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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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all the, as a landmark case of the hague south africa takes as well to the international court of justice, accusing it of commission genocide against the people of casa, the hello, i'm elizabeth, put on them. and this is out of the, of a life from jo. how so coming up to take a look at how the course may help break a deadlock or the gaza at the un security council. that is really on slot, continues 40 people are killed and attacked me all on the hospital. delivering the money to then have the guys that continues to face the lien side of mountain chinese and turned dangerous to authorize the world health organization cancel for
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the aid admission to move from joshua for the 6th time in 2 weeks. the we begin in the hague, where the international court of justice is prepared to hit arguments that as well as committing genocide. and if you're on gaza, the case has been ruled by south africa and accuse this is read a violation to 1948 un genocide convention by carrying out mass collect explosions and making statements describing palestinians a sub human. well, the $23000.00 palestinians have been told so finally, off of them children, the un says garza has become uninhabitable. we will have extensive coverage of this landmark case throughout the day here on which is the shortly. with the launch to our correspondence in pretoria dasa occupied east jerusalem and the hague, that 1st step lawson reports on why the case could be
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a game changer. it seen as one of the most prominent cases in the more than 75 year long history of the international court of justice. 17 charges will have to decide if it's ro is committing genocide. that is deliberately wiping out palestinians in gaza as an ethnic group entirely. or in part, the genocide convention was adopted in 1948 after world war 2, a unified commitment by the international community to never let the atrocities like the holocaust happen. again. south africa decided to bring the case before the world's highest court after un resolutions calling for a stop to israel's actions and goss. i were either feet, towed or ignored by israel, is a compelling argument. the general site is being committed and in gaza on the basis that is in, in elation or can single facing indian population in austin to civilians, children,
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women that are being displeased and the targeting of public infrastructure and gaza . and then also the, the, the, the, the quotes or for him is i had a minute stuff. and in general, i was of the, i'm a to, to, to, to nearly the entire population of put a student from, from the augusta, the israel, the nice it is committing genocide, calling the case blocked libel, a false anti semitic accusation. they say history will judge south africa. this really delegation was not available to comment. wednesday, exports on international law call. us ironic. that's 75 years off to the genocide convention was adopted because of the holocaust. it's really is for outlets will be in the dark facing genocide, accusations, the stakes here are the please palace and the hate are high because of the un court is the highest body. the un has to uphold international law. south africa has asked
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the court for an urgent injunction to stop israel's military time. a lot of cases at d, i. c. j, usually take years. a decision, unprofessional measures is expected within weeks. south africa hopes that if they win, it will further increase international pressure on countries like the united states who are backing is for out to do more to stop the fighting stuff fast and l g 0. take. and as we mentioned the here and so the international court of justice at the hague shedra to last 2 days with both parties laying out the arguments at suzana, which takes a closer look at some of the cases main highlights at the united nations highest court. israel stands accused of carrying out genocide in gaza. south africa has filed a 84 page document with the international court of justice and the hague. is claims . israel has killed more than $17000.00 palestinians from october until december last year. just on december 7th, approximately one palestinian was killed in gauze up every 4 minutes. entire
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families had been wiped out with no remaining survivors. at the heart of south africa's legal argument is the mess, expulsion of palestinians. 85 percent of the population has been forced to leave their homes. 60 percent of the homes and guys are now destroyed and civilians following the evacuation orders were targeted by israeli forces on designated safety routes. the case also highlights the dire humanitarian, the crisis and the strip experts are predicting that more palestinians in gaza may die from starvation and disease, then air strikes. the submission also includes inflammatory statements made by israeli leaders. this really presidents that it's an entire nation out there that is responsible. it's not true that rhetoric about civilians not aware not involved . it's absolutely not true. this really minister of energy and infrastructure tweeted, oldest civilian
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a population in gauze ice order to leave immediately. we will win and they will not receive a drop of water or a single battery until they leave the world. the deputy speaker of the can sit tweeted, we all have one common goal, raising the gaza strip from the face of to are the former head of these rarely national security council said the state of israel has no choice but to make us place that is temporarily or permanently, impossible to live in the us must ultimately back even in operation like this. even if there are thousands of bodies of civilians in the streets afterward, and castle will become a place where no human being can exist. there are also examples of the destruction of palestinian. the identity, which i believe south africa's legal team is led by former you and envoy, john to gar take it, compares israel's actions and gaza to crimes carried out in south africa during the apartheid era. but proving genocidal intent is legally complicated.
