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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the is rarely as strikes and shutting pounds con unice since southern cause the am i'm terry johnson. this is, i'll just say it right. well no,
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i from also coming on hospitals in southern guns that are overwhelmed with a number of injuries and terrified testing and seeking shelter across the us intelligence agency site is ro is phoning, phos schultz. of is, is of destroying from us. plus especially in manchester, new hampshire, we're just days before the primary election here, one of the republican fund as decided to obtain the 3 and a half months. so this rose war ongoing. so and at least 25000 palestinians killed more than 200 policy needs a dying every day on average 8 agents, they say families just around the corner. and the past few hours alone, these 12 people have been killed in the southern city of con eunice,
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which has become the focus of as well as offensive the gun bottles and bloss saw her and that's the hospital. southern guns is not just the healthcare facility. fist fighting between is very forces and posting and fights is also continuing in the north or not. the hospital is the largest still functioning health facility in southern guns that it supplies are running critically that we spoke to dr. med mcgraw. the, he's the head of the plastic surgery and bench department the he says the hospitalized overwhelmed to the number of patients. they're getting it all families to that in all the studios every day. we uh, told you of how many of us have to die really? every day we are hundreds of these, even some people are fussing away. i don't know. i don't know how what it is, do we have to go with the city situations?
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i have no words, i can't we are diag to do our best actually for my says, maybe most of you know that my family by shouldn't that and mother and wife are staying with this. this was to be done. couple of this back with this lady to the chicken, but it goes up to that was to be done. all the people i actually evacuated. i my self actually on friday i took my family to secure them and ended up off. i was like to find one thing actually to book my phone video and come back to la said i couldn't find a place in the for i couldn't find that. didn't actually took my time and it is very populated area. can you imagine i broke my family back to lots of uh this, um this to obviously the most. it just might fit what the 3 course i'll be here. i lost that with my family. there is no place to be to go. i have just finished my work at the main alternative theatre every day. every day i'm doing the cases seen
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cases every day of the week. i have here are those with along with this will be sufficient. so i can send you the exact number, but every day we are performing series since the beginning of this war. so you can use the number since the beginning of this war. actually, we used to do why my says, i used to do, i don't know what to give is not doing like between like 10 to 15 gives us the best, the water we will loving continuously, product. so i have here the list to be done by fissions discuss scheduled because i'm not going to skip out of this has to be the guy that's what is going to i gain like what did you guys, department, and the also be the keep up with the bed unit, if you will, patients to step up the here are those to be that they need the, they need kid, the they need proper food. they need to clean water, they need the, how to sit, they need everything. so this is actually possible to step more here. this situation. can you imagine if these that i really wouldn't bid this because it is at a horrible would be i agree,
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i pray for the god actually this would love to have a display of what i was the adult on was this when would love to have been really not, that's hard to get please. well enough that's all to get good. 8 i don't know, i don't reside, they'll read because the old lines, and they didn't, they did all the types of crimes. and the, uh, the effect was to be 1000 scores every with. but this is, this domain was to be the add, the, the me not listed as this house. as a selves of goes, i will, this would not have been i, i talked to you of this have been, i can't tell you what the, the, the, the, the, you just got this little big situation for the south. and rafa thousands of families have lost the homes, are struggling to find that medicine. so that's 6 children, hospitals, like even the most basic medicine children are dying of preventable diseases. all right. as a reports when a qx 80 hospital in rough as she were uploaded to some desperately needs and then
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he left to treat his asthma. but of course the gaza strip medicines are becoming possible to find the total. then there is no treatment, not in the hospital with adults or writes prescription note at the pharmacy, why we went no at the un run school, there is no treatments. my kid needs an inhaler. they do not have one. children will suffer until they die, or children of dying slowly, the palestinians who have fled to cause the south. the lack of adequate housing and heating means families are forced to live in tents for nature shelters. and as temperatures continue to truck, children are becoming more vulnerable to norman. you can one of them. so want to see it's not just about student morsa, we need treatments. we want a safe place for us. for our children, we want heating, there's no heating, it's cold, 10 people that attend and it's still cold. if one of my sons costs the other son
