it could be when it gets it, as you are you on security calibrate, can be viewed by one of the permanent members, namely they are talking about the us. but so far,
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what they think of these hearings are more of progress, you know, new years to stop the conditions in gaza from more sending as south africa the leading country. in this case. 3 a date or not to go to the justice is requesting this. this is wrote to sees the killing of, of how experience in the gaza strip so far. what we're seeing here, the ongoing killing and maiming of civilians, they obliteration of, of civic life tearing, including the deprivation of access to clean water and sanitation, and the destruction of hires huge facilities and the constant failure of, of providing safety for civilians as designating st. mary's in in which people are getting killed. and on top of that, the ongoing sentiments and rhetoric made by this really decision makers, including is really prime minister, his defense minister, his national security,
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administer of the a x falls. you know, how a city and the mass killings, public be calling for mass getting or did just the vacations of the killing of its children and women, quote unquote, describing them as how much associates or operatives on the ground all fits within the uh, the allegations of work crimes made by south africa at the international court of justice. all right, honey. my mood life for us to and roof in southern gaza. how do you think you will? stephanie decker joins us live now from occupied eastern ruth slim, stuffy. so what's for the reaction band, israel so if um, what are we expecting later today? the slot denial. basically. we also heard from these really precedent. i like her so i'm calling it preposterous and atrocious. this was yesterday. what do we expect today? well, we're going to hear from south africa, you've had a sense in the reports that you've been running what it's going to late out. but
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interesting me this report goes back into time. it doesn't start on october. the 7th, it goes back decades of israel's occupation, quoting extensively from un reports, you know, following the 2008 or following the 2014 or following the withdrawal of these really forces from garza in 2005. the israel, of course, occupied, goes with the for that it looks into the westbank, the fact that have mass there isn't in charge. and yet to have a divisive system, a separate judicial system, a separate system of roads, you have the separation barrier. so it brings all these things into light, which is there to counter claim what israel is going to present to present to hear from israel on friday, where they, we expect to move play also videos reminding the world of the atrocious nature of the october 7th attack by how much so this is israel defending itself that it's
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doing, it's not most uh to protect civilians. um no coincidence that we've heard from these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu late last night. a statement in english obviously addressing the international community ahead of the court today. and this is what he had to say. i wanna make a few points absolutely clear, as well as no intentional, permanently occupying guys or, or displacing that civilian population as well as funding come us terrace is not the palestinian population and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. the idea for just palestinian civilians to leave or zones by disseminating leaflets, making phone calls, providing safe passage corner doors. welcome moss, prevents palestinians from leaving at gunpoint,
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and often with gun far. our goal is to rid guys of commerce, terrace, and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize in the radicalized thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians alike of the close of advocate. and it's report to highlights 3 phases, really miniature mirror, militarily the viciousness of is rose, a soul to the complete bless if you will, of israel's is soul destroying over 80 percent of gold. his infrastructure of civilian homes, over 80 percent of the population has been forcibly displaced from areas. it also quotes extensively on how israel has prevented a water food, monetary and a medicine from reaching the goal of the stroke. and as you heard there, that reports, you run extensive quotes from senior members of use really government from department of start from the president to leaders of co got which one of the
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occupied territories to the finance minister to national security minister, who highlighting the words they use at d, humanize the palestinians. also one article in the report from south africa saying, how is ralph raises these really flag over slots and destroyed palestinian cities? not. it's very important when it comes to highlighting that kind of rhetoric because it shows what south africa says is intent to commit genocide. so certainly a huge symbolic day at what is the u. s. highest court. of course, the genocide, the term was coined in the off to most of the 2nd world war in the optima of the holocaust to ensure that such atrocities wouldn't happen again. so to have israel in the dog in court facing those very charges is usually symbolic. and significant, all right, that stephanie back and lifetime and occupied these drove some stuff for you. thank you for many, a hoping
