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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the, the the iran files, retaliation officer to accuse this is relative kidding of 5 senior men. but so if it's a lead submitted tree force in syria, the carry johnston, this is alex, is here right where i live from to also coming out this i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk quote, the spitting go over to the rest of the agent, jordan, this foreign minister tells us era about the dangers of war on gauze and poses to
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the middle east. is round, intensifies except tax and southern gaza. nearly $25000.00 out of stadium too. since wisconsin, tarika visited russell for as well as waging a campaign of destruction. how do i need to get your cation with a systematic thoughts on causes, universities and school? the thousands of protests has radi across the israel de monte early elections of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu just step down the around has vowed revenge after choosing is relative kidding. at 5 members of its elite stomach, revolutionary god, called the attack, and the syrian capital damascus killed uranian head of intelligence in syria. among
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other high ranking offices presents abraham racy said he would not allow what he called a cowardly assassination. to go on on, said russell, set up against coverage from the radiant capital. tyrone the rescue work to search for survivors in the rubble of the building used by the garage of addition regards to city capital, damascus, standing excel presidents describing the movement of the attack in pop does you have the available data? i was using my asthma inhaler, which when my little granddaughter, who was 3 years old, was sitting beside me. i just, i mean awesome or, and kind of. so i tried to protect for like one like the last 10. how are the size almost within seconds as riley myself just seen it in a terrifying and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description, the full story, residential building collapse instantly cars with shaded buildings with demolished . it's a crime of the most heinous kind. your arms releasing the gods with providing details regarding the rank of those keels. but somebody forced to adjust. one was the head
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of course, forces impose this unit in syria. what's forces is edie trenadore for pollution to god's contacts and coordinates eros coast portable patients across the region now is read am. so disrupt is lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by this way, the regime. but this is a price that the writings recognize that they'll have to pay to support other people. the policies on the run has been sanctioned for decades. now, it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and, and palestine. this is not, israel is 1st attacked when you're running offsets in syria on december 25th is we have targeted and killed another top of lease in regards to official pricing with savvy in damascus. immunization here on launch new titles and the, the facility in the city of that'd be in the north of iraq. you're all set. that
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facility was a spite house of israel secret service. most of the cost of the latest is ready attacked as such as the in damascus. there are growing concerns that the possibility of a broader conflict is rising. this radius and the americans have both shows showing signs that since they've lost the war. and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the patients. a lot of the time that you're running for the minister says, is the best attack, is it? that's the attempt to suppress instability and the regional any wrong reserve. the right to respond in due time and location. you stay for the task for the season. coming to move in between one and as well. so far, both sides have avoided a server communicator, confrontation, random experts here said the country as exercise strategic patients within a direct community conflict with israel. but they say the reason number of this ready attacks is testing the patients that wrong. and there are on back group attacks and minutes we base housing us troops in iraq
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following that to attack and syria. at least one service. one was wounded, multiple ballistic missiles and rockets were fired. that the un aside and base troops from the us led coalition returned fight, launching more than a dozen strikes us central come on, said is assessing damage to the base and it's personnel saying it's a defense is intercepted. most of the missiles bucklin other wide reports from the rocky capital bank that of these limited resistance to new york has claimed responsibility for the attack on the i in a submitted treat these which is housing us and coalition forces in western iraq tribal officials in about provence, in wisdom, the rock say that the coalition forces the to it and it fired on targeted the location. what are the missiles, what a long should from you know, above the district in about a province in western iraq. it is. lemme resistance an umbrella told him that
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includes your along the lines of the groups who have been cutting thousands of tax targeting us and coalition forces military facilities and iraq on city since october. the 17th they put 2 major predict was it's to stop these attacks. the us forces and coalition forces withdrew from iraq. they called them to appeal patient forces. and 2nd, the stops supporting is it as admitted? so you can pain on his eyes. but i would have to do i had, i was using it all by that. in southern lebanon, and it's rarely, jerome strike has killed a member of his block. at least one other person was killed because they went and was destroyed across the board. the attacks have been bouncing up since the start of the war against iran con reports from budge. the perhaps name south of david that the vice around midday, local side of things are thing about this is where it's
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a place to place. and elbows are they have which is about $25.00. columbus is away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep sea. in recent weeks, however, these attacks have been the half of the killing. on january, 2nd of all, the ruling, the senior las vegas in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago, which i'm alex will, who was a senior local come on the in the south, all the 11 on for hezbollah was killed in kind of a sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drugs. so although they say it's going to be a blow to his bully in terms of the technical aspect, there's certainly doesn't charge the senior leadership in certainly don't belong to his beloved either politically or militarily. but it is an interesting uh, watch. let's see what his bullet does next to in the past when we say attacks like
