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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the gum saw and shedding in the hospital in con eunice. israel continues, it strikes on southern guns. the bulk of this is out just here in life. and also coming up costs are announces a new agreement between a mass on israel to deliver medication. and aid into guns and us launches new
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strikes on human species and the state uses weapons. it says was sent by iran and i'm going to send them 15, y a t o x y there, where people are slowly returning to their normal life after a week of them for us to then fit games related file in the thanks for joining us. we begin in gaza, israel as low as more tax on con eunice in the south of the strip gotten far can be heard in the street in the hospital. israel is also showing the area within $24000.00 published in units of now being killed in the war. and there's been a breakthrough in negotiations between israel and a mass over d o to allow a limited supply of medicine of age into gaza. that's agreement was broken by castle on friends. they will see humanitarian, a deliberate,
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the policy musing desperate need in exchange for medication. for x ray, the captives being held in gaza and the south joins us from occupied east jerusalem with more this and having to do we have indeed any more details on this a deal when it will come into force and who precisely will help to these really prime minister's office releasing a statement saying that israel has compiled a list of what types of medications those were held in captivity need based on their medical records from their doctors and physicians and family members in israel. so that medicine will be bought. israel says in france, it will then go to egypt, where it will be delivered by the countries to their final destination. the statement ends with the prime minister saying that he hopes the medications and
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other aid will go into the right hands and into their final destination. which is for those captives, these really prime minister also praising the move. but let's talk about something else. another meeting that happened between the binding administrations, envoy for the humanitarian situation in gaza and these really prime minister. now remember, for weeks and weeks the americans have been pushing these rallies for more humanitarian, a to go into gaza, given the catastrophic humanitarian situation that has unfolded as a result of israel's war on the palestinian territory. now in this meeting, as reported by is really media. these really prime minister has told this find it administration official, the quote there is no humanitarian disaster in gaza. this is something we've been hearing repeatedly from is really officials. it is a sentiment that is completely disconnected from the reality on the ground when you speak to 8 agencies. when you look at just the pictures that are coming out of gaza
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when you see the web statistics that salmon is just around the corner more than a 1000000 people are hungry to 1000000 palestinians are displaced to be israel is still not acknowledging the catastrophic and dire humanitarian situation that has unfolded in gaza as a result of this war or the beyond the ongoing humanitarian disaster spiraling and guns are the ongoing fine. trump, of course, to all of this, all these continued is raise the rates and you will get find westbank. when more can you tell us a situation that is continuing to spiral across the occupied westbank grades tonight in the my la nablus and kind of clean the around 20 is really military vehicles and bulldozers entering the lot. the refugee camp in nablus residents reporting and incredibly large military presence and intense exchanges of fire between palestinian fighters and these
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really occupation forces. now again, just a continuation of israel's intensified rates across the occupied westbank since the war began. on october, the 7th, you're looking at at least 355 post indians who been killed nearly 6000. others arrested 4000 others who been injured and i'm those who were killed. 95 of them are children. these really are me says that they are conducting these raids in an effort to crack down on arms palestinian resistance. but pals sinew you speak to across the occupied west bank will tell you that this is the reality of life under israel's military occupation. and these rallies and their rates are not only throughout the night, but often times continuing for days on end in broad daylight. so these raids, continuing into the early morning hours of wednesday. so you say these are indeed the realities of the occupation i'm to solid. can occupied history some. thank you
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. now the number of positives killed in israel is unrelenting military. a sold continues to rise. there is targeted by is ready, strikes on choose, they include a school and several refugee comes from the back made reports some of offer in southern gaza. so the ever that's how many of you this father is buying over the course of the child. the, the victim of is really a tax on residential building. he was killed in the latest bombing and fun. you and 2 other families were also killed in another air strike your roof, the moment not familiar with our. so what is the apple? somebody were having dinner to look at the destruction in the neighborhood when people will come to buys, really struggled off with, well having dinner. israel is the length less air strikes, attacks and if the ground defensive have also created shortage of food as 8 as
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a preventive from reaching those in the in the valley. a refugee camp in the north bread distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no feed, most of the time it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need pastor wheat flour, the oil, unavailable to the point that people can no longer ask about the more requests them . it says if the type who can goods like beans that become really expensive, the united nations has worn famine is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring for possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles. there are people starving in areas and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. southern gaza is a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displace palestinians. over
