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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the end of the life is where the building and gaza, which kills 25 palestinians. hospitals are full of injured people, the phillips and around and what you know,
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just their lives will headquarters here in the halls that are coming up. they want them to bend down and execute them, the killed them. all. testimonies from palestinians and calls or keys is really all we have committing will crimes, mores across the occupied west bank. and all confrontations between is very full asses and palestinians. also thousands of people in yemen, protest against us as price on that country. the city rebels claim a numerous solid tucked against americans and ships in the gulf of aging. the look into the problem. we begin in goals of what is really get touch on different parts of the strip have killed at least 25 people. the continuous strikes are killed at least 13 palestinians, and the southern city of con eunice, israel's army as deployed additional full states in the cities and button,
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as i mean at the us in dollars a city. so the 12 people have been killed during his, riley's israel, relentless, forming the speak to honey in my food, who's in rough uh, in uh, southern gauze for us and honey. one thing we have been keeping an eye out for has been this continuous black house of communication. it's very difficult for the emergency services to get to people. if they can't receive that emergency call and most like for people across the street, you can't keep in touch with the relatives. the yes indeed on it have slowed down the, the process of getting a to see it merely 1900000 displaced palestinians in the southern parts or desperate searching for for safety and for supplies just to keep them as surviving. this blackout has caused
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a great deal of negative impact. brother is psychological trauma and people who have family members and relatives and loved ones are still in the gaza city and northern part of the gaza strip out unable to reach out to them unable to contact them. and leaving them in total on certain indeed they're not know anything about their faith. and it just has been very difficult for them to sort this out for the 8th day in a row as renewed mazda of your strikes continued to pound the northern part on gauze us it before the past 2 days as the is really military on now, is it's re deployment of the, of the army and the invading forces at different access of the northern parts and gauze, and city and targeting remaining a residential buildings in western gauze as they were more people reported skilled and injuries to ship a hospital bed on top of that it also imputing the work of civil defense, the crew on the ground as well as permits,
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an ambulance to find it very difficult to identify the location of targeted areas get there on time. and it helped those who might have to revive these relentless se attacks as that from the past 2 days. the 17th and 18th of january, they were not able to get through areas in the central part of the gospel, merely the 2 refugees can densely populated refugee examined the central air and the rays only are the hours of this morning work at where they were able to get to those areas and to only find a uh, a 29 bodies under the rebels were removed as a result of these ongoing bombardment. that's how totally blackout is causing it to palestinians. the, the psychological and the trauma on. know that more than $1.00 a display palestinians, and also eating the worst much needed a teams on the ground either the, the civil defense,
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the crew or 8 workers. and the respond 1st responders on the ground. honey, my move that for is that in rough is up and also thank you. he's very forces have rated several villages across the occupied westbank plus he's being reported between the army and palestinians and the village of viet civic in nablus is right . the soldiers also sold villages in cost to him to boss cuz p a and others near ramallah is ready for the withdrawal to the could. and then maybe 44 hours sounds. the palestinians are trapped in the homes during the raid. at least 8 people killed and dozens more injured. human rights organizations are gathering testimonies from palestinians in gaza. say there's increasing evidence of bull crimes being committed by these really all me. i'll just say what has obtained exclusive pictures and to witness accounts for members of one family. they say at
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least 19 civilians executed buys very soldiers on december. the 19th child strength it has mold. we do warn you that some of the images in his report are distressing. the ruins have gone to city destruction. dex. sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the more accuse ations of all claims committed by these really all me. of the stairs lead to an apartment of a family home bullet cartridges, broken abandoned belongings, walls and floors covered in blood all day. can never forget
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the vip zillow. fox was tanks and builders is surrounded. the building shells had been hay in the building for days. the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december is rarely soldiers entered the building. they smashed in our apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians, flats, enrollment of the notion of the money and my they took him to another apartment. i folded them pleading with them to let him go because we were all civilians from the window members of the resistance. you know, the whole grass numbers up for long. yeah. and the color didn't, they beat me and my daughter's, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made a strip, they searched just insulting us and using the most terrible words, they took our names and filmed us. we may go to the store, was massy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they own them to bend down and execute them. they killed them. all these pictures
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obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events, almost a describes the bodies of main entry holes the bullets in the back. oh my laptop, the bad, the color, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings had been carried out, show started teaching the building again. a sion faced, exhausted and scared. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in the family shelters in a dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to eat. at the law as the hand, when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they
