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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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contained in us courts, choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom. a feet that will take more than just new hotels. the family says she died hungry and is really striped, kills a little girl and 11 of her relatives and gaza. the i'm sort of any age to have you with us. this is elsie or a light from the also coming up nearly a 100 days of bombing, grief and forced displacements. israel's war on gaza has now killed nearly 24000 palestinians. the world marches the palestine protests and solidarity with the
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people of gaza as the conflict widens to human. the anti ones governing party candidates winds the presidential election, promising to safeguard the island from chinese threats and intimidation. the it's 1400 gmc, that is 4 pm in gaza, where israel's war is now approaching. it's 100 state. there's been more death, more devastation and more suffering more than a 100 palestinians were killed. and this really strikes in the last 24 hours. and that includes children, what a missile really hit the residential building in rasa. all right, god was doing reports and a warning doors may find images. and this report distressing as a mother bits firewall to her baby girl. she's a victim of and is very strong on the home. and since we're a rough,
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i garza the attack also killed 11 members of her family who had gathered for dinner the bit. and the home guy didn't seem of a sudden escalation, and her home was bummed at night by as really, as 16 were playing. since that was so small, i was not staying with that. and on this, the only women children were kept in the house. 14 of them, they were all killed in a couple of feet. a hi. yeah. supposedly heavy. this is a baby girl, so i'm not what wrong did you do to these riley's, she died hungry. if you can see you're holding a load of bread and her tiny hand she held tied to it. we could not remove it from her hand. is this baby girl, a fighter? i'm not much that's the last night i didn't. well, i'm a funeral, pray is it true with a grease? assembly struggled to keep with loss for the nice ox, the hospital endeavoured months into darkness. cars run out a few. the hospital is the lifeline for thousands of pounds thing and seeking
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medical attention and shelter from the east valley abutment. this black outpost is a threat to the lives of many, including premature babies into pages. of the medical stuff is doing all they can to save the patients. and life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies. and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity outside the streets of dairy, but i have turned into a battle field. the sound of gunfire is marking another day of origin plus buttons is really military operations have intensified across the gaza strip. with the recent varieties as strikes hitting a roads linking between roughly con eunice civilians who are co to the costs for you do not know where to go to find the safety. it's not recognizing algebra roof.
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so bring cause we can talk to tara, the live, now a topic i want to pick up on that last point you just made that people don't know where to go to find safety. we're just getting and footage from cell out dean road, which is one of the main axes along which palestinians can travel to go from one part of garza to another. and we're getting the information that a car was targeted. 3 palestinians were in the car and kill what more can you tell us about that attack? a yes, this is completely true that the palestinians inside cause that do not feel safe on the move us from bottom and touch. completely covet big and tie, it goes straight from the north to the south even in areas that are supposed to be a safe side for the majority of activities will have lost the houses behind today. one of the early uh, one of the area of tax that's happened and the last few hours was directed towards call them was hit with that drove and we saw where a sweet palestinians have to report to killed on the western roof off the road.
