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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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and it's exactly the same as when we were babies with our mother. mine's changing the way you think about mental health, which is the us is always of interest to people, right? the world, people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the a, gauze, as alex, the hospital runs down to a few and is plunged into darkness. supposing doctors to treat patients including premature babies by flashlight, the other ones are in jordan, this is all just a run line from to how things are coming up. the noise in the side that gives us, prevents, of support inverted to whether it goes to depend, know,
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dependent just sufficient or do you know, some international court of justice, deliberate, softer hearings into with a israel is committing genocide in casa for us, cause out strikes on who fi positions in yemen for us? second day in a row with the metals found to hit by taiwan votes. key presidential election is underway, being watched closely, and both facing and washington will be lied inside the we begin in guns that with the worsening collapse of the health care system and a series of as really strikes targeting residential areas. well, this is a theme at the actual hospital and data by and central gaza, but it's been a total blackout as a facility run out of to thousands of just based people sheltering that i'm doctors are being forced to treat patients by flashlight. then there are a lot of people here in 2 hours at most if the electricity doesn't come back and
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the oxygen, these patients you see here will die in southern gaza. home in hon. unice has been destroyed in his ran the strike at least 6 people were killed, that they were only women and children innocent. and on the time of the strike, there's no need for the i c. j to carry out investigations. these crimes are clearly evident. this has nothing short of a genocide. bus is clearly visible and understood. content people have been killed in the rough uh, border crossing often is really a strike. it's a house sheltering displaced people mold in 23700 palestinians have now been killed since the war began on october. the 7th, you know about can central garza to 0? it has a camera crew. inside the alex, the hospital now plunged into darkness. we are at the reception of a actual hospital, it is completely dark, as there is no electricity, and there is no solar energy to power the hospital. so this is the situation,
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one of the reception n e r of i'll also hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead on saba. as you can see here, this person is wounded with critical injuries since the i c u of i'll ok so hospital. but this person is in agony and can dial at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him. of a 100 members gammon, what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service. they cannot provide any service. as you can see. the situation is very dia, the. we don't know what to say, that everyone is exiting. there is no solar energy to power the hospital. the situation is tragic. very challenging for the blackout is risking the lives of its most vulnerable patients. among the newborn babies and incubators out of service, but the 2 doctors drawings,
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a careful the common life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies. and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity does a complete outage. so how can we treat the patient? so that's gonna have a, what do you want it? all we can do is give some, hi mary care. it's very tough on us as medical stuff, we'll do whatever we can to the best of our ability. but the situation is very challenging. at the end of the day, we were told today that there would be an electrical outage. we were taken of gold . we tried to manage the situation, charge wherever we can find some blankets for patients, especially babies in children. the sofa for monday attrition. they're on the weight . they can't get sick easily even die goats a bit. we have done what we can assume. we've
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worked on the delight of mobile phones. we use one at a time. so we don't right now because we cannot, we charge them we have 3 babies in the incubators and sent others in the other room. so we are trying to manage the situation. we're doing all we can to the us as carried out as strikes on yelman's capital sent off the 2nd night in a row. multiple targets linked to the who the group were hit overnight on thursday by american and british will planes those attacks until 5 of the groups fight as their strikes. so in response to months of who free attacks on shipping in the red sea, which they say are linked to israel. i'll just as mama laptop is in the capitol center with the latest. i have had done the visa explosions, of many people who talked on the social media that they have a powerful exclusions at the, in the capital. it's on what the wild,
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the fees and media. so she has mentioned that the u. k. n e us have once again bomb to the capital son on. this comes a just after a series of bombings to do this. talk police a yesterday night. and according to the, the spokes version of the how he's a and admitted to me as the who's supposed to present the hope these minutes hear me. you mentioned that over 73 of bombings have that have been carried out over the past 48 hours. and this has also resulted in the beginning and the injury of a number of people at least 5 people have being i'd be mentioned and did a sofa the the of the have the food in the the will continue there uh, by the will continue with the operations of the re key in order to prevent the
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passage of the is really a shrubs towards these really airport, the seaports so far the, the continuation of the, the, the both sides a demand. so to continue with their uh, their operations the from one side we have the us in the us and britain and then to continue with their bombings in order to weaken the how he's capabilities mean on us president joe biden has declared the strikes on who he targets in yemen, a success, but the washington also acknowledges it expects some form of retaliation from the rebel group. i'm sure i'm pronouncing to the new round of strikes on human, came out as of the president by the wounds that the us would continue bombing, who the targets. if a tax on shipping didn't stop, we will make sure that we respond and buy them to express his satisfaction with the us led operation. i don't think the civilian casualties.
