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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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the award winning selma was missing the witness on mileage as here, the and there are lots up in the stuff we're getting dogs up. it's been 100 days since as well. and again, it's for killing at least $23843.00 palestinians. the on the, on the 0 lines. my headquarters here in the hall also coming up as well as 5 minutes to says nobody will stop the military from destroying him off. well, i'm good grows about his handling of the world more his way. he rides across the occupied west. buying refugee comes new ramallah on type wrong. a target says and
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values in taiwan choose a private independence candidates as president lighting taste, as the total defend me on and from what he calls china's intimidation. the welcome to the program palestinians have now enjoyed 100 days of all. already the west in gauze us history, and the latest as really strikes 30 people, including several children, were killed and a residential building and gaza city. another attack and rough uh, killed 14, at least 23843 palestinians have been killed since the war began. and more than $10400.00 of those of being children. hospitals in guns. i have also being talked at the health ministry says maybe $340.00 workers are amongst the dead. is really military has also attacked journalists killing at least $117.00 media workers. so
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that will began with how much is attack in southern israel on october, the 7th, when around $1200.00 people were killed, mold and $500.00 is ready. the soldiers have died, most of them in the initial how much attacks. but despite going international outrage is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, but know what will stop his country from continuing its will. not even who does not . correspondents enjoys us not from southern gaza in raw for a 100 days of near constant shelling and bombardment. it's a miserable milestone to achieve of the yes indeed for $100.00 days, an ongoing suffering keeps unfolding for a palestinian and then for the many displays. so ended up in dropbox to be here. we've, we've documented daily suffering and hardship for palestinians displace palestinians
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either. i q in line for a gallon of water or the front of a bakery to get one at pack of the red into the shops in the market, trying to get whatever they good. tell them survive this ongoing misery. but despite i the, the talks about a possible, it's changing the tactics of this work. the palestinian are still suffering and they are quite unified about $11.00 options that they look into achieving hopefully within the coming to a short time, which is an end to this ongoing and mass killing of civilians across the gall, the scriver looked at the number of people being killed, including the children and women, and the sheer level of this to destruction cause their cities and town is just an indication of how miserable the situations have been fit for them. we did talk to people to get the feeling of how they react to just going on or on
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a through 100 days of this ongoing war. this is what they have to say about how they feel about this on the hudson. and i saw him in me for more than a 100 days, we'd be living in misery, suffering you snowball now, and we cannot find water, food, or medicine, you know, unless no goose nor have we a tide. if this board, if this will the people the so weary that some members of the same family couldn't stand each other. the plan we wish to have becca security no ever safe. we cannot find clean, multiple food. this is also cumulation. wherever you may turn your face so it's hard to ignore this ongoing, a suffering, particularly on this data marks 100 days of ongoing war on the golf industry, particularly for the boss, majority of displace palestinians. we ended up in boost
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a small part of the southern part of rough estimate, including those who are in, evacuated in centers to the western side of rebec. living is through a very difficult conditions, including lack of, of, of essential elements than on supplies, including water and foods. maybe one of the things that was wide visible here is large. families will end up being a small tens at either loss, evacuation zone or elsewhere on the side. roads here in rough i city, just mounting, suffering and misery as this work continues to pound across the gaza strip. and i move foresight in russia. thank you. to demonstrate isn't tell of eva holding a 24 a reilly to demand the release of confidence held by him. us in garza, for testers, also expressed cetera. and at the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government is handling of the crisis. thousands of people gathered in these very comfortable and sons of the evening as the purchase began. why the families of some
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of those captives have also been speaking simon carter at joy's now from tele fever . and so are you. i hosted square where those people are as be the 100 days of this war on god. so just give us a sense of the mood of what it feels like to be that are what people are saying. yeah, well that is a huge to now to raise the wind or even half way through the day they start to 24 hours since yesterday to mocks today, which is a 100 days of the cuts is being held in the cause of strength and the families are saying that it's tara for them, that it's been the hardest time and they need to see some things done to bring them back as soon as possible. now everyone is, hey, it's the elderly family students, every sector of societies. they even held a 100 minutes of a general strike across the country to mock those $100.00 days. there's so much going on, hey, i just want to show you to this side. we have
