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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure. people empowered investigates a i n democracy. adjust the to the to these riley ministry launch is most drawings on guns. the nights a 165 palestinians are killed in the last 24 hours the inside this island is there a life from dead or so coming up? a sea of garbage guns. the cities may have pleads for health, more than 50000 tons of trash is missing straight.
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is there any voice that frustration about the government's handling? if you are holding protests outside benjamin netanyahu has residents explosions in weston, damascus. optis suspected is where i need miss armstrong. media report say 4 people have been killed. the we start with israel's war on gaza palestinian casualties a still bouncing in the southern city of han eunice, a 165 people had been killed in the last 24 hours of the night and into the morning . is there any forces carried out as strikes and shell targets? the bombing has intensified near the cities. 2 major hospitals, including garza's largest remaining functioning health center, not the hospital. the center did not receive any evacuation. what is thousands of displaced. people are trapped inside. at least 2 people also killed in strong nit,
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out most of the world. to the mayor gauze decision, he says moving 50000 tons of garbage has piled up on the streets. these rarely bombardments has left the waste disposal and sewage systems in we're in. don't use a warning as a growing stretch of disease. national has no control as to what we saw on the streets of northern gauze or for shadow is a real health disaster. yeah. as there are no basic necessities of life, even the lowest levels of hygiene or non existence i, i expect the spread of epidemics that are difficult to control, given the dilapidated or non existent health care system there. and the un is once again accusing israel of blocking a deliveries to northern gaza. israel has rejected 95 percent of all fuel and medicine supplies entering the area. i speak to a correspondent, honey, my mood. he's live for us and rossa in southern gaza. honey hasn't been any less up on the bombardment.
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the, you know, not, not at all in fact. or what we're seeing is the servers in the toxic cross. the gods trip so far were witness. they've got an intense, aerial bombardment and artillery a selling, causing a great deal of destruction on and further the for the killing of civilians across the gaza strip. but within the past 24 hours, the route confirmed reports by the ministry of health thing garza l. but a 100, the 65 people have been killed. the vast majority a been killed in gaza, central part, and han you and is just overnight attacks and an early hours of this morning and of the positive. if you days. the 17th 18th and 19th of january, where at 1st responders and civil defense school were unable to get to areas the, the targeted areas and people were lift uh,
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bleeding or under the levels because of the intensity of the fighting. but as of now, the con, the confirmed reports that were getting go renewed relentless airstrikes in western part of gauze. a city is very close to a ship, a hospital where many people have been reported, killed or critically injured, reported to us to fall hospital. it's important to point out that the civil hospitalized a non functioning health facility and people who are reported there with a critical injuries are at risk of losing their life as there is no medical intervention or medical. the staff do do the necessary work to save their life and hon eunice, most of the intense fighting is taking place right now within the vicinity of north of the hospital, the gradually the jordanian field hospital that is at the end of the main road leading to another hospital is at the coming out of service as it's equipment have been severely damaged and some of its medical. 2 were injured, so put this on a out of service for the coming weeks to come. but the fact that it is not that or
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hospital people were not told due to ivank with, they were caught in the middle of extreme bombardment. drugs within the vicinity of the hospital have the they were forced to leave and, and to show their somewhere else just to protect their lives and the lives of their, of their children. a 5 people reported skilled in and the fact that the refuge account within the past couple hours, the more residential homes were targeted and increased number of injuries reported to along with the hospital. again, we're looking at them over will health facility is the same scenarios. they can in place of overwhelmed hospitals, lack of medical supplies, just putting the, the life of everyones at risk right now. honey. my me that for us in rafa in southern gaza, thank you for all your a forcing be not hundreds of people in israel have protested outside the private
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home of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and tennessee to demand the release of captives being held in dogs. that some demonstrations setup tens with pictures of the missing relative anti government riley's have intensified across israel. and we some weeks there is mounting frustration against miss neal, whose governments failing to secure a deal to release the remaining captives is a few houses away. and we're hopeful that you will find themselves uh the, the ability to be valid with us. we're not protesting here. we're not demonstrating we're simply reaching out to say enough is enough. the easiest solution on the table. there are old horses in the world to help us to reach the deal and to bring these people back home. and we have to have to have our voice written on that. and we're here to make our voice started and she can see the we cannot do it showed up to speak to laura con, she's unoccupied is risk. and laura,