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this, we're seeing rockets from his will like a deeper into his right new territory. so lebanese major are saying israel used false 1st, munitions doing an attack in the south. they say this footage shows the town of who that being hits with white phosphor shells which looks truly flammable. they use in populated areas is illegal on the international humanitarian. not only attacks in syria, iraq on devin and come as israel continues to form across the goal is a strict driving fence. the one cause a could lead to a visual conflict. i'm in safari is jordan's foreign minister. he told my colleague and the clock and the buttons could easily spread from the very beginning. we warrant that to this i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over. and so the rest of the agent added to that, no, that is a foreign minister, might be at the contest the prob, looking yeah, uh,
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compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay that. but it's kind of reckoning that he would have to face an also to navigate around the differences that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future is. so to listen to the impact of that to the difference, would they be less than others and to delay the police get a reckoning. yeah. 5 minutes and it's you know, it might be working towards the booking or the bronze to which he would drug, the waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict that is relevant so far. we've got goals for a to allow the internationally recognized product digital authority to govern both costs. when the occupied westbank side is apparently washington's preferred option . what is joel these done waste on. i mean, as we stepped from the very beginning, uh, gaza is boston, boston. it'd be a good buy percentage or 3,
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any discussion of guys and the doctor has to be bought. the boss of a road or approaches would include the if you buy it was back. and if you buy to send him and we do not accept any immediate presence and doesn't or do we upset that he was like, they've been sort of, i mean, parts of guys have, this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning of this deposition that we're providing supports what i let me just add one thing and this is something that's for, for, for the world to recognize. even video us, which is providing as language support says is why it has to conduct aggregation. and what does, within the, it's not, it says the is right, has to allow sufficient too many cas applies and we'll get to it is not, it said the only possible. what is a 2 state solution that would be eliza listing and stay the same government the same? you know, it will not allow that. so i think it should be clear to the whole, well know which party is responsible for the test or that has been engulfed in the body of the world. which party is responsible for benign nobody's going to be so deserves. and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've
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got to remember as is, ryan continues with the technician on god. it is also conducting a way to. ready the west bank where it is suffocating that as soon as you can, obviously it's denied that i to be a worship. ready muslims and christians, it is getting better simians, interesting palestinians that we have to remember, that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have worked against the violence. but in this sort of condition, i think the, what's the response is bullying and that it was not ex fluids and under the pressure for me is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dangerous scenario. which was even pub boys, the more serious types of driving us all into eddies, not expansion of build this or, or in gaza, is ready a tax of tails. at least $165.00, palestinian since friday. taking the death toll across the gauze. it today 25000 since the war began. and con, unit strikes,
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continue to the amount of hospital with multiple casualties and rough or at least 3 people were killed when the car was targeted to others, were injured brass or has taken in more than 1000000 displaced palestinians. it's been on the constant is very bump ah, this is where the forces all being accused of deliberately targeting education facilities across the strip university campuses have been destroyed and united nations as the damage could lead to a last generation part of the ports from wrapping it was once a simple of higher education and goals, a city now smart university is gone to dust. and the previous last hope for generation of palestinians is wanting to compass use to the pike. i'm with the university courses including finance, engineering, and low for more than $4000.00 students. israel is being accused of deliberately
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targeting education who was a student at these. let me kid of us. the of goes off before was listed on usable by his race tracks. for studying him, mazda, i'd hoped to become my phone like to since the beginning of these, for my university and other university is here in the got us to plus, almost destroyed. we are talking that not only does check to the university if this was destroyed or so the future of, or the students or the people that this starts with studying. and masters, or materials degree or even to be in this university wide or most destroyed. in a statement, the palace, the minister of foreign affairs and expects condemned is what is the tax on universities? the occupation previously targeted a large number of higher education institutions in the gaza strip and destroyed them completely or partially as part of the criminal award is waiting against the palestinian people. nothing to say about the need it to do that kind of an explosion. you need to be in there,
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you have to put the explosives down and it takes a lot of planning and preparation to do. and if there was a threat from this particular facility, they wouldn't have been able to do it. the state department is being asked to explain, it's a lady's actions. we are always troubled by the, by any degradation of civilian infrastructure and gossip. but without knowing the actual underline circumstances, i'm a little hesitant. i think for reasons that should be understand with the past, defend of judgment on it. from this podium, the own garza has left thousands of students across this trip. the limbo that united nations is warning that the destruction in goals will lead to a last generation. among young people here, target was in algebra, russell southern cause to thousands of protests of gather the crust. israel demising the release of captives held by a mass in garza summer coating for new elections. many have lost faith in probably
