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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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that suffering also on the more top listing and inspiring stories. people try to tell them what's happening in their communities in a t a n y. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the, [000:00:00;00] the flow this is in use out on alger 0. i'm fully back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes intends from bob 910 sweet bottles in con eunice, kill at least 50 palestinians, as is really forces push for control in southern gaza. people that force to dig mass graves inside a hospital compound in con eunice,
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because it's too dangerous to bury the dead in cemetery. relatives that is really captive housing does a storm upon entry committee meeting to demand a safe return? also this hour, germany's for administer calls for an urgency, so i in gaza and says the you must work towards a 2 stage solution and the fight against malaria receives a bruce. are you vaccine is rolled down to now on devin ash with school today off the fif of president calls. that's how for action on racism and football accounts and that the democratic republic of congo it receives online, racist abuse off of that bottom to draw against more. okay. in the africa cup of nations, the, it's 13 g m t, the 3 pm in guys are where israel has intensified it's bombing campaign in the
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southern city of con eunice. at least 50 p will have been killed there since sunday . because as government media office says, the attacks targeted displaced people in shelters, that israel came to us safe more than 300 injured todd us to news of being taken to nasa hospital with fighting and explosions have been heard. is there any forces that also surrounded altamont hospital which houses the headquarters of the palestinian red crescent? at least 10000 children have been killed in 3 and a half months of israel's war on gaza. but burying the dead has paused even more risk for many surviving palestinians. people are having to dig mass graves in hospital compounds because it's too dangerous to take the bodies to cemeteries. i 5 big begins coverage. her daughter is good, but you cannot let go. you will not take it from me,
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you will not take it from me. she says the israel's will continue easy the boat to overwhelm hospitals because it is not filled with the displaced. how this thing is i to move multiple times during this war in an attempt to stay safe. to turn off the by then easy, now he not were forced to leave a home and took shelter and nestor hospital, then unlocked, so university compound. we ended up here and distance, i guess we use wood fire to big bread and cook what we can get our hands on with this winter's fiercely cold. this is not even a proper sense, how you look at and the constant bombing, the unprecedented destruction. and the read that in this killing. how the students are left to assess the damage inflicted upon them. the israel's policy of collective punishment. all the family members of a resistance by to carrying out an operation property is not more precious than a human soul compared to gaza and the gardens. we are in a better situation or at least
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a home was destroyed and is with no one from our family inside a new board, i'm a random, there's more violence type of thing and fight is, was just in the face of israel's overwhelming military power is road bumps every inch of cause i did not think that was inside the grounds of unnecessary hospital palestinians. a pain for the boot has to do with their lives. i started vague. i just do as i'll get an update on the situation on the ground with honey. my mood, who's in the office 7 guys are for us, honey con you and he says we heard in that report. now the focus of these are as offensive peers fighting in and around the southern city. talk to us about what's been happening in these last few hours. the smaller overnight on nonsense, early hours of this all morning. for a long campaign by land, the sea and an air focusing on con you and is mainly the central part of the city
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and toward the west. the part of it and around the vicinity of a level hospital, an academic institutional locks, the university of us mainly also concentrated around the vicinity of knots or hospital where so far. so those will be in the show during inside the hospital work force within the past 2 days to leave a friend seeking shelter elsewhere. and those who are still a stranded inside the hospital have no other place to go to. other than sheltering inside the hospital while the situations are getting worse by, by the hour now they are new and it has been separated from the remaining part of the gaza strip. there are nothing going in or out of the of han units that old main roads, including the close the road that was designated at some point as a safe course or for the vacuum. even those have been displaced to further southern part of the gaza strip and drop by the city a. this will further the affords the human it during the situations and extreme are
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really extreme shortage of food supplies. medical supplies allows and water supply that will just make the conditions and living conditions of those have been displaced. and the local residents are very, very difficult to the western side of the city of han, eunice. that's west front of a district as well as within the vicinity of aloft state university, where since the early hours of this morning, if people have been injured in that area, paramedics and i'm going to find it very difficult to get to their sites and to bring them back, they lost their hospital, so those injured ones have been transported here in rough off to both or to with the hospital as well as the hospital. the been been killed, the ross to a new york hospital and 5, a critically injured among them. as children and women have brought to the you with the hospital. right? so con eunice, you see it's effectively cut off from the rest of the gaza strip as we've heard reports. and you alluded to this
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a bit honey in your 1st and so that we've heard reports of massive food shortages in guys, even rice running out now and gas. yes this is, this is the situation now across the the gauze is different from north, the south one, it's more visible in the northern part of the gods as to where there is an actual famine going on and people are going to eating leave. they are also resorted to eating and the name of the dry and fluid just to satisfy their needs. the daily dogs, those are some in you 3 and so far, no access to drink of water. most of the water is contaminated just increasing the risk of august spreading infectious diseases. already we have documented cases of have been hired as a sprinting light, fire everywhere,
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and the god just rebuild the lack of medical supplies in the area. no different theory is the same situation is going to happen in fine units. the be an under siege and cut off the from the remaining parts of the golf industry. and then the inability to video you many theory and 80 try to get do either another hospital or dave evacuation zone in the was through our, of the city, just the surveys, the problems or there for a really displacement of traumatized a population. right. know, thank you for that update. turning the resulting the 9 from last time in 7 guys. as honey mentioned that most parts of guys that have already run out of flour and 2 mounted carrion workers. a warning rice could soon be nowhere to be found. i'm home, it has more than that. they have been chewing for hours in the hope of receiving $400.00. but aid work. i've seen many of these children leave with the store much stuff. no, no, no, no, no. i mean,
