tv News Al Jazeera January 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST
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every day. phase mounting ever reputable loss of life, property, dignity, and humanity for the palestinian people. an unprecedented hearing gets on the way at the hague. south africa accuses israel. of committing genocide against palestinians in guns. funerals are held in central garza, for full palestinian red crescent work is killed in his right strike that hit there . ambulance. and in new york, donald trump protests to quote, for closing arguments in a full truck that he continues to create a song, the hello. we begin with breaking news. this out. explosions have been reported in humans. capital sent out on the port city of her data. us officials say american and which is troops have launched, strikes against targets linked to the who does that. it is the 1st time strikes had
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been carried out against the re on backwards since it started attacking ships in the red sea late last year. who these claim their only targeting ships linked to israel in response to the war on gaza for the strikes the groups lead about to respond to any so called aggression? none of the initial law, we will not hesitate to do everything we can and we will confront the american aggression. any american aggression will never remain without a response. and the response will not only be at the level of the recent operation that targeted americans, etc. with more than $24.00 drones and several missiles, the response will be greater than that and more than that. and with that, we are more determined to continue and target ships linked to israel. we will not back down from that and our position stems from our faith. the americans would know what that means. we've got correspondence covering this on both sides of the atlantic. villa mox is in london tonight before us. that's close to washington dc and speak to she have
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a tennessee. so she have any comments from the us on this and no comments as far as we can see as, as yet the position of me administration has been the same for a week now. that will be consequences for the who with these if they continue to attack shipping and the red sea of the gulf of 8 lives is repeated by as me blinking during his tour of the region on wednesday, we understand that congress was briefed earlier today. first day here in the united states. and, but the interesting thing is the, the white house press cool was told to go home just about an hour ago. which is kind of interesting because that would suggest that we're not going to have any official statements from the joe biden as he launches another, another war and gets involved in another war in the, in the region installed bowman gammon. remember jacob button, he was the time to do it. he said he was going to end and this was specifically on them, at least specifically. and yeah, but actually that was
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a major part of his campaign. was to stop the war in and you haven't, but now he again, like the 2 prizes before him is bombing. yeah. one or least involved in the bombing the bombing of yemen. infinity them, he's not terribly keen on facing the cameras that would appear tonight and to what they said earlier. how many, how, how, how are they uh, at this point separating this from the defensive uh, prosperity, guardian, mission, which is what the, the mission that they've been carrying out for for several weeks now to repel the hoot, the attacks in the red sea. miss edwards really striking how the public and spoke specimen, aust, about all the room is the secular thing about the eminence of us strikes on the m and how his main concern seem to be to separate any us some of the tree action, all human from operation prosperity, job and all pressure prefers the guardian is attempted by the us to get their
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coalition together to patrol the red fi. i'm the gulf of a and it's been doing really badly key allies. i've said no, we're not going to take part. or if we do petrol, we'll do it by ourselves. i'm positive. that was because there was a suspicion that if that was some international coalition in the area, it would be used as some sort of some sort of friendly for a us escalation in the region. even as the by did ministration says it doesn't us the one thing it does a lot if there is to accelerate the conflict further from, from causes gauze or in the west banks board of cert. this is kind of the reason why certainly, well i've said to say not we'd, we don't want to be a part of this. it, i'm sorry what the, what the public and spoke to us and said it was. but if there is any offensive action taken on me i'm, it's purely a sovereign decision of individual nations. it has nothing to do with prosperity. god you that's purely defensive. it's like the highway patrol. so they've got because i got confused,
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but i can see that the attempt to get them resolved. the concerning that because not only will that will will win this action by potentially the tough for other cooperation with the us in the region. because all the countries do not want to be part of a wider regional war, but it might even make some drop out are. all right, so the moment she have thanks very much, she advertise, he live 1st in washington, less crossover now to london. the marks is the force event in the u. k. joining the us in this mission, it would seem, uh, and the reports of an imminent attack like this that had, had emerged from the u. k. media, have we heard any reaction from government officials there at this point? nothing probably over the last few minutes and this is a tax report the need started. what we knew over the course of the last few hours was that something was likely if not imminent, we knew that the foreign century, the foreign minister, the you k, david cameron,
