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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 6:30am-7:00am AST

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of this year of the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 arsenal stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is the way what these are so tied to the phrase us from our culture . open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on that, i'll just say era. last year was the worst on reco. it's really a task from palestinian fully occupied westbank and as being intensifying since the one goes up again. palestinians in the west bank of so kindly down 7 the tax on his res. so with this violence leave, this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on him. while the eyes of the world have been focused on israel's genocide, a warn garza over in the occupied west bank. the science of his valley weapons have been trained on an increasing number of palestinian targets. shootings of innocent civilians have nearly become the routine signature of this really military raids with children among those killed and injured refugee camps of thine head by strikes walls, settlers of open the attacked palestinians with arms provided by israel. palestinians from the west bank have launched isolated a tax on his riley's too. so how dangerous is the situation and wants as well as political and military strategy for the west bank. we will be discussing all this with, i guess in a few minutes. but 1st, this report from let me call soon should he's another day. another raid bobby ross describes the moment is raised, soldiers marched into a store in toyota. how can i ship them?
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i hope he told the workers to go. and he told me that he will use me as a human shield. he said the young people shouldn't turn stones, you will walk in front of me. and the impact of as well as ball and gaza is being felt andy occupied westbank is really rates have risen dramatically since october the 7th that the incursions co fuse risk and killings happening nearly every day. the palestinian health industry says more than 350 people have been killed in the country during the past 3 months. these really ministry has also the 10, nearly 6000 palestinians. many say the on the attack to we are a far a bit from guys that there is no over the 7th year. but we are being killed every day. we are being killed every single day, either nearby or the other endurance or the other in geneva, near to every part of our country we're being killed is the genocide palestinians
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in the occupied bestbuy and go also fighting another battle. rising, fall in spite is riley settlers. the u. n. has raced and along the us, preston, i'm from york and he does have condemned the aggression. lucas accountability for removal. killing remains pervasive of doesn't punitive a sense of orleans in violation of israel's obligations as they will combine power control safety of palestinians in the west bank even before october. the 7th right wing is riley's, including government ministers, made provocative and cushions. deluxe a most indeed occupied east, in breach of standing agreements pray at one of his sons, most sacred sites have been to be beaten by d as ready, military as well says, is full and goes off again off to the mazda attack in tova. since then, tennessee means living nearly 90 could on because of
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a have come on. the moon is really a tax. the latest in decades of violence against when the consumption is, i'll just see the full inside store, the height and tension and the occupied westbank phone is a recent patch of increasing violence. according to the ones who monetary and a 5th agency, $507.00 palestinians, including $88.00 children, were killed by israelis there on the last year. that is the most on record for yes, since the agency began collecting figures in 2536 is way these were killed by palestinians in 2023. that is also the highest number of 4 years since records began since october. the 7th mold and full 1212 palestinians have been injured. $637.00 of them children and the occupied westbank and east jerusalem. a 3rd of those injuries came from live ammunition funded by his riley forces.
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let's take the discussion right to and i'm on the, in the occupied westbank from where all 3 of our guests. joining us most of about goofy is secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. that is a palestinian political movement. while these how boss is with the palestinian farms is rarely studies old mother and bush also lady is policy lead for the u. k chassis outside and be occupied palestinian territory and israel very well. welcome to all of you, mr. bond goofy. i'll start with the use. the one says that palestinians are living in constant tara, of the discriminatory use of israeli state, false and secular violence against them. can you paint us a picture of life and the occupied westbank a window? of course. what's happening in the band is, is bad, but it does already been as what's happening goes on guys chip. but luckily are subjected to here is uh, since, especially since the 7th of october is, is it a,
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is violation of entity into nice and i don't know if it is early on me. so just if it is there any police matter if it is already set to the feelings that they have a license to good and they can do any i'm supposed to do to any post and you have accidentally posted you. the result is very drastic. i mean, this is the 7th of october. i think we've lost more than 540 since the beginning of last 2 is most about 500 for us to use. since the 7th of october, we hadn't so many but a senior and skills. at least one to 2 point us to management could direct me by setting up the title and desire. now is army good? there is a set of notes in a very, a weekly and the, the sub list has been attacking the senior community is conducting also acts of ethnic cleansing. and all this done said to keep on is to me and communities have
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been evicted from their homes by. is it or is it not settled? but the situation is even what it's done to the homeless. the bank has been divided in 224 classes or to get those if you want me divided by no less than the 615. and if that isn't any check points, many of which have become stations for harassment. and sometimes stations with on this to me is would be shocked. i can and the sacrament expansion is growing at a rate that is unprecedented. and that is, i just think people so widely. we didn't see that since maybe the 1st time to file more than 5365 studios have been tested in the us bank since the 7th of october. that the brought the number of funds to me is a g, is to more than a 1000. and on top of that, the present us and isn't a lead use of
