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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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in change in us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom. a feet that will take more than just new hotels. in the hospital grounds, become mass graveyards, wireless really forces lay siege stuff on eunice and southern gaza, killing at least 50 pal listing the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from don't also coming up. once again, searching for safety civilians. we sell from san eunice to escape. israel's attack . palestinians living in store of ation is food supplies, including flour and rice run out in gaza. and the fights against malaria receives
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a boost as a new vaccine for children is rolled down to an african is real. it has intensified as bonding of the southern city of han eunice, at least 50 people were killed there since sunday night. guys is government media office says the attacks targeted, displaced people, and shelters that israel claimed or safe. i said big begins are coverage. her daughter is good, but you cannot let go. you will not take it from me. she says the israel's will continue the easy the boat to overwhelm hospitals because it is not filled with the displaced. how the students have had to move multiple times during this will in an attempt to stay safe. to turn off the by then easy. now he not were forced to leave
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a home and took shelter and nestor hospital, then unlocked, so university compound, we ended up here and distance. i guess we use wood fire to big bread and cook where we can get our hands on with this winter's fiercely cold. the. this is not even a proper sense the how you look at and the constant bombing, the unprecedented destruction. and with that in this killing, how the students are left to assess the damage inflicted upon them. the israel's policy of collective punishment. all the family members of a resistance by to carrying out an operation property is not more precious than a human soul compared to gaza. in the gardens, we are in a better situation. at least a home was destroyed, with no one from our family inside runs in this move items posting and fight as was just in the face of israel's oval welding . military power is road bumps every inch of cause. i did not think that was inside
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the grounds of unnecessary hospital palestinians of pain for the boot has to do with their lives. i started vague, i just do a social 0 startup with whom is in russia in southern guys. it's hard to tell us a little bit more about what's happening in nicer hospital, which is one of the only remaining hospitals in find us. yes, sir. what is happening this completely unimaginable as the situation that tend to be completely k, all sick, as the hospital had been now the last remaining hospital that is still a rating. incognita city um its a very high use k u of attacks that have been carried out against the facility. and also generally in con eunice city, the hospital them had been 1st please as a medical center that provides a treatment for hundreds, thousands of policy as was the only thing in con you, in a city with the beginning of this week. it's time to attend to be now a mass joe tough for about 2 weeks now with the expansion of the military
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operations exam to be a graveyard where and i'm post palestinians being killed, have been a grave inside the yards of the hospital because the majority of a factory is cannot leave the hospital to buried them. so that's why these very minute treat forces are attacking the ministry. operations of these areas now hospitality started overcrowded with patients with injured people as medical workers cooling and appealing to international community to afford them protection . as the tax had been reaching the gates of the hospital as the quite hope to drones, open fire against residence on president this michael finance had been also open against the people who are trying to get the hospital. so the situation that is completely dramatic as the hospital is operating at 3 times its capacity. and it's the a great amount of injuries that hot turning to the hospital from now and then, and this is completely a part of what is happening instantly. con units were attached did not stop just
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only since the 80 hours have to this morning. at least 66 palestinians have been killed. the hundreds have been wounded. um, a deep spike of the many tree race incognito to city as well as trying to take full control just to the city which consider to be strong cool from the city and fighters as to how early it trains and tower. we're getting more recent footage of people continuing to leave 100 units. where are they going? yes, those people had blushed, hoping everythings are no longer secure, but he's safe. in con, use genocide. electricity's are continue to be competitive in the city. they have what wake they have, who cannot on the sound of explosions, they just rapidly try to pull themselves together to take their essential items with them. sometimes it did not take just only some pieces of plug this just to
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rush away and to escape from the desk that is unfolding them and surrounding them in con units. some of them had went to a milwaukee area in the western side. the roof, others had to try to find a shooter in the make shift time spot. the question is like, what is happening in rough completed situation is a dramatic can. can you take what makes shift tents are becoming now? and every single corner of this tree is on the farm land to brooklyn district, united nation run shelters are backed into refugees. so are trying to seek refuge from the east by the plumbing and the majority of apartments and residential buildings fall through this with people and relatives who are trying to move out and survive in this area of supposed to be a safe so, but literally roof last city has become unable to host, move in factories where people are no longer feels safe or even to trusting what these body forces are saying or drink them. i'm sorry couple, as i'm reporting from rasa, thank you very much. start and food supplies are rapidly running out in guys. most
