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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the at least 67 people have been killed and dozens of wounded in israel's latest attacks on central and southern guns. the are you watching l g 0. live from bill. how with me for the back. people also ahead
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funerals in the occupied westbank for more victims of israel's raids. 5 more palestinians have been killed overnight. also in the news ahead, guatemala is new president is finally someone in after he's an occupation was delayed for more than 8 hours. and we are interested on where this cause of war are everywhere and there's little sign of any met up in 9 months of fight, the 11 gmc, that's 1 pm in guys. that way is aroused relentless artillery. shelley has been targeting central and southern areas, at least $67.00 palestinians have been killed. is there any will pains of hits residential buildings to the south of con eunice? the center of the city has faced constant bombardment, rescue teams in guys. a city are working to find survivors of attacks in central
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and southern neighborhoods within 24000 palestinians of now be killed and 60000 injured st. october. the 7th. let's get the latest on the alger 0 is honey. my motors involve fi in 7, gaza forest, bring us up to speed with the latest strides, honey, in con units, but also in the center of the process. yes . well, within the past 12 hours, particularly a night time heavy artillery selling a mass of various rag just targeted uh hon. unit city in the southern part of the gaster been distance from the area where more residential homes, particularly at the sprint part of hon. unit city, mainly the remaining air stand, the residential homes and public facilities were targeted, destroyed a more agriculture land, completely raised to the southern part of crime unit. that's an area at the entrance of brooklyn city. just making it very difficult within the coming guys for people who are lee and the war zone in hon. you and is to be able to move the city
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as more residential home, more resources, particularly water resources, been targeted and destroyed, making it very difficult for people who are still a stay in bare to continue surviving as we're talking about a gradual georgia's of a very basic supplies in, in the southern part of new and it's, but the highlight of what happened over night is the top going up at 10 in western side. the revised the vienna last evacuation zone, where displays family was filtering. again, this displays families evacuated to free time. from gauze of cities to do the central area and then it twice in the centrally. and then the 3rd time in hon. you has been lost evacuation. so when it was targeted, the last report we heard about this fab, any family members, the 3 of the vin number were killed, the remaining were critically injured. are we talking about those who did were among of them where, where children, who were killed in the attack of a drawn fire,
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the missiles on the 10th. and this is a new development of the situation, not a residential home. this time it's a tent that was targeted. the central area is no different more a tax on residential homes and refugee camps concentrated a refugee camp, just turning parts of it into kind of ruined. yeah, you've told us about what's happening in the southern area where you are honey, the central area as well, where more and more people are fleeing. what about the situation in the northern guys and street, especially the humanitarian situation? what do you know about it as well, so far after 100 days of ongoing aggressive war when we're looking at a very dire living conditions for people who remained in the northern part thing dogs, a city acute at short days of basic supplies, water, food,
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medical supply survival items and those were, were talking about a very over well in, from infrastructure. i completely, uh, either completely damaged or severely and partially damaged. just making it very difficult for people who are looking forward to returning to the northern part in the future. you're going back to an over whelmed area. completely uninhabitable. conditions are made on the ground, very unlivable and very difficult for them to state, to reside in the northern part and gaza city. on top of that, they stream shortage of a human to terry. on a supply is the food water and also medical supplies. none of the hospitals right now was working in gauze in the northern part, the entire area that's literally half of the gaza strip is left without any medical facilities or what so ever. uh it also or a, the, the lack of food and water drinking water. most of the water available is
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contaminated water, just increasing the risk of the spread of diseases, particularly among the children and women, most vulnerable groups caught in this in this war. what we are seeing right now is that is a real catastrophe on what there was warning within the past few weeks, the beginning of 2024 by the united nations, the warning of a possible fam and well, right now we're seeing these as signs of visible bam, and everywhere, just a couple of a human to do in the truck, made it to the northern part where people change those the trucks. not because they want to steal them is because they were hungry and they, they, they, they were able to get, they got their hands or whatever, whatever they were able to get, just do to feed their hungry children. thank you, honey. thank you very much. a very desperate situation. indeed, honey. my mode lie for us there. in uh rough uh, in southern garza, of the honey told us about the situation in the central gaza strip. there were dead bodies has been recovered from the rubble in the my guys,