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israel's defense team is represented by the former head of these really supreme court around but rock he's denied all accusations and argues israel's actually had been made in self defense in response to how mazda is attack on southern israel, on october 7th, last year. the killed 1200. these re lease please be seated. the case will be decided by a 15 member panel. decisions are based on a majority vote with a leading judge holding the decisive vote in case of a tie. despite calls for a swift hearing, the case has already been delayed by a week of final rolling on the agenda side, allegations could take months or years and has a legal experts say a decision by the court on whether to announce the immediate measures might come soon. as south africa hopes it will call on israel to stop, it's for one counseling access, i'm which,
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which is there. so it's half of those cases unprecedented. but the unions highest legal body has been educating international disputes for 78 years. alex bad takes a closer look at the role the i, c, g has played the international close of justice or i c, j as being the united nations main judicial body. since 1946. its main role is handling disputes between countries, most individuals, and its decisions a legally binding. but it's also office legal advice to the united nations despite being dumped the wills court. the i. c j's role is more limited than the name suggests. it can only result disputes of the countries involved have recognized its jurisdiction. the court has 15 judges elected by the un general assembly and the security council. it's lead by us judge join don't i q a former state department official at the pc is russian judge, curio divulging former invested as an invalid. they all represent different regions
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and legal systems, and it looks like this. 3 seats occupied by african judges, judges from less than america and the caribbean, hold another to 3 occupied by asian judges, 5 held by judges from western europe and other wasting countries, and to buy judges from eastern europe. if a country involved in a case doesn't have a judge from its region on the beach, it can appoint a temporary one to that case. according to the union shots that the judges perform the duties individually notes as representatives of the hung countries its in its history, the court has seen $193.00 cases, including disputes are the land and maritime borders and genocide. one significant case was between nicaragua and the united states in 1986 when the i see j rule that the us had violated international by supposing rebels in nicaragua. but the us ignored the ruling and blocked enforcement action. another major case was in 1993
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when both in the air and hits a venus suit, serbia, and montenegro for genocide. the defendants were found notes directly responsible. alex bid, which is 0 in a moment, will speak to the farm in a minute. in pretoria, honey man, move as in gaza and stephanie deca and occupied east jerusalem. but 1st, to a salma, been jotted at the hague and assigned the took us through what we're expecting in court today. the but it, it can see behind me the sun is beginning to rise over the peace palace here in the hague. with this line, my case is short. the good going to commence with south africa is going to convince the international court of justice that what it deems israel is doing and gaza amongst the genocide and it is not at this moment who wants to go looking for to, for the international court to declare it as dignified, but immediately stop. would it be the acts of genocide?