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a routing in south africa's favor could release the un security council from its deadlock of a gaza, particularly its inability to cold for cease fire, a different multi editor james base report, some new york to the peace palace and the dutch city of the hague, home of the international court of justice. it's the only major oregon of united nations, which is not based in new york, but what happens in the cold in the coming days is being keenly watched here on the other side of the atlantic at un headquarters. already the ambassador of israel, whose diplomats have been activity no being other un members, has angrily denounced the case in a speech in the un general assembly. perhaps an indication of how word his country is in south africa's basements, and libelous cases, a d i. j a. c j. prove this exactly. how can it be remembered that the convention on the prevention of genocide adopted following the
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hollow clothes, the general side of the jewish people is now being weaponized or does the jewish state. delores normally supposed to be above politics, but when it comes to international law, things get more complicated candidates to be judges at the international court of justice, nominated by their own countries, which then campaign for them and lots of inherently political process. the elections held every year are often a drawn out procedure as they happen singleton easily in the general assembly and the security council. to publish the new non baset or to the un has told me he believes the case before the court now is being given extra weight because it's being brought by south africa, a country that suffered so much in the past. under contract rule, nobody would question that the company like south africa, which defeated apartheid that it is not on the top of the mountain of uh, of, of morality and respect for human rights and the rights of people in general. so we
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are grateful to them. here at the u. n, there's some hope the case could potentially break the deadlock on the un security council over the past 3 months. they've been repeated efforts to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire and gaza. but on 3 occasions, one country the us as used it's vito to block subtraction. so if the international court of justice would to decide to order provisional measures to stop as well as bombardment, it would be up to the security council. twin for such a ruling. the u. s. has received a great deal of global criticism for 3 vetoes on garza and president biden is repeatedly said his country is a guardian of the rules based international order. so would he really be prepared to les his country veto again, this time in defiance of the world's highest court james phase out to 0, the united nations. while the court case comes as well,
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continues to focus its attacks on central and southern garza. more than 40 people were killed in a strike on a residential building near the alex, the hospital. a correspondence in the elk, it already has more from the bar. and the warning views may find some of the images in her report. disturbing. this is a building in front of the entrance of ox, off hospitals. as you see, this is one of the main gate for up to a hospice and, and a lot of people are seeking refuge here. and here, as you see, the ambulances of the ministry of house have been severely damaged from the air strikes. here is the hospital this, this, this at street is a very busy street where people of our walking 24 and 7 back and forth through the
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hosp with us and, and not only the people parts. there are cars here. i remember that every single day we used to park our, our, our car over here in this street. as you see, all of the markets in here are damaged here, where people normally send fluids and people who normally buy stuff. there's a very heartbreaking story you where of the last a guy who said laughing has been accepted by a sharpening and he was killed by your unfortunate to be on the wall. we also see his blood on the philosopher's ingredients. dozens of injuries are now in just a lock, so hospitable, where the hospital is working on a very low capacity. and the doctors are trying to help as much people as possible
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as we tried to talk to the policy municipal house and ask them about the injuries. and the killings. they said that they couldn't even come some because i'm going to not stop transferring the injuries. and the killings from this era strike, this is in the put the need for odyssey, you know, there is, but i had up to the hospital casa, you know, the world health organization has cancel the emissions and northern gauze, or the 6th time it had to do 72 weeks, the chief of the w h o says it was cooled off because as well rejected their requests on the safe passage couldn't be guaranteed israel to allow them to enter and deliver humanitarian aid. when the bane out as a consultant surgeon who regularly visits garza, he was performing surgery at the alex the hospital until his team was open leave last friday. explain increasing strengths, facing health workers in gauze. as we saw, the beginnings of the dismantlement of i likes the hospital last week my last day
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operating and i like it was friday. i'm having spend all day operating on a lost a trauma victim. i came out to the operating today to hear that that'd be the missed all of the time on the intensive k unit that lunch time. so we were already seeing stuff leaving and progressively most all blacked off to that . the is ready, defense schools, co got told us that it was no longer safe for any foreign doctors to go that because of the activities. so our team and m. s. s were forced to leave the hospital. and what else is happening now is very much what we said that uh the attacks would be getting close and the majority of stuff,
