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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the around the clock. this isn't news on life. coming up the next 60 minutes is really strange. pounds. southern guns was how this thing is. more than 16 people killed and attacked from the residential area. no phone calls, no internet. no communication calls each cut off from each other on the outside world. for the 7th day run is ready for his continued to write to come in the occupied westbank for a 2nd day. a 7 palestinian civilians are killed and running out of business. how is
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riley, small entrepreneurs are really lack of demand and a short full of work as to the task. and i'm time how much would all the schools, including tennis wells, number one, iga swine sex page is a great escape. i feel strange and open to our tech had faxed to be danielle collins, and the deciding set is sales force for 5th grandsons heights the so it is a $1500.00 gmc that is 5 pm in gauze where we begin this new job as the palestinian debt toll continues to rise. families in the southern city of rafa. morning, the depths of 16 people including children, eye witnesses say that they were killed when it is rarely strike the home where they were seeking shelter in the city. i went to the hospital and saw that my children had been killed. they were all so young. my eldest daughter was a 2nd grader. what did they do wrong?
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we can't rely on anyone, not even the arrows, but it can only rely on our so. also in this outfit as a mounting, the nice a hospital, one of the few still functioning could be forced to shut down due to his writing strikes nearby and gauze was not approaching a week without into natural cellphone services. this lack of communication further complicating the distribution of food and medicine. meanwhile, in the occupied westbank, israel continues to intensify its rates at least 7 palestine into being killed and the 6 you have to cut them since wednesday doesn't have to be interested. i need my food begins our coverage from rough this boy is in shock. his family's home was a struck by is really showing along with others east of the city of rough i and
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southern guns and dozens of people were killed. among so much a tragedy. the cries of the baby rescued a live of from under rubble. but is really a tax of wiping out entire family. stuff that's been in our house was from that don't. this is my brother. his wife and 3 children have been killed. we don't know why they foamed us. that's it. they pump the children for 3 full and 5 years old. the, the grieve of having to very loved one too much. this way it's going to traumatize rather than to from northern garza, were ordered by these really military to move further south to avoid being vaughn, only to get killed within weeks. and sometimes within days of their arrival, more than
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a 1000000 people filtering and drop by city would most sealing on the front, forgotten as the war continues. and if most of the families of most of the columbia and other than the summer and those i'm actually world killed, a lot of children were killed for 7 months pregnant wife of most of those killed along with her unborn child. what can we do? where can we go? if it's not really to god, this is our last distress to save us level of rescue on february, the specialist will like a quick funeral prayer for the debt. then the bodies of young and old are carefully stacked on top of each other. for what will be their final journey? honey, my lord, i was just wondering, garza, well, as we've mentioned phone and internet connections in jobs have been down for the 7 days. of course, west of the lives of millions of palestinians. the net titled communications blackout is the long distance of all begun. it is left to 2300000 people with no
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contact with the outside world. no, with those in other parts indeed of a strip. without select notifications, permit exist, struggling to reach wounded people, and many a dying in the streets. the group that provides communication and services and goes, it says 2 of its employees were killed. well, trying to restore services as the scene right now. guys, where's the sun goes down over the horizon the let's go to reference. i think also target was it was tiny by for us. the so tara, know, frame know into that net communication. once he fights and his black world completely um its the own doing black house of electricity and now so the communications for mod, done right now, 6 days inside the territory situation seems to be very difficult to die up with
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people in order to talk to each other or at least to check on each of the different areas inside all district people in the south. i'll keep the isolated, don't have any kind of contact with people in the most or in the middle areas of the dogs, a strip as the destruction of the home given. bombing prevent. also the teams of the main communication companies gonzalez' to continue to work up to fix over dummies at being close to the network by the ongoing military attacks inside guns. also the situation in terms of the strikes extensive fine as well within the past few hours where he's failing to 19 kind of themes only in the fund unice since the 80 hours. it's the thing is morning to succeed at being the main focus for the military operations by the forces the as they are adopting a very pleased with the domestic gym signs of a break to representative loving all complete residential neighborhoods as it has
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been widely notable at the intensified within the past few days. also the attacks continued on the middle areas which has been full. so one of the main buttons, those where do you have conducted wide military areas and also ground offensive and the main residential neighborhoods of the rates on this. the road and also stairs by town where this is very many trees had in circulating the majority of the areas bath and opening the fire using hope to drones, against residents in the main public streets. and possibly ongoing attacks have been directive distorted by games, an international distribution, educational institution, which is the, is what we could investigate that have been completely let me know in the area in the middle go over night. so the charger now this is i'm getting military attacks within the past 24 hours that i let to me at least 170 promising is the wrong
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side. would move the time and leave with the latest situation. very comprehensive things of that to target and then reference southern gaza. now if there's a mounting that's not so hot, splitting tone units in something does, it could be forced to shut at any moment due to his reading strikes. doctors without borders is lucky. the hospital says he is ready, ministry is bombarding surrounding areas and there's been no proof of warning. it says that patients and thousands of displaced palestinian seeking shelter inside the hospital. the people sleep. nasa is garza's biggest hospital and one of the few still partly functioning. let's take this on, we can speak to go to um, but leon, who's a deputy program manager for doctors without borders joins is not from paris. i'm but it seems like a very serious situation. what is the latest being reported back to you from nasa? this no sir, we've been, we've been seeing it as
