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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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i did exercise you the story on told to how does era revealing eco friendly solutions to come back, correct to opt on its own out you 0 the the today while i'm on the inside. this is the news life and death coming up next 60 minutes. any 24000 palestinians are killed in a 100 days if is there any bombardments, gonzalez'. b one says more than a 1000000 people are experiencing extreme st shortages. he said, oh grandmother our home has gone and they were all killed inside. the
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hiring tales of lives in warrens we heard from palestine units remembering that loved ones kills. and israel's attacks on the gauze. and israel families of the captives maintain pressure on the government and the conflicts by purchasing on the 100 day on a new volcanic eruption in iceland threatens a fishing village as us use out by a novice assessing houses. the it is $2200.00 g m t. that's midnight's in gusto web. how the students have now and you a 100 days of school for the people that these past 100 days have felt like a 100 years. that is the message from the un agency for palestine. refugees, almost $24000.00 palestinians have been killed now since the will began around 10 and a half of those all children. united nations warns people are running out of food.
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hospitals and dogs that have been heavily targets in the health industry says nearly 340 health workers among the dead. and these riley military has also attack janice kenning, at least a $117.00 media workers. honey mountain mood begins loc coverage from rossa in southern gaza and i'm always is walking through the remains of what was once is all you just a step is a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his, the 3 children killed in his really air strikes for still buried under the russell about me. if you on how to nicole, you, unless i come here every day, you select the 3 children remaining under the rubble of the law from w last. and hope one can pull out the bodies will take a last look at their remains. oh model. but frank gone to them,
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this is our faith and we pray to god that we will be able to pull them off to see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. is rose wore on gauze a has lift its marks across the strip. elbow raised refugee camp in central god was home to 4 to 6000 palestinians who were really displaced before the worth. the let's now entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations, israel's bombardment. how's it triggered the largest displacement of how is simeon since a macbook or catastrophe? in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private on a vis. here on the 11th, there is not a day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit to the
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rest of them. there are no goods as well, and there are no basic things needed for licensed. there is no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to live conditions. we cannot find clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted and we adults are helpless. we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering peopling dog a feel for gotten on on safe be believe is roll. goal is to completely remove palestinians and from their land the words have been going on for a 100. they have left many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the father and god. the united nations says that the catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of dying from funding is increasing and gaza.
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according to unicef, 1200000 palestinians are experiencing emergency levels of food shortages, children on deprived of 90 percent of the water they need each day to survive. 335000 children under the age of 5 of high risk, a severe malnutrition, preventable death. the agency will so estimates vary 10000 children will suffer the most life threatening form of non nutrition known as severe wasting. and if the situation doesn't change causes entire population could experience famine early february. well, israel's will and gaza has led to also one of the wells most severe health crises, most of the hospitals and gaza on not functioning those that's operating on facing shortages and supplies on workers. and is there any one dialysis would treating patients who is suffering from kidney failure results that it has more limits. and
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then before the war, this dallas is more in the hospital says 122 patients every day on now it is over. well, the, because it's the only function in violence as was in the entire guys, a street or more like the solvable, including the situation is tough and challenging for us because we are not only hospitalized and cause us and providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 stages. we are looking at on the clock purposes. patients who had 3 sessions a week. now one of you having one session for a health situation is rapid yourselves and that's what we can. the nearly 10000 patients need dialysis treatment in gaza with only 17 dialysis machines. a winnable doctors are trying hard to hand the below team, but they have reduced the treatment session for each patients by health about the long lines of patients waiting for treatment. our program. i'm sort of sitting them home with the what us a half hour while the fee,
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my health situation is deteriorating because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have. but just 2 hours. my body's sweetening all the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment . now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication, that is my leg is also broken. patients here see there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals, but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these really attacks on health facilities. the magic's here on the immense pressure at the bottom from your welcome joe. the thought on this is beyond our capacity and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress. sure, we call on all the competent authority is to provide help. time would be some poor animal nerve of people. and they are suffering a soft over 7 because that has imposed a complete siege on god's ice. on the 3rd,
