tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 12, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST
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the the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm role matheson and this is use online from jo, coming up in the next 60 minutes. chaos in con eunice. israel slackens. yes. another residential building in southern guys. at least 6 people have been killed. it is respectfully submitted that the application and was request
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should be dismissed. israel's legal teen culls. we're accusations of genocide and gaza to be thrown out to the international court of justice, south africa, which brought the case as it stands by the fire. under the general side foundation, nothing does suffice better to be younger than sofi. so i can to attack home american and british interests across the red sea after the fighters are to inherit tens of thousands gathered on the streets of germans, capital, the support of palestinians. but also in protest at the strikes of the country, the, it's 18 gmc, that's 8 pm in jobs. so for it is ready, forces have an intensifying this strikes on southern and central areas of this stripe palestinians are facing
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a daily struggle for survival with the overall death to rising past $23700.00. in the south of the city of con eunice, a house has been destroyed in an air strike at least 6 people were killed there. and it says that they were only women and children innocent. and on the time of the strike, there's no need for the i c, j to carry out investigations. these crimes are clearly evident. this is nothing short of a genocide boss is clearly visible and understood. another 5 palestinians are dead off to a striking dead obama refugee camp alban, age and normal size. it comes up also being bombed. all 3 are in central garza and i'll just even using spoke to families who lost loved ones following those is rarely strikes and dental bhalla. yes, the edmonds in and then you can have a different this residential home was destroyed by is ready for since we started
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showing many of the civilian residents inside the building with energy and were taken to the hospital at day, it'll fall off. and if you did not fall from these residential buildings, with dozens of dozens of last of the homes to be as valuable in the bottom and now taking shelter in these tens as we speak. victims of the shelling are being helped out of the targeted residential area. thousands were killed and injured and the slightest wave of shelling and it strikes at the top. may god punish them. these really forces destroyed the homes of my daughter and my cousin. more than 70 women and children were inside, all gone, all killed. may god punish them. their homes were shows without any warning. dozens were killed and injured. just now we recovered the dead body of a young girl. we don't know what's become of the rest.
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my daughter died of my own. um she was different. are you seeing use of age? what crime did she commit to be killed this way? entire families were killed, innocent women and children slow should we sacrifices for the resistance. we got support the resistance fighters. he's about to catch a few of them for especially if we didn't, but the wounded of being taken to a lot. so hospital and day it out by law. following the recent wave was really artillery. shelling ambulances continued to take the victims to hospital. the majority of the victims, as you can see, a women and children all civilian. i'll be of a special evidence and thought i'd call volumes and verify in southern gaza. so at the same time that it's on this case and the inter genocide that has been brought at the hague, of the international court of justice by south africa against israel at the same time is all about of happened is happening, of course isn't,
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was still carrying on his bombing attacks. yes, uh, that's completely rights. as every single hour we have most strikes, of course, because of strep, as is intensifying its military attacks. of course, the seller paused, where are these very bombardments that continued a destroying residential buildings, attracting for audrey cultural, farmland, and also abounding the civil infrastructure that is very necessary for power city is in order to be able to survive. and also we have been hearing the sound of these very auditory bombing of the city of con eunice in the last few hours where the is very forces there are expanding their attacks and alongside, also with a new targeting against a residential building in a rough, our district in the eastern areas which from at time to another, it's receive different kinds of military attacks,
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especially by the east bed onto the us stations across the eastern part of the district. and also what is in you and the last an hour back to the fox, the hospital has a run out of if you causing a full electricity black out, which completely well and both a new significant threats on the lives of the patients and begin to people as the majority of sexes right now, departments as like the hospital have become completely out of service it due to the black house of interest and see that resulted from the shortage of if you will, that we need to mention that the the locks the hospital is located in an area that is considered to be a bottle zone. we've used rarely met a treat as the facility of the hospital. it has been widely attacked in the last couple of space and also the intensive care unit in a previous location. okay, just had been subjected to his verifies, especially the by these very snipers and the quite called trends. and this is a part of a new repeat. the scenario that had been earlier took place in games,
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hospitals in the north and is central garza city. and right now what we're afraid of is completely to find that the middle governance of gaza strip to be turned into a great if you all dispatch will set continue on victims, keep to full in that part of the territory charge. thank you very much. talk a couple resume in rafa in southern gas. laser was rejected accusations that it's committing genocide and gaza at the international court of justice. it's argued as acting in self defense fighting a war. it didn't start, said lawson has more from the hate. the 2nd and final day of oral arguments and the international court of justice, gift israel, a chance to respond to allegations, it's committing genocide and gaza and it's doing so with intent. it's lawyers began by turning the argument on its head. but if it has been acts that may be characterized as genocide, then i have been perpetrated against israel. israel are,
