tv News Al Jazeera January 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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the the we will never concede, it doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it any more 3 years after protest, a storm to the capital. more palestinian ship children will become w. c. n s. s. wounded childs no surviving family. south africa makes its case of the international court of justice accusing as well of committing genocide against the people of casa the todd. so romilly, what you'll do is they were like, my headquarters here in the hall. also coming up. these are the old sloth is
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continuing. 14 people are killed and attack and con eunice. sounds of gone so they know now the news, the state of emergency and pop when you're getting solar, yvonne and protests the to welcome to the program. nowhere is safe in garza and israel is actions a full, a calculated passing of a genocidal intent. about c, all given south africa is present to the opening of the case of the international court of justice. south africa was accusing as well of intentionally attempting to destroy a substantial parts of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group in its prolonged assault on gauze, up its calling on the court to impose a binding older on israel to immediately stop. it's a tax sign up because minister of justice says there is no excuse to the genocide
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in garza. the well as watching her is published and then men, women and children with low to wound up, fitted a life under development of their homes, live to die pin from dead. i'm going to, i'm in under the soul. suppose because the other thing in over 2 been to 3000 that through destruction, to home squares, hospitals, water treatment plans and other public infrastructure that didn't pass the conditions of life and is calculated to bring about the destruction in total in parts of the palestinians. living and it doesn't. so the guys unequivocally condemned the tug by almost on the 7th of october. and it is also done. so it is motiv above to the state of use that i convey it's going to mission of that action of, of our miles on the 7th of october. and so the guys read that to you in court, but that those atrocities i know justification for any. busy of, you know, so while it may have been where we live in garza and tennessee, but that's,
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that's close over to the hague, where we can state speak to step by son who's at the peas palace and step. let's just begin ways how south africa's case was received, the on the list that we've been speaking to throughout the whole just every day. i actually have been very impressed with the way south africa managed to present its case is absolutely if that's one word that i've been hearing here all morning, i was speaking to everyone. it's the words and it's not should not be likely use. it's the word historic. it's an unprecedented case. it's never before that a state has laid out such a detailed, expensive, gruesome china side case here at the international court of justice. la by legal step by step south africa has made this very compelling argument is talking about mass killings, mass displacement, but also it is fairly systematic plan that israel has to destroy palestinian life
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palestinian history, palestinian future memories. so it's, it's a very strong case, according to international law experts. and what it's very important that's happening here now is that the, the state of south africa is asking for an urgent injunction. that means that while this genocide case, which could travel on for years is now on paul's basically. and the court has to decide 1st, what has to be done now? and that is what a south africa's asking to stop the military campaign and gaza immediately. so that's something that the court is discussing. we 1st of course have to listen to the israel arguments on friday tomorrow, but we will see hopefully according to south africa within a few weeks and then a decision by the self and team member court step best. of course, thank you very much. pablo sending supports as have gathered in the hate to suppose
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that not because application to the international court of justice. they carried banners, calling for justice, the palestine declaring that healthcare should not have been targeted by is really forces this on been job. it joins us now. from a palestinian solidarity rally in front of the i. c j a saw but of course that many distinguish speakers speaking both in coal. it's also we had the south african minister of justice speaking outside of court, running a little after it was all over. it's been as steps that a historic day well, that's exactly what hundreds of people who've been gathering here. they have been telling us that this is a historic day. people have been coming here from all walks of life from all parts of europe to show solidarity. but not just what's being presented by south africa, but also against everyone who they accuse of standing with israel and what they see of genocide happening in the to discuss it further with us is a jeremy kobus,
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a prominent politician and a former leader of david policy thank you very much for taking the time, jeremy up. what was your impression of what we saw today in the court or visit was after the hold of the presentation this morning. it took over 3 hours. it was pretty late for pad and couldn't be put forward. analytical, non sensational, minimalist, in terms of the images that were shy. the one or 2 types of graphs shown on a big screen, but no great length of it. because i said this is a serious case. we want to write line a, what's happening in gaza, but be where is in breach of the convention on genocide and pointing out that these statements made by benjamin netanyahu and others off of collective punishment of the people of gauze in which he said off to october the 7th that there are no innocent civilians in concert for example. and so i think the case they might is very strong at the end of it, the last representative from south africa. but i made
