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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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just the the, [000:00:00;00] the, as i'm thinking of this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, stabbing and call ramming attacks. most of telling me before that at least one
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person has been killed a 19 engine shop and they will, the children are pulled from the rubble off to is really a tax would have killed at least 67 people. and we did thousands in golf u. k. defense x ray crohn shaft says enough was enough, as he explains why they've joined us sled strikes on these in yemen. and we are in sudan where the scots of war everywhere and a little sign of any laptop and 9 months of the in addition use with breaking news out of israel, at least 19 is right. these have reportedly been injured in a ramming and stabbing incident in run. not north of tel aviv now is really police have been deployed to the area. these are the latest pictures that we've been
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getting from there. they are investigating. the motive is behind the attack, right? now the public has been urged to remain vigilant. we have reports, the one person has been killed at this point, we have correspondence following this breaking story. in a moment. we'll go to need to abraham in ramallah, but 1st let's go straight to sort of hide it internally, sorta what more you hearing the what was the installation is still coming through all of the local news channels. a covering of this. what we do know is that that seems to have been a number of attacks in ranada city that's about 16 to the home. it says from where we all, hey, in terms of the now what we're hearing from the police at the moment is that there's actually 2 attack cuz we know one person has been killed. it's not clear whether one of those is the attack is they've, the police has said they've neutralized someone. and at the moment they are now looking for
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a 2nd suspect. they're saying one of them is in that full seize. they've got helicopters in the sky, the police are looking in the area. they believe that 2nd suspect is still that now in terms of the injured 19 people were injured including 2. now the all in critical condition, one of the police men said that there is a suspect to it seems, stole a call from a car wash, drove it, and then switch to another call off to putting on a 72 year old woman out to the cause stopped her then drove away in her call and then rammed a number of people. but the details are still not quite clear. however, what we're hearing is that those 2 off from hebron which would mean that they all palestinian and it seems also there are reports. but they had what permits to be working in israel. now in terms of the details,
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they are still not clear on the police on now saying that they're still not sure if the person that kills is one of those suspects. but the, the, the still looking for a 2nd suspects in this, this is quite a large number of those injuries at the moment and data and with this developing story, sort of, how will these attacks over shadow the, this scheduled cabinet meeting? it was sort of a shadow in a direct way. this cabinet, me things, thoughts as yesterday. it's been a mattress. and since yesterday, why prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to get this amended a 2020 full budget's approved the amendment is to increase the budget's a full to cover the war expenses, which is now costing them a lot more than they expected. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said this yesterday, but in the last hour or so, it seems that one of the ministers, the security minister, it's
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a mile bend event who was saying that he wouldn't support this amendment has actually now secured half a $1000000000.00 for his ministry. that's already on top of another deal that was made earlier, which would increase his amendment $62500000000.00. now this was pushed further back about a months ago by the finance minister as someone who very much supports this will own garza and how got to close close in the connected when some of the opposition leaders had said the increasing this budget at the time when the economy is down would be problematic. this is of course, the time when terrorism isn't happening at the moment, the country relies the loss on that. and also the costs of this will, amounting not just in terms of the military action in gaza, but also in terms of the more than
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a 120000 did q ways as well as the resolve is now that also needs to be receiving some sorts of a salary. all right, for the moment. uh. all right. uh, i know for the moment uh, sort of sided life was there in uh, telling me the is not as well as relentless. artillery shelling has been targeting central and southern areas of gaza, at least $67.00 pallets. things have been killed in the past. 24 hours. axle is, i'm of a triple. it's from one to 2 workers are searching for survivors in a pile of concrete news. really air strikes are residential building in central 1000 on it, a girl and her brother,
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or the sole survivor. some of this attack killed dozens of philistines. this really army is being ramping up. it's a military reaction and the besieged southern city of hon. eunice paid him to wait for tanks and armored vehicles to move deeper into the area. there's been a communication blackouts in gaza for days, and it's hindering rescue efforts. so he, i mean about the heavy heating, the move them, we are not even able to receive emergency calls from citizens. we are not even able to use their navigation tools. we rely on our audio and visual skills to reach the targeted areas. on some occasions we take light vehicles to reach the hospitals and ask the victims about locations of the affected areas of the situation is making it difficult for families to stay in touch. this with the youth i'm separated from my parents and i can't reach out to them. i do not know how or where i can re unite with them. busy apart from this, i have not been able to reach my son for 2 days,
