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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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personnel, over 30 years later, a district court acquitted the accused. to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the alarm. several venues. good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program. this our a 151 palestinians killed and is really air strikes across gaza in the past 24 hours, including several attacks on the residential homes. and treating premature babies and other patients by flashlights of fox,
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the hospital in gaza runs out of fuel and is plunged into darkness from quality and poor to soul. in johannesburg, people around the world are holding protests in solidarity listings and gods and the us launches more airstrikes against lucy positions in yemen. the rebels of promise to hit on time the change in taiwan with a vote. a now being counted could be very close election news . it is 10 g m t that's mid day and gaza where israel's relentless war is now approaching. it's 100 state. there's been more death, more devastation and more suffering. at least a 151 palestinians were killed. and it's really a strikes on southern and central gaza in just the past 24 hours. at least 14 were killed in a strength that hit a residential building. and roughly that's in the south of the strip is, brings
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a total death toll close to the $24000.00 killed since the war began in october. more than 10000 of them children and crucial supplies of food, water and medicines, trucks like this one are not making it through to northern ga, so that you enter humanity or in agency says israel is blocking supplies. only one 5th of 8 deliveries have reached their destination there so far this year. also this is the scene at a access hospital in darrow, by the in central gas where there's been a total blackout after the medical facility ran out of fuel thousands of displaced . people are sheltering there and doctors of being forced to treat patients that includes newborn babies using flashlights. some of the stuff about doing nothing so so don't upfront. we are at the reception of i'll also hospital. it is completely dark, as there is no electricity, and there is no solar energy to power the hospital. so this is the situation. one of the reception n e r of
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o x are hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead on the sogba. as you can see here, this person is wounded with critical injuries since the i c u of i'll ok so hospital. but this person is in agony and can die at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him. of a 100 members damage. what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service . they cannot provide any service. as you can see, the situation is very dia, the. we don't know what to say, that everyone is exiting. there is no solar energy to power the hospital. the situation is tragic, very challenging. the lack of fuel is risking the lives of the most vulnerable patients among them, newborn babies in incubators, houses who were a spoke to, to doctors trying to take care for them. the common life of the
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situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies and many patients were trying to work with what we have, but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity does a complete outage. so how can we treat the patient? so that's gonna have a, what do you want it? all we can do is give some primary care. it's very tough on us as medical stuff. we'll do whatever we can to the best of our ability. but the situation is very challenging. at the end of the day we were told today that there would be an electrical outage. we were taken of gold . we tried to manage the situation, charge whatever we can find some blankets for patients, especially babies in children. the sofa for monday attrition. they're on the weight . they can't get sick easily even die goats a bit. we have done what we can assume. we've worked on the delight of mobile phones. we use one at
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a time. so we don't right now because we cannot, we charge them we have 3 babies in the incubators and send others in the other room. so we are trying to manage the situation. we're doing all we can. a topic up was on joins us now. live from rough and 7 guys at tarik. i'm interested in anything else. anything, any updates you can give us on the status of patients of deluxe the hospital, we just heard about the babies that are in the incubators. and, you know, previously in this war we have seen newborns, premature babies die because of lack of fuel. so what can you tell us about a locks up about that and also whether people are now leaving the facility as we heard the, the that's completely happened for me to contribute to
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the previous you paid. these are due to the last home you learn. keep like i have to you. busy this kind of situation again hopkins in a hospital indeed the only function person to right now is the middle school renee to apply for medical. busy busy busy didn't to thousands in the cities to living in some charities. now, just today the hospital has completely run out to you to generate it does not provide that tricity for the hospital as pretty much you diabetes, injured women, children, and elderly people are completely right now. things as more of the life are completely on the verge of the as the medical work is there are only right now providing a primary care inside the hospital and they are only providing to get treatments on these on getting her off it conditions. and especially for the indigent people who had are who have the heart of writing for the hospital from time to another. this is completely due to the shortage of to if you in got the area i'm just part of
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this hospital has been in a center for minute your operations. and this is completely difficult to bring fuel to a needs kind of previous coordination of what the occupation forces brought to this very moment the situation that is getting an hourly basis much more due to your rates, who like out of electricity the and just briefly what are you hearing on patients leaving the hospital as a result of this? yes, now it's, it's very risky for the majority of the patients that to leave the hospital as the unrelenting sacral disruption is also on the tax. a considered to be a part of the military airstrikes on the regents the as these where the forces are expanding, independence, refreshing on the vicinity of the as well. some patients could be transferred to the southern hospitals, but it must be coordinated as well. and the fact is that this hospitals in the south are completely right now working beyond the capacitive means that the