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i regret to say we are on the verge of semen. real family, that's right, is almost all types of talking about a city is the 2nd most basic food item to flour. and if we run lots of rice will be consumed, the assembly of this is the harsh realities, nothing and the other on the u. n. c. if you wouldn't even go to the 140 percent of the troops to point to the median, population of risk of funding communicating agencies see not enough aids arriving. what is right booms and blockades the street, the give me, i think the most of the punch a piece of food supplies available in the market these days are very scammed because nobody food items have been delivered into northern causes, trip for more than 70 days. dryscal flour, in addition, and the price of the price of the ticket has increased 3 for letting in the most difficult pocket, with
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a full full athenian part of the situation is getting more desperate every day. how does it go for new homeless? you will do what matters most for our child is to eat what they want to eat more than $23.00 or 4 times a day because they play outside all day and come back hungry. it is. the situation is difficult, extremely difficult, a famine over more than $25000.00 on a scene. and so i think team in is the right month to well on gusta, there are no sign the suffering was and any time soon most of the people in the have been display several times since early october. now they have little to eat. and nowhere else left to go with him. how much does the police in israel have detained? family members of captives housing, gaza off to the disrupted upon entry committee meeting. the protesters have been calling on the government to do more, to secure the release of their loved ones. some of the captives have been killed. the news really strikes will raise, carry doubting guys from on this that speak to. i'll just hear
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a told i have done how many does in tennessee for his whole to tell us 1st more about what happened during this meeting in the class. but it was a small group of relatives, of captives held in gaza, who basically stormed in a meeting of the finance committee and at the capacity demanding that more it should be done to do for the release of their loved ones. that, that should be the priority at this stage and nothing else, as you mentioned, 108 days into this war. uh, these families, these relatives are growing more and more impatient. and also more and more angered about the mixed messages they are receiving from the government. many thinking that the government is not doing enough to save these captives met shortly after that actually prime minister netanyahu made up his office 8,
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west jerusalem. and the auto group of relatives about 15 of families do. he said that all these reports that there is a proposal put forward by amazon on to you said that he told them either they a he didn't want them to have any illusions. but then he also added that on the other hand, he had that initiative himself, but he could not give details. so that would just only add to the confusion of the families who on one side are not seeing what i'm not seeing tangible success when it comes to saving the loved was. and i believe being told of ones that have that the there's no proposal on the table. on the other hand, that there is an initiative without giving details, but they probably will continue protesting and making the voice is loud, demanding really that the priority continues to be at the release of their loved ones. so growing pressure from the families on the prime minister,
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but also pulling pressure from his own war cabinet of toyota and also the opposition which wants to bring forth a vote of no confidence against the government. what can we expect from this as well that should be discussed in the coming hours. now the this motion is put forward by the labor party, but just over the last hour we also heard foot your let be the main. i'll put a position, head of the main opposition group inside the message i'm. he actually told the member it is a party members were also em cases because i said that they could vote for this motion later on today. now it's not clear if they would follow suit, but you certainly gave them the green light regardless of all of that, it would be certainly a symbolic move showing a growing political opposition to the way the war is being handled. the way for
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administered it doesn't the hours sidling everything since october 7th. but again, when you look at the numbers, regardless of whether the old 24 members of yours latino vote of for this motion use 10 wouldn't get a majority. so it still wouldn't impact the government, but certainly another symbol of growing discontent within israel. and i think also that kind of a showing where things are going ahead because in the immediate aftermath of the october 7th attack, israel was standing united regardless of where anywhere stood when it came to the police. because spectrum, regardless of the problems that were there before, the divisions about the judiciary. well, all that went to the side, but now it seems it's coming again to the surface or do i think you very much for that? what i've done, how many lived there in tel aviv,
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and that's where it is really forces. i've conducted more raids across the occupied westbank. they care about major operations via ramallah. early on monday, in the town of bay tonia and the swasap refugee camp, they arrested policies and search several homes. more than $6000.00 palestinians have been arrested during raids in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th is there, i'll get holes. i mean, definitely without charge, it's a process known as administrative detention. and the number of palestinians in these really prisons is growing rapid me. mamma jumped june reports in the history of refugee camp. south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance, more odd is one of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial. indefinitely. 55. yeah. it was
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very hard on me. you have plans for life, family house and if you have responsibilities you must do. yeah. and in a minute the q patient demolishes had to oh you were 3 now. what are these an amazing person he loves? life loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back a few streets away. more reminders of those who interested us. my hand moves head his husband set previously spent a year and administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. as my hand worries, he'll be in the same situation all over again. connex 8 exceed exceed benign immune . what are we suffered or loss because of administrative attention? it would have been easier if you will sentence, hey, then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence with administrative assumption. people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch, a walk down. any alley here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another