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the refugee camp. best softer is really forces, withdrew from several neighborhoods in central garza houses here. as i strive warmer i was there and has to speak with somebody that had the admins in. and then we have arrived at the house which was targeted by is riley wall plains earlier. all the members of the family living here with children. and more than 10 bodies were found in this room alone. according to witnesses, many of those killed was shot at close range by his reading soldiers. the witnesses say that we killed in cold blood on the why the, we recovered 10 bodies from the house and another body was found here. and if you look around, you'll find all these industrial plants destroyed. total destruction is right, is destroyed. all that came in the past. may god punish the fear, then it's not inferior as i'm speaking to you. we hear a loud explosion over there. they is ready soldiers, a detonating explosives,
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and what remains of the residential buildings inside. oh, my gosh, a refugee camp close to celebrate dean road. i love that all these industrial workshops and facilities have been reduced to rubble is huge. destruction here as a result of the as rarely middle trees. most of us missile strikes along with it's hillary shelling in the past few days. some of the few hours ago the is ready, soldiers pulled out of this area, leaving behind the scenes of devastation had the a month a bad and i'm standing it. what was once the main highway road of cell, who doing that leading to the oh my god is a new sites and res refugee camps is ready. occupation forces hold the troops out of this area of to causing destruction, not only to the infrastructure but to people's property as well. and since all the roads were destroyed, ambulances have not been able to navigate them in order to recover the bodies which it's a now decomposing of, well, i'll just send that to just, you know what's up to bother. meanwhile,
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israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu has told his ministers to quote, share in the bed and of sleeping budget cuts. hayes cabinets has been meeting for a 2nd day to discuss amendments to this. he has budget. that's now who's wants to increase the military spending to help finance the war. on garza, the conflicts could cost his route 24000000000 dollars this year. stephanie decor isn't occupied. he's chosen following this cabinet meeting for. as i understand it's been a very contentious cabinet meeting stephan of the it has fallen. we spoke earlier this morning and there still haven't been an update. i think reading between the lines. this means that exactly that there's a lot of back and forth as to which ministry is going to get which kind of costs. one of the members that was present were saying, you know, the challenges where to caught what he called it political hot potato. the latest we understood is um,
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it's more ben gavera. he is the national security minister having issues with potential cost to the budget to the police for us, you are going to see cuts to the ministry of education, the ministry of health, and there is already pushed back on that. and you mentioned that benjamin netanyahu make it very clear at the start of his cabinet meeting sunday morning. but this was going to be difficult, but everybody was going to have to take on this burden. because the priority now is for money to go to the ministry to go to the war effort. and they've made that very clear from the start to that. this is going to be a long campaign. yeah. so billions of extra dollars, potentially for the military. but what exactly is the money going to be useful? what is it needed for? yeah, so of course it's, it's the military effort ministry hardware. um, there is a lot of help from the united states, but it's not enough. $3800000000.00 a year. joe biden present by the end, requested congress to approve an extra $14000000000.00,
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but they need so much more. an estimate by is rouse band at the bank of is are all saying $59000000000.00 and the totality by the end of this year. so it's going to go to the military effort. it needs to go to also sustaining the hundreds of thousands of reservists, you know, feeding, watering them. and also you have, over a $100000.00, is re, these were evacuated from their homes around the goals of border area and also in the north with level. and there is no sign of them going back soon, a very active front there as well. so they need to be housed and then there's also money that's allegation to families at some point to return home as an incentive to the areas that that could be possible. so there's a lot of money. there's a lot of financial dedication involved to sustain what is going to be a very long campaign. and as we mentioned that well, so massive figures we're talking about. if you're talking about the cost of this war to israel on a day to day basis, $269000000.00 a day, i mean that's an extraordinary think are indeed stephanie,