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and i'm not able to call him and i don't know where he is. i can't rest. i can't even sleep because i'm not able to get in touch with many of my family members. so i'm going to show a refugee camps across the street, barbie and ruins after he's really airstrikes from the center. the number of palestinians taking refuge in the south is rising here on one side of my shuttle and the thing we can hardly survive. my house was bombed and levelled my family and i, and now homeless my sister, 10 of my cousins were code. we were forced to take shelves until i was out to school, that my niece and nephew were killed. then we were forced to leave to another show to which was rated by the is ready soldiers. i'm penny low. how can i see them and we've lost our livelihoods for the a mistake? it's been more than $100.00 days since is around launched. it's. we're in gaza, but there is no end to the humanitarian crisis. axles i moved out to 0. let's get the latest from
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a garza now honey. my mood is deference and rough. i in southern garza so honey, bring us up to date on what you're hearing. there on the latest attacks. yes, within the past hour then just within the a 30 minutes ago, i renewed our tellers selling and got an error striking, concentrated in the central area. we were sold as the reports in front of the more residential homes in the raised meek and were targeted and destroyed. we, we tried to get ahold of a person or from the civil defense department to describe the situation to us on the ground. we were told this is becoming increasingly difficult. they have been been able within the past, it is to do anything as the airstrikes are getting more intense sense. and there is a search in the, our art dealer's shouldn't make me just making their work very difficult on the ground to wait for a period of
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a relative calm to be able to get to the targeted site. but there are many reported injuries, deluxe the hospital and already over one hospital and suffer from lack of medical supplies. but what we are, what we heard is it's very heart breaking gun and a tragic indeed. that is what i what happened earlier, a hours and an overnight then gaza. we we, we are confirmed that the one family that was targeted in a tele, any road that, that the central part of, of gaza city were old from one family. 22 people were killed in a in the air strikes on a residential building. good. i was to see family work. all of them gathered from different parts of garza city. i'm been shouldering in that residential home for a while now. more than a month in one building and that was targeted an overnight a tax, people were ables and a civil defense. the crew were able to pull the bodies of from under the relative, dim,
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over 6 hours to be able to get these bodies from under their other. they're all from one family, children, women, and older late were children in one house, a. the other family they've been targeted in a, they to a neighborhood. you know, some of the birds are from have said the same and it was people again do are filtering and one of their residential homes in the area. they moved it from a remodel area. all the way to that particular neighborhood sheltering and taking it directly from the horror of the bombing. i do work a killed in the air strike that took place at overnight. this is the situations of palestinians, family right now and running from one residential home to another, seeking shelters, the situations and honeymoon and sorry are no different. in fact, there is no lit up in the area like talking to the are teller shilling, particularly the eastern on the southern part of hon. you're in a city where, according to, and his real estate and the most to the fight thing and the confrontation
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underground. happen to these 2 particular area. there's really military sit in the statement that they're talking targeting infrastructure. they operated by uh, by how much on the ground, but as early hour this morning it do i witness and civil defense. the crew on the ground, they reported other why this did all the targeted buildings having to be residential buildings and residential areas that were palestinian civilians have been either resident looking for that area or been sold during since the beginning of the of the strikes then they then be the ground, envision of tonya and a city. all right, honey, my, who, his life worse there in a rough i thank you. as we've been reporting, israel's military is continuing to expand ground operations in northern central and southern gaza. it's tanks and troops present in all these areas in the north and the south. they locked in intense battles with palestinian fighters in northern
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gaza. it'd be less. yeah. and i've talked about, it's been in tens gone 5 in fun, eunice overnight, in the southern gaza strip that was taking place between pallets thing and fights is that is really forces is ready. true. so advancing towards dated by a bodies have been recovered from the rubble rubble in as much as the refugee can, that's off the is really forces withdrew from several neighborhoods in central garza, a warning of stuff i'm gonna have to report has some images to view as may find distressing. it was somebody that had the admin. and then we have arrived at the house, which was targeted by is riley wall plains earlier. all the members of the family living here with children amendment more than 10 bodies were found in this room alone. according to witnesses, many of those killed was shot at close range by his writing soldiers. the witnesses
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say they were killed in cold blood on the why the, the non, we recover 10 bodies from the house and another body was found here. and if you look around, you'll find all these industrial plants destroyed. total destruction is right, is destroyed. all that came in the past. may god punish the idea for you had been, it's not inferior as i'm speaking to you. we hear a loud explosion over there. they is ready soldiers, a debt, and i think explosives and what remains of the residential buildings inside. oh my gosh, a refugee can close to celebrate dean road. i love that all these industrial workshops and facilities have been reduced to rubble is huge. destruction here as a result of the as rarely, middle trees. most of us missile strikes along with it's hillary showing in the past few days some of the few hours ago. the is ready, soldiers pulls out of this area, leaving behind the scenes of devastation, heavy a month, a bad and i'm standing it. what was once the main highway road of cell? who doing that? leading to the oh my god is
