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tv   Witness The Facility  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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my, who knew my mobile mr lot more towards his childhood. like many others has been destroyed . children are living in fear. they've even lost the will to play so you can buy the in the album. i couldn't tell i'm the, i'm going through these ruins and hoping i would find something upon or spoon, or even a toy from my child. my like gosh, oh, okay. well, i guess i'm not going know this destroyed school. any of the place and goals are, is fit for living any more. we are in the us now enough money, like inside is the god the could not look at us here. it is true that this place is destroyed from the cold weather with kennasoft side. but we must enjoy all these ruins and fill all that we're trying to take refuge from these ready bombardment. we have tired and i fear for my child in new york now for testers, have been gathering in front of the united nations and support the palestinians in god's christian salumi was the, the demonstrators are on the march heading towards the united nations,
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attempting to keep the flight of gaza, front and center. this event was organized by a coalition of 140 community groups suited in groups health care workers. socialist groups, the focus of the event and the focus of many speakers at a rally proceeding. this march has been the breakdown of the health care system in gaza. many of the speakers pointed out that over $300.00 health care workers have been killed and gaza, only 6 out of $36.00 hospitals are functioning right now in fairly functioning at that. there's a shortage of madison, a shortage of anesthesia for surgeries. and many of the people who came to participate in this event told me that it was the images of children and hospitals in particular. that drove them to come out and take part in this event. and just by
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heart breaks, when you see an image of a child on a table with his skin falling off and no way for that child is like that have to stop. it has to stop. now, the message overall from this and from the speakers and from the participants, has been for a cease fire, a ceasefire now. and they are carrying that message throughout the streets of the city to various locations today. and i should point out that this is actually only one of a few events that our plan in new york city alone today in new york city present salumi algebra. or you can find more information on our website that's i'll just say that the witness is on the the latest news as it breaks. for many people have religions to separate from the
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states and then not willing to change the traditions with detailed coverage over the next 3 or 4 months when people will be entering the main periods, taste as a politician or rise again from around the world. it was near here at valley forge that the us get declared its independence, which still had to fight for this funding democracy. that is what joe biden says, needs to happen now the the
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lawyers, my father, my wife is a citizen. my son is being born here. my mom is a legal resident, not be here for 20 years. so why is the point of eyes having me here for us? we get it the same thing. what do i know? so like columbia and then you do get those meals for meetings, i believe. so give me the money visit to get them yet. you do decide how many plays, how much money in the name of this you get the, i mean by gable as to why the main thing in life is young data we on sidney
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this or is the seal completely via the 19 can be kind of nice as a public all of a country of 60000000 people is now effectively red zone. the coverage 19 is sweeping through the country jails. they have proven to be a breeding ground for contagion. the
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what are you doing? how are you thinking about what's happening out here? this everybody's hear a lot of stories. we see what's happening outside of bosses be will be once it gets easier, we'll leave the meeting in the middle, the meet, assume you're the one of his, those news deal or sit on the ice. so my on this but it goes shown as part of the, me, the by that simple to see and this will be decent wherever it installs the sands. it'll say that the soon, the carts, the only way the base must monday and allow them they don't even have it on just one of their, just one of their chicken property, which is this is, this is the 60, with the people in here it is below we will, how much is that?
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was the area, me the way how do we need which of the been e s? it's almost for the past as they meet us here on perfect. i'm going to put you on the list that you on the so close as i meet us here in the, with the economy stuff. i mean, the piece point here is a risk ready to be here. i was
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wondering how long we going to put it in a more worst condition. if they try to take the b a, b we all we all all the the business needs here.
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take the money list on the scale for the daily wait, i am the woman to send a letter saying that they're going to strike the easiest thing to get this into it is to begin with a little see that george jackson, this is paid us already is political got you on go to the meetings, i case thanks, post the and then that we is refused to work for these for cds,
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and to advise free on us. and we actually one of the tool seen in this view. must this think that the news? yes. the document, those incentives are they've been shown in california, florida. they has the seo and then we would org, a massachusetts you know, so how are you feeling about this? i mean like it's reached this point but, but also you don't know what they're going to do. i tried to be strong. based on the site
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to the can you, can you just keep it running in this list all the words and work on thursday. it may be clear that they have basically 3 people, it won't cable. so you're the
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one that entail for hello. i to some deep sense what's going on with that. so your husband's at this point, they retaliated against all the people that are participating in the harbor straight . and so now he's in isolation. ringback chaos is contralto, heavier the game was sent to a lot
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of the the . 2 the . busy busy the
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hey have you heard from? no, somebody is uh just doing a. busy data initials, and so buckner, so you just, you got the with health condition to use that, but then we came refusing medication. ringback one of the eyes, the lady said, we gonna get an image for see those are the county detention hey, listen, how are you? i'm okay. i mean, you know how many 4?
