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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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people's informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroyed. the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story. on al jazeera, the under the days of death, suffering destruction and resilience israel door and gaza ends as it comes with the day, with no end in sight. the hello, i'm down during this time say, or a life and go home. so coming up, some of his demands tried to return home. i need to find it reduced to rubble approximately uninhabited. the laptop across the occupied westbank is ready for his raid. janine, on the alpha, refugee and taiwan,
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is the president elect coast of peace and stability. with china, the well for the people have gone to the past 100 days. i felt like a 100 years. that's the message on the un agency for palestine. refugees, as palestinians are now in, during the 100 stay of and her risk was 30 people including children were killed in just one of the recent is randy strikes on a residential building in gauze of city. another attack on a home, in rough in the south of the strip killed at least 14 people, including children, the treasure, another land, and the home of the the air strikes it in the middle of the night. it was just women and children in the house because not all of us could fit in the same building. just women and children died and hopefully have the show. i'm not at home since i was in a what did this little girl do to them that she died hungry with bread in her hand
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and she part of the armed resistance? is this the objective of nits and yahoo? this is the resistance they are targeting and gaza. i'll just children. how did, how did both of those left alive and gaza? this is what homes and neighborhoods have been reduced to these other streets of elbow, rage refuge account that some central garza buildings have bummed out a laundry uninhabitable before the war, though it was time to more than 46000 honest in the healthcare facilities and medical workers have been heavily targeted doctors and 1st responders across the strip have continued working in impossible conditions and say it's taking a heavy tone. take them up with heavy hit me. i feel how did these 100 days past? i do not know how they possibly, but they passed with bits and this was marked as wounded. they possibly seems of pain and cruelty and sorry, and we witness destruction. not only of homes of universities and schools and what was bottom was not just hospitals or street targets,
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not any medical teams or ambulances. it's our dreams are aspirations, arts for dignified life. we had tried to live on the seats and then they also went with them getting well out a 100 days. it's already been the deadly as well in guns as history coast of 24000 . others demands have been killed by israel to ceaseless at land and naval attacks . 10000 of those killed in gaza with children because of health ministries as close to 340 health workers are among the dead. more than $500.00 is ready, soldiers have been killed, most of them and they have mass attack launched on october 7th. and of the roughly $250.00 captives taking the gaza from israel. it's still a $136.00 still there. but not so sure mind is that a resident of hon. eunice in southern gauze and he says palestinian germaine was india and despite the challenges, so gather with 2 points. the 1000000 all that kind of speeding civilians here. i think no one would have thought that we would have gotten 200 of these of all of
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this. so it's, um, i will have despite all of these challenges, no more. all of the front of the tedium people here are still very high. and they mean determined to remain steadfast, to continue starving for the right. despite, like i said so many challenges that they have all the point to for the last 100 years. so it's been a bathroom, i have no support, which was mass communication blackouts that are no phone calls that aren't able to be needs. know it's have necessarily been on this. you have special east terms of goals, especially in locations. um, people need to continue people's deluxe, have mine to go through the data channels, the motion action needed for them. or i would stick with them sort of vice. every day is a struggle to flight schools to find water, to get proper closing, to ensure that your 10th is hopefully a taken care of despite all that in the cold weather. why don't clean bottles
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ensuring that's helpful for the medication as we go through the cold and flu season . so it's, uh, it's, it's, it's almost to, it's, it's american. got to finish painting prepping to hear all still. not only like i said, sort of driving, but trying to continue through the steps fast. i'm a little bit easy to being done because they believe that they are striving for the tools or friday for the 3 the oh, they're not, we're not doing anything wrong. they do not want that piece of 19, fortunately you 7, what are they were forced to where we are forced out onto the source. they need the last be what and before i think the drum sounds and get on the know their exact lessons finds the term is not just stay here and together one different world on the else. i miss dudley. besides that, for the senior ones in the millions, i seem delete this with the i see the courts and how they have somebody's in in