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full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 palace to indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years in israel, takes revenge on post city and people. the increase in the number of those attained after october 7th is unprecedented. we're talking about more than 6000 detained from the occupied westbank to combat the worry they die and as my hands see, counsel from their neighbor malika a walker. who tells me her son has been 13 of a total of 18 years in prison, under administrative detention on the new dog could attend this children's events at school or university. he wasn't able to share our joy surrounded by walls, full of photos, the showcase. happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening,
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there's little comfort to be found. how much improvement does either at the haitian refugee camp in the occupied west bank to hezbollah fighters. and these really soldiers have been exchanging fire across the lebanese border for months now. but the nature of the fighting is changing. attacks had been limited to a narrow territory within a few kilometers of the border, but now is rallies, carrying out targeted killings away from the front line. and it's will planes are flying low over the route. and even further north is in a horde every for some 11 on capital, largely abandoned villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer southern border with israel, our military zones. the destruction is wide spread. in some neighborhoods, little is left as well as targeting what it says or hezbollah cells and infrastructure. while the lebanese armed group attacks is very troops and positions . the conflict triggered by as well as war on garza has been largely confined to
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a strip of territory, a few kilometers on both sides of the border. but the nature of the conflict is changing. targeted killings of hezbollah members or allied groups appears to be a new strategy. this really strikes more often than not, are kilometers deep inside lebanon's territory, away from the battle ground front lines. and the times beyond lebanon's borders, commanders from groups that are part of the around so called excess of resistance have been also killed. officials say, isabel is resorting to the killings to compensate for being unable to achieve a military victory against thomas. after more than 100 days of war in gaza, the group which i still not used its full military capabilities and its latest confrontation with as well, remains defiant. and demo you love to have that is why you the hands about launching the full scale war goes to bonham. in reality,
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it's unable to do that. it won't be able to confront what be prepared for an hour and then it has failed. and that's giving any of it's objective and goes on that resistance is strong, but the israel is no longer just responding to hezbollah attack, such as in the 1st few weeks of because a conflict. it's on the offensive, it strikes more aggressive fences are high as well, has already carried out a high profile assassination in the lebanese capital killing. how mazda is number 2 officials, and this really war planes don't just fly overboard their areas, they reach bales and further north, flying at low altitudes, and to show up for the conflict is being described as controlled escalation. united states has engaged in diplomacy to insure there's no all outward and 11 on front of the reports from israel suggest the effort to remove hezbollah fighters from the borders through diplomatic means is spelled center for their elders. ita balte,
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a german foreign minister on elena boxes. a 2 state solution is the only answer to the war on guys. she made the remarks, the head of an e. u meeting a foreign ministers with representatives from israel, the policy and you know, 40 and some of nations. the ministers are trying to end the war in gaza and find a long term solution. the you is also considering sanctions against a mouse and is ready settlers in the occupied westbank police rouse, one guy has split. the european union with members say slandering to project a united front. some have shown more sympathy to these release others towards the palestinians. is there is gaining more support from central european countries, such as poland, hungary, and the czech republic. they voted against the un resolution demanding a ceasefire together with austria and corporation. island, luxembourg, spain and belgium have criticized the resolution as disproportionate. although
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sweden was the 1st european country to recognize palestine as a state, it's shifted towards a more pro is rarely policy since october. the 7th. possibly because of its history . island is more supportive of palestine and his call for a seat fire in gaza. why france and spain have criticizes round conduct. germany remains fully supportive of its long time allied. well, joining us from brussels to discuss this is donica or bob coin, who was a professor of international relations at dublin city university. thank you very much for your time. so i mean the you, institutions and its members days have been speaking with a, a company of voices since october, the 7th. what kind of a plan do you think you'll need is likely to come up with on guys? i wouldn't have been so divided on the issue as well as you write the point out. the e u has large the being an observer in this war in guys because of the need for unit
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embassy for consensus within the european union before can take decisive action. uh, you know, you for ministers will today meet for 6 hours to discuss their plan. and when you look at the detail, it seems that the meeting is almost an engine itself because of the divisions that exist. and the only thing that for ministers it seems, can agree on who's the need for a 2 state solution. wants to fighting has subsided, but they can't even do noise around calls for a ceasefire. and you have to, of course, you know, we compare that to how united the, your, to your boss in mobilizing states in resisting russian aggression in your brain. which was called up by many political leaders in, in europe as genocide. they're much more reticent to make decisive moves when it comes to these rare suppression and gas. and why is that? why, why would they more mobilize for ukraine and not enough for you know, the war on gas as well? that's, that's a, that's a big question. i think you have to look at each country and its own political
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history to come to some answers there. you mentioned arden, which is my own country. we have a history of resistance for imperialism of fighting sex or colonialism. so there's, there's a certainly consensus within an art in both of the documents and opposition parties that there was an, a need for an immediate cease fire. and that's being called now for, for some months. you take a country like germany, which is a major player, or she can do your opinion of electronics as being upfront and saying that they owe is very low test. or they seem, they always rarely because of germany's genocide law actions against the jews of the 19 thirty's and forty's. but these critics of argue that germany's binding itself with the wrong side of the genocide arguments again and again, you would have seen how the medium races they called i was germany's a genocide in, in the maybe a we have of course again, the example of your 90 thirty's and forty's, and now again, you know, with these various adopting what some people are called falling genocide collections in gaza. germany's finding itself on the wrong side about the base as