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these are the nature of intensive urban combat means the will be civilian casualties. but it won't acknowledge that the international n g o's, an even to un, itself relies upon the corridors told of the $23000.00 casualties. as the applicant repeats, as many have and verified statistics provided by some us itself. hardly a reliable source of south africa. submission of 9 pages of commons by senior is for a leadership detailing what it says, demonstrates genocidal intent. me. a cherry picking says is around there is the link to the old run the sessions to demonstrate that israel has or has have the specific intent to destroy in how low in port a potties streaming people as such. israel says it's continuing efforts to ramp up
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humanitarian assistance in gas that indicates the opposite of genocidal intent. there is no restriction on the amount of water that may enter gaza. israel continues to supply its own water to gaza by 2 pipelines. lawyer re presenting south africa, however, directly references is route defense minister you'll have to go on as is, ryan was imposing a complete sage on cause that would be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. ever the thing with the closed because is what i am, is fighting human on a month. do you and stop legal body d i. c. j exists the settled salad disputes between states. no, israel says south africa's application fails on this aspect alone. denying the court's jurisdiction, it seems to believe, but it does not take 2 to tango. it is sufficient if one state determines there is a dispute that
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a dispute existed when the application was 5 by south africa and late december is a matter of public record. at this time, south africa had already a two's use. the in the security council, the general assembly. and as a big florida of engaging in gen, decides an act he's had conducted a different magic day most. or is that a warning? it that you've viewed it's conduct as genocide. israel accuses south africa of acting, not on behalf of the students, but that's what it's called, the legal of the how much there was organization. south africa, i denied that charge and insist it's doing everything it can to stop more hom being done to the palestinians. alas, my case here at the international court of justice with south africa. i'm making a compelling argument. why? of the lease as well is committed to genocide in gaza. and israel said is absent in
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self defense and refusing how much on the internal side of whatever the outcome c s around for the 1st time. and the dog is considered a win for international justice and it shows that she a gravity of the situation in gaza. a decision by the court on an urgent injunction is expected in a few weeks step fast and l just sierra in the hate. is there any forces claim there launching fewer attacks on gaza box specifically and desktop continues to rise more than $23700.00 pallets. studies have been killed since the war began. most of them, women and children, on average, about 250 palestinians are killed every day by his very forces, according to the bird, his child with a aux phone that's far more than any other major conflicts in recent years. on wednesday, israel's military set it has more than a $150.00 talk is across the gaza strip, within a 24 hour period. overall it's launched more than 10000 air strikes in just over 3
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months are demonstrated as have gathered outside the court for the 2nd day of the hearing against israel or some of things of it was there. i just really presented its case beforehand to not who go to get this thing that they have lot coming to ask of genocide. the challenge suddenly outside is you not to be called to get these important lives. they accuse israel of somebody thing acts of genocide. they think that what visual has been doing is not just among acts of genocide, but isn't going persecution of developing young people as a whole, as, as well presented evidence. and i the say here, but good. a homeless adult. they need the, the incubation would not be needed. this is provided them with more of electricity. and the evidence that the brand was providing the, even the, what's the funds by the people here who the,
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that they need to be piece buyer is the stop. it's still it, these are the, i know all of the people who are standing with the compass. it was happening in got it. probably the last to go there is an associate professor of all the cost of genocide studies in stockton university is joining us live now. from galloway, new jersey. thank you very much. indeed for being with us on i'll just say the south africa's case in the hague is based around creating the are showing the site is that circumstances are loving for genocide. what's your assessment of the case that south africa has made? oh, thank you for having me. i think the south africa has presented a very strong a case. and i don't i, i can see how a israel responded to a number of key issues. and his response today is i think the 1st thing that
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is worth mentioning is they're really overwhelming the mountain of evidence on top 10100 and sidle and tense. that's been expressed really by people with command authority. that is, we're talking only of people with command authority. there's also of course, hundreds of statements of incitement to genocide by politicians in the media, the public spaces. but when we talked about intense, only people with command authority, so states leaders, war cabinet administers and senior army officer. and we have dozens of such statements of intent that were made over time using various mechanisms, but also filled with the human icing language, which we know from genocide, historically is a key element, right. and in the perpetration of the crime of genocide this over whelming a evidence, i mean rejecting it would be a complete mockery of international law. south africa presented it in