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it has been nearly impossible for international including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle. and it's about time for patients here for young man and women is running now to do something over the christmas. l dash the 06 to speak. now to mont scale, but as he's adults and has worked with palestinians for more than 2 decades, he joins us now for most low. thank you for joining us. hasn't been to be that you did in cairo in the 1st few days. if the boy you were talking about how concerned you, well then about the health care system in garza and how it was on its knees. here we are a 100 days in. did you imagine it would get to where it has? and i consider myself a fairly cynical person when it comes to what kind of atrocities that superpowers and military forces can do. but i had never in my wildest fantasy,
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because i would sit here today to get with you and discuss the atrocities of a magnitude that i cannot recall not to have seen in modern history. i'm dressed in black today to commemorate the twins to 4000 killed palestinians and the 61000 wounded and almost on imaginable number of 85000 palestinian men women and children killed or wounded. within the time span of a 100 days and a health care that is not only shattered, but where they have ruined the majority 30 out of $36.00 hospital and safety for health care stations and killed su, said more than $300.00 health care workers. it is unprecedented. and when i see the videos coming from gas up to date, what people are using, forced to use, don't key carts to carry one, did and killed the palestinians. because more than
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a 100 ambulances had been targeted and shot to pieces by these really occupational forces. i think what we're looking at is a massive, more failure and a more real break down all the international order. i know control with the arms and the way the arms that used in colonial project. it's a sunday, but at the same time it is a day to also salute the very brave palestinian health care workers, the doctors, the nurses deposit emetics, the medical students, all overdose on that. not only risk then risk their life as we are speaking. the try being, standing, pulled together with their patients and their people in support on life. nope, that's and mas, as he say, many of the hospitals have been boned. the few that do still operate don't have pallet to function properly. they don't have the medical stuff. what is your understanding of the availability of medical cap on the ground now in the south of
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gaza and in the notes? that was not a good point that you were asking about the noise because in the north, the situation is beyond desperate. i just had a call from the mayor of gas a fitted today, and they told me that they have not received. i dropped off a few since the motions and supplies started to come in. and of course, got the city mostly a being forcefully emptied of people. there are still a 6 digit that uh, thousands of people living in the north needing medical supply and beating boned. she falls to state. it still has, has patients, but have own almost no medical function. so it's more like a 1st aid station. as for in the hospitals, in the south, we know that deluxe the hospital is being boned. we know that the 2 medical
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international teams that to where they're from m assessment from and may be, have less because of the dangers. and we know that these really occupation army are shooting artillery shells straight into the i see you in apartment. so it is a horrible situation. um the house care capacity is uh of course not sufficient but old to handle this massive number of 61000 the image or um, add to that uh, not only the spouse, the number of stuff and the bend capacity. but they are liking everything, they don't have to buy optics, they don't have an aesthetic drugs. they don't have, i need fluids. they don't have this. in fact, it's because of a systematic mind made health disaster. remember, this is not the kind of direction in iceland, this is planned and executed by this really government with full support from the us. it's the worst model made medical disaster in modern history actually need to close on, on their 100 state. so i think what we all need to realize now is that thousands
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of more people will be getting killed the coming days, not only from the bonding, but from the infectious diseases from however, i'm from hypothermia. i checked the weather forecast, we're going down to 65 to 6 centigrade celsius at night. think outside the coming days, that wouldn't be ring. and the tenants are single layers summers sort of tense. there will be a must have a threat on a accidental hypothermia cooling of the children and the frederick people and the pregnant women. all of this together, we're probably take more lives necessarily than the lights taken by the bomb being itself. so this is a plant calculated premeditated mass murder, i think the district level of the policy and then people find it. as i said, it's a massive immoral breakdown i, i don't understand how more than a 150 nations in the un jen, unless somebody can vote for ceasefire. and yet,
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2 nations, the united states and israel continued to just oppose any medical advice. any of the ality and it's up to 6 of the horrors of the situation and gossip without being stopped. and one day, this will, will be over then that will be the daunting task of rebuilding. where do even starts, how long would it take to build up the medical infrastructure that has been decimated in the last 100 days? extremely important question. i hate to be white norwegian, sitting in motorway and having to us answer that question because i think the posting administer on health doped audio since i brush or dropped off my brush. i talked to the head to the international corporation committee and the minister of they'll st. garza should be the ones i can be the ones who i'm sure that they say to me when i discuss this important point. they say we already already opened the
