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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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stories for a global audience. this is my, you house, this is way. what's the reason for the side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on that, i'll just say era, the the hello i money inside. this is a news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a refugee camp left in ruins . we report from down by when many displays palestinians, all homeless again of the latest is rarely a tax as well as a carrier that strikes on his bullet, hitting a boat, a town in southern lebanon,
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and we'll have a live report. another ship is hit in the red sea as the us says, it sees weapons meant for the who sees it wrong because it some bass that from iran i have a missed on a tax in the city. your fat bill and i'm john henry and in iowa. were donald trump one the iowa caucus, it's now the race moves on to new hampshire with a hot status for 2nd place between nikki haley and rhonda sanders. the, it's 15 g m t, that's 5 pm in gaza, where the number of palestinians killed and israel is on the base. and ministry is sold continues to rise. moving 24280 people have been killed now, according to the health industry and some residential buildings have been completely destroyed, correspondent handle could diary begins coverage from their own by. i'm crazy.
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standing until i should be behind me is as much as the rescue g come here. that is really forces at times with through last night. and here as you see, the destruction is my so from there is back to this area on, on the road. all of the factories on all of the warehouses have been completely destroyed . we saw the infrastructure severely bomb. it's very of use that there has been a lot of our tele reselling and a lot of air strikes to where did this moment fly or is going out of the buildings as you see, most of the people right now are trying to get with every they couldn't get from under the rebels, we saw people collecting woods, we saw people collecting and going to see and to check up on their factories and
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their warehouses. people are literally devastated. they're saying that they lost all of what they owed and out of the businesses, this is not the 1st time we see this until i had been when we evacuated from the north to the south. it was the same exact scene or destruction is happening. and people are still fearing an invasion. i grant invasion to that is buff. this is in the, i just see it on my eyes, the refugee. well, the area is target to advise rarely strikes in the past 24 hours. include a school and several refugee comes honey. my favorite reports from rafa in southern gaza. smooth. it's how many of you this father is buying over the core business? the child, the, the victim of is really a tax on residential building. he was killed in the latest bombing,
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and sonia and of the 2 other families were also killed in another air strike near a roof. the moment nothing. the partial was the apple and they were having dinner to look at the destruction in the neighborhood when people were palmed buys, riley struggled off while having dinner is rails, the lent, lift, error strikes, attacks and east round expenses have also created shortage of food as 8 as a preventive from reaching those in the in the body of refugee camp in the north bread distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no feed, most of the time it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need past the wheat flour, the oil, unavailable to the point. the people can no longer ask about the more requests them . it's as if the top boot canned goods like beans that become really expensive. the united nations has worn famine is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're
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exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas . and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. southern gaza is a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displace palestinians over crowding in camps is increasing fears the disease is well spread. the health care system in java is on the brink of collapse. hospitals are out of services because there is no fuel to keep them operational. a medical staff are over well, not only because of the one that they are having to treat, but also because of those needing help in seeking refuge from is really bombardment, honey my mode. i was just the, a far southern gauze or we can speak now to tonic. assume he is in rafa in southern
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gauze that product, the intensity of the is riley attacks. continue in the south of police to control the latest developments. it's definitely true. we'd be interested in this instance that you pointed twice in terms of student seems not being tell you to to we had become a great president. 2 2 had been incredibly intention, keeping palestinians including one child in developing the shooting the ground. there was an issue they were living inside of the situation is getting the bike the much the instrumentation had to go to the again and again with the policy and find just be easier. they used to just this, the side, the in the new founded to reach the middle rates will be
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on the winds and refunding of the past few hours. we have been seeing different damages from visitation rates. so i'm showing this should be the shoot damage and destruction. here's the situation. extend the $1010.00 palestinians after school to choose since the beginning of this day. yeah, and this is the, i've been hearing you sound a bit use very defined to just whole ringing a very low altitude making the majority of us watching terry point as we see that there is going to be a very close tried will take place at least 3 times to the injury, least 300 pounds city is in the past few 20 to kind of assume that
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for us and russia in southern guns, and many thanks for that is now the is there any military says it has intercepted several rockets find from gaza video is released by local media show all those landing in the city of net to vote in southern israel. some buildings were damaged, no casualties have been reported as go to a corresponding tourism po. she's my 1st name, tel aviv teresa barrows of rock is coming from an area where is the is ready units withdrew from in gauze and just very recently, were you hearing about this and what could this signal a well, that's collect a large barrage of a walk it's long from guys i meant to towards the southern part of his route. 50 rockets launch. 20 of them were intercepted by israel. i real defense system. some of them, however, landed in the city of and met the volta. there were no casualties or people into it,