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majority of beds are busy with patients right now with people who have been a result. it seems that the do these really attacks on the territory right? now there is, there any intervention happens on the ground to rescue the operation at the risk of the situation the in the locks the hospital. and we are afraid that patients are running out of time and they might die that sustained to the woods. as there are some injuries that are in a very me just a very immediate to deep leads for receiving advance surgeries and this is can happen. only insight goes of what must be delivered approach. and we can see that the number of input people being allowed to travel abroad is considered to be very limited and very few, in comparison with the total number of injuries we have. we're talking about $60000.00 promising you aged since the beginning of the as far as pricing. alright, thank you for that update topic. and sadly this is a scenario that we've seen play out before and other parts of guys that were
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hospitals. we came under attack either directly or indirectly by being in the middle of a war zone and patients were unable to leave a topic of was a reporting there from ross. it will get an update from you before long. thank you . know the lives of many families have been destroyed by the is really offensive, but some are refusing to leave what remains of their homes despite losing everything, including their loved ones. charles stratford has the story of one palestinian grandfather who was determined to stay a mazda of also labor trips carefully on the rubble remains of his family home in rough or something relative and he's ready to strike, destroyed it, killing 6 of his children, his wife and 2 of his grandchildren, he says 5 of the bodies remained buried under the twisted metal and broken concrete . and that the, that we found the 3 bodies of mohammed, my mood, and so jude,
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500 meters away from the house and the rest of my family were inside the house. we found only parts of the body that we couldn't recognize them. we put this parts in the plastic bags and we buried what was left over their bodies. how many that is put up a tend to in the rubble. so we can be close to the memories of those who loved the setup of the tent here on the rubble to tell the world that we are here. and we will be here strong and reviewing that. this is our country and our future will always be here. god has chosen us to be bored and buried in this land. so i see here in the tent to be able to collect as soon as possible and as much as i can, what is left from the bodies of my family in order to bury them. the goal is that helps ministry says around $23.00 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed by israel's land and sea bump up into the
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strip. and it says around $7000.00 more people missing field data buried under the rubble as well. i know you will not do that g news bad so i lost his budget. i come here very early. every day after morning prayers. i follow the castle because we have a strong sense of smell and off and they try every day to remove the rumble and search for the remains of the body. i'm not the only one who suffers like this. there are too many people under the rubber all over because uh that pull off and i get how manager goes to the cemetery where he inspects the graves of those who are found and a buried out on that island. yeah. and the highest. busy which i am alive, and then the same time i am alive and waiting my turn like all the powers thing you and probably got kept and you like to do something good for the victims. i always got the almighty for a good and for myself, my pain is fast and god will reward me if i see common patient and i ask him to be so he's messy on my family. a family wiped out,
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but he is really military palestinian father with little else left of his face law . most of now charles toronto, which is 0. israel says it has approached katara with a plan that will allow the delivery of medication to captives being held by hum us in guns. a statement from the is really prime minister's office says the medicines will be provided in the next few days. more than 100 people are being held in gaza with many suffering from health conditions that require regular medical care, stephanie deckers, unoccupied, east jerusalem staffing, tell us everything we currently know about this medicine deal when it could happen . how it's going to work, what possible vulnerabilities there are as well of the car. so what was it? it was a very brief statement. you pretty much summed it up, but in your intro that prime minister netanyahu advise the head of most uh,
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that is, israel's intelligence agency to approach caught out with a plan to get the medicine delivered to the captive. this a specific medicine needed according to these really media that you mentioned their ailments, things like high blood pressure. um, you know, uh, all kinds of medical asthma medicine. they need the families, been pressuring this government to do more. tens of thousands of people on the streets, protesting rules are for this government to do more. so prime minister netanyahu will be wanting to see that something is achieved. we do know that these towards have been complicated behind the scenes, him us reluctant, concerned that perhaps because this medicine is supposed to be go to a specific hostages, that somehow they could perhaps be traced. we also understand according to his reading media, that in return israel will be allowing more medicine in for palestinians. we know that the process of getting aid and medicine in is a lengthy and extremely complicated and difficult one. the days of the when this is
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going to happen is you said there are just in the next couple of days according to that statement. it will be delivered by the red cross, the red cross of course, white. so when it comes to being the middle 9 between the 2 sides and the pos, raising prisoners, getting them from her mouth and delivering them across the border of israel. now the families have responded to families of the whole. so just saying that they want visual proof that the medication is actually being reached to the specific people who wanted. also, a lot of the cap drugs are over 65, some of them over 80 years old and their families extremely concerned of their conditions as now. 199 days since they were taken across the border or they are being held in tunnels is why we believe so. certainly the families here very concerned about their health. and again, prime minister netanyahu, we had a poll overnight showing that his raging have plummeted, even more than before, wanting to be seeing that he is doing more to get help to the hostages. all right, stephanie, that's all really interesting. we'll have to see if it actually happens, so that the, the bullet points what you're telling us,
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the red cross will take medication to the captives. the families want visual proof of this. and this could all be happening in the next few days. we'll talk to you again. stephanie decker reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you. now the us has carried out air strikes on humans, capital. so now for the 2nd night in a row, several targets linked to who's the rebels were hit overnight into friday by american . and british war plains, those attacks killed at least 5 of the groups fighters. their strikes are in response to months of who's the attacks on ships in the red sea. the group says that it is targeting vessels linked to israel and us present, and joe biden declared the strikes on him and he targets a success. she have her tons, he reports the new round of strikes on human, came out as of the president by the wounds that the us would continue bombing, who the targets. if a tax on shipping didn't stop, we will make sure that we respond and buy them expressed