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areas have already run out of flour. humanitarian workers say that rice will also run out soon. honeywell, who would reports from rasa. they have been queueing for hours in the hold of receiving food handout, but aid workers save menu. these children will leave with empty stomach. and i regret to say we are on the verge of semen. real family that's right, is almost all types of talking about a city is the 2nd most basic food item to flour. and if we run lots of rice will be consumed assembly of this is the harsh realities. nothing. i'm up to you and say everyone in guys is hungry with 40 percent of the strip. 2.3000000 population at risk of famine. humanitarian agencies say not enough. 8 is arriving. one is, well, bombs, and block a this give me,
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i think the most of the quantities of food supplies available in the market these days are very scammed because nobody food items have been delivered into northern causes, trip for more than 70 days. dryscal flour. in addition and the price of the price of the ticket has increased 3 for letting in the most difficult pockets for palestinians herons. the situation is getting more desperate every day unless you will do what matters most for our child is to eat what they want to eat more than $23.00 or 4 times a day because they play outside all day and come back hungry. it is the situation is difficult, extremely difficult. a famine over more than 25000 palestinians have been killed in israel and one long war on gulf. there are no signs of the suffering will in any time soon or most of the people in garza have been displaced several times since early october and now they have little ito and
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nowhere else left to go anywhere more. oh, to 0. 5 police in israel have detained relatives of captives held in gaza after the disruptive parliamentary committee meeting of protesters have been calling on the government to do more to secure the release of their loved ones. some of the captives have been killed and is really strikes and raids in gaza. durham and foreign minister and the mailbox says a 2 state solution is the only answer to the war. on garza, the remarks come ahead of a meeting of a you foreign ministers with representatives from israel, the palestinian authority, and some arab nations. it's aimed at finding a long term solution to the war and gaza. you also plans to consider sanctions against from us and is really settlers in the occupied west bank. the palace thing in the foreign minister has reiterated the need for a ceasefire. every day that you know where we don't say i live, i think she's fire, you know, it's a day that we call into another 1000, but a scene is being either killed or in even injured. and that's why you know, my,
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you message today to mike, what needs you to do, it'll be on you and you and would it be clear and strong. you know, what i expect from you is he's fired on don't accept anything less palestinian children in central gaza have created a make shift symmetry as to finding the bodies of loved ones. rights groups say that extreme traumatic experiences for palestinian children like this are becoming common place, leading them to cope with little to no resources and run a 100 reports. this is what constitutes as play time for these children in elbow, a refugee camp in central gaza, congregating around a makeshift cemetery where their loved ones had been buried. their names written on the wall uh, just as my father was killed and we were not able to recover his body for days. when we finally pulled down his body, we will not on able to bury the finally, we buried my father in the school. yeah, a lot of mini did bodies willis, lying in the straits for days. they would be composed and eaten away by cats and
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dogs. this is not life because of rights groups estimate that around 25000 posting in children have become orphans since israel's latest military campaign began on october 7th. the situation is so appalling that a new acronym has been coined, unique to the besieged strip, w c. n. s f. wounded child, no surviving family. medical staff at the camp are doing what they can with the few resources available upon the quadrant home, mac, many children in the heat, by dehydration and didn't nourishment, menia suffering from diarrhea and vomiting because of contaminated water. we help them with what is the i the solutions available, the words damaging costing in kids everywhere. the physical scars are obvious, but the mental damage is invisible. they are left to deal with their trauma. how you get on with that, um and then we were at my own close house and we will hungry. my father said he
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would go to a home to get flour. it took him a long time, but the time they reached home, the house was hit by me, so after water, the young man said, my father no killed the next day, the bodies are pulled out totally disfigured. we buried them in the school yard or something for a generation of palestinian kids in morning and left to face their future low rental a fine. i'll just hear it is rarely forces have conducted more res. across the occupied westbank. they carried out major operations near ramada early on monday, in the town of a to and yet, and to show off at refugee camp. they arrested palestinians and searched several homes. we can now take you live to a summer home down who's speaking out of a route senior, her mazda official repeatedly mentioned. then we get to read this today is that our locks are flooded. on the 7th of october, in 2023, it was unnecessary step. uh and then that's run this partner. so why am i logged in
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to face? i'm counter the conspiracies under, promotes to a limit to eliminate the stimuli. codes the launched by missing the whole cup ottoman, with the american administration to take control over the land and to why yvonne to prevail to their control over unlocks a mosque and to continue their the realtor. and just to see again as the gaz uh, is thread. and therefore such an operation was necessary to put time in to all the v as in order to do, i want to show them the occupation and revise on what kind of seeing young arise. and i pay him to freedom and independence dislike other peoples of the world and to, to stay in our right to self determination and establish our fully southern country
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with the job as an, as this capital with the continued aggression in the gaza on the west bank i'm what people continue to fight, i'm struggling for better freedom. sitting amazing examples in fortitude steadfast . this again, this is dealt with the military and zionist water machine. we have decided to offer our palestinian people. i'm to all water the out of nations on most limitations on to the city, peoples of the world on those who support, right. trusting this, those who oppose pollution in those defenders that offer human dignity. we have decided to supplement that document inside them. this is a water story why our locks are flawed, but this document and the own. this document we are out of the place in good before the out of the muslim an international public opinion to explain the truth about