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detail in english. what has happened here just for the students even is all a big was stepped it up and proceeds to billions for showing balance. i ministry analyst, he says israel strategy in gauze as follow from class. so i think me kind of here is the america. so the slicing would probably can be created by christmas, whereas the is ready defense policies spokesman that talked about it not finishing for another year. i think parts of the challenge here is when i probably between both imagery operations, the political environment sets the objectives. it says will be in state. what does it want to achieve on the military are a means to an end to achieve that. now most the west, the u. s. and the u. k. included. so the 2 state solution is the only viable option for the future with palestinian is an x ray these living you know, co existing eventually peacefully. but what's promising that yahoo has made clear his stuff is not israel's intent,
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but hasn't said what is intended actually is. is it a one state solution? is it clear in gaza? and i think that's one of the reasons why the international community is getting more more concerned because it's not clear what israel's ultimate objective here and without knowing well, that is how of to assess whether the match reaction is achieving that objective. particularly given the disproportionate level of casualties compared to the 7th of october. the tragic loss of $1200.00 people in that dreadful current attack on each row. but since then, the fee goes all the devastation have just gone spiraling. meanwhile, they've been more raids across the occupied westbank, which has seen the unlikely incursions buy's ready forces since the war on gaza began. the scene in alpha earlier with gunfire was heard and tear gas was used by these ran the army and the refugee camp there. in the city of jeanine, resident, sage, ready forces enter the area from several directions. were thousands of israeli is
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gavin and tennessee on saturday to vent their anger with the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his popularity is taking a significant knock in recent months over his hobbling of his rails war and gaza. many a choose netanyahu of seeking to part along the wall and the power test. his opponents afresh. elections locked off the highway before police intervene to disperse the grounds. elsewhere until the v demonstrates the stage. another week he protest quoting for the return of is really captives being held in gaza. they're still more than a 130 being held back with stephanie decker jones, a slide now from occupied east jerusalem. stephanie, so yet more protests against netanyahu and growing calls to get the captives released. so yes, and as time is going on, those goals are getting louder and louder. we are seeing those numbers increase. you have to protest yesterday that you're referring to. one is the weekly protest
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to bring the hostages the captives box, and then you had another one which was the anti government anjanette in yahoo riley, which is close to the one of the main highways and tele v for a short time. no, those protests particularly today significant. it's 24 hour event to mark the 100 days since october. the 7th at the moment. uh what i believe you have pictures to run in doha. you have an event happening until i believe it started at $629.00. this morning, which is the time of the attacks a 100 days ago, but it kept the nova festival there reenacting a festival. a g. j is playing, who played at the festival that night in the early hours of the morning. it's a very somber mood. you see the families of hostages there as well. when i was looking at the pictures a little earlier, you could see people swaying to the music, hugging each other, one lady wiping away tears. this is a country that remains very much traumatized. traumatize of the events of october,
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the 7th. he's also just had a statement issued by these really president isaac had solve marketing the 100 days, saying that they were struck at a time is always struck at the time when it was ready. but it was the biggest mistake of its enemy, referring to how boss and it was referred interestingly to the phone. the rise ation that this attack happened when israel was the most polarized that has ever been. and that's referring to the effects of what this government this far right? swing government before october, the 7th had creatures which was mass protest in defiance of what the government was trying to do to the judiciary, trying to take away the independence of the judiciary and interesting. we present the hard talk saying that more arise ations. so the security threat and risk more lives are really cooling for unity at a time when you are seeing the colds resuming again for this government to go for netanyahu to go all because also protect gate. people not happy the way they are
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dealing with trying to bring back the captives wanting a ceasefire just briefly. we also heard from these ready chief of staff ministry chief of stop saying that it wasn't time for a ceasefire. and then it was more time to push me to terribly. um, so that's something that we're gonna have to wait and see. yeah. stuff as a token to you with showing live pictures here. and i'll just say are of that rally intel a, b, but you just referred to. so after a 100 days of war stuff, what's the general public move then in israel? i mean, arguably, israel is no more secure today than it was a 100 days ago. the correct and the october 7th attack stroke as well to it's very core of its sense of security as a country that has been built on the idea of a sense of security for the jews. it's something that is always in the narrative here. these really armies officially called these really defense forces, benjamin netanyahu of mine who over the most part of the last 20 years and sold