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so there is a wrong laid out $84.00 page documents with hundreds of foot notes where it has collected evidence from the international news organizations and yours. you ended up, it was on various issues regarding this conflict on the disconnect funding of civilians on most of this basements on targeting of facilities such as cultural incentives and health facilities on all the acts that israel has not just carried out, but also declared intent. there is a full page section which looks at the stick wins that are being made all the way from the president to the prime minister to biggest ministers in the of the government way. south africa says it's not just intent, but actions on the ground on today's hearing, it is going to present this case and is going to be a rebuttal on friday from israel. so there is going to be a arguments that are going to be presented and it is expected that this is going to not just, it is, it is commenced, but it is not going to be concluded before. yes,
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to come us on a what's happening outside coal, if we can see people rallying behind you carrying palestinian flags, it looks like was hundreds of people have been gathering here at the peace palace even a day before this hearing was going to commence a protest as we met in pro palestine activists who's come from all over europe. we met people from germany, from spain, from here in netherlands. and other places is when they say that they're here to show solidarity and support to what the south africans as things say that they don't see this as a, as they, they see that as an open and shut case where the actions on the ground for $9.00 to $6.00 days are i'm from the evidence that there is been an indiscriminate bombardment off the atrocity crimes which of being carried out by israel. they say they don't want to just show support for south africa, but also to say to the world, wait for the leaders who are supporting israel,
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that this has to stop now. and they are going to continue to put pressure on everyone. so that the genocide, according to them in gaza, can still a some a thank you very much for that, some of in job that live at the hague. so let's go down to find that the minute she's joining us from south africa as administrative capital for toria. and finally, the how is this case being watch this, especially given south africa's historic support for the palestinian colon, the full if we look at what the government just said in the last 3 months, they've made a number of strong statements against what is happening in the cause. 9 against that, he's really government at the post leading to this point we, they've taken that course books to the i. c. j accusing the israel of genocide. that move has been welcomed by many south africans and is well supported in recent weeks. south africa and recent months. the government has requoted systematic style from israel. and prior to that had also recalled it's invested, uh and uh,
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and that also a foot for the votes in the south africa's parliament. uh, 2 ends relations with israel, at least with the time being until the is a ceasefire. so these are all the actions that have lead up to this point. and so many south africans, not necessarily surprised, we've bought from the south african governments, including the international relations minister. now lady ponder, who has said that israel has an added obligation as the occupier of an occupied territory and people to abide by the genocide conventions or prevents a genocide including what south africa is cooling connective punishments while they are many south africans, like so many behind us where i've come to the palestinian embassy, where we all to watch proceedings at the port is also the jewish board of deputies which sees, represents a,
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the jewish community in south africa. and it's condemned. the south african government saying that while the then approaching the quotes, this is time that could be spent in a positive way. what it says a more positive way and speaking to impose the sides in this conflict. uh, it has been critical of the south african government throughout the war on gaza. their position hasn't changed, but given south africa's history of a, par, tate colonialism and an racism. this is something that many south africans identify was very strongly in terms of the subjugation of a specific ethnic group. the targeted killings, subjugation racism, as well as the difficulties the many difficulties that by listing and people are going through in those territories. some of the thank you very much for that front of them and over the view from for toria. that's going out to honeymoon. he is joining us live from the alpha in southern guys and honey,
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how did people feel about the case at the hague? do they have any hope that it can stop the violence against them? yes, so, so far, just from talking to people briefly here is just a good, great deal of, of, of whole that is still a bit of a suspicious optimism of what's going on. they are happy and, and hopefully the find out of the country like south africa, is a hearing a. they are misery on suffering and taking the perpetrators to the international court of justice. not a great deal of hope, but at the same time it's coming with suspicious optimism because they know that the part of this actions will be taken to the un security council works. there is a high possibility, a comforter, like the united states will be to any actions in favor of the palestinian. just citing a past experiences. any examples of how the us beat