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a degradation of the situation and us over the last several weeks we've had to have really reduce our, our work there for example, since december. but over the last couple of days. yes. as you, as you just said, i have been bombings, very heavily, a very, very heavy bodies, bombings near the come home near enough ser eden, 2 days ago without any evacuation order causing thousands of people to flee, including staff and panicked. the patients and people who were displaced in the hospital, there was also an air strike through the, on the 15th. that was around a 150 meters from the hospital that killed 8 people and wounded 80. very close in frightening situation at. give us a description if you would have how your a told that the conditions are in the hospital. what kind of conditions doctors are operating in and what kind of conditions patients have to try and surviving things . if the situation is,
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is becoming unbearable. there are the population is squatting or, or sheltering in the hospital because they don't feel safe anywhere else. and when, when that population of water feel safe in the hospital it's, it's an indicator for us that that the situation for the hospital is becoming untenable. our, our staff has been working there. it tirelessly above the tire, it just continues safe for 3 months and they're exhausted. and we have a surgical team doing $8.00 to $10.00 during surgeries per day. they would love to do more. um, but there's no space in the hospital. we can't when there are mass casualties of people who were injured nearby, who were brought in. and it's is your prank bodies stacked on bodies who arrive in the emergency room, complete chaos. and there's just not enough space to do all the surgeries that are necessary and the types of surgeries that are necessary as patients are either immediately injured or people who've been sitting with wounds for weeks and weeks.
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those types of procedures need to be done in safe environments and there needs to be space for those patients to be able to, to, to, to, to come the less after the surgery. and that's just not the situation. but also right now where is it was 3 months ago, right. and these conditions must make the condition. definitely life for infection . yes it's, it's, it's actually support. um, you've got patients who are, you know, several patients and have been kind of situation. you've got as well displaced people who have nowhere else to go. so there and patient beds and you've got patients who are being operated on the floor. you've got patients who were sleeping on the floor of staff who were speaking on the floor because they prefer to sleep in the hospital and to be able to take them to them to take the risk going back and forth to their homes, which may or may not still exist. so it's just apps, it's absolutely unbearable. is there any unacceptable, right. do you in humanitarian office and into some of that goes a face to
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a public health disaster due to the collapse of its health system. do you think we're on the brink of that or we that already? i think we're on the brink of the close to being there already. yes, it's really difficult to say with the, with the public we, what we are hearing in terms of infectious diseases that we hear from the shelters or from the weather where the displays population or are staying when they, when they have access to go to primary care centers for example, what we're not seeing a lot of in the hospitals are non wounded sick people not stuck because they don't exist. it's because they don't feel safe going to the hospital. and this is something that we saw, for example, during cove and you know, when people would, would not feel safe going to hospital so they would stay at home in their, in their chronic conditions would deteriorate. but what we are seeing hundreds of thousands of caged thousands of cases of our injured patients. and those are the ones presenting to the hospital and they also have infectious they are infectious risks that come with their rooms. the longer they go without surgery and without
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proper care, post operatively, and without space to stay in an inpatient ward. the more instructed those winds become and the more need for surgery and potentially amputations and they'll have in the future. and that's kind of right off it for the future of the population because i've given that to what you've just said, they're fields of mounting that the husband itself may have to shut down. what are the implications of that briefly if you would, and it would be disastrous. it's one of the largest hospitals and guards, and it's certainly the largest hospital, it's functional and gaza, as, as she says, no longer um operating it and its former capacity. it would be catastrophic. yeah, it's a very, very troubling situation. it's something we'd be the same for months now, but it's a, it's just getting beyond the brain, cuz now i'm gonna have to leave it there. but do appreciate that to about an medical coordinator with the medicine. so frontier, thank you. thank you. i've seen a un officials as pregnant women and dogs were being forced to give best,
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often in the streets and with the painting. as israel continues its attacks. natalia kind of them is the executive director of the united nations population funds. the focuses on maternal health and she's been speaking to our diplomatic editor james base at the world economic forms annual meeting in davos. as my rep, representative in palestine has told us, this is the worst nightmare that he's ever experienced. the situation where we have over a 180 women struggling to deliver and give birth each and every day with the health system collapsing. there are only a couple of places left where you can do an emergency if the very infection. beyond that, as we all know, humanitarian circumstances mean that people seek shelter. this is never a target. and health facilities should never be a target. so it's very distressing to think of a midwife having to thread her way through
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a community often in the dark because of the fuel and energy picture there and not be able to render service. and as she does sometimes she's helping a woman to deliver outside on a plastic sheet. and the wall has not stopped the bombardment continue. so almost every hour there is bombing. it's something that the secretary general has called attention to, certainly all of the humanitarian community that a ceasefire is the 2nd essential for humanitarian aid to cross those carters, or in a situation where hunger is rampant. if you are pregnant, it is a time when for yourself and for the developing fetus, your caloric requirements have increased your need for water, what course is higher than the regular person. so how are we to provide for women during labor and childbirth under circumstances where humanitarian aid is not coming in 2000 of over $24000.00 people killed in terms of states that the desk