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but he has to created some damage to what to a shop located in that area and it is expected. but this is the largest barrage of rockets in the past 2 weeks, which tells a lot about what's been going on on the ground in guys because it is a surprise for this and this. so rockets, we learn from central guys that in the area supposed to be controlled by the is rarely military would tell us, does a lot that that military capacity that to have mass continues to have in some parts of, of the gaza strip and, and this whole situated this is also happening as the minister of defense. as you, i got loans is announcing that is what continues to carry out grades an air strikes, trying to sell a fight, some pockets of resistance in the re i because i'm a bit am in some of them. in some areas, the really army started to withdrawal and we've been seeing that some of those rockets have been launched precisely from this area. and what's happening right now is there's lots of tension. we've been the ruling coalition we're hearing for example, far right. ministers right now, who are criticizing a prime minister,
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been, you know, mean nothing yackel saying that these rarely troops should not be leaving guys that instead, as he says that the only way that israel will feel safe is occupying gas. i, let's not forget that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been trying to convince international community that this is something that is not going to happen. this whole attack happen just a day after a run flash that killed one women. 17 people injure that happened about 20 kilometers away from where we are and, and we were around till are even you talk to people. they say that they still don't feel safe because of his rockets that are ongoing. and this attacks that have been on the rise, you know, in a way because of the tension that is also increasing in the all to bites west bank . what's important to know is also is that these, where the government would like to see those where evacuated from, the areas of the city surrounding gas had to be able to go back to their home. if there's thousands of people were forced out from what is known as the guys that
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envelope there right now, have been evacuated and relocated to cities like philip, even other parts of the country. however, what is evident is that when does rockets happen, is that they won't be able to return to their homes any time soon. okay, thank you for that theresa. part of that for us in tennessee. for the as righty, military and hezbollah, i have exchanged far in southern lebanon as riley will try and struck a target near the board. the town of hoola attention remains high. let's go to the wrong khan, who is in march of june and the southern lebanon, and run. it appears that the intensity of the is riley attacks on lebanon appear to have escalated to go through. what's happened this morning to yes, certainly, there been more incidents today than they have been inside the last 4 days. um, they have been several incidents including the one you spoke about in hulu. it was so in whole lot, just about 2 hours ago, there was a, another 2 s trice, who lives in the eastern part of the southern lebanese buddha. now in the disputed
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8, the charlotte area is really special forces from the macklin. renee's recommended since unit i, she left that base to conduct a clearing operation near, but not across the dispute in both of these really all mean radio claims that was for land mines. but lebanese media sites, the unit was supported by what they call the resistance pulses. and turned back that would have been a very big escalation if these are ready for us is a good across the disputed buddha, a. so 10 is really strikes and what d l. so lucky that's more strikes and the area has seen since hostilities broke out on october. the 8th that we've seen a number of his bullet rockets being fight across in to dispute. it is ready tertiary, including a 3 in to the central gallery area. now all of this is alarming to both the international community and to the lebanese government as well. hezbollah have
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always made it very clear. they don't going to negotiate, leaving this area until there's an end to the war. in garza, the american diplomats, french diplomats, have tried to push hezbollah to come to some sort of agreement that hasn't happened . progress to benjamin netanyahu is also clear as well that he wants his people back in the homes. on the northern side of the is really a boat, but that isn't going to happen. well, both sides doing this tit for tat. so far it remains contained and that's really the only bowl game in town is to try and make sure that everything remains contained within this a border area. and escalation doesn't happen outside was in the last 10 days or so . we have seen these riley's hit targets, deeper into lebanese territory, and that's led to retaliation from hezbollah. depo with it is ready territory. okay, thank you for that and wrong. com that for us in montague and in southern lebanon.
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let's get more unless we can speak to elijah needs, a ministry and political unless he joins us now live from brussels. so i want to pick up on what we were hearing from our corresponding to. what do you make of these latest attacks by the, is there any on the, on southern 11 on the news will plains and artillery to talk it several areas. is this the largest attack so far that as well has conducted 11 on since the war began? as well, it is stated within the rules of engagement. that's where the stablish at the beginning of the war on the 8th of october. when has, will not have decided to stop the war on its front against is right in support of. gotcha. therefore, what we have seen today is only and intensive side the bottom and nothing more. and the mom and dad an open area, know, pick a some things for the, for any time that can degrade the capability or has from the comfort rate.