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a resolution calling for permanent seeds fire and into the work on the gaza strip. so far we have a group of rights, a group advocate gets across the palestinian territory, seeing these hearing sessions as a men at a major's professional majors that exactly are intended to stop the situations of from getting worse across the gaza strip as the work continues to pound the premiums of life across the territory and the what a priority that the have right now is that israel to see the killing of civilians and put an end till the atrocities committed a variety is rarely military. and they also are hateful that'd be the topic of occupation that is really still effectively occupying a and controlling the, the borders and all the actors point to the got strip will be addressed in the international court of justice. that
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a so far was everything on the ground. so just and fit within the allegations of board crimes. it could move submitted by south africa out to the international court of justice. and what we're talking about is the ongoing constant killings in the meaning of civilians and the, the force displacement and the failure of these really military and it's government to provide safe place for displaced for the 1.5. millions is displaced, palestinian edition be intentional and attacks on e honor while united nations for positive review facilities including factors in centers and schools and the opposite. the ration of civic life old fits the characterization and the definition of word crimes committed so far in the gaza. strip county, thank you very much for that honey muscles. joining us live from the dolphin and southern gaza and it's cross live now to stephanie deca. she is an occupied east, jerusalem, and stephanie israel denying the allegations as we expect,
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but it is taking them very seriously very seriously. um is ready media excluded last week that the cables were sent to. ringback embassies urging their diplomats to not be governments to get their support from rejecting this case and also saying that they need to be more vocal in terms of showing the role that they're trying to get somebody to. terry and aid in israel is going to be very keen to remind the world of the atrocities that have us carried out on october the 7th israel saying that it's the victim that it is in self defense. and that it's doing its utmost to try and prevent civilian casualties . you even had these ready prime minister come out late last night and an english statement posted online very much a message to the josh and community saying that it had no intention of re occupying garza, it had no intention of force to be displacing civilians when they did everything to
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prevent um to prevent that, of course we're talking over $23000.00 casualties. most of those civilians now south africa's case which is just about to be heard in the next hour or so does take one effect in consideration in the sense that it doesn't just start on october . the 7th, it goes back decades, it quotes multiple reports, view and reports. i'm going back that shows what is, what is happening has been a pattern of occupation, a pattern of oppression. a pattern of the human eye is ation. that has called me in a to then escalation to some of its worst and foster october the 7th. so that's good to take around 3 hours. well, from south africa tomorrow, we'll be hearing from israel will. so we understand some of the families of some of the hostages have arrived at the hague to be there as well. again, is, are all very keen to remind the world of the events of october the 7th. and it of course, as it is a carrying olive this out in self defense, stephanie,
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thank you very much for that. that is stephanie deca live unoccupied, east jerusalem. early i spoke to kenneth ross, a former executive director of human rights watch, and also a former assistant united states attorney. and he says south africa's case is very strong. the jet aside is not simply about showing a lot of people that's sort of a common phrase. but in fact, the genocide convention which defines the crime has 2 key elements. one as indeed you know, are you showing how many people are you? i'm imposing conditions of life designed to destroy the group in whole or in part. and the application describes is really conducting also that, you know, fairly to be found to add up to those kinds of predicate acts. but the key decision, the court is going to face, is this is really all doing this with the requisite intent,
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genocidal intent beings, the intent to eradicate in a whole or in part a national ethnic, racial or religious group as such. and you know, as the introductory comments made clear, there have been comments by senior officials, you know, including i minister benjamin netanyahu, including the defense ministers, a lot which, you know, are genocide on charter. but then there of course, are many other statements spikes this way we defend sports officials to say, oh no, no, we're just trying to target from us not civilians. and so the court is gonna have to parse through those conduct contradictory statements. they're gonna have to look at the options on the ground to see, you know, this is queuing, add up to genocidal intent. and the 1st lawyer to when requests at the i c. j. 4 provisional protection that was on behalf of bosnia and herzegovina in the early ninety's. he said that south africa will win this case. do you agree? i think it's a very strong case. it's important to note that what's happening today is not a decision about the final case. so the decision is not going to be easy. israel
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committing genocide rather today it's an application for so called provisional metrics and basically a preliminary injunction to stop the acts of genocide. and so this does not require a finding of genocide or reply or simply of finding that there's sufficient concern that genocide might be being committed, that the cork in order is real to stop these. and that's what this case is about. this is where the forces have intensified the strikes on southern gaza area. on thursday morning of a 7 palestinians were killed in 25 inches when israel bombed a residential building and conjured as many of the casualties for children. the engine have been taken to naso hospital organ 40 people were killed on wednesday, and australia called a residential building near the ox. the hospital, a correspondent, and a holiday has moved from the law and a warning that viewers may find some of the images and have a port disturbing. this is