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a new site. it's and raise refugee camps. these riley occupation forces, hold the troops out of this area of to causing destruction, not only to the infrastructure but to people's property as well. and since all the roads were destroyed, ambulances have not been able to navigate them in order to recover the bodies, which i now do composing a little. and that's just, you know, what's up to bother. let's bring in need to have it here in, in the, in the occupied westbank. so need, as we're reporting the story on the series of as stabbings and call writings in uh, in tel aviv or just north of televi. presumably, news of this is starting to filter through the occupied west bank. what's likely to be the worries a people have about that their previous attacks. what happens is that these really forces the way the village or the place that they
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believe the perfect resource problem. you enjoy the fun sometimes. i think the members as well as a whole lot of punishments against the relative of the part for 3. so now we have heard sources say is that we need to be from the village of reading i have, which is in have one over the have run the has been subject ways in different areas. the one that is currently going and the happening is in which is south of happy to paula city and have been basically one of them is a 23 year old. and according to locals, they are. she was sounding on top of her building. fine to fill is really ways when she was shot by a sniper in the house. and it was supposed to the hospital for sure we'd be
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speaking to the doctor. they said that she said that the other thing is this is, this has nothing to do with the fact that's happened to tell you this gives you an idea of what happened even without even with those assign happening. where is really, really just the during the day to where as you can see, for example, here when we are, this is a lot space from being a nasal sunday. yes. is a year and they were saw for house by the way, the soldiers of the office $360.00
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but it's very close to an indian is really supplement, pulled out, and also there's a mini tower looking at scam or is that there over there. attracting, tell us to me as though, according to these really, i mean, the narrative is really are, is re, do that not or to visit the, have been trying to target these weight new soldiers with a home made exclusive. but this is a, a narrative that cannot really be verified by anyone know what this is here. tell us the views really forces open, shoot towards the thing is will be all right for the moment. so any day he brought him a life was there in and be there in the occupied westbank. let's go back to sort of hide it now in tel aviv who's got some new information on this uh, breaking news story that we've been reporting on now. these um, uh, series of uh, tax stabbings in colorado is just north of, uh, tel aviv this are a lot more. are you hearing of the bus, right?
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it happens uh 16 kilometers from where we are in a place. the quote not i'll be uh right now we know from the police chief its just spoken on local t v say that they have now arrested 2 suspects for carrying out a multiple rubbings. and the stabbing of an elderly lazy that has now died from hardwood. and so one person now killed an 18 others injured. and he also confirmed the amongst those injuries, all the children as well. just to give you a sense of what's happened exactly. it's so it's developing story and those details are coming through the police chief, even himself saying at the moment that i still trying to figure out what actually happened. but so far, it's believe that one of the attack, cuz a stole a call from a call was he then us run some people over even switch to another call off to pulling out the elderly lady,
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but now has died from her when he stopped. so he pulled her out of the call and then continued driving and robbing a number of other people in his way. and it seems that this happened in several locations in that's uh city, but that looks now 2 suspects. oh, so they has been looking and hunting for the 2nd one. they said that they've deployed all of the police units, as well as the number of highly cops, as children were advised to stay in the schools. teachers were told to not let them go home just yet because this is a time when schools will be wrapping up. now in terms of who those people off, we've received a bit more information. it seems that saved them off from hebron from the occupies westbank palestinians. alia, they thought that they did have permits as well, cuz now the police cheapest thing, but they didn't have what permits to enter israel, but just to give you as an idea, as to what nature was on. so
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a saying this conversation about the palestinians in the occupied westbank the are given permits to work in israel. um, there's been a very tough conversation that's being has and in fact there's been a lot of insight thing in the is riley governments because the lots of them have been bonds. all of those do have permits in the west bank are not allowed to walk here. now they've been us forced to stay at home. you have us, uh uh, secretary of state uh anthony, blinking just here a few days ago, warnings the occupied west spring is going to turn into a pressure cooker. in fact, some of those in the wall cabinets have been advising the prime ministers saying that you need to allow palestinians to be able to come back to work as well for our economy, but also for them because they are losing income. and also the situation as middle was saying is absolutely dia in the occupied with frank,
