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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the most of this pieces endangered the chopped off the head and the body was destined for the pending pile, indistinguishable from the other sharks. her presence at the market quickly became problem at the no less up and the suffering and gone. so it's been $100.00 days since as well began. is more kidding, at least $23843.00 palestinians, the kind of them or kyle, this is out. is there a live from doha. those are coming up. israel's prime minister says nobody will stop the ministry from destroying him. us, well, i'm the grows about his coming off the wall. the more is riley res. across the occupied
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westbank refugee comes near ramallah and headphone a targeted and voters in taiwan and choose a pro independence candidates as president lighting to us as he'll defend the island from what he calls china's intimidation, the the thought of citizens. i have now enjoyed $100.00 days of will already the worst and gone says history. and the nicest is really strikes. 30 people, including several children, were killed in a residential building in gauze of 15. another attack and rough are killed 14, at least 23843 palestinians have been killed since the war began. move in 10400 of them have been children. hospitals and garza have also been targeted.
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health ministry says nearly $340.00 health workers are amongst the dead. that's why the ministry has also attacked. john, let's coming at least $117.00 media black has the will began with how masses attack, and southern israel on october, the 7th. when around 1200 people were killed well than 500 as way the soldiers have died, most of them in the initial home us attacks. but despite growing international outrages ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu says no one will stop his country from continuing, as well as being now to honey muscle. and he joins us from the rafa in the southern guns, the honey you and so many others have enjoyed 100 days of near constant forming a shortage of food, clean water, shelter. how of people in during this of the yes. well,
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the more we've talked to people, the more we realize how deadly and part this has been at for them. and since october 7, people that be running from one tragedy to another, from one misery to another, not only they have lost their loved ones and relatives, but their homes that did contain them for all of these past year, their entire neighborhood. so, so far we're looking at cities and towns being destroyed and completely obliterated . and now experiencing since week one of this war with the, to those these impose by these really military and supported by these really political leadership. a total sees that has affected all aspects of life, fear we're talking about a mix. 3 and shortage of of all supplies from food, water into medical supplies and survival. fighting doesn't make, make life very, very impossible, unbearable. on top of that,
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many of the places that were targeted heavily by it is very military, are becoming largely uninhabitable, according to one of the u. n. reports. over the past few weeks, the just becoming increasingly difficult in each passing day event. and now the, the growling fear that this word might be expanded to include the very area they were told it is safe. and they have been squeezed into this small sliver of land in the southern part of the gaza strip. as reports from these really militaries are coming out of intention of expanding the military operations. they include the city and how they tell us about the strikes because they are continuing. and you were mentioning a huge strike a few out in the past few hours in central gauze. so what more do we know about that? i guess, well,
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it seems this particular data mark. so $100.00 days of this ongoing for a surge of relentless error strikes, targeting the central area of the gall, the 3 mainly the refugee accounts, including that are below the, on, within the vicinity of the only remaining health facilities in the central pardon. namely, i last saw hospital, but we're talking about a number of people who arrived to a lot of the hospital either injuries or those have been killed in earlier strikes . but as of now, the reports are coming from either raised or not have the of extreme bombardment of residential homes. a group of residential been targeted. people were shut out by a taca drones. the quad copters that are shooting at every moving object. there were reports about people trying to leave and the site are refugee camp, just digging a shoulder elsewhere. they were targeted by these at the top. it draws maybe the, the worst of what we have confirmed so far is the, the demolition of tens of homes in the southern part of garza city man. the on the
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10th road. that's the southern part of gauze and city where it is really military destroying these home and designating them one by one in the southern part of hon. you and is it more people are reported? guild and rush do not the hospital then several injuries as more residential homes were targeted. it's important to point out that for the past 2 days, including today, there is extreme difficulty in getting ahold of anyone in the central, in the southern part of the gulf view. to complete and total outage of communication on the phone services, it's becoming increasingly difficult as the the company runs our fuel or it's divisions, common occasion division have been targeted and destroyed. okay, honey, my point reyes, the latest that from southern golf. so thank you very much. honey, as well as voice the space, millions of people and goals have united nations as 1900000 palestinians. that's
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around 85 percent of guns as population of been uprooted from the homes. 1.4000000 the saying and facilities run by the u. n. 319 people sheltering in un facilities have been killed. was $1135.00 has been injured during a tax on on that you end up premises. at the start of the war, hundreds of thousands of people are pushed to run for in the south, which became the most densely populated area in the strip. as little food, no sanitation un says around 2200000 people need urgent humanitarian aid to survive . my social mine is a resident of con, you this and southern gauze a he says, palestinians remain was indians despite all the challenges together with 2 points, the 1000000 all that kind of speed instagram's here. i think no one would have thought that we would have gone through on the days of all of this so it's um.