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told that his list is. but i'm assuming there are still bus, they're all newborn children, probably won't survive in the circumstances. one of the things which we've documented is that because of the stressors on women who are pregnant, ready to deliver the need for says their infection has shut up, we're doing almost 20 percent more than we would have been under normal circumstances. is there anastasia? are there times and they actually have to operate without being able to give the right drugs to this woman just to save her life and the life of the newborn. so again, i think our appeal is to think about who has bearing the brunt of this bombardment ceasefire. now is something that we haven't been calling for repeatedly and it's objectionable that this does not happen. so leslie natalia can, i'm not promising isn't southern gaza say a symmetry has been desecrated by is ready forces. it's located in the con units area,
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just south of nasa hospital. i would've societies really sort left blown buried bodies exposed and started on the ground. people living in the area say homes and schools of also being targeted in recent days. the, the, i was surprised last night with the amount of rockets and shelves that had taught. it was truly massive. we were surprised because the tanks next to us kept firing on the plains and rockets around just as well. look at the graves. how are they on the some of the houses over that people have left for the women flood with all that have scar. they didn't know where they were going or look at the grades. you can see people called these really ami is killed, a palestinian in the occupied westbank is it expands his rage and the territory. he was shot dead until cut them a where the military is coming out to rate for 2nd day. at least 7 palestinians have been killed in the city since wednesday. israel has conducted new daily rights in the west bank since the start of the gauze will often involving bull days,
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as i used to destroy the street. some of the infrastructure promising insight amounts to collective punishment. so let's bring in all the need who's in until cut them in the occupied westbank? it's hotter, it has be now. well over 24 hours since this raid on the refugee account began. tell us about what's been happening is actually 36 hours since the military 1st entered the refugee cab into cairo. and throughout the 36 hours, it has actually a beef its presence in the refugee camp. now we do know that the confrontations are still ongoing, that the army is still bad, doing doing house to a house searches it has detained a large number of people, local residents. we just booked 2 in the last house a half hour or so told us that actually a few had been released. but they were in such
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a bad condition from the beatings that they have to receive medical treatment. but elsewhere were also told that there few injured people who are laying on the ground one for at least 4 hours and the army is not allowing the paramedics to reach that person. now this is something that does happen in other reason, other refugee calves across the occupied west bag. but people are also talking about destruction to an infrastructure above doors. windows is buried up the road destroying the sewage system, destroying the electrical grid. and that really makes people wonder what exactly is the aim of the army inside the refugee gab the stated a is to go after gunman after a list of one demand. but the amount of this structure and the, and that, that leaves behind makes people wonder what is actually at, you know, if they're being pushed out of these refugee camps. yeah. why, why,
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particularly the focus on to cut them in the refugee camp the as well. the focus is on to carry a refugee camp camp as much as janine or for example, the ballasa refugee gov, near nablus because that's where you have a presence of armed palestinian resistance. and that is what officially the army says. it's going after. even though you speak to anyone, and they would tell you that the people that had been rounded up not only during this ongoing rate, but in the previous rates that happened, are not the old members of the resistance, not only members of high mazda, and sometimes it's just because someone showed some sort of solidarity for palestinians, those social media at one thing we hear over and over again by palestinians, not only here but all over the occupied west bank is that the mobile phone has
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become incriminating. whether they stop that check boys or doing grades, the soldiers look into those mobile phones. and if there's anything that don't like that's enough to be detained, but certainly the stated reason is to go off to the police didn't resistance. all right, hold on, leave there for that and thanks very much how the, how many the thank you now to a rep protest against israel's world garza and it set to take place until it be on thursday night organizes will be given a permit to hold the ready, so many demonstrations have previously been broken up by the police. let's get more in this with the rise of boy patty james is not from tel aviv so trades, and this is going to be instruct purchase simply because it's rather than to vote demonstrations a given a green light to proceed the, the well that suddenly the protest is going to expect it to start in about 2 hours or so. you know, it's a, it's not to your, it has how many people are going to attend. but it is expected to be the largest
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anti war protests to be taking place in these red, mostly caused by anti occupation people and also human rights organization. i think it has been authorized to proceed. however, a protest like this one have ended with arrests in the past. however, it is an example of the mounting pressure on prime minister being i mean, nothing. yeah. who here in israel, mostly from those, from the relatives of those have been taken captive 2 guys are also from the population and from the international community. also who's like to know what will happen in guys after the war. as of course, this type of protest that we're seeing that are happening on this day, there's also lots of pressure within the administration from the voiding coalition, from far right. ministers. and this is an example of how fragile the government is . we have seen, for example, on wednesday with medicines, going to guys that for the captive initially, the government of prime minister and nothing yahoo had agreed that those medicines were going to entering