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well. right. so donica where, where does this all leave europe's credibility today? does it really have a foreign policy of its own, or is it subordinating itself to the dictates of the us? it's, it's, it's not a matter of supporting the dig types of the us more than just the power lines by indecision and the nurse should because of that need for you to numeracy. so in the sense we have reverted in the u back to almost 20 seconds different form policies, which is very much against what the use supposed to be doing. i mean, it's patrice of reading into banalities. like, you know, we have to find a political solution, diplomacy set or the war. everybody knows this, but it, it is best. it's pushing itself is perhaps a facilitator if there's agreement between the parties. but the 2 state solution which the was pushing. so there's no consensus in israel, for example, that a to say to solution is, is desired from the prime minister. netanyahu has made it clear that he's no interest in pursuing a 2 state solution fantasy l. as indeed said he's not interested in the to say solution and again we heard joseph burrell said today that the 2 state solution
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must continue. so what pressure do you think could be you put on is really funny, since it seems it has a lot less leverage than the americans. i think it will be able to put very little pressure um on these rail. indeed, as you've seen, the americans cannot put pressure on these real despite they're almost unconditional support. i mean, what we see today as well is, is also a bit of a power play i think, between ours of underlying who of course flew in almost like a monarch to israel, to give, to, you know, on conditional support on behalf of your a monday. but you never had to give them the 1st place, joseph burrell. he gets his portfolio for an affair. so he's fine too. i think show that he's engaged, that he's on top of this and that he's trying to come up with solutions. but as i said, the, you doesn't have the power to enforce. it is a big pair in terms of the account that it is the biggest, it keeps advertising. this fact is the biggest contributor to, to palestine in terms of international donors. but it hasn't been able to exert any
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due political plows too much and so you can only close. thank you so much for talking to us. very interesting to your thoughts donica. oh, by coined professor of international relations at dublin city university. thank you for your time. you're welcome, the back, the guys are in the policy and health industry says 350000 patients with chronic illnesses and not receiving the medication. the united nations, as warned at the health care system in guys that is on the verge of total collapse and whatever you before, some debt out by law, in central gas, the gaza strip, has been witnessing or shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. behind me is one of the pharmacies in a good benefit has been completely closed due to the severe shortage of medicine. we're talking about and new medicine we're talking about also chronic disease medication for chronic disease patients. good.
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the moment i looked everywhere, budget has no medication for their beaches in the area. but even if i find one which is a fluid concentration which cannot regulate my blood sugar level, why does this cause such wound? do you see on my foot is closer needs attention. it even requires a kissing into a hospital which is not possible. all the people have been coming to the pharmacies for more than 3 months now coming back and forth to the pharmacy, asking for medicine. but unfortunately, medicine is not coming into the god serve and as much a that is coming into the cause of truth as much as the pharmacy in the cost to ship. the loss of medication cover the huge amount of medication and the mines in the cause of chip. we're not only talking about
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pharmacies, but also hospitals in the casa strip. are also witnesses. there's shortage of medication. this isn't the cause. any i just need is still ahead on the news hour. we'll be taking a look at some of the base i've been using accuse of exploiting religions for political gain. find out why the opening of a new temple in india is controversial and well, 10 is number 2 carlos authorized folks is facing the for the final is that the strain in open, in the have the best of the action. the police to seek immediate shelter. feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise anxiety. are
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you doing scrolling radio tape or i'd be that deluxe select exploring. how makes this central switch to lights? impact the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on outsourcing. nicely too. yeah, it should be a time to run it within your ups comment, you cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. an unlikely candidate can. spain emerges from these quad retirement to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community. springs, housing factors, a witness documentary on now to 0. of
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the 1330 g m t. a reminder of our top stories on these challenges here in use are fighting and explosions of the heard me enough. the hospital in garza southern city of con eunice, that he's 50 people have been killed and he's really surprised. so in the past day time, these are these really captives of disrupted upon entry committee meeting, so demanding the government to more to return their loved ones. and germany's for administer say, is a 2 state solution is the only answer to the war on guys remarks came ahead of a meeting of the you foreign ministers with representative somebody as around the palestinian authority and some of nations. let's turn our attention now to some of the days i've been use and nearly 50 people have been killed after landslide hit china is do non province search and rescue operations are underway in the south
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western region. more than 500 people have been rescued with all these say is not clear what caused the line slide. katrina you has moved from beachy designs. i took place in johnson county in china, southwest in united province at 5 50 am on monday morning. which means many people were inside in the forms of sleep. an emergency team of about 200 people were dispatched immediately within 500 people from that village has been evacuated and people are desperately searching for the dozens of people trapped under the rubble of reports of late from 18 different families. in that village, a presidency. the thing has sent out a message urging our rescue efforts, saying this is tragically happening so close just weeks away from the new year's celebration, the biggest the holiday here in china. so thought no holes has been identified for this land slide, but a similar lands i took place 11 years ago in the same county and 46 people died in that not this rest of operation is happening under extremely difficult conditions.