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busy i will have, despite all of these challenges, no more, all of the front of the tedium pieces here are still very high and they remain determined sort of means that's passed to continue supply before the lights. despite like i said so many challenges there was going to for the last 100 years, it's been a bathroom. i have no support, which was mass communication blackouts that are no phone calls that are able to be made. no internet is available unless you have special east terms of goals, especially in locations. people need to continue. people don't have time to go through the video to channels that emotions. this action you need it, you. or else they told him sort of vice every day is a struggle to flight schools to find water, to get the profit of closing, to ensure that your chance is hopefully taking care of despite all that rain and the cold weather. finding clean bottles, ensuring that's how popular medication as we go through the cold and flu season. um,
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it's, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's honestly, it's, it's american. got to finish. painting happened here. are still not only like i said sort of binding, but trying to continue to reduce that cost a little bit easy that to me because they believe that they are striving for the tools or friday for the 3 the oh, they're not lovely. anything with all the do not sponsored a piece of 1947. what do they watch sports? uh we watch sports. our ancestors you a sports fan. we have the last we were in before i think the drum sounds and drums the know their exact lessons finds the on the term as well. just stay here and together. one different world on the outside. i miss dudley. besides the senior ones in dominions, i've seen delete this with the i c g course and how they are summarizing in detail in english. what has happened uses other students, even this on a big moran who stepped it up under seas typically,
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instead of thousands of his writing, these gathered and kind of have on stuff today to show that i'm the of the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his popularity is taking a significant hits in recent months, best handling of as well as well on garza, many accused asked me all who of speaking to prolong the will in an effort to claim to power or justice. have a cooling for new elections dropped to highway before police intervenes. and to walk a 100 days, the world gauze, or israel is waiting, is, was stopped working for 100 minutes, demanding. the government's do more to bring home captives held by from us. that's bringing stephanie deckers, who joins us live from occupied to east jerusalem. and so stephanie says more about the events, the in israel, mocking $100.00 days of bull. so yes, well, the event that you just mentioned that's just started 10 minutes ago. it's 11 o'clock local here and they're going to stop work for a 100 minutes and you're talking about shop businesses, school university,
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some hospitals as much as they possibly can. but part of many events over 24 hours marking a 100 days. we also had one of the teachers that played at the nova festival, do you remember that is the festival that was attacked on the 7th of october planning this morning at 6 29 in the morning, which was the exact time that the attack started take. take place and so is res. hugging each other, the families of the hostages, shutting tiers swaying to the music, or very much trying to put pressure on the government to strike another deal with him as to bring the captives back home. the more time pauses the more concerned more anger there is we just heard from one mother who was on one of these rated china was talking about her son who was in gaza. and she had massive black bags under her eyes. and the presenter alter, you know, she said you seem very quiet, but it looks like you're screaming and inside and she said yes,
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if the deal doesn't get struck soon i will no longer be polite. i think that is the feeling amongst people here. the time is running out to strike a deal to get the hostages back into israel safely. and at the moment, the indication from the government certainly is that they're not willing to talk about any sci fi, which is something that how math is demanding. and we've heard it from, from is enough from yahoo, from, from the president, chief of stuff. what's happening stuff on the political and the military front. the of the yes. nothing. yeah. oh, defiance saying that there was nothing that was going to stop this were not the hey conduct in reference to the international court of justice and the genocide allegations, not everyone's foxy's. and that's referring to hamas and hezbollah to stop the course of this war. uh, he is ready, chief of ministry, stuff was more specific when he addressed the ceasefire. he said it's not the time . this is something that have mass once, but it doesn't play into what israel's age or but that we are doing everything in our power to try and bring the captive back mentioning covert operations. i think