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a truck and checked because of that request by how much. and then we saw how far right ministers started to complain and saying how this medicine who go going into the gaza strip without being checked. and something similar happened on tuesday with come by complains by 5 right? ministers complaining about is rarely forces withdrawing from subs. mary hasn't been rockets being long towards as well. so a moment of extreme fragility offer, administer benyamin, nothing. yahoo with his popularity going down. he's a forward rate is around 30 percent. this does not mean that people do not support the war. we have to be very, very clear about this. most of the population in this row supports the war. however, it is questioning his leadership and that's what we're seeing on the streets. we're seeing protest by the relatives of the captive who would like to see their loved ones. we turn from the government to do more to get them. we lease, we're also seeing protest by people who are protesting against nothing. yeah. we're not happy with what happened on october 7th for generating the biggest crisis
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security crisis in this world history, this people are calling for you elections to be held and also protest like the ones that are happening today. there are basically very, very clear. they want this warrants when they're calling for a cease fire, they have been authorized to take to the streets. are we going to be following this protesting to today? all right, or is it back with you? is that to proceed? so if the timing timeframe us through the, the, the 40 the warren, dogs or intentions in the occupied west bank and take a large total on small businesses in israel. the reading from a lack of the month and a short full of work has $350000.00 is really army reserve is to be mobilized for duty in tens of thousands of palestinian workers of just blogs from entering as well. for con has this report now from tennessee? yeah, here runs a new mexican restaurant in a 20 street in tel aviv bought less than a year of to hear this business. the will of garza become older, the government has promised support to small benches. he hasn't received anything
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loans that you need to have more than one need to see what your work before the previous years. and they give you the 1st and i don't have one use a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have the head. and then not the 4th we have here, this city or the for the a, the students and the many markets that put a date on to the, to the, as part of the new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that have brought out the funds during the war as a survey by the central bure. a statistics of november found $1.00 and $3.00 starts up businesses of close. this will remain open, reported significant losses. straight flight, vist intel of eva, fidelity made up of small businesses and some of the owners, which include resolve, sol, just tell us they feel neglected by the government and then the loss of business
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itself during the war. they also say the skeptical the new budget will fill the void. but many economists say the government's priorities all skewed as money follow to religious schools and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think let me pull it there, shows an economist and not understand that it's not enough to allocate $12000000000.00 for a sudden cause you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and finals it down and fund those. it quickly and as well, we do not appreciate enough small businesses. we look down at them. and that's a big, big mistake because these are the businesses actually drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's been a tv theater and children's entertain up a 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it
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started because the diary was full books. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's small stuff, but when you don't have money to buy food, you starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice. just stressed, you know, like, and i couldn't sleep. small business though. it is like my, it says it's the working costs and poor who bearing the economic costs of the war and the also being the cost and nor hon. i'll just narrow tel aviv for that price. again, some more and gods have been growing right around the world. citizens in many western countries, including the united states, are putting pressure on governments to stop supporting as well. this is footage from harvard university for a launch demonstration was held against the wall. this is back in november. the situation in gauze also created lot of controls. the within the hub is leading to
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the resignation of its president. something we're going to discuss all these things with melanie coming to us here in the studio. professor political science at harvard university. i great to have you with us again, melanie st. now back in november, you in more than 40000. i think other academic signed a petition coiled by doing integration to stop the war and goals that, that was back in november. what happened to it? what happened? well, clearly it didn't work. she didn't listen to us, but i sign this petition because i felt it was very fair minded express concern for violence against both is really jews and palestinians. and it called for an urgent immediate a ceasefire because we all recognize that there were atrocities being committed and palestinians were suffering in large numbers. and that this war was not going to meet. it stated goals. so and the more a crate to the lot of control the see within the open of how the university itself . and eventually, as i said, read to the resignation of the president quoting guy. what about that control was
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he tells a bit more about that and how well, oh no, you think the university how the university has? yeah, i mean, the controversy was offensively sparked because of a letter that a bunch of students produced, calling a blaming israel, a 100 percent for what happened. and that led to a series of events that are too complicated to go into. but basically what this did was invite a lot of extra and all forces into the university to target at. and so there's many factors involved here. certainly there are some who believe that there is rampant anti semitism on the harvard campus. others have used this as an excuse, frankly, a right wing group of politicians to try to exert control over harvard and other institutions, educational institutions, right. and how does that then affects academic freedom? i read it from your point of view when you, when you're teaching, when you're lecturing students, how does it impact you? do you have to take that into account? well, it is a major threat,
