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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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has all but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east resilience with movement being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. the israel continues its relentless shelling across concepts. 19 palestinians have been killed. the name of the color that i'm just gonna see, a page that says alter their outline from the rockets aside from garza into israel and causing damage to several buildings around the revolutionary gone, says it's going to miss all attacks on what it describes as the terrorist talking some serious under,
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on the big night is going to be in november when we take back our country. and truly, we do make our country throughout again and a victory for donald trump in the 1st major test in the us presidential race is political rivals fall behind the oh, the as rarely ministry has continued. it sort of then, plus trailing across casa full of people, has been killed, and the album raised refugee camp and 3, and a strike on the algebra school in gauze. a city that school has been housing displaced, palestinians, tabaya, and northern gauze that has been under constant bombardment and southern areas have also been targeted. 12 people have been killed and rough on another 7 have died and con eunice near the nasa hospital. meanwhile, the well food program has wanted with everyone in garza is hungry. it's of
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a strong country, direct us as people all starving and the needs are rising faster than the organization can respond via has been working with partners in communities to deliver food as quickly as possible and as many people as possible and also supporting local shops, big cities to operate so far we've, we've set on 1400000 people with food, but everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas . and we are not able to give basic food for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. we need to be able to bring in more supplies and we need safe access to reach people everywhere in gaza. not just those who are close to the borders, we need the long lasting ceasefire. well, that's feet tall, correspondents on the ground, hunting my flood. he joins me now from rough uh, installed and gaza. honey is we've been reporting so many more people killed overnight. can you talk us through where the strikes have been focusing?
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yes, well as of now, there are airstrikes that every a part of the gaza strip across the territory just within the past a couple hours. more attacks on and, and, and, and gaza city particularly on an evacuation center and evacuation is school. it's managed and operated by underway in a nice neighborhood that the eastern side of gauze and there were 3 people are reported skills on multiple other injuries. i also own enough fuck road. that's a major internal route connecting the northern of of gaza city with the southern part of from the eastern side of the city and connecting the eastern neighborhoods with the western neighbor neighborhoods. also a residential home belong to one family. at the been sheltering inside this residential home since the beginning of the war, along with their relatives,
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an in law, the reports about 5 people, at least being killed in multiple others were injured and more under the rebels. as we were told, the house was full of the back. it was not only the, the residents, the owner of the building, but also is relatives and in laws who fled other parts of the gust of as the air strikes. we're going more uh, more intense and dropped behind over night air strikes or residential homes in northern parts of robust city. that's them. an area between very close to the road leading to han eunice where it 12 people being killed, the vast majority with women. and it's so they're rushed to the gather, the hospital where other multiple injuries were also reported to the, to the hospital. also more injuries. and, and bodies were removed from under the rubble of the, from over night air strikes in the southern part of new and it's mainly in a new shot area as well as the eastern part of pine is very close to the law had
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been road which is the main road leading to the guy that european hospitals are reported to an over well. and as of now, an overwhelmed hospital with an exhausted and exhausted medical is staff and that as, as of now, the hospitality is very over. well, well, not only with the injuries and patients, but also with the vaca ways, who have been taking it as a refuge since the beginning of the war on your saying that medical facilities are still struggling. we were just hearing that from the wall and food program about the, the level of hung guns foundation to can you describe for us what the situation is like now on the ground. the well the, the, these reports are very consistent with what we've been seeing since the beginning of, of the war and the beginning of the, of the ground invasion in the northern part of the gaza strip. and this is not the 1st time a very uh, if the, the,
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the very difficult report then and if the very much say the devastating about the situations on the ground. not only the southern part of the gods trip suffer from lack of resources here because it's all very crowded now which in turn of displace palestinians in rough ice the dates. but also the northern part works. there are almost no basic supplies in terms of food, or water, or medical supplies, and, and other survival items required for people to sustain their livelihood. what we're seeing right now is in, in fact that a, it's a famine going on where people do not eat and can go for days without any kind of food. the have only access to contaminated water that causes many of the problems to children and women. and those would life threatening situations and on the chronic diseases. within the past couple of days, there were a videos of, of a couple of the humanitarian. a truck made their way to the city all the way to the