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that's another reason why it's over at the pentagon. the message was also one of goals, a change to the initial indications or that we had good effects. so far we've not seen any type of retaliatory action from the who these however, the who these did 51 and 2 ship ballistic missile that didn't hit anything on friday, according to the pentagon officials that it was to seem to tell if that capabilities had been significantly degraded, officials acknowledged they did expect to the retaliation, and the us plan was to respond in kind. we will not hesitate to, to, to take further actions to be able to defend our ships, our sales and the ships and sailors of international commerce that rely on transit through the red sea. withdraw the briefings from the white house to the pentagon, there was still no acknowledgements of a close as of the escalation in the red sea. the hoot is contention. they have an international legal obligation onto the genocide convention to disrupt shipping,
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to israel, and the cool for an immediate cease fire shepherd has the elder 0 washington turning to the hague. now in the international court of justice where a landmark petition has wrapped up in which some africa is accused israel, of committing genocide and gaza on friday. the 2nd and final day is read rejected. the accusations made by so that because the legal team, it argued it's acting in self defense fighting a war. it didn't stop. step boston has more now from the hates for the 2nd and final day of oral arguments. and the international court of justice gave israel a chance to respond to allegations. it's committing genocide and gaza and it's doing so with intent. it's lawyers began by turning the argument on its head. but if it has been acts that may be characterized as genocide or they may have been perpetrated against israel. israel obvious at the nature of intensive urban combat means the will be civilian casualties. but it won't acknowledge that the
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international n g o's, an even to us itself. we lies upon the corridors, told of 823000 casualties. as the applicant repeats, as many have. i'm verified, statistics, provided by from us itself, hardly a reliable source. south africa, submission of 9 pages of comments by senior is for a leadership detailing what it says, demonstrates genocidal intent. me a cherry picking says israel there is list, will be owned, run the sessions, to demonstrate that israel has or has have the specific intent to destroy in how low in port a potties stream and people as such israel says it's continuing efforts to ramp up humanitarian assistance in gas that indicates the opposite of genocidal intent. there is no restriction on the amount of water that may enter gaza. israel
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continues to supply its own water to gaza by 2 pipelines. lawyer re presenting south africa. however, directly references is rouse, defense minister you'll have to go on as is, ryan was imposing a complete sage on gaza. that would be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. ever the thing with the closed because is that i am is fighting human on a month or do you and stop legal body d i. c. j exist, lou settle salad disputes between states and israel says south africa's application failed on this aspect alone. denying the court's jurisdiction, it seems to believe, but it does not take 2 to tango. it is sufficient if one state determines there is a dispute that a dispute existed when the application was filed by south africa and late december
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as a matter of public record. at this time, south africa had already a two's use. the in the security council, the general assembly. and as a big florida of engaging in gen, decides that act, it had conducted a different magic day most. or is that a warning? it that you viewed its conduct as genocide is rel, accuse of south africa, of acting not on behalf of the students, but that's what it's called, the legal of the how much there was organization. south africa denied that charge and insist it's doing everything it can to stop more hom being done to the palestinians. alas, my case here at the international court of justice with south africa, i'm making a compelling argument. why and the lease as well as for missing genocide and gaza, and israel saying is absent and self defense. and it's using how much of the internal side of whatever the outcome c s around for the 1st time. and the dog is
