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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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i want to be one of them connect to our community and tapped into conversations you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy, deep human noise. this is all i want to go into. you know, this to happen to next thing is the stream on out to 0. the it is rarely strikes town, the southern dogs risk, the policy is more than 16 people killed and attacks on residential area the on the drug. this is out 0 life in the home. and the so coming up is ready for us has continued to rachel, got them in the occupied westbank for a 2nd day. a 7 more palestinians are killed, small businesses, and as it is rather facing huge losses that'd be forced to close this, warren jones of drain,
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some of the workers and customs intentions rises puckered on his targets. and we're trying to retrieve air strikes against the wrong. can you please 9? so at least 16 people have been killed. and even though i just read the strikes on the city of reference, southern gaza, women and children are among those killed in a series of attacks on residential housing blogs. i think let me begin coverage. this boy is in shock. his family's home was a struck by is really showing along with others east of the city of rough and southern guns and dozens of people were killed. among so much a tragedy, the cries of the baby rescued a live of from under rubble. but is really
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a tax of wiping out entire family. stuff that's been in our house was from that don't my brother, his wife and 3 children have been killed. we don't know why they foamed us. that's it. they pump the children for 3 full and 5 years old. the, the grief of having to vary loved one too much. this way it's going to traumatize rather than to from northern dog, were ordered by these really military to move further south to avoid being bomb. only to get killed within weeks and sometimes within days of their arrival, more than a 1000000 people filtering and rough, i think they would most sealing on say, friend, forgotten as the war continues and most of the them to come out of the families of most of the columbia level in the summer and those i'm actually world killed. a lot
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of children were killed to 7 months pregnant wife of most of those killed along with her unborn child. what can we do? where can we go? if it's not really god, this is our last distress to save us level of rescue on february, the specialist will like a quick funeral prayer for the depth than the bodies of young and old are carefully stacked on top of each other for what will be their final journey honey, my mode. i was just wondering, garza let square live now to reference. i've been going to charge, i resumed standing by and tired. so he's rather than pays the black out for the last 7 days. no phone, no into that. no communications what's being the reaction to the yes completely, a full black house of communication is from the internet services inside of the
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territory due to the use very wide screen military offensive of the gaza strip that destroyed the allstate of communication towers on as old technical efforts made by the internet company is attending invitations. also, companies inside the gauze is checked till now failed to return on to reconnect. will be destroyed, rawlings due to the unwilling success of attacks, committed by his that inside the territory of the situation is completely dialed the ground. does medical watches the pool and everyone in decide inside the cost of a highly effective bodies that also only commercial banking services have been widely affects to to do to this, it could be couple of such services inside jonathan, how people still not no longer able to communicate some contact with each other, they cannot use a full the emptiness at the bit. as the minister tells you, full bunch of points about the location of targeting resulted by the mandatory
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strikes. christ causes stress. this is due to the full absence of to be communication, fun to know if it's a possible means of communication did not return as the telecommunication companies are doing the tests in order to repair the jump. is that what is what your forces are preventing some of the you seems to reach to the areas of the damage due to the their operations and such areas as well is the scaling of the ministry attacks that'd be brought into just in the south, especially in front eunice, and also in the middle of the needs of the territory. so it's hard to tell us about that. scaling warming continues. will tell us about the latest strikes. yes or the strikes, you claim the lives of residents. and they've got to raise a from the north to the south now starting to start with the north of the territory where the value of refuge account had been widely piece by these,
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by the author to read this area that had sent a full military confrontation in the beginning of this, ronda fighting guns again. it has been touched by the arts and re on it. but all stations, of course, the outskirts of the camp, but also the outskirts of the gauze. borders alongside with ongoing ministry up abutment of the metal areas where the civil services managed to pull from under the ruffles was on 20 pounds. the city of, uh, being killed in separate as flags that had been a, carry out just during the past few hours, which is what mentioning that uh, there are some areas that appearances and medical workers cannot reach you due to the uh, to frontier actions to the tax, but dues being bullied from under the ripples have been transported to the hospital in order to be handed over to their relatives later to be buried and got the symmetries as the ministry attacks as well. in the south and con,