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we've seen everything is still under control. we've seen the exchange of obama instead of the name and those side. and we also have seen a lot of appetite of these really in august it from install to be okay, the, so let me interrupt seem to you and you say that there is a, a lack of appetite. but when you look at some of the actions, i mean, for example, we've seen video is released by the israeli army today, showing soldiers on the border on the northern border wouldn't have been on conducting military exercises. we had from the head of the northern command saying that that most soldiers have now been deployed to the north. i mean, what does that tell us? is israel planning to step up their operations or is this just a warning? and i don't think so because we have seen how has we'll, i'm the, is really understand one another for all. so we have seen has the lives use more
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than 1000 laser guided me side and against these really objectives. and the last 3 months, which in indication from the ministry point give you that has the law has so many of the massages that can hit the big as far as a kilometers. this prevents these really from thinking about any ground operation. and already these rated uh, between 40 to 50000 soldiers on that front. and they, you know, giving any indication of the ground that, that they just giving indications of sustaining this balance on that from the trying to intimidate as well. not this is really kindness about what these really is all saying. understanding that is right. doesn't have the capability economically minutes for me and the americans, all of them to and dollars that front on that. but i also want to ask you about
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a israel's operations in gaza at, at the moment they say that the intensive phase effect garza offensive has ended. we've seen them remove troops from the north and deployed them elsewhere. yet today we saw how much fy a barrel is just a dozens of rockets from an area northern, gaza, where it is rarely forces have recently withdrawn from what does that tell us to speak to that's, that's the level of confusion of these really all me and the politician is reaching 11. 0 i'm for to send the behavior and both sides where they tell us that they have ended the operation, the normal and then assume they will end it in the solve. this is what the defense minutes the jo got on set and then the next day we have every time all the is really all me to conduct a limited operation. but then we see the resistance farms from a terminal in the area that was at that i'm going to, i think,
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27th of october and what is right in the cloud from the start at the beginning. it's of probation to the column where the but i see now find 60 rockets in one day and they saw yesterday the day before yesterday. it's obvious that these read is really are so confused they have not achieved the objective. this is what the, the chief of staff and the be said in a lot of a play objectives. we're going to do the fee. this is what these really bright defense minister again said. if we don't want additional, it wouldn't be the end is right. and then bonus, right? because they not let me go, they know, reaching the objectives. it means they have say, okay, a logic running of sticking to tools here and get your perspective elijah, money, ministry, and underscore am i speaking to was that from brussels as well? the tensions in the red sea also continue to rise with another missile strike on
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a call. go ship on choose day. today, the empty contained a vessel is owned by a greek company and registered in malta, and only have 20 full crew members on board. the attack to place a 140 kilometers west of the many port city of as i leave, it comes just a day off to the hippie group struck a us own call go ship, also causing minimal damage and no injuries. humans, free feelings groups have claim responsibility for lots of similar attacks and hijacking say that they will continue until there is a safe spot in garza, in the yeah, the yeah. many armed forces consider all american and which will ships and investments participating in the aggression against our country as hostile targets within the bank of the target of officers we live in. do you have any armed forces or from the response to the american and with the taxes inevitable? and that's any new aggression will not remain unpunished in the air,
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many armed forces continued to carry out their military operations. and to impose a decision finding is really navigation and their agency and threats until the aggression of the palestinian people in the gaza strip, seizes and the siege was lifted. the shock. meanwhile, the u. s. navy has seized weapons. it says well being shipped from iran to yemen. the raid was carried out on the 1st day in the arabian sea, off the coast of somalia, us as the weapons what intended for who's the font is in yemen and included in parts of the mystic on cruise missiles. washington says, this is the 1st time it's full since have seized nissan weapons heading to the group since even civil war began a decade ago, that speak to all white house correspondent kennedy hall coach. she joins us now from washington, dc, 2 pets through what we know and what the us upset about this stuff inch of a ship. and yeah,
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what we know is that we were 1st hearing that there had been a disappearance of to us navy seals a few days ago, but we didn't understand the circumstances that led to their disappearance. now we understand that they were a part of this uh night time rate, which we understand was a complex boarding of this ship. as you mentioned, off the coast of somali and the international waters of the re, b and c, the call of a ship might be a little bit of a stretch. it was known as a tao, which is a more traditional boat. and what we understand is that it was carrying, as you mentioned, complex parts that could be assembled into potentially a ballistic missiles, cruise marseilles, air defense components is what they were now. what the united states is alleging is the transfer of weapons violates the un security council resolutions. it's also a violation of international law. so the us says, this was a,