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what ensued and the 7th of october about why you this flood was conducted there. and what kind of conflicts is related to the theme younger cause? and to refute these, that you mis clear miss, i'm to put the facts on, put his in the facts as they are a new one who wishes can have access to this document either by scanning the, to our code or by visiting our page on the tele, drums offering them a jacket, the next topic is about starvation of the feminine experience by the guides us through. but with the increased number of displaced people. and it was without the provision of any more appropriate shelter was added with this kind of safety or food supply. is somebody that the fire and the lack of such supplies in many areas in get more than half 1000000 of all what people's in the northern part of goza are
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pitiless, and they are risking starvation was talking about $600000.00 philistines, including men, women, and children how about it, all these people are going to have to call what is at the risk king a starvation? and this is, i found this, not that exaggeration as with a net spend days and they use without having, i mean meals due to the lack of food supplies on, on swords or food, including vegetables, canned, food, et cetera, which is the minimum basic, to be fun life requirements for any human being this seal. yes. to test to effect a situation which no words can say i have to describe needs are in use or in any statements that are petitions of which can never be described. again. is 2000000 people due to the lack of supply of such
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a supply of 5 of the people of northern guys that, that you has to ground and the most stuck for doctor to couldn't see them so that they can sustain deadlines then, well then it's any in tennessee, you are standing before this sort of baiting humanitarian situation and which could lead to the increased number of people who died. i made a key for him, and e. f must killed the by the bombardments and they would die of starvation service. and due to that sickness, and therefore we would like to conform the following, especially when the entire world is witnessing such a heinous crime without the, without reacting to such crimes. we hold these am is governments on the by didn't. and i met ministration for the responsibility or for all these he and the, and the brutal crimes. but if it's worth it,
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that gives us our people in because uh, especially the northern parts of guys. oh, 2nd. we call up on the w. o to take immediate action and now's guys as a freshman or a zone of time and move on to take this a said images, tools to stop the excess automation of such a few minutes and again, catastrophe. we also called up on the, on the wall organization to, to shoulder their responsibility and perform their duties to the bottom one source of supplies and aids to own people in guys, this is the, another, was legal and the responsibility. i'm their mandate as established by the unlike the nations we caught up on them not to book the order, but again, this is the flips of this. you'll pay you sion. we also pull a supplement. we call on an urgent called for
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a id in coordination with the relative and international organizational side that i'm a sort of the need to, i know a materials that either by land by you see i'm by or on we pulled up on the stomach organization and the other, i believe good leaders and had states of our up i'm muslim nations instead of being immediately to exercise pressure to allow the opening of claudia doors then until we and i to send much of kind of hands off a the to prevent a real and true, starvation of 2000000 people in the guys, and i believe that we don't see i'm in network. we don't need, we have to talk about the right just in this and then out of a project. and i would like to remind you of the items in the past. uh they have rejected the blockade against the prophet mohammed and his son. for most of can see
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that the, the, the, i'm going to can a position in the, regarding the policy in the state. you over the past few days, or we have money to unfold the positions and stances as explicit by the water criminal nathan. yeah. why that and naming that? how do you know that the, that their security you would have full control over the entire land. then base thrust their rejection of a policy in the state who have, who have old, with the denied rejected the existence of our people. and their legitimate price, we have also monitored and followed up the c ma'am into and mentioned that the actions, especially in the united states administration and presidential by then sending messages to reassuring those people who to wage out on political
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solutions or normalization of proposals with this and that's the entity by i might call to what the by didn't, has just said that missing the yahoo doesn't object to own existing solution is on the 2 state solution in the whole. but yeah, followed the buying the thing. yeah. whose office few are, what is the later about that a jack thing, this statements by biting and really to read that addiction off, establishing companies in the state the this confirms that you well established found that means you have to and my husband kiana unique that no one never heavy, no one was standing before this total risk. i'm not seeing the obama entity, i mean, no party can insure or guarantee i'll put the co solution. on the other hand, such statements on the express,
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on the express american glory that allows the is what you need the time and get on what they try to vanish and a believe to the image of the occupation. and they see it to integrate it's such on the entity in the region to throw normalization projects on denying our people. they have rise. all water message here is very clear to washington and to president by the who, who's, who's an accomplice in the genocide, committed against all what people by the forces of the occupation with weapons and supplied every day through decisions of the president biden. they bear the responsibility of every body's theme, young drop of blood being that of young people, and women, or some old men, call it them. states means that the guy that godaddy said any of the pretend order