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detail and is real, really the only line of defense that it could bring. uh, besides trying to minimize it in what seems to me a very and effective way is that it's not clear the connections between the statements of intent to the 9 looks of us on the ground, which really brings me to the 2nd point, which i think is very important and has been addressed by south africa yesterday, which is the evacuation order from the 13th of october, early on from the north to the south of guys of more than a 1000000 palestinians. was itself, is itself a, a genocidal? because it's ordered more than a 1000000 people to move under conditions of intense bombings and a total siege that israel has proclaimed the 9th of october. the infamous proclamation by his real defense minister, you'll have forgotten until the 9th of october. and so it was actually intended
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very much intended to has in the language of the you and genocide, convention deliberately creating conditions calculated to bring about the destruction of the group in whole or in part. and it's important to say that this is exactly what happened. we especially when we consider the issue of starvation uh, the issue of the big of an infectious disease. and we know that already hundreds of thousands of those 10 units are filled with infectious disease. we know that acute food in security actually starvation conditions already exists. and we know that even if the fighting stops right now, right now, then uh, we'll have a large number of palestinians die in the coming weeks in the coming months from, from actually acute of food and security, probably infectious disease. and when the fighting continuing, experts around the world are telling us that there is a significant risk of hundreds of thousands of cost in use dying from hunger and
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from infectious disease. so the evacuation order actually attend. but what the file is that i found it afterwards, right? actually achieved what it was intended to achieve, right, to the district and the creating conditions calculated to bring about the destruction of the group and hold the important. it's also very important. i mean, i thing to, to mention here that the north of guys uh, and the many parts of the south of guys as well. but specifically north of guys a has been destroyed almost completely. so there is no and israel has, in any case, created the reality on the ground. that means the past indians have no where to return in the north. right. so there is, there is no way to, for israel to show that the of actuation order was for the benefits of the people of guys that use that. let me ask you, is the following. forgive me for interrupting you, but i'm afraid the time is a little bit again against us. but i do want to ask you about what happens in the
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event that the find the court does find in favor of south africa and israel, which is already said that it doesn't regard this cases as valid, chooses not to accept that ruling and so and carries on with what it's doing, what do you think that's going to do to israel standing internationally? i didn't tell you clearly you're asking what happens if the court rules in favor of south africa? i guess just very briefly, if ultimately the court rules in favor of south africa, in this case, an israel chooses not to acknowledge that ruling by the court, what do you think that will do or what impact will that have on israel standing within the world? yeah, i think that's the, i mean i, i, it's a board to say that i think that's the, i see j cases already unprecedented. right. whatever happens moving forward, the i c, j cases 40 president. unprecedented. i think that it's now almost inevitable that
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the court has to a order, at least some of the provisional measures, which will again be incredibly unprecedented at whatever provisional measures the orders. of course, we all hope that the court orders is real to seize its attack against an inside guys and ceased inside or operations. but i think that the, the, there's a, there's significant chance, as he said, that as well will not abide by the ruling. but it's key allies and especially the united states that will put the united states in a very difficult condition. i want to remind everyone that there is an ongoing lawsuit in federal court in california against us present in spite of lincoln, austin. so they think that it will increase the isolation, that is what was already experiencing an international realm. and in that way contribute to the struggle to stop. israel is a tim rush, a go, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just do this. i thank you very much indeed
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for your time. thank you. if you happen to the levels of wanting that all american and british interests have become legitimate targets that soft of 5 of their fighters were killed in airstrikes by us and u. k. forces overnight, multiple sites across the country being head, including the capitol center in the library. it can you look it up on the american and british enemy be a full responsibility for their criminal aggression against all you. how many people, which will not go and onset and unpunished, the many armed forces will not hesitate to target the sources of threats and all hostile targets on land and that see to defend human, it's sovereignty and independence. this brutal aggression will not dissuade human from supporting the oppressed, the palestinian people. and the many armed forces will continue preventing is rarely ship. so others heading to the ports of occupied palestine from navigating in the arabian and red seas. or let's take a look of whether the attacks were carried, darted strikes have been reported in the vicinity of today, the airport,
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the airport and ties dumber hotline camp inside, and all the landing base. that's north of san a president, joe biden says the us is not gonna hesitate to take further action over the tax and the ride. see highly of the white house. national security council spokesman john kirby told down to 0 that the us does not want a conflict with them and we don't want to see escalation. we don't want to see conflict, we're not looking for that in the region. but what we are looking for is safe and secure passage of ships going through the red sea and for all the route. these claims that they're going after ships bound phrase rose just not true. they're targeting ships that have nothing to do with israel. in many cases, so nobody should be uh, should be full by their ridiculous statements. a correspondence of following the developments in both the u. k and the united states. in a moment we're going to hear from paul brennan in london. first we're going to go to kimberly hawkins joining us in the white house in washington dc. so joe biden