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that links between russell and the city of con, units. now the majority of a garza's passengers are using this roads in order to move between the governments of the territory and the links completely between the software in the middle. and they know that parts of the territory, and this is not the only 1st attack that have been carried jobs in the past few hours. also in con eunice in the past hour, uh, the east valley 5 to just had targeted an angry cultural land where a palace city in mount, alongside with 2 of his sons, were killed as they were working in this agricultural land. in the eastern areas of can you resend this is completely a very dramatic as the ongoing a military attacks on the, on the causes of strip had led to a very notable increase of casualties amongst civilians. we are talking about 130 palestinians. he's been killed in the past 24 hours, long side with more than 300. others being wounded as there was no need to talk to
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the fighting in the summer and costs, which is, as we clearly remember supposed to be a safe zone for the majority of thousands who had slipped earlier from the north and from central gulf of 16. all right, tara, with whom a reporting from rossa in southern goes to thank you very much for your reporting. talk of the ongoing at home us. cassandra gates has released a video of their latest rocket launch. the video shows a barrage of rockets being fired towards israel. the launch reportedly happened from the north of the gaza strip. this comes with israel continues. it's offensive further south in central and southern gaza. hundreds of thousands of demonstrators around the world are rallying in solidarity with the palestinian people. is march or london is the 7th national demonstration calling for an end to israel's one doesn't protest as of marching to parliament square and central london. a significant police presence is expected with $1700.00 extra officers on duty fall. brennan is there fall when we spoke to you last hour we we saw i think what was the
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beginning of that march? tell us what you're seeing and hearing the that was at the start of the box. last stop we bought about a trunk, which is in the financial district uh, the city of london as a coolant. and we sold well, hundreds of thousands. i think it was difficult to estimate for people who can process for at least an hour at all static position wherever broadcasting from. so the numbers us up the lodge and this is a 7 national day of action that have been, stays here in the u. k. m, as you mentioned in the introduction, just one of the 2 countries which are involved in days of action this we can now i've moved out to uh the, the end of the march who's going to basically compare to the system over my shoulder and see the stage i expect for the mazda arrive, they shouldn't be too far away. that are about 20 minutes away. now, for joining a is one of the people is waiting for that mouse arrived. that's awesome,
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that's all new piece. a process that you're for west one that all you're off met. yes. actually i'll be why you've inspired for both wanting to come out here in solidarity to guys. yeah, we want to still pull the tennis off. that is happening to all people in palestine . thing gods off at the we need to solve the we want, i'm an immediate cease by i'm only $25.00 that's happening again to people again in being in gaza and we want to stop the hotel. kidding. that is happening now. all the kids, the children, the full old innocent people seems south of anything the park coming out of here in such numbers. but it puts almost on and civil pressure home governments directly to the americans. but then secondary, they these recognize drastic, bring the ceasefire about that that's, that's what we have for the people. honestly, we holding all these people. honestly,
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we just need to see on 10 waiting thoughts. everything now is lar, if they can see all the tennis out old, the killing, live feed on, know they talk to broke up a on, on the media fall. everything is his dad on a video on the tape. they can see it. uh so we won't hold the world again to continue. i'm pressed on hold the government. so one of the cottages, visible for all to see because of the media media covers now you spend for more than 20 years here in the u. k. but yeah, but yet you have loved these links. that thing. yeah. a whole new level. not even all i'm seeing bob born in the 1211 and then i move to the u. k. i'm give me a sense of that sense of solidarity the palestinians all around the world, particularly here today in the field. yeah. oh wow. and that's really hard, honestly, with all these pieces is as a hot breaking. so everything is happening on the web that is not doing anything. we won't hold the government to do more, it's just everything is live,
