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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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is needing to be in suzy with one of the highest casualty. counts supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue and unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront or algebra? the at least 67 people have been killed in dozens, no one dead. and israel's latest attacks on the central and southern gosh, the play you're watching all g 0 live from don't. how with these for these back people also ahead. is there any forces of arrested 25 universities, student staging, a,
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sitting during a raid in the occupied westbank brought him on his new president is find the sony nowadays. evaluation was delayed for more than 8 hours. i'm john 100 in iowa, were the 1st votes in the republican primary will be cash at conditions as close as negative 20 degrees celsius. thank you very much for joining us. we stop with these routes, relentless bombardment of casa, at least 67 people have been killed during artillery shelling of its central and southern areas. is there any will pains, targeted residential buildings to the south of con eunice? while the center of the city has also faced constant bombardment, rescue change in guys, a city a working to locate survivors of attacks in central and southern neighborhoods. at least 24100 palestinians. i've now been killed. and more than
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$60834.00 injured since october, the 7th. that's get the latest from all just there is honey, my hold was in a raffle for us in southern gaza. so some fee as gun battle is honey. in con eunice 1st tell us about what's been happening that yes, more reports are emerging from hon unit, not only will looking at of a grass they've relentlessly or strikes on artillery, sitting at the base, rent part of new and is that's for the most part as being the older residential buildings have been targeted and destroyed more agriculture. land been raised completely just carving a routes for as rarely tying send an arm of vehicles to push deeper at the western side of the had been roads leading all the way to the heart of hon. unit mandy, concentrated right now at the southern part of fine units were intense. fighting on confrontation, going on between palestinians,
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finding groups on the ground on the is really invading a for since then. just the, the level of destruction is beyond imagination as more residential buildings. entire neighborhoods have been destroyed, we were able to look at some of the videos under footage emerging from the eastern part of finance, namely and who was on opposite end it gradually to the. 3 the central part of her newness where the whole, the majority of a d. a huh. right. told buildings high rise building and the center of high noon is about 10 to 12. a story. a high building have been completed, destroyed and turned into a rubble it through the western side of han units. they mainly in other my las evacuations on an area being larger, designated a sleeper airport for a 1000, a palestinian to the doctor, went to from across the gauze strip, attends this time, not a residential building, a 10 middle van island and a plastics and wood was targeted by a drawing to miss those was fired on this then 3 people were killed inside this
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then then the remaining family members were critically injured and rushed to not that or hospital this particular family. it was a display family from the gaza city, from a she i a neighborhood evacuated 3 times before ended up in the states evacuations on this is the, the, the kind of sit the way shows this place. palestinians are going to throw. there are more reports about large number of people being killed in overnight. there's right close to 33 so far killed and tens of other injuries over reported the nozzler hospital permit ex civil defense crew were able to lead this morning to remove those bodies aware that those 2 were killed and overnighted to remove their bodies and report them to an officer hospital, honey, i know that sal and internet services have been down so it's been very difficult to know what's been happening elsewhere across the guy. so straight, what do you know about the situation in the central areas in down by line to time
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that more and more people are fleeing that area to yes, well the situation seems to be repeating itself. and where we're seeing is that similar scenarios of what happened a bit early weeks of the work taking place now at defense from area and more in the southern part mainly and find you in the city. but now the entire central area, we're talking about all the refuge accounts, including a lot of the album raised and looks like you're at the block one and black to the why the area as well as the city of theater. and they didn't, but a refugee camp as will under tv bombardment, including the vicinity of a lockbox house. because right now it just ran out of a fuel risking 100 the lives of hundreds of injuries inside the hospitals, including its children, as well as those with a chronic disease and life threatening. it could this condition, the hospitals where the overwhelmed and so far more injuries are reported to the