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will cost like him. this is all life. doctors say the r o l correct. to handle the rising number of patients, especially with children law fun went to the pediatric department here has almost 1000 illness cases every day. every day we lose the loss of children's use in medicine show, which is even simple meet us instead should exist in every hospital clinic. full health center doctors can totally offer simple treatments. the font, we only have sealants, but fever relief, antibiotics pain relief medicines. they don't have available in the hospital. we treat children without medicines. that according to the world health organization, most of gauze is hospitals have either stops working or partially functioning. and hospitals like this one rating at 3 times its capacity without adequate fuel or medicines to treat the most wonderful victims. target could,
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has been out 0 of the way to hospital roof. southern guns on the ground to mass fights is, are engaged in the fist battles in the south, as well as the north post and in fights is confronting, is very forces in the north, in that to bother you on to the south of guns, a city, israel has stepped off, it's shipping in central gauze, the northeast at the very edge refugee camp. the home, the wing of him asked the alec a some brigades says it targeted is rarely sold as with most a shelves in the south is very forced as a car without raising the central con you this sunday corolla area. according to us, officials and number from us fights as kills and goals are so full full shots of israel's war. and the classified reports quoted by the wall street journal. a mass is still functioning at the high level. often months of war, i'm involved reports usually the army has used some of the most
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destructive missiles, the 5th, to pierce deep below ground, or is to thieves and tie it blocks the impact on buildings, roads, activity in life, as being the magic. but on how much that is on this, on searching of to month, so full, there's a growing belief. that is why it is weapons are less effective against thomas by october 7 from us had a cold group of $30000.00 fights. this is what he says. it has killed up to $9000.00 of them, since there's no way to verify any of those vegas. how much doesn't to notice the number of it's fight this, or it's desktop, leaving the mazda for guest wick. but destiny of the match between these are the speakers and us intelligence estimates quoted by the wall street journal us by agencies say,
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is all you have so far kim to 20 to 30 percent of how much fight does. which means about 75 percent of the how much false is this to, in fact, that's decidedly less the worse declared with a, the complete immunization of the policy and group. you could never eliminate how much completely a park is there, not only and guys, there are there in many countries and they are there and they're loving on their and west bank. there are many other places, so they're never going to be completely eliminated. even in gossip but beyond guys as well and, and they should have been talking about disabling guys that may be pushing him us out of control politically of the, of the gaza strip is like the full scale of superiority. hundreds of thousands of soldiers and huge amounts of heavy weapons from us. on the other hand, it is all good in the world but they are advantage is the tunnels west intelligence, social talk of up to 500 kilometers of underground tunnels, across the gulf,
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as they allow how much fight does not only to stay alive, but also to hide the cap to manufacture what the store supplies i, munitions, logistics, and plan attacks that it took it struck to seems to pose a challenge to is really good. it's specialized in finding and destroying those thumbs. all those factors have led to the belief about how much is this to him strong. and he's about to be to see how much fun does, or at least 195 is very sold as have been killed since these are out of doors this ground defensive and they talk to but for a minister. benjamin netanyahu, as once again said he will not pull troops out of gaza or accept any conditions from us in order to end the will need to hit us off. categorically rejects the conditions of capitulation to the last months to exchange for the release of our hostages. a month to month until the war, the withdrawal of our forces from causes the release of old murderers and rapists
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from not. but i'm the continuation of come us and power. and if we accept this, our soldiers have full and then bang. if we accept this, we wouldn't be able to guarantee the safety of us citizen money, but we will not be able to bring it back to res. home, safely, and the next october 7th, will only be a matter of time on the cell who isn't occupied these to us. and now with more, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reiterating the position he's had since the beginning of the war. but in a more defiant type of tone, he says that until israel a cheese a total victory and accomplishes those 3 military goals that they set out to more than 3 months ago, the war is going to continue. all of this comes as there's been immense pressure mounting on him, both on the domestic front and internationally, internationally. you have the americans who have been putting a lot of pressure for more aid to go into gaza and for talks about what's going to happen when the war ends. specifically, when it comes to a 2 state solution,