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a cold wave is currently sweeping across the plain. it's close to freezing temperatures during the day and jobs from counties an overnight drop through about minus 5 degrees celsius. so that shows that crucial survival window for those prep, under the rubble starts risk machines miss work as quickly as they can retrieve elda 0 h, and india, as prime minister, never end remo day has opened a controversial temple in the northern states of o trip dash the shrine was built on the grounds where mosques stood for centuries before it was destroyed by him to right wing. after this, i'll expense report alone held dream of indians, hindu nationalist, becoming a reality. a temple of dedicated to the, to the one of the most viewed diocese and headed to us and with its prime minister in the end of the movies. but during the policy, the b j pays the bills a campaign promise it made 3 decades ago. will this document does lose
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a single opportunity to try to send the accomplishment off having both of them the construction of the more than $200000000.00 temple, which began in 2020 has been contentious. it's built on the side to the by the most, just a 16th century most demolished by hindu right wing activists. in 1992 best lead to nationwide communal riots that killed at least 2000 people, mostly mostly, and bombings in the city of moving by moving susie years later in the current religious phone lines, the line she simple politics has originated with indians. majority hindus who make up nearly 80 percent of the con, freeze 1600000000 population in 2014 daily did not into the movie. after he promised to build a shrine on the very spot of the size of the most most educated lights. he made
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reality the temples and no duration comes months. the heat of national pulse is no . the 6 a 3rd consecutive to most opposition. politicians avoid causing the ceremony that you choose mold these potty of exploiting religion for political gain. while the pos easy to launch and official election campaign mostly supposes, believe that um temple is a promise for filled with so not to be loyal to him to people. definitely think that it was someone who brought up this issue and made us and perhaps the public should reward mostly oil. some him to celebrate many muslims across the country or on a self imposed cookie. they fear a tex and violence. a lot of like any of the type of our india brothers in the it's a good day. but what about us? those of us who had ruined, of course, will be in pain. on that day, a father was killed and the most was the most to my,
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the 7. critics say on the movies leadership, the religious divide, his only why didn't some 200000000 muslims, india's largest minority groups live in fear. as 2nd class citizen. muslims have been living store of allegations of asian, big for smuggling counts. muslim businesses have been boy coasted houses, both those women bod, for wearing his scouts and some educational institutions, and most states on file. but it's more the has maintained side of the, the fear that this given me and, and all the affiliate is they want to wipe out all traces of most of them lifestyle . mix civilization from the country, defend fear around the temple is being seen as a victory for the can do nationalist movement. and as modi 6 a search term, it's raising concerns that he's the main thing. his legacy as the leader of you can transform india's secular democracy into hender nationalist states. alex bid
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elders era. let's now discuss this further with chart for don jose lock. now india, he's a political list and commentator. thank you so much for joining us on algebra. i want to ask you 1st about the timing of this a big elaborate ceremony today to consecrate the, the, you know, give ration of this simple even though it's half finished. why has the indian government going to such great lengths to mock this so occasion? what's the end game here? well, it is pretty evident, and i wasn't there in the 2 days back. and it is clearly evident that the more the spine, this is consecration instead of many of the simple simply to so that it benefits in, in the election to become endeavors private and stuff for the 3rd time. and you know, otherwise they didn't put as far from completion on the order north temple. this kind of ceremony is the consecration cannot be done unless the template is complete . yes,
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movie is gone ahead with this. and then lot of control that sees that i'm being the visit, i'm doing him and the temper. and today it was a day when it was a movie, it was a movie show all the way because every, every thing the camera was focused on him, there was only the official camera that the shuttle in the condition was allowed inside the precincts of the dental and they were feeding the footage to all other private cabins across the country. yeah. the bronze gold and, and the dog poop as well as i mean. yeah, very, very interesting that you talk about this saying that this was the movie show because he's been accused of blurring this line between prime minister and almost a religious figure in india. um, what about for india is minorities? what does this mean for them? the religious divisions, of course, as we know of growing more pronounced under movies rule, do you think the idea of