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hospital, single saw the palestinians, hospitals, you know, before they started uh, 34 out the 36 pablo stating and hospitals. what a functioning at the certain level. there had been 16 years of seats. yes. there were deficiencies, but they were functioning today. what it down to maybe 630 of them has been have been close down, but they are not that damaged. once you turn on the electricity, the fuel supply, the water supplied the food supplies and the medical supplies. they can start functioning again and the medical staff, doctors, nurses, paramedics, can move from there for surely the place displaced position in the south, up to the hospitals and start working into hospitals again. so i think what is the most press and a pressing a denial. now, it is, 1st of all from a medical point of view, number one prescription from the doctors. i talked to international impala
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statements. it is stopped the bomb being immediately, immediately lasting, sees for the number to open the border. immediately open the file, open multiple interest to gaza and have an on heated or even flicks of human to turn in supplies. not controlled by he's real, but controlled by the united nations. allow sufficient medical teams to come and start immediately to rebuild and fit the publish damian hospital and the palestinian health care system. so that that kind of function don't make golf some . and also the west bank into a donor dependent unity that can not to use their own resources, the costs are perfectly capable of to do that. and then i think also um we need to support the proceedings in the international criminal court and hold israel accountable for these must've crimes against the health care system. and patients
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and the population or in golfer at large because this, impunity has led to the situation. we already know israel has never being held accountable for their previous muscular tax on health care. this is nothing new to us and being working and got signed in the west bank for decades. they are always attacking health care. i'm most as hospitals as given health care workers, but this has not been any investigation and comfortability on this really part if they can get away with this these 100 days without any kind of punishment on legal actions. we are entering a very dark period in our history where the new colonialists are willing to, i'm able to, i can understand the ship be attacking new territories, new countries on and perform the same mass killings that we've seen these last longer. this. let me just read to you some of the numbers that one of the judges in
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the i c j. a report to the irish judge says she said, on an average $247.00 policy and those are killed, have been killed every day. among them 48 mother is killed every day. to every of a 117 children killed every day. eunice, that's called this a one of them. the children. ok, 3 medics killed every day. 2 teachers killed every day and 10 children every day on average, have lost one or 2 legs, just to take care of the unprotected children and gossip with the mind, i must have international with the numbers when put like that. oh, staggering mazda, a really appreciate your time. mazda gilbert's docs, and acts of, of speaking to us back from us. a demonstration is in tel aviv has held a 24 hour radi to demand the release of captives held in dallas. at the express that i'm good prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his government's handling of the crisis. thousands of people,
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sauce and gathering in the city on saturday evening with the families of some of the captives have been speaking so hard since moved from tennessee. we've actually just had uh, from the president himself, uh, talking about how there needs to be an international consensus to bring back those houses. but as he was speaking, there seems to be some uh, brewing and fight from some of the crowds. now, just to give you an idea on 5, today's riley the estimates is a 120000 does ratings gather to just behind me there's been a mom, a mattress, and a speech is from the stage that you can hear that from families of those health cops is some of those from the southern towns that had been attractive, had family members killed brothers relative. this is grandparents and a real desperation and then message to insurance for the government. some of the direct me speaking of prime minister benjamin netanyahu thing. how many more days do we have today? uh weights rather uh for them to be returned. in fact,
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most of them saying that that is no big street. and so all of them come back home. i know we'll do this at any cost. just take whatever is possible in terms of a deal, and let's say it happened with many sometimes saying that if this means and then to the will. so be it. but we have to get them. but what ever it takes on the bidding process across the well to monk, 100 days of israel's will impact histone thousands rallied in karachi to show solidarity with palestine. they townsend slogans against the united states and israel and cold for an immediate seasonal. these were the scenes in istanbul where crowds rallied to condemn the war. they cooled for an end to the genocide in gaza in praise of africa for its case against israel. at the iceland, jay in london, thousands gathered in trafalgar square and so forth of israel b as riley embassy organized event. it's the largest demonstration for israel often
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months of marches in solidarity with kind of thing in school. brandon, was that it's difficult to compare the numbers. i have to say that the capacity of trafalgar square where i'm standing is around $35000.00. so i would estimate that the numbers of this gathering up between 15 and 20000 pieces. you can see that the scrub behind me isn't exactly tactful, but there's a sizable number here. so maybe 2 thirds of the message is a unapologetically zion is message is coming from the speakers on the podium behind vague people like eric pick goals and the people who are from the 710 human chain project on the thrust that the, the force of the gathering effect lake is the flights of the more than 113 is riley's, who remain still held captive by how mass, somewhere in gauze, that great concern about the faith about the future, about the lives. it's interesting that the support for the,
