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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the alarm serial then yea, this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the us military says humans food, the rebels of hits an american owned container ship with a miss island the red sea. there are no injuries reported the stabbing and car
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ranting attack north of tel aviv. at least one person has been killed. 18 others have been injured. children in shock, holes from the rubble of the israel's latest attacks on central and southern gaza. at least 67 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. volcano in iceland has erupt it for a 2nd time in less than a month, forcing people from their homes. i'm just wondering, a year ago just north of the town of greens of x were waiting to go in with the car to use to see the expense of the damage caused by the rupture. the so we begin with breaking news. the u. s. military says that the hosting own group has struck a us owned container, ship off the coast of gm, and the strike cause minimal damage to the broader ego, which continued its journey. the incident was 1st reported by the u. k. maritime
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authorities. let's get the latest on this from mike hannah in washington dc. mike, tell us what, you know, most sense come the see what the central combined has also said del confirmed that there is little damage to the vessel, the all new injuries. and it is continuing on its journey just to repeat what st combination oily ad reported on january the 15th at approximately 4 pm. it rang and back to a few militants, 5 an empty ship, ballistic missile from booty controlled area. so human and struck the gibraltar. eagle marshals islands, flag us owned and operated, contain the ship. now it also says that earlier in the day there was an attempt to masala attack on a us destroyed in the red sea. the messiah was shut down by a us fight a crop. so a series of events happening in the red sea in the course of the day. and this is particularly important, given the fact that the us and
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u. k. a croft struck at more than 60 targets in the area is comprised of cold by the duties in the past few days. now us officials have said that they estimate that the good c at still retain some 3 quarters of the ability to launch messiahs or launch drones. so obviously the events of the morning at bull in the south that despite these strikes via text on shipping in the red sea continues, despite warnings from us, that they will respond if it does so. mike, help us understand something bad pun, but help us navigate this issue again. sorry, bad fun. how is the us a balancing interest between not escalating hostilities in the region? they say they do not want an escalation, and they do not want a wider war in the middle east. and then at the same time, they want to protect this waterway and therefore neutralize that. who sees the
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ability to attack these ships? it's a very complex situation, one that the us may be struggling to investigate as you put it. but yes, one of the us as great as concerns is the escalation of the violence that has been continuing in gaza and be occupied westbank. now these boots, he's carrying out these attacks, i was thinking it to what is happening in gaza, us as attempting to distance itself from that portraying this has basic acts of piracy on shipping in the red sea. now the us says it does not want to whitening up the conflict. however, at the same time, as you mentioned, it does one free traffic passing through the red sea with a huge amount of contain a traffic passes, including vital energy resources for the us. and indeed, other countries across the globe, but at the same time, it's got to retaliate, it appears to believe so. it is woking this very buying tightrope in terms of not
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allowing the conflict to widen. and at the same time, not to be seen to be waving a stick and then not actually punishing anybody for the ongoing attacks on shipping in the red sea. so you do have a very complex situation here, and one must remember too that they carrying out these attacks along with u. k, onto the targets it is said. but at the same time, one must remember that the hoots use of being involved in a war for several years. and saudi back forces have not been able to stop the operations. so very unlikely that us and u. k. action would succeed with several years of war has failed. now mike had a reporting from washington dc. thank you very much. just moments ago, u. k. prime minister ritchie snack address parliament over his country's participation in strikes against who the targets in yemen. he denied that the arm groups campaign had any relation with the ongoing one. got a mrs. baker,
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we shouldn't full for them and knowing now it says that this is about israel and gaza. they target ships from around the well, we continue to work towards the sustainable c foreign garza and to get more a to civilians. we also continue to support the negotiated settlement and human civil war. but i want to be very clear that this option is completely unrelated to those issues. it is a direct response to the who t, the tax on international shipping. all right, harry fossett joins the slide from london. how you bring us up to speed on the u. k . 's role in all of this it, it seems a little bit like a 2 man team. i know there's a wider coalition, but it seems a little bit at the moment, especially the last few days like a 2 man team between the us and the u. k. 2 in there were to protect the red sea of the yes, what nice strikes happened. you k time, so start i'd overnight into friday, there was talk of as being a,
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a multi nation effort. they talked about support coming from town to australia and others. and it was, and is it being part of the, the white, a 20 nation coalition operation prosperity, guardian, as it's being christened by the, the us military. but yes. what are the kinds of the strikes essentially they were us strikes with a relatively small amount of u. k. support full time student across flying out of the all right. yes. at base in cyprus, which is not telling parliaments that the 13 strikes 30 targets that was struck with successfully destroyed and good. so there was no known civilian casualties that there was to that these were a bit of treat targets. and so essentially those 3 things he was saying, the 1st big lot you just heard of it's this was a response to a threats against us interest ad against the global trade. he said it was self defense and unrelated to the war and gaza, saying that people shouldn't pull for them