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thank you very much for bringing us to, lisa say, from walk you find these through snow. meanwhile, in the occupied westbank, 5 policy needs have been killed during overnight rates. the 3 of them were minus channels are being held for 2 of the men who were shot by is really forces in a separate operation. on sunday they were gunned down north of hebron 100 showed up for the procession through the town of sierra at least 350 to kind of seem to have been killed in is really waste any occupied westbank since the oil and gas that began mom and jump june has more from remodel. all these raids that continue to happen are part of the fabric of daily life. there are on average, around 40, occurring per day. and let me just mention 2 of the more significant incidents that happened in the overnight hours leading into this morning. you had and is really army re taking place on the campus of and the university in nablus in which 25 palestinian students who were staging a sit in
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a protest they were arrested before they were arrested. they receive text messages were told on their phones from the israeli armed forces, telling them to surrender. immediately we've gotten word from the administrators at the university in the last couple of hours that they object to what happened that the israeli army had no business coming to that campus. and they also said that there were security personnel on campus that were assaulted by members of these really army and that they are being treated as of now. beyond that, you also had an incident that occurred in the, in the a bit a, uh, the illegal settlement a bit here, which is close to there. there were 2 palestinian teenagers, one age 161817. they were shot and killed by israeli soldiers. these really army says that those 2 teenagers were attempting to throw molotov cocktails towards that . the legal settlement of been year after that happened after they were killed. we were told by relatives of those teenagers, the family members tried to go and collect their bodies, which were being kept in the ambulance. isn't that when they were going towards ambulance towards those ambulances that they were shot at by the israeli army?
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they have since been able to collect those bodies, but again, this just goes to show how dire the situation remains throughout the occupied westbank so dire. in fact, that just last week you had his really media reports saying that there were is really security chief that had warned to members of the israeli government that the occupied was think may be on the verge of a 3rd into father that it may be on the verge of an explosion, not just because of the violence, not just because of how many people have been killed. $347.00, just since october 7th, but also because of a dire economic situation. all those policy mean workers that have permit that used to be able to go into israel and work have not been able to do so. so is october 7th. so it's no economic prospects at the moment. a dire situation when it comes to the violence of everybody that we speak with tells us here that they expect things are only going to get worse in the near term. still ahead, we'll be taking a look at some of the days having use and taiwan loses one of his remaining diplomatic allies. only days after electing
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a new president. the team gets analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa the truth? it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story. on al jazeera injustice. for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in
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a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produces the best spaces and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the the welcome back and recap a lot of stories on how to 0. at least 67 people have been killed during for long shutting and war paint attacks in central garza and southern areas rescue teams have been searching for survivors. at least 24100 palestinians have now been killed in 60,
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in just 60000 drive the injured since october. the 7th. is there any cabinet has been meeting to approve the military budget prime minister benjamin this now has told his ministers to share in the burden of sweeping budget cods, as shall wants to increase military spending to finance the wong costs and funerals have been taking place for 2 promising and men killed by these really all media, hebron in the occupied westbank 5 or about of simmons was shot dead. biased really forces over nice. 3 of them were minus not totally sure thought each have release is really football. pay us. i gave you guys a scale from custody. the football player has been charged with inciting hatred. on sunday during a top flight league game. he displayed solid diety, with people held captive by him, off the 28 year old toll police. he was simply calling for an end to the war in casa, so them cost several as well from a simple it's very difficult. so give you
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a scale. what's released on monday, following the police custody circus, persecutors. a loss of investigation on him after he showed his respond to cameras following scrolling, it full and the search is super late as he's playing and i took his soccer team and at that respond, he showed said that 100 days, october 7, including a david star. that's why i took his persecutors, accused him of inciting public to hatred and hostility as tricky as inciting with thousands since the war started in october 7th, according to the documents and of a yeah, this goes a miss a. he was also trying to react against the whole, so just being kept it in how much sense it's on monday, he's going to be to pets rated to his country. he's suspended from the turkey scheme, but there are horse statements coming from his right of the authorities. mainly from defense, ministry, and ministry of intelligence, they are even calling as a people to boil to get. there is no states and quite a turkish authorities,