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a group of women whose women wage and peace and that's what they according full they want and. and so this will to be able to bring back the account to pay as soon as possible by fully aware that the strikes and the longer they all that without the medication they've been asking for without the help, that they need psychologically being stuck in tunnels for a 100 days has been to have is that true mental so i'm in just behind me or having speeches from everyone, from family members of those health concepts. it's important and also people that lost family members on october 6th, a time to buy from us. and then if you come this way, you'll see this is the see me long tunnel. people have been chewing around the blocks to go in size with told. but when you go inside, you can, hey, the sounds of as strikes. people are also leaving messages of how the families are absolutely desperate and the time of the conversation that they all having now is changing quickly. they went from uniting,
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here in the raleigh's every single day with thousands, tens of thousands of people have been showing up. and now the kind of right trick, the language they're using is a lot more showing that they said enough is enough. people talking directly to the government, people talking directly to the prime minister himself. one person sits on the stage a relative of one of those house caps. it's saying, do you want us to wait a 100 more days for them to retire and listen to us? what are you doing, and that's the sentiment that we're starting to hear. i'm still so sunrise. you say, you know, that the public are grappling with how the prime minister can these cabinets dealing with this is a great deal of, of controversy and criticism. all of that mean was the sense you're getting today in a, in that, from people on the ground that about the way these riley government is dealing with . it's not just domestically, but really on the international front to that. absolutely
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. so how we've comment this every single week since this was sauce and we've been in the square, we've been in tyler dave and just to give you an idea yesterday we were hearing from the anti government protest. says that coming out now invest thousands. they had some very strong messages. they are in front of me. i agree that saying what are you doing? i'm actually all blaming the documents. now this coalition government full, they talked about $6.00 and $7.00 rhonda attack. it's all happening in the 1st place. they've actually pools full early elections and they've closed the prime minister to resign and they actually will try those processes yesterday went to the highway to take that message a lot to the right. these are the same people. but when carrying out these protests against any traditional earphones, that a whole year, this whole, this will stop it initially when the sauce and everyone here in israel has increased, including the off position that they needed to remain united. well,
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now they're saying it's not send off in the right to quoting for more people to join these products as saying they can't do it alone. you have this righty that's taking place. pay everyone is gathering for all sectors of society, but you also have other gatherings that will be taking place across the seller be there's a few coming up on some of them. now increasingly quoting for an immediate see spot, some of those companies have been standing on stage earlier just now we husband, they saying they pulling an end to the what i can do, whatever you can to bring them back. and is that also involves ending. this is that also involves as pregnancy funds to bring to a 136 people, but that's what i'm quoting for, and that's what they want and they wants to be hugged by that government. so what kind of, what was the intent of the thank it's these riley army has said that it's killed full gunmen who entered its territories and 11 and on sunday, the tensions have been going along the border with these rails, since the will began fighting between these where the fault is on lebanon's has but
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has displaced hundreds of people from both the towns that's close over to him, run counties and something let him know with the ready light is just brings up to speed. what we know about this particular incident that happened to the south of the country where you are well before i own so that let me just bring you up to date with everything that's been going on in the last 90 minutes has bull. uh, save a fine, a rock it into the you've all settled on 3 inches in the guy leaves non to time me . so we're hearing from his reading you media sources. the 170 year old woman was actually injured in the attack. others is saying that someone is actually died, but we haven't been able to confirm that within the last 90 minutes, about 5 to 6 kilometers from where i'm standing right now. that has been constant is really showing into the areas along the 120 kilometer disputed both. so clearly tensions are still at
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a level. and that doesn't seem to be any sort of different mastic movements of solutions to try and bring this joint in boats, oven i run for am in the morning. there was also, uh, these riley said that they saw full on demand and the show about from the occupied ship from the area. uh they, there was an exchange of 5. those 4 men were actually killed. interesting me has bola and said that it was that uh fights his and he's ready on me having said that it was hezbollah, the, they're all power steering groups operating within that area itself. so clearly things are still very tense alone like buddha, as i say. and even in just the last few moments, like in the head behind me, that shelling still ongoing convers, that as of 11 on thank you for the update to those very souls that conducted little overnight raids in the occupied westbank video shows just by the minute 3 vehicles and i'll let john soon refugee kinda north of the my la rates are also being