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anger and frustration have been mounting for some time against the israeli government. all we heading to a tipping point, do you think the problem is we don't know where that tipping points is? tens of thousands of people helping, protesting against nothing yahoo and to reduce the captive and even hold a steep fonts to reduce them for many weeks. and people say, but nothing yahoo is rocking his feet on the issue and that's what prolonging their pain. and this is no exception to the people who are accompanying a standing outside. nothing. yeah. who's residents in custody at the north of tennessee? now we've reached out to some of those family members and, and they said, look, we will, we will leave, we will remain here. we need to put pressure on this and yahoo and we want him to come out on speak to us. and they also came out with a pretty tough statement. i'll read it out to you. they say, we fact do for a $105.00 days. and now with
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a mounting stop the execution of the hostages. it's not about freeing them. it's about saving lives. so, these kind of statements, we're not talking about, nothing yahoo, executing them. it's some of the most powerful language we've seen so far. we've also seen many family members of the hostages, even going to the, the edges of casa and calling to them to, to release them. so it's really going to know that you can apply a lot of pressure on to next and yahoo now. but the pressure coming from inside his own hands picked will cabinet guy, the eyes and caught break with the cost policy will cabinet lights and saying that they need to deal to release these hostages. that one walk through military pasha. i'm anything but spectrum. nothing yahoos to con, approach of releasing the captive. i'm going off to him. awesome defeating, how often the golf and strip certainly isn't walking. but there's also being international pressure, the same pressure from the us. now also from russia,
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a delegation from the from us went that on friday, they met, they met with the deputy foreign minister on the farm. as you pronounced statement oft, was talking about the devastating consequences of this war on the he's not attorney inside the gaza strip. but they also spoke about releasing all the hostages, putting pressure on her mazda, but also at these ready governments. but that focusing specifically on 3 russians being held out, one of them is under a cost law. if i spoke to his mother just 2 days ago, she's been joining these protests. she's black st. petersburg a late. they lived in saint piece, but she's come here and she said she won't leave until she leaves with her phone. but she says she hasn't been given any information about where he is, who he might be with, and whether or not he's even alive. so, you know, real points of pain, but you see this reflected in many of the captive families statements at the moment
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that just calling for a simple see slide to release from okay, thank you for that. laura call on that for us in occupied east jerusalem. and astro like has hit a residential building in the l method neighborhood in the syrian capital damascus state media is saying that the attack was launched by israel, according to initial reports for people have been killed. now this area is home to key thing is in the syrian government. israel has been hitting targets in the country in recent months. us getting all of this, we can speak to him or on con, he joins us on the phone from. they roots him wrong or what know, can you tell us about this attack in the wrong call and just checking you can hear me. unfortunately, we seem to have lost connection with him or on call, and we will try and bring you more on this
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a bit later in the program. such and students have died of the 5 bro couch at a boarding school dormitory and central china. it happened on friday nights in a village in hen and province, all the victims with 3rd grade students, local authorities investigating the course well, state media say the schools now has been detained. on continuing authorities have arrested and reported the relatives of ecuador was most once in fugitive. the family of jose adults for mass us, also known as feed to what the to detained on thursday nights. it comes just a week off the escapes from ecuador, and present in the city of y, a q. alas, an american out of salisia newman has more of this. under the cover of darkness, federal police raided a newly inhabited house in an exclusive neighborhood. of course, the law in central argentina, their target was the family of ecuador,
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as most wanted mine drug trafficker jose adult for my cs. known as fetal. his wife's mindiola macias, the 3 children, a nephew, a family friend and nanny, were arrested and quickly deported. back to ecuador, to be interrogated by authorities there. yes, i wonder. i meant that we are proud that origin tina was a hostile territory for a group of drug dealers who could have come to settle here. mister fee to hold a sentence of 38 years, and he escaped, leaving a trail of blood and death in ecuador fee to the leader of the infamous tornadoes. crime gang was serving his sentence for murder, kidnapping, and drug trafficking. when authorities planned to transfer him to another facility 10 days ago, they discovered he was gone. features escape, and that is main rivals known as the savage tribute, a new wave of violence throughout ecuador. on wednesday,
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a prosecutor investigating the takeover of a tv station by gang members was murdered. the do you think the whole region, not just columbia has allowed for this problem to grow in a non control way? we must stay together to fight. this is a regional and world wide problem consumption of these products. as in the united states in europe. the government has declared a state of internal conflict which allows the army as well as police to fight drug gangs significantly mrs. macias arrived in argentina, exactly 2 weeks ago, just before her husband's escape. they bought the house in cash in december, presumably as a hideaway. but what authorities are still investigating is whether people sent his family to argentina, or whether he himself was or is still in the country. to see a newman al jazeera windows situs to us for, to now to breaking the story,
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the asteroid that has hit a residential building in the neighborhood of alan miss a in damascus in syria. we can speak to a correspondent in ron con. the syrian state media and ron saying that the is riley's where behind this, what move can you tell us? who is currently trax is all these right need have done in previous anything. remember that i've been a 2 extra months old. the main check in december already within damascus. and it's of the targeting senior iranian officials, according to um sauces that we have been to the target was actually in their own, in revenue sharing god cool intelligence unit that had a senior colanda and his assistant. 3 placed in the building. now this is the same time per time. think that was used for the killing austonia. larry b. i'm actually in the room just a few weeks ago. so we know that these right need have this kind of kind of