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minister benjamin netanyahu to bring peace and get their loved ones back on correspondence to raise a but is instead of eve and sends us this report. as the we have had enough time to be pulling heavy musk we are in central tel aviv thousands of them protesting against the governmental being. i mean nothing. yeah. and calling for new elections. j nef says nothing. yeah. who is using the war on guys that to hold onto power? the goals of this war were never defined, were never defined in a way that we can say they were a cheese, they weren't achieved. so that means this war can go on forever. as long as it serves somebody's purpose, and that is the person that you've been talking about, that it serves its purpose to continue this war indefinitely. and people are dying on both sides. most people here continue to support the war on how much of the fact
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that this protests are ongoing shows that there's some serious question and, and then you may not turn yes, well, and his leadership. many people here say that in order to remain united, nothing, you will have to go a few blocks away in hosted square in front of the ministry of defense, thousands called on the government to do more to get the captives released. and this idea we nothing yet whose west ends is located. there was tension between protesters and the police. the many see the i stopped believing the government strategy. we get their loved ones. housing guys, back home in haifa, jews and arabs came together to demand a ceasefire. following pressure from the high court of justice, the police agreed to allow an anti will protest for the 1st time since,
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as well as the attack on guys i began. so i'm calling all the governments, was there? what would lead there that they both thing is right? we've no condition and the unlimited zip to send us a send us a definitely conciliation. 8 will be 8 upstairs. initiative between jews are. is what i leaves and part of the the reasons to be on the streets in these, well, i'm many, these days. and the objectives vary from one place to another. but they all add to the pressure in a government that seems to be getting weaker as the war goes on. really. so i'll just seat in heavy honda something that joins us now from occupied these to roost. them so happened. that's pressure, isn't that not just from protest is but also from within the wall cabinets itself. the pressure mounting on his railing,
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu, both internationally and on the domestic front, on his home turf. you have not only pressure from the families of these captives, but now the visions from, with, in the is really government. and from within the war cabinet, even these are people, these really prime minister had selected based on their military and security experience to assist him in his roles. war efforts, one of those warrant cabinet members, guy, the eyes and coat, a former army general, who remember lost his son and nephew in the ground operation. he says in interviews who is really media that those who are saying that there can be a total defeat, a promise or not exactly telling the truth. he also says that there should be elections held within is really society. so that the people can confidently say that they support the government. however, when you speak to people, when you see these demonstrations going on, you can see that, that there is
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a support for war effort. but there isn't so much that support for these really prime minister in fact to pull numbers have never been lower. but there are some things that nets and y'all, who's cabinet and coalition members agree on these really prime minister has been saying for almost the entirety of his career that he would block a palestinian state. and that is something that has been echoed by the far right members of his coalition, like these really finance minister bets and it smelt rich, unknown, ultra nationalist, someone who since he entered this government with nothing yahoo more than a year ago said that he would do everything in his power and the government's power to block the palestinian state. and this was even before the war and many members in opposition. parties who are saying the same type of sentiment to the on side. a member of the new whole party echoing that same sentiment. so while there are divisions within the is really governments, they seem to agree that they do not want a palestinian state some the way that's up to it. thanks very much coming up after
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the break. the families of mexico circle disappeared accuse the government of trying to manipulate the numbers of missing people. the jo, 3 years in, and joe biden, faces little competition from within the democratic party. despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as the formalities of the nomination, concepts begin does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 years. us election 2024 on elsa's, the in depth analysis of the things headlines. how does south africa from its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing, of jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea,
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it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story. on al jazeera, unique perspective, some people teasing really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect to our community and talking to conversations. you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy human noises. that's been and so i want to go and you know, us as a human to have the connection with the stream on out to 0. the the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the headlines for you know, 5 man does other ons, revolutionary god have been chosen and struck in damascus. iran has blamed israel and says the attack will not go on, said the striking the rest then shall building in the missing neighborhood. another is rarely attacked, killed a member of hezbollah and 11 and frontage road, destroyed his com, meanwhile, and rainy and fax group has attacked him. but it, tree base and rock the housing us troops and in garza is very strikes have continued across the street, getting more than 160 kind of ceilings. and less than 24 hours springs a desktop incoming set to just on the $25000.00 palestinians since october 7 the russian control a ton of how this costs and since you've done yet, can ukraine to come on the shutting in early hours a saturday, ukrainian troops continue to hold positions on the outskirts of don't. yes,