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a line is he called it to the narrative. he was also saying that this was not escalate 3. this was limited and proportional and active self defense id also was responding 20 queries that people might have had about the site that this was taken of this action without a debates. ludlow to vote in parliament ahead of time saying that because of the operational security of the evidence of the threats that he had to take, the decision has in the house before it happens on thursday. but the priest speaker, the house of commons, the leader of the house and the other the start the leader adult position as well. and so he took the necessary measures he's saying to and full of everyone, if it needed to be informed that it must be said, the main office is labelled csa seats is supportive the action as well. okay, harry fosset reporting outside the house of the parliament in london on those laced latest statements by the british prime minister. thank you very much. i want to
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take that studio now to restore started, or who has joined us. you've reported on this region in this region before. it's interesting, we have 2 completely different narratives of play here from the 1st day that they started attacking ships in the red sea, who these in yemen said we are doing this in support of palestinians and gaza. and against israel's war and we hear the british and the americans saying don't believe that it's got nothing to do with that. we're just in it to protect ships, to protect freedom of navigation, to competing narratives indeed. and hopefully is definitely the will lots agree with what the british prime minister has just said. so from the 1st day on when they started attacking some ships, they made it quite clear that they use the game is not to block this, this maritime passage about rather to stop the ships that are going to israel or coming from his route one by is rarely business just to stop them and that was the, the, the state of the purpose of the said we do not want to go beyond that. so this way
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they were trying to create as the fact distribution and set the new rules that each of the container ships that's passing through the rest. so you need to contact them and give them to kind of, if you cation and the guarantees that they have not having anything to do with israel. so that is the condition. but on the other hand, some of the people that are familiar with them that are say that actually surprisingly that's going to be quite difficult because for the container ships, the way that they work is not like they just get the lows from a certain location. and the ticket all the way to sort the markets, actually they drop the lower gradually in different ports. so it means that this ships that are winter's rad extra are going to several, all the ex post as well. so practically, once you said that you're not going to go to the 4th value, for example, you had actually binding the ships to go to the european markets as well. so as to who's these are,
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they say they're blockading israel and these really ports what you're telling us is when you do that, you're also essentially blockading all the other port. indeed. so, but on the other hand, we have seen that narrative is, is quite important for the u. k. and for us, are you saying that it has no connection with the war and guys, and by, for these have been insisting on that. so this why many people are now criticizing to us and u. k. seeing that if you really want to freedom of the navigation that caused a wreck, see the power, the cool way to do cancel, the problem is actually to put an end to the more that's going on in guys that put pressure on his rafter. stop. it's more because during the season by one week ceasefire for these stop the attacks on the ship, so that will be much more effectively impact instead of striking who is the target in your mind. because so far we have seen that you as to what it wasn't a defensive position affecting the 4th is either etc, but then they took it to the next, the next level. i started with taxes with the targets, with a young man,
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which is now almost becoming the original award for these are now seeing that if that continues, they are going to turn threats into it burdening arena, which probably they are quite serious because as of now we see that the, the, you can do us, the strikes have not been able to detour with these. so here i'm not expecting difficulties are going to retain the big time or dramatically how big are the psychological environment that they have created is having a huge impact on the global maritime trade. so as of now, this is what the americans are accepting and see, and that's at least for the person degrees in the maritime trade across the rest of that is quite true is we're talking about billions of dollars just close to the fact that more than 12 percent of the global maritime trade. this just happened to about a month that's rate. so i don't see that any time soon. these are going to be deterred not expecting any dramatic retaliation. however, this harassment is going to be that. and probably us also is going to increase ease
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at the frequency will face that task one who started in, you know, so in chrome mental escalation in chrome mental retaliation is what you're expecting or so. so dar, thank you very much. will take us to marco for joan, the director general at the institute of export in international trade. you're with us live from london, marco, the reason we take all of these events, you know, so seriously is because of the potential we think they might have to lead towards an escalation. how do you read this? again, as a reminder to our viewers, the latest event is this confirmation from the americans. that the who sees struck an american owned vessel ship in the red sea yesterday. you quite right. the strikes that were carried out by the american and a u. k. forces haven't prevented, we'll stop the fee attached soon, as you said, most recently, an attack on
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a us drawing bulk carrier that was actually the gulf of 8 and so south of the by the my dad straight so which in itself now we see. so we're seeing an escalation beyond the red sea and in recent wakes the results of the attack on a ship off the coast of india. and last week of the radian forces, a took a ship in the state of the whole move and took that into a new water. so there's a very real risk of this escalating. but as the u. k. 5 minutes the main play today of the action is being taken in the red sea is to try and prevent and stop the attacks on global shipping. and that is the focus of the activities. can i ask for your opinion on these 2 competing narratives? the who they say this is all about the war and gaza if you want to fix what's happening in the red sea, stop israel's war on palestinians and gaza. the british and the americans are