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it legal to transport. and as a result, this was a seizure that the us felt it was legal to do. and as a result, they say that they took this into custody, but they felt that the boat itself was deemed and safe. and so it was sent to the bottom of the ocean. now as for the whereabouts of those to us navy seals, they're still unknown. they're still being search for. and that is something that is still ongoing. okay, kennedy. okay, thank you for that. let's discuss all this in the studio. we have a corresponding cash in a bar. i have some a thank you for joining us. so let's start with this new attack on a ship today by the who sees what more can you tell us about the circumstances around that? and of course, now this is to back to back attacks. what do you expect is going to happen next? well, the who is a say that the, to intercept to a ship, which was assailing off the coast of a slave, which is
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a seaport city under the control of the jose is just give them access and control overlapping men. and that despite many warnings for this ship for the congo ship to return from it came from those warnings was where we can lot of that for the how to use for finding mis live in into the ship. and they say that they would continue to target any ship that, that is sailing towards is right now when you look of the scope or the attacks by the hers. these over the last few days, this time you get a shift towards targeting american, the vessels in the red sea, the here with these say that they will continue the can see the all you okay and i'm not a can ships legitimate targets in the red sea one of the senior of, or officials, the sort of data i'm a twitter the while ago. but the west is yet to come warning more retaliation. what tax guys and the us and you came in at the time targets. and so what kind of
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response do you expect from the us as it is you, would you would, people with things, this is an american attempt to try to undermine submitted to a capabilities of the heel issy's in e. m a. but this is a totally complex political landscape that could further degenerate into something bigger, but particularly the potential for a and the iranian american confrontation, india. but as i tell you, is talking with iran, sorry to interrupt you. i think he'd be, it rang and need to this morning praise the who's the actions in the red sea. i mean, that's just adding spice to the mix, isn't it? i've covered the hope. this is responsive as a pariah group in northern parts of human, 2014, they took over the capitol and the evict to the international recognize governments, which is now basically is in a, in the audience of seem to have these moving into more of a national force, they all she all by the way,
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but we're getting more popularity in the out of bolton. well, particularly of this part of the fighting drone and misaligned attacks into his riley size in that and also targeting commercial shift, particularly those they say are stating towards ease. why would they be comfortable the heroes in different parts of the out up? well, they understand it, they tap into it, they know it gives them more legitimacy. and if the americans are drugged into this contract, they have a few. so it was definitely going to be seen as i could say, i guess most loves and doubles the nation of this explains why, when you listen to states is from a thought is all for the saudis, from key original players, they say they would love to see the escalation either, but see because any compensation is going to have far reaching consequences. what we've seen so far, the retaliatory attacks by the americans have they undermine, vacate, but it is with the head of these know the have these have in habits. it, i mean, creditable, awesome, little from the past, the governments, they have a vast territory with mountainous areas where they have been using massive networks
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and caves to, to sold those to that, to munition. it's not going to be easy for the american into was single or 2 or 3 attacks to degrade those military capabilities. and what we've seen since those attacks by the americans of the okay, is of the her, these a further expanding the, the attacks in the red sea. so we're talking about an extremely delicate situation in the red sea. yeah. that it really doesn't say well anything, any of the things and you were talking about the how shall now how about i thank you for your analysis. now iraq has re cold. it's in boston to ron off to mondays attack and, and a bill of us condemned iran for carrying out missile strikes and syria and iraq warning them reckless. at least 4 people were killed and 6 wounded in the buildings . charles prophet has more the night sky lights on explosions ringing out across the city of your bill in no wrong. wrong says retreat. suppose it describes
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a spy headquarters used by his rails intelligence agency, most set gatherings event to uranium, terrorist groups at least supplied me. so strong targets in the us concerts and residential areas in the administrative capital for the rock. you could dish regional government. daytime video shows some of the destruction. iraq, you could use regional authorities, say several people were killed and others injured, whom you tax are many of the offices of terrorist organizations and the most side are very close to the u. s. consulate because that they feel protected by the iranians that were sending both striking these targets. because unfortunately, northern iraq is heavily infiltrated. they are both striking these targets, but also they were telling the americans they were sending a message that our missiles are very precise and we're not afraid to target these
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offices. these bases near your building us condemn the attacks, cooling them a reckless and imprecise set of strikes. in recent days the us and u. k. have been targeting who she bases in yemen, retaliation for a tax on cargo ships in the red sea. who sees, say, the vessels belong or are connected to countries supporting israel? washington says their own supplies, the who sees with weapons. and son in law has been putting pressure on is ships going to is riley ports to build up more pressure to end this, this holocaust. and of course, the resistance in iraq has also been active to put pressure on the americans to end this. but so far we haven't seen the escalation, we're only seeing escalation, iraq cool. the attacks of violation of itself and c and found to respond using legal measures including finding
