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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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of the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the us and british forces carry out to have strikes on the who feet targets in yemen and following up stocks by the rebels on ships in the red sea. the group has already responded, saying that you can, us must be prepared to pay a heavy price for the tax. the other ones are enjoying this is obviously, or a life for me to have also coming up every day phase mounting,
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it reputable loss of life, property, dignity, and humanity for the palestinian people of the presidents of hearing gets on the way at the hague, south african refugees as israel, of committing genocide against the palestinians and thousands on funerals are held in central garza for full palestinian red crescent workers tube in his randy s productivity around noon. we begin with breaking news out of human way us on u. k. forces of carried out as strikes against targets linked to the who fees multiple sites across the m and where hits, including the capital sent out. and the port city of the data is the 1st time strikes have been carried out against the ron back group centers stop and attacking ships and the red sea late last year. but who if he's claimed they're only targeting ships linked to israel in response to the war on gaza? let's take a closer look at where those attacks have been carried out. strikes have been
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reported in the vicinity of the hard data apples to apples and ties the cullum camp inside of and out delaney based north of a capital son of a senior. who is the official as issued a statement in response to the strikes saying what our country subjected to is aggression and america and britain must be ready to pay. heavy price. we will be alive of the correspondence in london then occupied east jerusalem in just a minute. but 1st this update for mount 0 is mama de la time who's in the capital set off. as, according to the attack that was carried out in the january, 9th, many people suppose any carriage house these to continue their attacks against the us. and the british warships specially following the attack about targeted the host these marines, and also the kill it to the killing of police and the 10 marines. this, this attack has caused the why duncan, the long e m, and he's also vm,
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and he's also continue to take out to the streets to call on the ho he's the to continue with their operations the red sea in order to put more pressure on israel the to the, to and it's war there and also to allow the entity of food and member of the, of a necessities for the people there. so the not now we are witnessing this kind of solution that the both parties are a determined and adamant to continue their, uh, their, their operation. we uh, what the thing that the us and britain has, as, as sense a message the, the side of the sent a message to the host is that the just want to do to them. they choose each of them . i listen by this, a fax which has risen to us least the 12 attacks against what the said that the how these minutes we cover those ease of launching. this is another of a ray, the ray, the system is about so far. we all with this,
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another determination by how he's to continue with their operations of the ritz c. so uh, what is, what's going next week was witness lodge conflict in the original literacy which is unimportant as a road to for shrubs and also for nearly 70 percent of the international trade was a monster and just live now from london for them. so we know that these attacks on yemen were pretty immune and what sort of response that we had from both us and you kind officials for them as well. during the last couple of hours we've had coordinated statements, it seems like from both the u. s. president joe biden, and the british prime minister richie soon act 5 and talking in his statement about the need for the strikes in direct response. he said to unprecedented who's the attacks against intentional marathon vessels? saying he would not hesitate to direct further measures to protect top people in the free flow of instructional comments as necessary. so not be very critical of
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that. who sees saying that they essentially ignored repeated warnings. they acted right closely, put risk and put lives at sea at risk, talking about the fact that the u. k. consult stands with the havior. they have taken what he called, limits it necessary in proportion to action. in self defense, that statement very carefully wooded throughout and something that people here in the u. k. well, no doubt be watching very closely. and then there's a lot to be than any kind of political blowback for prime minister. assume that i mean, given those spheres of a wide or regional escalation, as you know, we've heard from russia down or the last couple of days in particular that concerns about the situation inside the admin and the possibility that intervention by the us, by the u. k. by all those wood tennessee spock a renewal of items between the 2 warring factions, the who sees in the north and the side, the back cover this and the forces in the south of the country. so not has already over the last few as since the,
