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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the along the way through a few minutes or an aid arrives in gauze of the israel at home. us reach a new deal broken by capsule. the from the pocket of this is out just
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a life and also coming up as well as bombardment of civilian areas goes on. we'll base 25000 pounds to musing. now confirm dead since october. the 2nd the us re designates the evans cruces as a terrorist. group is another ship is attacked in the red sea. and another use the protests in a southern russian region, tons violence and the rest show of i cried for the rest of the local rights. sex will welcome to you, desperately needed medicine and of the humanitarian aid has entered garza. it was sent from kind of how it was after the deal was reached between israel and the last to allow the supplies to be distributed. rental account reports a life saving a for garza following a guitar in french broker deal between israel and her months. the cargo includes humanitarian essentials for palestinian,
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as well as medicine for his really captives and the besieged strip. united nations is overseeing the process. i'm here because of the mandate of the security council to see how we can facilitate, accelerate, and expedite all areas of the assistance that is so much needed for civilians. and guys are given the very acute humanitarian conditions that they have to live with. data has been sporadically trickling into the 2000000 palestinians besieged by israel, often through diplomatic channels. nearly never enough. it definitely my, you know, most of the doctors can't find anything to treat their patients. so now they just you. so even salt is $13.00 per kilogram. now it's about can you imagine putting some salt on people's injuries to disinfect them? you've reached a very critical point. people are joined and we can even find in killers. uh, a lot of of the un estimates 93 percent of the population in gaza is facing
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a severe level of hunger and says pockets of the strip are already experiencing salmon like conditions. diseases spreading rapidly and leaving many in a state of desperation. while the new aid supplies will provide some relief, the un warren's, if the war doesn't stop, more palestinians will die. not from bones, but from sam and disease and run the fun out to 0. it doesn't go sion for the world health organization as a ton from gaza. and as again, want of an unfolding, humanitarian catastrophe and the strip. okay, but all this under has more from the united nations. well, they said it's gone from bad to worse and that it's a tragedy based on his words is being shawn casey, who's an emergency health officer. and what's interesting about this is that um he was in gaza for 5 weeks. so fairly considerable amount of time. and he was all over this strep, and what i mean, he was in the south, middle,
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and north part of this trip he saw firsthand. exactly what's going on in the hospitals. he visited, how she, for hospital on 3 separate occasions, spoke of just heretic scenes. there of the civilians that are in desperate need of care. he talked about how israel blocked his team from the w h o for 12 days from getting to see for hospital. of course they need to get permission from these rarely authorities to go there. so he said that is a big problem. not only that we spoke of other hospitals as well in the south were just seems that people on the ground just needing all sorts of type type of help and also a burn unit where they're over a 100 people with severe burns and only one doctor to help them listen to a little bit more of what he had to say. and every time i went to the hospitals, i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous humanitarian
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catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day. and goals are getting worse and worse. and the collapse of the health system day by day with hospitals closing health workers cling casualty is continuing to stream and a lack of access to medicines and medical supplies, a lack of access to fuel, to run the hospital generators, to keep the lights on to keep the machines running and it's happening at, alongside a dramatic humanitarian catastrophe just in the communities that he was asked what needs to change and what needs to be fixed with the health system. and he said there's a lot of things that need to rebuild hospitals at some point, get more supplies and rebuild stocks to get more doctors be able to have people get to health clinics as well. but he said beyond all of that, none of that will be have, have happening or even possible without a cease fire. according to the case, he said, if you don't have a cease fire,
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it's just a matter of day by day trying to get through through here. so he called on anyone that has power in this regard really to push for a cease fire because he said that is more critical than really anything else. at least 11 palestinians have been killed in 2 separate this way. the strikes and the occupied westbank, wednesday, crashes are currently taking place between processing and use and it's ready forces . and they will get by in the west bank town of funding 9 reports. the one person has been injured by life 5 minutes for you. vehicles of also entered the city of to come in on the south side of joins is from occupied east jerusalem with more in this and, and i'm the medical, i'm sorry, i'm to bring us up to date things up to speed rather on these latest rates of course that has been a major uptake involved and since october the 7th. and that continues to be very
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much the case. a major escalation across the occupied west bank and the last 104 days or so is these really military has up to their raids across the palestinian territory since the war began. tonight were following several raids the 1st into and cut them entering its 20th hour. remember, this is a rate that began overnight yesterday. and these really military has already killed 6 palestinians. intuitive got in the firefights and battles between palestinian fighters and these really military or still ongoing residents reporting fierce exchanges of fire and still sounds of explosions in the distance when we saw this rate was going to be letting up a couple of hours ago, which seemed these really army had sent in reinforcements in the form of 25 military vehicles and other bulldozers. they are reading several homes across to got in the dues getting refugee camp and the new to shims refugee camp. let's
