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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without that fear of facing a jail term informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive the task protection that see that convocation inside story on al jazeera, the stabbing and call running attacks, know stuff, telling me reports that at least one person has been killed and 18 in the process. they get, this is i just need a life from the house that coming up. shocked and they will, the children are pulled from the rubble off to is really attacks that have killed at least $67.00 people. and who did, doesn't smell in guns. and we were in sudan where the scholars of was everywhere,
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and there's little sign of any laptop in 9 months of fights were live in iceland, where volcano has erupt it for a 2nd time in less than a month, forcing people from their homes, the beginning north of tel aviv where at least 18 is right. these have been injured and one killed in ramming and stabbing. incidence is ready, for least like 2 suspects were arrested in connection to the attack and investigation is on the way the public has been uh to remain vigilant. we have costs 2 costs. one is following this breaking story for us in a moment. we'll go. so need to, i brought him in ramallah, but 1st let's go straight to saw the height of twos in tel aviv for us. so sort of what more do we know at this point about these attacks? well the police now say they have the situation and under control. what we do know
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is that one person has died from that wins an elderly lady as well as 18 others, critically injured, including children. now this happens in an area code ranada, which is north of where we all hit in tel aviv. it was an ongoing situation where there are now 2 suspects that have been arrested. but for a long time the police had deployed all of that unit. so they said they have had a quote, since hovering in the sky is one of them was on the run. they were trying to look for him. that was also confusion as to what happened. and the reason why there was confusion is that it's themes, both of them were working in a call uh, cleaning uh business. and they had actually taken over one of the calls but events around just do people switched calls to another call when an elderly lady was taken out of the car, that was the one that has died from her wounds and then runs into more people at
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that time also, they had advised all of the schools to keep the children inside. one of the attacks happened near a school just outside of the gates. and then also earlier we also heard from the former prime minister, not to be bennett that lives in that era. he was stopped from being able to get to his home because they've closed off that area full for the investigation. now he did speak to local media and he said this is just proof, but we are under attack from all sides from the north as well as the south. and he said, even from the west bank, he said, and he said that this will not scan them, they won't be moving or won't be leaving homes, and that they will continue to fight against these kind of attacks. and what do we know at this point about who is behind these attacks? the police have at the moment identify the 2 attack, cuz they said is coming from occupied westbank. they also said that they had
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entered it legally without work permits. they said that they both what known to the security with the security and criminal records. they said it's not clear as to what uh, why these uh quick security or criminal threats. so they talking about but they are now investigating. they said to try and find out how they manage to enter israel without these work permits. they said that they noticed us and now they work. what watching as a call watch, the owner of the business is now being questions. but yet the details are still being revealed. what we didn't know though is that both apparently came from hebron . one of them in the forty's. this comes out to tell him when there's been a huge debates, certainly on stock today. why the government has prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said, but they will consider now applying to allow palestinian workers from the occupied west point and to israel and work as long as they are over the age of 45. just to
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give you a little bit of a background. this wasn't on the radar a few weeks ago because there's been a complete spine on palestinian while cuz from entering israel since that october, 7th type weather is from gaza, whether it's from the occupied territories. but what we do know now is that they are considering this, it seems far and was trying to bring them, hey, has been a lot slower than they expected. but more importantly, there's been a lots of pressure, not just from the us, but also from the head of sion, but that fee is riley security agency that has one. but if you don't allow the workers back in, not only is the is right, economy going to suffer, but also it will create a pressure cooker. and possibly a fed intifada in the occupied west by all right for the moment, saw the height of life for stair in tennessee. let's bring in need the able to he now in the, in the occupied westbank. so need to obviously, as we've been saying,
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the details on this is still arriving right now. uh detail staying on the ground. but as this is filtering through to people in the west bank, how is this going to impact the palestinians living there? well i can 0 to say very little because yes, these are the forces that started reading the village of learning. i am or the prayer for 3 years or be needs to be from the still have not golf into that. also, all the purposes of the raises silliness. 30 minutes, let's say. plus i can tell you that even before the outside happen is really for the how to have grown, which is near to that or at least the governor race with by the name is ok. so you've seen them in killing one kind of city of 22 year old as well as injury 10 policy and 2 of them in political conditions. and this one has been