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saying, you know, essentially we, we're not so much interested in this context. what we see is just a tax on shipping plain and simple and a tax on global trade. and that's what we're interested in. that's why we're trying to neutralize with the military assets or to and, and the who seems to be very clear from the outset that the intention was to disrupt trade with it as well. well, trade linked with israel and to establish a de facto br. okay. they've had a huge amount of success in achieving that and try it into the post. relapse is, is done by well over 85 percent over the course of the attacks over the past month . and, but the issue is that it's impossible to be that forensic in the attacks on shipping and vessel ships that have no relationship to is read little to is really a business have themselves being subject to attack or threats. and so the attempt
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is to try and show the transit through about a mandated straight through the red sea, and therefore through suez is for a full global shipping. but the who take uh, as i said, determined in that objective and with the support of it right now of the suing this objective. and they, the of allied forces, the u. s. u k. and the other nations, including today the announcement from china are seeking to prevent those attached to the ceo trade of flows through the red sea. okay, so how do you see this developing? the whole things have shown that they are able to strangle this waterway. and again, 10 percent of global trade goes through the red sea. they're able to strangling it . it's a strangle it, that's what they're doing. now. the us and they, you k want to avoid a, a white, a war, but they also want to reopen this waterway. so what happens now with is the, the reality is the, the who c have had to,
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in general more than 8 years or bothered by various a nations and still are able to, to load ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drug and the tags into the red sea. and deal, so this is not something that is so quickly all space lee and the announcement earlier today that tom now is diverting its liquefied natural gas away from by a man down straight. i think he's beginning to show the escalating impact of the who to use capabilities to, as you say, constraint the flight of trade through about my data and into the red sea. so to we are an intractable situation until the attack stall, marco, i've been remiss. there's one thing i have to ask you before i let you go to make this very clear to our viewers. because the ships you mentioned guitar is no longer going to send tankers through that way. and many other shape going shipping
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companies decided that a long time ago, what's their alternative, what's their plan b, and what's the impact on consumers? so the plan today is to head south around the cape of good head of the southern tip of africa. and then it's about 3 and a half 1000, no school miles. it has about 2 weeks to the transit time and over a $1000000.00. an additional fuel costs to take that route. but that in itself has a cumulative disruptive impact because ships are out of place contain his route to place. you can't get the ships back to the port to reload and trying to get it. so what you get is an escalation of disruption, both, etc. and also online because you get congestion of the cold and the disruption of the online logistics of the supply chain. so. so what's happening in the red sea has a cumulative impact,
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not just in escrow and europe, but actually beyond. so it was a escalation in cost increasing sketch the date and delay, and therefore destruction to global supply chains. okay, market for jerone. thank you very much for letting all of that out. thank you. it israel. now at least one person has been killed and 18 others injured in a car ramming and stabbing attack. this happened in the city of ron. not just north of tel aviv. please say that they've arrested at least 2 suspects. they've identified them as residents of hebron and the occupied westbank and an investigation is currently underway. this time is still preliminary. i can't get into the details of the motive, but what i can tell you is that we have various security agencies behind us gathering evidence in order to declare it. if it is, tell her what it's related to. we're going to get all that information and give it to you as it comes in. we're following this rapidly developing story from tel aviv and from the occupied westbank hood up, they'll have meetings in ramallah will go to you in
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a moment 1st. so let's go to cyber high, right? you're in tel aviv tell us everything you know about the attack, how it unfolded and who is known to be behind it of the well this went on for a few hours because the police 1st initially felt it was one attack cuz then they realize that there was 2 of them, it seems they arrested one of them, not the seen as the the attack had just happened. and then they realized that was the 2nd one. so they went on a mine, hon. so that took a long time. they killed cold in all of the different police units and backup of from helicopters as well. those identified those 2 attackers as palestinian from occupied westbank, specifically from a place called hebron. and it seems what happened is that they were both working in legally for a car wash business. they took over one of those cause they rammed into
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a number of his ray, the civilians. then they drives uh, an elderly lady out of another call a she was been ha, it's an injured and then she died of her wounds. they then carries out and continued to another location, 3 locations inside. so 3 different cause. now in terms of the injuries, what we know now is that 17, all in judge including a children and teenagers, some of them, it seems all critical, sour. hi rod to stay with us. are we have something else we need to talk to you about. but 1st i want to go to hook up though, i mean, in ramallah, in the occupied west bank, where we seen dozens of raids almost every day since the war and gauze has started on this particular issue. this news that we're getting of what happened and tell us even this attack, since the 2 suspected assailants are come from hebron or believe to come from hebron. the investigation is going to 0 in on pretty much where you are. and what
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can you tell us on your read a well actually we've been on the phone to a member of the family of the 2 attackers because they actually demand new 44 and his nephew or that are 24 year old, a young man. these were due to attackers according to a member of the family. now they come from a village called benny mary, which is east of this city of hebron. and as we speak now, they told us that the army has arrived. there has 1st stayed on the outskirts of the village, but it appears that in the last 5 minutes or so, they are now going deep into the village and probably heading to the homes of these 2 attackers. now the person we spoke to that day was still coming to terms with the news. he did confirm that did you actually used to work in israel before the