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it's certainly very difficult to see at the moment the hostage families, for example, think that there is no hope they're getting no indication that any of this is coming to fruition you are seeing now for the 2nd time. yes, sir, we have those protests are assigned to government protectors that briefly blocks one of the highways until i be quoted for new elections calling for nothing yahoo to resign. and interestingly, the president's address that, he reminded israel, he said, you know, this attack happened when the country was, it's most prudent, arise referring to how the political situation was before october, the 7th. and he warned about the continued phone rise ation. he said that that threatens our security on it, threatens lives. so the message from the president was, despite the frustrations of this government that his radio need to remain united. okay. stuff, money science, which is watching live pictures of that 24 hour riley being held while we have demonstrations demanding that the captives they brought home
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a are now is there any forces have conducted more overnight rates and the occupied west bank video shows is ready minute 2 vehicles in aljohn as soon refugee camp north of ramallah. rachel also conducted in a root of refuge account north of hebron. elsewhere, is there any forces? frontier gas and gunshots doing a raid on i'll far as there is not much i'm doing, joins us now from ramallah in the occupied west bank. and it seems moments of the $100.00 days of. busy gauze i have also brought an increase in waves and violence across the occupied westbank as you're absolutely right. laura, since october, 7th, the intensity and the frequency of those raids by the israeli army throughout the occupied westbank have increased greatly. you now have on average, around 40 of those raids happening each and every day. the situation is dire, the palestinians we speak with and all the areas that have been rated,
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continue to say they are worried that the situation is only going to get worse. of course, you mentioned several of the raids that happened in the overnight hours into this morning. we should also mention one of the more significant ones occurred in the flash point city of jeanine. this is somewhere that these where the army continues to raise because they try to route out palestinian resistance fighters that are based there. the rate that took place starting around uh, 3 am were told last my last that around 5 hours were told that there were intense clashes between palestinian fighters and members of these really army. that the is really armed, forces brought in armor bulldozers as they usually do in these situations of a cut critical infrastructure. they dug up roads. this is something that policy needs we speak with say is a form of collective punishment. we're also told by eye witnesses, the army surrounded the government hospital engineer, and that they searched ambulances there. now we shouldn't mention that the situation in the occupied westbank is very worry. some even for it is really
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leadership just last week. it was reported in these really media that is really security chiefs warned the israeli government that if a situation continues to deteriorate to occupied with think that it might be on the verge of explosion that they might see. a 3rd intifada start in the occupied westbank because of all that is going on, not just the violence when it comes to the res, not just the killings, but also the fact that the economic situation is so dire. you have palestinians were unable to work, palestinians who used to have work permit, so they could enter israel. they have not been able to since october 7th, it's only getting worse. we should mention that since october 7th, $347.00 promised indians have been killed throughout the west bank laura and robert . just tell us briefly about the rest of the fist as a solid, rory, i mean, he was assassinated. how much member in february 2 weeks ago buying is ready to strike a joint strike. right? that's right, laurie. that's right laura, his assassination that cause a lot of anger in the west bank after that happened. there were protests,
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there were demonstrations or even costs for general strikes in the overnight hours there, there were the arrests of $2.00 of his sisters, one named fatima. she was arrested in a bid, and there was a video that was posted by her son. but in which she said that these really soldiers rated their home and took and took his mother that they. busy so confiscated a lot of family pictures that showed slide i had already beyond that also thought i had already sister did that she was arrested in the thought of had all these hometown of our daughter here in the occupied westbank is really to not commented as to why the sisters were arrested? we expect to hear more on that in the days to come. okay, we'll keep a watch out for that. haven't from that many. thanks. indeed. so it has had on al jazeera thousands protests around the world and the global day of action in support of palestinians plus how and scapes truckload and equitable to the country on the palm to a state of emergency. the