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and many of us are increasingly vocal about the need to respect core principles of academic freedom, even if you don't like what people are saying right now, of course, if people are calling for violence and threatening people, that's one thing. but we have to be very serious and dispassion about what is a call for violence and what is not a call for violence. and i think people have been weaponized saying some of what's going on to try to ban all kinds of speech related to palestine. and we should instead, as an academic institution, have a fact based calm this past it and respectful conversations about this class. and all those conversations happening, although they own going, they are actually happening. of course, they're not getting covered in the news. they are happening because they're not exciting news. but the stuff that gets covered are the tense moments and the deep, deep polarization, which is of course real. but we are having those conversations and we can have those corporate writing that there are many across american civil society of great
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number of express opposition to the genocide di dozer. and they faced all manner of privations from censorship to harassment. somebody who lost the jobs. yes, it sound like that in the free speech that's best in their free speech that america has refused to speak. yes, clearly free speech is a concept that can web can be weaponized and unfortunately, actually speaking out is not your job is not or protected class. so you actually can't, employers can fire people for saying things they don't like. it's not like race or gender or sexual orientation or something. uh that whether this is morally correct . that's another question and but certainly it is becoming extremely difficult for people to speak out on this question. although you are hearing more and more voices diverse voices on the question of israel house. right. and many i finally briefly, if you would, it's out questions was briefly, but you'll speciality is just conflict at conflicting gaza. what do you reckon?
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well it, there is just going to be to put it very mildly, extreme mistrust between people on different sides of this conflict. so at some point there has to be peace here because the fact is, jews and palestinians are going to live in this land. but i don't anticipate that happening any time soon. a fascinating to get your perspective, really appreciate it. melanie, thanks very much. indeed. many kind of profession political science at harvard university. thanks a lot. i think you know, a policy and student shelton into the, in the us state of the mountain nip and it says the gun been talking to him because his heritage, his um, our attorney and 2 of his friends were attacked by gunman. well, take a walk, show me where a black and white policy you can find stuff. he believes he was shot to ads because of what he called the systemic and dehumanize ation of palestinians. in the united states, the bullet struck his spine, leaving him paralyzed by seed and i were both wearing a little for you like the traditional,
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pulsing headscarf for variety of reasons. practically because it was really cold. but on a more like, you know, meaningful sense because that we felt as pulsing ins during this time period. it's important for us to show our identity and to show that we exist and that we're human. just walking along the street. you know, this man comes down the porch approaches us pulls out a pistol, it's definitely like something that's hard, but i takes all from the fact that i'm able to receive this care. it makes me think of like other people and goals are who, you know, have been disabled by like bombings and like they are not able to receive that are still a head here now. does aaron, north korea's nuclear ambitions miss need is recent. but think about that southern neighbor, talk the gender of a key meetings in south korea and support might as well as egypt, a targeting the 1st when she is after
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a couple of the highlight of the stone plants are gathering once again just around a bit of a plate pushing a little further north was into the southeast of pacific, save us with a system here. this is called them active, free to this one. and it will bring some really big down, pulls the south east and pops up as though some shallow simone showers when they don't show a brace, just coming into uruguay using towards the fox and northeast of uh, austin, texas. and what's the weather coming in here? i see the weather, not quite as extensive as we go on through friday, not quite as intense as well, but the show was never really too far away from rio. plenty a shout was across the amazon facing up towards the north west of south america. one of 2 shelves to into the caribbean, but i think this last you set fat good deal to try. fine. has sunny weather go to the showers will be across the eastern islands, but they will be fleeting in nature. so they will pass through plenty of sunshine in between,
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but because she wanted to shout creeping to jamaica as we go into friday. i mean, right, americans who are the top and inch, let southern parts of mexico sitting some with the weather along with northern areas of cuba. we got some wet weather, also making its way into pacific northwest of us, readily turning to snow. some it'd be down pools there, across the cascades, in particular, snow across central areas, over towards the legs and eventually into the northeast. the vague, i mean, the artificial intelligence has altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to you, the machine's trust is and not even as and develops and becomes more powerful. i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates
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a democracy or not just either. the latest news, as it breaks, rethinking control of the presence will likely help 12 this immediate emergency with detailed coverage. the war between the army and p. r. a sub has race of the largest displacement among children in the world that's making children on mobile levels to being recruited from around the world. the system in russia is beginning discharge some planes of fatigue. no one knows what the limits are with your ability. 8, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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how do i get you? what you, how does your mind? well, such stories processing in families in the southern city, rough morning, 16, including children that were killed in the latest round of his reading strikes. i went to say house was hit, whether it was seeking shelves, for as amounting that not so hospital in southern girls, it could be forced to shut down doctors without borders. say that israel is bombarding surrounding areas with no evacuation patients. the thousands of displays, palestinians in size of being forced to are ready army is killed, the palestinian and the 16th to cut them in the occupied westbank as it raised area for a 2nd day in a row. as well as conducted near the rates in the west. bank since the stone on casa took this. all right, let's have a look at some of the days of in use now. and iran has some and pucks tons, top diplomats in the country of to pack us down to air force. it targets and the rating problems of just on and pollute, just done in the early hours of thursday. right?