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the tax became something that clearly we're going to take place. his face criticism from many of his physical opponents saying that he should have been coming full parliament in london seeking permission for the strikes as an act of war. and yet it's clear he's been briefing both those within his own conservative policy as well as the new members of the labor party. about these attacks. parliament will not be able to question and directly darren tomorrow that will have to wait till monday. and one can expect some quite far exchanges. ones lawmakers have a chance to essentially interrogate so not as decision making here. then i'm just a final thought to you. we know that the u. k has a number of navy vessels in the red sea area. what more do you know about the british ministry assets and that role in the strikes? yeah, they've got a couple of fits in the rest of already. they got a 3rd vessel on route to join those. of course the us has some science lessons there as well in terms of what we know about the strikes over the course of tonight . darren,
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we've heard that there were for thai food and jets flying from the on and of cyprus in the mediterranean for all that full stance. they flew south towards them and they targeted 2 areas to the northwest of the caps with an uh, one of them and a base where they say that cruise me solid and drones were being launched. another location need to the northwest, a center where they said that both recognizance and defensive drugs are being launched. those have been the main target, the british assets, and in the context of this wide series of strikes across yeah, man, take the in the know from the north west of the country. it does seem that the british roll has been relatively limited compared to the scale we've seen from us offensive capabilities. all right, something a month, lifestyle in london's 11. thank you. that's bringing home to salute jones of live now from of the 5 eastern roof with the honda. so how are these u. s. u k strikes on yemen being viewed, there it is right away. your well, no official comment yet from these rallies,
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but you can be sure that these really is r o ready on high alert given how many friends have opened up in this war. these really is have repeatedly said that their focus is on fighting him. us in dogs the but they have also said that of all the fronts that have been opened and this war of all of the reno's that have attacked. these are all the only one they have not responded to are the who these in the human given the very sensitive situation there. but they have been speaking about it for months, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that protecting international shipping routes is a world issue. and that it should not only be these really to deal with it. even though the who is the said that they would target any vessel that was deemed as rarely owned by and is really company or then had is really, is on board. essentially what we're looking at here are these really is being on high alert now in the southern part of the country,
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not just near the cost of border, but in the southern most city of a lot. the remember, the for these have said several different types of projectiles and drones from you have any territory to the southern city of and that's intercepted by the iron missile defense system and actually causing some damage in that city. but these really are also not wanting some sort of wider regional conflict or escalation. and they have said this repeatedly when the cross border fire began on the northern border with his mom lot. but again, they have been blaming 8 on for all of this, saying that how mass has fall and the for these are all it on the and back to groups that want to see the demise of israel and accuse them all of working together under the influence of in on with these really is now on high alert for what is next. know official reaction that would, will be welcomed by these really is and they will think that it is some sort of deterrent toward the food these that they will stop doing there to kind of
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a seizure and activities in the red sea. but the who these have already responded, saying that there will be consequences to the strikes by the british and the us. so while these really are perhaps hoping for more calm and not a wider escalating regional conflict, we're going to have to wait to see from these really prime minister and israel's defense minister in the early morning hours of the thank you or this turn to the hague now we're lunmark legal case has begun that the international court of justice of africa has laid out a detailed and training case, accusing israel, of committing genocide and gaza. late on friday is able to defend itself against those accusations of correspondence. stephanie deka is an occupied east. jerusalem with me is an unprecedented legal case against israel for the 1st time its answering for its actions before the international court of justice. the case was pulled by south africa and israel stands accused of committing and having the
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intention to commit genocide against palestinians in garza. these where the government says the case is baseless. the load one month ago, the one of them know south africa. it's not us who came to commit genocide, it's come on and how most would kill us all if it could. in contrast, our military acts in the most moral way. it does everything possible to avoid harming civilians with more than 23000. we have this thing instead, israel doesn't deny kidding. high numbers of civilians, but it blames him us. it says the arms group is guilty of in storing its infrastructure in your hospitals, schools and homes. even communities vulnerable to attacks from is really forces. but evidence. israel is put forward to back, this claim has proven false in the post. this is a grab bag hours off to striking ship a hospital and goes to city. israel's army deleted this video, which it claimed proved there was a how must come on center under the hospital,