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attack of a before october 7th. they had a working permit. it was revoked like all of the permits and i'm on goal of departments that had been re revoked in the aftermath of the attack. and then they managed to sneak in about a month ago. they don't know what push them to do to carry out this attack. at least that's what they're telling us, but what they expecting is probably a house demolition. a quote with both of these at the both the homes of these attackers that is a routine practice that happens here in the okay. by the west bank, especially when in the debt back as someone was killed. so that is something they expect, but they also expected other form of select collective punishment may be the village being completely shut down and sealed off of from the rest of the uh, occupied westbank for a while. and certainly they do expect that it will be
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a lot of pressure on them, not only in the coming hours, but in the coming days. and it's something that people here have come to expect. if a member of your family carries out an attack, well, then the entire family or the entire village gets punished. i heard that the reporting from the occupied west bank. thank you very much for the us of the latest on the investigation there. so israel's cabinet has passed and amended budget for this year to account for a sharp increase in spending for his war on gaza. the new budget includes $15000000000.00 of extra money for its military. it also includes funding for defense and compensation for individuals who've been affected by the war. more on this, let's go back to sarah. hi, right. sorry. this has been a deeply contentious issue within the cabinet. tell us more on that. well this amended budget was proposed a while ago and at the time the finance minister as law smart trish had said that
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they were looking to amend the budget that had already been agreed upon for 2024 to take into account the situation with the will in gauze or, and the loss of the some of those ministers when they found out that that would include a budget being slashed for different ministries. of course, they weren't happy about that because that money has to come from somewhere and they've re shuffled and re located the mountain, the money that is distributed to the different ministries, to be able to fund this war. now they've agreed now they've voted in an extra $15000000000.00 for defends. this of course includes military operations. uh, also the fullest carrying out strikes in the gaza strip. but under that umbrella, it also covers those reserve is we have hundreds of thousands of them that have been either already in garza taking pots and not will. all those that are waiting
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or resolve is to have been called in for various other jobs during this time. now they need to be compensated for lack of walk that families as well. there are also those that were affected by the october 7 attack, where you had towns where homes and businesses it will destroy it. and that will cost the government a lot of money as well as the a $120000.00 an average of those that have to be that homes on the northern border with 11 on as well as those southern towns with the gaza strip. so this is costing money to put them up in accommodation for example. and also like we was saying, a lot of them on walking and they've lost businesses as well as a result. so that costs and lots of money, but also they're looking to, injects more money into the health sick. so they said, especially mental health, of course is the results partly as a result of this well, and there's a lack of terrorism because of this as well. in the country reliance on that too. so it caused the loss of control vesee bots,
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a prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking yesterday before going into this cabinet meeting. that has been a myra still in session since he said he was very keen. so, and she'll have a long it takes to push this budget through you had people like it's him up and give you the national security administer that said he wasn't going to stand by this budget that was yesterday, but changed his mind today when he found out that he will be receiving a bit more and he obviously negotiates it's something that with the prime minister and with that. so it cabinets so. 2 so just to give you a sense of how please, the prime minister is on this before the vote went through, he said this increase or amendments, an increase in defense. money will be a victory for the country. he said, and for the future of its security as r. hi, rod reporting from telling me. thank you very much. sorry. mitchell barrack is in american, is really political and listen pollster and he says, the amended budgets is politically charged. us, the problem for a lot of people is,
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is that people have really united behind this war effort and many, many thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of reservists are, are, are actively deployed in burying the burden. some of them have not seen their families for 2 months, 2 and a half months, even 3 months of so the is really public is united. the problem is, is that the government seems to be still be playing politics. and the budget reflects that to a certain extent. there are billions of dollars, billions of shackles in expenditures which are just political, political parties, pet projects. there are at least 10 different ministries that don't really do any said, they're just political patronage, jobs to keep these 64 person confessed that governments 64 seats and can i said to keep it alive? and that's a problem. now guns, as you mentioned and, and i as in caught, and you don't sorry, have joined us government in a, in a, in
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a kind of way of unity. but they are looking at some of this budget which includes cuts to, you know, services like education and, and even some areas in the health field, which you're not a good thing. and they're not really reaching out. and the money is not getting to the people that are fighting or the people that need it at this point. and the people are asking a lot of questions. how much longer is this going to go on? and how close is this government to help those israel to achieving its objectives of totally destroying the from us and getting the hostages back while we still have over a 130 hostages there. and the, from us, even in their terrible state right now, are still firing rockets into israel. so how much closer are we to this a lot is really, is, are asking a lot of questions of the prime minister and government. and certainly list politicking within the budget and in other areas, which is not really geared for unity by and large is starting to wear on people.