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had been seeing going into dining street where we should send out the prime minister, resides we knew that the speaker of the house of commons, lindsey coil was being briefed inside was done as the cabin office, one of the central government buildings here in london. and the 4 discussions involving the cabinet over the course of the last few hours earlier this evening. was seen as very likely to be focused on the possibility of strikes that now it does seem to come to pass. do we know anything of this point or what the u. k. a role is in these attacks so the u. k. has to naval vessels in the red sea right now and a 3rd on route to join them. they have been involved in some of the attempts over the last few months since mid november to push back who see control drones and missile strikes against commercial shipping. and then more recently, just on tuesday night against military targets as well,
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that most recent attack was described by the us as complex and as something by the u. k. and the us commented up on in the hours following it. but in terms of exactly which missiles are being launched by which assets over the course of the last hour or so the u. k. and the us not being particularly specific, as you might imagine, a and a little mocks. why 1st there in london. thank you. let's take a closer look at the importance of the red sea and the shipping roots that rely on it for global trade. the resi is one of the world's most important shipping routes for oil and gas between asia and europe in the south. above and many deb straight between africa and the arabian peninsula, connects the red sea with the gulf of either and 12 percent of the world. stride goes through it and 10 percent of global oil carried out by ships carried by ships also uses that route. the who these have been attacking ships in the region says,
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november prompting some companies to stop using the re, re route to vessels have to make a longer journey all the way down to the east coast of africa. so ship traveling from single port to both of them. a journey that would typically take around $26.00 days would take $36.00 days using multiple and increasing costs. when i'd be a 40 is a full my us diplomats and form a deputy chief of mission in yemen. he joins us now from washington. d. c, thanks very much for being with us. so 1st of all, your reaction to the news that we've been getting at so far. and the last few minutes of this apparent attack on, on who to talk. it's in yemen by us and u. k. forces as well the us does not wish to see escalation towards the region wide war, but this is in fact what is getting through its own action. i think for me, this is
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a another case of failure. all of us diplomacy. you can see the ask you look tory steps, the how to use a bomb, some ships, so or, or a tag, some ships and that see they also a lot of human slides at this room. they then become direct participants. and because a war now the us and britain are bombing the house, he's in yemen, which is related to the gaza or so the u. s. joint ends and becomes a direct participant. and because of war, uh, this can only escalate from here. is ebony is from, is all, uh, already active and is bound to get worse if you get on is trying to do something, but hasn't decided yet a quite what that is. um, but i think this is a, a bad mistake. and i think that should have been
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a better effort to deter the hosea is to convince them somehow. but ah, if, if the us and britain think that this was silence, the hurt these i think they've got the another thing coming. these guys have seen 6 years or 4 internally, an 8 years or 4 was solid, the at abn damage. they are not intimidated. and the set, the x, i fear, was only for the radicalized them of the house. he is, for example, that have never taken a shot against the americans, despite the help that i took against the us. but the now they would consider americans as legitimate targets. and this is not good news. on this fear of, of, of escalation. do you, do you, is there a danger that's uh the us and by extension the, the u. k. may be kind of drifting into
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a larger conflict here. that's kind of sleep walking into into a much larger conflict a lot of course because um, you know, uh supposedly biden. and before i move um, i did not want to repeat iraq and afghanistan. and yet here we have lesser forces bombing and out of the country. and it seems from initial reports that the bombings are fairly extensive in terms of that age and uh, they cover, um, and so this leads to escalation, not just in yemen, but think of, uh, rock and city, a forces that are part of the so called the resistance axis that outlined with how to use with some of with heads of the law. and now that an ad upcountry is being attacked, they will be activated. so this is a very provocative the bombing campaign,