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when doubts were raised, it re posted a new version without the words, undeniable truth. israel the sore to defend its air strikes, saying it takes care to warn civilians by dropping leaflets, directing them to what it called safe. so but it's also bombed many of those areas, which is why palestinians and agencies maintain that. nowhere in goals are safe. in an 84 page fighting south africa says there's evidence. israel is also targeting civilians by limiting the delivery of food medicine, fuel and water. it came to united nations and talked to human rights organizations, degree on israel again, points to him us. unfortunately, to date the u. n. a to mechanism in garza has been woefully unsuccessful because it goes through in wrong age simply isn't reaching the people who need it. because how must hijacks it an own rock covers up for it. israel is expected to remind the court of the brutality of how masses attack the 7th of october kings concept,
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many in israel show that the country is facing legal proceedings and not thomas israel's foreign ministry has responded to the application on thursday at the international court of justice calling, it's one of the biggest shows of hypocrisy, and accusing south africa of being the legal arm of have that israel will get. it's charles to respond. officially in court on friday. definitely decor, audra 0 and occupied east. hey, federal has been held in central gauze of a members of the red crescent. okay, we're going to strike on wednesday. the group says, and it's really a strike hit the i'm been on small transport and injured people and get on by the full red crescent medical workers and the 200 persons were killed. is there any um it has not commented on the incident. living conditions are getting worse with palestinians across the gaza strip. heavy rains of cause flooding and the giovanni a refugee count. hundreds of thousands of people all without shelter in winter temperatures. un says israel is ministry. campaign has displaced more than 80
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percent of doctors population. a lots of salt break here, and i'll just say right, when we come back, we visit the ghost towns along as well as northern folder with level with thousands . i've been told that may not be able to return home or not savings. the in mexico's board of cities, the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand. and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the team piece together. evidence. as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on the side, a witness documentary on houses, there is a tenant of turn to produce object. these coverage. many parts of is really media
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are effectively engaging in propaganda for genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of israeli public, this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, we will never can see that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it any more 3 years after protest as dorm to the capital. the new race for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates, once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with alpha 0. so the us selection 2024. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about what you're going to say real quick, i might have on touchstone, or you say this as south africa as asking the international court of justice to urgent people. what it says of genocidal acts out by his writing forces in johnson . the country wants to be humans topcoat to issue a circle provisional measures to what of his route to enter. and the u. s. u. k. in other western allies of targeted positions across human explosions have been reported in humans competence on the, on the course. looking at the data, along with 3 other locations. these have been targeting ships linked to israel in the area since november in response to the task. but let's bring in georgia a coffee era. he's a sea of gold state analytics, that's a geo political risk consulting firm. you're joining us live from washington, dc. i georgia. good to have you back with us. so the us, as always said, he didn't want to see a whitening of the conflict. the visa strikes, i guess, now make the us like direct participants in the what,
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what's your response to the strikes and to the us have no choice but to carry out this mutual response to you. thanks in the us certainly had other options. one of them was to use the leverage that washington has over is real to bush is really low into a binding by a ceasefire or the by in ministration for political reasons. has chosen not to do that. and the by the end team is dealing with that was the operations in the red sea by leading uh, this us led coalition is now carrying that military strikes against those, these argus in yemen. this says potential to drag the u. s. g to a protracted conflict in the middle east. this is not something that the majority of us citizens want visuals and abiding administration has said time and time again . they do not want such an outcome. but i think the decisions that the binding team is making are pushing us in this very dangerous direction right now. yeah,
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and as we mentioned in earlier that ga, that who are things that have already involved a response to these attacks, whatever the responses are we now seeing, as you just mentioned, that a worrying escalation of the crisis and where the system lead international efforts to contain the will as well the we're definitely for regional licensing, international lice significantly with this development today. i don't think it's going to be easy for the finding administration to establish the tourist over those these. that's what the, by the ministration wants to do. but let's keep in mind that for many years the salary was, were farming young men very intensely. and the whole with the roles were able to wear that conflicts, not only survived that conflict, but with these became a lot stronger during that more. and it's not going to be so easy for the us just