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the while the monsoon rains are really picking out the cross northern australia hired for one, so let me show you particularly around the top end. so keep in mind, dr. the blue and the yellow here, the more intense that rain is falling. so all through the week darwin could see it'd be half a meter of rain over the next little bit. that will certainly give us some flooding . then it's all about the heat for w a per site. it's 1st 40 degree day in nearly 2 years. so we have $707.00 days, and then we've also got that heat trapped in marble bar. you've now seen about 2627 days of temperature is 43 degrees and above quite a bit of rain coming into sidney. in fact, we could see a months worth of rain in 24 hours the potential to see some flooding. their temperatures have lowered across both islands in new zealand, we've got this batch of wet weather stretching across the tasman into the north island. here. if we go to southeast asia,
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i would say pretty much the dang south on some monitor island will be the hardest hit areas here. meantime, hanging onto those flight advisories around several city with some pretty intense outs of range us of the south and east of the city there. in china, temperatures of lowered across the yangtze river valley. here winds out of the north, some showers in the mix here, and quite a bit of snow coming to support. so in fact, we'll have blizzard conditions here. up to 20 centimeters. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching out is there a has reminder of our top story is this uh, 30 people including children being killed in the latest is where the bombing on a residential building and gone to the city for the war now. and it's 100 day, at least, 23843 promised simians of been killed. the
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stepping mole rates across the occupied westbank gunfire was heard and take as far as money as way the army and l for all refugee come in the north of the tower trade . we modern the city of janine west and say is really forces into the record. she come from several directions and thousands of his way and he's got an intent of eve on saturday to express the anger at 5 minutes. have benjamin netanyahu and his handling of the will and garza, many accused him of seeking to prolong the conflict and the efforts to cling to power as well. demonstrations of being held elsewhere around the world. tens of thousands of people in washington dc of march and solidarity with the palestinian people echoed for a cease fire and it ends the billions of dollars in the us military aid to israel. some in the crowds and march the white house to express that demands, protest and support of palestinians also took place in the u. k. tens of thousands of people gathered in london. they walked upon them and square calling for an end
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to as well as will on garza and 5000 symbolic tombstones were laid out in the attendants city of naples on saturday. to remember the policy and children killed in the war activist. and it's the how often states similar protests, demanding israel, stop, it's plumbing of gaza. but to answer you will groups in israel or accusing police of denying them permits to hold protests against the ministry campaign and gaza. please say they do not have the manpower to provide security at those demonstrations or com reports from hi. so this is why it is a cooling to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down and hold new elections marching through the streets of high fence. they were joined by another group this time with a message about the war garza with bonnet stating this new military solution piece is a solution. the 1st group had
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a police permits the 2nd didn't. so that's because the police refused to allow a logic and will protest fighting concerns about destruction, to public odessa. there's the leading men i can take her say politics and preventing unity with their people. one act the says, the mid heavy police crackdowns, many palestinians fed repercussions for attending protests in solidarity with people in guns, a close fellow study and citizens right now, or the turn. you know, there was, you know, the persecution, the heavy persecution that happens at, you know, at the very beginning, you know, the, there are a couple of weeks and we're quite effective. you know, we are talking, not only about that and what happened. now we're talking about as well. 2021 may
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twisted 21 were we still have a young palestinians who went out to protest and are still in prison today in the past few weeks in tel aviv and opens the home police with homes by the breaking up anti war protests. and that's where they rested our members of the can. that's it. in a statement on social media, in october, police commissioner, yeah. corp shop tie, said a protest will be found. anyone who wants to identify with garza to go that these funds were challenged in the supreme court, which ruled the police, does not have the authority to impose them, but does attach the code to create the because the police lots and lots of force due to the war, it could use this discussion and binding protests. you are allowed to protest to are allowed to have demonstrations if you are still inside the tone sensor that is supporting the war. if you want to protest against the war,
