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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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is the fatigue no one knows what the limits of its dear abilities. the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra the claims of war crimes. in garza, we had testimonies from civilians who said he is really on a commissioned summary executions the there and this policy attain this as al jazeera, also coming out of the, of the level of the you can, what's the, what's the also on the, with the honest
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a means detained and caustic of accounts of these things and abuse at the hands of israeli. first, the is really a strikes pound. the area around goes as long just for remaining functioning for a $140.00 pounds, a savings of insurance and 20 pounds for the 1st time. and nearly a month the us president speaks to israel's prime minister and to discuss the differences of a palestinian state. the while we begin in gaza when more than a $140.00 palestinians have been killed in his riley attacks and just 24 hours. but it's not just as strikes and showing that a killing civilians. human rights groups have been gathering the testimonies of summary executions of palestinians by as rarely forces and alter 0. it has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts. and then there's a one family. they say that on the 19th of december is really sold as x,
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which uses at least 19 civilians in garza city. charles profit has the story and a warning some view as may find the images in this report. distressing. the ruins of going to city destruction. dex sounds nobody's really military drugs above the more accuse ations of the claims committed by the is really all me the stay is lead to an apartment of a family home bullet cartridges broken from the band and the belongings. walls and floors covered in blood. the
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whole day can never forget the vip jonathan has families that are locked in the tanks, and builders is around the building. shells are being hit in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december, israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it and told them we were all civilians. black to whom am i speaking to norman oklahoma, then e and my they took him to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go because we were all civilians from the window members of the resistance. you know, the whole full grass. no, because of the color didn't they beat me and my daughters, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words. they took our names and filmed us. me go to the store, was massy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they own them to bend down and execute them. they killed them. all these pictures
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obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events, almost a describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in the back. oh, hamlet tow the but the homeless. the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, show started fixing the building again. i should faced, exhausted in skate. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in her arms of the family shelters in the dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to 8. with the law as the hand, when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they
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kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside. i was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head eyes and next is my sister tried to carry the body. but she fell from her arms at the door. not his eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to her hated to shop, to show a young family broken by the horror. these really armies killing and destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure catastrophic. ultra 0 as well as randy forces have also been accused of abusing,
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torturing inter millie aging palestinians in gaza after taking them into custody. thousands of palestinians have been detained and kept in secret locations since this world again, katya lopez, who are young reports and some of the hiring accounts given by some detainees, have been released under warning here to some of the images and testing. these are also just stopping accounts of english interviews are shared by these palestinian men. many say the injured physical and psychological torture, well being detained by his really forces. this man says the scars on his back or a mere glimpse into the pain he experienced others recount acts of violence, beatings, and constant humiliation. the national will said we were blindfolded impatient, badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons. later, they transferred us to an army camp and as royal delete the adults unite on us and
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some sand on us, on the place to reach into showtime. after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for execution, abdel is struggling to cope while in detention, he says he felt like he was dying. his collarbone was badly injured by his released soldiers and his arms and hands have scalps from weeks of being restrained months i have did not know i these readies arrested me in order to me to take off my clothes and hands were tied in the ice blindfolded they shut my head back and forth. i told them i have health issues and a prosthetic on my neck, but they continued to hit me. i felt like it was going through my neck level. i've lost all sensation of my life, darn. i wasn't assaulted, beaten, and repeatedly slapped in the face before, or it's unclear how many post indian men had been detained by israel since the war began. but the un says the believes the number runs into the thousands. they say
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they were given little to no information on where they're being held and why and accounts of humiliation are mounting. there are reports of men, but i subsequently released but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in this quarter. but we're not exactly sure why they've put in diapers and sent out, but they're clearly visibly shocked and even shaken when, when i met them. and as i spoke to them, the u. n. is calling on israel to follow international humanitarian law. the is really government insist adults despite testimony saying otherwise, all of the i only survive because if god's will have gone through collective punishment day in and day as i feel very sorry for the palestinian men to detain teenagers who were 1516 years old for the torture they've gone through, though no longer imprisoned, the trauma lingers and many more palestinians,