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especially a foreign ministry yet. but everybody is curious, whether this is going to become a diploma crisis between the 2 countries. the non custodial sales is there is some readings defense secretary ground shop says the u. k. will wait and see before deciding to launch another rhonda of military strikes against the policies in yemen in order to protect international shipping. early of the us said it's shot down an anti ship close beside 5 volume in sophie's. the group had threatened a strong response after the us launch another attack on getting the best take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world now and 96000 off gun children are in desperate need of support. $100.00 days after devastating earthquakes, that's according to unicef, which says the atmosphere in villages in the west is sick with suffering. as
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a bit of winter grips the country, at least a 1000 people were killed, most of them women and children. in the quaking october, the agency says thousands who lost their homes and livelihoods of struggling to survive. daniel team is chief of communications. that unit says enough got assigned, he says communities needed support even before the quake struck. so the problem is when shots like this earthquake or the frequency, okay, and climate related shots here in this country, like drought and flooding happened, or the influx that we see at the moment of referral meant from a form of refugees and pockets on this comes in addition, often already existing humanitarian crisis. 23000000 people enough got us done are in need of humanitarian aid, almost 90 percent live in poverty. we have a monday attrition rates of 2300000,
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acute minorities june or 900008 life threatening condition. this is the starting point and it is very important that we invest in making people here more resilient . i will give you a quick example, this my numerous children that i see many times here that we up sweet thing with a total point take food and with the total point take a minute and try to step allies. some don't make it quite a few can, can be saved. these children are suffering from a condition that could actually prevent the preventive. and so we think that that would be better uh, to invest in the prevention. for example, assuring that every child has safe water in ensuring that there's an education that helps young mothers, that it's best to breast feed
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a children up to 6 months exclusively. so don's military service is reclaimed some territory around the city of undermine from the paramilitary rapid support forces. fighting between the 2 sides is in its 9 months and continues to expand and the conflict that has led the biggest displacement crisis in the world. he but morgan reports from undermine near the capital cotton. this is what the streets of on demand step up of what new by we now looked like. the aftermath of battle between this 2 denise army and the power military rapids support forces are a staff, homes and shops. all were dealt with bullets and artillery holes all destroyed since the recess and took the district nearly 5 months ago. until recently, what new valley was the battle field between the cities army and the rapids support forces here and on through man. nearly all of its presidents have been displaced as a result,
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the sudanese army no controls that and is pushing to regain more grounds from the fighters. but the district that was once vibrant now carries the scars of the conflict. and the sound of artillery and gunfire a warning that the front line is not far from where we are a father, chaffey and his family are the only civilians still remaining in this part of the district. he shows us what's become of his house, which he says was occupied by the rest half while he and his family were in its, he says the group terrorized them while they were there and continued to fire artillery at his house after they've left. it was not easy bucks, which time my family has adapted to the fact that we have no way to escape. we are in a very creepy kind of seclusion without and the result is we stayed and we tried to adapt ourselves to heating this and every one of my family. i'm sure that has lost
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documents between 10 to 15 kilogram office on weight ready thing. one foot and the whole day and when mean that day the armies recent games comes after months of fighting on demand is a major supply route for the rest half, even after a bridge connecting it to the northern part of the capital to him was destroyed. the reset has been firing artillery to try to stop the army, but civilians have also been killed as a result of what the local committees describe as indiscriminate to telling as the flight and continues. so the destruction and the loss of civilian lives. he but morgan, alta 0, i'm the man, guatemala is new president, bernardo at a follow, has been sworn in the non creation was scheduled to take face much early on sunday, but was delayed for hours because of the tensions in congress. i have on the one the election housing august, but then faced legal challenges for conservatives in parliament. early