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if you want to say that's what is happening is so horrible, then you are not allowed, specially if you add an add up a bunch with thousands of people submitted to protests for the release of hostages and even against the government and tell a vive body, say the police consider descent against the wall as a red line of palestinians being coerced into silence. nor hon. i'll just sierra high for the let's take a look at some of the other world news now, anti one that has a new president elect liking to of the democratic progressive policy. one fridays general elections as policy favors a more independent taiwan, but by jane has not ruled out. taking the island by force, tony chang has moved from taipei, the photos in taiwan, costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections. relations
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with china, very much on their minds, but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say, well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the future of taiwan and the republic of china. just yeah. how long? what at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues. also, issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates who were out to italy to vote. they both can see that the child who is a threats that they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but this is as simple as that. this implies the no i, i've seen people already know how chun all wheel re add and have go so many years they already know. know, the combination of is not uh,
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decided by uh, either china or taiwan and, but also united states as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time. democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also a much cherished right to close to 70 percent. with the election officials quick to get the account underway, a clear window, stone to to emerge in the center of typeface, support has the governing democratic progressive policy. o d p p, it's don't sit together, there's the votes mounted up. so to texas we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracy somewhere around the world
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. the celebrations went on into the night. this was the victory that was far from a shore. and now the hard work begins despite winning the presidency, the d. p. p is actually lost control of the legislature. i'm president elect lies. going to have to stop building bridges with the political opponents. he's just defeated. tony chang alpha 0, which on his foreign ministry has condemned us to actually to say, tons me blinking for congratulating tie ones. president elect lighting to on his victory. katrina, you has more on the reaction on the election from across the taiwan straits and see on the result of the high ones. election is a clear rejection to thank you for peaceful communications with the island, china and north. happy chinese leaders have labeled tiwana use presidents of like lighting for a separatist and a dangerous troublemaker. and in a statement released following the results, they attempted to undermine his victory by pointing out that he failed to achieve majority in the legislature. ultimately trying this message has not changed,
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it says wise determination to maintain taiwanese democracy will not impact what it says is like for the inevitable reification of ty, one with the mother. and those who spoke to you here in shellman says you tend to agree, there are some issues. i am very confident that re unification will be achieved. but it takes time. i am worried because this new ty, juanita is pro independent. so hi was problem is very similar to hong kong. if they're mainland can be some of the tie wants demands on how long some offer something a return. and then the re unification will be available. like to, to has quotes a piece and dialogue this aging on the basis of mutual respect. lots chinese officials refused to see why as anything more than the leader of rhodes chinese. terry treat. and unless he and his policies are willing to accept the one china
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principal dialogue between the aging and type pay is unlikely to resume intentions will probably get less. katrina use the alpha 0. sheldon city. china equitable as president has announced that old prison staff members who have been taken hostage by inmates have been freed, $158.20 present stuff. and those were captured on monday and several facilities. little began off to one of the doors, most powerful truckloads escaped from prison. i was followed by a series of police kidnappings. under the attack on a tv station. i was on the run p i. t has moved from the city of quite a kill. and it all happened very quickly in the last few hours that we started to see images of these prison guards and other prison staffers being released, one prison after the other. and then at the announcement that came from president danielle and noble, our he congratulated the police, the army, and the prison,


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