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they say, are still being detained and abused. katia little pistol again. how does their apollo stand inside of the situation is also done in southern gauze. as largest city con eunice by the casualties continue to mount his really forces as you have, they have been pounding the area with strikes, gun flat and shelling israel's offensive as intensified to near the cities. 2 major hospitals, including gauze, largest remaining functioning, health facility, and also hospital. at least 2 people were killed. one israel found near the amount of hospital i'm not in the hospital also didn't receive any evacuation orders, thousands of displaced. people remain there with no way to go. a tens of thousands of palestinians though, uh once again being forced to flee further south. the palestinian red crescent has set up a new displacement cam. so people arriving and rossa, according to the united nations, roughly 85 percent of causes population,
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has now been operation from the home. someone from multiple times. the one is also reiterated. it's accusation that israel is blocking a deliveries to northern garza, but he wants to mount his hiring affairs agencies as almost 70 percent of shipments to the north of the strip when not cleared by israel so far this year is also rejected. 95 percent of old fuel and medicine supplies entering the north, allowing only one such delivery as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu reason . he said, he's only allowing minimum levels of age into gaza. while he was president, revising has held a phone call with nursing. yahoo! that's the fast between the 2 men and weeks by then we use racist calls for a 2 state solution. this conversation came a day off and this and you all here said that he opposes palestinian statehood of to this war is over. holland fisher has moved from washington dc. job id was one of the 1st well leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th. the 2 liters have
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spoken and sent a note even after it's really probably minister benjamin netanyahu again, publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy type despite and is, are locked into a bundled him as to the white house. if a 2 state solution was impossible with nic and yahoo and power, he'd applied sharply new and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement. in the 2 states loose countries that are members un understood to number on those numbers. so there's ways in which is which are leaders spoke on friday, the 1st call in $26.00 days assign. many observers believe of going for station in
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washington. the israel continues to undermine the president when scaling back the war when avoiding civilian casualties on the future. but the white house says the call had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. this isn't about, you know, tried to twist to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change in their thinking. president, a sorry, prime minister netanyahu is, is make clear he's concerned about that. president biden has made clear his strong conviction that a 2 state solution is still the right path ahead. one on the list says in an election year, vitamin is making a huge miscalculation by not publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, this is a disaster for a bite, and i think the frankly is just the idea log, who really, really believes in the is really projects. and it is wedded to there's not even assumption that by being nice enough in yard it will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise,
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even though that has been shown over and over again. but that's simply does not work. us lawmakers have been largely supportive of israel are said to be going for stated with met yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also rolling out a long term peace settlement. and that's why biden is talking about a because some considering changing the conditions for america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel. alan fisher, i'll just go to washington, of hundreds of protesters and televi have gathered near the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the mines. the release of captives still held and garza, some demonstrations even set up tents with pictures of m as in golf. the ones determined to camp out there over night in wrong. miss neal, who was facing mounting pressure on multiple fronts, very at home and abroad, and also hotels more now from occupied the story. so there's a lot of pressure on the international front from the americans, but also domestically within his own government,
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within the coalition. and the war cabinet, and remember, this is a series of people that these really prime minister had hand pick to assist him in running the country and making decisions during war time. one of those members of the war cabinet guy, the eyes in coats gave an interview to was really media saying, but perhaps it's not plausible for there to be a total defeat of how much. so there needs to be some sort of other view point on how israel wants to prosecute this war. he says that the war has gone on for an incredibly long time. and though israel has these military objectives, one of the main ones to dismantle him as both politically and militarily. but perhaps that is simply unattainable. he also says that there should be elections held during more time to see if these really public is truly confident and secure with the government. but if you look at poll numbers, if you speak to as really people in the streets, you will know that these really prime minister is wildly unpopular. and while a lot of the society does support the war efforts in the army,
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the leadership of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been under scrutiny since this right wing government came into power. oh, is there any force as a continuing to carry out the nightly rates across the occupied westbank? there have been confrontations inside the block to a refugee camp. east of nicholas is ready. soldiers also stormed a number of homes and finding him village. that's east of hebron. one palestinian was arrested during raids and back to him. while the united states says it's carried out strikes against 3. who's the miss all sites in the us central. c'mon says the marseilles presented an imminent threat to matching vessels in the red sea and were destroyed in self defense. i also have few here on out there. terrified families in southern next for free there to escape contel vine. and we look at how emotion is becoming a major campaign issue. in the 2024 raised the