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the still ahead on alpha 0 were in sedan where the stars of war everywhere. and there's little sign of any left of 9 months of flight. i'm drawn 100 in iowa were the 1st votes in the republican primary will be cashed as conditions as close as negative 20 degrees celsius. the the brought to you by visit capital low. good to be with you. still talking about the cold in parts of boxes. fun. so we can up tuesday morning is momma about sub 0 at minus one out through the afternoon. seems to bounce back to 18 degrees. plenty of sun here, but we are now starting to see that fog become an issue for some problems and below
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just on problems. and it has been quite quite in terms of snowfall for parts of k p k province. now we'll snow on the mountain stair, there just hasn't been any westerly disturbances as of late also called us there of the season for northwest india. so for punjab state i'm red star. couple degrees above freezing but not too far away from there and liliana. we're talking $1.00 to $2.00 degrees that you'll wake up to on tuesday morning, few showers creeping up the coast from onto a protest to additional states on tuesday, the up in major here. let's go to where there has been copious amounts of rain falling southern philippines, around mid out island, some pretty good birth of rain there, had produced about a 100 millimeters within a short period of time. and it is also rainy across china is yankee river valley that weather coming in to wu han. so pretty good helping of rain there. over the next 24 hours and not rain but snow for japan. so kind of island support could see 10 to 15 centimeters of snow. see you later. i of the quote to
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you by visit castle. as the world is increasingly equipped and the mental health epidemic i was getting inside the tax every day before school, it was hot or fine for poor to spend in diverse corners of the globe. us big questions about how we can improve our well be move those unconscious images. i never felt anything lock it, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health. on august the, on the housing the costs 2024 was set to be the need of elections, lots of stores for the global economy under the umbrella. so much potential political change and we'll look at the impacts of the rising cost of shifting juice . attentions in the red sea, counting the costs on al jazeera,
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the the you're watching else is you're a reminder of our headline, this our, the us military says the who feet arm group struck a us own container ship in the red sea, causing might or damage the group have threatened a strong response south of us launched another attack on the i'm in the us and u. k. save a lot of the attacks to protect international shipping at least 18 is really, is have been injured. and one person killed in a ramming and stabbing incidents north of tennessee is really police say 2 people have been arrested in connection with a suspected attack. the israel's military is continuing to expand its ground
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operations in gaza. its tanks and troops are present in all these areas in the north and south of the strip, the present, the areas in red on this map. they are locked in intense baffles with palestinian fighters in northern gaza. that's near a bait lock. yeah. and a tundra and there was intense gun fire in hon. eunice overnight. that's in the southern part of gaza. baffles that taken place between palestinian fighters and his really forces there is really troops advancing towards darrow. the bala, honeywell, who has the latest from rough and some of the rest of your workers, are searching for survivors in a pile of concrete. his brain is trying to get a residential building, and some told garza, the girl and her brother are the sole survivors. and this attack that killed dozens of house the these read, the army has been ramping up its military action in the besieged southern city of
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tanya and paving the way for times and armies vehicle to move deeper into the area . there has been a common occasion of black housing garza for days and it's hindering greske effort . so have you any about the heavy heating them with them? we are not even able to receive emergency calls from citizens. we are not even able to use our navigation tools. we rely on our audio and visual skills to reach the targeted areas. on some occasions we take light vehicles to reach hospitals and ask victims about locations of the affected area of the, you know, it's a really difficult for families to stay in touch with the youth and that i'm separated from my parents and i can't reach out to them i do not know how or where i can re unite with them. apart from this, i have not been able to reach my son for 2 days, and i am not able to call him and i don't know where he is. i can't rest. i can't even sleep because i'm not able to get in touch with many of my family members.