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everything that's, that's the tool is the tools. it's all vs for everyone. i know we want them to act . we, we, we have in our consulting, we need to, uh, we need to stop the double face, bounce off all the colder and thank you, bye today for joining us. really appreciate it. they always lie. so as i say, the march will be here, probably i can see people starting to arrive. yeah. the yeah, the vanguard of the march arriving. but the full body of the march might be another half an hour or so. but it's going to go on all afternoon. i have to say it's not the 1st a won't be the last because they are absolutely adamant that they will continue demonstrating. tennessee's 5 is the chief and pieces that piece can break out piece can be a stablished. yeah, and it's already been something fun to do this as you reported. thank you, paul, for bringing us the voices from this march in london. so thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators of rallied outside the us consulate in johannesburg. and the media miller was there have been thousands of posts. it's just like this one
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across, such as in south africa, as long as the war on cause a has continued. and people here say that will continue demonstrating against what israel is doing in the occupied territories. and they will continue standing in sort of 30 with palestinians, especially given the high number of lives lost people. he also encouraged by what the south african government has done in taking as well to the international court of justice. none of us absolutely on the system because that's the genocide is one of the sections by the us. we know to biden has denied that there's a genocide going into supporters. is speaking, father installed last week. this representations of the international court of
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justice, the freaking residents to run my process is that because, so there is a signature to the genocide convention. it was applied to act. but that's not the only reason it does have because of south africa's own place. and this is what many people to ident 5, the president, nelson mandela who said the read them off. so that would never be complete without the freedom of tennessee. as people say, they're concerned about the levels of a push and the number of people to the continuing bombardments garza. and for that reason they will maintain those types of prisons wherever they can send me. another ultra 0 to have is but injured cartoon. now thousands also rally didn't solidarity with palestinians. the crowds quotes a boy called targeting israel. indonesia has long supported the palestinian cause and the country has no formal diplomatic relations with is
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the demonstrators marched in south korea's capital. so last month, south korea voted in favor of a un general assembly resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. to demonstrate is also gathered in malaysia is capital calling for an end to these really offensive. as florence louis reports, a modest turn out that the message is clear, the rally is being held less than a 100 meters from the us embassy. inquiring to pull. the venue was chosen to make a point to israel's largest support. and actually joining the malaysian people to cope with these fire in gaza. and to highlight that we are not accepting the mazda of to her against the. but the thing and people in does the dozens of age groups have banded together to arrange this event. but the main organize it is, the malaysian of the boy caught divestment and sanctions obedience, movement. it's part of a global boy caught movement. that's called for
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a day of action around the world. we've had community leaders and n g o representative to talk about the history of the occupation as well as the importance of supporting destroyed cott again, is rainy companies and corporations special portions. well in one way it was last month. the malaysian government announced it with bad vessels owned by it's really shipping companies from docking ships on the way to israel also bought from loading cargo at malaysian ports. b s malaysia says that's what's the result of its campaign and looking more if it's me, me, i think, i think successfully to highlight the the issue. so if i, let's find the history of the conflict and also what's happening in palestine. the palestinian led to movement, which has chapters in many countries, has also released a list of corporations to boycott. among wlan mcdonalds, the malaysian franchise holder is suing b. s malaysia for defamation media. as malaysia says,
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the lawsuit will not stop it from showing solidarity with palestinians. this process is here, have taken that message too hot. so it's about we avoid costing, because that is the only thing we can do as an individual at among the things that i have bought, the other companies that support israel, the companies listed on the b, this website, the global boy caught movement says target to avoid costs fines, buy it by self advocacy, n t, a pos like listening, and the us fight for civil rights among others, which have proven to be successful in. and i'm just florence greene. how did you find the us as carried out more airstrikes on humans? capital. so now after launching attacks in the early hours of friday, the 1st round by american and british war plains targeted several sites linked to hosty rebels in the capital. those attacks killed at least 5 of the groups fighters . the air strikes are in response to months of who the attacks on ships crossing the red sea. with the officials say that their targeting vessels linked to israel.
