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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the colleges here with the iran says for military advisors from its revolution regard have been killed in and is really striking, damascus, the, i'm sort of any a this is alice's 0 live from don't also coming up this hour is really airstrikes target several sites and gaza. destroying lives in property, at least 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours.
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and protesters and israel demanded ceasefire and the release of captives being held by him on an exit us in mexico's thousands flee from their homes to escape gang violets, the beginning syria where an arrow strikes has hit a residential building in the home is a neighborhood of the capital of damascus there runs revolutionary guard, says 4 of its military advisors were killed blaming israel for the attack. the area is home to senior figure is in the syrian government, as well as real, has been hitting targets in the country and recent months. let's see what we can find out whether we're suicide or who's in to from what more can you tell us at this point for so as well as of now the i r d c a c, and that's 4 of the senior members have been killed in his friday attack in
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damascus. so they say that their crews in israel, and by the, by the word saying the that the brutal and the criminal scientist for gene has killed the members. so, but regarding the titles and the brands that i'm not much of the details that are being released by your a new revolution regards of that there are some very poor. so somebody will official reports coming from dish, the state agencies in the tools that particularly worked important. one of them was which at the law with wadi who says, oh, well the reports are seeing that that was the head of being petted units or what's forces which is the most units or if you run your revolution to gods and it was once, how does by costs, i'm sure they money. the famous commander of goods forces was killed in 2020 impact that during trumps pregnancy. so, and also there are 2 other officials, but we understand that all of these people that are being killed, that initially guards, people that they became, were intelligible officials or if the revolution, the gods, and they have been attacked. and the scale of this will look at the scale of the
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statements, the pulling of the language to understand that these huge laws for you run regarding the assess in, in, in syria. but this is not the 1st time that these are at a tech you running a sets, nbc, cbs, so on december 25th is that has some right in, in, in damascus, and is killed bradley, me savvy. who was another top general of revolutionary guards who has been killed there. and then we have seen to, to be in explosions in the city of kent, my india, ron. even though you want to say that dice was responsible regarding carrying out that the fact that there are many people in the wrong that believes that somehow is that also was related to that, the fact. but then on january 16, that seemed that your mind retaliated your one last me side. it was to be easy to add it. and you don't say that it was that these was used by most out of israel, and the law says that they have killed 2 most of the agents over there. because see that there's a that keeps for tots game is not going on. and particularly,
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syria is, is becoming more and more sensible if these things are conflict between you run this route, russell start reporting from or from in the aftermath of that strikes, you're playing the serial strike the iran is blaming on israel. thank you very much for so the turning to the one, gaza now at least 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. is really force is carried out. air strikes and shells targets overnight and into the morning and fun. eunice. the number of dead has now hit 24927 with nearly 63000 injured honey. my mood has this report from rough on southern gaza. does the palestinians have been killed in his regular strikes on hon eunice in the past few days? the bel air area of gauze, the 2nd largest city,
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has in sustained tax knockers. hospital. the largest remaining functional medical facility in gaza is packed with the did n. when is ready, the army has released the video bit saves, shows its forces, pushing into hon. eunice and engaging in house to house battles in central dogs, a city near a c for hospital, more is really bombard in central dogs and a young boy point to where he said, buried his father. i don't know how much i have no want to know who's going to look up to us? why do we have to go through? this is the way my father is buried. these are the grapes here in the school. this is my father and cousins graves. my cousin was only 10 years old charlotte of the streets, the neighborhood of the city resembles a waste plan. no building is untouched by the war each day brings with it