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announced, as we said, this woman has believed by lucy. he was sounding on the top of her bills and she was trying to fill the really we saw that has also another non we've been seeing videos of him rolling after he has been injured . so all of this was not related to the mom standing here in the be to need a few decals, but this is a place that is full. so i mean, because it's really expensive in there. if you can see those surveillance cameras that are often used by these really for this particular 2 young men have been made on sundays. they was walking down the street. now these really art is review, says rules are the
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city and narrative. as you can see, the cameras are with the is ready for it says the what the, what have you. so it's really confusing for those sarah to. * so many questions, and so this alliances right to the day, but he met life 1st there in the occupied westbank as high as well as all tillery shelley has been targeting central and southern areas of gaza, at least 67 palestinians have been killed in the past. 24 hours had even little reports from some of the rest of your workers are searching for survivors in a pile of concrete. his regular years try to get a residential building and some told garza, a girl and her brother are the sole survivors. and this attack that killed dozens of house in these very the army has been ramping up its military action in the besieged southern city of tonya and paving the way for times and
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armies vehicle to move deeper into the area. there has been a communication of black outing garza for days and it's hindering greske effort. so have you any about the heavy heating the with them we are not even able to receive emergency calls from citizens. we are not even able to use their navigation tools. we rely on our audio and visual skills to reach the targeted areas. on some occasions we take light vehicles to reach hospitals and ask victims about locations of the affected areas of the, you know, it's a really difficult for families to stay in touch with the youth that i'm separated from my parents and i can't reach out to them i do not know how or where i can re unite with them. apart from this, i have not been able to reach my son for 2 days. and i'm not able to call him and i don't know where he is. i can't rest. i can't even sleep because i'm not able to
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get in touch with many of my family members. mission motivates refugee cams across the strip ruins after is rarely ever strikes. for the center, the number of palestinians through the refuge in the south is rising out of my shuttle is the thing we can hardly survive. my house was bombed and levelled my family and i, and now homeless. my sister, 10 of my cousins will code. we were forced to take shelter until i was out to school ourselves, that my niece and nephew were killed. then we were forced to leave to another shelter, which was rated by the as ready soldiers. i'm penniless. how can i feed them and we've lost our livelihood? so human state. and it's been more than a 100 days since it's been a launch. it's more ongoing. but there's no into the humanitarian. a crisis. palestinians are facing hunger and paying on a daily basis. their suffering is
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a growing homeless. this is on the rise to. many of them are living in tents braving the cold and the rain because they have nowhere else to go. honey, my mode. i'll just get a rough southern gauze. now as we've been reporting, israel's military is continuing to expand ground operations in northern central and southern gaza. it's tanks and troops are present in all these areas. in the north and the south. they locked in intense battles with palestinian fighters in northern garza near bid last year. and a top top there's been intense, gun 5 in con eunice overnight in the southern gaza strip. baffles are taking place between pallets thing and fights is and his way the forces israeli troops are advancing towards data. but the bodies have been recovered from the rubble in as much as the rest of the g can't. that's off to is there any forces, withdrew from several neighborhoods in central garza and a warning i should have
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a well i'm it has report. has some images the view is may find distressing when i was on the admins and then we have arrived at the house, which was targeted by is riley wall plains earlier. all the members of the family living here with children. and more than 10 bodies were found in this room alone, according to witnesses, many of those killed were shot at close range by his reading soldiers. the witnesses say they were killed in cold blood or the yeah. why the, the non, we've recovered 10 bodies from the house and another body was found here. and if you look around, you'll find all these industrial plants destroyed, total destruction, these radius destroyed all that came in the past. may god punish the idea for your husband. it's not inferior as i'm speaking to you. we hear a loud explosion over there. they is ready soldiers, a detonating explosives, and what remains of the residential buildings inside. oh, my gosh, the refugee can close to celebrating road. and what that all these industrial
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workshops and facilities have been reduced to rubble is huge. destruction here as a result of the as rarely middle trees. most of us missile strikes along with its artillery showing in the past few days, some of the few hours ago. the is ready, soldiers pulls out of this area, leaving behind the scenes of devastation, heavy a month, a bad and i'm standing it. what was once the main highway road of cell a, who doing that, leading to the oh, my god, the new sides and raise refugee camps. these rarely occupation forces pulled the troops out of this area after causing destruction, not only to the infrastructure but to people's property as well. and since all the roads were destroyed, ambulances have not been able to navigate them in order to recover the bodies, which i'm now decomposing. i still have one law, and that's just the law. what's up the board is defense. secretary ground shap says the u. k. will quote, wait and see before deciding to launch another round of military strikes against