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are saying the us isn't going to hesitate to take further action over the attacks in the red sea. but at the same time drunk harvey saying, we don't want the kind of any escalation what, what is that? the tone that's coming out of the us with all of this? yeah, it's a little bit confusing because it's a somewhat contradictory at times. i and john curry hudson, speaking on board of the air force, one that's the us presidents traveling up to pennsylvania where he's going to be talking about the economy. and we're learning a little bit more about when the decision was made to conduct these airstrikes. the commander in chief apparently made that decision, joe biden on tuesday, according to john kirby. he's tele reporters on route pennsylvania, that the decision was made after the who's he's conducted the tech on tuesday. that's when he gathered his national security team together and looked at various options. calling the targets that were struck about 60 of the we understand
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a basically commanded control as well as other facilities as valid, legitimate targets. and because they were selected because it was designed to disrupt and degrade the who, the capabilities, in other words, their ability to conduct future attacks on commercial shipping. now, according to john kirby, the national security council spokesperson of the united states reserves, the right to conduct future attacks should deem necessary. but according to the pentagon right now, a sort of a battle rate assessment is being done right now. uh and what the initial assessment is revealing is that so far the strikes that have been conducted with the united kingdom have, have good effects. so, so far there is no need to put additional us assets in the region. but again, the united states says if it feels it needs to, it will to 70. thank you very much indeed. kimberly how good our white house correspondent in washington dc. we'll get across to paul brandon,
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who's in london. so kimberly, describing their i'm what v i r, the american government isn't describing this as coaching all of us. how is the u. k. describing the thinking behind these attacks a while in the sense that you can you answer a shoulder to shoulder on this? although the us facilities and resources that would put it into the attacks are far more significant than the u. k. as involvements for our f type food at craft, whether you case contribution to this targeting 2 targets in yemen, on the language that the u. k. is using whether to was that off resonating throughout and that is necessary. and pushing us on the sense is from here in london is that they could have puts a lot more military hardware into play. but they felt that this was all that was necessary at this point in time to send
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a strong message to the who phase to desist the attacks that have been taking place on shipping. in the red seats, the defense minister james henry was speaking on the media tv channels in the morning. and he was saying that this was a limited attack. so the impression that was clearly being given is that it's putting the pull into the, who's a cause, and it's up to the who's the command commanders to decide exactly how much further they want to push it. we had the clip at the stats of the program or just a few couple of minutes ago saying that the us and u. k. the assets in the region, all legitimate targets as far as the who the a tremendous are concerned. but that said, if there are no further attacks on shipping, unless there are any actual attacks, was that one thing but actions would be something else? the impression is that the would, that would be a big escalation if there's a take place. and it's fast, more unintended consequences, you could call it that likelihood,
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the possibility of unintended escalation that is concerning the neighbors. saudi arabia, oman, for example, raising that concerns a month for a minister saying that these attacks by the us and u. k. took place against or mom's advice. i'm strong with from the texas president press since the one as well. warning that if it gets out of hand the betsy could become the seat of blood and strong words from the tech is lead. fall thanks a lot to us, paul brun, and talking to us from london, we're just looking at some pictures now of uh uh, president joe biden has just been stepping off by air force. one he's in pennsylvania is kimberly was mentioning earlier on these various part of the campaign tour had of the presidential election in 2024. and he's going to be talking about the economy there. but the president out on the saying that there was every intention that the us would, if necessary, i would take action in the red sea. i've just got the exact line. it says, but us will not hesitate to take further action over the tax in the red sea. that was a comment that was made just
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a few hours ago following those us. and you can't overnight attacks that were happening in yemen on various targets that were deemed to be a key to a few fights which, who had been launching a succession of targeted attacks against a shipping in and around the red sea. and particularly above all, bundled uh, streets which is a key shipping lane. uh so as i say the us presidential by them, they're just stepping off the plane in pennsylvania. i'm just following those attacks that have been happening by the u. k. and the us in yemen, a while hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the many capital. i'm going to bring you some of the pictures from side out. there are thousands of you how many is on the streets, protesting against us, and very strikes on multiple losing targets protests as they've been gathering in large numbers in the capital each week for months. so solid data to palestine and the people have gone. so i'm kind of
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a lot of it has more from one of the demonstrations, tens of thousands of, uh, you know, many them the state has to take into this the, to the survey and square, which is one of the biggest squares and sign off to express their own go all over the us, british it raise over a different uh, outside of los positions or all these positions. they also uh, have tickets to the stage to, to say that bill. uh, going to continue with their products and also to call on the policies to continue with their operations and the rates in order to put more pressure on is right to left. it's sage on people of guys and also to put an end to do the side bar on and, and does douglas there is there's a also, uh these days that made it clear just hours before, after the us on grid. is it raise?