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himself as mister security. he's referred to this in the media as the only man who can keep. ringback is, are all safe while the biggest breach of israel's security happened under his watch . so his popularity has plummeted. it was a ready low before the war. we've had a poll in the last 2 days, which shows that it's going down even further. in fact, hispanic guns, now with 51 percent of respondents to this poll, saying that they believe he is the mind that should be leading israel forward if that were to be early elections more. so this is something that president benjamin, a prime minister benjamin not to know is very aware of. and you mentioned there in your intro that many people say, well, it seems that netanyahu is prolonging this for uh to not deal with the day off to which pretty much seems like his political days will be numbered. all right, just any back i live for 7 occupied east jerusalem stuff. thank you. will answer your groups. the israel are choosing police of denying them permits. to hold
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protests against the military campaign in garza, but police say they don't have the manpower to provide security at the demonstrations, nor upon reports from hyphen these authorities according to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down and hold new elections marching through the streets of high fence, they were joined by another group this time with a message about the war and guns with bonnet stating this new military solution piece is a solution. the 1st group had a police permits the 2nd didn't. so that's because the police refused to allow a logic and will protest. so it didn't concerns about destruction to public odessa . there's the reading that i can take or say politics and preventing unity with our people.
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one act the says, the mid heavy police crackdowns, many palestinians fed repercussions for attending protests in solidarity with people in guns, a close fellow study and citizens right now, or the turn. you know, there was, you know, the persecution, the heavy persecution that happens at, you know, at the very beginning, you know, the, there are a couple of weeks and we're quite effective. you know, we are talking not only about the what happened now we're talking about as well. 2021 may twisted 21 were we still have a young palestinians who went out to protest and are still in prison. today in the past few weeks in tel aviv and opens the home police with homes by the breaking up anti war protests and that's where they rested our members of the can. that's it . in a statement on social media in october,
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police commissioner. yeah. corp shop type said a protest will be found anyone who wants to identify garza to go, that these funds were challenged in the supreme court, which ruled the police does not have the authority to impose them, but does attach the code to create the because the police lots and lots of force due to the war. it could use this discussion and binding protests. you are allowed to protest to are allowed to have demonstrations if you are still inside that on sensor. that is supporting the war. if you want to protest against the war, if you want to say that's what is happening is so horrible, then you are not allowed specially if you add an add up a budget with thousands of people permitted to protests for the release of hostages and even against the government intel of these bodies say the police, consider the descent against the wall as a red line of palestinians being coerced into silence. nor hon. i'll just sierra
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high said stop right here. and i'll just say are right, when we come back old roads to the white house run through iowa. state gets ready to kick off the 2020 for presidential primary season. we'll take a look at what's at stake more in the low temperatures are rising across the radium peninsula. let me explain why it good to have the along. so the wins now starting to be pumped up from the sol. so that's going to lift the temperatures up across saudi arabia. and for us here in the golf, so re, uh that $28.00, the doha at $27.00. but we'll keep it going. we could touch 30 degrees on monday. we should be about $22.00 for this of the year. the winds will pick up and eventually those temperatures will fall off. take you to a central laser right now around the clock is, is actually buck who we've got some snow in the mix for you on sunday. could be
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looking at about $5.00 to $10.00 centimeters of the turkey. we go winds now coming out of the sol. so that's pumping up temperatures and assemble your temperatures will continue to climb over the next few days, but with disturbed weather in the eastern mediterranean could catch a shower for that north, east coast of libya and across the coastline of egypt. there has been some flooding around a central areas of tens and near to where the east as well bring fall alerts, continue, and this part of the world. and for south africa, we're seeing showers and storms go. and again, for limpopo, from the longer providence and quizzes in a tell and then here's the latest on the tropical storm warbling between rushes and reunion. it's going to hang around this area for the next few days, but it will continue to strengthen in the indian ocean. the have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of areas on it