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mission nobody's refugee camps across the strip ruins after is really air strikes from the center, the number of palestinians, 13 refuge in the south, is rising. a sort of mice shuttle or the thing we can hardly survive. my house was bombed and levelled my family and i, and now homeless my sister, 10 of my cousins were code. we were forced to take shelves until i was out to school, that my niece and nephew was killed. then we were forced to leave to another shelter, which was rated by the as ready soldiers on penny lessing. how can i feed them and we've lost our livelihoods? you must have been more than a 100 days since is really a launch. it's more on god, but there's no into the humanitarian. a crisis, palestinians are facing hunger and paying on a daily basis. their suffering is a growing homeless, this is on the rise to. many of them are living in tents,
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braving the cold and the rain because they have nowhere else to go. honey, my mode, i'll just get a rough southern gauze honeys. live with us now. still from rough. uh, honey, since you filed that report, of course there been more tax. there's been more fighting. what's the last of the yes indeed. and with the total of blackout day in communication, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get the latest update. but we were able to get ahold of our units within the vicinity of lots or hospital and just reported at least 3 major attacks, or tillery selling. and it was direct to the price of the eastern part of a ton unit and the name of the novice on a area that's the eastern part of the city. uh the eastern part of the law had been a road work ethics. people at least reported killed and they were rushed to avoid
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the fee and hospitals very close to get it from that area until i had been roads all the way to the hospital because it is located on. so i had the enrolled an easier than going through the central part of findings to not the hospital, but the area within the vicinity of north or has to be artillery swimming and one mass severe sprague that destroyed the vicinity near the department of civil defense or at least 8 people reported killed in more injuries at this particular time. and just during the night time. busy becoming very, very difficult, almost impossible for, for ambulance and been sick through on the ground to get the targeted area. and run computers who might have survived these attacks but was able to get to the hospital where the age, who had been killed in a chart. and the injuries who are view, who are pulled it from under the rubble,
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there are talks about more people under the rubbish as renewed attack. the early phase 3 at the southern part. busy city on newness and that will happen before since we last talked with our source on the ground in find you in his notes important to point out these relentless charts and so on. unit seem to be very intense. one of the same times we for its definite, really channel about a withdrawal for an entire division of invading. ringback from the central area of the goddess trim. who would thank you very much for that reporting there. from rossa. no bodies have been recovered from the rubble rubble in like a z counter with the refugee camp. it's on the coastal part of garza, that's after is really forces withdrew from several neighborhoods in central gaza. and a warning trust of them rouse report has some of the images that yours may find distressing . when i was on the head, the admins that we have arrived at the house,
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which was targeted by is riley wall plains earlier. all the members of the family living here with children, more than 10 bodies were found in this room alone. according to witnesses, many of those killed were shot at close range by his reading soldiers. the witnesses say that we killed in cold blood or the yeah. why the, the non, we've recovered 10 bodies from the house and another body was found here. and if you look around, you'll find all these industrial plants destroyed, total destruction, these radius destroyed all that came in the past. may god punish the idea for your husband. it's not inferior as i'm speaking to you. we hear a loud explosion over there. they is ready soldiers, a detonating explosives, and what remains of the residential buildings inside. oh, my god, the refugee can close to celebrating road. and what that all these industrial workshops and facilities have been reduced to rubble. this huge destruction here as
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a result of the as rarely middle trees. most of us missile strikes along with its artillery showing in the past few days, some of the few hours ago. the is ready, soldiers pulls out of this area, leaving behind the scenes of devastation, heavy a month, a bad and i'm standing it. what was once the main highway road of cell, who doing that, leading to the oh, my god, the new sides and raise refugee camps. these rarely occupation forces pulled the troops out of this area after causing destruction, not only to the infrastructure but to people's property as well. and since all the roads were destroyed, ambulances have not been able to navigate them in order to recover the bodies, which i'm now decomposing. i still have one la beneatha, which is the most of the israel's war on guns that has killed more than 24000 palestinians. most are women and children. but don't is really mainstream media. there seems to be little room for them. it's very simple, looks into how is really news outlets have been covering the war, a winding stream,
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a cover with a job. i never saw j. yeah. northern goza. the battle over jelia shy a continue says these use anchor the photos with images of air strikes and military operations targeting terrorists. it says a joint noticed embedded with a swelling, military and gaza. has a clear message for his audience who come with the color. we are here deep in the gaza strip with idea of forces. when you see them on the ground, you'll know that we have nothing to worry about. the 3 months into the war is really media can via patuto, take a message to the population. but there is a side of the story that is clearly missing. when you watch when you was in this, well, there's hardly any pictures of the humanitarian crisis in gaza or the civilian casualties . the main focus continues to be what happened on october, the 7th, the captive and the military operations in gaza. israel is trying to recover from
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the october 7th attacks and the fear it has generated among the people. here we lost our confidence in our army. you know, our institutions, you know, our leaders in the state and be, is really media has kept us locked in to october. 7th is where the society has not moved to october 8th. we're still in october 7th. but the reports on each rally, soldiers is often the war, and the names of the palestinian fighters killed but not the 10s of thousands of palestinian civilian victims. showing analysts say that media is also playing it's part. it's not the is something that is coming from the government. that is telling the, the media don't do that. it's self. it is all in tears by the media. you know, we have to become us made domestic care and we are not going to show the casualties