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his satisfaction with the us led operation. i don't think usually civilian casualties. that's another reason why. over at the pentagon, the message was also one of goals, a change to the initial indications or that we had good effects. so far we've not seen any type of retaliatory action from the who these however, the who these did 51 and 2 ship ballistic missile that didn't hit anything on friday, according to the pentagon officials that it was too soon to tell if that capabilities had been significantly degraded, officials acknowledge they did expect to be retaliation, and the us plan was to respond in kind. we will not hesitate to, to, to take further actions to be able to defend our ships, our sales and the ships and sailors of international commerce that rely on transit through the red sea. withdraw the briefings from the white house to the pentagon, there was still no acknowledgements of a close as of the escalation in the red sea. the hoot is contention. they have an
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international legal obligation under the genocide convention to disrupt the shipping to israel. and the cool for an immediate cease fire she ever time c l g 0 washington. it's been, you know, since you're a senior political analyst, more one to charlotte. more on this been an escalation this week. biggest strength . we've seen the biggest volley of drones and missiles that we've seen launched by both these since the beginning of this. and then the 1st counter strike on you have any soil by the british and the americans. what do we actually looking at here? how do you understand the situation as well? i mean, there's nothing new about the dr. i mean we've been listening to the americans and others from apparently in october saying something about war whitening war widening . and they could be implications for the war and guys, but now they've struck human enhanced the american sense that uh, what the heavy weapon are you including aircraft carriers and sort of went through
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the region in order to move. so i think on the overall this, none of this is shocking, right? it's been expected, been so many ways and yet, and yet i am actually taking a back by the facility, the facility, the easiness in which all of us is being dealt with in the sense that so the bite of the message it needs not go back to congress, there is no need of discussion in the united states, except bringing the pentagon spokesperson just a few words about why this is necessary for the freedom of navigation. i'm afraid, of course that's. that's the sacred cow for you know, for the industrial powers in the west, and hence attacking their country twice in 48 hours in various parts of the country by heavy size. i mean, it was not just kind of, uh, you know, surgical, there's and 1000 who think of them on the border and this was, you know,
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full blown attack on them. and right. is there a 2nd ease and this was which was happening while while in the united states and great britain were discussing great post office scandal, and election. and in between the how from the defense secretary, we've just been in the country. i just get back from the tardies no more, but that's move on to talk about the minister of. busy the seconds of defense health. right. and what's also not just easy and thinking happy you know, starting away. busy but what is dangerous, and what's infuriating it is that we keep hearing this arguments again and again over the decades, right. it's not about, yeah, man, it's about the whole seas. it's not about to punish fine. it's about how much it's not by live and honest about his by law. it's not about a lock, it's about saddam. it's not by the want somebody to call me and it's not by this about that. it's always this little arguments we make quickly on television. what do we go on on bomb? i know that middle eastern countries,
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and then we have the mindset of it and then we have 77, and then we have more this condition and a more isis and, and more fundamental. there's a more how the more practical groups and more party, i'm more civil wars just just gonna keep going on as if, you know, the infinity of hours time just, you know, push a button moment of the country. i move on. no one moves on anymore. why can people understand the war and them, at least it's just one extended thing for decades. now, these are not isolated incidents and went up as a principal and spokesperson just no, no, this has nothing to do with god. so excuse me. i mean, i piece the house, he's been saying, then they all just the basically the there are tax on the read see are directed. it is really ships or is really link ships or any ships, even if they're not, is really linked that are actually going to israel, that they want to block aid is relevant to doing this in support of housing. all of us. by the way, it's debatable that i've been looking at various, i'm no money, an expert,
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and i'm no shipping expert. and i've been looking at those ships. that's where handled by the host these and why them and, and why that one's is have such a good intelligence about shipping cost so. so another question, but clearly a lot of the ships were not actually innocent chips and some of them where americans make a claim. the health is making the claim again. so it is that session and how our viewers around the world. that's exactly the problem is that we keep discussing these little micro details which chip, which date, which one for which week. and we kind of know size. the fits has been happening for decades. and every time we document as if this is an isolated incident, see it only when the i was just saying they and they out this option service because of with guys whether they are honest with us, they are decent. whether they are deceptive. that's beside the point, but they have made the case that this is parted after the war started against guys, and that they would stop once the war stops and gods. but again, yes, we have now a, you have a security council resolution, which of course,
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the western powers armed themselves with that as a the b as in other ways to bomb yet. i know that in middle eastern country, so what does it have excuse on whether they need to go to congress and through parliament or not, whether this will actually help them or not. what i'm saying is we need to construct short context to what is the of the stuff we cannot just keep talking about it as this is the product of yesterday is the product of the last 3 weeks. there's an issue here that have to do with the west, big trigger, happy bombing, middle eastern states. this needs to stop. we need to find alternative to more moments of want, at least on countries, leaving us. the more extreme is in my more violence and more reactions and etc, etc. oh, sure. 0 senior political analyst, low on the shar, thank you. anti war activists have taken to the streets of seattle in the us to protest against the air strikes on who's the targets in yemen.