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a search for more bodies, friends, and family of the dead walk long distances to bury them. any attempt to move the different parts of garza can cost you your life to stay internet. now we have been to every hardship you could ever imagine a new person who dares to give the center or try to go back to his home. this fired on by the, is there any soldiers, any moving person is a target to the is it, you know, i, it is my life just to teach the hospital to see my, the just the go. yeah. and 1st are further north india value. the palestine with creston society does what it cancel. victims of is really showing was cell phone networks appear to have been partially restored parts of dollars. i have been in the grip of communication and black out for more than a week. it has made life difficult for palestinians and agencies. they're trying to
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get a into gaza. many go to the beach to try and pick up a signal, a safe case. the people behind me came to check them, their friends and family and loved ones because there was no possibility of communication between the hours of the gaza strip to find you cannot reach from that on file. i have to find eunice and so that's why we are facing great difficulty raising phones, high anxiously awaiting news. any news or from their loved ones? kind of my lord, i just did a rough box, southern garza so the few hospitals and guys of that are still operating have been over whelmed with large numbers of patients here at the scenes at the l show how the hospital in the central city of darrow by the doctor's there say that they're struggling to cope without basic and instead of medicines, it also face threats buys really forces houses. here was tara cowboys,
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whom is in rafael's, and in southern gaza. tar. what do people do when they need medical attention? and they can't access one of those few functioning hospitals as well as serial generally causes are struggling with the worst mountain made catastrophe made them close by the use by the widest k defensive. of course, the territories which completely impacted negatively on all aspects of life. insight dollars on the particular the medical center, which from day one of the fighting had been get your rating. they fight the fighting and the classes also continues on the facilities of such hospitals. now we're talking about more than 30 hospitals have become house of services due to the bottom minimum sizes move that 150 medical health care centers, of course cause a strip and what does this to upper rating right now is considered to be a very few limited number of hospitals that are partially functioning, guys, that lock whole car collects all kinds of basic medical. this as it is,
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we are talking about doctors are treating patients on the flu as patients are also forced to line up for nogales in order to have that ton in order to receive the treatment which caused it to be very primitive. it's the lack of medical supplies and restrictions imposed on the medical aids entries entry into a gauze. this check for outboard is and what is what we see the is that we have most spread of disease among people right now, especially if you're trying to see among the children and others and the looks like well, so we've moved that was at least 20000 baby, new born baby had been born without anesthesia. this is completely something who rustic to here and to experience the palestinians have new options remains the one to cook with a situation with very limited amount of medical supplies. they are for sometimes to search and to go for pharmacies in order to buy the medicine. even pharmacies that 1st cause a strip of are about to run out of medical supplies, which also gives
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a please sign that the medical sectors and the badge of shot down as the amount that had been allowed to enter. the goal is to, for medical aids within the past few weeks to say that to be a trip in the ocean in terms of the needs of the medical sex and the territory covers who am reporting live from roughly thank you very much. start as we return to our top story, the suspect it is really striking, damascus that has killed 4 rang and military advisors. options show, he is senior electra in middle east politics. it's a keel university. you're joining us live from london today. how do you read that? strike, i could also know if you really want to have a better understanding of what happened, but this morning in damascus. clearly we need to look at the why the regional, the com takes a lot of what has been happening in goal. and so over the last 100 days did a regional proxy confrontation between your on an easel has significantly
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intensified over the last few weeks. a number of a high portal, f i r g c, or even as the last 2 years with us as an a to buy that these are the forces i, that being a cd a or in the middle. of course, in return your own has been a retaliation in different ways directly or in directly on get you these like, oh, you're on targeted an area in a be iraq, the quarter sawn claim. and it was you sort of easily intelligence, as you know, over the last few weeks you're on through who steve has made. international shipping in the red sea for that. these are these extremely difficult. but serious specifically, syria is becoming the main hospice of default. but the proxy confrontation between these 2 countries, you may also be why a cd, because syria is the main gateway to has the law of 4. but