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northern part and people where is it? hours before the arrival of the truck were waiting on the road because they just wanted to grab whatever they were able to get just to survive. not because they wanted to steal it or storm it, but because they are hungry there thursday. and on top of that they have been made display several times as it's a matter of survival of right now. people once it anything in terms of food and water just to sustain themselves, these particularly difficult time caused by the ongoing, relentless bombardment that literally destroyed it all means of life and all the civic life and gods in the northern parts. the honey most. most of the what's the latest for us from rafa and southern gaza. thank you, honey. oh, the it was really ministry has intercepted some rockets fide from gaza video released by social media by local media. i'm sorry, it shows several massage landing in the city of nephew about that some southern
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israel for that springing correspondence. stephanie deca, she joins me now from occupied a story. some stuff should. we can read this as a bit of a, a show, a strength from on groups who are fighting in goals. and i think you can say that it's a 102 days into this for with a relentless, foaming campaign, air and ground defensive and a 102 days in you have what is a very rare, immense rocket barrage fire just from south of july that towards net 2 volts. you probably so those images you can see the amount of rockets fired at the same time around 20 we understand are intercepted by the iron dough. but there were believe to be more fired up to 50 because the only and don't really own the intercept those that pose a stretch to inhabited area. one of the rockets landed on a building on a business, it was empty, there is no injuries. but i think yes it is, i suppose surprising if you will, if you look at the numbers where they say that 85 percent of the goal is to strip.
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um, that's the i end up into sections that you can see now, you know, 85 percent of the goals are stripped, has been destroyed, that have mass retains military capabilities. and i think this is in line then if you, if you listen to these really leadership, both political and military, that they say that they haven't managed to completely get to their able to is to eradicate how much military need and also its political leadership. that is a whole other challenge certainly, that we know that they keep talking about. yes, justin was the leader who was believed by these ready to remain in garza, in a tunnel network. uh but yes, i think looking at those pictures, the fact that they can launch 20 to 50 rockets so long into this war, it still shows you that they still retain minutes who gave abilities. stephanie deca, they're with the laser as far as from ok. paddy's tourism. thank you sir. well, the us has condemned runs carrying out missed all the tax in syria and iraq, calling them reckless the revolutionary god said that they launched ballistic
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missiles, but it is rarely spy headquarters in northern iraq, missiles and drugs. also talking to a bill near the airport there, at least 4 people were killed and 6 wounded. the prime minister the send me will told them the scottish region has cooled, the attack cowardly. tyrone also targeted iceland, syria, and retaliation for bombings in iran earlier this month. a rock meanwhile says it will take legal measures against those actions that it's described as an aggression . the foreign ministry says it considers these attacks a violation of the sovereignty and security of a rock and its people muffled up to why it has the latest reaction from the rocky capital that, that it's considered as it's also a violation. not only of iraq's is over 90, but also of the iraq to submit it to him is good this regions at silver and t. it has a cold on the federal government in both tubs, to take strict measures to stand against. there was
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a violation spot on the other hand that he wants to get a solution. are you going to stated that in response to tourist crimes, the solution we got has conducted it miss hyatt and attacks against at against it at the supply headquarters. and was it schools that n t e are on the tourist eh, groups now? it, we know that for certain that iran has been suffering from the attacks it recently . and as it blamed it on the ice, and especially at the attack on the gathering of the combination of but that puts full set for the command of customs today. many in command on january, 4th. but also it is the new development shoes. that's it. this is the 1st time the it onto pollution. we got a take some of us into their own hands and using long grades eh,
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ballistic. besides, we understand that it since mid october, over $120.00 similar attacks have been carried out. a bite on aligned. you're lucky on with groups against us and coalition forces ministry facilities in iraq and syria. and you'll be teddy asian as the se invitation of the u. s. is, is 10. think with israel, supported with is really need swore on. it goes up a while. meanwhile, is there any forces of carried outraged in several cities across the occupied westbank on the vehicles when driven into the asco refugee camp and some neighborhoods to east of nobliss? is there any forces have intensify their incursions in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th? that's bringing mohammed junction and he joins me from ramallah and the occupied westbank mounted. i, i understand there are some rates currently ongoing. what do we know about those?