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regardless of how limited the pentagon officials may wish to describe the task. what implications is this going to have for the situation inside gym and which as you know, is still in the midst of a, a war, a civil war has been going on for 9 years now. and it's, it's not as um, it's not as fast as it was before, but you know, the many people have, i've suffered greatly as a result of that. well, so what, what, what could be the likely humanitarian implications of this? the longer this goes on that they will be unfortunate. uh, because that shows you've had come into an agreement with solid. yeah. maybe. and the war between the med, virtually stopped the war inside them and had come to a sense of a certain balance of power exists and is stable for the moment. if this bombing
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campaign is serious and extensive, it could weaken the hurt the initially and encourage their opponents inside them and to attack them. if they feel that the us and u k. are behind them uh, southern forces and others may wish to attack and take advantage. so as a result of the many people will suffer from what certain bombing and from the ignite things of war inside the country. all right, so we'll have to leave it there for the moment to be la jolla. thanks very much. good to get your thoughts on this home. the cell who joins us live now from occupied a solution. so honda, what will be the uh, how will this u. k. us action against the who these be viewed in israel, given that's um, is rarely is really linked to ships where the states and targets of those who do
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attacks on the red sea of the well no comment from these really is at this hour and it is worth noting, there is no proof of this really involvement in the strikes, but these really is for months have been reiterating the need to get the situation in the red sea under control. these really prime minister has said, but it is not just as rarely issue after the who the said that they would target any ship that was remote really related to israel, owned by and is really that was carrying is really, is or that was headed for israel these really prime minister said that it is for international shipping security for the entire world to have this problem and to be dealt with accordingly. israel defense minister jo. i've delano while speaking last month about the multiple friends that have been opened against israel in this war. since they have started their assault on garza, he said that they have responded to all but one. and that was yet because he said
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that any sort of action there needs to be incredibly decisive given just how sensitive the situation they are. these really is, along with the americans are afraid of some sort of multi regional, larger, wider escalation, breaking out due to an incident like this. now again, there have also been numbers coming out of a lat, israel's port city in the south, 85 percent less activity there since there have been targeted attacks. but remember, the food, these have also launched long range missiles and drones on israel's most southern city. so these rallies have said repeatedly that they are looking for some sort of retaliation, but they cannot do that just yet. so shortly, these sorts of strikes will be welcomed by these rallies because in their minds it will be a deterrence to the food these. but the reality is the code, these themselves have spoken out saying that any sort of attack on their targets on
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their territory inside of yemen will be responded to they will not be deterred by any sort of american english or even is really airstrikes on any sort of targets that they have. so again, no comment from these relatives, but these really have been saying for months that the issue of the government is attacking ships in the red sea that starts from the monday straight. remember, cuz this is a body of water that ships can essentially have as a shortcut through your up going to asia instead of going all the way around to africa, cutting that time, but travel time almost in half. so these rallies have been saying for more than a month now, but this is an issue that concerns the entire world, not just as well. all right for now have that thanks very much of a sudden now to the hey, where a landmark, a legal case has begun that the international court of justice, south africa,
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has laid out a detailed and shilling case, accusing israel, of committing a genocide in guns and it goes israel's ministry campaign, a long and systematic pattern of intentional genocidal acts meant to displace until palestinians step by send reports from the peace palace in the hey step by step layer by layer the south african legal team unfolded what's been described as a historic case in front of 17 judges of the international court of justice. it's genocidal acts like israel's mass killings in gaza. form just one part of the crimes perpetrated against the palestinian people since 1948. this killing is nothing short of destruction of palestinian life. it is inflicted deliberately. no one is sped, not even newborn babies to the devastation resubmit is intended to
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and has laid waste 2 guys a beyond any acceptable legal, let alone humane justification. in order to establish intent, south africa lawyer say the court has the benefit of simply being able to listen to the words of the is for a leadership is right, is political leaders committed to comments and persons holding of 2 strong positions have systematically and an explicit tens declared that genocide, the intent the messages filtering down to the rank and file of the is really, um, so you probably the, what states would i need to a general site on intent? yes. the distinctive feature of this case has not seen the silence as such, but the termination of the petition often the side of speech throughout the sphere of states,