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balancing point being told that this may will be a remainder attack that the um, anything of a lost son safe house is ready intelligence and safe house in our bill just last week. so there's a lot of that kind of tit for tat, going on. the same message i think coming from is row is the is nowhere site, damascus is on site for the iranian revolution. and god, cool. and inside that, for iran is going to be sending its message, but no, wherever the site is, right, intelligence offices, regardless where they are within the middle east. so we expect to see all right, then just come in. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but me very soon. that's what we're saying. a bit more. i'm up to be when it comes to it wrong and is ro, all right, more attention in the region. okay, thank you for that. and we're on con, the, for us in a room. okay, still ahead on al jazeera, we look at how the issue of abortion rides is becoming
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a major campaign topic in the 2020 full race for the white house, the highlight of the usual scattering of showers across the good parts of us. se, eyes are missing some live the ones right reports for tornado in east java to into that western side of the region here. well, lots small, big down pulls 123 millimeters of a right just coming in to southern positive them late, potentially more wet weather coming in here as we go on through the next couple of days big and live, you shows it just some pockets of extremely heavy, right? just around the eastern side of the region as per usual, as i said, scratching the showers the into the philippines, what the weather will make its way to vietnam. but for much of the induct drive, it doesn't dry over the next couple of days. try to across southern policy,
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most right. a big story. big difference by the law. so just into the northern territory, we have seen a $156.00 millimeters afraid in 24 hours and over the last 3 days. staggering, 350 millimeters are frank. compare that to the monthly average for the month of january $124.00 millimeters afraid of that. so thanks to this capital load which has been sliding away. here's the moving very slowly. it'll make its way for the west which to most to kimberly. as we go through the next couple of days, and we've also got a developing tropical sites, lay out in the policy or device making that by farther westwards. this week. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the in the out is there in mind. if i told the stories this our a strong like has, here's a residential building in the, i'll miss a neighborhood in the syrian capital, damascus state media is saying that the
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a top is likely new in spite israel, at least 4 people have. of course i'm assuming casualties and mounting and southern gaza is really a tax, have intensified near the city of newness. there's 2 major hospitals including got this knowledge is remaining functioning. health system is not in the hospital. the u. n. has again accused israel of blocking a delivery smooth in concepts as needed. 70 percent of shipments are not planned by israel says thomas, yet also rejected. 95 percent of the fuel and medical supplies human rights groups have been gathering testimonies of summary executions of palestinians by is ready forces. ounces. era has obtained exclusive picture as in witness accounts for members of one family. they say that on the 19th of december, it is rarely sold just executed at least 19 civilians in kansas. city. tall
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stratford has the story and a warning. some views may find the images in his report. distressing. the ruins have gone to the city destruction dex. sounds nobody's really military drove above the o. accusations of war coins committed bodies really all me the stay is lead to an apartment of a family home bullet cartridges broken from the band and belongings. walls and flows covered in blood. the whole day can never forget the vip jonathan has
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families that are locked in the tanks, and builders is the round of the building. shells are being hit in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december, israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians. glad to whom am i speaking to norman oklahoma, then e and my they took him to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go because we were all civilians from the window members of the resistance. you know, the whole full grass numbers up to long. yeah. and the color didn't, they beat me and my daughters, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words, they took our names and filmed us. me got the star was messy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they own them to bend down and
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execute them. they killed them. all these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events, almost a describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in the back. oh, hamlet tow the but the color, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, shows still on the teaching the billing game that i should faced exhausted in skate. she holds the tiny, sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in her arms to the family shelters in the dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to 8. with the law as the notice in the hand, when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us indecision room while the excuse of demand outside. i was holding my sister
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in my arms, then the shell and resumed that it was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and neck notices. my sister tried to carry the body, but she fell from her arms at the door. the notice eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to her hate to show, to show a young family broken by the hara these riley armies killing an destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they saw and the pain they continue to endure. shall strap it out to 0. is there any forces? have a carried out more rates across field supplied westbank have been consultations inside the ballasa refugee camp. east of notice. the army was