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it was hard to say at least 9 people were killed on tuesday, around carried out to an attack that killed 2 children in the village just on coffins impacts done. a tour on says it was targeting a sunni group, which it says carries out attacks inside iran. on the other hand is um about as long allegedly valid separately as groups have been launched. attacks on pakistan from inside iran come a height as more now from that you far above the district in the bleachers done problems of packing stuff, square and below just on providence. this is the country's largest province and competing an area of what they do. but then it is strategic, really important, but there is, of course, a conflict brewing and that they are both on the progress on each side as well as on the iranian side, the focused on a, uh, you said, drawn, go to strike target inside it on there and did it, did it, but they were careful enough to mention that the drones did not cross and create any an expert,
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but whatever to launch the stand off weapons with precision strike green, got it out again, deliberate, asian army, which focused on blame for killing it figured important and getting out the tags against buckets, i need to really on their end, on the other hand, the blame buckets on for harboring the digital are the group which they said was responsible for killing a dozen policeman on the air in the inside. now the chinese have stepped in and said that needs to be a d. s. collision there really intermediate, but they're just on is of extreme strategic importance of alludes to their bodies. you're not me, i get it out. the attack dog getting chinese interests and bucket done is read. and that of gods is of huge concern. it really be important to see whether the 2 countries renada dog, there's different, magically, or whether they've had a goal for the major escalation where it's squared of course have severe
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consequences for both countries come out of high the off and job sort of our district. but not just on the east african leaders are holding an emergency made in uganda to help diffuse tensions between somalia and e. c o. b as after if you, if you have reached the deal with some money line to gain access to the 4th of february in the red sea on january. the 1st, if you, if you have signed an agreement with somebody line, giving an access to 20 kilometers of 9 by the sea and allowing it to build a naval base in return. if you, if you would recognize the region of somebody land which is sold autonomy from smaller since 1991, some on every cold is ambassador from does of in protest. those jabbar is in the accounting capital of come paula and has the detail. according to the secretary general, the chairman of you got there is now great concern about the escalating intentions between uh, somalia and e. c o p. and that's why they've called this emergency meeting that is
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being hosted by the president of uganda. you very much have any of his presidential compounds in and take a about 50 kilometers from here at, but they're already problems with this meeting before they even sit down because not all parties involved are in attendance according to the foreign ministry statement issued by if you open officials there, there's been a scheduling conflict and they were not able to attend this meeting. and also there is a delegation here from somalia, but the somali foreign minister has also issued a statement saying that at before there's any kind of dialogue between somalia, ethiopia, there needs to be an understanding from the fuel pen side that they have now violated the sovereignty and an integrity of somalia, by going around the central government even over the shore and signing this memorandum of understanding with officials in small we learn so a lot of obstacles along the way and we expect some kind of communicate to be issued later on today. whether or not they will be able to achieve anything at this
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point remains to be seen as a prime minister, british prime minister wishes to not cuz cooled on the opera house of parliament to get on board and vote in favor of his controversial bill to send asylum seekers through wind, the bill passed by the house of commons, aims to stop legal challenges against the government plan. critics say the plan risks breaking international law. the tracy with rolanda resigned and the legislation, which seems reminder a safe country has been paused on, amended and are likes to change that there is now any one question. will the old position in the appointed house of lords try and frustrate the will of the people as expressed by the electorate house? oh, will they get on board and do the right thing? it's as simple as that. we have a plan and the plan is working. last year was the 1st year, the number of small boats arrivals went down. not just down by bit, down by the competitive crossings in the year before. and that's in the context of
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arrivals being up 80 percent and you are a type of the same period. public sector workers in northern i went to taking industrial action and what is being billed as regions? because striking history around a 170000 teachers, nurses, police stuff and civil servants from 16 different unions have been taken to the streets, the cooling from best to pay and working conditions general has more now from val thoughts. this is about, hey, so public sector workers here and it was knowledge you say they'd be left behind while their colleagues elsewhere in the united kingdom has fought for. and one pay increases over the past 2 years. and the face of high inflation and the cost of living prices. and i take a look behind with this is what i normally bustling city center looks like what 80 percent of your public sector workforce goes on strike. potentially the biggest strikes in northern ireland history and complicating matters it is northern ireland, off the rule. it's not just about the economy,