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kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed. now that was hit, she made some self noises. she ask for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and next to my sister tried to carry the body, but she fell from her arms at the door. not his eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to have to show, to show a young family broken by the heart of these riley armies, killing and destruction in the gulf of strip and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure. child stuff, which is 0 not much. i don't is chief of the programs on communications that to
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euro mediterranean human rights monitor. he says, the killings, all systematic. we believe the idea has dropped restrained in its conduct in gaza, enabling soldiers to confidently conduct these atrocities without fear of accountability . which is why we're seeing them in multiple neighborhoods and parts of the gaza strip. because we feel that the idea of soldiers on the ground have a sense of impunity, that they can do these kind of atrocious ex without any sort of accountability or investigation afterwards. so, so just would storm a school elect, a school chevy of west atlanta, north of casa, and the motor developed or excluded about 9 civilians hiding in the school. just arbitrarily. in other incidents we identified incidentally, people, people who have answer hi emerge or dementia killed in their homes, oil or wine walking to see if a hospital on a designated road that the idea instructed them to walk on when they forced them
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out of their homes. so we were not having any doubt that these individuals constituted a stripped or a danger, particularly the nature of the incidents where they were killed, killed in an open street from a safe distance called idea of soldiers. there was recently a footage of a mother with her child trying to flee in a group of people raising wives, flex both the mother and the child. and she was shot on camera that the incident was from november, but we received us, which is only a few days ago about thousands of people in yemen and marching in the northern city of san die in protest. us, i'm british and strong against the who things crowns are also conducting israel's war and concept encoding for c 50. so it's being talked and you have any invite to decency on group down to talking vessels in the red sea. it says a link to israel on thursday and he's the officials said they targeted an american ship. i know for the area that will go out and it was up. the naval forces of the
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many forces carried down to tugs at the opperation against an american ship and the gulf of aiden with several appropriate naval ms. silas, resulting in direct hits. even the forces consumed. that's a retaliation to the american. and british, a text is inevitable and that any new aggression will not go unpunished. you have any um, forces consumed that navigation traffic and the error of and read sees will continue to oldest the nations around the world except for the ports of occupied palestine. and the block of his writing navigation, all those heating supports of occupied palestine will continue until the si, fi is achieved. m a c is listed in the gaza strip. the, the bulk as well as national security council is meeting in the capital to discuss
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the rising tensions with iran on thursday as well. i'm about coming down to tax games. what it says with bases of a below to separate his group in iran, at least 9 people, including women and children, were killed. so that, so after 2 people died in the rainy and strikes and focus on the look just on prevents on tuesday to her on says that it was talking and group fighting for the rights of the cindy minority inside iran. as i've been job, it is in the pocket study capitalism about that with the very latest. uh no. somebody has to be said, the prime minister control to visit, to the world economic forum in davos to deal with these strikes. and they're supposed to be a security meeting happening right now. so what can we expect of the word expecting these 2 very important meetings with the national security council event as the front of the cabinet to discuss the full out of what has been happening in the southern part of the country, the province of religious funding. this fund limited funds are from them areas both
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for yvonne unplug it on the proxy, the line to book and these have been operating, forgive though, and they have been very, they've been carrying out different types of tax against each other. but this is unusual as both of these military have been involved this time around using a ballistic messiah of drones and heavy munitions against. she said, but in the last 24 hours, things seemed to have come down. and there'll be no more to talk by. i decide to be more diplomatic messaging from both ends that i sent her on this saying that if it is looking forward to containing the situation, it is a move in maintaining a good relation to the parts assigned. but it is going to go after what it calls terrorist and similar statements from parts of funds as well. so be expecting the prime minister to add his cabin to a, to focus more on how to come out of this diplomatically how to develop. but lines of communication between the 2 countries that already exist, the strength of them for the so they can go off to what they called total risk groups. but again, there is
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a final assembly and tending of the business underlying message here from iran is that it can go after what it calls terrace, and people aligned to its enemies in iraq and syria inbox, as on the people here and is all about, feel the need for the miscalculation that they have on file because anything that happens on so i can find me 12 bucks on the before through without use again and take the solve the, the pocket, sony prime minister, is in fact and into in prime minister pocket starting heads to the poles, and he's when he just holding the 4th until that and so it's actually happens. but when one does, how much is hands are tied when it comes to either minutes? we escalation or retaliation it diplomatically, even if it is requires in the coming days as well. it, it does appear that way that this is a prime minister who is in power just to conduct the business of the state. carry out fear in the elections, which many have caused on hearing by the fund and then pass on the box. but he does