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in a given the fact that there is no sign of notes on your who is going to code for a ceasefire being goes the increasingly we are more likely to see inconsistent taishan of conflict in the northern frontier on the a few days ago. that is really a defense minister aspect easily is nearing, making decisions about the expansion of conflict in to 11 or on. recently, adf. chief, also claim that for calling up the expansion of conflicts that you live in on and targeting has will not be increasing the is becoming more target. so if level is going to be a new frontier for 80, cd clay be becoming extremely important for these countries because c a is used for the main supply line from the wrong 211 on i'm for the season. we are
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more likely to see the intensification of pensions between these 2 countries. specifically the amc, the being in the coming days. are you able at this stage to discern a long term goal, whether it is long term goal of israel, or long term goal of iran? you know the 5th extremely difficult to talk about like the wrong. and it still has to be engaged in a proxy confrontation over the last 4 decades or so. and you know, from time to time it's intensified. sometimes it's a kind of sidelines unfortunately we lost ashton, shy, he there his connection just dropped. all right, turning to southern lebanon now where it is really drawn, strike has reportedly killed 2 people. the attack targeted a vehicle in the town of as a re, a as,
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as talk to alpha 0 is in wrong kind of boring job. arrived in a south of the route one, what can you tell us about this strike? there were still some pretty significant question marks over who had been targeted last time we spoke before the attack took place around midday. it has been confirmed to us, but the wet suit has been law members that were mid level offices within the organizations, technical experts and drones, apparently about around midday, local side of things. this thing about this is where it's a place to place an elbows at a at which is about 25 kilometers away from the disputed boat area between israel and level met the deep tide we've seen in recent weeks. however, these attacks have been the half of the killing on january 2nd of solar brewery. this any how much vigor in the central bay route then just a couple of weeks ago with um, alex will, who was a senior local come on the,
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in the south. all the 11 on for his bullet was killed and cut about sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place by a drive. so although they say it's going to be a blow to. busy handful in terms of the technical aspects or something. thousands of the senior leadership is certainly not a blog to his beloved either politically or been that's hurley, but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next to in the past when he was saying, attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will like a deep into is right. you temperature iran con, reporting from living on there. thank you very much, im ron the still ahead on alpha 0 from winter wonderland to brown and baron will look at how it changing climates. so taking a toll on one of asia, asia's biggest skeet estimation state, the
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how i would go more when see whether in the mix for japan over the next couple of days. yeah. reapply just spinning out of eastern china. that'll make its way across the south creek to say that a sickening cloud just around south graham is developing area of light pressure will bring some pretty wet weather in across a good positive japan, particularly into hong shoes. some heavy down polls can see some localized flooding sweets its way across the eastern side of the country by cautious know them to northern and western parts of the country to go on through sundays. i celsius for tyco 7 for ssl 7 also for shanghai. normally when he attempted disrupted to get above freezing and shanghai on monday, then we're well below freezing. in solve, it picks up in tokyo, temperatures at around 14 degrees, cold enough embracing minus 3 se, se, but at least the sun will be out sunshine to across
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a good pos of indo china. it'll be a few showers that just creeping the way into northern past. i'll be at now. plenty of showers across south east asia, the big and lobby down polls. as per usual, sandy runs up 6 across the eastern side of the region for the shower 7th of eastern parts of india around with been going around the under. but that's much of india is dry. more of that dense folk and smoke for the northwest. i didn't to focused on the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you watching else 0 reminder of our headlines for members of iran revolutionary guard had been killed in an air strike in damascus to reinstate media or reporting of the time was launched by israel. the strike hit the residential building in the organization. at least a 165 people have been killed in gaza in the last 24 hours is really attacks of intensified near the city of san eunice to major hospitals including glasses,
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largest remaining functioning health facilities. nicer in the un has again accused israel of blocking 8 deliveries to northern gauze. the un, his reiterated its accusation. that is real, is blocking a deliveries to the northern part of the strip. the you in 2 minutes here in affairs agency says almost 70 percent of shipments to the north of this trip or not cleared by israel so far this year. it's also rejected. 95 percent of all fuel and medicine supplies entering the north, allowing only one such delivery. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently said he is only allowing minimum levels of aid into gauze. this talk to options. you're a senior political analyst, more one of the shower about this. one of the many reasons this is interesting is of course primarily levels of human suffering that that entails when the humanitarian aid is not getting into the gaza strip. also politically and strategically. there is a un security council resolution dating, it's only a few weeks old back to late december that says,