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with all of those rays that we're seeing daily. they've been stepped up and certainly not allowing them to what k will cause more problems. how that is to manage to get through. it's still unclear. it's still a developing story. i will be finding out hopefully most soon. it's changing minute by minute. indeed for the moment sort of high that's a lie. first there in tel aviv on that breaking news story and we will of course, come to when we get more information, thanks so much for the moment. but cuba, l dot is a political analyst and contribute to too hot as he joins us now from tel aviv as well. thanks very much for being with us. so if i can ask you, 1st of all, um uh what you make of this attack. um, i mean, i appreciate the details are still sitting on the grounds at the moment, but it does appear that this, these attacks were carried out by palestinians, according to reporting. how should we use the use of this in the context of
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everything else that is happening with the, as well as war on gaza and the raids, the frequent rates on palestinians in the west bank as we should see this as a kind of a message or a wake up call if you'd like to these ready society that we are not safe for anywhere near the north note into solomon. the lower in the guys are, is still happening. and in the nose piece by lies it back. it gets worse. and now we're not even safe for him to call to preserve the center of 10 minutes away from the video. busy from where i live, that i'm speaking to you from and the messages that uh, you can not close the occupied territories or magically they would come off to you. and if you don't like to put an end to the conflict and find
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the settlement to the sacraments problem, um they would go off to you and there was no way to escape a political settlement. and uh, uh, just a week ago in may. oh, for city cross of uh, near right now we're just attack happened today was suggesting to puts uh, uh, roadblocks and the enter the entrance all the emphasis of the city. so is what is becoming a kind of a ghetto or a series of get those that the message from the front of seniors as long as we don't feel safe at home in our cities is rarely swear, not face, feel safe at their home. mm hm. and we, we had this talk of a kind of pressure, coca atmosphere,
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particularly in the occupied west bank right now with all of these ongoing raids. so is this something that in your view was, was inevitable. the yeah. and uh, just uh, yesterday. and there was a repose that the, the is raining army the idea of had decided to move. come but to you it is from gaza to the west bank because they have uh got the message that uh the west bank and gaza are one the units. and when there is a wall that is going on in garza, the westbank cannot take, you know, it cannot the, you know, the fatalities. uh and, uh, the, the, the other thing from release they have relatives now. and it's like, you know, when use are attacked in berries. um these, where the jews care about it. and they way more inside of the,
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as the guys criticizing israel, the ministers who are suggesting to cut the relationship or dissolve that i think i so do is the diety, there is the so the diety of, but a seniors in the west bank ways, the brothers in gaza and they also know that the desire, the government is not willing to think about the day after the war and think about that. but a senior statement that now i even didn't spell it out when the president of the united states often do talk about the 2 state solution. so what happened today is a kind of a suicide attack for the perpetrator is probably a young man when you and i'm not justifying utero. is darrow and attacking, you know, moving that uh, we just, uh,
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we were told that she died. she passed away. is that something that is not done, but when you have people that live here so miserable and there is no hold. and the end of the tunnel after 57 years of the patient, these were any people will have to live with this kind of daily news. so appreciate your time. i'll keep my eldest thanks very much for being with us. thank you. britain's defense secretary ground shafts says the u. k. will wait and see before deciding to launch another round of military strikes against the who these in yemen, probably of the us set of shot down. and as the ship cruise missile followed by evans who these people threatened a strong response off of us launched another attack on u. m. us and u. k. say they launch the attacks to protect international shipping. of course, the oil is a middle east common sight to end director of the council for our british understanding
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. he joins us now from london. thanks so much for being with us. so i want to ask you, 1st of all about the comments from the british defend sick day, what did you make of that to? well, brittany got itself stuck in a novel conflict in the middle east. and the way this leads to is really unclear. i think if you examine this very narrow, it is absolutely within the right of us, you can all do is to defend into national civilian shipping in the red sea and the who sees what wrong to attack it. i don't think there could be any doubts about either put spins that risk. it puts shipping it risk, it escalates costs to has a hit on the economy. and the united nations security council agrees with all that . but that is only if you look at it in that narrow focus because of course the broader picture is one. we see a moment the is radio onslaught been gone. so what you're saying on average,
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250 pounds do use gold every day. we see a process of international court of justice with south africans presented to an extremely potent, incredible case that israel may be committing genocide and guns. now this is the reasons the fees say they've taken action. but the, you can us of trying to pretend in that comments on all of this, but somehow it is completely separate from what is happening in garza. it is not middle east. observe is right from october, including myself, have moved the less you managed to calm things in gaza, bring about a credible the safe spot. the risks of regional escalation of very high and very dangerous. with seeing this now in the red sea, we don't know where it ends. we also see those risks playing out between his role
