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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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it's not receive task protection is seen as complication. inside story on al jazeera, the displace palestinians flee for their lives desperately trying to escape another. is there any bombardments, the i'm on the inside. this is all just there. a lie from the also coming up. i didn't, you might be for an immediate too many times. he's fine. he wants to carry the council made to debate the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question. the west singles, a law space where any soldiers in gauze us since the war began at least 24, have been killed and raising for the next. and us republican presidential nominate,
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gets on the way in new hampshire. it's donald trump, against whom i un investors. and nikki haley, the as we begin in hon. eunice and southern gaza, which has come under intense, bombardments, the palestinian red crescent, says, is ready, forces have shelled its headquarters while israel suffered its high smell, says on the battlefield in a single day. and so on, me says at least $24.00 foot soldiers were killed. honey, my mood has move on. the days developments a mass exodus of palestinians from pon, unice has these regularly bomb their way to the center. displaced the gain and again, these people are running out of places to escape, to seeking shelter carrying what they can, there is no respite was the fires the bonds, the bullets into closer and closer. the
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our men are young youth, our children are flesh and blood fruits of our life. we lost them. we lost our loved ones. they have fallen, lost our property. oh my god, i need a mother forced to sleep. carrying her did son the weight of carrying him now as far less than the thought of leaving his body behind the he's ready. so if you're still in the hospital, an open fire in this, the kills my boy and the rest of the man. and they are still pulling people from the rubble, dusty and bruise lines, parenting gaza, no longer worry about their children playing with or be worried. they will be buried underneath it. the destruction is so immense, and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing save to inhabit
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nothing to salvage. and yet the did remain under the rubble into a value of refuge account. i'm glad you tell me i can apply to and sion today we managed to recover 5 to bodies from under the degrees. well, i can confirm there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried for the living. it is a struggle to stay a life with many of the hospital is not functioning. there is no way to receive potentially live saving treatment enough with death. and the thing happened. i used to receive chemo therapy in nablus. now i'm deprived of both the chemotherapy and the payments. the 1st is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer and the 2nd to relieve pain. my health is deteriorating. with every passing day. i'm really suffering. palestinians are now forced to stay in rough and south of the strip barbed wire and walls on the side bombing on the other. a girl
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dressed in a traditional palestinian dress for these are children. simply existing during this war is resisting honey. my mod, i'll just be it all cut off by a. let's go to our correspondence how to avoid 0. he's in rough and southern garza for us, and we've been hearing all day about the situation in con eunice, getting worse and worse and the fighting. intensifying. what can you tell us now about the status of the fi saying yes, that's completely wrong. it's the fighting. the also continues with more highly intensity as the classes and confrontations between the palestinian fighters and it has been so just did not stop within the past few hours. we have hearing loud explosions from the city of con eunice. also, we have been observing from our location right now here from rough on some kind of
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a nation of last being fired by the is really military on the city of hon. eunice, giving a lease sign how the situation that is getting much more difficult and much more so complex within the hour as these very forces that twice to take full control over the city. they are making different that are using different military tactics that were presented in complete destruction of houses. and now they are attacking the facility of the nicer hospital, which is the last remaining hospital in the city of con eunice and one of the largest school. so remaining himself as well. now, the elliot today had posted defiant against the different departments of the hospital. medical teams cannot clearly get out of the hospital in order to boot the victims that we can get from under the rustles of the destroyed buildings on the long side that civilians are bringing casualties on their own way. like holding them bringing them and don't tease the far food bike uh, putting the bite causes along side also with clean difficulty for medical workers
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through safely rates inside the hospital itself. as the facility had completely been a target for the use very military club, cortez when they opened fire from time a to another inside the complex. now similarly, the fighting is supposed to getting much more closer to the gates of the hospital. as we have been seeing different videos show how the rules of the hospital being hit by different is barely put it on to the expansion of the miniature of ration stuff. that just just focusing again on the status of nasa hospital. as you say, as the fighting is getting increasingly closer and closer to the hospital, what is the affinity of the hospital to still taking patients and new cost to the people that have been displaced and was saying that this will, this is a very complex operation, right? now the medical teams are trying to do, i simply medical teams are doing their job tirelessly in order to keep providing
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the treatment. despite the lack of full medical supplies and also the ability of them to uh, to have a kind of full mobility insights. and between the departments of the hospital now they are completely try to work a partially they are not carrying out advanced surgeries. 2 they are trying to provide primitive medical care for the in get people who are being transported to the medical complex that so the situation for medical teams is completely dalia that they have been holding for an immediate and just protection for the hospital and also for affording a then also a kind of an urgent medical supplies to be, to keep a racing for the people who are still trapped inside the way of talking about hundreds of it. people are receiving a treatment inside the hospital and also uh the uh, the medical teams. they are trying to do the best, but they are phrased or they are moved to i get some sense regarding the
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possibility of a storming nasir hospital as what happened earlier to the majority of hospitals in the north at is central kansas city. and the funny thing is getting much moved closer than any time before within the expansion of admitted to operations in the city of con, you and us. okay. tower. thank you so much for the reporting to hire a couple. assume that for us in rafa in southern gaza. meanwhile, funerals have been held for 24 is riley soldiers who were killed on monday. it was a deadly a stay for the as randy ministry since the war on guns that began. 21 troops were reading a building with explosives inside the magazine camp when palestinian fights is launched. a rocket propelled grenades out of time. protecting the forces is really army is promising investigation on the i'm so how many it has more on this last fair? well, young lads cut short on the front lines in garza in the bloody is they for isabel since the ground invasion began?