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considered a win for international justice and it shows that she a gravity of the situation in gaza. a decision by the court on an urgent injunction is expected in a few weeks step fast and l just sierra in the hey. but who in rabbani is the middle east analyst specialize getting palestinian affairs? he says israel is arguments of the i. c j cannot be taken seriously. or, of course, we'll have to wait probably a week or 2 to find out when the international court of justice decides whether it will institute provisional measures and if so, which ones? but i was really struck by this really argument today. i mean, it was almost as if they thought they were in it is rarely court and they didn't really have to try too hard. because if they simply demonize their opponents and gas light the audience and make it up as a go along and claim basically,
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i didn't do it. he hit me 1st and so on that that would see all the case. but of course, they're not arguing in front of it is really military court in the west bank are arguing in front of the international court of justice and many of the claims they made have already been disproven and the judges are, are fully aware of this. so i think um, you know, given the over whelming and overwhelmingly compelling case that the south africans presented yesterday, i think israel's argument that there is no dispute between it and south africa and the i, c, j basically has no jurisdiction here. and that the only thing is real has been engaged in, and the gaza strip is on humanitarian assistance to the civilian population. i suspect it's not going to fly very well. the general strikes been declared on saturday and the occupied westbank. thomas did not off the 3 palestinians were killed overnight in a confrontation with his randy soldiers really forces were patrolling the legal
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sacrament of a door a that's just west of hebron. they say they were attacked and find back in response to 3 palestinians code with cousins. 1618. i'm 20 years of age. i noticed that you have to call them a 19 year old. palestinian has been killed by his radius old as the palestinian red present. says yourself at a heart attack, well being beaten by the soldiers. there's also shots is ready for us as repulsively 5 live. i munition, when they enter the town under met 5 protests. the coming here and i'll just say are including the situation. mean guys, it'd be on any of the was 9 is and it's getting worse. 23700 palestinians of 10 and millions displaced us population fund describes the situation and concepts as beyond despair of desperation. more than that savings. the a
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lot of ground to cover in this weather report. however, one, so let's get going. it is con through the radium peninsula, but outbreaks of rain shifting from syria pushing into iraq. but let's go into the radium peninsula for now. we're going to start to see a southerly wind here, so that's going to pop up temperatures through saudi arabia and the golf in fact. so how could get pretty close to about 30 degrees over the next few days. speaking of warrants, we've got it through talk minutes that ask about at 21 degrees, but enjoy, well you can, the winds are going to shift the temperatures are getting a lower here. we'll introduce a bit of showers as well. so you're down to just 6 degrees on monday, which is or line worry with for here should be for this year, we'll get all this rain funnelling in. so 11 on around b roots looking to scoop up on months worth of rain over 24 hours into africa. we go with that disturbed weather in the submitted strain in wins. really a factor through the coasts of libya and egypt and could see the odd shower here
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and through the tropics of africa, most of the activity is actually around the coast of tens of near. but if we side south of here for south africa, things have certainly quite it down. but we do have our eye on the developing tropical storm. it is 1st going to strike mercer's before it moves into madagascar over the next little bit. we'll keep you posted as the, the latest news as it breaks. i don't want you to remember that i'm not seen on restoring national, in unity with fearless journalism. these people copying shop drawings to escape from the relentless bombardment from the hall to the story. many people born long, the tube open for a meal. so with all very crowded towns unlimited aids, many are left with dust. brittany.