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yeah. gotta take it to this page that thousands, they say that they are not afraid of a us, of british erase. they are the other men to continue the to continue their, uh, throw this and also to continue the support to the policy. the people, in spite of all of the, all the threats that are made made by the us, british, according to their words, the escalation of violence and the red sea. and the ongoing war and guys are raising fears of a wider regional conflict and iraq's capital bogged down to the crowds of rally, demanding, and immediate cease fire seamless. try to use their in the rockies route this afternoon. say that they are in support of the policy and people that the suffering of the palestinians is a pan error issue. they want an immediate and to the patient through the
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hostilities that are happening in the air and into the war. and then they say that their leaders need to do much more to you will not have to have that we are waiting for the people of gaza. we are willing to sacrifice our blood for them. we're here today to tell the people because we are with them, the error people are with them. it's a shame arab leaders are turning their backs. at the boat, we call the neighboring countries and the government of egypt opened the borders to offer to match hearing aid and to help those who been injured. why do they have to close the roof of border crossing to the people of gaza? why? why does israel have the right to import the most modern weapon? if there was no right for the arab countries to send a food and medicine to the women and children to iraq is no stranger to the conflict. and there was a fear that if the longer that the violence could escalate the already been episodes here of us targets
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a close ally of israel by protocol reprisals by us forces. and if this we continue to make your walk in relation to violence in the region, we'll see iran violets if this were those on which the still ahead and order 0 civilians on to far into done the problem. in bottom elementary group writing, the army is accusing socket and people unable to flee the violence on footballs asian cupcakes. off in char, we're going to have them just in support of the song, the hello, we have a lovely warm, sun, shotuko,
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southern half of the arabian peninsula at times about 5 degrees above average. here in the hospital, the conditions full, the full 26 celsius. the temperature in the hottest aspects of the notice you can see it's a little more on saturday. we have rain sleet and snow, spilling out to duckie, i basis out of the carrier running across a coat, cuz he isn't in northern parts of iran across the areas of afghanistan. so a lot of whether they're into a good part of that is the side ultimate. it's right in heaviest. rain will be around 11 on well low. we are lighted. see some showers just running down all the way down towards the gaza strip. i suspect we'll see what's the weather, some total weather, quite a brisk wind here as we go on through us sunday. so some really not the conditions coming in either the next slide before the gravity makes its way through. so that same area, just the weather, affecting the final and most east of africa on shala's, hair, stiff normally wind coming into libya. what's the weather that to into the fall north of egypt for a time as well. but i'm not sure if west africa habits generally try southern
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africa on the other hand, right. different pitch some live the storms right out of a southeast corner of and got it resented be, hey, be right there. and the nice and big and a developing tropical side cloud, post america of the have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowe's for freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights got chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level all that i can to support that part one, the bill on which is the or
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the, [000:00:00;00] the georgia or does it of the mind of a top stories. this israel continues to bombard, causes, southern and central areas. in con units, a house has been destroyed and in the air starting at least 6 people been killed. another 5 palestinians were killed in the striking down obama. patient was rejected accusations of genocide in gaza on the final day for hearing of the international court of justice rules by south africa. lawyers for israel argue the military section is self defense against commerce and all the ons routes. south africa presented evidence of us killings and widespread destruction down. and so the levels of warning that all american and british interests have become legitimate
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target. so it's up to 5 of their fighters were killed in air strikes by us and lose a 4649 percent, all because he is as co state affairs on the list. and he says, the strikes of increase the chances of a tax on petition us assets. this let's, i tackled them the united states and u. k. it was expected on human and you from the for this day they thought to get to the south of uh, elect city, south of oak abide by last time they knew. at one point did the united states will respond to this attack, but i'm sort of, they are really well and ready for that on the, at the attack. actually, those conducted vice on offices against ships in dates. it was only against him that linked on or by city, owned by is it i the company or ship that i'd have been or going to be still been at is about 80, pull them and actually will default them. i've located on the m and a half of the one symbols demand. they can stop. all that is an id will lift its been okay on the stove. it's a dock i guess, because that's what, what is that of outside of those, the little this book. but,
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and if you have any army have said that the attack, i guess is that i, the link chip would continue as a, as before. and the could be, i made the attack as well against the united states and u. k. but the invasion on any company in our region who was aiden united states in that tech, i knew k guys deadman or let them use in databases. i don't given those company on the oil and gas inputs. so that's how we come on that, that as well the basis that allows you and this was so this strikes on, you haven't come off to the who is ignored, wanting some, some western states to stop several times. some shipping vessels in the red sea. gimme a metal ex reports to see find chosen u m and started targeting. what very se, all is really in ships in the red sea. shortly after israel's one gone. so i began they successfully seize this japanese operated cargo ship in late november. having brought it to the 60 controlled red sea port of, i'm sorry, if they released the video showing the vessel being used as