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crowding camp is increasing fears the diseases will spread the health care system in java is on the brink of collapse. hospitals are out of services because there is no fuel to keep them operation of a medical the staff are over. well, not only because of the one that they are having to treat, but also because of those needing help in seeking refuge from is really bombardment, honey my mode. i'll just see it on a far southern gaza. is now the ripple effects of as well as war and god, it was causing a maritime crisis in the red sea with another missile strike. when i call go ship on tuesday to contain a vessel is owned by a greek company registered to molto. and that 24 crew members on board. the attack happened a 140 kilometers west of the many port city of us all a if you haven't, city of group has claimed responsibility for the attack saying they will continue until there's a ceasefire and goes up by the bar. this operation tape after the crew
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of the ship ignored, continue with the warnings. including warning shots. the many armed forces continue to implement. the decision to prevent is really ships or ships link to the israeli. and to me from sailing and the error and the red sea until the aggression is ended and the blockade on the be resilient palestinian people. and the guys us trip is listed us is carried out for the strikes of have you see targets and is expected to release the group as global terrorist. us also sees weapons. it says with being shipped from a ron to human raid was carried doubtful thursday in the arabian sea of the coast of somalia. the us as a weapons were intended for who's the fighters in the oven and included pots of ballistic and cruise missiles. washington says, this is the 1st time its 4 suits of seas leaf weapons heading to the group. since you have been civil war began a decade ago,
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is there any military and hezbollah of exchange fight in southern lebanon? that's where the will play and struck a target the, the board, a ton of cooler, earlier this way, the ministry set it hit a has blown empty tank, missile launch in the a couple killer. iran con has more from so the level in the town of, of who la, we've seen a 2 s strikes throughout the day, bringing the title that 23, and a number of other incidents happening in the eastern part of this of 11 on a there was the disputed a to o shabba way is really special forces from the magland recognizance unit left. that base to conduct a clearing operation. they say may but not across the board of how they managed to actually cross that disputes and pulled. it would have been the 1st time since 2006, and it would have been an escalation. uh also what we're hearing is 10 is really strikes in what the oh,
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salute saluki. now that is the most amount of strikes on that town. since all students, he's broke out on october, the 8th, we confirmed that his bullet struck a missile into a bit too low. i noticed like 3 me so i was in the direction of a minute, you position in the upper gallery. now let me just show you where i am right now, in the full ground that you can see the town of hime beyond those mountains is the ship a phones area, the occupied show of funds area throughout the day. and indeed, over the several days. that's where we hit intense selling going on. that's where we hit his bullet rock. it's coming in from. there's a 120 kilometer disputed border between israel and lebanon. know clearly market d mark hated actual and that is a problem because no one really knows where the boat is, where the boat, that's what part is occupied or not. and this has been the source of diplomatic frustration for
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a very long time. but now it's becoming acute because has below how long maintained that they will negotiate. they will negotiate and move back beyond the tony river deep within lebanese territory. but not until israel actually ends the war and goals of know, looking for a safe spot, they're looking for an ending to the war in gaza. and that's something 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu simply isn't going to do. now. the key diplomats, hey, involve the us and the french has been shuffled diplomacy between 11 on and israel, but it hasn't come to anything yet. this bought a 120 kilometers long, like i say, still has seen intense shilling since october the 8th. that's over a 103 days worth of conflict in this area. and we're all in co out 0 most show you some level as well. the war all goes,
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it has been high on the agenda or the world economic form in davos, switzerland, many hoping the presence of well the just good help find a solution to the conflict on divided cabinets, a james base house ball from the conference. but us secretary of state times the blinking one of the global leaders, this annual meeting in the alps, weather war in gauze, us sense of all of the items at the top of the agenda. shake mohammed been abdul rahman o thought e, who's both prime minister and foreign minister of council was scathing about the effects of his rouse bombardment over the past 3 months. rise is not there anymore . i mean there is nothing over the edwards carpet bombing everywhere. and it's, it's need, like, it needs that like 3 building an entire city again, us to this, germany's for a minister was on a panel discussing global security. her country has consistently opposed and
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immediate c spa, i believe the, the problem we are in is actually we know the solution. we can only come out together on a plan on the sci fi, on a plan, on the 2 states solution. but at the moment we have stuck to individuals circle the foreign minister of saudi arabia, a country that was close to a normalization deal with israel before the war was asked whether such a deal could now be revived. he said yes, but only if a series of steps happen 1st, we need to have a sci fi. immediately we need to set the ground for a credible process that enables the palestinian authority. let them. i was us to have a process towards a piece in the region. this will resolve many of the challenges that we have in the region is among those speaking here on tuesday, the arabian foreign minister and the us secretary of state expect a lot of talk about tensions in the red sea and attacks by the who sees already the country prime minister as well, and the recent