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a and u. s. presidential by declared the strikes on the targets a success. hubbard tons. the reports. the new round of strikes on yemen came out as officer president by the wounds that the us would continue bombing, who the targets. if a tax on shipping didn't stop, we will make sure that we respond and buy them expressed. his satisfaction with the us led operation, i don't think it really civilian casualties. that's another reason why it's over at the pentagon. the message was also one of goals, a change to the initial indications or that we had good effects. so far we've not seen any type of retaliatory action from the who these however, the who these did 51 and 2 ship ballistic missile that didn't hit anything on friday, according to the pentagon officials that it was too soon to tell if that capabilities had been significantly degraded, officials also acknowledged they did expect truth retaliation,
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and the us plan was to respond in kind. we will not hesitate to, to uh, to take further actions to be able to defend our ships, our sales and the ships and sailors of international commerce that rely on transit through the red sea. withdraw the briefings from the white house to the pentagon, there was still no acknowledgements of a close as of the escalation in the red sea. the hoot is contention. they have an international legal obligation under the genocide convention to disrupt shipping, to israel. and the cool for an immediate cease fire. she everytime see elder 0 washington, still ahead on allison 0. clinging to his memories, we speak to one palestinian grandfather who was last 9 members of his family and it is really attacks the
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color of the weather set. we'll move across the good parts of the east. i say we got most snow in the full cost for japan. we go areas of cloud to sliding out to them and go to pushing across the northeast of china. and there's more wintry weather in the full cost over the next couple of days depending generally try on sunday. lot of find a sunny weather. we have go to when she weather just pushing it as a guy. that was the system moves across the cramping and should i with snow on the leading flag behind that lot of dry weather, cold enough just full celsius that full basing and then it'll make just wife of the race was a mess. now little widespread as we go through monday, don't keep medical southernmost pos, and behind that generally drive you can see the next area of which and when she was waiting in the wings. meanwhile, plenty of white by the work of south east asia. i live the showers that for malaysia down into the multiplan is less the matcher indonesia, again think a good scattering a shows as per usual, and i don't see many showers in the full cost across india or across this for lanka
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. so the dry up into about this time we have got a fab, but it then spoke still in place in the smoke the pull rack. wanna see continuing, because northern parts of india, orange warnings in force here. so going into a sunday on into monday, spelt the difference is more of the 2nd, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else or 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really air strikes, have targeted to a residential building. and ross is killed this little girl. and 11 members of her family, a 135 people have been killed. it is really a tax on gaza in the last 24 hours. hundreds of thousands of people are rallying round the world in solidarity with the palestinian people from follow them forth to johannesburg. to london, protest is upholding for a ceasefire. and god the us has carried out air strikes on humans capital. so now for the 2nd night in a row there in response to months, if we see
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a tax on ships in the red sea, the group says it is targeting vessels linked to israel. israel says it has approach the state of guitar with a plan to deliver medication to captives being held by him. us in gaza. the news came from his statement released by the as really prime minister's office. sarah. hi, rob joins us from tel aviv. so tell us what you know about this deal, how it would work when it might have. and then also whether this would apply to all hostages, missouri waiting the tel aviv, but some, well, this deal is something that the families of the, those hells got to have been one thing. so the longest time it's always been parts of the stock to day, riley is demanding the right cost to be able to see the taxes for themselves, especially those that are in dire need of medication. what we do know and have heard from the families, is that some of those that are still held captive, especially the elderly, are in need of prescription medication,
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but they were already taking the full, they were taken into gaza on the mazda attack on october, the 7th now about a week ago, so some of those families will actually be in cats. i'm meeting with cats to re officials. and it seems that this was one of the demands that they had made. and then other than night we had the confirmation from the israeli prime minister's office saying that this will be happening. it's still not clear the when this will take place. so they said in the next few days, according to his writing media reports, but no definite on so on. when what we do know is that the red cross will be the ones to deliver it. how are the how that will be done again? nothing's been revealed, the details haven't been revealed and there has been no confirmation official confirmation, at least from the categories which have been an integral mediating so right from
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the start when it comes to also trying to revive the ceasefire. and all of this also points to one thing is that the families have been very angry at the slowness face feel, and the lack of a ceasefire coming about for a 2nd time. they want to see that families returned as soon as possible, and they know that as long as those stripe continue, especially as the ground troops in the gaza strip, all of a hardening on one to the south as well. and especially where they know that there's a lot more of in spicing that really concerns for that family members. it's going to be a 100 days tomorrow that they've been held most to be an underground tunnels. all right, so thank you very much and just a heads up for our viewers is 1423 gmc and a couple hours until a v. i know you'll be keeping a close watch on the protests there. 1 march, she told us and solidarity with the captives another anti government protest, so you'll be covering those. thank you very much, sarah. hi, robin telling me to the lives of many families have been destroyed by the is really offensive, but some are refusing to leave. what remains of their homes despite losing