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a storm. several houses in hamper on 2 palestinians were arrested during raids in bethlehem, and janine united states ministry says it's hit 3 who the missile sites in yemen. us central command says the missiles posed an imminent threat to call the ships and the red sea and were destroyed and what it called self defense is the rabble say they've been attacking ships destined israel to protest against the war on gaza. to you as president joe biden, us held a phone call with the as riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and comes up to rising tensions on growing frustrations in the body and administration about the policies of the is there any prime minister official has more from washington to bite. it was one of the 1st world leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th. the 2 leaders have spoken often since i know even after is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu again,
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publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy despite and is, are locked into a bundled him. as the white host of a 2 state solution was impossible. with net can yahoo in power, he'd applied sharply new and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement in the works of 2 states loose countries that are members that are still in so there's ways in which this could work. but truly just spoke on friday, the 1st coal in 26 days aside. many observers believe of going for station in washington. the israel continues to undermine the president on scaling back the war
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when avoiding civilian casualties on the future. the white house says the coal had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. this isn't about, you know, tried to twist to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change in their thinking. president, a sorry, prime minister netanyahu is, is make clear he's concerned about that. president biden has made clear his strong conviction that a 2 state solution is still the right path ahead. one on the list says in an election year, aiden is making a huge miscalculation by not publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, is it those that are for a bite? and i think the frankly is just an idea log who really, really believes and is really project. and it is where to, to there's an i e and assumption that by being nice enough in yard it will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise, even though that has been shown over and over again. but that's simply does not work. us lawmakers,
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it'd be largely supportive of israel are said to be going for stated with net yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also really got a long term peace settlement. and that's why biden is talking about 8. because some considering changing the conditions for america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel fisher, i'll just go to washington. the some of the news, the united nation says it's concerned about a color outbreak in 10 african nations. the numbers of infections that's up and rising false ends in boy a neighboring sound yet harm. it's also send the support from to wish it is. and by the way, color of axioms from the world health organization have increased communities like these ins. and bob, we or the government says, the doses are on the way. but while families wait for the drugs to get here, some in rural areas say they are being stigmatized. as family members become l when
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we dump it as a fumble with the people in the village and say, oh how is this quarter? because all father died from the disease does dental gloss and i'm afraid they will get you to go with it in neighboring zambia. a mass vaccination program is underway to try and contain a color outbreak in the capital of the sucka and other parts of the country. now the thing i came to get fixed, united because lots of people, his date, there is hope the vaccine predict sense that in health officials say they are overwhelmed by the number of infections and the disease is best. and therefore uh, the best is to get it protection of protected myself the next 6 months. schools in zambia are closed to try and stop the disease from spreading across the board in zimbabwe. government officials are trying to tackle the outbreak without too many
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disruptions. schools in zimbabwe have openings, but on the 6th conditions, for example, teachers and students have to wash their hands a tutor plan into and meet with them they off is it the outbreaks are not controlled. the disease could spread to more countries hartaman tossed out of their situation and bubbling, focused on has indicated it's willing to improve strain diplomatic ties with iran on thursday. the pack us dani minute 3 carried out attacks against what it says, what bases as a follow to separate to sleep. in iran, at least 9 people, including women and children, were killed. it's off to 2 people were killed in a ring and strikes in pockets, stones baluchistan, and province on tuesday to her on says it was targeting and owns crew fighting for the rights of the cindy minority inside iran. this north korean authorities have
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sentence 2 teenagers to 12 years of hard labor for watching k palm videos. 16 year old students were convicted of listening to south korean music, as well as sharing foreign movies. for years, no credit has imposed tough sentences on anyone. cool, watching south korean entertainment. the issue of abortion rights remains a contested method in the united states onto the supreme court, ruled in 2022 by the portions are no longer protected by the constitution. access the terminations could play a significant role in the upcoming presidential election hunting to a customer how small the biggest snow storm in years couldn't keep these anti abortion protesters away from washington. tens of thousands participated in the annual march for life, even after the u. s. supreme court ruled more than a year ago that abortions are no longer protected by the federal constitution. about 2 dozen states have since band or severely restricted abortions,


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