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a protest is gathered outside the congressional building, demanding the ceremony take place. taiwan has lost one of his remaining diplomatic allies. 2 days after each selected a new president, the pacific island of narrow it says it will not recognize the government in taipei . it's switching tycer. china is comes as president deluxe lighting. tate met with a visiting delegation of former us officials. a chain k says he whole c u. s. can keep supporting taiwan. tony chang, re for some type a, are arriving in taiwan on a private trip. at least that's the official explanation. the delegation from the united states, a former deputy secretary of state, and the form and national security adviser, their arrival less than 24 hours after the election of timelines new president doesn't to this be a co incidence. first on the agenda, a meeting with outgoing president sy, in one, she's been a reliable, allied during had 2 terms. despite provocation,
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for china. we look forward to continuity. and the relationship between taiwan and the united states. under the new administration. and for common efforts to preserve across great peace and stability is a warm handshake from the president elect. the relationship with the us will be vital during his time and power. thank you. me of them. thank you. to us side, rich, longstanding, fun and unwavering support for taiwan. i believe the taiwan us relations and to the joint efforts of both sides will continue to move forward tension. subbing rising in the taiwan straits and recent news. prompting military exercises on both sides with major complex and ukraine and the middle east. ongoing washington dc doesn't need any more problems quietly. they like you to press president elect lie to cub is more confrontational instincts under the table. i think there is
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a main purpose of its visit. that is preventive diplomacy. the us would like to prevent the newly elected william lie to be more or set of or provocative both wood around here for the last few days has been continuity. maintaining the states as quote, that's what ty one's new president says he wants and the united states. it's not yet clear that china is listening. 30 chung else is 0. i think before and ministers of north korea and russia of how talks in moscow, a head of the 2nd down of a 3 of the warranty ukraine. russia says it's developing ties in all areas with north korea and ons, corporation deal is expected between the neighbors. the us and south korea say north korea has provided russia with arms including artillery and besides, to fight in ukraine to iceland, civil defense department says the latest whole kind of corruption is the worst case scenario. despite months of preparation,
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free buildings caught fire on monday when lava flow through the time of grading the big. the 2nd time since november, the area is being evacuated to iceland, spine minister says government, the government is extending support to those affected by the ongoing eruption. that's the news phenomenology, sarah moore, and i would cite of course, i'll just hear a com. i'm fully back to both. the weather is next and inside story looks at what could end the war in guys to stay with us. so now i'm just here. thanks for watching the the hello good to be with you. snow storm conditions for northern honshu island in japan who kind of island as well. a blizzard conditions here about 10 to 15 centimeters for support. the hardest hit areas for this western side of northern japan,
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about 35 centimeters and cooler air draped in. so tokyo just 7 degrees for you on tuesday. there it is. it's a part of the $10.00 to $15.00 is in the forecast. it has cooled off across the yangtze river valley here and some verse of rain to be found snow to the north of that around jung show and certainly the coldest stair so far as the season through northern india. temperature is just a few degrees above freezing, especially as you get to the suburbs here. while i look, shows us not a whole lot going on through india, a few showers working their way up from onto per dash into a dish of state. as we head toward tuesday afternoon, here's what you're waking up to, and buckets on tuesday morning, still sub 0 and is momma bots. and same goes for quite the in below. just fun profit and snow by the afternoon. you're up to 15 and quite to 18 in his along with bob. but con conditions here. we had that warm breeze out of the south through the arabian peninsula, but those weights of shifted around now coming from the north. so that's a cooler breeze blowing down from iraq. so just 26 degrees for us here in doha.
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the locked up during the lock down held, and an infamous us detention center immigrants documents the horrendous conditions during the cold pandemic. separated from their families and to night basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their wants to release the facility with this documentary on, i'll just be here for 100 days as well as war on garza has gone on unabated a mastercard palestinians in full view of the world, israel has failed to meet that stage of objectives and carries all. so what will and the sufferings, where is the real goal,


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