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for any government here as different to what we saw, i think in the boxes. and then the reality is that restoring television bad, that seems to be a distinction drawn between support for hostages for the captives and criticism of the government. here i think the to all while the same is defined as look like gods . all we stand with israel, i'm a, when i put it to one of the organizes. yes. well, how many captives have actually been released since november? since the negotiators have really surprised how many have been released as a result of his riley military action? the answer is no, and he was unable to address that question. so he said, no, we just need you to have them back. plenty more has on the nissan, including refugee accounts, the top of said cheering is ready. rise in the old to 5, west spike. the
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u. s. president joe biden has issued a statement in the last few hours on the $100.00 stay for war and gaza. it mentions those hell being captive, but not the suffering and killing of palestinians on israel in those $100.00 days. let's get more on the statement which you have for tennessee in washington dc. talk us through exactly what it says to it's very much a keeping with what we've heard from joe biden. over this 100 days. he marks the devastating and tragic miles started, but that's $100.00 days of captivity. for those. take it on october, the 7th. for $100.00 days. they have existed in fear for their lives, not knowing what tomorrow will bring. their families have lived in agony. i'm the hostages and their families over the full front of my mind and my national security team. and i will never forget the grief and suffering i heard from the families of the hostages. no one should have to enjoy even one day of what they have gone
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through much less than 100 or i'm sure this is very hard. felt completely, it must be a terrible body for all those involved. but yeah, no mention of the, of the palestinians. clearly you can, you can replace a lot of the, the fear, the suffering, the grief you know, with, without of the palestinians. but he chose not to do so. but yeah, i mean, that's just very much what we've had consistently from the, by the administrative experience. i'm, when we do here any mention of suffering, it's in relation to the public opinion. how long can we, how long go to the health alone? the is there any bombardment before we approximately take your hips? it's pip bite and doesn't like being cold. other side. joe is less concerned about the actual genocide because one of the coal genocide jack, but what we've consistent behind from the administration is there's plenty of time for that. as israel still has enough time before the heat of the campaign season to do whatever it has to do to keep the suffering will continue. but then they might
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start getting a bit more wired and maybe even more concerned. maybe we'll get some more on the record information about what bite and feels about that suffering as the election approaches. because clearly, as we saw on saturday, hundreds of thousands of people are in the streets of the us. saying that this is the effect of us foreign policy. it's a failure personally. object button apparently doesn't seem to recognize that humanity a final sentence. thank you for that shared breakdown. see that 1st in washington dc as well. some palestinians in garza have returned to the ruins of where they once lives is become a way to gather together and console each other. one of the women is ivan. she's lost a home and many members of her family and it is really strike on rasa. this is how story when the, when, but i no longer have a home, we do have all that remains are, these are the, these have become my home and then the credit report. i gather my daughters and i and we start reminiscing if, if you remember that i did was killed here. how many died there had kareem lost his
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life there and my grandchildren were killed in that corner and then remove the we shed tears. sometimes the cry, our eyes out sometimes were overwhelmed with serenity. the. this is our life and this is our home prison. we spend all day here every 90 the dad we were gathering at home and all of a sudden the roof fell on our heads. i told my son we should leave. he refused and said, where can we go in there and it's in to within seconds we were hit again with another miss. i'll my son's daughters were around me. some were injured. others passed out when she was conscious again, she started crying, weeping for losing our home. i told her, let's take my grandchildren to your sister's home and we can return here again. the
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father refused and said we should not leave our home. we live here and we die here . we are like all other guys in the as good as i. after a while i'm ed came back crying. oh grandmother my father and my brothers and sisters and my uncles were killed, they were all killed. i asked him what happened and he said, oh grandmother our home was dawned and they were all killed inside the you hit your head. i was on the man and that kinda funny is there any forces have killed at least 5 palestinians in rates across the okey pine westbank this sunday 2 of them were killed in i'll be writing ne ramallah among them. a 16 year old charlie 4th is also killed a 14 year old at i'm so tom refugee camp near jericho in the jordan body as well as
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to all of his nit hebron army has killed at least 3 $152.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank since october 7th, let's go to home. the salary is in occupying the east jerusalem for us from the 1st we bring this up to date on these latest rates. if you're following what palestinians are calling a major incursion into upon the clean. yeah, more than a 1000 is really military vehicles entering the occupied west bank city along with 2 bulldozers now earlier in the night in the country are these really military storm to school and confiscated all of the security equipment and surveillance footage from that school. and earlier on sunday, or we can get to palestinian teenagers who were shot and killed by these really military, near the legal west of a settlement of beach in these really army is claiming that the 2 palestinian teenagers were wanting to throw molotov cocktails at an army base,