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you just did not stop as a 19 pounds thieves have been killed since the hours of the morning as full residential neighborhoods in these areas of the past few hours has completely reduced to the russell and the ongoing miniature offensive in the summer costs of the territory. all right, that's a pitcher and does a charge every day. and thanks for that update. thank you. well, palestinians in solving to also says cemetery has been desecrated by is ready, forces is located in the con eunice area, just south of nasa hospital i, when a society is rarely sold, has expired as long buried bodies and leaving them scots, it on the ground. people who live in the area say homes and scott and schools have also being targeted in recent days. the, the, the, i was surprised last night with the amount of rockets and shelves that hits us. it was truly massive. we were surprised because the tanks next was kept firing on the plains and rockets around just as well. look at the graves. how are they on us? some of the houses over that people have less women floods with all that have scar
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. they didn't know where they were going. oh, look at the graves. you can see people call supper for last well fears and mounting the national hospital and con eunice and southern guns. it could be forced to shots at any moment due to his reading strikes nearby, the a group doctors without borders which is working at the hospital. so c is ready, ministry is bombarding surrounding areas with no prior evacuation. it says patients and thousands of displaced palestinian seeking shelter inside have been forced to flee in panic. nicer as girls as big as hospital and is one of the few ones still hotly, functionally. so to amber, alan is a debt to program manager for doctors without borders. and she says the situation inside that's the hospital has become unbearable. we've been seeing it as a degradation of the situation and us over the last several weeks, we've had to have only reduced our our work there, for example, since december. but over the last couple of days. yes. as you, as you just said,
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i have been bombings, very heavily, a very, very heavy bodies. bombings near the compound near in us, or even 2 days ago without any evacuation order causing thousands of people to flee, including staff and panicked. the patients and people who were displaced there in the hospital, there was also an air strike through the, on the 15th. that was around a 150 meters from the hospital that killed 8 people and wounded 80. the situation is becoming unbearable. there are the population is squatting or, or sheltering in the hospital because they don't feel safe anywhere else. and when the, when that population order feel safe in the hospital it's, it's an indicator for us that the, that the situation for the hospital is becoming untenable. are our staff has been working there it tirelessly about time so it just continues safe for 3 months and they're exhausted and we have
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a surgical team doing $8.00 to $10.00 burn surgeries per day. they would love to do more. um, but there's no space in the hospital. we can't when there are mass casualties of people who were injured nearby, who were brought in. and it's is your prank bodies stacked on bodies who arrive in the emergency room to complete chaos. and there's just not enough space to do all the surgeries that are necessary and the types of surgeries that are necessary as patients are either immediately injured or people who've been sitting with wounds for weeks and weeks. those types of procedures needs to be done in safe environments and there needs to be space for those patients to be able to, to, to, to, to convalesce after the surgery. and that's just not the situation though. so right now where is it was 3 months ago, it's a red protest against israel's war on dogs was taking place in tel aviv organizes have been given a permit to hold the running. so many demonstrations have previously been broken up by the police at let's get more in this way. that's res. but we joins black,
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not from television, except for trace of people are beginning to gather the well, that's correct. i'm here in the center of what i've started to gather to carry out this protest against the war. people that carrying banners saying that only the fees would ring secuity against the war. also requesting the release all sort of the captains that are currently being held in guys at least from the test that has been authorized on my previous one. you've seen that many of those protests have ended with arrest. we're not far away from where i am. we can see some of these rather security forces, however, than just want to point the situation on the ground. this is just an example of the mounting pressure. our prime minister brand new me nothing. yeah, we're seeing that the relatives of those who have been taken captive in gaza have taken to the street on this things. we're seeing folks just like this one against the war. and guys,