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the dozens of demonstrators gathered in the city centre of carrying banners and chanting slogans, calling on their government to stop the attacks. a general strike has been declared to be occupied. westbank town of it now after 3 palestinians were killed overnight to the confrontation with his really soldiers is really forces were patrolling the legal settlement of a door west of hebron. they say they were attacked and fired back in response. the 3 palestinians killed were cousins. there were 1618 and 20 years old. their family has denied the allegations against them. also near the city of phil car and the 19 year old palestinian has died after violence with his really soldiers. the policy and the red crescent says that he suffered cardiac arrest while being beaten by the soldiers. he was also shot as really forces reportedly fired live ammunition when they enter the town and were met by protest. talked out now to mohammed, drums, whom mohammed,
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you're in ramallah emmy occupied westbank. you have covered plenty of these raids across the west bank. one of the recent focuses of your reporting has been on something that is released often. do they go into these, these towns and cities in the west bank, and after the rate is done, they rip up the roads with some of their heavy machinery. tell us why they're doing it. tell us what you've found during the course of your report. so cyril, when we go to the scenes of these raids after they happen, everybody we speak with. they often tell us that what these really army does when they go into these camps to look for palestinian fighters is that while that is happening, they are also using armored bulldozers to tear up roads that they are cutting electricity lines that they are cutting water lines and the residents in those areas, whether they be refugee camps or towns or cities throughout the occupied west bank . they say this is a form of collective punishment,
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but they also tell us that they believe this is a strategy that's being employed by these really want me to try to turn residents in those areas against palestinian resistance fighters. now i should mention, these rates have become part of the fabric of daily life. on average, there are around 40 raids per day throughout the west bank. in fact, even as we speak, there is a rate that is ongoing at this hour. it started about 90 minutes ago in the outside, our refugee camp, which is in the city of the boss that is near nablus. we're told that at this hour there are clashes going on between palestinian fighters and these really army that there were about 20 is really army vehicles that went into that area. and that just as usually happens in these instances, their armored bulldozers that have torn up infrastructure and that that's still going on. so this is one of the reasons the situation is so dire and people are so concerned, you know, just last week 0, it was reported me is really media. that is really security forces actually brief.
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the government that things are so bad and the occupied westbank that it could be on the verge of a 3rd into father the things could be about to explode. that's not just because of frustration about the raids, but also because of the lack of economic opportunities. because of the fact that workers who used to be able to go in to israel with permits are not able to do so. since october 7th. all of this leading to a very potentially explosive situation. now you mentioned that there was a 19 year old palestinian killed earlier in the day in the city of to cut them. now we were in the city of to cut them just yesterday. we are at the newer shops, refugee camp, which has been repeatedly rated since october 7th. in fact, just last week, you had a raid there that lasted over 40 hours. we spoke to residents yesterday just hours after another raid. and they told us about the hardships that they face in their daily lives after the, as really, army continues to go into these camps again and again. and again, here's our report. it's another day of struggle for palestinians living in the north shunts refugee camp. a raid may be over,
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but the rain is just beyond trying to walk across the street is hard enough trying to drive down. it is even harder. not to feed. people can't even reach this area to shop on that. look how it's all broken and damaged. just hours earlier, israel's army once again stormed the camp. it's warmer, bulldozers digging up roads, its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley, we find that out of heavy foot whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion. 2 weeks ago. we stand next to a gaping hole. this used to be the window she looked out of pocket when i was in the bedroom upstairs had when they started destroying the house down to another, the bullets we had coming into the house through every direction, the damage to the door and into it. i went home and spent 4 hours here shut up
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until schaeffer saw that and her family haven't been able to stay here since i made the discomfort. she has, however, found relief in the fact that none of her children or grandchildren were hurt while these really soldiers search the area for armed promised in the and fighters in. busy a few minutes away, even more wreckage, housing structures that have been knocked down and electricity lines that have been cut, palestinians here say this type of destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. but they also believe it goes beyond that. and the by utilizing these tactics over and over again, israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance, but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy worked well. people are used to this, this doesn't affect the people support. no, it's the opposite. that makes people support the resistance more because this proves that the fund has a doing the right thing. since october 7 rates, my,
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israel's army only intensified throughout the occupied westbank. here it's become part of the fabric of daily life. today, residents, once again do whatever they can to repair these roads, but they know the fix will only be temporary. how much influence is here? the nations refugee camp in the occupied west. the initial results from ty, ones, presidential and parliamentary elections show the ruling party candidate has taken an early lead. so far more than 50 percent of the votes have been counted. china has portrayed the vote as a choice between war and peace. the main opposition party and taiwan favors closer ties with aging, which claims the self governing island as its own. we have to correspond as covering this katrina you is across the taiwan straits in sherman china. first though, let's go to tony chang any time when he's capital type, pay it so tony,