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a subject to type in estimates to try to oppression which led to that pretty close at least 7 on this to me and present since the 7th of october or well live do be mr barb booth. he thank you very much for laying the situation out for us and we will be discussing all of those points in more detail. mr. how about if i can come to you even before october 7th as well being for pushing b u. n. said that 2023 has been the deadliest to yeah. for palestinians in the west bank. why has israel increased its raise and violence in the occupied westbank? yes, of course it has been it did lead us to use it even before 7th of october. actually, we should remember that in december, the 2022 and you as the government eh, was stablished and this was a very far right. we a government eh,
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2 important things happened concerning the west bank 1st as with rich, who was considered the extremist figure in discovery and it was and it became disc administered in the defense. is there any defense minister and he was, it became responsible for a whole with bank and a also they could get a disagree. missed ration. and d, of course, represents a the similar is inside the west bank and the as a region, a 2 i'd have to one video settlers it by to 2030. a lot of a changes have been happening in the west bank, especially in the west bank a since the beginning of 2023. okay, so you see the to just as a result of this, we don't have the 5 rice governments that there's ever been elected in the country . but what is it that you think that they are trying to do a
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yes. so, so these to be the, the is rather agenda escalated in 2002 and $3.00 did not be gad. it by the establishment of this government. however, eh, israel, and since 2014 has halted any political negotiations with pedestrians. and it has the been been a known for everybody, a, the announcements of the as a, the, a government that every se should be next to as right. and, and that it, by the senior authority operating inside the area a and b should be degraded as a non political entity only governing administrating a disability. the affairs of processing is, this is a very huge shift. in the last decade that eh, arrived it's momentum and into that set and $23.00 is so israel and is a west writing since the beginning of at that to you and to expand the settlements
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and also to improve the conditions of the settlers in order to next them administratively, but also to establish all facilities for the settlers. why is this demanded a shift in the practices of the as riley government? that was the last 2 minutes and so was there lance? and certainly we have seen a great expansion of as rarely special events which are of course, illegal on the international norm. miss kelly the let me bring you in now on that is really activity across the occupied westbank and the raids that, you know, we have been focusing on what kind of impact are they have in humanitarian impact or they haven't all the people who live in the west bank of catch, especially given the great destruction that we often see accompanying these raids, the destroying of drugs, of very important infrastructure of power lines of water supply. i mean,
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i think what we're seeing and what we've been seeing in the westbank is yes. and in gaza, he did, we had, as we have to make, the comparison is, you know, very similar policy of forcible displacement of demolitions, of killing with impunity and no accountability for both the children and unarmed men and women with record numbers on the rise. every single year, since the u. n. has been monitoring those numbers in the last 20 years here in l. p t. the impact of closure is of military rates, of unlawful detentions, and arrests of demolitions. enforceable displacement of communities is, is, is especially a big impact on the economy. so essential, agricultural activities are drastically reduced. there's most of income we've got 200000 posting and so we're unable to work in israel used to have permits to be able to work in israel. we have 50 percent of salaries being paid because of the of no money been, you know,
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being received by the posting and authority and therefore civil service are not being paid. agriculture is a major economic sector for the posting in economy. it's crucial likelihood for thousands. you know, the inability to harvest but has also an impact on local economy. it's not yet seen, but we will see the, the, the impact on the economy in the upcoming months. a year. actually, according to the posting in farm is union. this year, posted in the farmers were only able to harvest 50 percent of um uh they're proud to produce this here because of collective punishing policies imposed by israel post october 7 that already existed. but yeah, i have just ask you to put it in and, and, and been high and it also has actually an impact on our, on our fragmentation. we're unable to visit each other as families, as employees and colleagues, we kept, you know, really travel from one city to the other in the o, p t that has an, a huge impact on the psychological and, and, and kind of cultural fabric of posting and society and, and psychological tools,
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children are unable to go to school and normally in, in, in it was fine because they have to cross check points. you can imagine what impacts crossing a check point to go to school has on a child from little age. you know, this is something that's normalized to him actually yesterday a 3 month old baby was died at a check point because they were refused a passage by these really soldiers. and these are, you know, stories that were here of women unable to cross the checkpoint. and how to deliver at the check point. you know, this is a daily reality. propose young mister biography. this committee has really laid out the economic impact, the social impact of what's been happening and the occupied bestbuy. and she also mentioned collective punishment. what would you say the political impacts so far as being on the, on palestinian, on the palestinian political scene? we've seen a recent, you know, recent polls by the palestinian incentive of policy and survey research showed that