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the hurt these in yemen. probably of the us set of shop down and to ship cruise missile 5 by m and speaking the group had threatened a strong response of the of us last another attack on the us and u. k. say they launch the attacks to protect international shipping. as i said, i had on that, i just need i'm drawn 100 in iowa, were the 1st votes in the republican primary will be cash at conditions as cold as negative 20 degrees celsius. the lock, so during lockdown, held in an infamous us detention center emigrants documents the horrendous conditions during the corporate depend, demik separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard
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demanding their wants to release the facility. a witness documentary on i'll just, you know, as the world is increasing the crypt and the mental health academic i was getting inside the tax every day before school. it was horrifying for po to spilled in diverse corners of the globe. us big questions about how we can improve our well be remove those unconscious images. i never felt anything lock it, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcomed people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health. on august, the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back to opt on its own out. you 0
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the the again you what you, i just need a reminder, lots of stories this out at least 67 people have been killed and for long is really shelling and we'll plan attacks in causes central and southern areas. rescue teams are searching for survivors. at least $24000.00 palestinians have now been killed since october 7th. at least one person has been killed in 18 is rainy's engine in a ramming and stabbing incident north of televisions. radio police, like 2 people, have been arrested in connection with the suspected attack. the akiva elda is a political analyst, and contribute to, to have a newspaper. he says, these attacks highlights the fragility of security and israel that we are not safe
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for anywhere, no, to the nose. no. the size of the wall in the guys are, is still happening. and in the nose piece by lies that back is worth. and now we're not even safe and the call to preserve the center uh, 10 minutes away from the v will from where i live, that i'm speaking to you from. and the messages that uh, you can not close the occupied territories or magically they will come off to you. and if you don't like to put an end to the conflict and find the settlement to the sacraments problem, um they would go off to you and there was no way to escape that political settlement. and uh and uh, just a week ago in may. oh,
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for city cross of uh, near ron i was just attack happened today was uh, suggesting to poops uh uh, roadblocks. and the enter the enter is all the addresses of the city. so is what is becoming a kind of a ghetto or a series of get those that's the message from japan. his genius, as long as we don't feel safe at home in our cities is rarely will not say, feel safe at their home. the . all right, taking a look at some of the world news now see, dance military says it's reclaimed, some territory around the city of on the mon, from the power military rapids support forces. fighting between the 2 sides is in
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is 9 months and continues to spread. it's a conflict that has led to the biggest displacement crisis in the world. but moving reports from undermine near the capital have to this is what the streets of on demand step up of what new by we now looked like. the aftermath of battle between those 2, denise army and the power military rapids support forces or our staff, homes and shops, all were dealt with bullets and artillery holes all destroyed since the recess and took the district nearly 5 months ago. until recently, what new valley was the battlefield between the sudanese army and the rapids support forces here and on through man. nearly all of its presidents have been displaced as a result. the sudanese army no controls that and is pushing to regain more grounds from the fighters. but the district that was once vibrant now carries the scars of the conflict. and the sound of artillery and gunfire. a warning that the front
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line is not far from where we are outside the shed fee and his family are the only civilians still remaining in this part of the district. he shows us what's become of his house, which he says was occupied by the rest half while he and his family were in it. he says the group terrorized them while they were there and continued to fire artillery at his house after they've left. it was not easy, but which time my family has adapted to the fact that we have no way to escape. we are in a very crazy kind of seclusion. without any results. we stayed and we tried to adapt ourselves to heating this and every one of my family. i'm sure that has lost documents between 10 to 15 kilogram of his own weight. ready thing, one foot and the whole day. and when mean that day,
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the armies recent games comes after months of fighting on the mind is a major supply route for the rest have even after a bridge connecting it to the northern parts of the capital costume was destroyed. the recept has been firing artillery to try to stop the army, but civilians have also been killed as a result of what local committees describe as indiscriminate to showing as the flight and continues. so it does the disruption and the loss of civilian lives. he but morgan onto 0, i'm the man iceland, civil defense department says the latest volcanic eruption. there is the worst case scenario. it is 5 months of preparation. 3 buildings quotes on fire on monday when love flowed through the town of green demik, a sonya guy, a guy who joins us now. it's from just north of green dob make so sonya just brings up today on what's been happening there. how dangerous is this?