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a tourist attraction. it's cru remain on, accounted for yet to in a verse from 1st day. the un security council demanded that immediate to release the red seas by 30 important full grover, my time cross voltage and current 3 discrete because shipping grain is in a state of crisis. once again, we strongly demand the pushes to reduce the vessel under its crew. media 3 and, and conditionality. it's early in december 3, all the vessels were times in the busy babylon dep straight the american war ship the u. s. s. connie responded to the distress calls and destroyed several tribes. it had been patrolling the red sea after the 7th of october. tax saw the who's the strength followed, including on a masked vessel, prompting the shipping joint to temporarily hold operations in the area. a few days later, you assess connie destroyed dozens mold drones launched from young and at the end
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of december must come jo issued to distress schools and as many days off the who c rebels trying to hi jacket us forces defending the vessel killed at least 10 to the finances in the wake of the attack, musk suspended operations in the area until further notice. the who sees wounds, the us would be punished for the death and fountains of him, and he's protested in the capital of sign up. the key, if the american enemy bids the consequences of this crime and its reputation, its military movements in the red sea to protect is riley ships, will not prevent young men from providing its religious moral and 2 men of terry and support 2 or press pound to send you at this time on tuesday cesar, once the law just attack since the start of israel's will on garza with the us and british forces shooting don't move in a dozen missiles entrance. no matter like how does era
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the we're going to take a look at some of the news. know people trapped in jersey, the state in sou, done and accusing the rapids support forces of targeting civilians. the bottom of the tree groups being fighting sedans, army since april last year. and it took over the state in december that led to the displacement of about half a 1000000 people. but many more remained. they are unable to leave human log into a personal call to let me give you a warning that some of you might find images in a report distress. i wonder there's always just this mobile footage shows civilians around it up by the power minutes through rapid support forces in may like in central to dance to the to see the ra separated the town earlier this week . and local groups say they killed several. a body can be seen a few meters away from the group. or what the sizes, are you dead or not yet? the man filming asks, what does the body doesn't to move?
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well, the more for the types of shows other people being rounded up, the good, the man foaming here. it's uses them a fighting on the side of the army in a town known to have no military facility. we are a stuff has been fighting to dance army since april and launched an attack onto the states and december, taking it over after the army withdrew facilities, fitness hospitals, universities and facts were destroyed. at least 500000 people were displaced due to the recess attack. on the state that one posted the largest number of internally displaced people from the current conflict. local groups known as resistance comma tease safety risk has committed atrocities that include sexual violence, forcible disappearance of civilians and arbitrary killings. they say many bodies have been left in the streets for days, and a lot of civilian homes turned into military camps. many people who have tried to
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leave since the takeover has been forced to stay in the state as those were able to sleep save. they did so out of fear of falling victims to the our staff. we left our homes and how to move through allies and less unknown boots. when we left mcdonny, we saw the evidence of the atrocities that were committed by the r, as if the dead bodies on the streets. we feared for ourselves. we fled only with the clothes that we were wearing. in response to the accusations, the recept tools out to 0 that those who targeted civilians were not part of their forces and described them as outlaws. to which was the history of the group targeting civilians was going back even before the start of the current for survivors of the crimes in may only. and just the to say they don't doubt who's responsible even more going onto 0. how do you pay? has an honest, more than $3000000000.00 in military a to ukraine during
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a visit to keep private associates. and like i said, the funds would help ukraine purchase new surveillance on attack drums. so not can you training and president letting me is the landscape also signed a security card. i just need, as i said, but it has more from the ukrainian capital. this is a show of friendship solidarity. i guarantee you feel like you can give more money worth of lessons, drones on a to ukraine and give it for us to come. but this visit comes straight off the back of the united kingdom, joining the united states in birmingham and something prime minister. so next it was the image of the action and in line with the un charter, and also emphasized ukrainian saying that they have had to enjoy an enormous amount of suffering over the past 2 years. the has opposed a ceasefire, gaza, and that the united kingdom is actively involved in the escalation of that complex medium. and so may see this visit to ukraine as a deflection from the issue of a ton. and one has the united kingdom is supporting ukraine and its flight against frustrate in terms of weapons and aiden. recognizing that ukraine has the right to
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defend itself to disappear. now, the conflict in the middle east. but the reality is that most of indians have died in gauze and since the start of the war in october and civilians have died in ukraine in 82 years of all us, i bake a da 0 to the families of staff, held hostage and echo doors prisons are demanding action from the countries. president. authorities say at least a 178 gods and workers remain captive. on tuesday, the government declared a state of emergency in an attempt to crockett down in the games that control most of the country's jails. other sounds, or bumps, he actually has more from called the proxy prison. know if, if a capital kito literally is known up to 45 prison guards still in the hands of convicted gang members at this maximum security prison in ecuador, relatives of the guards and the mates as been camping outside the jail since monday, when the unprecedented unrest started the wife of one of the guards asked not to be