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a secular india which is enshrined in the constitution is now under threat? is not perhaps a thing of the past, even. that's what it is certainly, and that's right, and that is how a lot of muslims across the country feet. they have been silent on this issue, but it's better to fill in the among the community. and when i went to meet a number of most lives, you know, i got it, it was quite a visible little day all around the, the simple it is you, would you have the alarm 70 acres of land was acquired by the government following a supreme court order and then the houses of most limbs that about 4500 most lives living around those simple, complex costs in the whole district that are about to 400000 most lives. but in that immediate area that about 4 and a half to 5000 muslims who are living under constant, they have this apprehension that this will be attacked because what happened to
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1992 with the body most was demolished. a lot of them wisdom had suffered right, despite the assurances given to local muslims by the government and the administration that is the sphere and that, and they have a quite a lot of houses belong to most people. i didn't do it as well. and then all the big compensation, all right, the most things that big that accomplish shouldn't be, right? they don't know the, the uncertainty that prevents over them is visible that a lot of uncertainty you say for, for the muslim communities that do you think what's happened in our yoga could happen elsewhere in india? what does that is? the it is very evident that you have that kind of design to others such a science, the modern and see they have already done a lot of work in the name of establishing a actually corner door, as they call it. there is a temple there. gosh, it's going to cost you, but you're not temple. and that is one in my put off, which is the multiple cushion on the other. you know, god was, it was blame to,
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i mean born that the mosque and may have dimple happy the existing devil sent to these together on like they would be a very, there was no simple visible. it was only a muscle which they were done and where in the water, the sea and uh, my total be there, is there been for existing? but uh, it's an i, the mosque is um, in both places is an eyesore for b. b and allies in front of organizations who have moved adult. oh my god is big enough, bad. been the move the in the courts in the looking for so far. right. and what seems odd, apprehensive that the same course maybe follow did so that they didn't. yeah. a lot of the both been mean. yeah, a lot of our pre owned change and it's um, was in communities and in other parts of india. thank you very much for talking to us about this, rob prod, non in luck. now india ticket now canada and the summit aimed at bridging the gap between rich and poor nations and to level the playing field
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between north and south delegates from the wells developing nations at the g $77.00 . those survivors before some come product that they represent 80 percent of the world's population. the leaders of the world's largest into a governmental organization are attending what's called the south summit. it's 60 years since the g. 77 was formed within the united nations framework. 77, developing countries then demanding a new international economic order to give them effective control over their own natural resources. to do today, it's expanded to 134 members authors. the organizations goal is to allow emerging countries from the so called global. so to join forces to promote their economic interests and strength and their joint negotiating power on economic issues. what he's come on is that they start with the mission that the poly mid cycle system is cute and save of the loss of both in terms of capital, as well as the financial system and the something's rigorous way everybody. and i
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think these are designed to increase agency as well as bargaining power by the collective global solve. so conceptual global south against of course, the global not at not exactly an integral mystic way, but to level the playing field. that is going to be just unfair image bank. the china has been providing consistent political and economic support to the g. 77 since 1994. but it's not a member and it does not know what candidate for you done. this year's summit seemed chosen by the host you can do is to reduce the whitening gap between rich and poor nation. so the notion which is around to the team which you develop is to ensure, 1st and foremost, that it least to develop, assisted in that plan in the agenda and part of role. why the more develop. but more importantly, that it is recognized that the group will have achieved at least that
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will also lifted. another major goal here promoting respect for national sovereignty while addressing financial needs for g 7. the 7 is used by some as account sir. so the g 70 been i zation that represents the world's most developed economy. while the countries here may not be the wealthiest in terms of gdc together, they have the most resources a fast that gives them great power when they come together. sources avari algebra 0, can paula camera and has become the 1st country on the african continent to roll out a new malaria vaccine for children. health officials say it's a milestone in the global effort to curb the spread of the most quito born disease . the world health organization approved the vaccine last year after successful trials in ghana and kenya, they were an estimated 249000000 malaria cases in 85 countries in 2022. more than 600000 people died from the disease that same year