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the preside if he's the prime minister of a new p, a state. there is a foreign policy on a security policy in place. he does have those clear guidelines on what the rules of engagement um and what are the red lines for any of these uh, if they escalate any further. but from the people who we be speaking to here at the far enough, is it the minutes you have it appears that what they think yvonne was trying to achieve was the signaling. but just for pocket fun, but for it's and it needs an allies beyond focused on and further field has been and that seems to have not helps. and the impact that you're on was looking for. but they insist here in focus on the, especially the people in the car, the power, the focused on sovereignty and territory, the deck with the red line. and anybody crossing it will be met with full force or something. been job with that force in the pocket starting capital. thank you. so head here on off, is there a place storm and major prison in that quit of the think government steps of his cracked up on rising,
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gained by the exploring diverse culture exciting political discourse. exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations, the get compelling insights into humanitarian folds and untold stories from asia or in the pacific one. 0 one east on how to 0. what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fact was what happened as independent. we won't be so we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in different
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countries policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. know 1000 service at this point, but then you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust a few months out of the community, off to the side. the cool that used to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the the book about to what you'll just bear with me. so rom, and in the reminder of all the top stories, israel's continue assess price of killed at least $25.00 pounds of studies across the gulf strip. devolving baby talk to the residential areas of the southern city
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of tom, eunice and garza city. is there any falls is conducted rides, and several villages across the occupied west bank. the ripples of financing between these rarely all man, how experience in the village of pitts today in novels and thousands of people in the admin that'd be marching in the northern city of santa and to protest to us. i'm pretty satisfied against the hoot these on thursday uranium, but groups at the site, the tax or us ship in the gulf of agents. a dozen times came us to the us, lowest of a series of as strong as against the group. last, despite washington acknowledging it, strikes have failed to stop who the fault is attacking red sea shipping. island fisher explains america and just partners are stepping up attacks and yemen insist it has successfully targeted the missile launch sites. but from the president, a stock, perhaps even
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a shocking mission. it's doing little good. the the who these have been targeting international shipping in the red sea since november. our response the claim to israel's warning guys. but many of the targets have no link to israel or the us and the bite. the administration has been worried about a why the original conflict spilling out of gas. it was several attacks in the last few days. a pentagon spokesman denied they were no fighting a new war. we don't seek a regional conflict. we don't want to see a regional conflict, and we certainly don't want what's happening in gaza to spill out into a larger regional or wider scale war. the who sees leader says the us led to tax a direct assault on the people of yemen. and he says he considers it on on a to be in direct confrontation with alex and the medi cal would be a bonnie, the issue that america and britain have joined the war directly. and then we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british, and is really,
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does not scare us at all elsewhere, the us is once again reiterated. it sees a 2 state solution as long term answer in the region, preempting comments by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially ruling out the idea of well, he's in charge. there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide less than security. and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys with out the establishment of a palestinian state. there will be frustration in washington that these really prime minister, his essentially ruled out the idea of an independent palestine. and joe biden will come under pressure to make that frustration clear for once very public. i was for sure i'll just either washington stephanie deca joins us now from occupied these teresa and stuff. the, i think, you know, island alluded really to it to the end of his report that are about this
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conversation that the us and israel, how they may support each other. they may be great friends, but the really as miles a path when it comes to what may happen the day after. there is no war in gaza or across the occupied territories. yes, well you now have the americans that, i mean, this is something that has been their policy officially for a very long time that there should be a 2 state solution at the palace thing and should have an independent state with east jerusalem as their capital for a very long time, although that's been put on the back burner and prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made it very clear that that is not going to happen under his watch. he's facing criticism uh also within his cabinet, within his work cabinet on how to move forward, particularly. so when it comes to getting the captives back alive out of gaza, he's facing criticism from the ground, from the people, tens of thousands, actually over hundreds of thousands,
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not happy with how he is leading this country. i think when we're talking about the, the americans visa v, benjamin netanyahu, we need to take it with a grain of salt in the sense that yes, they're saying this publicly. but what are they doing to really put pressure on this government? i think interesting. the you heard there an outage report he said under his watch wanted if you look at the polls, prime minister benjamin netanyahu will his political career will be over if there is to be an election. and also everyone we've been talking to and this is the sentiment here, is raised, almost forgive him for what happened on october the 7th because it happened on his watch. so interestingly, some people will tell you that the americans could be looking at a different truck of conversation with different people to be looking at the day off to because of course, the establishment of the product of the policy and state is incredibly complex. and it's going to take time and i think interesting me, it was 10 years ago that the americans were lost on the ground here trying to get some kind of political solution at the time. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was