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switch gears a little bit, go more north to hebron where these really army is also conducting a raid in the village of benny now. and this is the area in which to palestinians. these rallies are accusing of conducting both a ramming and stabbing attack on monday. in the city of atlanta, just outside of tell a v both of their homes have been rated for several nights in a row. their family members, a cell saved their property damage. a lot of those family members also arrested and interrogated like we've been seeing into is cut in field interrogations as the army is calling them with these 2 homes for these 2 palestinians that israel has accused of carrying out this attack. their homes are now being mapped for demolition. residents in the area are afraid these 2 demolitions are going to happen tonight. this is a policy these really army carries out regularly against the palestinians who they accuse of carrying out attack. so it is incredibly controversial on the
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international scale. these rates have so far taken the lives of 366 palestinians across the occupied westbank. we're looking at just over 6000 arrests and 4000 other injuries as these is really military operations continue. right, how many things without having to solve it, so you don't find histories and well, as i'm just saying, sister will be in goals that began the frequency and intensity of this for any rapes throughout the territory has been increasing. but i'm a jump, james. how's this from a mile of the aftermath of an early morning. he's really air striking, the beloved refugee camp on the outskirts of nablus. one of several, palestinian men killed abdullah bush and then the leader of what the military wing and but also the locks of martyrs per gaze. israel's army released to this video of the attack on the vehicle carrying the men in a statement. it accused that was a lot of planning to carry out what it called an imminent large scale terrorist
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attack. when paramedics arrived, they weren't allowed to reach the vehicle. so i'm wondering how one of those started smoke on the floor. then once we tried to reach the targeted car, but these really forces would turn us back. i waited for an hour until they took the bodies as we reached the location after they withdrew. we found remains and body parts of the scene on those hours later. another error strike during a separate is really army, encouraging. several people killed as a result. this time and the total cut them refugee camp is rarely soldiers detained palestinians, as is rarely bulldozers destroyed infrastructure. residents calling these tactics a form of collective punishment on wednesday alone incursions also took place in the hebron, jericho completely. and here in the among other areas, palestinian officials say there are on average, around 40 is really army rates per day throughout the occupied west bank.
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along with the escalation and violence comes an increase in the depth to 4 than $360.00 promised indians killed in the occupied west bank since october, the 7th raising fears and already dangerous situation will only grow worse. how much improvement does it run? most of the war and goals are, is also impacting the wider region you have is who sees have claimed responsibility for new attack on the us vessel in the gulf of age. the you came out of time. trade operations says it happened about a 100 kilometers south east of the city of aging. the agency says a drum struck the vessel, causing a 5 of the crew late to extinguished, as there was, it was a man's naval forces. let us be, you have any armed forces. well targeted, the american dream co, mccarty ship in the gulf of identity using a number of naval ms. ios and scoring a direct and precise thanks to
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a lot of the many armed forces will not hesitate to start default direct sources and the re bmc. and the red sea in line with our legitimate tried to defend our dear young men and in support of the press that was to people well in response to a tank, some vessels in the red sea, united states has released the huge ease as a specially designated global terrace group, the by doing the ministration, had remove the designation back in 2021 in favor of allowing humanitarian aid into the wall to country. now some of the fear the functions will restore those barriers to aid can be how could reports following us the air straight on who's the controls missile facilities given for attacking merchant vessels and u. s. navy ships in the red sea, the united states, again targeted the who sees. on wednesday, the 5 mid ministration announced it was designated the who's these as
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a specially designated global terrorist organizations. who these cc a tax. we can certainly reconsider the nation if they don't, as the president said, we will not hesitate to take further actions. but why, how says the designation is designed to protect freedom of navigation, about 12 percent of international trade passes through the red sea. and who is the attacks have already had an impact on global supply chains. declaring the who these a terrorist group bounce members from entering the u. s. freezes funds held in us banks and trigger sanctions against any entity providing the who's these with support. but the who the say the attacks on commercial ships. the began in october, we'll continue and solidarity with the palestinians and the more than 24000 killed in israel's war and gaza. the escalation has fueled concerns of
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a broader middle east conflict. in the past week, the united states and the u. k. carried out joint error strikes on who's the control missile batteries width in storage sites and air defense system. designating the who sees as a terror organization requires congressional approval. and some congress members argue israel using us weapons against the palestinians, is the real terror organization. still, despite some push back, there is overwhelming support for israel and congress. that's why the designation against the who fees is expected to take effect next month can really help it out as 0. the white house of the will and cause it has been high and the agenda of the world economic forms, annual meeting of this was town of devils us next year stays mc, blinking described the was gut wrenching. he set a policy in the state needs to be established. there has to be ways means vehicles,