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and that calls and provides for the immediate escalation if humanity are in a going into gaza. the u. n. is saying it's not happening in the united nations continues to assist and the words over at secor through gen that all of that. and as long as the war continues, it's going to be more or more difficult to get the supplies in to get the trucks and to, to get the, a distributed for those who need the most. but this is this on the war. and in the system the collective punishment. i mean, it's all. remember that the very latest deal about medical aid was only allowed to in a fight and case was connected to the, to the captives. which means that the idea of the principle of collective punishment, which is a war crime, continues to be you know, guarded and, and protected and, and, and underlined by his read the occupying power. now i think unfortunately, they're not technicians, you know,
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saves all these things. but nothing is really happening because the influential members who can do something about it and hope all is themselves that your minute the areas and claim to put you as a humanitarian at the center of that foreign policy. i'm talking about those privilege track boys in douglas. right. instead of calling forest fight, or at least calling for more humanitarian it or pushing for more here in that day and age. they were hosting, visually the president who was the 1st to unleash the general. so i think guys all by giving it to intent. right. so we have a situation where to buy the united nations, the speaking, i chose to follow it as it where it clearly there's a huge, huge need as thought it was saying. and guys are our correspondent, the whatever is circulating in is drop in the bucket drop in the ocean, right? and yet,
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there's no one of our standing able to pressure to is around interrupting data and wireless is happening. this is a very much a today issue. this is what palestinian civilians in gaza need, right? they need a they need the basics for food, water, fuel, medicine, etc. meanwhile, what is really into us to talking about is about the day after and even that there is the agreement on that. i'm sure that you know, this is the thing, right? we need to discuss it when they talk about it. it's important because these are, despite their genocide, the instincts they are still in 4th and powers because they're of the united states . europeans, apparently i want to talk about the day after next week. but to my mind that especially when you listen to what they're saying, right, they are wasting a lot of time. and they are going to a, is deceiving the international public opinion good public opinion. as i say, i was talking about something really important when the important thing is
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happening in plain sight and casa, which is the i'm dropping in genocide. and they are war crimes being cared every day today that i was the last 24 hours more than a 150 people been killed. and more than $250.00 wanted. and this continues. and the very last very few couple functioning hospitals that are being boned. so as we've also heard from our report, our correspond to the guys, this is the thing we've discussed before. the disease, the disease, the disease, right? in addition to the car, to the heart or to the heart of the war. now disease is kind of a, the silence suffering the silent dis, right? with people without the bombs, without, they just going to be, you know, getting sick and dying. and some of the studies i've seen really talk about that, but you know, maybe a half a 1000000 that's by the end of the year. all things being equal,
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the meaning of the age is not getting in the water is not ending. and the disease is continued to spread. people are going to be dying in silence. yeah. which has been that you as message that disease and lack of access to proper medical care may actually end up killing more people. then the bombs houses are a senior political endless, more one to shar. thank you very much. i or in spain hundreds have gathered in capital in the capital, madrid, calling for an end to israel's one, gaza 20 other spanish cities are also holding solidarity marches for palestine. they want the government to cut ties with israel. supporters are also backing south africa's case against israel at the i. c. j. the international court of justice and rally is being held in the united kingdom. protests as in birmingham are holding a day of action for palestine with thousands,