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and his bullet. but also attacks in syria and iraq is a very vaunted tile of the moment in the middle east. and the us, you guys have to be extremely castle. so what they do does not make things much was you know, least us to, to jeopardize the very front. joe sees foreign government itself. and in terms of how this might play out, then, is there a risk that's the u. k and, and the us have, have underestimated this and, and, and, and there is a risk perhaps of, of them sleep walking into a larger conflict not just in with, with the who it is in yemen, but elsewhere in the region. and i think the banners that they underestimated the gravity of the situation was actually back in october when they focused suddenly on the implications,
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but as well officers both from attacks but fails to appreciate and understand just how this could escalate out of control. the diplomacy would no longer be possible to contain it. i'd like to speak that when you get to minute traction, it's a signal of failure. you have failed to use your diplomatic and other tools to prevent this. it should be the last option. and then taking minute traction. it is a song that you run out of i did is you run out a way to do things. it's a very high risk moves. now, i would say this by that on this occasion. and of course the us and u. k. been involved to many attacks in the middle east and elsewhere together combined. they all not, don't her. i think it is credible to say that they don't really want to launch another attack. this was not something that they had wanted to do is not something
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that they really wanting to do. and i don't think they want to have to repeat it. they're all hoping. but it really is a hope that the tax, the word power doubts last week will be sufficient to determine who's these from continuing these attacks on shipping. but the problem is, for those in shipping, who are now diverting all the call guys around the cape of good hope around. so if not, forget what we're show them the threat from the jesus disappeared. you need a political without a political agreement who's gonna leave that? it's, i have, we're gonna, we're going to have to leave it that way. uh, unfortunately out of time, but we do appreciate your insight into this chris doyle, thanks so much be was a. 7 a pause of canada's alberta province in the grips of a deep freeze not felt in more than 50 years. is jeff with
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a check of the weather. hello right away. the colors are on dark, the blue and the purple. the lower the temperature. nowhere hasn't been colder than western canada, so this is foot minus $45.00. looks like you've got the steam from the buildings there. and some ice crystals as bad as this was it was colder in alberta is capital edmonton. mine is 55. now things are starting to warm off, but if we can call it that we can up this morning and calgary to minus 32. but by the afternoon you will bounce back to minus 12 and temperatures will continue to climb warmer over the next few days. it has also turn colder through the great lakes toronto at minus 10 factor in the wind. it's feeling about minus 20 to 25 over the next little bit that cold his long as far south as us gulf states. so houston 3 degrees of snow moving through tennessee, pushing into the mid atlantic. let's go to central america one sec. but 1st we'll end off in the us south west where it is quiet, but somewhat weather will move into northern california. by the time we get to tuesday, here we go for central america. not too much to talk about. still remaining hot for
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mexico's highlands, mexico city at 25 degrees and still this cluster of showers in storms for the northwest slice of south america. and further to with the south, there has been some funding in rio de janeiro and things are certainly heating up in chile santiago at 32. the still ahead on exit tractors, blocked the streets of land as thousands of farmers protest against plans to scrap tax. but the on counting the costs 2024 is set to be the use of elections, lots of stores for the global economy under the umbrella. so lots of potential political change and we'll look at the impacts, the rising cost of shipping due to the tensions in the red sea. counting the costs on al jazeera, the human mind is incredible, but it can also overwhelm us at times. here's
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a pill that solve all your problems in the 1st of a full punch seat. so we travel to iceland, which is the highest rate of anti depressant use, and you were to go off without no, that was all so so, so where, how to find? and to origin t to find out why 70 is so popular. we just done exactly the same as one we were babies with our mother. mine's changing the way you think about mental health. on noticing the the
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idea of watching, i just need a reminder, lots of stories this hour, at least 18. his writings have been injured and one person killed in a ramming and stabbing incident north of telling me, is there any police like to people who are arrested in connection with the suspected attack? public has been judged to remain vigilant. at least 67 people were killed doing for long just really shelling and we'll plan attacks in gaza. central a southern areas rescue teams are searching for survivors. at least 24100 palestinians have now been killed and more than 60000 injured 6. since october 7th, a china is calling for a large scale international peace conference to discuss the establishment of a palestinian state. chinese farm is the one he also called for a cease fire in gauze during a meeting with the egyptian foreign minister in cairo. he says beijing is worried
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about the growing stretch of a wide conflict. a gable to add to cart is a professor of development studies and international relations at the school of oriental and african studies. you joins me now from london. thanks very much for being with us. so, um, let me ask you, 1st of all, uh, what does china bring to all of this given that historically they have, they have not been especially involved in what's happening in, in the middle east. the way a china. how does it constantly support to the idea everything that goes through the united nations and un resolutions on this issue? they are supportive of the 2 state solution like most states in the world. and it is for them a good opportunity to uh, show a game that they can be peacemakers. and some of these,