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the pursuit in casuals because it says the interest of come us from a different vice. anything around half of the east rally population is estimated to get the new from tv channels. they're also websites for newspapers and magazines. there's some basking says the coverage has a big impact on how is rarely see the war. this is where these don't see that posted inside. we're living in this tiny piece of land between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea. and we see entirely different pictures of reality. reality that has also left thousands of palestinians that and that for now, most of these really media have chosen to ignore the city. so we'll just see at west to send them still ahead on elsa 0, the grim warnings nearly a 100000 asked. and children are in need of support $100.00 days after the devastating earthquakes. we'll have
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a report on that after the break. the unique perspective, some people see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard, voices, verger, people in israel are sticking up against door right now. if i want to be one of them connect with our community and tap into conversations, you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy, deep human noise. this is all i want to go into. you know this to happen to next to the stream on out to 0. the the so the us state of iowa kicks off the national contest to choose the republican
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presidential nominee. later on tuesday, voters will need to brave sub 0 temperatures to choose who they want to be their next president, john henry, the reports from ios, capital, des moines, a. it's a strange way to run an election. take a not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white rule and heavily religious. then during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year, let it we know down the candidates for the most powerful job in the world. they can throw a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday. republicans are casting the 1st votes to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign were leading massively and iowa. donald trump, for 77 year old former president who was voted out of office as a runaway lead in the polls. i want a big when they, they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest is in the battle for 2nd
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place with florida governor rhonda santas and former south carolina governor nikki haley sparring for the right to be the alternative to trump. presumably the top 3 vote theater. sort of the republicans. trump to stay under us and hailey on whatever 2nd and 3rd place order that happens to be that's what's gonna happen. i think that might just make them haley hopes, winning silver in iowa. will mark the end of this and this campaign. great. again. the weather has a vote. in this election, temperatures are expected to dip to minus 28 degrees celsius. that would make these of a clean list. iowa caucuses ever forecasters or calling it furnished by conditions that could seriously depress, turn out and mean only the hardy is voters decide who wins. one major committee group in iowa, evangelical christians. some are looking for an alternative. but despite trumps 3
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divorces, to impeachment and 91 criminal charges, many of them like a lot of evangelicals have support for trump that you just can't strip away because these see the things that are happening to how they think he's being persecuted. they see him as a martyr with little suspense about who's likely to win in iowa. the campaigns focus now is largely on meeting expectations. if you're the top dog and you're supposed to like cream, the competition and you kind of sorta do, but not quite often enough that can be a to see meeting or falling short of those expectations can determine who has momentum is the race moves on to other states john henry and l g 0. des moines, iowa, us defense secretary lloyd austin has been released from hospital out the complications from prostate cancer surgery. austin says that he will perform his duties from home until he fully recovers the 70 year old was admitted to an intensive care unit 2
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weeks ago. the white house at the time was unaware of his illness. volcanic activity in iceland appears to have eased according to authorities, the latest direction on sunday, engulfed 3 buildings sitting then on fire. when lava flowed through the town of green data, 4000 people have to leave their homes in november as a precaution with our correspondence and you're going to go in green demick. a war about 18 kilometers is outside greens of it, which is where the at the center of this erosion is taking place. we can't get any closer. this is the road that leads directly into the town itself. it's been closed off because of exclusions and that's been put in place 5 you'll start use of declared the highest level of a lot. now, while the president's good media henderson has said that there is no immediate threat to live close to this properties that have already been facing the effects of disruption with houses already being confused by the flow of law. but there was
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also the issue of those have been displaced by this. this is the 2nd time since november. they talked to do this, many fearing that they may not be able to go back to the homes. now prior to this are options that had been damaged control buyers that had been erected around the houses. unfortunately, that hasn't seemed to work this time around with this option. so do you guy? yeah, go, i'll just sarah iceland. at least 6 people had been killed and more than 20 injured after an explosion of furniture factory and also by john the blast, and the capital back who destroyed more than 13000 square meters surrounding the facility firefighters extinguished the blaze. but officials say a criminal investigation is underway into safety practices. there. a sign is calling for a large scale international peace conference to discuss the establishment of a palestinian state. chinese foreign minister one e, also called for a ceasefire and gaza during a meeting with the egyptian foreign minister in cairo. he says badging is worried about the growing threat of a wider conflict. katrina,