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hospital, but with no sufficient medical intervention whatsoever. just making it very difficult as exhausted medical is stop, inability of either of international medical attempt to stay in the hospital as they have to evacuate it. within the past few days, 22 people reported guild so far, those bodies collected by the civil defense the crew as well as paramedics on the ground. there are more, there's fear of more on the drago. so expected the number to rise in the coming days. after $100.00 days, we're looking at crippled health care facilities, more displacement, more suffering for palestinians across the guster. this is how people feel about this when we talk to them about a 100 days of ongoing wars. and i'm always is walking through the remains of what was once is all there is
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a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his the 3 children killed in his really air strikes, who are still buried under the russell a bad me. it's your minnesota liquidity, unless it's like come here every day. we still have 3 children remaining under the law to allow you most of them and how one can pull out the bodies will take a last look at the remains. oh model, but frank gone to them. this is all faith and we pray to god that we will be able to pull them off to see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. israel's war on gauze a has lift its marks across the strip. a little raised refugee camp and central garza was home to 4 to 6000 palestinians who were really displaced before the war. now, entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war,
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most of gaza is in ruins. according to the united nations, israel's bombardment has it triggered the largest displacement of palestinian since a macbook or catastrophe. in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go private on of this year. on the 11th, there is not a day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit to ref, auto them, there are no goods as well. never know basic things needed for license. there is no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to life conditions. we cannot find clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children of the most impacted, we adults a helpless. we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering, peopling dog feel. forgotten on,
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on save the believe. israel goal is to completely remove palestinians and from their land the words have been going on for a 100. they have left many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the weather in garza. and is there any forces of arrested at least $25.00 students during a night the rate in the occupied westbank. the ami rated the campus of niger university and novelist where activists had been holding a sit in his early troops killed 5 palestinians across the occupied westbank on sunday, including 2 in berry near ramallah. one was 16 years old. a 14 year old was also killed at the i'm sole time refugee camp me a jerry cole and is really forces of demolished homes, of 2 palestinians in kalki, after they were released from detention. the 2 men said they weren't given any warning. in ramallah, the home of naya bye to go to you was ron saturating and he's really right in the occupied westbank by virtue,
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he is one of the palestinians who is being held in and he's really prison for more than 40 years. let's get the latest with mamma jump june. who's in vermont left for is. tell us about these rates mohammed what's been happening in the last few hours . just before the 1st i should mention to you and our viewers that in the past 30 to 40 minutes there has been a funeral being held in the town of syria. that is a town that is close to hebron. it's in the northern part of hebron. these girls were for 2 men to palestinian men that were killed yesterday by the israeli army when they were in an area known as where the stream which is close to. so are you now beyond that? we've also had many raids as is typical every day across the occupied west bank. numerous raids occurring and the overnight hours last night into this morning. among the more significant incidents that happened over the course of the past 12 hours or so, you had of course, the raid that happened on the campus about in the university in nablus,
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which you mentioned just a moment ago, 25 students arrested as they were demonstrating they were holding a sit in, we're told by witnesses, they are that the students were receiving text messages by is really forces when that rate was happening, that they needed to surrender immediately. all so there was a statement issued by the university condemning that raid saying that when these really and forces came ended, there were also security personnel at that university that were assaulted by is really soldiers. and they said that these really army had no right to come to that campus interest, those students also. another incident, of course, the significant that happened was close to the illegal settlement a bit here, which is uh, in the a bitter area close to a model. you had to palestinian teenagers one age 161 age 17 that they were killed, and the overnight hours by the israeli army, these really army says that those 2 teenagers were attempting to throw molotov cocktails towards that illegal settlement of bed. e. and we were told, after that all occurred,
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that the family members of those 2 teenagers tried to retrieve the bodies when they were going to be ambulances on the scene that they were shot at by is really security towards it. but we've also been told that they have since been able to get custody of the bodies of those 2 teenagers. now, this is all part and part so of a really dire situation is only getting more difficult throughout the occupied west bank or on average, around 40 range by these really military per day. they happen in towns, villages, refugee camp cities across the occupied west bank since october 7th. there had been 357 palestinians killed fully. thank you. thank you very much. my monitor, i'm doing life for a say in ramallah in the occupied westbank. meanwhile is, or as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has told his ministers to quote, share in the burden of sweeping budget cods. his cabinet has been holding a meeting for a 2nd day to discuss amendments to this. he has budget. there's now wants to increase military spending to help finance the war on guys. the conflicts with cost