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w h o says africa is the worst hit by malaria accounting for 94 percent of cases worldwide. children under the age of 5, make up about 80 percent of all malaria tests on the continent. when i speak to already a new you in about this was a chief program officer, had garvey, the global vaccine allies. joining us from geneva. really a very good to have you with us on algebra. it's been sent me a long and complicated journey because it's taking more than a century of significant scientific efforts develop effective vaccines against malaria. talk to us about this big milestone for cameroon, and why camera on face to the malaria is a major killer of don't silver. and so this is really a historic moment and we're celebrating an income we're encountering, we're seeing that malaria cases, and that's tough. instead of revising since 2017, almost a 3rd, a whole, whole consultation or missouri related. so now have
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a new tool to fight malaria with the vaccine, the significance, the vaccination will save lives. it's going to provide a major release to families and it's going to help unburden that health system. tell us a bit more about the vaccine itself and it's advocacy cuz there's already been a lot of progress in the fight against malaria. how will this specific vaccine have an even more positive impact? so we have a lucky position to have to face an application vaccines that are, we are going to be able to be rolling out. we have over 30 african countries, we're interested in using the vaccine. it's been already administered for one of the vaccines to over 2000000 children in got can yeah, in the lowering and we seen substantial reductions in mortality. so we expect that with the rollout in the coming year, we're going to be saving tens of thousands of lives. mm hm. but it's important to
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know it's one of several tools. so the vaccine needs to be used in conjunction with the other and they're preventive tools. yeah, i was going to ask you about that. i mean, and also about the number of doses of this audience as vaccine. how many of them are available right now and, and what about pricing and how easily deployable is the vaccine on the african continent today? so we have, at the moment, um, 12 countries who have been allocated 18000000 doses of one vaccine, 7 country essential. then for 10000000 doses of the seconds of vaccine, so we're going to see a 70 drummel of the expansion of the vaccine. we've been working very closely with the manufacturers. this is a lot of work that gave you the vaccine, the line stuff in terms of making sure that we're able to support countries from a pricing perspective to have access to the about the now and then over time we hope to keep reducing the price. thank you. ready for talking to us about this already
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a nguyen is from gov the the global vaccine airlines joining us there from geneva. thank you for your time. thank you. still ahead on this news. i will be taking a look at sports and jen, that will tell you why this goal for ms found $21500000000.00 buys. despite winning a tournament the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the
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time not to catch up on sports is gemma. thank you fully a day off the fif as president called for tulsa action on racism and football. the captain of the democratic republic of congo has been subjected to online races to piece off to the africa cup of nations game against the rocker. shots that have been that he plays from all say in front is involved in a heated exchange with no real quick coach. why did regrow gay? the end of the game is not yet clear what caused the disagreements. the members industry found accounts of students being targeted by several uses. posting monkey i'm guerrilla emergencies and racist comments. this comes a couple of days off to 2 other black plaza racially abuse in europe. ac milan, mike, a mile, and it's a visa, syria, and coventry's casey. palmer and the english championship. so as for the game itself, the c denied rock of a place and the knockout. so now at least it was looking good for the highest rank team and as traffic came, you put them a heads. but they all see forward see last e christ in the 76 minutes and they could have one. it's had it not being for
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a great safe, i'm real case, keep buena, just getting us didn't get it for this 11 of the finals for in the same group townsend, it came close to that for us to have a ask on when assignment and see that put them a had to get zambia. do then have the captain sense of box. they still want us to level it up when perhaps some data headed in the closet with 2 minutes left in the game. egypt compton mohammed siler were tons his club livable for treatment on the leg injury he picks up in that row was gone on thursday. egyptian football association say they hope he will be fit to fly back out. so i've re case for the semi finals. should they qualify the, the 2 games in the asian camp on monday with cas all taking on china and to jake, this tom facing 11 on jonathan guarantee that place in the last 16 with a win against the tournament heis, you have already qualified. let's go live now to highly for international stadium.