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05 days today. oh, nothing. oh we haven't drink any. what else? take any of my medicine and then get up, you know, i'll get easy. honestly, i'm feeling week into bear you on him and taylor and no, i mean we haven't committed no crime. we have no hair to nobody. we didn't be in any way whatsoever. so he's really helped us understand what the cheating on these ways banners receive, you know, electronically making and he fan e and i see on on dice a young man a middle and they use the moon in less than that. big a deal. yeah. with us, i really the a. hi. okay. so the most necessary to you. oh yeah. and that's a good thing on you,
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but i'm not going my language on my as my thing. what does that mean? that nothing on it is up on the side. yeah. the most people do you think is that a lot? okay. that's the thing you see me. i ted nice hair. yeah. oh wow. and they're like all over the place. huh. so basically they just leave them alone. it says, please practice the same big data from each other. big letters.
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do you know when this inspection is going to happen? we can have that. i mean, does that be one of these years and they're having to clean it up? it's all gonna start with. i mean here everything is just not sending their. ringback wash for wednesday from here to store. nice. you know, i'm working on site. i'm walking to the seems like a nice freezes gives you the nice
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a bad day. this just all like creating ways and then it becomes like huge. and then i see like all these ways stable me those are the most one to one or the last 4 days television to watch the scene or the when you understand it's me just
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the the key, the new one you can see we know me see lucy's side of. busy the day before yesterday on the phone at the sheet for the 1st time in 6 years, do says something to me day i never said before you to body cameron speaking english. speaking scarlet. it was our thing, not. this was a borrow. the we have to get a chance to look at the table. i just want to be able
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this is the way that they use not squandered. juggle no, he's yet dealing with that's what we see to say. well the body will be, is going on on the sun or yeah, yeah n b o those names such as but the new man is well new. ringback 40 the same, i said no, no, no. when i started to really see that superman to know made responding the lightest waste time. in other words, i mean they know they when, when,
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when the sheriff's voice well here you get in w d 's. you asked me for is federal i case is specially use, look at the name of the the, the you'll see the the, the eyes think of a bundle aware of that. it will happen. so, and that is the same for all of the the me, you see on the stuart, there you go. be the scene way we're about on the news. find a tv, somebody who wrote a pain, but i wonder facilitating store passed away. she was shopping, you know,
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because as we know, other people are sick, but we all hope that nobody died around it. here's a personal matter for it is the letter petitioners to be relieved already. i'm already read on that, and i haven't heard anything terribly persuasive to change my mind. the english will be a nurse working at the georgia immigration and customs enforcement ice facility leveling, honestly ghastly allegations. the complaint alleges the facility lacked protection against corona virus for detained democrats. we didn't have anything to sanitize, we didn't have the proper p p. the 1st case. so co within the facility,
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it was called is not here in the facility. and the voice tele owen pay part time. hey, they want them at a day. you know, we can blow probably come in date so, but i did ask for the c o n s i e e d, hold us the comment that it okay, we'll stay this on. instead of the see end of the state and scipio in the front of the women in the facility, margaret women say that a doctor was performing procedures for which no medical indication exist. in the day of the surgery, i said nobody informed me that i'm going to do what i get up to and i know they went to my belly button. i got 3 b o in. never explain anything to me and never, i agree thing the evening.
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the genus near the model. this website's auto pay a parcel side the we're just leaving is erwin county detention center. there was one woman in particular, he described the experience here as torture. what's going on? i see your search was too much going on outside and we generally order, even though there is nothing we can there are, let me see. our apartment was
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i'll be the same the the the
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look. oh yes. well the business. yeah. that'd be the only the, the team is in charge of the designers and that's kind of, it is already completely of a fix. i mean, it's been a month for you and not the only just in, in any way. i mean, this isn't in,
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we'll see on that is i'm just this one that's all i do. i'm gonna meet, i'm being gutting. how can we 1000, which was the it'll get there must get and the system was no chance to 40, then thank you. i don't know that so i can swear to get that back in with only the idea of building that i am sure people on their side are feeling what we're doing over here in dallas. go through our trip. my wife, a person who was born here. somebody was suffering because i wasn't next. what they're talking about. i do not have as the citizen the my phone by taking me away
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from them. well, they're protected. my sister's, my mom. he was a projector. that's what i was or the or the i have the right, the boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do in a state level all that i can to support the 3 part series explodes,
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the implications of us and people who go to the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights, 5 more about the issue i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to, in, quote, on which is 0 the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the airlines revolutionary god says it's targeted for that called anti or wrong groups . and the kurdish region of northern iraq and syria, the carrier so, so this is all just arrow license. i also on the program a master, this is a new video of a cap and save, who says to all the captives with kilobytes. very minute truth strikes in gaza.


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