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it is about politics as well. political crisis, paralysis. the devolved government here hasn't sat since february 20, 22 and one side in power, sharing the democratic union. his party walked out, complaining about posts for exit trading arrangements. they didn't like, and since then there's really no government to offer these workers any pay increase . the government in london is done what it can to try and control the d. u. p. back stuck in the middle vote and increasingly angry public sector workers here in rhode island, no political solution on the horizon. there is however, a very substantial financial package. the incentive package on the table put the by the government investment stuff like last year. it was nearly $4000000000.00, hundreds of millions of dollars within that, specifically set aside to meet these pay times. but it's all being withheld by westminster until the day you see go back into the government, the d u p site. well, that's simply for the to go blackwell, and as a say,
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despite these efforts to control them back coat in the middle, they describe themselves as phones in the game nuclear invoice from the united states, japan and south korea have held towards them. so it discussed north chris growing military relationship with russia. units came reports now from so of the nuclear envoys of the us, japan and south korea. sit down and so and what's been a tense week on the korean peninsula and the policy address on monday, north korean leader kim dunn and declared the status of its new form. and the mean number one, south korea should be codified in the constitution and quote, subjugated and reclaimed in the event of war. proceeding it on sunday, the test firing of an intermediate, ballistic missile cling should be tipped with a hypersonic warhead. that coming as north korea, also known as the democratic people's republic of korea, or d, p r k, transitions. it's missiles to more difficult to detect solid fuel engine guard
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posts. and artillery had been put back along the demilitarized zone. but the pure case continued development of its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile programs, its transfer of ballistic missiles and other weapons to russia for use against ukraine. all of this demands our attention and coordinated action. as pinions tops diplomat choose on. he wrapped her moscow mission. this week, the kremlin said they're developing relations in all areas, including quotes sensitive ones, a reciprocal visit by russian president vladimir putin to north korea is being planned. the ministry in charge of it to korea and affairs here says more military agreements appear to have been agreed with his visit. so estimate some 5000 containers able to hold millions of artillery shells resend to russia. last year, washington says no. 3 and ballistic missiles are already being used by russian forces in ukraine. back on the peninsula,
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south korean president use on your maintains north korea's publications will be met in kind and many fold. but this north korea's scholar says there needs to be a shift. we'll go down to the types of what the, as a divided nation south korea is to turn power against the north is crucial, but the unit government needs a policy shift, the balance of deterrence and dialogue, maintaining diplomacy relying on the us alliance, but not neglecting cooperation. with china august, south korea, japan and the us take the north korea matter to a closed door. united nations security council session on thursday were all 3 are members this year? eunice, kim alda 0. so it's still a head here. now it's a 0 goes full, coming up, another team book a mess, fault and then looking at rounds of the asian talk, we got full action coming off the business, latest a sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination into by the business, latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in
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dubai. the right we're going to get onto this board now as on. thank you very much and nick wallace trailer. i have booked a spot in the knockout rounds of the asian cup here in cutoff. he's a sales qualification from a group be by beating syria chucks in our field, the one music. so you, for the soccer was to make it to ins, phone to australia, looking to lift the agent cop up for a 2nd time. having won it in 2015 post on will be will soon be back in action with the game against united arab emirates, palestine lost their opening groups, the match against iran for one. and the team has never won
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a match at the asian cup. you a began their tournament with the 31 victory over hong kong, and that's better than the most important lesson from the run game is that we have to start every match with complete focus. we lost concentration at the beginning of that game and then luckily it was against the run a strong team who could win this title. we have to be more determined and more mentally ready. a difficult game. not just to uh, because the quality of the opponent and the credit of the 6 of your opponent. but how we think they can to react after the losing the, the 1st game. and we can go live to do on a casual scale, who's outside the node stadium for us, joe, it wasn't this thought palestine had hoped for and the torment, what can we expect in this match as well?