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giving the palestinians of state these really prime minister has denounced that and said for the entirety of his political career, he has been against that and will stand in the way. but you also have members of his right wing coalition who are also against a pals city and state and do not want to see nets. and you all who caved in any sort of way. then you have to send from within the war cabinet members who say that a total defeat of how this is a tall order and those who are saying, but that is likely aren't exactly telling the truth. all of this comes as these really military says, it's continuing to expand its ground operations in the southern part of gaza. israel's defense minister says that the operations are only going to expand and intensify as israel's prime minister says. but military pressure is the only way to bring the captives back and the war is going to continue well into the year 2025. the ongoing rates and the occupies westbank, including hebron in the village, the novice into commerce soldiers arrested at least 4 people who would like to
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released is very forces are focused on the area in recent weeks. on this surveillance video is very soldiers are seen entering the streets of the city according to reports, at least one palestinian with shots june. the incursion of israel has decided to release the parts of the funds it oh, suppose to new authority is spots of taxes. that is a collect some that huh. but the money meant for gods that will be held in no way. instead of the need to abraham reports from the occupies westbank. it's mike, look busy in the main vegetable market. but this doesn't mean people have money to buy what the vendors tell us. some are window shopping. others trying to bargain for the lowest price possible. just in the last year, the prices of vegetables jumped by 5 percent of the occupied west bank,
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mostly driven by to 1000. even bakeries are feeding the heat in the day and some people come and ask if they can buy now and pay later. it's new and on the rise, i see the way people are spending. it's much less people are now buying haul for what they used to be for the will. the palestinian authority is the main employer in the occupying the west bank. it hasn't been able to pete public and to use their full salaries for years. partially because of declining international aid, and partly because israel is withholding palestinian money. israel collects customs of goods imported to occupied palestine. it then transfers the money to the palestinian authority on average, that adds up to about $200000000.00 a month. and israel takes the percent of the money as a collection fee, but israel has repeatedly frozen the money or even cut the amount, especially during times of war. now its cabinet has approve the planned for frozen
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palestinian money to be held by norway. but israel was still have the right to decide when the money would be transferred to the palestinian authority. this is the 12th time that as well, uses its leverage over hello send in tax revenue to kind of punish the palestinian authority or we cannot or signal that it is unhappy with its context. and it's basically a way for israel to a search just how much control that has over everything. it also has control over another important source of revenue. tens of thousands of palestinian workers who used to find jobs in israel have been prevented from entering there after the war. how much of any used to be a construction worker in his real, you know, works as a vendor. he says he barely makes 20 percent of his previous salary. gave me a little while how the when i worked in his reality, i couldn't afford my bill. but now i'm on my feet all day. and i didn't even know
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if i'll make ends to make the palestinian authority had earlier, refused to accept any of the funds if the full amount owed to them wasn't paid many believe under the current financial crises, it has little options need that. but he just the to the occupied westbank coming up also the bright reports from inside the northern gauze. that's where he's ready. tanks and troops left the trail of destruction. an argentine as the preston fence to a few environmental protection. those critics say will save a big business which benefits because the glad to have you here. let's go with your weather uptake beginning in india and you know, for a time on sunday at dallas airport,
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the visibility was mill. that's just how sick this fog is. doctor, the color here, the more intense that fog is so we will see it lift a little bit throughout the day as the sun helps to dissipate it. still a few showers along the border with onto per dash and the additional states here, but nothing major. there has also been major falk across northeastern, focused on so from the capital territory down through the punjab providence. and again, same goes here throughout the day is that sun pokes that will help. the fog disappeared just a bit. so a pretty good burst of rain the other day in karachi sons out on monday with a height of 29 degrees cooler weather lease out of china in to northern vietnam. so 14 degrees in hanoi that's far below where you should be for this time of the year . look how cool it is in shanghai cold snap alerts and play here one, but with the windshield there will feel sub 0, some snow for gwen g. providence for and qualen just the other day you were in the twenty's and we've got this weather maker in between the waters of korea and japan