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to them to support the establishment of understanding and states. such statesmen wouldn't continue to lack credibility unless the aggression is stopped immediately . and unless the an ordinance munition on weapons do no problem being supply to the is really entity. unless such an entity is compelled and found by an international resolution to stop the genocide, the war and the compartments of civilians around the clock in the guise of steps. if they do not do such requirements, they couldn't be confirmed that lack of credibility. we asked, but as the names would have said over and over that we wouldn't, nobody agree it now custodianship on our people and we will not accept what sits in for less than an independent unit on some of them. but
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a seem going to stick with each other is that him as his capital. and allowing by seeing young people who i have been moved out of the towns and villages to attend to their homes and all the proposals to set them vince, the rights of our people without any content will never succeed. so i advise that the spot to use to spare value, less effort outside of the month for talking about the escalation in the region america yet. um, as we hold the american administration, the responsibility for the escalation welding with the sink in the region by that continued support of the occupation on that aggression. and we would like to what is the status of the, the revising on the institution. calm and peace in the region is a conditional to ending digression against all what people and does
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a and establish that independence. and so, but in the state of palestine, you'll see that it goes on they, they tried to escape the cry saves by exporting that crisis. if outside the eyes, they conduct assassination alterations and big conduct, aggressions again, to slip on on who are supporting a work cause they conduct aggressions. i get a cd and put them in our security seeking the help of the americans to expand the war in the region. this put them in the enemy attempting to, um to um, to attack the sovereignty of countries from does all what people and decision makers in the region. the why are due to think of the posting within the yahoo dot net and of the such not see extreme government has full and the need to work
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seriously on getting good of such a government as a 1st step on the way to eliminate things. such are new to a patient in our land, and then we look at the how much we in the, how about us we condemn the american. let's give us a vacation of the whole. see the group in your mind as a tentative girl band, we condemn the british and the u. k. i aggression, i guess again, is kim, i'm still out on america. um, do we consider this as a determination or american determination to militarize that it see on certain support of the is right. you know, to a patient on this, a crime. again, this is our and most of the nation and we support the all water friends on brought those in the i'm on the rock, i'm living on, i will, i'd actual high that you know, which will have that on. we pray for the, i would say we pay for the they are
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a phone in the sold drugs and we commend the support all what people defending the ox on mosque and try to sell. i'm fighting, go with a brutal, and that's the occupation that fits in the step entity in our entire region is at the time. and now, to this act in the subject of the hand of the patient that conducts aggressions august our people, i guess the entire region we have, it's a relative that we shall continue or what is the fastness that them feet that if you all want to start going to look on all what people who have always paid the past of struggle with. with the 5th you've been listening to a summer home done senior representative of hamas in lebanon. now he had several messages he justified how mazda is october, the 7th attack, which killed $1200.00 people in israel saying it was, quote, necessary to free ourselves and establish our right to self determination. he also
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warned about starvation in gaza and the unfolding humanitarian crisis. they are calling on the you when the world health organization to declare famine in gaza. you also called on the note it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his recent and repeated rejection palestinian state the . let's get going with your weather update across the middle east and africa. good to see outbreaks of rain now across the van, stretching into iraq. and we've had some heavy rounds of snow for southern iraq. and i wanted to take you to be ready and peninsula, plenty of sun impact temperatures on the high side here for this time of the year. look at western savvy, radiant jetta. up to 30, we're seeing this warm breeze through central saudi arabia. so that pops re add up to 28 degrees and this warm air is coming into the gulf as well. so for us here in
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the hot temperatures will continue to rise over the next few days. temperatures, though, going down for bucko, rain, snow mix there. we've had quite the drop and ask about temperatures have been up. temperatures have been down bit of a weather roller coaster there and temperatures hard down on tuesday. that is stiff as a wind through the bus for us to stumble at a temperature is bouncing back a bit. in athens, at 13, there's a rain for the van. so i think the worst of it will be around the root, top end of africa, that cooler air has made it into egypt. so cairo just at 20 degrees and still by the alerts in play for eastern central and southern, tens of near with these grounds of rain that's dropping down through to northern moves and beat crossing over that channel into northern madagascar. where there is the real ritz, we could see some flooding over the next little bit. the heroes from al jazeera on the go and the tonight out is there is
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only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the european union? foreign ministers meet to discuss the bed crisis. the were on garza and ukraine, says unity on some issues, but shop division on others. is it possible for the block of 27 states to have a shadow meaningful foreign policy? this is inside story, the .


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