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a building in front of the entrance of arkansas hospitalized. as you see, this is one of the main gate for up to hospice and, and a lot of people are seeking refuge here. and here, as you see, the ambulances of the ministry of house have been severely damaged from the air strikes. here is the hospital. this, this, this at the streets is a very busy street where people are walking 24 and 7 back and forth through the hosp with us and, and not only the people as part of their, their cars here. i remember that every single day we used to park our, our, our car over here in this street. as you see, all of the markets in here are damaged here, where people normally send food and people who normally buy stuff. there's
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a very heartbreaking story. you were a financial guy who said laughing has been accepted by a sharpening and he was killed by. it's unfortunate to be on the wall. we also see his blood on the philosopher's ingredients. dozens of injuries are now in us just locks a hospital where the hospital is working on a very low capacity. and the doctors are trying to help as much people as possible as we tried to talk to the policy administered warehouse and ask them about the injuries. and the killings. they said that they couldn't even come some because the ambulance is not transferring the injuries. and the killings from this era strikes,
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this is in the put the for august, the, you know, that and, but i had up to the hospital casa of the world health organization has cancelled admission to northern garza, for the 6th time in 2 weeks. the chief of the w h o says it was cooled off off to as well, rejected as requests and a safe passage couldn't be assured. he urged as well to allow it seems to end to end deliver humanitarian aid delivering you money to then have the guys that continues to face nearly inside amount of training. just intense bombardment, restrictions on movement, fuel shortage and interrupted communications. make it impossible for w, jo ann, our partners to reach those in need. we have the supplies, the teams and the plans in place. what we don't have is access is very full source of conduct in more rates and the occupied westbank.
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explosions were heard, and jeanine were residents of reported to have attacked military vehicles. grades biased by the forces, led to confrontations, and called kenya and a zone 10 palestinians arrested across the occupied westbank. jordan's king abdullah and egypt sin president. i have been found the l. c. so you have agreed to increase pressure on israel in an attempt to put an end to it. sconces are offensive. the 2 latest met with palestinian president monkwood of boston, the jordanian city of arkansas. they said they rejected his way. he plans to separate gaza from the occupied westbank stressing of the 2 territories of the cool of a future palestinian state or and that set somebody, elizabeth from them. we will leave you with these pictures from the hague within 30 minutes. the international court of justice will begin hearing arguments that as well as commission genocide, and it's on gaza. we will bring you extended coverage off that hearing right here
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on al jazeera, often inside story, which is coming up next. thank you for watching the the hello. high pressure continues to dominate the weather across the northern europe, in particular, the way that they got rid of high pressure, which is starting to weaken. that does mean the air is sinking beneath the high, but the high still blocking off these web assistance of the trying to make my way in from the land take. now, if anything, they will just top all the way across the top of the high and just make my way of the tools that east of the side, if you, it was economy, probably the highest deposit. you have a towards that western side, all of russia. we do have some a windshield weather in the full cost minus one celsius. so some a model that it has been recently for the time being present quite weather the fall
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going for us. continuing across those western pots, quite a brisk wind through the north. say, having said that, and then lies the storms continuing to just rumble away across the good parts of the mediterranean. when, when the weather for many here we're not going to see the how i just flip a little further south, which is a go on through friday. so as i said, it is a weakening feature now slowly but surely. where's the weather? when few weather coming into the north of scotland and on into scandinavia, m a wintry weather around the boat excited so many it does stay quiet, but cold. we have got some wet weather, also affecting the positive perfectly with our system in the mediterranean. so heavy showers the for north and now to area the heroes from i'll just on the go and eat tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the effect that from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it. and tap download the new app from out to 0. new at using is it the of time the international court of justice force israel to stop its war on concepts? south africa says that as well as attacks on the palestinians of genocidal at it's launching a legal federal video and it's top court. so when it's booked it can make any difference of who would enforce this. this is inside story the .


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