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now their families have said that when they weren't going to retrieve their bodies from an ambulance, they were shot out after retrieving the 1st one. but now both of the bodies are in the hands of their families and home the width and reflect thing about the $100.00 days since the will began. how would you describe the changes in the last 100 days in the occupied westbank? this is really army has stepped up their nightly rates across the occupied west bank. 2023 was already on track to be the deadliest year for palestinians. and that was before october. the 7th. in the last 100 days alone, 352 palestinians have been killed. 94 of them are children. you're also looking at nearly 6000 others who have been arrested and 4000 who been injured in these raids . these really armies says they're looking to crack down on armed palestinian
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resistance, but the situation in the west bank they say, is go getting to a boiling power points and spiraling out of control. there is a constant state of fear with the optic in extremis, settler violence, as well often times. the settlers emboldened by politicians of israel's right wing government and are protected by these really occupation forces. palestinian still feels hopeful nonetheless because there is always that sense of resilience. there is always hope on the horizon for statehood, but they have been failed by a number of bodies by their own governance, by the international community. and they'll tell you that that they don't feel c and they feel alone in this fight. not knowing the confines outside of israel separation barrier. so a lot has changed in the last 100 days, specifically when it comes to the intensity avisas really res, across the occupied west bank,
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some of them even lasting for days on end. and the situation doesn't seem to be loading up any time soon. thank you. for that time to sell her that for us. then okey pod east jerusalem still head on the out is there in guatemala, swears and it's the president will look at some of the challenges facing by not a ramping up the the man, nothing commonly a heat wave is accompanied by wild files. we have those new western australia and the heat wave is still represented by marble bar 44 spent 43 or more 94 days on and not the case in all of the west australia. admittedly, there are few channels around, but the real what he's read should be seasonally along the time northern path. if australia, then down to east coast and fix it and you could see something like
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a month with it right in the next 24 hours. and then a more big shower was luckily in new south wales and all the way up the coast till you joined the seasonal right. steering cheese takeaway mobile bar is still 43. the very warm. recently news. even that has cooled down. now that when coming out from the science and then dying got but for the most part it's looking sorry. it is certainly wet potentially. so it gets put in oakland. otherwise enjoy a sunshine. seasonally correct, it looks pretty wet in both borneo and sue march or by the end of the day and that northeast northeast wind the northeast. mostly there's also a typical which surprisingly in the winter produce a lot of snow for japan's hobby. surprised to see how car they're covered in it and all the matches of home shooting that's carried on to the next 2 days. what has been surprising is the rooms we've seen in the central and southern china is cool down and we have no with agile season right along the young c. a
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federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is a call thanks. question, profession and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. examining the impact of today's headlines. this year of the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and wealth clause, john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7, how signal stories are a global audience? this is my, you house. this is the way what these are for you to, to try to describe us from our culture, open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on that, i'll just say era of
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the course now to bear in mind to thoughts of stories. this, our palestinians have now in georgia a 100 days of rule. for the people that these pos 100 days have felt like a 100 years. that's the message from the un agency for palestine. refugees, almost 24000 people now and killed. demonstrates as in tennessee and been holding a 24 hour ronnie to demand the release of captives held by homeless and caused by purchases that angry and prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his govern, the timeliness of christ. at least 5 palestinians, a dead end is riley range across the field, deployed west bank. it brings a total,
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told that to $352.00 since october. the 7th. it's nearly $6000.00 detained for the plaza. really is the commission of general c. u. an agency for palestine refugees in the near east, he is in casa, and he described to my colleagues. so hell rahman, the desperation, the people in gaza face, i think we have run out of all the but what's even more terrible is that this tragedy is taking place on the awards on a daily basis. and despite all the warning, all of the qualification we're giving about this as part of the each time i've come, i'm not moved. i move, for example, sites applied to of the children, the number of children which have been, will have been killed named, but also all funds that whenever you go to a school, the schools right now, i think 50 overcrowded by people seeking sensor dis, quotes would be
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a piece of education and the kids to find in the schools. i'm just looking at 2 eyes and begging for a sip of water, all for love of right. kind of cool. so looking at the help from you as an organization, you at the, you end of last over a $140.00 colleagues in the last 3 months. that must, it seemed like in a tennessee, this has been absolutely devastating. it is to, oh so this 100 days it feels to be an attorney to that's what i am also reassure. he's being a, despite all the adversity we are confronted with, i find our stuff very, very motivated. it really on the, on the, on the commit to, to provide assistance today. as a you an agency. we are calling for an increase of offer of trucks crossing into gaza. we need meaningful assistance because as you an organization,