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a complaint to the un security council around is carried out attacks in northern iraq before targeting. what it says on the right and you know, position groups. but these latest strikes. com is, is grow internationally about a wider escalation in violence, in response to israel or garza, a war israel says is far from over jones structure, which is 0. so head on the al jazeera as well, the economic for takes off in davos. the one goes up, becomes of top is point, small welled and business leaders. and i'm sonya got you. i got just outside of print of it with it's been a pause in the vault kind of corruption, but the whole deal is far from us for it's residence. the
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. now once again, the bolts of midsummer is generating big showers in the middle of option teen and then these to need to behave or show house as they move eastwood's and typically end up over the river. plato or a year ago that could be quite pretty light with the dancing lightning, but quite damaging by day was rather large hail south of that nice and fine looking and also for the fine looking. we've had some heavy rainy recently. that's all set up, so it looked dry, but around the amazon basin anywhere the amazon base. and this time here, you can see briefly heavy down pools, which is, you know, kind of goals and then slides north of the compton. and the increasing breeze means that the relative volts has been felt recently. he's got to probably die down a little bit. the blue represents big house that going back to cuba and southern florida. and this i flurries caught a cold one, so it will feel cold and because of mexico and it's coming from a very cold north american confident as well as you can see, the real called the deep coat is being shipped east with through the midwest and
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event you go, i think ne, with which means where we have minus 40 or so in good part of west, in canada, we're up to about minus 7 net. so this is significantly more equally down the gulf coast. so it's 70 plus one degree. it's not going to feel quite as cold as it did. the snow is heading to the northeast as the, the latest news, as it breaks. i don't want you to remember that i'm not seen on restoring national, in unity with fearless journalism. these people copying show towing to escape from the relentless bombardment from the hall to this story. many people borne along the cubes hoping for a meal, but with all very crowded towns unlimited aids, many are left with dust. brittany the
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. the the p watching out is there a reminder on top stories this hour, the number of palestinians killed and israel's relentless military installed on gauze that continues to rise? move in $24280.00 people have been killed according to the health industry. a
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school refugee camps for among the targets hit in the last 24 hours is really ministry and as well i have exchanged by again in 711 on is really we're playing struck a target near the board. a town of honda is rainy ministry also said it hit a has all the anti tank ms style launch it near caf akilah and the u. s. navy says it's seized weapons headed from iran to yemen. indeed, radian c. u. s. officials believe the weapons were headed to humans. 50 ohms group has been carrying out missile strikes on ships through the red sea, the war on gauze that has been high on the agenda on the 1st full day of the world. economic forums. annual meeting in davos, switzerland. it's where business needs and well need as gather to discuss some of the weld most pressing issues. the category, prime minister, shake the hand and been of the roof. not all funny has been given his view,
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but what is needed to achieve peace between the palestinians and the is race. we cannot have a 2 state solution without having anything that published in division. we cannot have a 2 state solution without having a government and physicians and is right who believes in coal existing together side by side, the city. and we cannot have all this ongoing without ending this war. and i believe that to the numbers that we are seeing, the images that we are watching would not have an impact just on the short term, which would have an impact on the short, medium, and long term. and they don't get to impact would be more dangerous. for all of us to promote together st. james phase in davos. james, are you expecting any developments on discussions about who the attacks and the red sea or the war and gaza understand they awesome. thank shipping executives as well
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as major regional plas wall gathering there and doubles it's. it's certainly something that really worries people here double says, way you have business lead is way you have well political leaders. and i think the situation in the red sea water is people because it's an effect on the global supply chain. it's an effect potentially on the global economy and the fight against inflation incent needs to be in the subject of discussion today. here at the world economic forum, at some of the meetings you heard the, the country prime minister and foreign minister here he holds by his roles. speaking about the situation inside garza, well, he also spoke about the recent developments he spoke about the u. k. and us military intervention, he said cats of view is that diplomacy is more important than military and dimension. and as it should be preferred of a military intervention and said he feared, but what the you can us it done could lead to further escalation. and he pointed to
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what had happened with regard to the recent strikes in the last few hours that are taking place in iraq in bill. but also to things that happen, for example, in the wrong about the tech can come on, which has been played on i. so he said that when you get time or like this in the region, it means all sorts of players in the region will decide to take advantage of the situation. we've also heard from the saudi foreign minister. he's been speaking prince pfizer, been for hong. he was talking about the situation named gaza. remember that saudi arabia was close to normalization with woods the israel just before the war. and he was aust, whether that could be a normalization now and whether that could, would they could go back to that stage. and he said, of course, that needs to be immediate. c, swap us in progress towards a 2 step as the 2 state solution. a short time ago i was speaking to the german