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. it is going to scoop up moisture run right into whole kind of island. so it's a portable over the next 4 or 5 days, you could see upwards of 40 sending me shares of snow. see you later. the i have the right, the boy caught the anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that i can to support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to, in, quote, on which is 0,
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the do without us here are the headlines now. last and fighting continue in con eunice in the south of guns, which has become the focus of israel is offensive. at least 12 people have been killed. last few hours in the us. officials say the number from us fights is killed and goes and says pop polls show it to as well as for aids. according to classified reports, quality possible street journal, still functioning as a high level of to months. as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu was with teachers opposition to put in his troops out of garza to the creation of an independent palestinian state. northern gauze that has been largely flattened by israel's relentless punk bob and send a tax which is 0,
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isn't us. l shareef has been to see the damage in town like tom, the neighborhood inside the giovanni refugee camp is almost totally destroyed. no, not this. and if you want to put the shuttle to him, i'll call you i'm your valuation on standing and tell those that are east of trip out here. refugee camp in the northern part of the cars and straight for these ready occupation forces tanks, armored vehicles and troops were deployed. all you see how did they destroyed everything in their way from residential buildings, to infrastructure, heavy, even mosques and water wells were not spared on the cities grand mosque where i stand was flattened by these ready forces, soccer fields. each area is relatively high, and that is why they stationed themselves. here again, has as much as you who am, is, but she is the method mutant. this was once a house of god. it was leveled to the ground adjacent to the mazda and was a kindergarten and a water reservoir on the well,
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it's feeding the entire residential area with water. all were reduced to ruin. the i'm going to tell is that the kind of want to, i'm going to so can city was lively bustling with people in residence used to live in peace or houses of residential buildings were destroyed either by as rarely were planes. were there tanks with the ground invasion of all the entire city was carpet bombed by these rarely jet fighters, before their soldiers entered and re tablets. not even the cities landmarks, the grand mosque was not spared upon the water. reservoir tank feeding. tell l t r w e n z i, it areas was purposefully destroyed by them of moscow. infrastructure was wilfully demolished. its water pipes and sewage systems were entirely destroyed by these rarely as the some residents are trickling back to their homes. they come and see either their homes flattened or unfit for living. however, gardens are determined to come back and standard ground, even if reduced to dustin focus. and then when i see, show what i am on, what was once
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a major crossroads and tell those that are the streets for the center stage of fierce fighting between his rating soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters fighting capt. raging for days. if not weeks in this area, the aftermath is clearly visible. massive destruction residential homes, st infrastructure. nothing was spared these metal parts or what is left, but some of these really armed gear, which was destroyed by the power steering and resistance fighters, a testament to the ferociousness of fighting them. the entire area is no longer fit for humans to live in event. this is the scene tallow south or north of the gaza strip. and that the area was carpet funded by the x ray long before it witnessed for rushes, fighting between their soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters for any sign of life. but this targeted and hit by israel model. their goal is to leave the entire area on fit for living until this day, the area and returning civilians are targeted. why these rating massaro shells and drones,
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another city of jersey all somehow was the started take a look at some of the days of use in the us florida gulf in the room desantis has dropped out of the race to be the republican presidential candidate. he's announced he suspending his campaign and isn't dosing, donald trump just ahead of the new hampshire primary on tuesday. adam fisher has more wrong. like his campaign. rhonda scientist is x, it was new. keep a message on social media and the presidential dream was over and i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that a majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. i am honored to leverage your trust and your support on desantis was meant to be the
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next great republican or something. when in florida does governor's race was to propel him to the white house, but he delayed his presidential campaign in iceland, which suck momentum. and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his lack of christmas, how awkward he was in person, his inability to connect with voters in the 1st uh for states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina, where the primary is still over a month away on february 24th. so i think he's suffering from a number of things here. he spent tens of millions to come 2nd denial, where he predicted he would win with new obvious victories. coming up, doors and supporters disappeared in the cold of new hampshire. donald trump was happy to mount the pricing of the man many sold would be his biggest rival, and we're just going to see where is it?