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color of the weather is pretty quiet now across the good parts of the middle east had a few spots of frame here in the hall on the thursday evening, but saw nothing too much to speak of some showers the coast southern end of the red, se a repeat performance as we go on into sundays and see about a fine and dry weather wednesday evening, just around the golf t back 24 celsius here in doha. then further north, as you can see now destroyed by them until we get up towards the black sea just around tech. yay! some very wet with us when she was just coming in across the boss for us. there was a, some showers also just sliding the way to was cyprus. by the time we come to sunday went to weather to coming into weston syria. maybe back down into 11 on south is that it stays loud. she tried, it can follow that dry weather, cuz northern parts of africa are few showers just around coastal fringes of algeria
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20 full sales research. i believe we got a southerly wind in place. come sunday, it flips around as a new of late to 17 degrees. you may, will notice that change in conditions here, then part of your cell is meanwhile, across the central parts of africa. some really heavy right is spilled his way out to south africa is nothing further north with northern areas of the mesa and big pushing it to sometimes it sinks and pick down pulls that could cause some flooding and it really wraps up by the time we come to monday of the, as the war with rush of wages on, an internal thought is escalating the new claim. there will be more p t. a state there will be flashbacks. many civilians will find it's difficult to understand. a one of the biggest mental health crises of living memory mindset to meet the therapist helping ukraine soldiers, families,
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what is your desired outcome for the patients that come through the store to make a pass and want to live the natural watching the 0 uninstalled you'd take hearing jermel, let's remind you about top stories. testimonies from civilians and goals, i choose these really on each of carrying on summary executions. to 0 has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts and members of one village. these 19 civilians were execution advisory soldiers on december 19th more than
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a 140 people have been killed in just 24 hours in casa, as well as offensive, has intensified to the 2 major hospitals in the southern city of con, you and us president jeff i didn't have house a phone call with these really prime minister benjamin, as well as the fast between the 2 men and the 5 and reiterated calls for a true state. trinity. she's saying that on multiple ways to do that, a large, ingenuous ortiz have arrested and a portion of the relatives of ecuador, as most wanted fugitive the family of jose and all from us. yes. also known as peter, or detained on thursday nights. now this comes just a week off, so he escaped from an ecuadorian prison in the city of quite a kill. are lost in america, edits, understanding, and reports. now from one is there is under the cover of darkness. federal police raided a newly inhabited house in an exclusive neighborhood of course, the law in central argentina. their target was the family of ecuador,
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as most wanted mine drug trafficker jose adult for my cs. known as fetal, of his wife's mindiola macias, the 3 children, a nephew, a family friend, and a nanny, were arrested and quickly deported. back to ecuador to be interrogated by authorities there. yes, i wonder. i meant that we are proud that origin tina was a hostile territory. for a group of drug dealers who could have come to settle here. mister fee to hold a sentence of 38 years and he escaped, leaving a trail of blood and death in ecuador fetal, the leader of the infamous tornadoes, crime gang was serving his sentence for murder, kidnapping, and drug trafficking. when authorities planned to transfer him to another facility 10 days ago, they discovered he was gone. features escape, and that is main rivals known as the savage tribute, a new wave of violence throughout ecuador. on wednesday,
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a prosecutor investigating the takeover of a tv station by gang members was murdered the new i think the whole region, not just columbia, has allowed for this problem to grow in a non control way. we must stay together to fight. this is a regional and world wide problem consumption of these products. as in the united states in europe. the government has declared a state of internal armed conflict which allows the army as well as police to fight drug gangs. significantly misses macias arrived in argentina, exactly 2 weeks ago just before her husband's escape. they bought the house in cash in december, presumably as a hideaway. but what authorities are still investigating is whether people sent his family to argentina, or whether he himself was or is still in the country. to see a newman al jazeera window situs to a launch fi i brought accounts at panama,
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as long as the garbage dump outside the capitol blowing toxic smoke, and forcing evacuations was already say the file outside, panama city, was like the goal was by awesome. as you see, the helicopters sprayed thousands of pieces of water all over that area, trying to put out the flames. but the expected event until at least half of a health centers have been set up to treat any people suffering long irritation. the u. n. is wanting that of at 350000 people and the republic of congo are in need of a house of the country, southwest flooding and 6 decades following months of heavy rain full, also known as congress, brazil, the republic because a state of emergency at the end of december, the u. n, is wanting millions of people have been affected across the country and new villages can now only be reached by boat. 9 out of the countries, 12 departments remain on the water. and the total of $1800000.00 people are affected. the slots have left local communities without shelter or access to
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primary health services. villages, schools and health facilities have been flooded. and many water points and sanitation facilities are no longer functional. those limits or no access to clean drinking water or sanitation in the worst affected areas and that is in the sand. from most of the country. some 27000 children are out of school. north korean authorities, public a sentence 2 teenagers to 12 years of hard labor, 14 k pump videos. the 16 year old students were convicted of listening to south korean music as well as sharing foreign movies over a period of 3 months. fee is now north korea has imposed tough sanctions on any $1.00 course enjoying south korean and detained hundreds of horses of jails rights activist stage to protest in the city of the capital of russia's bicycle just on republic. they rallied in support of minority rights activist by you also know who