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conducted in a refugee capital level. that's why he's very falsified. take us and gunshots during a raid in alphretta observer as mamma jump june said this update from her by law and the occupied westbank. the raids, the frequency, the intensity of those range by the israeli army into those towns, villages, and cities and refugee camps across the occupied west banks have intensified, have escalated in the days after october 7th. they have become part of the fabric of daily life. the situation continues to get more and more dire for the palestinians since october 7th, there had been $347.00 palestinians killed throughout the occupied west banks. and you mentioned some of those rates that happened the early morning hours of today. i'll tell you about one of the more significant ones that happened in jeanine in the city of jeanine, which is a flash point because there are resistance fighters there where there are typically rates every day, even before october 7th. you had a rate that lasted around 5 hours were told that it got quite chaotic in the city
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of janine that there was a lot of violence that happened in the center of the town that there were is really army tanks that surrounded a hospital there. and that they searched ambulance isn't that there were clashes between is really army soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters. now we should mention of course that there were other rates it happens as well in the overnight hours, the refugee camp bed armada, north of hebron, beer zeta, nablus. numerous raids, again, this is something that happens every day here in the occupied westbank and there is a lot of concern right now about how much more of a situation may deteriorate in the west bank. you have just last week reports in the is really media that is really security to brief, the government saying that they are concerned that there could be a 3rd father in the west bank in the days to come to they are concerned that they occupied was think might be on the verge of explosion, not just because of the violence and the rates and the killings,
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but also because of the lack of any kind of economic opportunity right now. so many problems sending a workers and used to be able to have across into israel and have their work from as they have not been able to. the economic situation is dire. things looking very bad right now every the that we speak with when they go to these areas that have been rated after those raise, they tell us they don't think the situation is going to improve any time soon. still had hey on and i'll just let are we hear from a young boy. he says that he was recruited to be a child soldiers in sit on as fighting ranges between the military and the rapid support souls. the weather deep freeze is expanding across canada and the us hi, everyone will pick up the weather story there. first, here's what you woke up to this morning on sunday. that arctic air plunging as far south as the us gulf states. so dallas 10 below,
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but nowhere has it been as cold as western canada is where your wake up temperature is not as bad actually as they happen over the last little while. no by afternoon admin symbol bounce back to minus 28. lots of sun in here. but also ice crystals as well because of trust how cold it is are took care and now coming into the great lake, some snow for toronto, couple centimeters here, light speed, nothing like we saw just a few days ago. and for the southern us, here we go. houston just 8 degrees, a swath of snow coming for arkansas, so little rock, maybe about 5 centimeters, also disturbed weather through california and the valley here is central america. we've got whether from the yucatan, western cuba, florida, and the bahamas. off we go to south america, right? now and access of rain around columbia, ecuador, pedro bolivia, and that's all pushing into the amazon jungle now south of this more storms once again for argentina's wine country that's moving to northern argentina and the river play, but we still got some heat in paraguay. i saw say on 36 degrees for you today on
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sunday, see a unique perspective to which voice for peace is the wave for me to see nation voices. you don't often hear problem. nations do stand with palestine, it's the same service. shared connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere, brand new episodes of the stream on how does your award winning documentary is from around the one l g 0? the
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book about see what you know, just bear with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top stories that the people, including children have been killed. and the latest is really bumming on the residential building in johnson city with the wall now. and it's 100th day, at least 23968 palestinians have been killed demonstrators and tons of evil holding a 24 hour valley to demand the release of tempt it's held by her. mousing gauze. protest is also express that i can get as prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government's handling of the crisis that would be meal rates. find the way the forces mil to might westbank video shows is really military vehicles in our jail as soon refugee camp. lots of ramallah rates are also conducted in a room, refugee camp knowles, of have room. israel's warrant garza has that to one of the wells. most severe health crises, based hospitals and the strip are not functioning. 70 percent of the are out of service. those that are operating,