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the spoken about you're watching out just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this out as a total blackout to the alex, the hospital and data by the in central gaza optima facility run out to a few doctors have been forced to treat patients including financial babies by flashlights, thousands of displays, palestinians, a shelter for us is kind of as pride some of the many capital sent off in the 2nd night and i wrote early and multiple targets linked to the empty group that he thought the night american anybody's will planes as attached to find a group sites on israel has rejected accusations of genocide and guns that the international court of justice lawyers as well on give the ministry is not trained
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in self defense earlier, so not to represent the evidence of mass cummings from widespread destruction. you know, the un security council that's meant to discuss the threat of force displacements and palace demands in gaza. it's something the you and emergency relief coordinator has, will, and is already underway. gabriel is on the as the latest from the us. martin griffith the most senior humanitarian official at the united nations has brief the security council numerous times since this conflict began. and each time he paints a more green picture situation for civilians in gaza. he said that you and staff recently came back from a trip to northern guys where they describe scenes of hor focuses good people that like people with evident sides of starvation, stuck in trucks and such anything they can get. a sense of conflict began
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a 134 un facilities in guys that have been damaged from is rarely bombardment. and over a 140 u. n. staff had been killed to monitor inside to be struck on numerous occasions. despite the identification notification to the is ready, defense forces the last few days of known to n. j o promises have premises opinions. sunday will mark $100.00 days since the beginning of this conflict. the united nation says 85 percent of the people of guys or 1900000 people have been displaced. in 100 days, virtually every palestinian in garza has been displaced multiple times from a home to you to a you and shelter to attend. searching for that for safety
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everywhere. finding safety nowhere a substitute for live anywhere met by this everywhere that he when continues to call for a full, an immediate cease. fire saying that's the only way to stop the killing and suffering of the palestinian people. gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york. meanwhile, the representative for the u. n's, population funds in palestine has described the situation of gauze as beyond despair. in desperation, it follows that visited by u. n. t. last week. it is clear from my visits this situation in god's it'd be under any of our sinus and it's getting worse when i saw where i fell with the dispatcher, desperation is everywhere. as old as to walter l. jones. all the bases for assisting the wise. i mean, i don't even want to speak about
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a life weeping because i didn't see nearby and gaza right now. what i saw was was really to be operating, i'm sorry to say to be happy. a 66 pallets of metro hygiene most my kids into gaza working with somebody. so give me your deposit cleaning on well to really scalar and get more into you guys it because much more is needed. as i keep saying, i scale, we've delivered around a interagency reproductive health kids. so his comprises around $56.00 boxes because these kids about 7 boxes and they supposed to. busy 360 periods, we clinical delivery assistance. these, i mean winfrey supplies of drugs, disposable equipment. and it really helps mileage, post office and the bus terminal in neonatal complications. hundreds of thousands of people around the world that are expected to take part in march as on saturday,
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showing solidarity with the palestinians. this weekend mocks a 100 days and israel's war on guns up the gun. let's go live to florence, lily in the malaysian capital, calling them for where ronnie is already under way front. so tell us more about what's happening that way. you are. the main organizer of this protest is the boy court divestment in sanctions movement. in malaysia, it's part of a global movement that has called for a day of action. and we're just about a 100 meters from the us embassy. the us of hosting the main support surveys role and continues to support supplied with arms but for on gaza. now the organizes of this rodney, which includes dozens of other and you say that this is more than just it's about calling for solidarity with palestinians about demanding an immediate cease fire and an end to alteration that they were calling for those protests as riley. also because they want to educate the public, not just about what's happening in dogs at the moment, but they were about but also about the history of the organization. the legal settlements. ringback line graphs, they want to talk about how the roots of this conflict is political and not
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religious. and they want to educate the public about the importance of sanctions of the investment and boy costs against israel and is really companies and impact as movement. as i know, certainly in malaysia, but also around the world. i'm trying to say this protest comes along with a global boy movement. absolutely. so that's what we're going to hear organized as main organize as best protest. talk about the importance of sanctions before the importance of boy towards the end. the sort of impact is how do we know in malaysia last month, the government announced that all is really owned to pass. those will no longer be allowed to dock in relation ports. no telling me that any vessel that's on route to israel will not be allowed to unload its cargo at any malaysian force and the point contact mechanism. sanctions movement emulation says that's a direct result of its loading, but i'm an agent government. also we know that last month, mcdonald's malaysia's has sued the boy card movement in malaysia saying that it has