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it will not be enough to reverse the negative kind of the looming salvation introductory. we need commercials to come in 1st as have been held in human against us, sled as strikes. and here's the targets in the region degree past threatened to a strong with phone sound to the us lows. another attack on human as the weekend. washington says the strikes aimed at protecting shipping and the red sea. but here they say they will attack ships and things to israel until attacks and guns and the 11 on the lead of his bullet. and those are all as says disturbances. and the red sea won't stop until palestinian liberation is achieved. on the wind gauze, and locust america on the, on the american should realize that the security of the red, c 11 on iraq in yemen are all hinged on one single thing. putting an end to the war on gaza. rather than providing a remedy to the symptoms,
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they should treat the cause. at the end of the day, israel and america will find themselves in the face of one establish single fact what they will hear from every corner where the resistance has a voice or a rifle. they will hear one message put an end to the war and gaza. yes, it is really all me says it has killed full gunman who entered his territory from 11 on on sunday, as well as, as it carried out 6 operations on as rarely science near the buddha. emerald con, has moved from abel al saki in southern lebanon. as there was several incidents across the 120 kilometer disputed buddha in the morning as well to find an empty tank of me so into the valley settlement in galilee that actually killed a 2 is really is a 4 year old man. and a 17 year old woman is well then responded with the intensive selling across this 120 kilometer disputed buddha. there was selling quite intense, showing just
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a few kilometers away from where i'm standing right now. that seems to have come to an end for now, but we are expecting more as night falls. also at 4 o'clock in the morning, a palestinian group note has below. i actually went into the occupied ship farms area. they came in direct contact with these riley soldiers. there was an exchange of fight and these ready say they killed full of those of palestinian fights as they say that right into the occupied ship. a farm was in response to the killing of how master leader saw that a re in a route just 2 weeks ago. also the secretary general of the his beloved husband. this brother has been speaking. he was speaking at a memorial for a full and soldier with some i'll, twill, but he actually touched on the politics. he said, a 100 days have passed and goes is still holding out because it's been showing an
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ethics, steadfastness that is unparalleled in history. he said that also after a 100 days as well, his mind and failure and is not achieved is declared on on the plan goes. he said that his bullet is continuing a front is inflicting law, sees on the enemy, i'm putting pressure on the displaced and those voices become loud. remember, this is a key part of hezbollah strategy to get his riley's who have had to leave the home on. that's on the, in these really side to start to complain to the government publicly about returning back to their homes. and he says, the only way to be able to go back to that homes is if the will in goals and stuff . and then he ended by saying we'd been ready for wolf a 99 days. we're not afraid of it. we will fight without ceilings. and when that boat is, he's fighting for about 17 minutes. and this was once again, although no new, it was doubling down on the positions that his bullet has taken since october the
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8th. and we're on con, i'll just there. it will. saki, southern lebanon got smaller, swearing, and a new president, but not arrive alert. he's promised to make the justice system will find crackdown on corruption. he won the elections held in august, but then face legal challenges from conservative in parliament. it's getting more less with money over palos lower for us and mexico city manual. the road to presidency is not been easy for been not the revelers have been attempts to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in guatemala. and we've also had tensions being quite high in the country of recent days to go through what's been happening. the tensions have been high for months. tensions have been high, even leading up to today. there's been some the 28000 security forces. the been deployed in goal, not guatemala city to secure the swearing in ceremony. this is something that we're
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watching closely now because there is a protest taking place right now outside of the congress building with demonstrators threatening to storm congress if members of congress continue to delay the swearing in of new members of congress, which is in turn, delaying the swearing in ceremony for bid them out of the at a low as well, which was scheduled for $21.00, g m t. it's now well past 22, gmc, i'm going to read you a tweet that was uh from just in the last hour from better not whatever. so, who says, quote, members of congress have the responsibility to protect the popular will expressed at the polls. any attempt in attempt is being made to violate democracy with legalities, trifles, and abuses of power, the guatemalan people and the international community are watching. so again, there's something that's taking place right now. that is causing a delay to the actual swearing in ceremony. this is happening now. this is happening after days and weeks and months of attempts by the political opposition to undermine the peaceful transition of power since the election last year. there
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have been, uh, there's been a persecution and imprisonment of individuals associated with bill. now to get a little and his party, there are been investigations against the electoral officials, most recently the arrest warrant issued against electoral officials. one thing that we should note here, however, is that behind every attack, every attempt at undermining the democratic process. there has been an almost immediate response from citizens. there's been protest specifically from indigenous groups. there's been a national strike course, has also been international support, namely the united states and the u being quick to impose sanctions and guess what? against who they have described as quote and quote on democratic actors. so still a tense situation as we wait for the swearing in ceremony of president elect the a regular round on an anti corruption campaign. how difficult will it be for this new government to root out and corruption?