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is around $24000000000.00. this is stephanie deka is following developments from occupied these tools. usually budget talks are on the adult and boring this one, not so at all. you had the education minister store amount yesterday today. we understand one of the main sticking points. is it more ben chavira, he is the national security minister. of course, he's the head also of the police and he's threatening. he's one of the far right to wait and controversial ministers. he's threatening to vote against the budget. if his police get too much of a cot, you've also had the minister for the jewish diaspora saying if he gets too much caught that, that is going to be an issue. interesting. they actually you have the arab may or is the association of israel saying that they believe that around $1200000000.00 could be caught to the palestinian is really communities in israel. an interesting you, we had a statement from mission batch, these really internal security services yesterday warning that that could be
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a real issue leading to more of you know, disenfranchisement the feeling of it. this has not given enough attention to these communities which has been an issue in the past anyway, and that could lead to more violence. so this is the sticking point at the moment. this war costing $269000000.00 a day. so they need to find the money from somewhere and all these cabinet ministers having issues, if those costs are going to affect that to britain's defense secretary ground shops says the u. k. will wait and see before deciding to launch another round of miss i a military strikes against the whole seizing gammon in order to protect international shipping earlier to us and it's shot down an anti ship close miss all 5 by him. and so he's the group has threatened a strong response to the us launch another attack on yemen. she advertise the as more from washington dc. this would be the 2nd ad, the ship, but
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a sickness. solve it by hitting fees of launched since the us began. bowman, who is the targets late last week, so we just have the sub come release, which says on january 14th and approximately 4 45 pm signed off time and and the ship christmas. i was fired from around noon back to the minutes and areas of human toward us as the level which is operating in the southern red sea. the missile was shut down in the vicinity of the christopher data by us fighter aircraft. they were there injuries or damage reported, so not too much, just the 2nd attack reported by sub comp for all the things since, since the us bombing began. i guess the 2 other interesting things tonight that's it's, that's totally, that's the most i was those toward the us as level. but also addressing it was being targeted. you were going to watch out for that language. so it was just, you know, the mood happened to be in the vicinity is don't say whether that was actually the targets and it's interesting to just a few hours before we receive this from something come we received
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a complaint from a who's the spokesman mohammed abdul sloane, who said that the us aircraft, but it was. busy flying purse, do you have any asked space and coastal areas on sunday? and he said that the activity backward enemy aircraft was a blatant violation of national sovereignty. so you as a profit coordinator, things have been buzzing the area. uh, over the course of sunday i'm dismissed. i was actually shut down by us by to jet, is coming up after the break. we'll be looking at some of the days i've been using, suiting restoring mode, or the present of ecuador sends, in the military to secure the countries, prisons, opto waves and find the high level. copious amounts of rain falling over a northern australia. let's pinpoint it right around the top end and we are getting
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a squirrel here, the potential to see a tropical cycle and develop. but either way, this is throwing a lot of rain to places like darwin, couple 100 millimeters over the next little bit. i've also seen some pretty good pulses of rain around sydney, the suburbs, especially to the west of the cities scooping up about a 100 millimeters of rain within a short period of time. it's still raining on to say that i think the bigger burst of rain will be north of the city close to the border with queensland. while your view of australia shows, as temperatures have now fallen off in purse at $35.00, but still holding onto the heat in marble bar spin what $2627.00 days of temperature is. 43 and above. cooler for new zealand typing into a southerly wind. that times but still rain for the escape and the north lines on tuesday to southeast asia. we go, sorry, usual a scattering of showers and storms through some archer island and especially borneo island on tuesday, and still weather alerts in play around several city with intense rounds of rain. but i think the worst of it will be south of the city here. it has cooled off