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it is right south africa. some lawyers have asked the court fund urgent injunction saying in their words, the world is watching in horror. that's how genocide and god is unfolding as we speak. nothing can ever justify genocide, no matter what some individuals within the group of palestinians in ga us and may have done no matter how great the threat to his regular citizens might be genocidal. attacks on the whole of gulls of the whole of its population with the intent of destroying them, cannot be justified genocide case will possibly take us to finalize and people in gaza. don't have the luxury to wait. an unprecedented case here at the pace palace in the hague. and that will be for as a state laid out such a details. expensive and gruesome genocide case in front of the international court
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of justice. south africa has made a compelling argument that the world's highest court truth or israel to stop its military campaign in gaza as soon as possible. urgent injunctions by the international court of justice of binding. but the world's highest court has no power to enforce them. it will establish something very important that 3rd state countries cannot escape. this is the crime of all crimes to the site and wants to the court establishes that this is being go with. the thing goes at least plus the states will find it very hard to escape. the responsibilities on friday is round, will respond to the genocide accusations. it supports us already gearing up at the beast palace to back up its defense steadfast and l g 0. the he the honda salute, joins us once again from occupied, easy listening to talk about this story. it, what's been the reaction there in israel then have the 2 at days events that we
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witnessed in the hey reaction from across the political aisle here in israel. let's begin with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. who said that this is hypocrisy calling. it lies saying that these really will defend themselves in the face of these accusations that they entirely denied. he says that israel's army is the most moral army in the world, fighting a war that was waged on them. israel's defense minister jo after lunch while speaking and gauze, the 2nd largest city in hon. eunice in the south so that there is no army that is more moral and there is no war that is more just he also said that the army differentiates between those who are involved, the combatants and uninvolved civilians every single day, every hour of this war and he said that those who are uninvolved, these rallies actually give them the access to the humanitarian aid that they need, like food and water. but remember,
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there have been comments from that same defense minister at the beginning of the war, who declared a total seat on the already besieged cost a new territory, saying that there will be no food, no water, no electricity, no sort of aide or medical supplies going in now is really media has said that comments like that, but also comments from ultra national as ministers like you. some are ben beer and bits of small rich have further ignited this case against israel calling for the displacement of palestinians from gaza, calling for a military occupation of the gaza strip and calling for the building of legal settlements in their place. additionally, is these really army spokesperson, daniel, how got it so that these rallies are not going to let the world forget october, the 7th, and that this is what led to the war, saying that it was waged on them, but they were not the initial aggressor, israel is likely to argue on friday that they do everything they can to protect
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civilians like distributing pamphlets and we flips from the sky, telling them to go to safe zones and designated areas. but when palestinians who have been forced to fleets multiple times, do go to those areas as we've seen in dropbox. and in han units they are met with is really bombardment, time and time again. so these really are likely to say they're doing everything they can to ensure that they're minimizing civilian casualties. but the reality on the ground of course shows a much different story. more than 23000 palestinians killed 60000 injured not to mention. but the united nations has said that famine is just around the corner given just how little she met a terry and aid is getting through every day for the densely populated strips more than 2000000 people internally displaced. but these really say that they are denying any sort of accusations of genocide or intent to commit genocide. and they say on friday they will present their case. all right,
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to have this on who to life worse there in occupied east jerusalem. thanks very much. back to our top story, the breaking news that we've been reporting on the attacks and the who these are the m and these are the latest pictures coming out of the m. and this shows as strikes carried out by the us and the u. k. targeting. so now international airport, the capital and the uh, they allow me base, we know that the strikes have been carried out in the vicinity of who day the airport. okay. hold on can, inside that and the, and the delay need based north of san either who these have responded by say, america and britain must be ready to pay a heavy price price latest pictures there. this is the 1st time we understand strikes have been launched against the who these since the started targeting international shipping in the red sea. let's go live now. does she have a tendency, who is a standing by force in washington?