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u. k. and us military intervention could lead to further escalation. and business leaders here are worried about the global supply chain and the effects on the world economy. james pays out to 0 doubles still ahead. hey, what i would just say era and footballs, asian comp, saudi arabia, to leave it too late to avoid the in depth analysis of the things headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and all the cool scholars including his ravings hopkins on this page is a text book genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right see it's not receive task protection,
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etc. that's publication inside story on al jazeera and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a post tax to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire. demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what out 0 the powell just with the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're what you're going to 0. here's our mind of our top stories. this hour is rally striking goes to the southern city of con eunice, that's the mobile make, then that's a hospital. more than $24000.00 policy mean, something that will be killed. as the mass of agreed to on a plan to allow a limited supply of aid and medicine into gaza. casselman for us broke at the deal . the secretary lays deliverance, palestinians, and exchange of medication, frustrated captains us navy says it has seized weapons headed from iran to yep. and then the arabian sea us officials, police to weapons for men. prices are being carried out, the tax of shipping in the red sea. now pockets tom says an unprovoked attack within his board is by iran has killed 2 children. the missile
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strike happened in pakistan's baluchistan province around says it was targeting the headquarters of the judge, are the idol group around blames the group for several targeted attacks on secuity forces over the former us president trump has arrived in new york for a defamation case involving a magazine rights, a trump is already being found liable for sexually abusing and defaming aging carol . this trial is looking at how much trump should be forced to pay for monks he made about calling 2019. when he was president, christians to lead me, has moved from new york fresh off as a political victory in the state of iowa, former president, donald trump, made an appearance here and a new york court room where proceedings are under way to determine how much you should pay as a penalty for making those sam a tory comments against the woman he's sexually
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abused. and even as the jury was being selected, in this case to determine how much money he's going to have to pay president trump was posting on social media about the woman who was calling her a liar, claiming he never met her. also accusing the judge in this case of being out to get him. this is a strategy that the former president has been using on the campaign trail, accusing the system. the court system will be out to get accusing democrats, a weapon, ising, the court, to calling that many legal cases against him political which hugs. and it's an accusation. and a strategy that seems to appeal seems to be working with his face. he has had some of the best fundraising days around these court appearances, including in one case where his mug shot was released and he made t shirts out of it,
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raising more than $2000000.00 over the course of just 2 days. now the former president is facing for criminal charges for criminal trials in the coming year as well. and while he seems to be using this to his advantage, his opponents are arguing that all of this legal action is a distraction from the election and from the issues that are so important to the american people present. salumi, how does 0 new york us and that would use ecuador stepping up street patrols and boosting security measures in prisons to tackle, organize crime in the city. hardest hit by recent violence. life is slowly returning to normal. lesandra romantic who puts gradually and cautiously life is beginning to return to way a cure code. few remains in place at night, but many shops of reopen 5 day in this downtown market. people homeless shopkeeper, one cat guy,
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he says she's still trying to fully recover from the shock of the violence, the rock, the city last week. so the, some of the for me to see and we're still sketch, but we don't have any other option because this is a livelihood. so we need to be here to defend the work and try to return to normalcy. but as you can see, there are a few customers around, as she pointed through the still close shutters of other stores to suggest that will be a long road to recovery. but welcome to the president's side. when faced most of the previous government didn't have the guts to act and impose the little most people we spoke do seem to agree with president then you know, boys unprecedented military ization of ecuador streets and the takeover of the prison instead, over the years of largely fall in under the control of drug trafficking games on monday, special forces were again, aggressively patrolling the streets,
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wrapping up people and receiving applause is by passers by. even if most notice is little more than a stop gap measure of camera, people have told us that while more extreme last week, events or nothing new as people say they have learned or have to learn to coexist with a game. every increasing influence in their persistent requests for extortion money . this taxi driver who doesn't want his identity revealed, says everybody spinning the gangs to avoid being harmed. telling that those that you live in the house to put food on the table. but you're not sure if you make it back alive. everyone's being a victim. at any moment you could be assaulted or kidnapped to your call stolen. a company's being robbed at gunpoint. no one is safe. he says he and his colleagues try to protect themselves using an app on their phones to identify when extortion is calling those individual. thank you. yep. is that when i read down the shows,
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i don't answer choices. i try not to answer any on know numbers. it's a way to try to avoid trouble because they don't always call you from the same number the president then. yeah, no boss says you will not back down in this war against the drug gangs. but many fear the specter of violence will remain and that this relative normalcy will be just the law in an ever more entrenched conflict or less than that i'm 50 as, as you know why you keep so long because government hospitals of ground to a halt of to tens of thousands of health workers went on strike against that increase in benefits, paid or lead to don't just the health trade union airlines says it was the same treatment for all the health workers. but now fernandez has this from colombo. the lawyer moved to read union action and demands for the government, trying desperately to recover real quick link it to know more crisis. tens of thousands of heads was as easy learn to begin to 24 uh,