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a request for an interim order to be sent out by the cooks, which would be demanding an into the fighting. now if that's not going to be made tomorrow, that's for sure, because obviously they've got to hear israel's response and then deliberates on it . but i hope it is very soon, because if international lawyers to mean anything and a government like the governors side of africa makes that request, then there's going to be a response. but at the international court of justice, yes, while this is happening is real, does enjoy the support of by and large major chunks of the international community, the united states, the u. k. government, for instance, where there seems to be nothing that has moved the need, whether it's the killing of people, whether it's the cold killed court cases. so do you think anything is going to change? if there is a decision in favor of the south african application, everything is incremental. every time you step on the street and wait for palestinian flag and say stop the killing of palestinian people every time somebody
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may or anyone else speaks up in the parliament. that's an incremental difference. and the arguments about the straits, the supply of weapons to his right. in the fact the president biden sold to bypass congress because he was afraid of the reaction that in order to send more weapons to his royal, indicates a weakness in his position. and so this weekend we've got demonstrations all over the world. there's a voice of ordinary people who are just told what's going on. i don't. so i want to say thank you to those people in israel. what signed in support of the south african application to the international court of justice and those in israel that have been demonstrating against the occupation of the west bank and and of gauze. because i want also to be able to live in peace. it's not going to happen tomorrow that i know, but if we just will find the other side, i didn't know what's happening to the palestinian people and we've become compressed in 24 hours. this rate is going to present its case and it is going to say that what is happening it is expected is happening of that reaction to what
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from austin on october, the 7th, it amounts to the worst crime that has happened against the jewish people. since the heart of cost is what is real stance has been. so do you not so much degree with what israel is saying and what are the sections on the grounds of? well, the south african case started off by saying how much they were the polls and regret what happened on october, the sums we'll do absolute beach, but nobody can cold the canning of all these thousands of people, a destruction of 70 percent of all the housing garza proportionate response, it is not, it is an attack on the entire process to the and population of when is really minutes as a narrative. so they want the population of gaza to be reduced from 2000000 220-0000. where are those people going to go? are they going to. busy use a new gaza in the saw on the line is that is the direction in which we're going is a will going to do nothing about it, but continuous louse to his route or say look,
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this has gotta stop, the palestinian people have got to be able to live in peace, to be open. thank you very much for speaking to us. so you can have it. that has been buying large of the sentiment here as hundreds of people have been gathering outside the international court of justice. and that israel has to stop. what it is carrying out in gaza there, people from all over the world who being gathering here and saying that they agree with what south africa is telling the world and the international court of justice and people who palestinians, who are living here in the netherlands, that being tending got but just this fax, the israel has to defend itself in front of an international court for what they call, genocide, isn't written in itself as i've been job with that for it's not the hey, thank you. know the representing south africa by that and the goal i spoke about was a new acronym that's moved from as well as bombardment of concert each day, yet more desperate people will be forced to relocate from where they are sheltering
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. a will be bombed in places where they have been told to evacuate to entire multi generational families will be obliterated. and yet more palestinian chipped children will become w. c. n s. s. a wounded child, no surviving family. the terrible new act for them bore now to these vows genocidal a search on the palestinian population in gaston there is an urgent need for provisional measures to prevent eminence irreparable prejudice to the rights and issue in this case, that could not be a clearer or more compelling case as well. policies and goals have express mixed feelings about the co taking out the hey, well some say that hopeful and proud of south african for bringing that case to the international court of justice of the say they've lost faith in international justice. and then measure off is as in what is going on and guns are right now must