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as you remember not long ago, they uh, played a key role in that re establishing gradations between the soul of the kingdom and the slavish republic. of the wrong and so they are showing that in the region they can create such a rule uh, which contrast with the united states, which is regarded as a executive officer, it as a fostering war in the region. so that's a trying, that's aptitude and he does it mean things go through nations? who's all the, the, the key players in the region is because it has a very deep relation with the salad. the kingdom of who is israel as much as it has would be, but a single authority which it supports a and with the wrong. so that's uh, that's the, i mean, they are way to place to, to, to, to, to pay the tools. so when, when you see this going, now that's what they have announced the school for
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a large international peace conference as well. unfortunately, i don't see it going anywhere because of is right and the united states position. so. ready they will definitely not a join such any such effort, and that would make it to just the one more fortunate date to show that the most of the word stands with the rights of the police didn't use at the very least within the un definition of these rights regarding the, the, the 30th the results of bias in the 1967 that these guys are on the west bank. and the country that we to, to, to, is, are in, which is backed, as we can see now by the united states. in this general side door to get your thoughts on this gilbert's as car,
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thanks very much for being with us. please the thousands of 1000 use now thousands of farmers have used tractors to block main roads in violin and a show of anger against the government. the mass demonstration is against plants. to scrap tax breaks and subsidies on the agriculture industry. so the latest the, let's speak now to dominic caney joins us now from the inside. don't many, what more we hear on this. the well over the course of the last few hours, the front of the gate where i'm standing right in front of it right now. seeing thousands, all fall, most demonstrating, screaming at the, the deeds that demons to the german governments, driving that tract. as you can see, steady train of lodge slurries trucks serving many tractors,
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blaring homes with the most important noises coming from them, saying own our own kind as which in german means without its us, there is no food. that is what they have been trying to say. oh, the last 7 days, culminating with today's gathering here, the finance minister, christy, and then the walls here a few hours ago and spoke to them. but in the face of must've criticism from the crowds old saying that he's very recording him. luke, not a liar. they were calling for fresh selection, saying he does not understand that the months back who showed them on is full, the price of diesel full the funding community back to, to be handled. they said that without some sort of help some sort of subsidies beyond what they've been offered. they can't continue, but it's not just these live spoken to farmers in the areas around the land who say to me,
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but that's just the tip of the iceberg. where all of those subsidies which really have to be looked off to, which the funding community really needs the farm is believe that the german community wide wide spread community supports. then even though the sensor violence has been taught to a standstill to be road closures and that sort of thing, the government says that he's hearing what's being said, brought the farmers do not seem to be listening to the government because they say what the government is promising is not enough, the question for the funding community now is done with the prospect through the protests. stop today or will it goes to the i spoke to one leading member of the farming community in broad and in front of book through said there is the potential for them to do what the french farmers do when they are unhappy with that governance. we'll have to wait and see what happens in the next few days. all right,
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for them on it to so many came live 1st there in bombing of sedans and military says its reclaimed some territory around the city of under mon, from the power military rapids support forces. fighting between the 2 sides is in it's non nice months and continues to expand. it is a conflict that has led to the biggest displacement crisis in the well here. but moving reports from undermine near the capital have to this is what the streets of on demand step up of what new by we now looked like. the aftermath of battle between this 2 denise army and the power military rapids support forces are our staff, homes and shops. all were dealt with bullets and artillery holes all destroyed since the recess and took the district nearly 5 months ago. until recently, what new valley was the battle field between the cities army and the rapids support forces here and on through man. nearly all of its presidents have been displaced as a result, the sudanese army no controls that and is pushing to regain more grounds from the
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fighters. but the district that was once vibrant now carries the scars of the conflict. and the sound of artillery and gunfire a warning that the front line is not far from where we are a father, chaffey and his family are the only civilians still remaining in this part of the district. he shows us what's become of his house, which he says was occupied by the rest half while he and his family were in its, he says the group terrorized them while they were there and continued to fire artillery at his house after they've left. i was not a z bucks which time my family has adapted to the fact that we have no way to escape. we are in a very creepy kind of seclusion. without any results we stayed and we tried to adapt ourselves to heating this and every one of my family. i'm sure that has lost