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through the yangtze river valley, more rain to come, and some snow once again for japan. so kind of island support. we're looking to see about 10 to 15 centimeters. the . this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back and recap of our top stories on how to 0. at least 67 people have been killed during artillery, showing all kinds of central and southern areas rescue teams are working to know k survivors at least 24100 products to means. i think now kelvin 60800 injured since october. the 2nd, these are in the cabinet is meeting to approve for military budget funding. mr. nick now was sold as ministers to share in the burden of sweeping budget cuts. wants to increase venue k spending to finance the war on gas. and is really force of arrested at least $25.00 university students and novice during a night. the rates by scottish simians were killed across the occupied westbank on sunday, including to be rich near remodel. a china is calling for
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a large scale international peace conference to discuss the establishment of a palestinian state chinese for administer one. we also call for a cease fire in guys that during a meeting with the jefferson for administer in cairo, he says raging is worried about the growing threat of a wider conflict. katrina, you report some badging 24 minutes to one is currently on a tour of the middle east and africa. he's now it's new z a and he made these comments officer stopped in cairo where he met with addiction for administer, as well as the 60 general of the arab league of states and the war in gaza dominated those troops. now in the statement one g is calling for a larger scale peace conference to discuss the implementation of a 2 state solution between palestine and israel. it seems that the aging feels that nursing nothing is being done by the international community to bring an end to this crisis is also disappointed that hasn't been more concrete solutions to come out of the discussions and processes at the united nations. now if you go through
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the language of the statements and we listen to what one you said during the press conference in egypt, it's very clear that he is quite impatient with the situation. now the voice going on for 100 day using is rates extreme loss of life civilian life. damaged infrastructure in garza aging is all 6 truly concerned about this will spreading out its other areas now that it's watching it. this price is intensifying now coming to gm, and now also in the statement aging did not directly refer to as well, but what it is hoping for is that this largest scale peace conference will bring more international pressure on the latest in television. it seems that the agent feels that knows enough is being done by israel to actually practically implement steps towards the 2 state solution. and it's all taken seriously enough and ends to this one is really you out a 0 agent, bangladesh and colombia have joined south africa and accusing israel of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. that may be
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a has also criticized germany for supporting israel in the genocide case at the international court of justice brought by south africa. and it statement on next may be as government said, germany committed the 1st genocide of the 20th century between 19041908 more than 70000 and indigenous hair, arrow, and number of people were killed in the massacre under german colonial rule. that may be, as president says, germany is ignoring the lessons of its pass atrocities. he accused germany of supporting identified in gaza while disregarding is arouse killing of palestinians . early i spoke to israel a kind of direct chocky who is a hero activist and a member of e, and it may be in n g o lines. no, i miss t on genocide, he says, gemini is not fit to say what is genocide given its path atrocities. so this is the problem is the gym and it is still not going to go confusing. does offer you shelly
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as a, as genocide and um and we are demanding we have 3 people. so what do i do? you mind doing apology and the condition of genocide and then the pro ration and up to no gym any is it makes you think of these 3 points. yeah. gemini is trying to touch because they know if south africa succeed in this case. so then they, then the next is germany because we're, we're, we're, we're going to, to, to, to a gym and you will not finish what the gemini. so i was telling you that it is also with it. but let's do the n c really and, and go so in the policy and people because the building is occupied and we, we had this excess of this ex media's, of organization. and of course, it is in, in german, south, west africa. this is what the, what brought us in palace, dina, and westland, you know, i, i know, experiencing, so this is also done and you,
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and the government does not idea is really, you know, is it. so it is also supporting that the south african step 2 of these condo nic onto the case or at the international court of justice. the . let's take a look at some of the days i've been use now in guatemala. is new president, but not to add a follow has been so in, in the non creation was scheduled to take place much early on sunday, but was the late 4 hours because of the tensions in congress. how to follow one, the election held in august. but then faced legal challenges reconcile, it is in parliament early, a protest is gathered outside the congressional building, demanding the ceremony take place. there is manual rapid always following developments from mexico city. a good amount of the above was sworn in as guatemala as 52nd president. the presidential non creation ceremonies took place following in