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that's right in that style is the at the moment we are told of 3 different rates happening in different parts of the occupied west bank. let me bring you and our viewers up to date one in the initial pond. refugee camp, which is near jericho, were told that at least one palestinian has been wounded as a result of classes that have taken place. there. we must remember that also there was a rate that happened in that refugee camp just 2 days ago in which a pulse any teenager was killed or. busy so in, in that which is a town west of hebron, there is a raid that is going on. we're told there's a large number of israeli military vehicles as well as armored bulldozers that they are in. they're tearing up roads right now, and we will get more details about that one shortly as well as we just for in the last couple of minutes about a raid happening in the i, the refugee camp, which is near bethlehem. this is all really just going to show how these rates continue to be part and parcel of the fabric of daily life throughout the occupied westbank. there are on average, around 40 rates that happen each and every day and on average around $58.00 pallets
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. and he is arrested as a result of these rates each and every day. and just as you, when you look at those numbers and thousands of and detain since october, the 7th. i understand some of their families that have behind you. and that's right . as you see behind us, we are here in front of the headquarters of the i, c r c of international committee of the red cross. now each week there is a pro test to sit in that happens here. that's what we're observing here today. dozens of family members of palestinians who have been detained over the years. family members that are calling upon the i c r c, which is the body that helps connecting to their relatives who are in this really presence, calling upon the icbc to do more, to give them more access to their relatives, as well as to make sure that they get released that we should mention these numbers when it comes to the palestinian prisoners and people who've been detained. they're just staggering. when you talk about it, let me just try to break these down for you and our viewers. most of you right now, just since october 7th, there are close to 6000 palestinians who have been detained. as i mentioned,
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my previous answer, that's around to 58 people who are detained each and every day throughout the occupied westbank is really jails. currently you have more than 8600 palestinians prisoners who are in is really jails. and there are more than $3200.00 of those prisoners that are being held without charge. that's what palestinian officials tell us to tell us, but that is the highest number in 30 years. it is an issue that touches so many palestinians their daily lives because they have either been detained at some point or they have family members, relatives, or friends, or currently in detention. so it's something that's very personal to them. and that's why each and every week you have a demonstration like this one, it's not a big demonstration. it's a small demonstration that really goes to show the sense of fatigue. but you have to be occupied with thank when it comes to palestinians because they continue to talk about this issue and plead with authorities to do more. and yet, so little is done and they just get so fatigued by it, and they get so angry by it. and that's why you don't have
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a huge number of people to come out each and every week. and yet, these protests do persist. this tells you how much i'm doing that on the ground for some amount of thinking on. i was still a, have you here on out a 0 on the walls. economic for him is on the way in switzerland with the wall and cause a high on the agenda. i'm enough and then there's in sri lanka, when a strike by head 6 to walk us over the allowances have roads hospitalized around the country to offensive the and then also sponsor which is the seasonal window. and i would have to bring you some poky shaft to vietnam, but typically it shows vast amounts of rain throughout my lazy and engine easy. i mean it's a something, philippines and this is no exception. he already sent. this would be the have you stamp also, sinatra and java do look particularly well,
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but this is as it should be to the size of that. well, it's summer of coal since being particularly hot on the west side of australian spots. a few sandstone which i have set off 5 and be we'll start to rain tonight as well, but the real heavy rain fall from the seasonal stuff, which even here is showing signs of wanting to be a sorry. can you spell the science new south wales? i think will be surprisingly, went mid summer, big thunder storms once again. there are warnings of lucky setting for this. not just in sit david down through camera as well in new zealand. the pictures a funny one in the immediate future. but look what's coming down from the north doesn't look very much, does it? temperatures are rising. by the time you get to says a range of some significances coming through center valid heading towards christ church. that's the to the full cost, full cost. you're so smart, surprise, you is going to rain fairly heavily. i suspect during so stay at 21 degrees and rather with the picture that we need help to set one or 30 to one above average for rather one friday and saturday.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the,
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or the welcome back to watching al jazeera understands your take your into our home. let's remind you about top stories. and the latest is really a tax on goes on. 12 palestinians have been killed in rough or under for the 7, and calling you around the vicinity is enough for people also died in the operator's refuge account. and 3 more and a strike on the out of our society. is there any forces? meanwhile, have conducted several raids in cities across the occupied westbank on the vehicles, which was an enter the asco refuge account, as well as some neighborhoods east of mount helix. $6000.00 palestinians has now been detained since october. the u. s. has condemned to ron for carrying out from tucson attacks in a rock around the revolutionary guard says that if it is really spy headquarters, drones and mr. jones were fired on appeal. at least 4 people were killed on 61.