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documents between 10 to 15 kilogram office on wait ready thing. one foot and the whole day. and when mean that day, the armies recent games comes after months of fighting on demand is a major supply route for the rest half, even after a bridge connecting it to the northern part of the capital to him was destroyed. the reset has been fire and artillery to try to stop the army, but civilians have also been killed as a result of what local committees describe as indiscriminate it's showing as the flight and continues. so does the destruction and the loss of civilian lives. he but morgan, alta 0, i'm the man. well, alex, the wall is the executive director for the well peace foundation at tufts university, joins me now from boston in the united states. thanks very much for being with us. so we just, we got an idea there of just how dire the situation has become in sudan with the number of people killed,
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the number of people displaced and so on. and the told that it is taken on civilians there. so i guess my question is, what is it going to take to get these 2 forces to the table and, and bring this conflict to an end, as well, so far be the efforts that would be made by the international community, by the united states, by saudi arabia by egypt find these tougher. can countries have signally failed? neither side has really shown any interest in serious peace negotiations on the sides of the government. when general brought home the heads of this phenomenon, forces and make some movies towards any sort of concession, he is usually then immediately undermined by some of his sons left tenants who are assignments to veterans from the former regime. and when a general committee has of the are assessed make sites some sort of rhetorical
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public statement in favor of peace that is contradicted by the, the bronx, just behavior of his fights is on the ground. let's, let's try to stake. take a step back then to, to, to hopefully understand this better. but what, what do you think gave rise to this conflict? and how does that help us get, get to where we are now? it's essentially a root, it is a power struggle between these, these 2 men and, and their respective functions. now, as the war has gone on, the external backing has become extremely important. and so, so egypt back spar on, but more significantly, the, you know, to, to, our, of emeralds is very heavily invested in supporting general tendency. and what the, the piece efforts thus far failed to do is to bring those external power back as
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especially the way to the table in some way. and until that happens, the them from the war unfortunately is, is very annoying to them to be a result. and the, the terrible humanitarian told the destruction of saddam will just continue a pace. so it, what do you think outside parties outside act as you mean, you mentioned it to you, not to that very much. that what, what, what can they do to try and bring this conflict to an end a little, what has they not done to this point as well? i think the, the key step needs to be taken actually by the united states who's ostensible, how the power brokers behind the scenes. now it's the road to any serious negotiations. and sedona runs through cairo rehab in upper darby. then the united states and its allies need to, to bring a heavy weight,
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political it to them such as the present until the national security adviser to bear on this. these are the voices that will be listened to in these, these capitals. it's not good enough for us. some basset, as to african countries to be running around, they simply don't, don't have to the weight. and this is the problem that is also faced by the east african agent such as the king and president william router who is being the most energetic and committed. he needs some very serious backing from from western powers. if he has to get the, the we are countries in line with his piece plans. good to talk to alex the well, thanks so much for being with us. you're very welcome. the still ahead on i just need an early exit for and the maria at the australian open. we're here from the sweet time grand slam champion. is
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the the,
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the, let's get the full now. here's gemma. thank you. have them. south korea have forgotten that asian cop campaign with a when i have a ball rain its limited a while to get go in the one in the bottom school, the opened up before the break bar rank of nicolai's. in the 2nd half, the 2 goals are from paris. sasha, mom in the field at lee king in secured a $31.00 victory also in group e, malaysia face jordan later. but before that it's indonesia against iraq, which is there is the bach. i mess up with a rocky strike alley out comedy in london before he flew out. so the tournament
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is a raising storm on many levels. reading firms with english side wimbledon, a, f, c. and so representing a rough 21 year old. so it is johnny's taking him from refugee the top ranks as well for the prison by the mission to one day place in english. and really it's just not like any of a profession applies at all. so by far the way some plus when failure to get to the highest level football, now it's such a of the such quality at the top level that you need to just try to be able to do every fun pulling the rock l, how many was forced to flee the country with his mother was a young child. his father had been in jail for opposing saddam hussein. they settled in livable, a city with a rich foot boiling heritage where we hunted schools playing a local pitches with all the kids. there was a lot of football of that have been nothing cheese and i've had