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in charge as was present mood, abbas, and that the secretary of state john kerry, at the time said, you know what, it probably needs to be a change of leadership on both sides for us to get a real proper political solution. so just interesting, there certainly moving forward as to what comes to a roadmap, which at the moment is not to be seen here at a indeed at, and you just touched on really the next question. that stuff is about sort of how this all filters down to those on the is riley streets. those that's all the public will vote to that next general election. whatever that might be for the as riley is about which direction that country goes at a, a what they really want i think the direction this country goes and again, we just had to pull out today which shows you that this coalition government, remember, this is the most furthest right wing government in the history of the state of israel. this is what prime minister benjamin not that you know,
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brought into parliament because it was the only way for him to be able to return to power. what that created was also the most divisive type in the history of this, of the state of israel. you so, you know, hundreds of thousands of people coming to the streets, not happy what, who was pushing through in terms of traditional reform. now, you saw the country united somewhat, certainly after october, the 7th, but as this war goes on and as it drives to have the captives being brought back alive, that criticism is going to grow louder and louder. and certainly if you look at the polls, his political days are over. once this war is over and a lot of his critics are saying he is extending this war. he is playing with time to avoid that. so think of that force. ok, bodies stories and thank you the, the most korean state media as opposed to the feel young has conducted
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a test of an underwater nuclear weapon system. the heil of $5.00 to $3.00 system was tested in the waters of its east coast is not, it's not the test was in response to recent joint military drills by south korea, the us and japan. as the leaders of $120.00 countries in you've done this capital to discuss global challenges is what was wrong cause there was prominence on the agenda of the non aligned to movement meeting. the good thing was founded to advance the interest of developing countries. that's the largest group. think a states world wide after the united nations. they'll search a poly joins as the from come paula, so much to talk about that this summit including the rising tension between somalia, an ethiopian ethiopia as president, has been, or prime minister has been speaking. yes, i'll be honest. i delivered a speech in a closed door session of this meeting that was kicked off on the 5th day by
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the president of uganda. and uh you were in savannah who uh took over the term ship off now for the next 3 years. now the if you open prime minister and made a surprise appearance at the summit and he delivered a speech and he took to his social media account on x, formerly known as twitter, to really defend his position when it comes to the ongoing political disuse, as in brewing between his country and the central government in somalia. the if you open prime minister roads that landlord countries face and insurmountable challenges hindering their ability to fulfill the demands of their people. he said, it continues to seek a peaceful and mutually beneficial a negotiated solution to such a challenge. and we have the sands in the past half an hour or so at the i'm, it has met with the president's office. can you, william who's on the sidelines of this summit so we don't know what the was discussed,
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but certainly an important meeting between the 2 leaders as the tension is continued to increase between somalia and if you look at it also the other issue on the agenda at the summit is the ongoing conflict in and the war in gaza. and i spoke to the south african foreign minister who talks about their case that is currently at the international court of justice. the foreign minister and the lady pandora told me that they have asked the court for in term emergency measures to be put in place while the court that makes the decision on at the genocide case, that is before them, that was put forth by south africa on behalf of the policy and people. so there's many different topics at certainly important ones. and we're gonna wait and see what the final communicate will have to say when it comes to this group. leaders here and we'll join you when that does happen. dosage already that for us in kampala of the security forces in equity, right? a prison where drug traffic is also spike to the operating they don't show
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peroration of the facility facility in the city. ethical i q equity, a subsidized shop, increasing young violence with about 200 presents not being taken allstate by and make sense of imprisons. they would like to release the operation as part of a 60 day stage of emergency issued by the president last week. and those were the headlines here on out there. i'm only using huff with rob. you consolidate stories that are website developers that don't come inside story is next until and thanks for your time and your company, the, the hello. we will see a mix of rice statements know, pushing into japan over the next couple of days and see this every cloud coming out of eastern china using its way across the korean peninsula and just nothing up towards the southern areas of japan then. so we are going to see
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a good deal of wet weather coming here we, i've got some wet weather that request, southern pots of china easing out into the yellow sea, the east tennessee, so south, caressing some big down pools, web events, q c, easing up into horseshoe where it becomes a little more active, a little more wise. but as we go one through sunday, by sunday on the frank wash of the system here, we could actually see some snow coming. you know the positive honda? she won't be surprised if we catch blake or to just around tokyo, but it shouldn't be too bad. should be too disruptive when, when the weather coming in. having said that, whether the windy weather windshield, whether there's a central pos of china, farther north is cold enough minus 3, the top temperature in beijing. we have got the usual fault problems across the area here for problems. smoke problems continue to the north west of india right across the northern plains, pushing across into northern parts of puffy, stop much of india does stay long as you drive over the next couple of days. you might catch a shower too. i would to was the small a lot did see a shout down to was the fall south and also into split
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