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44 percent of people in the westbank support. i'm oss up from just 12 percent in september and that the 92 percent of people want president lockwood us, of the palestinian authority, which administers many parts of the occupied westbank to resign a yes it odd reason sort of that. but in general, just on the stand that spends damian's off with me seeing that clearly out of personal process works have to use and i've started seeing that there's the private dependence to now not study to so many of authority. what so ever? yeah, there isn't here. yeah, i'm using today. the most of this child is supposed to be on the outside of the security control. and they have no respect to that. but just, you know, sort of the them security to consult and see if it's more than the private step on has to handle sort of give them the ability to control its own revenues, which are not the by doing understood by isn't a data paid by us the senior citizens, the taxes,
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the me under the new one of the palestinian authority. even that is there is a control inc and it is actually conducting an act of by to see defining those sort of key some of these resources. so practically, the people watched using the last step to use and waiting for the so called the peace process. the state solution, the also process, the payment and nothing happened except tomorrow commission most at the most um, motor addition on marketing needs so that people don't have to put us in this on the see of the police to new outside and they don't have that us in the so called, most likely meant they want the people who supported resistance. that's why you see this shift in the falls. mm hm. because because i had made the progress, the news, the, the fun. but it stands on the, the language of the fuss about the, for one can look at the, on the political context of why is it, is doing that it's,
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it's very clear design of the moment was based on 2 principles. next thing that i'm thinking that i'm by force and the money to do so by and keep buying us. but the other aspect is to get to the palestinian population, which is regardless of the fact that 7000000 students are still abroad. refugees, the price of the items return to their homes. the number of students on the study by the side is to do equal to is there are easiest people for the that is one of the city of options. you go to the doctor state solution which they don't want to accept because they want to maintain the annexation of those bank. or they should accept one democratic state which means equal rights for people. and that means that that state cannot be jewish on the as the want or the kind of option which this is the government is often court. and that is ethnic cleansing of the funds to young people, not on the in gaza, but also endorsed back. and it had,
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they succeeded in guys and conducting different things, and then what time to move to the west bank and repeated the same thing. so that's why policy has now understand one thing they have to start going for the resilience, right? so there isn't an staff to stay on the land because and thought that they have no future. and mr. how bus do you think that there was a role for the palestinian authority in the palestinian struggle? there was so much talk. you know, the united states for example, wants the palestinian authority to play a crucial role in this, in the future of any possible 2 state solution. but do think that what mr. bod, goofy is saying, is it israel that has render the palestinian authority ineffective? or does the palestinian authority also have to carry some of the blame it? yes, i think it has to go to some of the blame. i went to the to, to,
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to answer the question, by elaborating on a significant point, mentioned by mr. better with the when he said that the is a, these want to get to meet the front of the other students. we called the scaling the nation of the palestinians and the elimination is done by controlling them administratively. this has been done since 1967, and it has been done through an indicted colonial rule. unfortunately, the but a student alternative is the entity which is both of you sitting in this indicted core and then you've taken a disorder a. so in order for the student all forwarded to to, to, to break away from the exhibition, it should a, not the only called for it, but a scene in state or toast is solution. it should code for the cologne i zation of this occupation, which i'm in the shape for a tooth and the civic metal. it calls for a 2 state solution to yes, but when we analyze these a we from the political disclose, we got
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a light that this is on this course for the the, the, the population consumption. but in fact we, we, we should analyze the mika museums and the bureaucratic procedures. and that's it, you, with the policy and also to, to defacto as part of the colonial regime. it is not about it and judging it politically or ethically, it's about talking about the mechanisms of we need this aggregate that also accords and read it line by line. we see that it is the civilian on the west bank is the civil administration, or that is there any soldiers? and part of this structure is defined as an alternative which is taking administrative control of management control over the last 2 minutes. so i'm analyzing the mechanisms that are eh, it in effect on the ground and not judging the the politic guess the, the gist of the policy and authority. so in order to, to, to up for
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a 2 state solution. eh, we should break away from us the codes we should also we have 2 divisions within which means that the student is the 1st is between the west bank and it guides that between the fact behind thomas and the 2nd a division that nobody talks about is between the bus students inside is right and, and the bus thing is in the so called occupied territories. this division also shouldn't be implement eliminated in order to talk about admin submit to the project. all right, miss holly, the do you think that the palest and in a far sheet should be playing a bigger role in protests, protecting palestinian civilians and the occupied westbank can be doing more. i mean, it's important to set the scene, but this is a military occupation, is realize that occupier has clear duties and obligations under international law of which a paramount duty is to protect public sydney and civilians and provide them with