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a similar sort of bucks. story always kind of gives me a bit of perspective on my, on my life. and i've always kind of that with me, whether that's in football or rest of my life, all the old slow playing for a raft of small english clubs. you got a surprise cool to join the a rocky national side, making his debut in the teams. 2021 world cup qualifier. again, syria was a 19 year old to either marry, pay doesn't watch club football yet to be may have minds and actually it was just on has already so yeah, just so real moments and then when it comes to the rocks chances and the upcoming asian cup and cut all the pressure is on the rocks as the football, crazy country, so much support so much so much look for the national team, but those kind of a lot of ways i've gotten an expectation among suppliers. so how do you know how many overcoming adversity is a major part of his life story from arriving here in the u. k. is a child refugee to finding a safe haven in football. the bulk which is 0,
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under the, the mohammed salles egypt managed to avoid a shock at the africa cup of nations. they took on mozambique and that greek be opened the steps of the high maybe to get the heads. also just a few seconds in quick the connection and it looks like they were on my way to showing that the couple of nations with bugs, those types dashed when you get to the penalty and stuff. it's time people to sell a screwing. is it 28220. i did to ask you to know the next step for egypt is gone as a full time champion wise. anything since 15. hey bud. this is gary rodriguez. good . i just don't his time with us to maintain that on the team. backorder is they've reached around the last couple of minutes into the group, out of shop for like 0 who what, how, what we'll do is go on that lead last to just
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2 minutes for natalie for is it's awesome. my gary and me on monday defending champion center will begin that campaign against down b as a full cal marine take on guinea. in group d al jerry, a face angola, a spa selena coach travis as his team is locking in every way and his apologize to funds after a crushing defeat to round madrid and the spanish chief a cup final. and this is julia for a fast ha! i've tricked to lead round the grid to a full one victory and realize it was assess tracy of the season. full right now, you now have the team that see. so that name that's one less on the account and i'm rivals the victory adds to the threats of amends with him. as the team remains on the since 21 consecutive games in competition, it looks like and the memory may have played his final match at the australian open . the 3 time grand slam champion was out played by associates cedars,
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thomas martine at 2 very, not really using in straight sets. 646262. it's only the 2nd time in 16 years that maria fails to get population around. that is yeah, there's definitely a possibility that would be less than that player. probably because of the match one and everything. right? while you're playing the match, you know, you obviously try to, you know, control like your emotions focused on the points and everything. and then when you like one point away from the end, the site can't believe isn't over like so quickly. unlike this. fancy to it that out in medford as didn't make a good start to his opening match, he lost his asset to qualifies parents, outland. to time australia and i put a runner up and one the next 2 sets to lead before method as a french opponent retired and the full set with crump. a shock in the women's door was well now the 96, diana? yes, trends good knocking at wimbledon?
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champion, all kinds of them. dry supply in the evening. round. yeah, sounds good. so under an hour to beat the 7 seat in straight sets, 6162 is the cranium sus went over top 10. i asked us open champion k to a golf is booked. how place in the 2nd round the american go? the best reply back is the alex hiring. this needs of us, the full seed, one, the last 8 games of the match to seal a 636 last victory. could this be the owns or the wins half us brand? so i'm titled the tennessee and made a convincing stops. how straight and nice and campaign defeating ukrainian qualify unit started save in straight sets in the detroit lions have waited 32 years to win a playoff game and on sunday they finally got it done. dar golf, let the lions the victory pausing for 207, some 7 yards for a touchdown. i got to listen to the rams lions winning 22 voltage. $23.00 and
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a 9 gain pace. pace the season losing straight longest and medical history and the green bay packers on the dallas cowboys. 28 sections to dallas, 116 straight home games and to this one, the children left 33 touchdowns and are in james, run that. so we spoke for now melissa sykes, jenna, and that's it for this news out back in a moment with more of days and you stay with the sleeping under the hot sun. collecting a limitless energy source, their own tri, hoses down the. so the panels on his roof for decades, the number line on the diesel, shipped in a great expense with crowds from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy they need kind on state fits future of fossil fuels, no renewables, the natural gas from the gulf of thailand,
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power stations burning co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china, but the government remains committed to colon gas competed beyond wells. taken without hesitation. fulton died for power defines out, well, we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that and the people in power, investigate explosives and questions. they use them to be of our around that one out there never can see that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it any more 3 years after protest, a storm to the capital. the new rates for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with alpha 0 to the us selection 2024. in depth analysis of the today's
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headlines. how does south africa, food fits accusations of genocide in this case? many genocide in hold across the scholars, including his ravings hopkins on this page, is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right see it's not received task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, the stabbing and call running attacks. know stuff telling me reports that at least one person has been killed and 18 inches. the sake of this is i just need
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a live from the house that coming up shocked and they will, the children are pulled from the rubble off to is really attacks that have killed


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