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facing shortages of supplies and even medical workers across the street. there's only one that dialysis. we're treating patients who are suffering from kidney failure. so so that has more about us and therefore was this dialysis more than the hospital says 122 patients every day on now it is over. well the, because it's on the function in dialysis was in the entire guys a stream more often in the solvable you couldn't. the situation is tough and challenging because we are not only hospitalized and cause us and providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 stages. we are looking at on the clock with us as patients who had 3 sessions a week. now, quantity as in one session, for a health situation is rapid, you worse, and that's what because the nearly 10000 patients need dialysis treatment in casa with only 17 dialysis machines, a winnable doctors are trying hard to handle below they have reduced the treatment
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session for each patients by health about the long lines of patients waiting for treatment our program. i'm sort of sitting them home with the what us to how proud . well, the fee, my health situation is deteriorating because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have, but just 2 hours. my body's waiting all the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment. now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication, that is my leg is also broken. patients here said there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals, but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these rarely attacks on the health facilities. the magic's here on the immense pressure at the bottom from your welcome joy to talk on this is beyond our capacity . and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress should we call on all the competent authority
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is to provide help. time would be some poor animal nerve of people. and they are suffering a soft over 7 because that has imposed a complete siege on garza ice. on the 3rd, it has been nearly impossible for international including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle. and it's about time for patients here for young man and women. there's running now to just simply download the christmas out of this, the about a 0629 to south africa's case against this red light. the international court of justice has a keys. this right of 8 specific genocidal acts in the case at last at the hague on thursday. here's what they are killing palestinians. nearly 20 full thousands have been killed since the will began. and 8000, i'm missing causing serious bodily unto mental hall. many 60000 palestinians have been injured and more than a 1000 children of law sleep last expulsions from homes and displacement. 85 percent of galls. this population has been forcibly displaced,
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deprivation of food and water, israel cold for a complete siege of gauze, blocking electricity, food, water, and fuel. deprivation of shelter, clothes, hygiene, and some of the taishan. here many palestinians are left exposed to the elements without access to clean water or toilets. deprivation of medical assistance as well as kind of a lot more than 213 types of games, gauze us health facilities, destruction of palestinian life, the case science, the obliteration of in time, neighborhoods, housing infrastructure, schools, religious sites and cultural institutions. and imposing measures intended to prevent us the case calls out unsafe beth and conditions and an increase in premature baths will show us as a professor of international law. it means like any of us to the full, which i post some of the commission of inquiry on the 2014 goal is a conflict. he says,
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it's unlikely the international court of justice will rule in favor of all of south africa's arguments against israel. is this the case of picking and choosing south africa has a long wish list, reading of what they would like the orders to contain. but i think it's probably unlikely they're going to get everything on the list of the court is also entitled to improvise and make its own suggestions. so it could be, it could run the gamut from the most. i think the most severe order, which would be to stop all military activity in the gab strip. but the court has done this before. it didn't with russia and ukraine 2 years ago. and, you know, people will argue that, you know, is real still needs to fight. there is a territory, but israel shown itself to be incapable of distinguishing between civilians and combatants. so really that would be a very good valid order, but it would be asking, would be expecting a lot for the court to issue that it could go. it could be
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a much more modest type of request, but, but significant such as to allow an injured access to food medicine, potable water, electricity, and so on into a gas. or it could also involve orders about controlling the hate speech that has been emanating from is really personality is political lead. ready ministers and so on, or it could be something more in symbolic nature, like in order to israel not to commit genocide, demonstrations of being held in several cities around the world in solidarity with the palestinian people. tens of thousands of people motion, washington, dc, demanding a sci fi and an end to the millions of dollars in us military to israel, some in the crowds, and much to the white house, protested. suppose the palestinians also took place in the united kingdom, tens of thousands of people gathered in london. they want to pa them in squire