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named for security reasons. on wednesday, she received 2 voice messages from her husband as proof of life. saying he's doing fine. she doesn't believe him. he's not. well, if you listen carefully, his voice trembles. he's saying he's okay because he doesn't want me to worry vito's showing prison stuff being subjected to violence have been circulating on social media, increasing relative spirit in english. i don't have any real information. the police, nobody gives any information. i know what i see on television, so i just stay here in video waiting, hoping he's released, praying to god there's. there's prison guards association started legal actions against the government, demanding the protection of its members. it's vice president says the working of
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business conditions, unarmed under pages and a number in an overcrowded system dominated by gangs. i mean, fairly meant the we, unfortunately today when the riots and the gods can only run to save their lives, we face horrible acts of violence and cons. apply our protocols because we don't have the tools to do it. a camouflage uniforms are all we have every day before going to work. he said good bye to your family without knowing if you're going to return or not. back at the prison family, members of the inmates or demanding that the rights of the relatives to be respected, the man and they don't have food or water that being abused. while we were filming outside the prison security forces storm the area with family members with gathered as part of the sweeping powers granted to them by president then yeah, noble. the armed forces say they had the teen hundreds of people under the new state of emergency. and that at least 5 alleged premiums were killed,
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but it remains unclear when and if they will try to retake the prisons and what it would mean for those being held inside. allison that i'm 50, i'm just so you to go to boxy. meanwhile, is military believes have agreed to a temporary cease far within a line. so that's think on groups off of china, coordinated piece talks this week, both sides say they're not going to resolve the dispute. so negotiations and they won't tell them. residents of the chinese border. the country has been racked by violence since the army. i was to be elected the government, alongside sushi in 2021. the photos in taiwan. i'm going to choose a new president as well as members of parliament, a subsidy of what was happening as tensions with china remain high all for you presidential candidate as a warrant of a stripe posed by china to retain reports from the time when his capital t k m t presidential candidates who yearly set sounds on the campaign trail. after 8
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years in opposition, many people had written off the national this policy itself to attitudes towards china. now they're right back in the race for some time when he's, that's a real problem. mister lin lived in ukraine for more than a decade. like many others he never imagined or would break house as what it did. he abandoned his business and moved his family back home, where he opened a ukrainian restaurant. now here's the same rhetoric from beijing as he heard from muskets rolled over it. everyone always asked me, hey, ah, situation similar to what i think so. but at the situations are very similar. we still have some small differences. china has certainly made its presence felt in the selection race. as taiwan spar administer brief, the media on chinese hostility and the build up to the vote was interrupted by an island wide phone to that. i know objects pod into space or the taiwan described as
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a missed on an english, a satellite in chinese. it's in to the many people have concerns. closer to your fun. she say has had the presidential and vice presidential candidates on have popular youtube channel in the past month. sounds good, so it's not going to be able to go to china. is just one of many issues on those as mine. so if it were, we just have to live with the threats of china. but on top of that, we also want to build our life better. we want to have a better economy. we want to solve our problems, like, you know, our, like all young people has a low wages or our property values is too expensive. and the viable stood candidates in what is always being a 2 horse race. the taiwan peoples policy led by a charismatic form, a type, a man. there are literally thousands of people here queuing around the block for
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photo opportunity with the tvs candidates. they've really managed to capture the imagination of young voters here in taiwan. the ruling democratic progressive party, the d p. p, a much closer election campaign and they'd hopeful the current vice president and a former and passed the to washington dc ticket they hoped would come, they trust, experience and stability. but at this stage seems result is too close to cool. 20 chang, l to 0. type pay. the still ahead and i'll just say like the sports as the asian top 6 often caught our, we're going to catch up with one of the teams. be tips to when is this coming up with the business like this? this brought to you,
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i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the, it's time for the sport. and here's on thank you very much, rob. well, the host and defending champions caught have won the opening game of the asian cup . following the opening ceremony in the sales stadium, they b 11 on 3, and now and the 1st much in group a. i'll come off if stealing the show to goals is get more now from and the richardson who is that the game as well. just every year, regardless style stadium hosted the wells comp final between argentina and friends . it was now the venue to the opening game office asian comp $24.00 countries involve $61.00, much is coming your way over the next month in the country hosting event for reco 3rd time. so not just the house, but also the writing champions. having listed the trophy in 2019 and they were big