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for defamation, saying it's hot, it's business to see the impact of a more caught movement is having on israel and also is randy own to come right after on july, 1st, the inspection the best we can some of the days of the news now and vote things on the way in taiwan for our presidential and legislative election, which could have major implications for the island and beyond. the 2 main parties i'll split last what relationship type a should have with beijing will tell you change once a slide. now from the time when he's capital time he said, pulling began a few hours ago. just how close is this about expected to be tony of the i think very close into that and we've seen very brisk business down at all opposing stations. we visited. we would just. busy one on the suburbs of the capital type a, where there were an awful lot of people coming in. we spoke to the election analyst
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who said that he thought to now would be about 70 percent. that's pretty high, a little less than the last elections. but the conditions a good and, and that's what we're seeing all over the city. no rush is people staggering that the visit to the election booth to the cost that votes. but i think i make you show that they do get them in. we've seen the 3 main presidential candidates, costing their votes, wendy, and live the car and vice president said that this is very much a hard earned rights, a democratic right that to the time when these people should cherish and that's does seem to be what people are doing the pose close and about 3 and a half hours and i think that's what we're going to see the counseling and it's likely i think everyone expecting this to be a very close race indeed. and no one professor pool is at this stage. tony frontier or in the spring and russ feingold is a lawyer and political analyst enjoys us from the time, but he's capital type a. so rough attorney was saying that we're told of this election is going to be
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a type race. tell us briefly what's at stake on why, why does it selection matter? a lot of people assume that the elections most important issue is tied, was relationships with china, and that is an important issue and the candidates are very different positions. but we should also keep in mind that a lot of boulders actually are more concerned about personal pocketbook. and economic issues like the high cost of housing inflation cost of trial per so a lot of voters are actually voting on on economic issues and not necessarily only on fi wants relationship with china. let's talk about some of the politics rosman. beijing has denounced the routing democratic progressive party, the d. p is dangerous set, protest, most likely to happen if they win this vote in terms of relations with beijing. its current vice president and william ly. when's the presidency given that he's participated in policy making towards china? in recent years and, and the time on government has not supported something called the 90 to consensus,
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which was a framework under the previous government in taiwan to engage with china. william. while i will not support that framework, which makes it very likely, makes it very likely that that china will not talk to taiwan, going forward to bully him. why is elected? and, and it's interesting because the chinese president chasing thing has previously described this election as a choice between war and peace. extraordinary was why have china as kinds of a tie one grow so significantly, so significantly on the sheet. and what does he want to see from this boat? russ will be issued. there is china and says taiwan is part of china and china has not renounced the use of force to make that a reality. so they've reserved the right to use force to bring taiwan under chinese sovereignty and it's, it's a very real threat. it's very serious and the taiwan government and military need to prepare for that every day. and just a brief thought to ross. so you mentioned to me, but other than relations with china, what are the issues of the time when he's both is concerned about him?
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as i say, the economy seems to be a big hot potato issue at the moment. so yeah, call me and another issue that it concerns motors i think is transparency and honesty and government and it's just like a lot of countries. unfortunately there's more carbon corruption issues, nepotism issues. it's happened under the leadership of different political parties here in taiwan. and i think borders here want to know that the person who's going to lead them for the next 4 years isn't honest man, russ feingold, but to get your thoughts and your analysis. thank you very much. indeed for talking to us right now. the u. k. has announced more than $3000000000.00 and military aid for ukraine during that visit to the capital key prime into service the soon accept the funds would help ukraine purchase new surveillance and drone and on the 10th drums. so not can your training and president loving manager landscape also assign a secure which vehicle does it was at the bank as more from the ukrainian capital. this is a show of friendship solidarity. i guarantee you feel like you can give more money
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worth of lessons, drones on a to ukraine and give it for us to come. but this visit comes straight off the back of the united kingdom, joining the united states, informing him and something prime minister. so next it was limited to action. i mean line with the un charter. and also he emphasized with ukrainian saying that they have had to enjoy an enormous amount of suffering over the past 2 years. the has oppose the cease fire and gaza and that the united kingdom is actively involved in the escalation of that conflict by bombing government. so may see this visits to ukraine as a disruption from the issues a ton. and one has the united kingdom is supporting ukraine in this fight against russia in terms of weapons and aiden, recognizing that ukraine has the right to defend itself was activity participating now in the conflict in the middle east. but the reality is that most of the millions have died in gauze us since the start of the war in october. and civilians have died in ukraine in 82 years of us that big a da 0 steve smear mas miniature room is the degree that temporary ceasefire with
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an alliance of ethnic groups. off the china coordinated peace talks this early this week. both sides say they will now resolve that dispute between negotiations that they one time residents of the chinese food countries been plagued by vitamins as the.


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