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revitalize the international institutions and must reactivate the role of the international system. well, the world must investigate what has been done in gone. so can see that i'm taking this matter to the quote gives all citizens confidence that there are few people in the world who still believe in justice. and i can watch enough list any of the but the i hope is a palestinian citizen living in gaza for decision in favor of the palestinians. in reality, we haven't yet found any decision that can help us to return to north gaza, or to bring a change to our real life. the situation here in rafa is miserable. women and children of the ones who suffer the most. we want the international court of justice to help us and disrupting is rarely genocide against the palestinians. the will must come to an end. we need to go back to our house and live in freedom and peace and love, do we do. i'm not going to. i don't trust this cool and i don't trust the outcome is joe knows everything about the outcome. and the result,
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even before the court session is held, is ro is committing genocide and gaza. an israel knows the result in advance. we are the defense, dis, palestinians standing alone without any support from arabs seduce and the well let's go to that. i've been a shot. the whole of guys is tired and the people are exhausted. i don't trust the international politics. the only free, honest country in the world is south africa. i hope other countries and i'm the arab countries. in particular, we're following the footsteps of south africa, a temporary, amazing rasa in the southern gauze and topic. what one does, how many people actually paying attention to what was going on at the hey, gwen, perhaps the main concern. so those people, while you are, is making sure that that's safe and then also they can find something to ease of the well, yes, so hell we have been hearing a as the south african south south africa today. you had a rest of the case in the international court of justice against israel. a saying
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that it had breached the implications regarding the un can genocide convention. and it had also recommended the international court of justice to force israel go to over the israel to hall to oh, it's military campaign insight calls on this a step because it, it to be from the palestinian perspective as a whole rest as a completely historic event today, as they are hoping that the international court of justice will bring justice for counseling and this time to be israel, the accountability of its military acts inside the territory. and this is step palestinian c did not come within the day and lloyd to come off to load the plastic s it's and it's also as a result of the ongoing 17 meals located in over the gauze district which also completely restricted the access to food to water and medical supplies on south africa, clearly palestinian. you saw it see that it had also over viewed how much hot chips
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on suffering. how this thing is, what in, during, especially during 3 months of, on relenting bombing work, at least 23000 policy has been killed. due to the isabel of genocide, the military attacks on the territory alongside with 159000. others being wounded. and palestinians will come to step box. they are mixed with different feelings. pots of palaces, believe that's the international court of justice, will bring justice for them, while others lose hope for on faith, for international justice. due to be the number of unit international resolutions made by international buddies regarding palestinians, but none of these were practically employed on the ground. this is wind power steals on some parts of them. i'd lose, i'd lost hope and faith in that. so we can save that, the majority of them will comes out, but they are completely busy to make some safe and secure from b is very bombing on the territories to recover. assume that force and rough things
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topic. let's go. so it's a sort of kyra two's in tel aviv for us and, and so right, we knew that was the south africans that finished that presentation at the hague. we'd get very quick comment from is right, the politicians of the that's right. so we have heard from a number of ministers, but interestingly notes from the prime minister himself, or the defense minister that were both dimensions by the soft african legal team. just to give you a sense of what's being discussed of overwhelmingly quoted a hypocritical case, saying that the ones that should be that in the adults should be the how much of fights has a need is carried out the se, but 7 attacks the opposition leader also adding to that, saying that it's ignoring the fact that's how most mothers and, and rates and could not is right of these. this also coming from the foreign
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ministry up. but also the public has also been discussing the comments that had been made by the hard line is the, are in this fall rights coalition. government, including finance minister, best law, smart trips, as well as it's a mob been good with the national security administer. we've also heard now since we last spoke from a best though smart troops that has made incredibly inflammatory remarks. he's all, he's been saying this for a few weeks now about how it legal is right. the settlement should return back to gaza that used to exist there until 2005. and he believes that this should happen again. he's also in previously. and until recently set, the said that he's living in gaza should voluntarily mike right outside of it. and in fact, it prints it's the secretary of states a few days ago during his visit, had to say that israel has no intention of that happening. but giving you the