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foreign minister. she's also been speaking in the forum. behind me, germany remembers the country that has not supported an immediate c, so it supports what he says is a sustainable fits the swap a by that they won't promise to take some steps. for example, they will the hostages to be released before the resisting spa and dallas. normally that's an official agenda, but much of the power of deb us lies in the conversations that take place on the side lines. uh, what do you think uh, those conversations are going to look like today. yeah, it's the conversations in the margins. yes. they give speeches. here we cover the speech is we try and speak to the participants, but it's not really what, what, what is say that devil stop people are at the devil's. it's the fact that you have all these people in the same place at the same time. and they have meetings and in addition to the people i've talked about, for example, you have the un secretary general who will be here just moments ago on the other
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side, the road you can see it, but we've been part of the other way. you would have done the foreign minister, ron just won't cost us here while i was talking, these people are here all in the same place at the same time. and they're all sorts of discussions that may not lead to something here in dabbles. but they may be the genesis of some sorts of tools, some sort of deal, some sort of ideal. i idea the account could have really important ramifications in the months ahead. okay, james, thank you for that. james base that for us in davos. well, in the studio we have out, is there a senior political analyst, my one massaro. my one good to see you again. i want to pick you up on what james was saying that at right now what the guitar, a prime minister has been saying at doubles. but you can have, you can have these small attacks going on in the regions. each one, as an isolated incidents might not amount to much, but you have
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a number of attacks and suddenly you have a powder keg which could explode. and that's kind of where we are at the moment. you go the, here's these attacking in the red sea. you've got attacks going on in, on the northern border with lab and on you have the incident and iraq and syria starts and by the wrong revenues regard yesterday. how, how always play in your mind at the moment, because each on their own perhaps is not a step too far as we keep hearing. but when he put them all together. but clearly there is a connection between all of these incidents, incidents, military interventions, but into that tax and the 3 strikes. and clearly there is, there is a connection that is becoming stronger and deeper in the sense that one conflict is feeding into another conflict. and, and, and, and so on, so forth. and it just sort of going back around within the region. and the last 48
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hours were particularly annoying to me personally watching. when you see a number of countries attacking a number of other countries. and they're all connected together. this actually goes to the very, very warning we've been making here. the past several weeks months that the, the whitening the water is in fact a possibility. now even i would even say more than a possibility think is that things started getting worse. in fact, after the, the americans and the british decided to take up war against the amend jose's. this last week, i think the idea that they decided as they would and that was that, um uh, you know that people are not as important as goods. and the minute there is much easier to take care of business then. diplomacy. and since the imperial powers used
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to so i can come through is that it's the easiest solutions to strike cameron. i think that certainly that triggered something that might, we don't know lead to something bigger than the end, the district. and because clearly how sees, have not been deterred that they're not going to be deterred. and i think this is gonna end into a new cycle in that see itself. but there's some very basic, basic basic lesson from this that we've heard before that we've learned before when the americans and the british had the house, he's in order to make it easier for ships to pass. they knew that they asked it's going to be harder for the ships to pass because the whole thing is the console response. and then the whole thing is getting that warrant, and they're gonna select to respond and hands the ships or the companies managing the sure plug around. how do you know what the listening is over? we're just gonna go elsewhere. so we, we knew, oh, we knew that minute there solution is not the solution. so
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in terms of the various elements here, what is it that worries you the most? is it the situation in the red sea? i mean, we interesting late when we talked about iran and lots cuz iran obviously a supports a number of the proxies here. and iran came out and said this morning that they support what the, who these are doing in the red see. how concerning is that? okay, to say the following, got probably gonna have to get out of my skin and my own identity and my own personal experience and speak with uh you know, with, with um wouldn't brutal, honesty, intellectual honesty, strategic honesty. i bought this from the, on the face of it, the local partners or local players to uh, you know, uh,
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continue to speak with such and provide goals, whether they are 11 on by that day on guys. uh then yeah, man was that it was control. so whatever you want to speak with such a proviso was such a pride and arrogance. right? when you hear them come a day from guys, uh, you think celebration of the middle east from the imperial powers is going to happen tomorrow. right. when you hear that, yeah, many is your think the downfall of the american empire is going to happen tomorrow on the end of the british empire. what is happening again, right. there's something very frustrating about local weak players, weak in comparison to the imperial into the but adults simply the beauty of the more powerful military uh, west to notably including is read this pick with modesty. they speak with what the ration and they speak with proportionality, where they don't want to attack him on. we had to attack him and we're attacking him and proportionally it's on the one strikes. we're not gonna go beyond on that.