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she have any reaction at this point from there. well knowledgeable outlets have now been brief to buy officials through the administration on condition of anonymity and b u. s. administrations violence. this britain joined us in the strikes of getting through the targets, the aircraft carrier, dwight d eisenhower, bottom targets, a navy submarine, 5 tumble cruise missiles, the netherlands, australia, or canada, and bahrain. we are also expected to participate providing logistics, intelligence, and other support. as always, that keep missing suggest the coalition of the willing as we know with the us, the american that strikes on thursday it radars miss. busy drayton launch sites and weapons, storage areas, and presidents bindings that approved of the retaliatory assault. we understand that the congress scope. congressional leaders breached on this a few hours back, but not other members of congress. and actually, already some, at least you know, i'm a representative wrote comment who's on the left of the democratic party and said
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the president needs to come to congress before launching a strike against. but who with these in yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict, that's all school, one of the constitutional. i will stand up for that regardless of whether a democrat or republican is in the white house, but you get the sense that the congressional leadership having been having been restoring them out to. it's likely that this is going to go much further. even though, if you part team, if i see only congress has the right to declare war and another nation. but as we've seen in the past, including an administration of drug bible was the vice president and the bomber administration. that the presence, even the white us that often listen to that be on back the on that some more official announcements. we know that the white house press full was dismissed shortly before new started coming in about these strikes or we think before it's unlikely the president button once to make sense of the televised state board or any other sort of statements in the coming else, especially since he's this got involved him get another bit loose board. that was exactly what he said he would and through the players,
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and i know we should make it clear she has. this has been a that they've been keen to make this separate from the largely defensive operation . that's been going on in the red sea, the, the, what they call into prosperity at godaddy and mission. right, and that was very striking. it depends. you can press briefing a few hours back in the afternoon past day here in washington. but when aust about all the room is that was circulating about imminent us strikes on you, i'm and that right of the public and space person was, was a key to point out that if there were any strides that would be simply a matter of assault relations to take, you would have nothing to do with operation prosperity. gotcha. and you can see why he wants to this is the, the, the maritime coalition that the u. s. has been trying to call them together. father unsuccessfully to patrol the red sea in the gulf of aiden to try attacks by the various key allies have no, we're not going to do that. in part. it was because it would appear they were
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concerned about the us using operation prosperity, guardian. i was that sort of launch pad or some sort of fig leaf to expand the conflict even further, regional the worst part, right? it was like, no, no, no, that's a completely different thing. any strikes have nothing to do with this, but you know, they, the fact is, the us have now launched as strikes on you have them by using a c is some, using some color should positive stressing. but it's also stressing that this has nothing to do with prosperity. got it. all right, for the moment. she advertised eli 1st there in washington. thank you. at least try . so fortunately, hit who the sites in the capital sign on the port city of her day da, the attacks were reported as well in the vicinity of the day, the airport cam cam inside the and delaney based north of santa a full let's get let's bringing novilla marks in london, so as we were reporting
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u. k. forces joining the us military personnel in those that attacks. do we know any more about the u. k role in all of this? at this point, we have got a lot more detail about what the us has been doing in terms of both the vessels involved and the assets. the missiles being launch towards them in the u. k. has a couple of naples ships in the area. they've got a 3rd on route there at the moment, but in terms of what they've been doing, how they've been involved in these launches of the last arrow. so we don't have a lot of detail at the moment. we do know that as she help with menacing there in the us, that will be some political concern here in the u. k. about this decision by private distribution. so we like to take this action. we've already heard from the head of the scot, this national policy about his concerns that parliament was not recall the head of this action. we've had the same things from the liberal democrats policy, one of the major opposition bodies here in the u. k. so that will potentially be some consequences for research. so not,
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