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i noticed when people were protesting against the mid or shipple bangs, you mean nothing. yeah, here it is. well, on joining me live now, here it is. i don't the green, she's one of the organizers on know, best protest. so i don't need tell me what are you hoping to achieve when i would have proof of like this one? do you think anyone in just one of the government is ready to listen to what you have to say? we cannot take responsibility, responsibility for the deeds and act. so these really government, since it's the most extreme government we ever had in israel, and the only care about preserving the states and their power. but we are trying to achieve an expense and all of our employees. so calling for seeds, fire for trying to create a spacing, these really society saying that this 4 will nothing but more death and hatred and destruction. the only way to achieve safety is flaws, and to achieve also lice the by going for ceasefire agreement and going so he's rarely thought of seen you in peace on june. now we have seen that is where the
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society has. we need to find out about what's happening in god, protesting against the government, but not for a feast. would you like what do you think this is something that we look around? we are growing the movement that cause for a cease fire and for these very policy and piece instead of the wars and more to patient and more military control over millions of policy in this movement is growing. people understand that there's no sense. there's no common sense in consoling millions of people that are not a citizen, somebody's red, but are controlled by these really. i mean, this does not bring us security. these does not bring a safety. we understand that if we are to have these things to have safety for us for a family, it's only by ending the occupation ending the sport and, and saving is very part of cnbc. thank you very much. ending the war and ending the occupation. that's what people here are telling us us, you know, we're seeing this, the pressure on it's rough, prime minister, benjamin nothing yet. one told us like this one has started to grow in the past
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week. you know, we saw before the thousands and thousands of people protesting against an attempt to refer me to the issue i read in x, y, and however, that change after the 7th attack. so people remaining united and silence in a way to what had happened in this country was that something that started to chase people now are on the streets of protesting against the war. we've seen people protesting against the governmental benjamin doesn't. yeah, that doesn't mean that most people in the, as well does not toward most of them do. but this is just questioning in a way she's leadership. and for many, this type of role tech is a sign that things have started to change towards the thing. so that said through, as with the intel of eve, a still head hearing out 0, thousands of people evacuated from the area around a volcano, and it was an easy, funnily, at least 40 eruptions in the last few days. the
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3 years in and joe biden, faces little competition from within the democratic party, despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as before, mallets these of the nomination concepts begin does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 years. us election 2024 on elsa's, the hard hitting intervenes as a un ambassador position given to you. bible does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything, thought provoking ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe in the security council. this is something they just don't think, look, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era i have the right, the boy costs any, what i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen
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and blessed us because we protect israel. i want to continue. do you want to state level all that i can to support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. more about the issue i'm looking for somebody gainfully talked to in quote, on which is 0. the the other guy you're watching out there are many of us have stories and policy and families in the southern city. rough morning, 16 people including children who were killed in the latest round with registrants. i would say a house where they what seeking shelter was phase and mounting the not so hospital in southern guns. it could be for us to shut down doctors without borders. israel
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has bombarding surrounding areas with no evacuation warnings, patients and thousands of displaced palestinians inside being forced fleet is really ami is killed, a palestinian in the occupied westbank is it expands as raids in the chart tree. he was shot dead in told cut them where the ministry is coming out, the rate for 2nd day at least 7 policies in killed in the city since wednesday. is relatives conducted almost daily rates in the west bank since the start of the gauze full. how do i know how much is in to cut them refugee camp and has more and what's happening? the, it is actually 36 hours since the military 1st entered the refugee camp into cairo. and throughout the 36 hours, it has actually a beef its presence in the refugee camp. now we do know that the confrontations are still ongoing, that the army is still bad. going, doing house to a house,