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we are very kind we care about human life and so and so forth. and somebody thought of books about the week, bravado and the duration of the powerful. so this is receiving. but it's this easy . but what was, why did wanna go with this? i want to go with this to the following, but neither side, neither side has learned the lessons of history. that's why the week of parties are making these provide those that make up for their weaknesses. that actually what this thing as their societies are destroyed. yeah, maybe is one of the poorest countries on the world and it is on its needs. this is a basically a failed state because it destroyed city as destroyed 11 on is a field state. palestine is a failed state. your walk this try is trying to as you know here it's ones from decades of war. your one is not doing that with either and so on and so forth, right? and yet we see that sort of both i've done. we've seen that sort of a,
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you know, almost, i don't good defy us to the west and i'm curious. but the imperialist or the western powers and is right. i'm making the same mistakes they this game just started sputtering, discussed in game of not just stay on humanity that is not working with anyone. and we all understand that they are controlling and dominating and violent. and they have a has to the office and so on. so forth, but the continue with the same as if any of it is working to cycle. it is not working. yeah. okay, thank you for that. my one of us are out. is there a senior political analyst? okay, let's move to the us now where i was republican, cool, cuz this i have to live in a big win for the full i'm a president. donald trump, now with mesa divides counting from has one about 51 percent of the florida government run. desantis came in a distant 2nd with 21 percent, slightly ahead of the former and best bet to the un. nikki haley, the tech boss,
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rebec rebecca swami announced that he is dropping out of the race of that coming in forth. now the cool cuz begins the process of picking delegates to the republican national convention engine light, where the policy will fully name its presidential candidate. this has been an incredible experience. the people have been this a 3rd time with one. but this is the biggest one. they said, well, if you win by 12 percent, that's a big weight and that's going to be very hard to do. well, i think we more than double that, i guess a triple ditch, maybe to let's go to john henry and who is in des moines in iowa, a big win. indeed, the trump looking at the other can't. busy which ones sort of mets expectations and which ones didn't well, certainly donald trump did. he was expected to get as high as 48 percent in recent
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polls. but i think his goal was probably really to go over 50 percent just to show that he was at a commanding majority lead and he came through a ronda. santa's also was able to claim some bragging rights because he had fallen behind nikki haley. and recent polls ended up being slightly ahead of her, but that is a distance 2nd position as you pointed out for hailey. this was a bit of a disappointment. she had hoped to come in. second, a, be the clear opposition to donald trump in the states going forward and instead it's still a 3 person race for vac ramos swami. who got about 8 percent in this raise it finally just bailed out. there's an old adage, it says iowa punches 3 tickets to move forward, and that seems to have been the case in this raise. so a trump exceeded expectations. desantis originally had said he wanted to win iowa, but in the end, his adjusted expectations were to come in 2nd. any barely eat that out,
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so he's doing or he's staying alive for another day. nikki haley who is much better funded in the states coming ahead was a little disappointed with his performance, but she has some good states for her coming up. so there's a possibility that she might be able to salvage this, but the long and short of it is there are 3 candidates who are in this race for the time being. i can't tell me, uh, so what, what happens next? where do we go from here? and so, and i'm not sure if he can still hear me. can you still hear me? i'm not hearing you if you're if you're talking to me. okay, apologies. okay let's, let's leave john hinge and that for us in the morning to iceland where the flow as long as i from the latest full kind of corruption has thoughts and slowing down. but as sonya getting
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a report from going to back they off is that they will be more activity. it is scorching relentless, devouring everything in its pulse. but the 2nd day the lava continued on its destructive pos and the rig count as peninsula sparing nothing. it tools through the town of green, the vic setting houses, the lights spewing ashen smoke through the air. is it but 2 pipes carrying water and energy to holmes the worst case scenario that officials had to pay the full despite months of preparation. this could be happening again and again for next, next years. we don't know nothing about it. the mother nature is unpredictable. this is the 2nd time since november, the residents were forced to flee from the homes. often, earlier a rupture and joined the fishes appeared in and around to bring the vic a tell tale sign of intense seismic activity. but the lava flowed in
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a different direction, then avoiding the town until sundays their option is as close as we can get to the town itself is lava that is continuing to smoke and erupt. and of course, the $3800.00 residents who made this price. the home have no idea when they'll be able to return here of the law of as low as could continue half a month. and the intense seismic activity could go on the years, leaving those who called this place home stranded with no way of knowing if they can return. so need i, eagle. i'll just say we're going to make the time for the sport, his peter money. thank you very much. we'll start with the agent cap poway tylen, and i'll come are the one that up against the cookies. done that one is early in
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the 2nd house and a little later we'll get out 1st look at one of the favorites to saudi arabia. but now coached by former utility and dimensions to city both rebecca mancini. but he has criticized 3. all these plays including the captain reclaims length of training camp because they would not guaranteed playing time at the ation cup. i think that the national team is not the clip national gimme, representing your guns. all the people that you're leaving your guy. and you should be at the all the if you are backed up with these group. these is very strange situation for me is the 1st time hires bit or the position if they didn't want to come we have other players. so let's go live out to jim and nash shoes at the international stadium covering this match for us. jimmy, we will know what saudi arabia did here in katya in 2022. that famous women overall . ge and tina. what are the expectations this time around?