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context of what will explain his last lights. his comment on this he said, countries sense a judge from somalia, you've gone to 11 on this is a message to them. why don't you open your countries to them? are, is it people from god's us? if you can, he's put that uh between uh quotes for them. so this just gives you a sense that he's still saying such an inflammatory remark on the people in the public, the media. this is what they believe is the reason why this has gone to the international criminal court of justice, not because of what it's been doing in gaza. so they're kind of foresight. and some of these things are, well, that's the bringing, obviously receiving political unless moment shot of who just be all set. so we being such a it together. last year i was watching that whole proceeding from the hague. lots of things to discuss. but we just focus it on one thing on the, the statement that we've had these raise time and time again since october the, a 7 is the right to self defense, not profess of all. and i who present it,
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who is one of the lawyers and presents himself in the hague, quoted you in resolution to 7 to 0 as, as the occupation of the city of lands by israel inside the israel doesn't have a case when it comes to self defense because they are not keep by a can you just elaborate what you actually meant that he's actually given already the case? uh that uh was uh, picking up in 2004 uh by the palestinians from the issue of the what they call del pop paid was that the government to very and shuttle and at the time that wrecked it in the middle of the west bank and when ballasting is accused them off taking that measure in order to separate between the various parts of the person, instead it's already occupied and not the $67.00. these are the government called
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the further active self defense. that is, that it was defending itself in the occupied 3rd through the west bank at the time of the 2004. the courts a judge that is there is, had no right for self defense in it's occupied territory. because any such like could be used by is 03 in force and deepen it's occupation. so why we, why we have, are you and i could see the united nations security council resolution on the live thing that does is unoccupied territory. and we have a court case where it says, god is right, does not have that active. so defense in unoccupied that authority. it's, it means is right. it has no right of self defense. and guys all enhanced any attempts by these radius um the americans and other european supporters of is uh that is right is simply defending itself in gaza. does not wash legally speaking. more importantly, i think what we've heard for 3 hours is that if,
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if there was and there isn't the case for self defense, but ended already by october 9. when is there a decree of we are on goes off and went on to carry the war crimes it did against the people in gaza. and once again, let's remember. that's how i'm us, and it's fighters. it's minute tense. had been the collateral damage of this war. of the real victims of this, what has been the pay for this has been years of guys are the women and children and the hospitals, other schools and churches, on mosques and residential buildings and so on, so forth. they have been the victims of this war. it was a war on guys, off on the people, guys that not the war on how much, even if it declared the objective of such and even then is there i had no right now . ok, 53030 to invoke the right of self defense. and it's not very assault on garza which
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this cold case is all about genocide, a pause, which is part of the much bigger case. what the lawyer is from south africa wanted to focus the judges attention on today was to get that call told in to stop the assault on gaza so that a can go a and that's the case. they were finding that there was a problem that and it needs to be sorted before with the global communities. blame for not doing enough. absolutely. there's to aspect to this aspect number one is that these perceived things thursday and friday were called for a kind of an urgent matter of some of some sort. because the idea here wasn't to make a final determination. why that is right, is getting a genocide in gaza. but to make the case that even if there's a doubt under any one of the elements of the general type convention is that it was violent thing then. uh,
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port should ask is read to do a number of things. notably the suspends admitted to the campaign until the court decides whether in fact a genocide is being get it done. so under the plausibility box, the idea is if the force in any way sense is after charge the south african fish that genocide is unraveling. just a has it's heard the case about min more the one that was brought about by getting the, i guess that will hang up at the time, the 4 decided that yes. and those provisional measures need to be ordered involved. and man martin must stop, and that case was even less evident than it this thing. the 2nd part says, allow me, this is much more important. why are we here? let's zoom out just for a 2nd. let's do mouse. we are here because the power for western nations,