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searches it has detained a large number of people, local residents. we just booked you a told us that actually a few had been released, but they were in such a bad condition from the beatings that they had to receive medical treatment. but elsewhere were also told that they have few injured people who are laying on the ground one for at least 4 hours. and the army is not allowing the paramedics to reach that person. now this is something that does happen in other reason, other refugee calves across the occupied west bag. but people are also talking about destruction to an infrastructure above doors will do is just tearing up the road, destroying the sewage system, just destroying the electrical grid. and that really makes people wonder what exactly is the aim of the army inside the refugee gab the stated a is to go after gun man after
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a list of wanted man. but the amount of this structure and the, and that it leaves behind makes people wonder what is actually at, you know, if they're being pushed out of these refugee camps. where the war on dogs or intentions in the occupied westbank could take a large toland, small businesses in israel, their relating from a lack of dom onto the shore full of workers, and tens of thousands of palestinian workers off the block from entering israel. laura con has this report now from tel aviv, a yeah, here runs a new mexican restaurant in a 20 street in tel aviv bought less than a year of to hear this business. the will of garza become older, the government has promised support to small benches. he hasn't received anything loans that you need to have more than one need to see what your work before the previous years. and they give you the person and i don't have one use
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a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have the head. and then not one of the foot we have here was city or the for the a, the students and the many markets that for the day them to the, to the, as part of a new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that are brought out to funds during the war. as a survey by the central bureau of statistics in november found one and 3 stall top businesses of clothes. those will remain open reported significant losses. straight flight, vist intel of ava only made up of small businesses and some of the own us which includes reserves. so just tell us they feel neglected by the government and then the loss of business itself during the war. they also say the skeptical the new budget will fill the void box. many economists say the government's priorities all
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skewed as money follow to religious schools and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think let me pull it there, shows an economist and not understand that it's not enough to allocate $12000000000.00 for a sudden cause you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and finals it down and photos it quickly in this room, we do not appreciate enough small businesses. we look down at them. and that's a big, big, big mistake because these are the businesses actually drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's been a tv theater and children's entertain a for 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it started because the diary was full books. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's small stuff,
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but when you don't have money to buy food, you're starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice. just stressed, you know, like, and i couldn't sleep. small businesses, like maya says, it's the working costs and people who are bearing the economic costs of the war. and the also being acosta and laura han, i'll just sarah tel aviv the wrong and some and pug of stones topped diplomats in the country off the pack of stones that forced card opportunity 3 strikes and the reading problems. this is done. and blitz has done a range and authority say at least 9 people killed. somebody has long alleged the pollution separate to scripts. i mean launching attacks on impacts done from inside or on. on tuesday, around carry down to the attack, the killed 2 children and bleach has done provence in pakistan to or on says it was
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targeting a city group. come all high that has more not from jeff or about the district in the bleached on blue, just on presence of pocket stuff. a weird and below just on bravo. and this is the country's largest proven encompassing an area of 42 percent. it is strategically important, but there is, of course, a conflict growing in this area, both on the pockets on each side as well as on the iranian side of august on the throne. go to strike targets incited on here and go to. but they were careful enough to mention that the drones did not cross in 3 at any an expert, but were able to launch this band of weapons with precision strike being counted out again, deliberate, asian army, which focused on blame for killing. if the guard reported and getting out the tags against buckets, i need to really and didn't. and on the other hand, the blame buckets on for harboring the digital are the group which they said was
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responsible for killing a dozen policeman on the indian side. now the chinese have stepped in and said that needs to be a d s. collision, they're really intermediate, but they're just on is of extreme strategic importance of alludes to their bodies. you're nom, it has got a dog attacks dog getting chinese interests and bucket done is read. and that of god's is of huge concern. it really be important to see whether the 2 countries renada dog, there's different, magically, all whether david golf or the major that's collision where it's good of course, have severe consequences for both countries come out of high the day at all. and job sort of our district below, just on to indian, easy way more than 6300 people have been evacuated from the homes on the floor, as is due to increased activity from a volcano. as jessica washington reports now from east for us. this is