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0, who is a group has struck us and condo ship with a miss all off the coast of yemen. not comes off to both us and british forces carried out thousands of strikes on from the targets in yemen. that's your fault. a eagle soft with minimal damage though, and continued on its journey. no one on board was injured in a statement, it is said that they will continue to target vessels in the red sea until the war on golf and in the the many armed forces consider all american on which will ships and investments participating in the aggression against our country as hostile targets within the bank of the target of offices we live in. do you have any armed forces or from the response to the american and so taxes inevitable? not any new aggression will not remain unpunished in the air. many armed forces continued to carry out their military operations and to impose a decision finding is really navigation and their agency and threats until the
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aggression of the palestinian people in the gaza strip. caesar of the siege was lifted on a show all the walls. economic foreign is underway in davos, switzerland. tuesday is the 1st full day of the forum that we'll see is mislead some wildly. those gather and discuss some of the world's most pressing issues on. this is agenda israel's war on garza, the conflict and ukraine climate change, an artificial intelligence. well that's bringing out different how to get a james base. he's in davos for us. james, do you expect any developments on discussions about who's the attacks and the red c o on the war on garza and some big shipping executives and major regional pass role there in douglas a yeah, i think everyone is worried about the effects on the global economy. and in fact, we just had the 1st session, but it's touched on the situation in gaza and on that those who see attacks that session is just concluded. it was a conversation with the country prime minister and foreign minister mohammed ban of
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the robin all sony. now he was quite strong in that session about what was going on in the red sea. i remember cattle has been important play in the water gauze. it broke that troops that we saw last year, that 7 day truce, but also cut off very important in terms of global shits tripping because it's one of the biggest plays in natural gas. and it relies on these shipping lines to transport. it's natural gas. well, he said, this is interesting, given the position of the u. k. in the us, he talked about the recent intervention. st. catch all prefers diplomacy over military intervention. he believes that off to the u. k. and us intervention, there's a high risk of uh, the escalation. he said that those attacks could mean for the expansion. you refer them to the attack that we saw in recent 1000 bill is the recent recently. and also he talked about the attack we saw inside the ron and come
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on, which was carried out we believe by ice. so he said, when you get to balance like this in the middle east region, then all sorts of players as he put it, can pop pop, unexplored, the situation. now remember that the us and u. k line is that what's going on in the red sea? he's got nothing to do with goes up, but he made the point that you've got to fix the main problem because this is all spelled over in his view, in the region from the will in gaza. and he made the point, the one that when that was that truce for 7 days in gaza, that all of the other problems around the region stopped during that period. he was in the conversation in the world, i can only for behind which is just conclude did with bulky brenda, who's the president of the world economic forum. that's the people who run this devil's meeting every single year. he used to be the norwegian, foreign minister, back in 2014, after the gospel. then he was involved in a big conference in colorado, which the countries were also involved in reconstructing gauze that he talked about
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off to the war with the country prime minister. and what would happen then and the country pregnancy made some pretty strong comments. then he said, garza is, is gone. and he said we're going to have to is it, there's nothing that we're going to have to rebuild and ta city. but he said, it's not time for another reconstruction conference, it's time to deal with the underlying problem. and he said the underlying problem was getting as urgently as possible to a 2 state solution. james, the panel you've just described, that's part of the official agenda, right? but much of the power of dive officer lies and, and all the conversations that take place on the sidelines. what should we be looking out for in the coming days? yeah, we've got important players here. and we've got important players who are relevant to the war in gaza. you're going to see the saudi crown prince and i haven't been sol, mind you're going to see the president of israel isaac cook. so you've got the u. s . equity stay down to the blinking. you've got the us national security advisor. you've got lots, lots of other regional bit lease players here,
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but it's not just the war and gaza on ukraine. president zalinski is going to be speaking today. you've got the secretary general of the united nations. he'll be focusing in his speech, we believe on climate change. an artificial intelligence of this place that most every year as well will politics, weeks, the world economy talk, business leaders, pull political leaders looking at the state of the world. and as you say, yes, the sections are important, but it's those meetings behind the scenes that sometimes is where the deals get done, or the genesis of deals that then will play out in the months to come, i'll be watching or is that very to stay for you here on out of there for now, given a different elastic editing james phase. thanks so much. i as well, i was republican. cool cause is have to live at a big win for former us president donald trump. he's want about 51 percent, but the race for a 2nd place is very much alive. is john 100 reports from des moines?