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whatever about 3 capable person is rather yeah. ron and ron is driving. yeah. and he, in doing so, he endorsed this little song, so let's list a tax on desantis promise positions and policies to even assures that the war cycle desantis campaign early it made to move week. not the confident, conservative who wrote to victory in florida. desantis isn't even know, talking about the possibility of a 2028 presidential run when they'll be, nor donald trump in his way to torment him until the c to alex. i sure i'll just see the manchester new hampshire. around 1400000 the germans took to the streets in but included in unit over the weekend, according to organizes of a wave of demonstrations against the far right alternative for germany. party policy has recently enjoyed. busy aging popularity tapping into anti immigration sentiments. but as it would challenge reports the direction in which they want to take,
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the country is alarming. many germans for the germans joining protest in recent days. the country has been down this path before many a while right? the growing power of the far right a if the policy carried that goes of germany's not see past that they want to stop . it's this was collected on sunday with tens of thousands gathered on the banks at the ryan river. i'm demonstrating against the fact that the things that we learned at school that we all know still seem to repeat themselves. and i'm here to show that the silent majority is no longer asylum as we all the majority of the thing called democracy is a stable democracy. and that must never, never be a tax in the way the ac is currently a talking at. since friday there would be big protests in hamburg, frankfurt stick, got yearbook, and hanover on sunday. it was cologne, munich, and the capital ballot. and what triggered them was the expos, a of
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a meeting held between the, at the and austria and fall right. lead to martin selma with a force deportation of millions of immigrants and germans of foreign origin was discussed the a if the denied supporting the idea. but it's been a major scandal nonetheless. i'm not gonna use it for granted that we have a strong constitution, but the need a strong to the society as been in the center of the democratic parties. it could be a tough lee of the firewall, not to corporate with this right. be x from this and it's not copy cods of the chair and the a f. the was found it decade ago on empty immigration. and you were skeptic policies. most counts now put it in 2nd place nationally with about 20 percent support. and there was state elections later this year in 3 regions with a f. d is leading the oppose to the many thousands of demonstrators. you've come to
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the streets of most major cities, making the points for the at the doesn't speak to them. or we tell them how to 0 for the snack would all have detained, to move into 60 people after a failed attempt to seize a hospital. members of a criminal group to try to take control of the health center in the south west of the country. please say that firearms and drugs will also cease thousands of military personnel have been deployed to tackle on drugs doing a recent wave of audits. the origin tina is new president tends to appeal many of the countries environmental protection. those critics say who damage local ecosystems also have a negative impact on global efforts to tackle climate change. let's say a name and reports not from the sultan origin. seen this virgin forest to northern argentina for as far as the i can see like the amazon rain
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forest and neighboring brazil these far as soap counter greenhouse gases. they're also crucial for minimizing land sides and floods, which is why origin tina passed landmark legislation to protect far as 17 years ago . this was followed by measures to restrict the suppliers to clear fields and laws to protect woodlands and glaciers. which mining activities can put in peril? but the new libertarian president wants to repeal or rather the modified environmental legislation policy. so police, because all those policies, dudley, mankind for climate change or false at all they want. but those policies get together. funds to finance leasing. socialist right, 3rd rate in papers and paper minutes as radical changes needed to fix argentina's, chronic economic problems. but environmental is to argue that malays really is to favor big business,
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especially those owned by his closest political and economic supporters such as black as time who accompanied the president to new york last month. it was done


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