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we're getting preliminary results. the put the ruling, the p. p. party ahead. what are you hearing? what's going on? where your the noise at the moment with down to the a rally oversized, by the tragic, aggressive part of the body in power and a 50 percent into the account. that's the thing here is that they've got a very significant lead about 40 percent of the suite counseling seems to be going towards the no life that's pretty much be the case since they started about 233 percent of the law has gone to the can the 20. 6 i think that'll be something of
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a release. the arizona account continues that day because the laws that live on the face of voters, that tv could into the the, to the tv's be very popular with young voters, but the most it seems to have happened. they seem to be easy. yeah. that would normally have gone most of the k m t failing is our head now is that goes on the opening up a little bit late. that there is still quite some time to go along with the mood sort of being transferred already or outside the capital tide way down in the south, which is the strong the feeling is certainly the on try. okay tony, that's where things stand on your end of 1030 gmc, let's get in. katrina, you your life from sherman in china. house, china looking at this election, they have said in the run up to this boat that the d p. p was bringing,
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tie one closer to war ever closer to war with china. of the that's why we're waiting. certainly watching this how very, very closely it and trying to insist that taiwan, regardless of this election is chinese territory. and what staging is hurting full is that this new leader, whoever is elected, will accept this one china principle. what it refers to is 1990. 2 consensus in china. chinese lead his eyes. that is the only way to achieve peace and stability between staging and typing. now that being said, the ruling iep party is the need to sign when rejected outright. this one, china principal, the 1992 consensus since language came to power in 2016. the chinese government has cut a piece of communication and tensions have sold cross straight tensions. now, this a candidate that's currently in the running in the lead that they need to be tended
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at 19 plus. she is very likely to continue citing when's approach and that is this behaving like taiwan is an independent country while not officially declaring that it is now that approach, infuriate staging. and so as you have said in the lead up to these polls, it has one lighting for the d p. p. dangerous separatist forces. and lighting says election according to the agent will only bring tie one closest which. alright katrina, you're reporting there from charlotte and thank you very much. it'll be interesting to see the reaction once we get then the final results. thank you. katrina still ahead on al jazeera as it is turnkey, hard to imagine that people would all could move back. no, the un humanitarian chief raises an alarm about the force displacement of palestinians in gust and from jakarta to follow them forth. a soul, people around the world are holding protests and solid down to
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the higher. it's still cold across north west of pulse. if you're, if, what, if anything, getting colder still over the next couple of days you can see there's a lot of class thinking for the south was that's a cold for this of all the week one, but it will make his wife by the south was this one behind that's the most significant one because that will bring outbreaks of snow into that northwest of course it going through the next couple of days. meanwhile, we got some west weather, some mild weather coming into spain and portugal with these wet assistance which will gradually push the way through over the next to 24 to 48 hours. so. so what's the weather coming into port school at this stage that we got quite a came mosley wind coming for it was a across the scouts and just the going through west side. they pushing down towards the low countries momentarily through denmark. that's a bad across scandinavia. type of just just about phrasing, that's
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a style comb have full also, but since night was as you can see into the boats 6 days, which really stand for the south. what's in east, which is we go through sunday and by sunday, the doors willing trudy open to that optic bloss, which will bring maybe 3 to 5 centimeters of snow the deposits of scotland at that stage when he makes 2 into a good pod sofa loading jeremy down across the low countries west of whether they are making his way in despite and pull. let's go with the possibility of luck. life flooding of the aisle coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on that suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in
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their communities in at p a and on bias and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the
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the for watching else is 0. a reminder of our headlines this. our hospitals in gaza or overwhelm, is really or strikes, killed more than a 100 pallets. thing in from the past 24 hours the us and says it's a isn't making it through to the north of the strip of just the 5th of supplies arriving so far this year. there's been a total blackout to the hospital in central guys after ran out of fuel doctors at the locks the facility. and dare of all that had been treating patients by flashlight, thousands of displace palestinians or sheltering their. the initial results from taiwan presidential and fall of entry elections. so the ruling party candidates has taken an early lead. main off industry party favors closer ties with aging, which claims be self governing island as its own. a representative for the us population funding palestine has described the situation in gaza as beyond despair in desperation and follows the visit thereby un team last week is clear from my