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well, it's a pretty dire situation, so it needs to the residence of the end of it can and the surrounding areas here where we are right now is up the road which leads directly to the town itself. it completely cuts off. there was no way of answering the areas why that's been cut off by the will socrates a whole exclusion zone put into place because of the highest state of a lot which has been put into place as a result of this so rupture. now we're hoping to get access to a little bit further closer to where the rocks is all taking place where the law is flowing in with the police. but of course it is the residents who are happening to brad, the bronze of best as well. there are some full 1000 residents in the town itself. they all have to display simple, have to go outside some of them living in areas in the capital reykjavik, while they figure out exactly how they're going to get back to the house. and of course, this is the 2nd time this happened since november as well. and with that,
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the residence it took about 6 weeks for them to be able to move back into the houses. now, because of how the law of a has moved in and is actually not destroying homes, not just homes, of course, but also facilities pipes for providing heat gas, electricity. people now wondering well, is it going to be possible to actually be able to go back into that homes and do they have a future in the town of been to vic? i'm if so what does it mean for that community? all right, sonya geico life was there in going into vic in iceland, in the us state of while it takes off the national context contests to choose the republican presidential nominee later on tuesday. it is the 1st major challenge in the race for the white house. cool, because our meetings run by political parties, they differ from primary elections because they overseen by the state potty and don't require voting at
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a police station. for republicans. representatives will make speeches on behalf of their favorite candidates. the votes of tallied by secret ballot and the results shed with the party. democrats also meet in person, but this election, they want to vote on the same day. instead, i with democrats have until what's called super tuesday to vote by mail and results will be released later that day. a, the advisors will need to brace sub 0 temperatures to choose who they want to be. that president john, 100 reports from i was canceled the morning. it's a strange way to run an election. take a not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white rule and heavily religious. then during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year, let it we know down the candidates for the most powerful job in the world. they can throw a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday. republicans are casting the 1st
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vote to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign were leading massively and iowa. donald trump was 77 year old former president who was voted out of office as a runaway lead in the polls. i want a big win as that they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest is in the battle for 2nd place. with florida governor run de santis and former south carolina governor nikki haley. sparring for the right to be the alternative. to trump. presumably, the top 3 vote theater. sort of the republicans and try to stay out as an haley young, whatever 2nd a 3rd place or to that happens to be that's what's gonna happen. i think that might just make them haley hopes, winning silver in iowa. will mark the end of this and this campaign. great. again. this is going to be the weather has a vote in this election, temperatures are expected to dip to minus 28 degrees celsius. that would make these
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of a clean list. iowa caucus is ever forecasters or calling it flashed by conditions that could seriously depress, turn out and mean only the hardy is voters decide who went one major committed group in iowa, evangelical christians. some are looking for an alternative. but despite trumps 3 divorces, to impeach mints and 91 criminal charges, many of them like a whole lot of evangelicals have support for trump that you just can't strip away because they see the things that are happening to him. they think he's being persecuted. they see him as a martyr with little suspense about who's likely to win in iowa. the campaigns focus now is largely on meeting expectations. if you're the top dog and you're supposed to like cream, the competition and you kind of sorta do, but not quite often enough that can be a to see meeting or falling short of those expectations can determine who has
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momentum is the race moves on to other states john henry and l g 0, des moines, iowa. i bought them all as a new president, but not all out of all or has been sworn in the in organization. set to take place much earlier on sunday, but it was delayed for hours because of the tensions in congress. out of all the one the election held in lucas, but then placed legal challenges from conservatives in parliament. early a protest is gathered outside the congressional building, demanding the ceremony take place. thousands of pharmacists have used tractors to block main roads in violin, in a show of anger against the government. the mass demonstration is against plans to scrap tax breaks and subsidies on the agriculture industry. many farms say in eliminating the tax allowances would hike. operation costs already increased by the way in ukraine. government is my son concessions by agreeing to gradually phase out of a subsidy on diesel pharmacy. all the plans should be immediately reversed. that's
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it for me, has them seek, or whether it's next, then inside story looks at what it will take to end the suffering and the war in casa, the the hello good to be with you still talking about the cold in parts of buckets on, so we can up tuesday morning is mom about sub 0 at minus one out through the afternoon. seems to bounce back to 18 degrees. plenty of sun here, but we are now starting to see that fog become an issue for some problems and below just on problems. and it has been quite, quite in terms of snowfall for parts of k p k province. now, real snow on the mountain stair. there just hasn't been any westerly disturbances
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as of late also called us there of the season for northwest india. so for a bunch of state, i'm roads are couple degrees above freezing, but not too far away from there and liliana, we're talking one to 2 degrees that you'll wake up to on tuesday morning, few showers creeping up the coast from onto a protest to additional states on tuesday that up in major here. let's go to where there has been copious amounts of rain falling southern philippines around mid out island. some pretty good burst of rain there had produced about a 100 millimeters within a short period of time. and it is also rainy across china is against the river valley. that weather coming in to wou hon. so pretty good helping of rain there over the next 24 hours and not rain, but snow for japan. so kind of island support could see 10 to 15 centimeters of snow. see you later. i the have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting
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involved in that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue do want to state level all that i can't support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for for my day input. talk to him, quote on which is 0 for $100.00 days as well as war on gaza. it has gone on on debates it a mastercard palestinians in full view of the world. israel has failed to meet at the state of the objectives and carries all. so what will and the sufferings, where is the real goal, the ethnic cleansing of concepts. this is inside story, the .


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