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mountain which will be lucky, lucky rumbling of the eastern flores and sending up dense plumes of hot ash from its crater. since late december clouds. as high as 1500 matches the flow of lava has increased in recent days. the mountain has 2 peaks, but only one is erupt, doing us up in a mattress to continue with. the term is and no frequency that's quakes. this means the movement of magma to the surface is very intense. this can be seen from the launching of lava in the northeast of the one channel that they've done collier, those residents in nearby villages us the evacuation centers. this group has been sleeping in a classroom since the beginning of the year. we've got a month on level, we have enough food here, but my children are starting to get health problems. they have fever, obviously that maybe because the sleeping on the floor and because of the volcanic ash, those people in this area work in farming or fishing the local government, since the options are affecting people's livelihoods,
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that safety has to come fast enough. so sometimes we keep publishing information so people can understand the impact of the russian is not just dust, but also pyro caustic, florida. that pirate plastic flow travels fast, and it's made up of gas, ash, and fragments of rock. the authorities say people must stay around 5 kilometers away from the center of the options. and they say there's also a risk of cold love of flooding if heavy rain full because we're traveling through the village of nobel in authority save this is within the danger zone. with joining them on petrol as they tried to find residents who haven't evacuated, but some residents have refused to leave the homes and farm animals. while this is the code in the beginning, yes, i was afraid, but now i'm used to the rumbling meaningful data from different authorities warned against such complacency, saying the dangers are constantly evolving as the russians continue after the,
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the villages in the policy of the law of a slow and volcanic ash, it's very important for people to leave this area before this latest round default kind of activity. the last recorded eruption at the mouth level, toby lucky, lucky was more than 20 years ago. right now, the volcano is on indonesia is highest and lowest of possible eruption. jessica washington to 0 east flores, indonesia. that explosion of the fireworks factor in thailand is killed at least 23 people. the bloss happens to pump the province in the town about a 120 kilometers north of bank called, please say they have found no survivors. prime ministers, offices, or just an investigation. in ecuador police have rated a prison with drug traffickers. i believe to operate on forces lawrence to secure the operation in the glad keela prison. ecuador had suffered a recent bus to violence across the country, including some 200 prison stuff,
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being taken hostage. the operation is part of a 60 date state of emergency. it does it for me and the clock inside story is coming up. i'll be back in about half now with another user. we'll see you then the the hello. we've got a little more cloud. it's just around the gulf at the moment. you see this line of cloud here. can we have a fab nights as a child? so one or 2 spots that bite, but nothing too much to speak of. what to whether on the other side of the golf and i just making his way into westman southern, paused all around as we go through friday. so quite a brisk breeze blowing down the golf other. no fish generally try be plenty of sunshine. i just noticed one or 2 showers just around the southern end of the red sea, pushed by the north and we got a few showers in kentucky
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a. but for the use the side of the made, it should be long as you try. as we go through the next couple of days, you can see the west of weather adjust to the north, a cypress. would you like his wife by the east? which makes way for the next system? actually, i will bring some very wet weather in across the bus with fabulous snow that on the northern side, the wind is coming in from a southerly direction. so are the consolation i can offer is that it's at least on the miles side and that to mount solely pulling out of the north of africa. scirocco window is known as 26 celsius there. and tripoli. so wet weather, just around the world in the rock, stretching its way into the far north of algae or with just the mediterranean coast over the next couple of days. lots of north africa and lots of west africa staying dry. we've got some dry weather now coming into south africa, but the rain really gathering for mason b as in bob way. the, the latest news, as it breaks, read, taking control of the prisons will likely help. well,
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this immediate emergency with detailed coverage, the war between the army and the rest has race of the largest displacement among children in the world that's making children and then move on level to being recruited from around the world. the system in russia is beginning discharge some planes of fatigue. no one knows what the limits are with your ability. 8 the clock a san county is out strikes inside yvonne as long as long says it's in retaliation to attacks and by paid off inside this country. those nations say that housing separate us groups, what might the consequences fee and can they be contained? this is inside story, the .


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