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that's right. so no, yes. as we heard that from my come to groups, he's talking about the lack of concentration in that 1st game. they went down to 70 seconds into the match when they uh last to a run of form that they did get that very important goals and thomas say, i'm so we do have something to build on going into this game against the u. e, and joins now, by best to make that a, who is the found of football, palestine called the website that obviously does what it says on the the name and also contribute to fill out. is there a compressible would you see me teams coming in? how do you think policy and team is feeling about this not going to be late? yeah, i think they're feeling the pressure, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. you know, sometimes pressure helps you focus on the task at hand, and the people in support in general is about performing under pressure. and i think the, the general attitude in the cap is that these players want to show what policy new football is about. and really change the narrative about the probably 2 national team and they're on the record, i'd say a fee asian cops. we saw that goals in tennessee i'm. it was the 2nd goal and asian
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comp for the palestinian team. we mentioned earlier that's the, the team haven't been able to win an asian cop much so far in the history of, of the performances at this tournament. do you think about the like these happen tonight or perhaps in the next game? yeah, i do. i mean there's a human element to it as well, right? we're talking about this match, obviously with the background of the genocide that's happening in gaza. but i think this team in general, over the last 10 years has been on an upward trajectory. the 1st aging cup in australia they lost all 3 of their matches at the last agent cost in 2019 in the us . he didn't score gold, but they did get to 0. 0 draws. so you can see that upward trajectory, they have the monkey off their back is the 1st gold and 9 years now i imagine cops . so that's been taken care of. there were always going to be, you know, not under dogs outside or is against the wrong. i think you've got to try and say here against the you a, right, we still the, the, the, so the coach and, sorry, the captain of the policy and team has said, you know, the, you are, you use much more and all kind of a cloth as opposed to iran,
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which they knew that was going to be such a, such a difficult game against iran. what do we expect from the united arab emirates going into this game? yeah, that's correct. i think any time to our nation space and a competitive match, it's a derby and you're probably going to see very, very closely fault match for the u. r. e. i think it's quite obvious that the golden generation is over the gold generation that reached the semifinals in the 2015 asian cops that made it again to 75 on the 2019. that was in a world cup play off against destroyer. uh, not too long ago, but this is a completely new side. uh, even having a pool, which is a veteran of the sides that i mentioned to was it on you substitute against hong kong that match against don't call me. you know, i wasn't so convinced to penalty coles, and that was only after vara had intervened and managed to score on them, and they even had a goal rolled out later on. so, you know, if we're talking about a world cup qualifier, we don't have this technology to be that game is $11.00 without the intervention of uh, the bar. i just really quickly prediction for this game. i think it could be
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a good match. and um, i don't want to predict that it needs to be a good, well thought match. and the best team is going to write best with daddy from supervisor assign dot com. thank you very much. so as you had that up, it's going to be a place game this much kicks off in just one to 2 hours time. i will bring your report once it's finished. i do on that as well as collide from alden new stadium at a locker. thank you very much for the well, the seller's agent team take on gun out in the ask a couple of nations that later on a penalty from salo rescued a point for egypt in their opening game. a guest was on big gun are looking to hit back from a to on the feet against cape verde. the result extended there when this run at the tournament, up to 5 matches football coaches in gonna say an increasing number of people with disabilities are getting involved in the game. it follows the reason victories of the national and p t team. as malcolm lab reports every day,
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as soon as 9 year old opt out of to rosa finishes school, he says about making his dream come true. he wants to play for gone is national side to 2 months ago when the football comp, the 1st have a african power games here and across my disability is not an inability. i have great passion for football and my dream is to play for the gun and national m p t team on level pool in the future. i never missed training sessions and i combine this with my education dollars. daily training routine is tough to be pulled with one leg the place with a team of boys who have to on the national team. all the players use crutches except the goalie in line with the international rules. if want to continental tournaments and made several well, couple appearances in recent years and getting people watching. if i'm reading this
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for us who wants to enjoy forgotten opportune us 19 is to get more police on board . pick them up with the police from the street, bring them and print them to disperse, so they can become for 1st annapolis. so gonna con, reading more so if you for the country the managers have, have many more players to choose from. since the national league was founded 5 years ago. but politics plays a role. the comment and team were expelled from last year as well. copying tech here because of an administrative dispute. play is also a complaint of conflict on the funding. none of that because of data besides who keeps the training. so one day we can play for his country, malcolm web houses, era or, or as 10 as well, number one, a just wanted to escape that with a narrow victory to reach the 3rd round of the australian open off the winning the 1st set, the ponies plan last, the 2nd to americans, danielle collins, and full time grass time champion, then riley that from for one down and the decide that she won 5 games in
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a row to take the 3rd set to end the match. while i take it, what next face it checks the linda most global wimbledon champion, carlos outside, it was forced to call on old his tricks to get past it. till is lorenzo san diego. the spaniards eventually close out the match in the full set to tie break, and cutoff is a meant to win this title for the 1st time. still only 20. this was, he's $200.00 top level and that and alexander's bab needed 5 says to be it still lucky and qualified lucas klein, the succeed winning a much that last the 4 and a half hours. and that's when we will have more for you later on, including the latest from the asian cup and the couple of nations nick sought out. we'll see you later. look forward to that. so that's it for this, these up. i will be back with more news in just
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a couple of minutes. perhaps we'll see you then. the the latest news as it breaks. i don't really is. remember the i'm not seen on restoring national, in unity with fearless journalism. these people, copying shop drawings, just came from the relentless bombardment from the hall to the story. many people borne along the tube open for a meal. over a crowd at cannes unlimited. age. many are left with desperate need the groundbreaking films from award winning filmmaker. watch. listen. witness.
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on out as here. this is in region that is last week we develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflict. police collapse. we try to balance the stories, the good, the bad. i've been asking the people allow us into their lives, they get into money. see, as you tell this story is a, we look at the world's top display stories from global markets to economies and a small business sales force and including security around the world. if there's something that the international community, your view should be doing to understand how it affects counting the cost on o g 0 the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the of the clock. this is a news on life and coming up in the next 60 minutes is rarely strikes. pounds, southern guns was tell us to use more than 16 people killed and attacked


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