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it was a hell malik is covering that game for us. so how it looks like the atmosphere is building pretty nice the why you all to it is it from to for the defending champions castle with a different story from the world cup, whether it was little to share about the funds the well thank you jim a welcome to the state. it was you mentioned was not there hasn't been quite reminiscent of the we'll talk to because that nice family, festive bill of cost cuz i didn't do too well that time. that one too many happy memories. that time, bill i went out with the 1st round, didn't pick up and you went back on the frontier. every name was pretty confident. let's just have a quick goodman ibrahim. what's going to happen as much? i'll probably go in. yes. yes. what would it's going to be today? i told him, would they go in for him as well as you can tell the dispute? yeah. about who's in the window much we should see. what happens? what a cool touch all looking like
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a very different team. you have to remember there was some big differences then that a much more difficult to navigate. and then a goal, ecuador, any team would strong this gap that grew, but this time popular to be playing without pressure, that big players have come up strong. i feet away valley, but who knows that to the end of the street was 3 went very different the last time, but certainly confident i am on vent from thinking. my little friend ever you. yeah, i had to kick off as for opponents, china. so how do you say, at least on any chance of getting a winning this spot? so i think i know what the funds behind you were going to say about that. well, you know, this is colleen international stadium does the law of magic in the air and just say we saw it. japan put off some pretty big upsets here during the walk up. i've been talking some of the front of a friend who's assigned me that he thinks, i'm sure i can guess. i mean everyone gets what he thinks, what's gonna happen. and so he's not talking tonight. i try not to see. oh god, oh,
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wait. sorry they turn up well as it can be pretty cool for the china. i've got to pull up for adults here. we should see what i can do it 0 being the magic the and the are among the pickup of when. yeah, they might have to take the key because of course, but the qualified which is the way to get the job done. they need it when, if they get that the next round, but suddenly there's lot confidence. yeah. get the better, right. low confidence, low confidence, amongst independence, right? yeah. excellent. well you said one on how to go do gemma, let's hope for a big match and a big component of both southern china. it was a huge occasion here. i to leave international stadium. let's see what happens. what i think, okay, that has to be a pretty good atmosphere from what we're saying. so how not of that be how these international stadium i hear from you again a little bit later. thanks for now. to time grandson champion, call us outcries is through to the quarter finals of deal straining open it for the 1st time. the spanish 2nd see to the straightforward victory as in the in it cuts
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money, bitch. wrapping up a 64646 of when in on the to i was out of crowds has dropped it just one set so far on is the parents this to him and he'll play succeed at it. sound as vera next person's coming. already put up a good fight against this gentleman, opponents taking him to $0.05 before eventually being knocked out of the tournament . it took sir, i've just started before i was but he made it into his 11 score on some quarter final. i'm such in melvin said, seed down no matter what i've said, he felt pretty tied off to his mouth and the 2nd round match that finished early on friday on the plains. it's only using the subsets to port schools. you know, most of the russian they've pushed to 3 winning in full sets to set up a quarter final with payments pay. but we'll catch before which we hope to get a little bit more sleep to and upsets and the women's drawers qualify as diana. yes, the drums got knocked out so you so i'm jumping victoria as
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a rank of the training winning 766 full to reach us 1st glance. i'm course the final special paycheck teenager, that most of us, that was a no handshake for has the russian opponent life is ukraine implies continued protesting batteries to support for russia. from 32 nfl teams went out down to the last full lines of the super bowl. tracy and the reigning champions, the kansas city chiefs are among the patrick my names 3 to touch, sound pauses, the travis calculates, asked to choose how the on to beat the buffalo bills. 27 to 24, to reach the 6 straight f c. championship game. and outside of the baltimore ravens where i, when would secure a full see for of all the parents in 5 years. the detroit lions and one of just fourteen's never to flight in the safe of all. but on sunday they took a step closer. they beats the sounds of days off in is especially one to 23, so the spots in the n. f. c. championship game. just the 2nd time the lines will face to san francisco, 69. as on sunday,
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1st talks to make franchise history. india's cricket stops right kindly. we missed the stats of the upcoming test series against england because of personal reasons. he's going to skip at least the 1st 2 matches. india is cricket board has requested media and funds to respect coatings previously. the fastest 5 tests in hydro that starts on thursday, and nick dunlap could well be named go, funds will be hearing from many years to come. the 20 year old has become the 1st amateur. so went on the page i told since phil mickelson, in 1991, dunlap, finished one shot clips tech victory. the american express elements in california is winning score of $29.00 on the pulse. that's a new $72.00 hole record of events. this was his full pga tour event of the missing the cost of his previous $3.00. the allow my foot off one of the best performances in recent gulf history, but he wouldn't get a penny because he's an amateur. instead the $1500000.00 fast price goes to 2nd place kristin presented notes, and the $3.00 players types of side gets $635000.00. but he does, they get to keep the tri,
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and that is what you spoke for now. piece that we'll have another update like 10 minutes. thank you very much for that. and that is and use our for now on knowledge is 0, but to stay with us, i'll be back after this very short break with a very latest and all of our top stories. thank you so much vague. i mean, the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to you the machines trust is and not to keep them as and develop from the comfortable power for? i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a democracy on a jersey to once somebody shoot somebody else dead,
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most people expect the police to arrive, which handcuffs on that person and take them to jail. and then stand your ground. you can shoot somebody in getting your truck and drive away. is that unusual? that is very unusual because we're talking about the crime of murder. but it's a very clear in the statute. they don't want anybody arrested. that's why it's a get out of jail free card. it's time you pull the trigger. why do you think the shooter wasn't arrested? because of the law? i feel like she's hiding behind the stand your ground. the latest news as it breaks the word one over a 100 save has left many feeling like you will never end with in depth reports. many saying that it was like 3 until all the campuses about the price. even if that means i didn't need it from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is
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a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist. examining the impact of today's hydrolyzed explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera, the intense bombardment and 3 bottles in con, unit, a scale at least 50 palestinians as is there any forces push for control in southern gospel, the play you're watching, i'll just hear a lie from bill. have with me for the batch ball. also ahead, people are forced to dig mass graves inside


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