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how soon is to make these decisions. but i think what we're talking about is to, since you're talking about a governance, the government and a structure of governance that maximizes the ability of the authority to actually deliver what the power steering and people want and the but it also has to be able to operate in uh, what you might call a permissive environment. in other words, with the support of, with the help with his real, not with it's active opposition because even the most effective authority is going to have a lot of trouble. if it's got the active opposition. if any, and he's really going your way about us, there are still ahead charge with treason. but a court allows see early on school will present on his bike a robot to leave the country. the hearing the facts have you had to be late that he has the support of 15000 m
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samantha shaw. pick one moment, then asking questions, what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection? reporting for the action? not just give you a sense of what an easy target this place is. i'll just see it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story. i think it's this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the
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devastating human cost of their decisions working about just the right enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the field watching out as there is a reminder of our top stories this out desperately needed medicine and although humanitarian aid has entered, garza is around a mass rece. the deal on choose day bro, could buy a condo, and from the agreement will send 8 supplies to civilians and gaza and provide medicine for captives. is there any ministry continues to pound, garza with strikes? closing in on the south targeting buildings,
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a rustling con eunice. and with $25000.00 promised abusive that'll be killed. you have those who the group is claiming responsibility for an attack on a us vessel in the gulf of age. and the group is facing with huge us sanctions as a terrace group over there with tax on red c shipping. a. no, a prosecutor in charge of investigating an attack on a television station. the equitable has been shot dead and got killed, so far as was ambushed in broad daylight gun violence in ecuador as increase in recent months off to one of its most powerful drug laws escaped from prison. state of emergency is in place. let's assume that the noise to complain in view of the matter of our colleague says us, what is the prosecutor for organized crime in glass, prevent uninfected organized, criminal groups? interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuador in society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st
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investigations at the scene of the crime with the aim of ensuring, as in every case of finding death, this crime does not go unpunished. only look in other news, thousands of people in russia, southern biscuits, us don, region have protested against a court decision to sentence a right site to this file. i've seen a lot of i asked being charged with inciting ethnic hatred. you'll be a shop of oliver. how's this for most of a read pro system function, which is the delayed response police clocked out on sounds as of demonstrates is in the rush quote of stone reach and they will rallying to support rights activists for you. a scene of he's been accused of installing c s mach hatred for corbin's had made about work. it's from central asia and the caucuses. he's always did nice to accusations, but inside code, he was sentenced to for years in a penal colony. was moms all the way? yeah. the but anyway,
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but we will appeal the sentence. i don't understand the policy it carried out by the physical dis, down republic had like, i don't understand what's going to happen next. we don't want this, this is such a huge thank you to all those who support some of them, especially the c o. c. that's supposed to say his imprisonment was delayed revenge for his activism in preventing the construction of a soda plant near the crushed stone mountain which local people can see that a safer place. the protest this child to freedom and demanded the resignation of the governor of bush coldest on the same time. social media outlets supposed to go to the kremlin, have accused for you a scene of being the leader of a bond organization. bush cooled, it advocates the separation of the republic of bush co to stand from russia, and is a keys to provide an estimate conflicts. while for us, as soon the scale i read sizes has been detained in the past 2, yes, 5,
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posing beyond comb, fixing ukraine. and while i was seeing if was an opponent to, let's say, the privacy invest coldest on was directed tools, the regional authorities and know the power of presentation you now ship off. all of that. i'll just say right, most skirt saying in russia around the country says it stopped a drone of tanks targeting the capital in the early hours of thursday morning. the country is defense ministries as it shot down a drone of adults. i was just south of the capital mosca, the casualties were reported, and other drayton was supposedly intercepted me a st. petersburg and an old aust. guys accuse ukraine of coming out the attack and earlier russia lowest more tax on you crazy in cities. it's defense ministry uses a count out of high position strikes on for and fighters in hockey. this prompted evacuating old as a residents living near the front line. but mcbride reports from the capital key. the ukraine 2nd city had
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a key once again targeted in an overnight test strike with 2 russian missile, getting a residential area, leaving some people in get the southern port city of a desa was also hate to buy drones, the damage buildings, and also left several others wounded close to loose, could you loose the den transfers the burning? my neighbor ran outside, but the shelter was still far away. when there was at the door teeth, we just have to crush down with the continuing gas strikes calm as nato. c'mon does have been meeting in brussels voicing support for ukraine and with defending weston style. democracy high on the agenda. in 2024, a record breaking 2000000000 people on earth will cost their vote in a democratic election. and yet, the concept of democracy needs to be defended, more than ever, a strong message of support from french president emanuel macross has also given ukraine to boost saying that russia mustn't be allowed to when i'm promising