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to immediately deter the, with these from their disruptive behavior. and the read seems really strikes. if we see the, these steps. there are issues in the red sea or for ash wage warfare in butter places. i will divide in the administration, then try to establish tutorials in escalate in a very dangerous way. i'm one of these attacks that means i am and etc. and then we're seeing here is a diplomatic effort to wind down the young and civil war duties. us, you kind of touch on the mind that f i to the how could this play out in human as well? that's a great question. we're not exactly sure how it is. let me play out if you play out in many different ways, but i think it was good reason to be concerned about this undermining the prospects for winding down the conflicts in inside the. i mean, what i think we need to consider is that many on your mind,
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these are very pro palestinian and, and even among the others we have not supported those. the rebellion in the past. they have been supported on the action. so these have been taking in the red se we're seeing a young man as well as in the rest of the world. anti us sentiments story. i think it's possible that would, these can take advantage of the situation to mobilize. you're getting more support, not only within the young man, but threat or wherever error region behind their movements. and that is really how i sent you back on the future of human, ga, just a final thought to you. we know that the wrong box, the backs and funds, the who with these, but many experts tell us the look. iran doesn't want to see a whitening of the gods of conflict or even get dragged into it. so how will you radians be viewing these the us coalition attacks on human as well? you're absolutely right,
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iran is the main state sponsor of those these. and there is no way that tim ron is going to let us go on an answer at some points in some way down the line. the ronnie is will respond and i think it's going to be interesting to see how that impacts the detox. the the runny is relations, i think it's ever on wants to continue to have improved relations with its neighbors on the reviewing peninsula. and i am thoughtful that dynamic will lead to some iranian restraints, and there has to be any wrong in restraints is ok silver. and i hopefully we'll see more of that because there are many things the wrong can do to further to stabilize the middle east. right now we certainly don't want to see that happen. georgia. cathy are really good to get your thoughts and your analysis, georgia. thank you very much indeed for talking to us. thank you. the cost of what a fine is continuing between his writing forces on his beloved flight doesn't 11 on
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out as it was nor hon. visited towns along israel's northern border with thousands of people have been evacuated. the tense quiet in northern israel, punctuated only by cross board of 5 between. he is ready army and has full of books with several military sites hit in the past few days is where i was preparing to file the escalation. the group hezbollah says it was the response. these ready military assassinating senior commodities in lebanon, about 80000 people have been evacuated from the northern border farther west. this becomes more evident either i just said, it's not just behind me. and these houses, hundreds of people have been evacuated, and soldiers have moved in creation of quite a sum that it's residing across the area in multiple towns across the board. as the government says, tens of thousands of people in fact, choices won't be able to attend until there's no longer
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a stretch from has full us. we're on route 899. this road runs almost directly paradox disputed food area between israel and level. and in 57 on it's not 50 maces away. and we see many empty towns along the way. almost completely empty roads bought a few middle tree vehicles out this been ministry basis along here. check points. sandbags, blocking the way. this is a town of july and you can see it's been completely blocked off by these riley minute tree. it might be a place there, and i'm not sure if we can go in there or not. it's not just no cheap preparation on the boat, on the zip hospital and stuff along with all the hospitals in the north have been instructed by the government to be prepared to take in thousands of casualties. we just arrived in the nova evacuated town called slow me again, empty holmes, empty streets, and this being fist fighting between israel and hezbollah in this town. i just want
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to show you one of the points of territorial dispute between the 2, this very large zig zagging will. it is all built 2 years ago on the left to the will. is israel on the right is 11 on and just down south of that you have is ready homes. and if you look along the mountain side, the bones house area, that's what, as well as being fighting his ball and trying to push them back past the ridge and all the israel says it wants to take the diplomatic pump bus. it's making clear military escalation is still on the table. laura hon. i'll just there are no open his room. the hardest. we can some of the days of the news stories. now when us president donald trump says a lawsuit accusing him, fraud is itself referral. you made the comments during the closing arguments of the trial. a judge has already determined the trump fraudulent clicking flight to these