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visit the situation in god's it'd be under any of our sinus and it's getting worse when i saw where i fell with the despair. busy desperation is everywhere, as old as to walter l. jones. all the bases for assisting the wise. i mean, and i don't even want to speak about a life weeping and because i didn't see nearby and gaza right now. what i saw was, was really, truly operating. i'm sorry to say to be happy, a 66 college of mental hygiene most my kids into gaza working when i saw the video pausing, cleaning on well to really scalar and get more into cause it because much more is needed. i was actually saying i scale, we've delivered around a interagency reproductive health kits. so his comprises around $56.00 boxes because each case about 7 boxes and they supposed to. busy 360 birds. when clinical
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delivery assistance, these, i mean winfrey supplies of drugs, disposable equipment. and it really helps mileage, post office and the bus terminal in neonatal complications. the new ones aid chief says that he is alarmed by his really far right minister of statements about what he called plans to encourage the mass transfer of civilians from gaza to 3rd countries. he was briefing the un security council as it met to discuss the force displacement of palestinians. gabriel elizondo has more from the united nations. martin griffith, the most senior humanitarian official at the united nations, has brief the security council numerous times since this conflict began. and each time he paints a more green picture situation for civilians in gaza. he said that you and staff recently came back from a trip to northern guys where they describe scenes of hor,
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hopes is that people that like people was evident signs of starvation. stuff in trucks and such anything they couldn't caps since the conflict began a 134 u. n. facilities in guys that have been damaged from is rarely bombardment. at over a 140 u. n. staff had been killed to monitor inside to be struck on numerous occasions despite the identification, a notification to he is ready, defense forces, and the last few days of known to n. j o promises have premises. i've been sunday, well mark, 100 days since the beginning of this conflict, the united nation says 85 percent of the people of guys or 1900000 people have been displaced. in 100 days,
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virtually every palestinian in garza has been displaced multiple times from a home to you to a you and shelter to attend searching for the for safety everywhere. finding safety. nowhere are searching for live any with met by this everywhere that he when continues to call for a full, an immediate cease fire saying that's the only way to stop the killing and suffering of the palestinian people gabriel's on don't. how does it at the united nations in new york to hundreds of thousands of people around the world are rallying and solidarity with the palestinian people on saturday. one such protests is happening outside the us consulate in johannesburg for meet the miller is at the protest. bring us to the scene and tell us what's going on, where you are for me to say what we've seen
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a number of post tests throughout the 3 month period across south africa and including j into handles. but this one specifically is targeting the u. s. consulate because the united states is, is rails because by line people here say, the united states is complicit in the bombardment of the palestinian people. and also people have been a sort of a further incentivized to come out in the days following the arguments. we heard at the international court of justice by south africa, noise, or by a team representing south africa in the back. it once is where held accountable charged with genocide. now we're joined by russian. do she's from the b d as movement to south africa. and she's uh, be leading many of these protests over the last 3 months. now rashawn, we just a short while ago we heard from a professor from the university of gauze. i was speaking to people here,
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but talking about is personal and experience. in that he said he's children, go to bed without a meal, and this is a reality many across the territory of facing and, and this is some of the argument that the south african government has put across. that is a deliberate attempt to stop people to limited resources, and not to mention that the high number of this we see why a protest like this continue to matter. as you say, it's incredibly hot breaking say hear from a person who's just lives through the atrocities and the genocide that's taking place in jobs. and it's not so human face to the statistics. almost over 24000 people have now been killed. we know that 75 percent of them, women and children move and double that a number of inches in jobs are right now. and of course, there are thousands which i'm known, where they are very done to the russell this policy of effect, prohibiting works of food, fuel and medicine guessing in cekada is also,
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as our legal team factually laid out on says day to the international coats of justice also constitutes the act missing the acts of genocide. i think the facts are clear. our legal team also went into great detail proving genocide really tense . and i think again, the judges would be very resumes to know the evidence that was put around people like the prime minister, the minister of defense calling palestinians, human and the most the presidents of its ro, making the human eyes, the statements, talking about it, raising god said so the estimates the plans and gaza on the palestinian people. it's ro, suppose the defense was quite pathetic in that regard. nobody in that right mind could say that a prime minister's comments just simply some personal opinion that has no influence on society. clearly it does,
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it has influenced some of the soldiers themselves as was prison. so we're going to be here until we can make sure there is a ceasefire. humanitarian assistance, we arrived in sufficient quantities for the gods, the population that the young that we want to call out. the complicity of the united states, of course, is active participation in the genocide its respondents a through fight and approved thing. round the backs of congress an additional few billions of military a just days before the i c j hearing at the moment running out of time. uh that was the show and value of the previous movement in south africa. we expect several of those protests to carry on for another hour or 2 as people here show would demonstrate this on the deputy with the palestinian pools. i submitted mid reporting from johannesburg. thank you very much. the media. there are other protests around the world in solidarity with palestinians and gaza and quality them for protest is called for