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everything, including their loved ones. charles stratford has the story of one palestinian grandfather who was determined to stay. a mazda of suleima fritz carefully on the rubble remains of his family home in rough or something. dollars. and he's ready to strike, destroyed it, killing 6 of his children, his wife and 2 of his grandchildren. he says, 5 of the bodies remained buried under the twisted metal and broken concrete. and the zip that we found, the 3 bodies of mohammed my mood, and so jude, 500 meters away from the house. and the rest of my family were inside the house. we found only parts of their body that we couldn't recognize them. we put this parts and the plastic bags and we buried what was left over their bodies. how many that
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has put up a tent on the rubble. so he can be close to the memories of those. he loved the setup of the tent here on the rubble to tell the world if we are here and we will see here strong and review it. and this is our country and our future will always be here. god has chosen us to be bored and buried in this land. so i see here in the tent to be able to collect as soon as possible and as much as i can, what is left from the bodies of my family in order to bury them. the goal is that helps ministry says around 23 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed by israel's land and sea bone bob into the strip and it says around 7000 more people, amazing feed dead, buried under the rubble as well. i know you will not do that to me. that's the last thing i did. i come here very early. every day after morning. prayers often follow the cats because we have a strong sense of smell and off,
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and they try every day to remove the rumble and search for the remains of the body . and not the only one who suffers like this. there are too many people under the rubber all over god's uh, basketball office. i get them how many adults goes to the cemetery where he inspects the graves of those who were found in a buried yacht on that island? yeah, and the highest. busy was i am alive and dead the same time i am alive and waiting my turn like all the powers seen you and probably god kept me alive to do something good for the victims. i always got the almighty for a good and for myself, my pain is fast and god will reward me if i see common patient and i ask him to be so he's mostly on my family. a family wiped out by the israeli military policy being filed with little else left his face law. i'm most of now charles toronto to go to 0. you know
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the time for a look at some other world news now, making headlines, ruling party candidates lighting to as one tie one's presidential election. his opponents have conceded, defeat, lightning test party favors a more independent type one. china views the island as a break away province and warned that the boat was a choice between war and peace. life said that he hold for a return to healthy and orderly exchanges with aging, but promised to protect the island from threats and intimidation. tony chang has won this from typing the celebration down here on the streets. it died, but with most of both is the democratic for the october. so you can very have one's true with
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a victory. it was built this woman done more research in the why they haven't did the re election ballot this year. there was the people's biology that appear to be very successful. use those in the points. 2 terms of successful economic growth. the ability across the wall and straight story, the 19 crisis looks that i can do that by the take will be the next president. taiwan 30, checking out a 0 type of a turkey a has conducted overnight. there strikes on nearly 30 targets in northern iraq and syria. it's defense ministry says the strikes had locations belonging to kurdish arm groups. a target torcous government says the strikes were in response to 9 of
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its soldiers being killed and a military base and a rock. a prosecutors in pay room have requested a 3534 year prison sentence for a former president pedro castillo. he is accused of carrying out a crew after he tried to dissolve congress in 2022, as removal sparked a wave of protests across the country. castillo says he was the victim of political conspiracy. a landslide in north west columbia has killed at least 18 people. it happened near a town in the chuckle region. authorities say many people were buried when they left their cars to take shelter in a house during heavy rain full dozens of people were injured. a judge in new york has ordered former us president donald trump to pay the new york times nearly $400000.00 in legal fees. this decision comes out to trumps unsuccessful lawsuit against a newspaper. in 2021 trump soon his niece plus the new york times plus 3 of its journalists for revealing his tax records. and sunday,
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we'll see palestine play their 1st game of the asian cup. here in doha, they play iran in groups, see against the backdrop of course of the war and garza, and with the faith of friends and family on their minds. trying to go throughout school reports for use palestine. football is have overcome adversity to play for the country. but the build up to this asian cop has been even honda because of the war and garza, the challenges are getting the team together. because some players live in the spring summer from guys who are living abroad. some are in europe, asia, as we were just all over the place. many of the players in the team are playing in the policy and leave. and they haven't played a match since just as we can before the war started unable to train in palestine. this quote has been preparing for the tournament in algeria and saudi arabia. but there's


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