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assets in order to secure loans. the trial will now determine the penalties. kristin, see me as a story. president trump, everybody. former president donald trump, defending himself and a civil fraud lawsuit brought against him by new york state's attorney general. we've proven this case so conclusively. and we've asked the directed verdict many times. they don't have any facts. they don't have any evidence against us. millions and millions of pages, years of litigation, and are all politically motivated. leticia james, a democrat and judge arthur anger and have been targets of the former, president's ras. throughout the 44 day trial. during closing arguments, trump spoken the court room, ignoring the judge's warning to stick to the evidence, presented in the case the state accuse trump and his 2 adult funds of over inflating the value of his assets and seeking loans and insurance. the state says
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that fraud was central to the operations of the trump organization. this case is about the facts. and the law. mister donald trump violated the law. we have produced evidence about the scope, the scale, the depth, the rest of the illegality, the fraud that him personally enriched donald trump in his family at stake, his ability to operate a business in new york. the judge has already found him guilty of fraud, but must decide on 6 other related claims and how much he owes in damages. the state is asked for $370000000.00, judge arthur anger and is expected to make his decision in the coming weeks. meantime, police and his hometown are investigating threats that were made against him. on the morning of closing arguments. christian salumi aus. is there a new york?
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yes, president joe biden. the son hunter biden has pleaded not guilty in a federal court to tax evasion and charges the case them some business dealings that i've also prompted unimpeachable. the investigation of his father hunter biden was accused of finding to buy $1400000.00 in taxes between 20162019. you faces up to 17 years in prison. if convicted, the federal aviation administration in the us has launched a former investigation into the building 737 mex 9. announcement follows the emergency landing all of an alaska airlines flight last week. off to an emergency door fell off mid flight. at least 5 people have been wounded in an explosion and i've done this down capital condo. it comes off of the 7 people but wounded in head out in the west on the wednesday. but a hand grenade was thrown at a police vehicle under the weekend beyond group. i still claim responsibility for an attack on a mini boston comp let go. at least 2 people on the dozens of other people in the eastern, indonesia, i being forced to flee off to a volcano is
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a large state is raised to the highest level now to live at to be lucky not to use viewing ash 2 kilometers another speak local authorities and establish to tempers shelters, which are currently housing, about 5000 people were forced to evacuate. and that's it for me, diamond jordan. so now the weather is up next and then inside story for the exam in the us, texas state and sleep. lincoln's latest visit to the midland stateroom, pennsylvania, the the hello, the winds of stones are coming. they can fast across north america now. and i say that there's one, make his way away from the east disabled. he comes to the next one. there's more where that came from, areas of low pressure, dis, diving in from west to a stand behind these weather system. so that's basically cold. have in place minus
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31 less the top temperature in calgary for friday afternoon. cold rock in denver at 3 degrees celsius has a nightmare for dallas. so we got a little bit of water which is throwing up out of the gulf of mexico for the time being that was getting up to around 14 celsius on sash, like make the most of it come sunday 3 degrees. so the cold air does start to win out, and i seem of waiting for you whether getting back in the mix, then wherever something all the down towards the south looking get more violent storms, heavy rain potential for flooding damaging waves and the tune a to know the flank of that, there we go with more snow making his way through running across the lakes in to that eastern side of canada, mostly pretty quickly. that's about the only consolation i can offer you really. so i've seen celsius the in new york and more wintry weather as we go to the costs of next week. because the carpet, well we have some the weather just to bring the final. so if the region, but for most it's fine and dry, you might just catch the gotcha. i would say, well, let's see. it's not,
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it's the, it's undisputed that's 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana india and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mob of locals along side the state governments prevention of constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, the district court acquitted the accused. to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice india is forgotten. must occur on the jersey to the washington is placing plans for garza, even as israel is waging in school. and yet another middle east visit. the us secretary of state has been valuing support from regional player as to why isn't the by the administration 1st trying to reach us this file. this is inside storage


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