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well face, as you mentioned that the argentine again it has gone down as one of the biggest folks ever seen out of well caught that to one victory at the south side of which just a few weeks off to argentina, went on that to lift the tracy now, the eyes of the world where on the saudi arabian national side that evening, within the past 12 months, football in saudi arabia has been under the spotlight moving ever before. and that's down to the saudi arabia. the saudi probably gosh to say that top slightly receive this influx of global suits of styles joining the leak likes of chris donovan, algo cameron. bens, i'm sorry, i'm on a name. all one positive aspect to this, this out. you right, this national class domestic, you're going to train alongside these great players and elevating that right level than the left level of the leak in general. but on the flip side of this, many of the saudi arabia national players getting limited game time living kept out of that club sides by the likes to pronounce. i saw that i was re, for example, the school. the 1st goal to get started and teen, or at the world cup these made just for parents is for our hello the season out of
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there's something that concerns that kind of tr boss event cheated. he spoke about this and it's pretty much these conference he is worried about the lack of game time for his players. but having said it was the saudi arabia to go into this tournament as strong contenders the right to $56.00 in the fee. foot world rankings . and they all the 5th highest rank side in this tournament, and they will, so i want it 3 times before. well, they're not since 1996, 9 mancini, they had a man in charge who knows how to win big tournaments like the euro from the 2020 which of course was helping 20. 21 jim. yes and data. yes. as you mentioned that a highly decorated managers when a lot of things in his career has an a the 2020 or if you and championship between england and the final at wembley. 2012. he led manchester city to the 1st advert. primarily types were not to mention the 3 leak titles he will say one with into milan. he took over a saudi coach in august of last year. didn't get off to the best of stops losing 3
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of the fast full games with the fee and has picked up since then. with full winds out to 5, including 2 wins in wealth, co qualifies against jordan and pockets. don't now much. he didn't come here for the walk in 2020 c with it's lee. they failed to qualify for the tournament before the couple of years. mancini is here in tattle as a major tournaments for the great jobs of guiding his team to the size of tim. thank you very much. we'll leave a bit and speak to you a little bit later. i think i forget a couple of nations, algeria, well, to a 11 rule by and go to the in group theme. it started well enough for the to, so i'm african champions, algeria bad, bad, good job handing the dates of offices will lead off to just 15 minutes. little diffraction move in 20 minutes, remaining guidance. a penalty news stepping up to secure a point for the southern africans towards the on the go in group the but key to fast. so drawing no milligan's mauritania to group the matches laser for you,
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the 3rd highest ranked african. so as soon as you begin the campaign against the maybe before molly faced 1996 champion south africa, rome i have sex, joseph moreno as head coach and already replaced them with a former captain, denny, and a dental c 4 year old at all st. step same until the end of june, with an option to expand. he paid more than 600 games for roadmap, moving your leaves with the club 9 in city. and that's risk of missing the champion state for a 6 year running to wimbledon shape and call us al cortes through to the 2nd round of the straining open. the spanish will remember to beat frenchman, we shall have gas gay in straight sets. you won the 72 minute opening space on a time break, but it took less than that for them to wrap up sits $2.00 and $3.00. 20 old outcries will between 2 world into one ac can with this grand slam. alexander is very of as advanced to be a straight and open 2nd round, yet a tough lucas again spend
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a german dominique cook for very eventually coming out on top, full 66376, and 63 optim actually took issue with questions surrounding he's atp council leadership position and whether it was appropriate for him to be there, given that he's standing, try later this year on accusations of assaulting a woman. there were some people around saying that you shouldn't be playing at all and want to be in the leadership position. what do you about that? like who journalists are saying that some who are actually interested in more in this story, to, to write about and more about the lakes than the actual truth as another player, looking for a maiden tightly melvin is winning is number one. and you can see on say, to open to a campaign with victory, a between the 20 champion, sophia kent, and the americans put up a fight in the opening states in what was a rematch of the 2020 french open. final fiance came from a breakdown twice the kingship, 762023 finest elena re but key
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that has be some form, a will number one, catalina fiscal buy in straight, sets the back in the last 2 arena sutherland k. and the final last, you know, problems for the form at wimbledon champion here, i see 1766 hurricane such as well. swing a luby resend. that's has struck the rugby world with the news that he's leaving the school to pursue me. stream of playing the nfl between the 2 year old schooled 5 tries in last year is rugby woke up any 2021. he was the youngest play, it'd be selected for the position irish lyons for 62 years. he's accepted an invitation to join the nfl international play of parkway in florida this week. and this entities contract with wales and gloucester. that's what was most of the mainland. i'll be here again later with another uptake money. thank you peter. and that's it from the my, the insight for this news. our lots more information or stories on our website out, is there a dot com to check it out?
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i'll be back the top of the out with needs to stay with us. the locked up during lockdown, held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants documents the whole vendors, conditions during the cold. it depend demik separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility with this documentary on, i'll just, you know, as soon as the sun goes out, russia is a fairly challenging place to work from as a journalist, even though the way you can do it, it's not allowed to be a feel pushing. we're always pushing
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a boundaries for faithfully marston's. here we are, the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story, to leave off cheers solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the patient reward because the women and my country deadlock suite to come up to on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are walking in their footsteps, our ancestors whatever has been done before,
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can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. the the hello online site. this is the news on life content coming up in the next 60 minutes. refugee camp left in. we're in. we report from there on follow with many displays palestinians, a homeless again officer. the latest is writing a tax as well as a carries out strikes on his bullet, hitting a boat, a town in southern 11 on the bottom line for foods.


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