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basic necessities. both in the west bank and gaza and which they are not doing in both the west bank and gaza. because in fact, on the contrary, they deprive posted means of access to land, of access to water, of access to national with natural resources. if they, you know, impede, are movement and, and put restrictions are in a freedom of movement. have rebuilt, for example, most permits that people have to access israel and all the, you know, the, the, the, the closures that we were talking about. so i wouldn't even put the burden on the posting in authority. i would put the burden on israel in terms of protecting posting and people and providing in line with ok national there to national obligations. one more point i want to make this fragmentation a posting in society has led to isolation of communities and the inability to create an alternative. suppose thing is, um, this is what this policy of control and divide division and oppression was created
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is, is that there is no other alternative proposed to me. and i don this authority and it's been difficult for also to have, you know, 4 or 4, you know, future or 4 we're thinking when, when, when unable to, to, to, to, to, to, to organize together. sure. missed about who the when miss kelly was talking about how it is rails obligations and rights under international law. it hasn't been abiding by those for 70 years. it's not going to begin to do that. now. is it? but you one says that there was a risk of annexation as well. and next thing parts of the occupied westbank, whose responsibility is it now to make sure that that doesn't happen. do you think that the international community will allow that? if that's where things are headed as well, who is the international community that has the big questions, is that the nation, the community? uh, the people uh now do most political over and i was demanding. the end of that i got
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back on guys underwood and garza and demanding that punch deals with the free. or is it the state, the united states government and the government of the time and some of the government slot, allow industry to the infinitive. i'm of sent a nation. i know is that i will not change its course unless it's a subject to sanctions. and if the does not continue to use the standard, look what i found was it was put under when i live in. the old one is 11000 sections on russia in one months because they send it to q bypasses weekly. in our case, yeah, supporting the key part. so this is done at this time. the test to change is what i have come up with must be able to achieve these unless it stops. it's the nature of being a simpler colonial project. they want to our next though, 2 by 30 threes, and the one does not punishing him for that. and i think on this little boy that
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investment sanctions, as was done to the apartheid system in south africa, the situation can be changed. and we've seen an entry level. we have significant increase in support for the be the movement that you mention since the war on gaza began this to help us if i can bring you in the, the us took measures implemented measures against the set classes where the settlers, who were involved in violence against palestinians and the occupied westbank. do you think that that could expand that those measures those sanctions could expand and that could all the countries do the same they meaningful in any way. i don't think they are a i mean a rightful inter sanctions of upsets. there's because in the united states is backing is related government and the editor and the government is building the settlements inside the respect. so it's so making this differentiation between
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a law, unless, unless somebody said lives in the west bank and that they are out, should be upload and shouldn't be sent in. but, but on the other, on the same line that they do that the, the u. s. is backing as well as supporting it and also is supporting gets project inside the west bank. so this makes more sense and we don't expect, eh, that section should come from the at united states. and we expect that the free nations should eh, and gather altogether except. ready at the fed as to this, or i should also remember that eh, and the enter nation in low whenever people are under it, the longer remote under admitted to occupation, then it is the right to resist and use absolutely resist. we have that is we have less than a minute left. and i'd like to ask mr. kelly the
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a very quick last point of to everything you've heard. what do you think needs to happen to de escalate the tensions and be occupied? westbank? how to de escalate tensions? yes. as i mean the, you know, measure is uh to prevent. uh settlers. one is not a measure that would be too late. any attention, if anything i feel like they would, you know, probably be better viewed here in the west bank with the sanctions imposed on them abroad. listen, it's very we as a mentor and community we have been saying ending the occupation and then proceeds on gaza hour or 2 mentors. uh, that would be escalate tensions. all right, and you know, accountability, accountability is cri, is, is impunity is what have gotten us here. accountability and we have plenty of judicial and non traditional mechanisms to to, to, to yeah. so to ensure that perpetrators of violence are held accountable and they
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have not been boucher, highly the in the model. thank you very much for that. i'm sorry that we run out of time, but thank you to all of august most of about goofy in ramallah, and also wiley's how boss in ramallah and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website address here. adult. com and prefer the discussion to go to a facebook page that's facebook dot com, forward slash agent and side story. you can also join the conversation on x. i'll handle is at a inside story from me, elizabeth put on them and the whole team here, bye for now, the, the president biden says, wants a 2 state solution for palestinians, and israelis like this. anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for?
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i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, i have the right, the boycott. anyone i want to in the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i want to continue. do you want to state level all that i can to support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for for my day and talk to him quote on which is the era unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in this row are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises,
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that's 10 years. so i want to go and see, you know, as if you were to happen to next to the street on out to 0. the whole people have been killed including 2 children, and then this riley strike on the front in southern garza, the ottoman this is the online from dell ha. also coming up to analysis a new agreement between our mazda and israel.


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