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calling for an end to israel's will. and gauze that the 5000 symbolic tombstones were laid down to the italian city of naples on saturday through them to the palestinian children killed in this will. activists in italy have often stage similar protest, amounting as well, still pits foaming of garza. the springs with headlines from across the world, china has criticized the united states, united kingdom and japan. the congratulating tie was newly elected the de, on his victory. beijing accuse is the 3 nations of interfering in another countries internal affairs present to like to launch and tell you it has when the tech support has all the support as the next 4 years will be tough. without the control of the legislature to any change possible from type it was an impressive victory and an unprecedented that to the ty, one's democratic, progressive party, put
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a note of caution from the president elect to his supporters. didn't get everything that way. no, no. so i was in the legislative elections, the d p. p did not hold onto a majority. this means that we did not work hard enough, and that is why we must humbly review and look back for the nationalist cam t policy. there was no controls. the largest block in the let just that you might have been much and even if they failed again to get the top job even the time on people's party, you finish to have a significant voting block. potential king make cuz it's a national recognition of lies. victory was muted. many leaders with china will not be pleased by his success to biden's initial reaction. we do not support independence. it's a curious statement from
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a friend. it's committed to your defense without being what was that message for the people of taiwan way or the leaders and paging, and probably a little bit of both. i think the 1st audience, the mind is likely by doing that. us is telling the aging that, hey, uh, they have a pro us cohen ty, canada is coming into power. however, that does not mean that you intend to do anything that would dramatically come anywhere near crossing buildings. red lines, maintaining the status quote appears to be what time ones votes is really want. and they don't have to look far to see the dangers of a president with on check powers and control. time when these buses have made a very particular choice, they've elected a d p. p president is going to give them continuity and stability. at the same time, his power is going to be kept in check by legislature. he doesn't control tony chang, l g 0 type children are being recruited, incidentals will between the
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o. b and the power ministry, rapids support forces. that's according to video footage from bottles and human rights groups. the u. n. has expressed concern about the recruitment of child soldiers and as both sides to ended, capable going high school from call to my mood was the middle school students when worst started between sedans, army and the parent military rapids support forces last april, due to the tough conditions as a result of the war, the 16 year old started working as a day labor to help support his family. he says he was carrying goods to sell when he was captured by the parent military are a staff who forced him to work for them. a stair hasn't said d r a stuff captured me and put me in a pickup truck off the beach and me then they threatened me that they would kill me if i didn't work with them and do what they told me to do. they forced me to god the things they knew took the 1st few days and they said they'll teach me. how's the carrier agree enough? i asked them what that was. they said it's a big gun because of the runaway,
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the moment i got the opportunity, he wasn't the only under aged force to join the parent military force and went for a long time. they was stealing things from around the factories and onto them on when we ran into them and they forced us to go with them. will that make us carry things that they still and take it with them to be solid? when, when not stealing with them and carrying the things, they locked us up. they say they'll train us to 5. i carried a gun a few times, which they said will make people feel me. the rest of has long been accused of recruiting children. even though the rest of has repeatedly denied the accusation since the worst started in april, several videos have emerged showing seemingly young children on the front lines. the international committee of the red cross i c r. c. received dozens of chow soldiers who were recruited by the recess and captured by the army. the war between the army and the r a sub has created the largest displacement among children in the
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world. the un says that's mixed children into them, more vulnerable to being recruited with the expansion of the war and the resulting economic crisis. they are concerned that's more and more children will be dragged into the conflict of the un has called for an end to the recruitment of children. and it is unacceptable that the kids are being recruited. this has to still now we see on this stuff have been very explicit and will continue to reiterate the importance of the parties to the conflict, to adhere to the international humanitarian low and international human rights. lo, my mood says he hopes to resume his studies when the were ends, but he's not sure if he'll be able to get over the days he was forced to spend on the battlefield. he but morgan all.


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