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how have now let so i think it's look a stream the likely that i like so it will become complete disabled as a as a healthcare facility, meanwhile is randy forces have conducted more rates across the occupied westbank. the sounds of explosions were heard in janine where residents are reported to the time committed to vehicles. raised by is ready for us, has led to confrontations in calculus and a zone 10 pallets demeans were rested in the city of numbers. jordan's king abdullah egyptian president of delta of c. c. have agreed to step up the pressure on israel to put an end. so it's guys are offensive, but to need is met with palestinian president, my boss, and a couple. it said they rejected his radio plans to separate garza from the outside westbank stressing pituitary phase of the cool of a future palestinian state. it's the
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2nd look at some of the days of the new story somewhere around the world and the army has been deployed in papua new guinea as capital for most of the 15 people were killed in violent protests. paramedics responded to multiple co ops last night involving severe burns and gunshot wounds. a police strike on wednesday over a pay cut escalated into violence. large crowds of people was seen in gauging and looting, and rising. capital wilson is an independent german. this coming the pacific islands, including pop, when you get a g shed details and how to protest and definitely have spoken today to witness authorized e what most b disease catered with various elements with guns and this one to get a concentration of one of which i actually choosing the people successful the best because not didn't have guns and the st shooting usually has gone to sit where some police had gone. but there was also another element and that was private security
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guards whose job is to protect supermarkets and public buildings. they are on any way, and apparently they were seen awesome with the judy. so in fact, it couldn't be any of those elements, but that's probably what caused the fatalities. most b is a unique city, but it is a very hot city, full list. so she just wants percent of people even swatches that for me. that phone was additional minutes which paid for housing for basic services, whether it's power sensation, etc. hi unemployment. now there's a history tool of this. um, i'm going to give you the minutes results. well, the thoughts in decades that result smoke has nothing translation to development be, has not be channeled into the building and destructive in services and providing normally source economical gigi's jobs for people. so people have sausage in the
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country for decades and fitness center development. you get, the country itself is very rich and so he lost that element on developments which people are really losing their patients with the head of the ecuadorian ministry says more than 300 gallon members have been arrested since the state of emergency. it was declared on monday, president daniel nebraska imposed images of to a possible gallery to escape from prison. had been riots and attacks and several cities in some more than a 130 prison officers have been taken hostage. the beach, the ministry has been deployed to restore order. okay, i'm going to see that as a whole company, since it is considered a non international arm conflict, the armed forces have the power to use the legal weapons. and this is a change in the rules of engagement. lisa west connery will certainly be used and is being used against the groups that have been identified as terrorist and not against common criminals. sondra and patrick. it has the latest from tito. the
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tensions remain high and people are anguished by what's happened and the last 2448 hours in the country. they're still trying to make sense of how the gangs have been able to create so much. tell us not only inside the prison, but also outside in the number of cities across the country. as weather has been biased overall. today, even if there have been a number of isolated incidents, we understand also that police and military separation are under way. the crisis is far from over del, given the fact that according to the story, these at least a 139 people, most of them prison guides and other prison employees that still remain in the hands of the inmates that have taken over at least 5 major prisons in the country here in the capital kito overall has been
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a quiet day. the streets of been mostly empty compared to a normal work day. schools are closed, they will remain close, at least all of this week. the same for a public office is also the state of emergency roommates in place, which means that there is a curfew at night from 11 pm on sale at 5 am. now, 5 summons of office are protesting outside argentina is congress is a controversial bill on economic reforms is being debated, protest, etc, moves protections for consumers and workers, including those in the film industry projects. quoting for national strike. a lot in america editor, let's see, and human reports in the capital windows r as in front of argentine, is congress actors, musicians, filmmakers and intellectuals. not the 1st month in office of president have you in the late have demanding that lawmakers reject the executives initiative. the
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government support for cultural instinct solutions. what is the with demonstrating so that they don't take a livelihood away from us? we are part of the working class, not a privilege cost. 5 days a state support for fuel monarchs has won this country, global recognition for a life standing characteristic what the president lightning measures a human us knowledge is to medicare will depend at least in part on highly competitive grants from the national institute for cinema and visual arts, she argues that cutting its funding well, not only hard filmmakers, but i didn't gain this culture of the sovereignty. it's important, but adults culture is important for everyone.


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