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the donald trump sweat the iowa caucuses, winning from one end of the state to the other and cementing his place is the one to beat in the republican race for president. the victory in the contest of the 2024 presidential campaign mark historic come back for the former president and the official beginning of his goal of wasting president joe biden and returning to the white house. we want to thank the great people of iowa. thanks a lot of turn out what a crowd and i really think this is time now for everybody. our country to come together, we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. it came after 2 impeachment says trump faces $91.00 criminal charges, which seemed only to bully him in poles into the eyes of his supporters. from here i really see it as big jenny, in iowa and indian in kansas mart in late march, is when going,
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when there's going to be the kansas primary. and about that time we keep this up. that's about the time that he'll cross the threshold of winning the convention. florida governor, run descent is exceeded expectations, narrowly edging out nikki haley who had searched past him in recent polls. we have a lot of work to do, but i can tell you this as the next president of the united states, i am going to get the job done for this country. i am not. i am not going to make any excuses. and i guarantee you this, i will not let you down. thank you all. god bless you. the tight race for the silver metal leaves the battle to become the alternative to trump. henri is all. but haley, who's better positioned in the upcoming races in new hampshire and her home state of south carolina, claimed it kind of victory under estimate me because that's always mine.
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i love you. the answer to that was well below record levels, temperatures dipping to minus 22 celsius with windshields of minus 32 appeared to keep many people at home. there's an old adage that i will punch is 3 tickets for candidates to move forward in the race that seem to be confirmed. on monday, when the vic ramos swami, came in a distant force and ended his campaign. thank you very much. the race moves on to new hampshire next tuesday with trump hoping to gain momentum in this 2nd and 3rd place candidates fighting to remain in the race. john henry and l g 0. des moines, iowa. the health care walk as in sri lanka has walked off the job there in protest against a government plan to allow only doctors to receive an increase in that transport allowance. the strike has brought the health care system to a standstill with many hospitals. also, truthfully,
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surgery's been often and as has moved from the capital columbia to the of trade unions other than the doctors. they are claiming that there are almost a 100000 health sector workers that have joining the strikes today. no, it started from 630 this morning. it's a 24 hour stoppage. starting with the shift changes basically on the 2nd business from 630 this morning. so we're seeing obviously that is a cross section of stuff. you have people like lab assistance, you have radio prefers you have the move um, sort of stuff being other jobs, most of the manual jobs and things like that, but it was within the band note of the has picked up on north dr. basically the main grouse is that for a long time during the code on the crisis that they took a collective decision not to push the government for a much needed salary increments and reviews. they said they were sort of working with the country to sort of let the government have time,
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but then the government goes and does this selective to choose is one group. and according to these protests is that it's mainly a group that can afford the difficulty. and the hardships and that they are looking for economic justice. so that's what it's about. that is a couple of 100. the military person though, we saw people, you know, pushing a wheelchair with patience between departments. we saw other people coming out really disgusted. there was one man with had a hot bypass surgery 2 months ago. this is his 1st follow up with a deeper supposed to get medication because he wasn't able to do that. so, you know, people, that's the sad thing is these are people who can't afford to go anywhere else. and the other ones were paying the highest price of his stuff. hold on his way law has raised its monthly minimum wage. that by more than 40 percent came off, the hundreds of teachers purchased isn't correct because they have been paid less than $4.00 a month. present nicholas madura, it says that workers will get


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