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was sentenced on wednesday to 4 years on charges of stirring ethnic hatred. also known as has been vocal against russia's war and ukraine. he criticized most go for trying to recruit phases from the areas ethnic past. cape population, meanwhile, and was back community lead. i was arrested in moscow on friday for me that he posted on social media was one bar 12 was charged with inciting hatred with a post that investigators said insulted russian forces and ukraine. the charge carries a maximum punishment of 3 years in prison. moscow has their own just a major crack down on defend dining or criticism of the war and ukraine. they have been protest across germany against the rise of the fall, right, that the thousands, $10000.00, the city of hamburg to denounce the fall, right? if the party, which is writing high and some opinion polls comes off to report by investigative
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journalists, reveal the members of the team have discussed expelling immigrants and what they described as non simulation citizens. and that tells me again, a decent time induction of def casa hundreds of thousands are taken to the streets of germany these days to stand up found democracy and against the right wing stream is an eye to join. the launch probably chased at honda and pots. dom, because both we have seen in our country right now consumes us over each. and every one of us will say it very clearly and bluntly, right wing extremists are attacking democracy. they want to destroy co haitians with democratic c, buying them to some types of to on monday for the thoughts of time because we're the me, it's 16 move you are trying to imagine how the more than 20000000 citizens who have a history of migration feeling they know these right wing extremists have us in mind, we would be directly affected by this diabolical plan. some of them ask themselves
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whether they still have a future gym and that's terrible to come. to several 100 drivers in germany, pond fed trucks at buttons brandon the gates to protest against tax hike. last october, the government decided to raise the highway towards the lauries and base that tax on how much pollution the image purchased as say that electric vehicles, which are exempt, are not yet ready for widespread use. criminal called towels of type thing, degraff on indigenous communities. along the next co, guatemala border, causing a such an internal displacement has violent escalates, effective communities, according to health. but there are also concerns of a militarized response from the mexican government on europe. the thoughts of the entire families and southern mexico are fleeing their homes over worsening violence . this mass displacement of mainly indigenous communities and the state of chiapas is being driven by
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a deadly conflict between warring factions of the single low and least go new generation drug cartels each buying for control of the people and their territory. many say this is just the latest chapter of violence that's been playing out for years. have another that's a doesn't use the manual for at least a 2 and a half years shop boss has witnessed a disputes between the lodge organized drug cartels to maintain a rivalry over control of both the roots of transit and of course, tutorial control got the list this week, tensions rows even further when villagers of the north america township clashed with members of the mexican military. in one video, a soldier can be heard calling villagers cowards for not standing up to the cartel members themselves. at one point, armed forces reportedly fired tiered. yes, locals, like this man carrying an elderly woman in his arms,
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now claimed there not only being victimized by drug gangs, but also by the military. no, they were being displaced. the government sent the mexican army to drive the people out of the way of america. see for yourself the people are fleeing from the homes. with it asked about the incident, mexico's president, and that is one way, lopez, over the other one called on indigenous villagers in chiapas to place their trust in the countries armed forces. yes, thomas's the indian. we are tending to and protecting the people's, the national guard. is there g, opposite mexico's poorest state? here, the combination of extreme poverty and years of neglect by the government, or among the reasons deadly. cartels have managed to take over the entire swats of territory. this propaganda video published last year by this in a low of cartel, shows what appears to be a cartel parade where local residents were reportedly forced to cheer on passing vehicles. the viral video highlights just how much influence and control the drug
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cartels have in southern mexico. when was it up a little al jazeera the was that the alec baldwin will stand trial or for the death of a sentiment tucker front on a movie set. a grand jury and the stage of new mexico is charged him on 2 counts of involuntary, non sorta helena hutchins was facing the shot of the gun that old one was holding discharged live round during a scene were hassle in october 2021 bold. when the insists team didn't pull the trigger, and it's still not clear how the gun came to be loaded with a wheel, but instead of a normally full blank, 0 stage of alabama has ordered the execution of an inmate on death row using nitrogen gas practice. it's never been tried before, and humans. kenneth eugene smith is scheduled to be executed next week. the procedure will involve using a respirator mosque, which would force him to breathe fuel nitrogen, resulting in oxygen deprivation and dest,
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you and human rights office says the use of the test and method code amount of torture. smith was sentenced to death in 1989 for pacing and stopping the wife of an alabama pasta in us. abortion remains a contested issue in the us. often supreme court ruled in 2022 that abortions are no longer protected by the constitution. access the terminations could play a significant role any upcoming presidential election. hundreds or castro reports. the biggest snow storm in years couldn't keep these anti abortion protesters away from washington. tens of thousands participated in the annual march for life even after the us supreme court ruled more than a year ago. that abortions are no longer protected by the federal constitution. about 2.


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