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delivery of more artillery and long range missiles that help is increasingly needed as russian forces pushing the tax, the points on the eastern front, such as here around blackboard. why ukrainian so just say they face a shortage. if i made a shift about mcbride, i'll just say era keith talk has done his record in some box of the, from a ron a bar. the a rainy an invoice from returning to his post of what it describes as an unprovoked violation of its ass space. now, so i have to tear on fire to miss into pocket stones. bleach stomach problems can at least 2 children around says it was talking to the headquarters of the josh on a dual group to run. blame 7 for coming out of tax on it. security forces, couple of highlights following the story from lock. com. a district and student problems are attacked by the radians on a bar. the area of bug is gone and the ones go had, of course,
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from good. a strong reaction from bug just on focus on has gotten at some bass or that back from there on all the reading and badges that who's got only in there on not to come back. this of course, is a serious issue, given the fact that just a few days ago, both sides were discussing about the mutual threat board by i'm groups operating from inside of one is done as i tried to eat on, i'd really focused on this coming are the major surprise, the focused on the, the thing that there is of the light to respond and that did any and really be responsible for the consequences. this is, of course, the serious issue between the 2 countries. given the fact that both sides have been trying to cooperate with each other on several occasions. but this of course is seen at the city as incident by focused on let's say that this was a clear violation of its 8th grade. and also offered silver and p commodities that under the con, um british and piece of voted for
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a controversial role that would say migrants deported from the u. k to a one to the bill will now and it's draining the final stage in the house of commons. critics, a defined risk breaking international law a cert sierra leonean high courts will allow form a present as by chroma. to travel abroad for medical care, the 70 road is charged with treason the fuse of complicity in the november 2023 failed to have an interest had a small from freetown, heightened security and expectations in freetown as a cruise in case against attendance by court. all my resumed, but after hours of waiting for my president failed to turn it up to the court of his lawyer as though successfully appealing to a higher court to grant to permission to leave the country. and i've lost by the courts not to speak much on the college in continental for the phase, but the exact order has been given against me and
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a i will stay with for the port fees. but in any event, bill has been granted on the reconsider. and is by cool, my husband charge him full counts of prison and hovering others. why accused of putting the field november 26 cool. $27.00 soldiers and several cities have been charged. but there are diploma to boost to prevent the 70 award from trial 4 weeks . regional block, of course, has been pushing to get mr by chrome out of center leo. now julia has off of divorced him. legal and political analysts say mediation will help echoes us a region of blood and reduce tension in a countries why members of this have not been pulled up by the government of sanity on says the court order doesn't mean an end to the trial rented. they will go to to nigeria, but it's also important to point out that the lord, the magistrate court deed joining the case to elect the dates and sometime in march where we expect all the way us to be back even in front of the courts. and now what
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happens in terms of conversations with echo wise, between the head of. ready itself, sarah luna, is excellency preston view. those are things that we will comment on. while the former president has permission to leave the country, the other accused will not. but many here expect the quote decision on chroma will help the country avoid a major political crisis. edris argues ita, freetown, for me, us present. donald trump was back in court on wednesday this time to decide how much she should pay in damages for defending rights at e. g county. and he denied that he rates at the judge world trump. he could be borrowed from attending cause a fees disruptive, and we spoke loudly with his legal team during, carol's testimony. a that's a nasty man. he's a nasty judge. he's a trump hating guy. and i've used everybody in the court to disgrace, frankly, what's happening. it's a disgrace, happens to be a clinton appointment,
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but i'm sure that has nothing to do with it. an explosion at a fireworks factory in thailand has killed least 23 people. the boss happened in so fun booty province and a town about a 120 kilometers north of bank called police say they found no survivors. prime ministers offices or just an investigation. okay, you're up to date, but except for meeting barca, i'll be back in around 30 minutes time with much more the days do use. whether it's next then inside story looks at north korea's dramatic policy change towards the the hello that will stop by looking at the satellite image for south asian is barely a cloud in the sky across southern parts of india and sure lanka where we had heavy rain last week the skies have dried out, they're looking pretty dry across the north as well. but what you can see is
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a dense fog that has been causing travel k us for about 4 days and places like in new delhi, stretching across as well into moving parts of pockets done misty and foggy conditions, which is set to last for at least the next 5 days, we've also had a cold way of dropping temperatures across mold and pockets done and india. but there will be some improvement coming through on friday. some improvement as well for the winter weather that stops to ease across the eastern parts of india and pakistan. still a few showers, sprinkling in to the very south on fridays and heavier rain, affecting shore line cars that on friday as well. that was the move further east and put a band of rain. that's a dividing a factor in terms of temperature across china as the east asia for to the cold up in the north. it's going to get cold over the next few days, down in the south and not one of the temperatures on where they have been the west to weather shifting its way further east. so somebody we tend in shanghai much to why a, however, for japan temperatures on the up here,
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that's not the case with beijing in on several times upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads scottsdale without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. a dramatic shift by north korea, it's tearing off its goal of unification with the south. a policy in place for decades. north korea's leader kim jong and also said his country doesn't want more,


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