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demanding and immediate ceasefire. the looking at other world news in the democratic republic of congo, felix just security has been sworn in for a 2nd term. as presidents in the capital can shots, a large crowds have gathered at the country's biggest stadium. just the katie and his party won a landslide victory last month. opposition figures branded the election assume and called for protests. sedan is suspending its membership and the east african original block e got the into inter governmental authority on development. the war torn countries government says the group violated sedan sovereignty by inviting the leader of the power military rapids support forces to a meeting in uganda. on thursday, the sudanese army and the ar assess, had been fighting for control of the country for 9 months. thousands have been killed in the conflict. millions have been displaced. a criminal cartels are tightening their grip on indigenous communities along the mexico, guatemala border,
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causing a surgeon, internal displacement as violence escalates, effective communities, a calling for help. but there are also concerns over a militarized response from the mexican government manual regular reports. the entire families and southern mexico are fleeing their homes over worsening violence. this mass displacement of mainly indigenous communities and the state of chiapas is being driven by a deadly conflict between warring factions of the single low and how least go new generation, drug cartels each buying for control of the people and their territory. many say this is just the latest chapter of violence that's in playing out for years. have another that's a dozen using menu for at least a 2 and a half years jump policy is witnessed a dispute between the lodge organized drug cartels to maintain a rivalry over control of both the roots of transit. and of course, tutorial control got the list this week tensions rows even further. when
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villagers have been with america township clashed with members of the mexican military. in one video, a soldier can be heard calling villagers cowards, for not standing up to the cartel members themselves. at one point, armed forces reportedly fired tear gas locals like this man carrying an elderly woman in his arms. now claim there not only being victimized by drug gangs, but also by the military. no, they were being displaced. the government sent the mexican army to drive the people out of the way of america. see for yourself the people are fleeing from the homes. 2 what asked about the incident, mexico's president, and that is one way, lopez, over the other article called on indigenous villagers in chiapas to place their trust in the countries armed forces. yes. thomas's the indian to are sending to and protecting the people's the impression that god is there. g. opposite mexico's poorest state. here,
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the combination of extreme poverty and years of neglect by the government, or among the reasons deadly. cartels have managed to take over entire swats of territory. these propaganda video published last year by the seen a low of cartel, shows what appears to be a court hill parade where local residents were reportedly forced to cheer on passing vehicles. the viral video highlights just how much influence and control the drug cartels have in southern mexico. when was it up a little al jazeera, moving on to other stories, 13 students have died after a fire broke out at a boarding school dormitory, and central china. it happened on friday nights in a village and had non profits. all of the victims were a 3rd grade students. local authorities are investigating the cause, while state media say the schools owner has been detained. meanwhile, and it was big community leader was arrested in moscow on friday for a meeting that he posted on social media was one balance off was charged with inciting hatred. with the post,
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the investigators said insulted russian forces in ukraine. the charge carries a maximum punishment of 3 years in prison. moscow has launched a major crack down on descent banning all criticism of the war and ukraine, that there has been protests across germany against the rise of the far right. if 1000 is turned out in the city of hamburg to denounce the fluoride a d 40, which is writing high in some opinion polls, it comes after a reports by investigative journalists, revealed that members of the a f. d. had discussed expelling immigrants and what they described as non assimilated citizens. germany central left chancellor old schultz joined a office to protest in the city of puts down each winter's thousands of tourists visit indian administered kashmir views of the himalayas. skiing slopes and other winter sports or a big draw. but not this year for
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a long dry spell across the region with very little snow is disrupting the tourism industry. as on michael, some sharif reports not long ago. good and there was bustling, the told is getting its been to a holiday season. thousands of people skied down the snow covered slopes. many others central for ski sessions for the 1st time. but this here is different slopes that are usually frosty, wide of brown and green. and what was once one of the easiest best key destinations is a disappointing winter's tale. the season january is usually a busy month for mohammed a crumb. who makes his living by taking taurus on horseback. but now he sits all i do for most days. sewing machine gun cost in b. c a. we had no snow on the if you send to me test, which has impacted or livelihood. and we have not had much with the winter months
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at crew shuffle our livelihood at 8500 feet to about 2600 meters goodness


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