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the backups of these right have not got a data responsibility because they don't care about international law because international never touches the forward for the in the west. and there are lice. it's because they are allowed to act with infinity all last years and the last 3 months that we are at the court today. if it was acted with responsibility and an for bait is an actual such infinity. we wouldn't be at the court today, but it's about time that the one comes together. i know we have today is the global self so called global self confidence from the goal of us are coming together. suing basically, behind south africa is read forgetting genocide and who's the funding? is the genocide western powers said imperial powers that had been backing is there for a long time? so this case is really him is about gaza. is about the people who gaza is about
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genocide. and gaza, but it's about the bigger thing than that, that might, is not the right. that hopefully wouldn't be proven here. that's right. perhaps is, might indeed we'll continue to it and pick it through the day the close. well, hey israel side of the argument tomorrow. thanks a moment. so raleigh has taken place in ramallah the meal combined westbank and supporters of africa's genocide case against iss room from the st prime minister. how much it there, attended the gathering held a piece of african flag to show his backing of his little suit at the international court of justice. that is right. the forces is conducted will raise in the occupied westbank. of the explosions were heard. engineer residents are reported to have a ton of military vehicles. rates, mines ready falls. this lead to confrontations include q u as in 10 palestinians arrested across the occupied west bank is what the forces of a also intensified the strikes on southern garza. at least 14 policy musical and 25
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engine early on thursday morning, when a residential building was bombed, in con eunice, many of the casualties of children, the injured, have been taken to nesa hospital. the . let's take a look at some of the days of the news from around the globe. it wrong says that it seems to us a little time getting to see if i'm on demand in military the full installed these nicholas oil tanker. the vessel then change kohl's and had to do it wrong. it was coming over a $100000.00 tons of crude oil and was destined for turkey communications to be lost. the vessel was once involved with a young dispute that sold us justice department sees 1000000 barrels of rainy and crude oil on it. plenty of guinea has declared the state of emergency after 9, at least 15 people possibly were killed during violent protests. the interest in the capital port moltby and 2nd largest city life was triggered. the police went on
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strike over pay cut. the large crowds was seen looting and rioting. the government has cooled, become an old at the military to restore or to advise all our citizens to step up today and give us back the country one more time and kind of, you know, neighborhood that yesterday did happen. we had now let's look into how we report. we look at how we would bring responsible people to face a full i'm of law to jail deposition the deluxe seem to validate, hesitated before russia supreme court, that he's saying personal authority, submits treatment, bounce back and critic of positive documentation was also made. his 1st public appearance since he was transferred to an arctic penal colony, recently, not more than 300 people have been killed in floods in the democratic republic of congo. the congo river has risen to its highest level. a more than 60 is after exceptionally high reigns about 300000 households have been effected on tens of
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thousands of homes, destroyed the main stories here on out of their robots. and we'll have another full half hour of news in the news out in hop. nice time for them to learn from me and all i'm seeing here in the next few times to complete the the hello. we've had a couple of quite days in japan, but i'm afraid well, when's the weather on the costs as we go on through the next couple of days, we got to this every fly pressure just running across the sea of japan and it will introduce that when she makes as we go through friday into us have to day, so more or less know that cost less than home. she whole card, i sing some of that to win for you. whether behind that it's not too bad the cramping, is that fine and dry spot things on the side, coming through here, single fingers,
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single fingers that to full basing 16 celsius in shanghai. i think i'll do that kind of temperature here as we go one through ss day as well as this. now, once again, the coming back a little fast and becoming a little more widespread. so we are likely to see some disruption as a result of that. but further south to these try and find for the most part, find, find safe or good parts of indo. china wanted to show, has there been 2 central and northern parts of it now? maybe pushing the cross into allows us gathering a shout was the into the philippines, the heavier down political schools, malaysia and indonesia. mostly some big down pulls the southern parts of the late peninsula, slipping a little further south with the same weather slipping further south across for lanchen recently, it's been very unsettling. place the site does look dry here over the next few days along with southern india. meanwhile, the smoke continues to the northwest of the export 2023. the world. the fascination
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joined us and let's discover a better world expo, 2023. the term, the international court of justice, force israel to stop its war on concepts. south africa says that as well as attacks on the palestinians of genocidal at it's launching a link of baffled b. u n's top ports. so when it's booked, it make any difference of who would enforce this. this is inside story. the .
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