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a ceasefire as well. chanting stop. the goal is to genocide for more than 2000 people gathered for the protest outside the us embassy speakers also highlighted the dire humanitarian situations facing civilians in gauze. floors lloyd has more from calling them 400 meters from the us embassy in portland impulse . the venue chosen by organize us to send a message to the us, the main supporter of israel. now people here say they've come to show their support for how to send and receive people holding up black costs that read stuff to the general side. forming children is not an act of self defense. and the main organizer of this reality is the boy taught movement in the nation, part of a global movement that's calling for boy cost divestment and sanction corporations that support israel. now they all say they also want to educate people, not just about the atrocities happening and gone them and also by the history of the importance of supporting the boy in malaysia,
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the government last month. and now it's not able to. ringback why is there any companies i'm talking in relation to any vessels that are on the road to israel will no longer be allowed on the any malaysian and the boy pardon has been said. this is an example of how boy cox was and that they will continue to put pressure government on companies and corporations that support israel in one way or other lawrence. ringback algebra and those are the scenes into court. there were thousands gathered solidarity with palestinians and gaza crowds across the boycott store getting israel. indonesia has long supported the policy and cause the country has no formal diplomatic relations with israel. that's south korea's capital. so where people have been demanding an end to israel's war on gaza
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last month, south korea voted in favor of a un general assembly resolution calling for an immediate serenity or incest by the church has conducted overnight. there strikes on nearly 30 targets in northern iraq and syria. its defense ministry says the strikes hit locations belonging to, to crush on groups. the turkish government says the strikes were in response to 9 of its soldiers being killed and a military base and a rock. prosecutors and peru have requested a 3534 year prison sentence for a former president pedro castillo. he is accused of carrying out the crew after he tried to dissolve congress in 2022. his removal sparked a wave of protests across the country. castillo says he was the victim of political conspiracy. us regulators have grounded boeing 737, max 9 airplanes indefinitely. this follows an incident last week when a cabin panel blew out mid flight from
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a jet operated by alaska airlines. authorities had earlier said that the planes could fly again after inspections. landslide in northwest columbia has killed at least 18 people. it happened near a town and the chuckle region authorities say many people were buried when they left their cars to take shelter in a house during heavy rain full. the dozens of people were also injured. and still ahead on elsie's 0 guitar makes a winning starts as they ain't to defend their agent that's coming up at sport as far as the in the business of sharpens, it probably was legal, but heavily restricted. most of them are sold in the blacks that can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to
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price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa trucks and it's almost like the ceiling. what does that mean? don't you know that that's going to stop what the cost, so we'll see everybody is that i think i hear from them and that is basically means that he gets to the indiana case a king. your name is that the politics you on his computer a late, but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life and it will cost them we have to . but i most i said ok. everyone inspected fishing is in the catch the boat for bringing up some fish and we're not too happy with their presence. and we will need that hopefully, you know, mean that a send me the
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the types of support that are ongoing coverage of the asian cup here. in guitar, with far as males, far thank you so much. sarah cutter is football coach. tension marquez, they're very happy to have got their agent job title defense off to winning start the house and 29 team champions. 11 on 3. now with christmas he's going to have the goals at the sales stadium, which was the venue where lean on that seat lifted the world cup trophies back in 2022, transferred plate to jakey's down. next. well, let's go live now to out is there is any richardson who was at that game and he must be a big sense of relief among home phones after that, when for cuts are yes, huge. i think that seems going through something of a collective suppose control more after the 2022 well kept. the new place of the school has been together for such a long time. they were building towards that home. well,
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comp claim must have the end of a full invest, all 3 of that great games in stock contrast to what they changed in 2019, when they won the asian cap and they've been coming into this tournament. a lot of uncertainty as well. they had a new kind of growth in at the end of last year. that final will of games behind closed doors against jordan. i lost that game. see wants to the front of a fine even have to put on a big performance in front of the fans. collective side released the around the country. and i think increasingly as well the form is how moiz ali and i from a faith to place who was central at the when 5 years ago. they really don't and i to the game last night, but it's called the names on the score sheets. and the sites and continued to play as well as they did against 11. and there's no reason to saying they can't so congregate initiates tournaments. let's turn our attention to could be now strictly o, start their campaign shortly against india where you are. now we know about their crickets arrival re,