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corruption being the number one problem if you ask, just about any guatemalan citizen. so if you ask political analysts in guatemala right now, what is behind this mass? exodus of guatemalans that we've seen leave over the course of the last year, the thousands that we've seen leave the country trying to seek a better life in the united states over the course of, of, of the last few years. the answer is a proceed worsening of the economy. a worsening of living conditionings conditions, a whitening of the wealth gap in the country between the rich and the poor. all of these are symptomatic of deep rooted corruption in the country and it's not going to be an easy task for the incoming administration. but not only is that a little going to be having to defend himself against these judicial attacks from the attorney general, which, which are expected to continue even after he is warranted. but he's going against a divided congress, which is on the verge of its own political crisis. but again, what a little has a, at his advantage is a very strong and significant support from the citizenry. in guatemala. thank you
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for that money over pato that for us and mexico city, the equity to was president says, or present itself. members who had been taken hostage by inmates have been freed. hundreds of soldiers moved into the courts of poxy present following negotiations with inmates, an order being restored. a 158 guns and 20 present itself. members were taken hostage on monday and several facilities of sounds around pants. he has been following developments from the port city of wyatt. made aware that that was the only for the after 6 days of uncertainty and anguish, a moment of relief. all except one of the 179 prison guards and stuff held hostage by inmates and 7 prisons of cross eck weather had been released on saturday night. a security crisis that has been spiraling out of control has been quelled for now. president daniel and noble, i declared
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a state of war and tuesday and designated the games this terrorist organizations. so he took to the social media platform x to congratulate the police armed forces and the prison of tories on a successful operation. kathrine man child, that was one of the captured guards. the 25 years old could barely contain her emotions, as she recounted the days she's spending captivity at the go to fax, the prison near the capital key to see get out the in yellow make also me on the field can see me. day in and day i until i go side. i still was about hugging my fiance all the time. the 1st i was hoping they let us go after a few hours. then the night came and i understood we were not going to be that guy . one of the guards died in
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a brief confrontation between the police and the inmates in one of the prisons, but most the release of the place with no incident. as the prisoners let the security forces we take control of the jails. in recent years, ek weather has been living through and in precedence and security crisis fuels by drug trafficking that was toys. these have failed to address during getting to one of the most dangerous countries in latin america. again, the leader in the to the prison in queen who held 21 guards hostage. so the decision to release them was an active piece. the queen sized the government for not allowing food, water, and cutting electricity inside the prisons. she is going to be a little bit of a senior person. if the president wants us to apologize, we kinda apologize. he won the war, but he showed help us to reintegrate it's a society. we know we come to fight the states and we want to adhere to its rules, but the abuse of power needs to end on our right to live,
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protect it. the release of all the hostages is a major political victory for president, then yellow bar. and this promise of a hard line crack down on the gangs, but it's unlikely on its own 2 and a deep security crisis that's been worst sending for years. i listen that i'm get the address that you that way accused children not being recruited in c. jones will between the ami on the power ministry, rock and support forces. scott is, according to video footage from vassals and human rights groups. you know, as a nation has expressed concern about the recruitment of charles soldiers and is a bite signs to ended it. but morgan has moved from call to the most mood was the middle school students when worst started between sedans, army and the parent military rapids support forces last april, due to the tough conditions as a result of the war, the 16 year old started working as a day labor to help support his family. he says he was carrying goods to sell when
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he was captured by the parent military are a staff who forced him to work for them. they're having to do all this stuff captured me and put me in a pickup truck off the beach and me then they threatened me that they would kill me if i don't work with them and do what they tell me to do. they full speak to god, the things they knew took the 1st few days and they said they'll teach me. how's the car we agree enough. i asked them what that was. they said it's a big gun because of the runaways. the moment i got the opportunity, he wasn't the only under age forced to joined the parent military force and went for a long time. they was stealing things from around the factories and onto them on when we ran into them and they forced us to go with them. will that make us carry things that they steal and take it with them to be solid? when, when not stealing with them and carrying the things, they locked us up. they say they'll train us to 5. i carried a gun a few times, which they said will make people feel me. the rest of has long been accused of recruiting children. even though the rest of has repeatedly denied the accusation
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since the worst started in april, several videos have emerged showing seemingly young children on the front lines. the international committee of the red cross i c r. c. received dozens of chow soldiers who were recruited by the recess and captured by the army. the war between the army and the r a sub has created the largest displacement among children in the world. the u. n says that's mixed children into them, more vulnerable to being recruited with the expansion of the war and the resulting economic crisis. they are concerned that's more and more children will be dragged into the conflict of the un has called for an end to the recruitment of children. and it is unacceptable that the kids are being recruited. this has to still now we see on this stuff have been very explicit and will continue to reiterate the importance of the