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can east of the country. the don't ask. reason is one a full that russians claimed, as it's wives of russian soldiers in ukraine, the campaigning for the husbands to return from the front. the group called the way home went to the election headquarters of russian president vladimir putin must go on saturday. criticism of the board, russia is banned. they also relate flowers of the 2 of the unknown soldier. we have the serial number if i decide to but i think we need to come on mass right . similar repealed instructions in order to force and by weight of numbers. previously we went to lawmakers, we wrote less, as i think now is exactly the moment when we need to act, when it's not now. tens of thousands of people have protested across the germany against the far right. if the party, including more than $30000.00 people in front foot,
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the demonstrations with spots by report that the party had discussed deporting migraines and so called non assimilated citizens, the backlash comes of safety, enjoys a strong posing numbers, had a vigil elections in the coming months the final list of 20 candidates for senate goals presidential election next month, has been released and includes preston's lucky souls. hon. pick success up 5 minutes to do bob your position at lee the host months on co and carrying one day. the sound of a full that precedent on not on the list. lucky so it will handle the power off the he moved out running for a 3rd time last year and calmer us a 3 opposition candidates to follow the legal challenge against the re election of the incumbent president as on the us of on a one. the 4th time in office solve the he was declared the winner in last week's
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election. capital maroney was paralyzed for 2 days with st. battles between soldiers and protest as a somebody's opponents say the vote was ranked the east african on a nation has experienced about 20 crews or attempted cruise, says independence from france in 1975 in southern mexico. protests have set fire to municipal palace for him. the police killing of a young man demonstrates has indicated that the honda confronted police officers and set the vehicles on file for offices had been detained for suspected homicide, for the death of a 27 year old man who has gone down on the side of his grandmother's house, mexican government has conducted the review of the official register of disappeared, people for the transparency on how it was carried out,
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the families of missing persons came. the records have been manipulated in an effort to know what the total number of the reports. now, from mexico city, the demonstrators outside of federal government building in mexico city through the families of missing persons. and they say they want answers over why dozens of case files have been erased from the official government census onforce disappearances. active. it showed us dozens of lead government documents appearing to show the names of missing persons that have been removed from the public record . can look at getting yourself, but they want to make it seem as if there are no full disappearances in mexico. but that's not the case. everybody does. it says her husband roberto must be in, went missing in 2010. she believes his name is among those that have been erased. she and many others believe mexican authorities of tampered with official records to make it appear as though hundreds, possibly thousands of missing persons have already been found to report it so. so yeah,
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that's why i am here demanding that the president tells us where all these people are that have supposedly been found. that was my husband's never returned for his part president and it is monday, lopez over at all. it has denied the accusations in the middle. have no, i. e, we have no intention, nor have we ever had the intention. everybody seeing any disappeared person that we conducted as a revision in the general mass and it was search need to clarify precisely what do you have in terms of disappeared. it's and get everything in order to complete you on. is it easy? according to the mexican government's own records, there been more than $45000.00 cases of missing persons in mexico during the lopez over the other. what administration with less than a year left before the end of president lopez over the term, critics say his administration is trying to manipulate government statistics ahead of the upcoming national election information regarding the methodology used to
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update the national registry on missing persons has not been made publicly available families of missing persons in mexico say it's a wait for the government to make their loved ones disappear for a 2nd time. when was it up? i don't. how does he or mexico city. 7 coming up next, it's inside story. stay with us here around the hello foggins fog. still the problem across northern buck is gone. so let me show you this, this stretch stream from the capital territory to punjab, probably. and so from is a lombard to mil ton. now, as the sun pokes out, it will help dissipate some of that fox, so we see it start to shove out as the day progresses. now this is also a problem in northern india as well through the northern indian plain stretching
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from daily rate through 2 barnowski. and there is somewhat weather in the mix. as we look to westbank, all states including for a calcutta 23 degrees will be the top temperature for you on sundays, cooler air has filtered into northern vietnam showers in the mix for a noise at 17 degrees. and if we go to china, also cool weather is here for the eastern side, shanghai 7 degrees breezy conditions here. so you're certainly going to feel it. speaking of feeling that it's going to feel about minus 5 by tuesday. so colder weather is still to get through for japan, it's a soaker cleaning for the main island. a punch you tokyo, looking at a months worth of rain over 24 hours raising conditions here, but your temperature will pop right back up to actually above average. and we have been dealing with some flooding on boarding, you'll island to west column and 10, but it looks like things will calm down on sunday. see you later i the vague,
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i mean that the artificial intelligence has altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to you, the machine's trust is un, not given as a develops and becomes more powerful. i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure. people in power investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to physical roland prussia to hold as well to account for 1000 move countries of a phone and get to the us top port. and as president is facing the criminal complaints switzerland. so can international justice johnson as well. this is


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