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you has more from the aging transform minister. one is currently on the tour of the middle east and africa. he's now it's new z a. and he made these comments officer stopped in cairo where he met with addiction for administer, as well as the 60 general of the arab league of states and the war in gaza dominated those troops. now in the statement one g is calling for a larger scale peace conference to discuss the implementation of a 2 state solution between palestine and israel. it seems that the aging feels that nothing, nothing is being done by the international community to bring an end to this crisis is also disappointed that hasn't been more concrete solutions to come out of the discussions and processes at the united nations. now if you go through the language of the statements and we listen to what one you said during the press conference in egypt, it's very clear that he is quite impatient with the situation. now the voice going on for 100 day, you see raise rates, extreme loss of life, civilian life, damaged infrastructure in goals of speaking with those extremely concerned about
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this will spreading out in other areas now that it's watching it, this price is intensify. now coming to again and now also in this statement, aging did not directly refer to israel, but what it is hoping for is that this larger scale peace conference will bring more international pressure on the latest in television, it seems that the agent feels it knows enough is being done by israel to actually practically implement steps towards the 2 state solution. and it's all taken seriously enough and ends to this one is really you out a 0 agent. so it ends military says it has reclaimed some territory around the city of them. dorman, from the power military rapids support forces fighting between the 2 sides into its 9th month and continues to expand. and the conflict that has led to the biggest displacement crisis in the world have a more good reports from government near the capital cartoon. this is what the streets of on demand step up of what new by we now looked like. the aftermath of
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battle between this 2 denise army and the power military rapids support forces are our staff, homes and shops. all were dealt with bullets and artillery holes. all destroyed since the recess and took the district nearly 5 months ago. until recently, what new valley was the battlefield between the sudanese army and the rapids support forces here and on through man. nearly all of its presidents have been displaced. as a result, the student is armeno, controls that and is pushing to re getting more grounds from the fighters. but the district that was once vibrant now carries the scars of the conflict. and the sound of artillery and gunfire a warning that the front line is not far from where we are. a fathers shed fee and his family are the only civilian still remaining in this part of the district. he shows us what's become of his house, which he says was occupied by the rest half while he and his family were in its,
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he says the group terrorized them while they were there and continued to fire artillery at his house after they've left. it was not easy, but it was time my family has adapted to the fact that we have no way to escape. we are in a very crazy kind of seclusion without any results. we stayed and we tried to adapt ourselves to heating this and every one of my family. i'm sure that has lost documents between 10 to 15 kilogram office on wait, ready thing. one foot and the whole day. and when mean that day, the armies recent games comes after months of fighting on the mind is a major supply route for the rest have even after a bridge connecting it to the northern parts of the capital costume was destroyed. the recess has been fire and artillery to try to stop the army, but civilians have also been killed as a result of what the local committees describe as indiscriminate to showing as the
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flight and continues. so it does the destruction and the loss of civilian lives. he but morgan onto 0. i'm the man 96000. the afghani children are in desperate need of support doctor last year is devastating earthquakes. that's according to unicef, which says the atmosphere in villages is sick with suffering as a bitter winter grips the country. charles stratford reports the series of us quakes and october, devastating launch areas of western. i've got to stop at least a 1000 people were killed. but i carried onto the rubble in isolated towns and villages, many of which itself, with neglect and violence during decades of war and political instability. all the 3 month slates of the united nations children's fun. usa says nearly 100000 f gun children, or we die in need of help as a harsh winter with
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a sense in. and i went back to the, to the center yesterday. and uh, i must say, the situation is still a hot breaking. i met for example, this 8 year old uh go to dina in one of our health centers. and she and her mother took me back to the place where the house ones, uh, stewart. and she told me that we offer assistance died and the rubble of the go to this in south or south was, uh, i have the injured there must be an investment in a bit. uh, if i start to, to respond to the basic needs of the people. fewest quakes destroyed to thousands of homes. the communications and the lack of proper roads can put relief efforts. you in estimates nearly 40000 families, many of whom lost their livelihoods, crops,
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and livestock. still living in tents and makeshift shelters below 0 temperatures. this comes in addition, often already existing humanitarian crisis. 23000000 people, enough guidance done, are in need of humanitarian aid. almost 90 percent live in for it to you. we have a minor attrition rates of 2300000. acute minorities, june 900008 life threatening condition. this is the starting point, and it is very important that we invest in making people hear more resilience. afghanistan's health care system relies heavily on foreign aid. it's funding, especially crippling caused by international donors since the turnaround are tons of power in 2021. something experts and agencies say further complicates the challenges of getting help to those who suffered
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a natural disaster and almost in need child, stamford, which is 0. this. we're back in a moment with more of today's news to stay with us here. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. in depth analysis of the case headlines. how does south africa cruise? it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the sphere of a single jail term, informed opinions when the us since it's well shifted to the right, see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera expo 2023. the world,
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the fascination a while silver joined us from let's discover, a better world expo 2023. the the us military says humans whose the rebels have hit an american owned a container ship with a miss island. the red sea there are no injuries reported the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is alex. is there a light from the also coming up children in shock pulls from the rubble left israel's latest attacks on central and southern gaza. at least 67 people have been


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