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parties to the conflict, to adhere to the international humanitarian law and international human rights. lo, my mood says he hopes to resume his studies when the were ends, but he's not sure if he'll be able to get over the days he was forced to spend on the battlefield. he but morgan knowledge is there a heart to him? still ahead on the al jazeera talestine have a disappointing style to the asian come campaign, loosing to around the religious trinkets, and 7 is 9. the centuries old couple blame the terrorism is the bread and butter to some light families. the war and flight constellations have meant that taurus on coming, we are the next, the church on the hold
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a 2nd very good location for the to it as a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for depression, for the public good emission to come to visit the church of honest applica, notorious to 70. that should be the busiest time of the with christmas and new year round the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrace from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east jerusalem with movements being restricted and it for reggie having rep precautions on the local economy the
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the how the science agent comp campaign has started with a defeat to iran and what has been an emotional journey for the players against the backdrop of the war on gaza. joanna, it gets it all, skies more on the match from education says he stated palestine football players have become ambassadors for that country at a time of war. and funds from different nationalities came to the opening asian comp matched to show supports as much for the team as for the people of palestine. no one and tell them say, strong, i know that things are really hard, but to stay strong for your country. and we hope to see post sense back as a country we're here to support how this time and it will support all this time with every single thing we have. yeah, i just want to say that you don't have to be,
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i'm stand with them. just like you have to be a human 1st. that's why i'm from gaza. so with everything going on, i just feel like showing your support for the country is the most important thing. even if you're not published in just being until the dirty was published and every way shape. so those teams held a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives because the war on garza out on the page, iran got straight down to business. it took the 3 time agent champions, just 2 minutes to go ahead through cutting on, sorry, thought iran cit. 21st in the world rankings. well, palestine and $9.00 to $9.00 and the radians made it so. so generally inside the double the lead and the 12 minutes and a 3rd go followed from se, se, but just before the off time, we're so proud of science, thomas say,
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i'm not street earphones defense, to heading a goal for his team. so being a huge to 3, this done in the 2nd home, the palace to be in team continue to be out played by iran stuff. the zoom made it full one from close range to seal earphones victory and send them top of groups. see, it's really tough so i can see the results make this happen. but were you aware of the support that you had in the sense, even at one point the a raining of funds which hearing popella will tell me some noted before they got me on farms on or on the water, the supposed to call this time, which i'm said that i think the competing was talking about by this time because the company and it wasn't the result,
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the policy and team all that fonts had hoped for the tournaments representing that country is already a big achievement and they'll do it again on the close day against nova top appointments, united arab emirates, joanna roscoe, i would just say around education since the stadium of okay. volcanic eruption is fullest. hundreds of people to evacuate in south west and lice. lind yes, again. sonia kagle has more a daybreak of iceland and wrecked tennis pendency to west streams of molten rock and fires began to flow near the fishing town of green dick. this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee, offer a surge of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last november that the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had
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a paid every with forcing the popular tourist destination of the blue lagoon spa result to shut down. his rescue is what quickly to build the barriers to protect the nearby jew single power station. people were eventually allowed to return back to the homes 6 weeks later. but it split this seismic activity is fall from over here tomorrow. and we're working with the scientists and continuously assessing the situation that we're looking at a lava flow model to understand the volcano. so and look at what actions can be taken to protect the infrastructure that could be at risk. iceland location above a volcanic hot spot in the north up land take means us quakes are a common occurrence. it average is one or option every 4 to 5 years. but this particular part of the country has experienced 5 and less than 2 years, causing widespread disruption and hazards each time the ground trembles. sonya jago,
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elders era. ok, that's there for me, money and 5 for this. and he's out here. i don't so behaving just them. i the name of the vendor for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the shark fin trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it and lexie though they're still quite as b. o. but i said less indeed this bit of a homage shorter than to become a global commodity prize doesn't agree to it. and the special suit in asia sharps that played a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now
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pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i will tell him on that then. okay, one more thing. go that on the wedding that much than that would tell me about the weight gain, exclusive access to a team of investigators and of dismantling, or ring a short den traffickers that would be my gosh. okay, think of the only thing send the send me until the following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're gonna have leader rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some space is a start at risk you said that yes, this is the 1st 2 new saw that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the net 824000 palestinians are killed in 100 days of its rarely bombardments in guns. un says more than 1000000 people are experiencing extreme food shots the carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from so i will. so coming he said, oh grandmother our home was gone and they were all killed inside the.


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