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. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called close for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level all that i can't support that one, the bill on which is era. the book i'm back in watching out. just a real quick reminder, lots of stories here at this hour. so to people including children, were killed in the latest is really bumming on a residential building and gone to a city on saturday for the oil and gauze and now and it's one of hundreds of states
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on the 23800 palestinians. 7 more rates across the occupied west bank gun fine was heard and tear gas. 5 bodies ran the army and outside all refugee camp in the north of the territory. meanwhile, in the city of jeanine residence saves ready force and to the refuge account that from some directions. now the president of ecuador, as announced the old present gods and staff members have been taken hostage by inmates and 7 presents have now been freed, a 158 gods. i'm 20 present staff members were taking hostage on monday. it will began after one of equity was most powerful drug lords escaped from jail. that was followed by a series of police. couldn't. nothing's an attack on a tv station. i'll just here was i was on run patch. he has more of a city of black. and it all happened very quickly in the last few hours that we started to see images of these prison guys in other prison staffers being released
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one prison after the other. and an id announcement that that came from president danielle and noble hour. he congratulated the police, the army, and the prison, outdoor a fee for their work that has allowed for the return home of the prison guards. they. these have been days of anguish, a great worry for their family members. we have talked to some of them in the past days, and they were very worried by the president's decisions of maintaining what he called an iron fist against the gangs of also his unprecedented decision of announcing that through a decree state of internal war and designating at 21 different gangs that operate in this country is terrorist organization. so everybody was the very worried the what would have happened when and the 8th bit police in the army decided to re the
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presence. but instead it seemed like an agreement was reached. that allows for the release of all the prison guides and we spoke to some uh, $21.00 prison guy that was uh, re lease. uh, she was extremely worried, especially because uh, she alleged that the government was not allowing food water inside the prison that the they had cut the lights of the prison. but all this pressure seemed to have worked in the end. and this definitely today is that major political victory for the president, a tight one has a new president elect latching to the democratic progressive party or d, p. p. as one fridays race is policy favors a more independent taiwan. a china says the reunification of taiwan is inevitable. a correspondent attorney chang has more now from the time when he's capital type a boat isn't taiwan costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential
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elections. relations with china, very much on their minds, but also domestic issues. and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the future of taiwan. the republic of china. just yeah. how long? what at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues. also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates were out to the to vote. they both can see that the china was a threat. they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but is it as simple as that? the same point is that the no i, i've seen people already know how china we'll re add and i've got so many years they already know. know they'll come, foundation is not uh,
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decided by uh either china or taiwan and, but also united states as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time. democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also a much cherished right to close to 70 percent. with the election officials quick to get the account underway. clear when a stone to, to a much in the center of typeface support is that the governing democratic progressive policy, o. d, p. p. it's so together there's the votes mounted up. so today we're telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracies from around the world. the celebrations went on into the night. this was
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a victory that was far from the shore. and now the hard work begins despite wedding the presidency that the p. p a has actually lost control of the legislature on president elect lies. going to have to stop building bridges with the political opponents. he's just defeated tony chang al to 0. i'll just say it was katrina, you has more reactions from china. the result is high ones. election is a clear rejection and thank you for peaceful communications with the island. china, not happy chinese leaders have labeled tie one who use president elect lighting for surfaces and a dangerous trouble mega. and in a statement released following the results, they attempted to undermine his victory by pointing out that he failed to achieve them. the doors in the legislature ultimately tried. this message has not changed. it says wise determination to maintain ty, when he is democracy, will not impact what it says is like for the inevitable reification of taiwan with