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but how do these countries compare when it comes to football of the yeah, 8 will accounts between them. something from an asian football in perspective, they will come in crickets. uh that rod replied out again at the end of last year when australia, bates, india in india, in the cricket. well, co sign of the robbery. not quite so even on the football page, perhaps best summed up by the 2 coaches talking ahead of this game and their expectations for the tournaments that had the grandma and little stride who was all about winning this title for a 2nd time to india is college that coach by the croatian ego, stay mac. you said this is just about another step on the roads. developments was becoming a serious global nation of these countries met. so i actually went catch all the last hosted version cut back in 2011. i'm on that occasion australia were full and when is new me too surprised to see something kept pretty similar this time outs where you can cite the india will have a huge amount of support and they haven't been alley stadium here today is a big indeed ex pats your population in cat sosa,
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india they'll dominates in the stands, but probably not on the page. all right, so uh, andy richardson, thank you so much for that as well. it's a full month of international football because the africa cup of nations also kicks off later on saturday and i for the coast with how much manage the house are considered one of the favorites to lift the trophy for a 3rd time. they take things off against guinea besides, when the opening matching group, a football broadcaster usher kamicia gives us the low down on what to expect from this tournament. is really essential. probably do you know, the national team, they know that the, the whole, the last of expectations from the country and you're talking about a country that's spent at least almost $1000000000.00, you know, building stadiums and building infrastructure. and really just trying to make sure that this can happen and efficiently because you can think about, you know, they've pulled in generation that had, you know, the likes of ideas to a color to
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a by the media dropped, but they didn't get a chance to play at home, so now the situation know that you have very lucky to have the opportunity to play in front of the home 1st and then go to do a knuckle industrial both can. and finally, finally they've got to win to trust me 2 years ago. but they still have that generation, you know, side you mind me is what maybe can you do, couldn't buy lead. but also they have a younger generation of plans that are coming through the system to some of those plans. i know coming to the, to the, to the senior team including let me come are who's one of the place to watch up for at this tournament. and i think that they are in a very good place to become perhaps, you know, to the 3rd team to ever defend the titles, have more of the can be the 1st african team to the 70 find as a walk through the contact you have done egypt was always in there or they have to
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step level how to turn it was comes through. then you have nigeria, and i do as it always pairing to see what's coming to an outcome. it has to assume, and we've had an incredible times, you know, i've not been in this area. also the current costs are taken to the years. then you have come to, you know, avoid, necessarily going to be looking for, you know, yes and as african title honestly, you need to not go so far away before looking natasha, who guesses from jimmy. he's done an incredible job for strategic independence leader. when you go down a south, you have p dot chevy league who plays for my middle of the sandals and he's going to be, you know, wearing the national colors parked in the media. and you have to park some deca from them via he plays for lisa cd. they are in the championship right now, but the leading the table, but also you has the food. now he from my uncle,
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is going to be very key to the look and tags as they trying to look for the 1st f. one title. since 1976, byron munich pay tribute to cobb hero from bathroom bower at their 1st splendidly game, such as death woke up winter, played for byron for 13 years, and went on to manage them the timor shirt, saying, thank you, friends for the game at the alley and serena, and fittingly, they went on to beat hoffen home the 3 now jamal, unless the allies for 2 goals and then english, captain harry came out of the 3rd, which was his 22nd of the season. fine remained stuck in the table behind the fire, leper keith and the buffalo bills nfl team have asked their fans on social media for help in digging their stadium out of a ton of snow. the bills has pittsburgh steelers on sunday. strong winds and heavy snow or forecasts with windshield temperatures of minus 20 degrees celsius could make the game one of the coldest and history. okay, and that is all your support for now back to you, sir. all right, far. thank you so much. that is it for me,
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sir. well then the 8th for this news hour, but more a tile is back in just a moment. i'll be our full round up of world news stay without the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a post tax to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question or professional. about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another link is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what outages here in savannah, a construction boom is underway for hotels h a norm as new hotels were not rated and other 5 will be opened by december of
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this of cuba. so called economic engine continues to stall. as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in old havana for lack of foreign tourists, millions of cubans depend on tourism to change the fine work i spend money and others make money. the prohibition of crew ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty, there are no tourist close to anywhere. so the big question is, why are the building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built. who has government money on property, not being claimed and us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom. feet that will take more than just new hotels. the house coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not
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just on that suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people try to tell them what's happening in their communities in a t a n on bias. and as an african, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the $135.00 pounds of citizens are killed in is really strikes across garza in the past 24 hours, including several attacks on residential type. the kind of them are a kyle, this is old. is there a live from doe who also coming up treating premier jewels babies and other


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