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work stoppage on tuesday. the one, the same benefit increase the doctors receive last week. odyssey good. what's up with you to me that i'm, we're opposed to this economic policy because it's on the full body. the government has said it has money. therefore, it's time we launch the struggle up to demand or share the strike by the 100000 strong has said you need an alliance affected services, of course, because throughout the country, those seeking treatment was angry and frustrated. i was just the result of many outside of the national hospital in colombo fallacy that i'm attempting to know. and then if we, if we have money, we don't need to come here. i go to patty this morning to come for my regular clinic, visit the doctor, write out the prescription, but there's no one to dispense it a little bit mama that'd be like a life that might be an effect. i came by 3 with a text. my wife, who's pregnant? i have a skin condition that she's in the maternity unit in the past. they give us a list of medicines divided,
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but i don't have the money in my life. i as hundreds of minutes have passed and never on standby to help husband. as the doctor rummaged spotted into a dodge a 0, the decision to increase doctors allowances was prompted by a large number, leaving the country. 1300 doctors of migrated and another 5000 a waiting to leave. but he said the demands of others in the health sector will also be addressed. we need to do for this matter to the finance ministry for which we have done the background with now. so, but the sooner you have to do the calculations and see how this, you know, i have you talking about another 100000 advocates of the, of the, done the sector. so you have to see the numbers and see if you can do a mess at the backbone and see how this to connecticut. the attic based on the union save the government's decision to save a, just one group within the his field is unacceptable. shrunk of his sick,
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that has struggled for years. both during the pandemic and the can only crisis that's followed. most hospitals ran out of the most basic drugs and supplies. now has stuff of protesting against the allowances given to doctors and the people that suffer most of those who cannot afford treatments. and you arrows fernandez, i'll just 0 colombo now, 3 times asian come champions. saudi arabia, school, the pin to added time is a be a mom to one to avoid a sky against a side ranked 18 places below them. german ash was that the match. so the color you for international state, you the saudi arabia's national team, becky, and cast off 14 months on this in closing, one of the biggest shops in world history by beating a venture champions, argentina, the green falcons we're up against a mom and the agent in the side they were expected to beat it was the mom who had the chance to take the lead when the video assistant referee, awarded them
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a penalty. the steps. yeah, he has lots of time to pretty sorry to head in his mind. so make pressure from the saudis, towards the end of the assessed off a mon help some to go into the break one that up and downs resistance with break into the delay, the 10 minutes to go with the optimal montgomery equalizing to saudi arabia. not long after coming on as a substitute just what it looks like. the saudi arabia has a boat in the back of the net in stuff which time you'll side slide went up. the i gave it to one, the final supposedly a huge upset again. so, you know, may seem kind of in 2020 seats, saudi arabia have money to avoid being on the wrong end of one here. that kite's robust site and my teammates has guided easily to be, are being championship, monitors into their primarily titles. added to add another major tracy to that already impressive collection has cut off to the best possible stop,
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much to the relief the saudi arabia, $57.00 as out as there are even international stadium. was a very close call. indeed for sadie, and that's it for me, the baka, i'll be back in around 16 minutes with much more the day is do use whether it's next to an inside story. it looks at the escalating finance. you'll divide west by the the hello. there is a taylor split for trends for south asia. we launch the clear skies in the south of india as well as sri lanka, but things aren't looking the same across the move. we've got to be a fog issues to places like new delhi that's affected flight. we're also seeing some way to whether or not to edge into eastern areas, and that's gonna work its way east over the next few days on which to places like
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bungling dish. we could still face and showers here and then places like carol, as well as tom will not do that rain developing once again in colombo on thursday. but the folks conditions do remain an issue across the north of india and into pockets done with has it has air quality reported in the whole much t y, a brighter as well with 27 degrees celsius incorrectly for the south of pakistan on 1st day. now was we had for the east east asia? well, we all seen more waves, sunshine and settled conditions in the south of china temperatures. here's the thing. what about the average for this time? if you're not colder across the north, that band of weather shifts its weight for the east, bringing some heavy snow to pots of the korean peninsula, better recovery the in. so as we go into the state temperatures on the up, across the north of china, on the off as well in japan, but more in the way of rain and snow come thursday,
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the heroes from i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we dissect allied from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the last 2 was, it was on his radio pass on palestinians from the west bank and the dean intensifying since the warrant goes up again. palestinians in the west bank of this whole county down 7, the tax on his res. so with this violence leave,


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