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the mother. and those who spoke to you here in sherman says, you tend to agree, there are some worries. i am very confident that re unification will be achieved, but it takes time. i am worried because this new ty juanita is pro independent. and so i was problem is very similar to hong kong. if the mainland can be some of the tie wants demands on how long some offer something in return, i think then the re unification will be available. said lights until it has cold peace and dialogue. this agent on the basis of mutual respect, lots chinese officials, refused to see lie as anything more than the local leader of rhodes chinese territory. and unless he and his policy a willing to accept for one china principal dialogue between the aging and ty pay is unlikely to resume intentions, will probably get less. katrina used alta 0 is sean, this is china. let's turn to another election. now the 1st votes and this is race
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for the white house will be cost and the republican quote because in iowa, november's election looks likely to be a rematch of 2020 pitching president joe binding against for my president. donald trump. reynolds takes a look at a way of things, stuff, and it's about him. joe button. donald trump have starkly opposed messages on fight and says, trump would turn the us into a dictatorship for the monitors. the sooner cause is the most for the question is one of the 124 election trumps clause is revenge for the 2020 election, which he falsely says was stolen and a purge of us society. we plan to you that we will root out the commune is marxist specialist and the radical left ducks that live like vermin within the confines of our country. fighting doesn't have incredible opponents for
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the democratic nomination. but even most democrats are uninstall. uzi asked take about another 4 years with many citing biden's age at 81. he is the oldest person ever to hold the office. many voters are fed up with high prices and bite in stance on israel's war, on gaza as close to decline and support in his own party. specifically, among young more progressive democrats who object to the is really, i'm us war and his sort of, you know, full throated support for israel. trump is likely to roll over his opponents, rhonda santas, and nikki haley in iowa like a drug or not. but haley is within striking distance of trump in new hampshire, which boats on january 23rd. what chris christie has dropped out, giving hailey a boost and potentially unite inside stroke republicans behind or you know, trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal codes,
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including for formatting the january 6 2021 attack on congress, illegally possessing top secret documents. conspiracy and more any of which could turn out to convict him. at which point there would be some kind of a constitutional crisis about, you know, the, the reach which a president can you know, pardon himself, how widely those pardons can go. if a president can serve a while in prison and so forth, is elected trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more fossil fuels. another big issue in the campaign will be reproductive rights and abortion access, which republicans oppose. it's a strong card for bite to play. in the end, the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states like here in arizona, it's likely to be
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a bitter battle with unprecedented factors involved, including criminal trials to elderly candidates and the possibility of political violence. rob reynolds alger 0, phoenix, arizona. john kerry has analyses leaving his job in a bite and administration as a us climate. and boy, a 2 year old plans to help with biden's re election campaign. korea's held the role of the top climate diplomat since 2020, and was one of the lead dropped as of the 2015 paris. com is of course took here says this forces of killed. $32.00 coders fights as an ass strikes in northern iraq, and syria was in response to the killing of $9.00 to $2.00 soldiers during fighting on friday. the turkish armies been counting up cross border operations against the fight as in recent weeks. now homes across russia are struggling to cope in freezing winter conditions, heating systems,
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and many areas of collapse. following years of disrepair, your initial problem over referrals, who would have thought that winter could happen in russia? they snow joke is frequently had as people from a number of regions all over the country of coming together to express that and, and frustration a balance or lack of hayes in the homes, in the show to the jews. they criticize the local authorities, but a site has not been adequately prepared for winter. some even appeals directly to the russian president vladimir putin. we are forced to turn to you for help because the municipal authorities don't respond in the town of adults and most of the more than 20000 residents have been left without hazing for several days. due to an accident at the main boiler house, the hazing facilities located in the grounds of a private high security, a munition planned. and when things went wrong, that led to present pace into all of the complex nationalized.


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