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an unprecedented session by the guatemalan congress, which led to a delay of more than 8 hours. nevertheless, president of hello was sworn in shortly after midnight. outside of guatemalans national theater, there was music people celebrating the peaceful transition of power, a collective sigh of relief among guatemalan citizens following months of efforts to undermine the democratic process. in guatemala efforts by what international observers have referred to as, quote on democratic actors who have sought to undermine the peaceful transition of power. now the road ahead for guatemala, as new presidents certainly will not be easy analyst worn, that these efforts by the political opposition to undermine eval, is presidency, will persist not only will bear them out of the envelope. the task with defending his administration from these ongoing attacks. but now it's the challenge of re
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establishing democratic institution, ality in guatemala, and working with partners both nationally and internationally, to root out corruption and do away with impunity with many people in the country say will be the toughest challenge. ahead. when rid of that fellow elders here. hey, car doors, police and military have taken back control of the countries. prisons, dozens of stuff in prison guards held hostage by inmates. have now been released. alexander, i'm get to you before some black you. so just hours after the surprise release of the hostages held for days by inmates like weather security forces moved in to regain control of the country's presence in the coastal city of my charlotte soldiers entered the facility. encountering little resistance inside police footage showed how the officers found weapons hidden in the jails walls. similar scenes
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repeated the now their detention centers across the country in the city of less than half naked inmates were forced to sing the national anthem. well, police raised those flag, restoring order inside the country's dangerous presence is a priority for president. then, you know, boy, after he declared a state of internal conflict in the country earlier last week, it gave the military sweeping powers to confront criminal gangs responsible for an unprecedented wave of violence that shot the country following the government's initial crackdown. it will be sent to your successive governments, have helplessly witnessed the expansion of the drunkard cal's in a country that has become one of the main logistical hubs. for cocaine trafficking, re taking control of the prisons will likely help. well, this immediate emergency, but most analyst here agreed that dressing the underlying causes so back whether it's crisis will be
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a much more difficult task. political and at least gabrielle up on china says the recently elected noble as so far showed little in terms of a plan to address drug cartels infiltration in state institutions that i don't mean . so i know things almost all the same as long as we do not have a system where the judge is. prosecutors, police and military ill, truly in the service of the country and not other service of criminals, will not be able to resolve this issue. while others fear just how far the military might go outside of a problem. so let me think, rody, i'm going to go up the next to consider what usually happens and has happened. not only in a condo in may, and america is that when you on the, on the forces for results that are in the cost of the on forces could change them at any cost. it's going to. but that is why it seems important to me that we remain watchful those and that we said limits on the use of force and lead me through that list. well, of course, the noble as gambits offers him the political opportunity to try to den the
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criminal organizations reach. allison that i'm get the i just need, i'm glad you. as the list agent, iowa will formerly kick off the national contests to choose the republican presidential candidate nominees. later on monday, voters will need to raise sub 0 temperatures to choose who they want to be. the next president, john henry, and before somebody was capital des moines. it's a strange way to run an election. take a not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white, rural, and heavily religious. been during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year, lit it. we know down the candidates for the most powerful job in the world. they can throw a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday. republicans are casting the 1st vote to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign, leading massively and iowa. donald trump was 77 year old former president who was voted out of office has a runaway lead in the polls. i want
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a big when the they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest is in the battle for 2nd place with florida governor rhonda santas and former south carolina governor nikki haley sparring for the right to be the alternative to trump. presumably the top 3 vote theaters are the republicans and try to stay on the us and hailey on whatever 2nd a 3rd place or to that happens to be that's what's gonna happen. i think that might just make them haley hopes, winning silver in iowa, will mark the end of this and this campaign. great. again, that's going to be the weather has a vote in this election, temperatures are expected to dip to minus 28 degrees celsius. that would make these of a clean list, iowa caucus is ever forecasters or calling it flashed by conditions that could


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