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favorites coming into this game against 11 and the lowest run side in that group. having said that, this 3 mill, when would have settled move and a few nodes within the capsule account, they singularly failed to replicate their agent cut winning form of the wills companies and all 3 of that group games. and since then, they have fired to head touches space tense in mark has insurance, the visits ornaments. he's got a pretty short period of time with it same, but he does know top 3 football pretty well. how do you spend time working at the national academy and also within the domestic lead? i'm. he will be hard to say the full of alamo is ali and that from a state to play central. so that when in 29 c, like post all the names on the score sheets in this victory, that's all will continue that campaign with games against the g expense and china. the only chance they have applying at this stadium again during this tournament is if they can reach the final hey, on february the 10th, on the richardson elders era, lisa and group a's other opening 5th through
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a china will look to get off to winning starts at guess because it gets done on saturday. this is time is the team for the parents in the tournament having finished as one was up on 2 occasions in 1984 in 2004. they take on tournament debit on the subject, his son aside looking to spring a surprise off the topping, the qualifying group. us all straight to get their fits to asian couple and the way it gets in here on site today, a straight a one be events back in 2015 when they hosted the tournament. countries that renew this 14 live away after they faced off, and the crickets will comp final. back in november during group b along side syria is becca son. far smile has everything you need to know about the to australia won this tournament house in 2015 and were fine list. the last time was held in cats are 4 years earlier this locker rooms have a pretty good memories of cuts are as well. they qualified for the 2020 to walk up
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thanks to a playoff when in don't. and at those finals they beat tennessee and denmark in the group stage before falling twin narrow defeat against eventual champions. argentina in the last 16th is becca sign had been consistent qualifiers for the asian cob. this will be their 8th consecutive appearance at the finals will their best performance came and have our in 2011. when the team reached the semi finals at the last edition, australia knocked them out in the last 16 penalty shoot at the teams will meet again in their final group d. it's aging cap number 7 for syria, but they've never made it to the knockout. run the country's high point, came in 2018 when australia beat them in the announcement around a world cup. qualifying argentina is hector cooper, is their head coach? he was in charge of is becca spent at the last page in india kicked off their 2011 asian cop campaign against australia and will do the same again this year. they suffered
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a for no loss on medication results in the bills up to this event. haven't been to encouraging with woke up qualifying defeats against wait and cats are. i depend on one of the favorites to lift the trophy. it's a race against time though for one of their stop last color we toma suffered the ankle injury playing for brighton in december and was expected to be out for $4.00 to $6.00 weeks. which plan had code to hi jimmy maurice that yes. who said that he's making progress and could be available at some point in the tournament. japan are bidding for record extending 5th asian cup title. a saw the campaign against vietnam on sunday right away from the asian club. barcelona. it's a real madrid in the spanish super cup of final and saudi arabia, bozza b to assume that in the same you said voss and re, i'd probably live in dusky. let me now, mine admitted that to steal, to steal
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a tooth when bossa are falling behind in the guy, they said the 7 points behind the there's rail and 0. now, to time australian open champion, now meal socket says that she's hoping for a quick, quick time to form, as you profess for her 1st grandson for her class. i'm come back. 26 year old that has full career sams that brought hasn't played in the may just just a 2020 to us open. this will be just a 2nd torment in more than again the former world number one who gave birth to adult in july says that although she's glad to be back in melbourne. she's not expecting too much from herself. um, even hitting today with aunts like i caught myself getting a little disappointed in myself when i would make some mistakes, but i'm hitting against ons. you know? and i think it's just one of those things where i now think to myself like i have
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to give myself a lot of time and patience steering now, stepping goes into the final of the adelaide international her last one month. much ahead of, they'll straighten open you 2017 french opens, hampton beat the on see the russian because of the not i had a chance of a lot of it to reach the find out. a lot of the pin code will face a daddy, a cuss at kena off to her opponent was number 5, just a couple of withdrew from the semi final. it was a fine start. alumnis. on august the franco ramos and sebastian lobe has won the mountains, have 48 hours, 6 page of the call, rightly is the frenchman 2nd. when so find the saudi arabian does it, but it's still space to 3 time when a call assigns who continues to set the pace with an overall lead of over 20 minutes. meanwhile, cutoff method lots is hopes of defending his title are over off the technical issues left him down and 17 and that's what useful for me i can do back to up. so thank you very much indeed.
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nick fox, going to be here in a couple of minutes and one of these stores. so look at the website. obviously the dot com. i'm off office and stay with us on august, the slaving under the hot sun collecting a limitless energy. so their own tri hoses down to. so the panels on his roof for decades, the number line on diesel, shipped in a great expense with crowds from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy. they need kind on state fits future fossil fuels, no renewables. the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power station funding, co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china. but the government remains committed to colon,
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guess where you will never concede, it doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it at 8 or 3 years after protest as storms of the capital. the new rates for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates, once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with alpha 0. so the us selection 2024 expo 2023. the fast to make sure
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