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$24.00 soldiers killed $21.00 of them in a single attack. about 600 meters from the border. according to this really military, they were hit by a rocket propelled grenades wild rigging, buildings for demolition of the impact caused the explosive to donate one after the other. the buildings collapsed on the soldiers. a cloud of smoke and debris filled the guys of skyline. the army says that rescue operations took several hours around the country. people are getting to grips with the rising tools. this war is taking the price of oil, which is around just been difficult but, but i think that's a nose, right? you can't leave. you have to win the war and you have to uh, get rid of come us and, and make good guys a safe for us. otherwise we have no place to live. israel's chief of staff has that highly be visited the sides of the attack. his message is what will learn from its
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mistakes and adapt it's tactics to what has become a guerrilla warfare. obviously might be a cross line will be long and there are many challenges ahead of us. we are really changing the forces and change, you know, tactics as we know the reserves will be needed. again. the attack happens is we'll focus is via power on the southern city of han eunice hometown of how messes guys a leader. yes, yes. and who are the minutes he says is the last stronghold of how mass in this trip and the who move she clean. but if we continue at this time in the spirit of the fall, them to complete the task and do everything that is required are forces all 3 deep in enemy territory. and con eunice fighters from the parents who pressed the 7th brigade. and the give algebra gave our operating and the entire southern region. we go to me, you bought the support for to remains high among israelis, even at a time when 5 minutes. and then, you know, as popularity has plummeted,
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according to the latest pools, only 30 percent of these really see him fit for the job. the prime minister is also under increasing pressure to bring the captives housing guys back home at any cost, even if it means another ceasefire or swap of prisoners. but this latest attack is also a reminder, for israel is the 3 months and how much is still capable of inflicting pain and the stated goal of destroying how much might not be achievable without a diplomatic solution. without that, how many jersey right to live it's been, you know, as a nation security council is holding its course any open debates with israel's will and gaza top of the agenda. it's actually general. and so when you good terrorist along with representatives from palestine and israel address the security council. last week's clear and repeating rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest level of these valley governments is unacceptable. and these was despite the
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strongest, the bills from even the friends of israel, enclosing those ceasing around these table. these refusal and the denial of the right to state to, to the policy and people will be indefinitely pro longer conflicts. that does become a major. so that's to global peace and security cable at us on the was listening in to that meeting. and this comes gabriel against us, a listening situation in gauze and the why the region. what were the main points raised by the speakers as well from the secretary general is a pretty long speech. actually 8 pages completely printed out a little longer than normally. he goes on this, but it's because of the situation is so much worse than it's been over the previous weeks and months since this conflict began. secretary general basically laid out what is needed in the guy. so right now, and that's
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a pretty simple answer. every thing and he laid it out simply from food to water, to fuel, to us in the, to the hostilities and primarily a full cease fire. as the secretary general has called for multiple times. israel has continued to not heat those calls from the secretary general, but he simply did it again saying israel's occupation must in making it very clear there. so secretary of general layout a very grim and, and some were points even very dark picture of the monetary and situation in god's are right now, millions of people in desperate need as we see on our screens from our journalist here, they've been reporting on a daily basis, we also heard from the minister of foreign affairs from palestine. we had mount gates, who also called on the people in the security council chambers, many of whom are foreign ministers. to really he'd, uh, the, the, the, the, the consensus in the world for a cease fire. also. he said and very powerful words,
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genocide, ethnic cleansing a part side. he said, i know these words are uncomfortable for many of this room to hear, but they are the reality that we live under in palestine. so some of the strong words there, and clearly this uh, meeting of the security council will be going on for many more hours. there are still 60 speakers from 60 different countries that are on the list to speak this evening, perhaps going into tomorrow. okay, thank you. for that, gabriel, let us onto that for us at the united nation in new york. so had to own the colleges era. russia strikes major cities in ukraine, solves target, and residential buildings, pricing, panic among the people. the this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers have in use is called the expo 2023 the world, the best to make sure to
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join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the the the the, you're watching alec, is there a line to our top story? is this alex, how the stadiums in hon. eunice? i'm desperately trying to escape is riley attacks. troops have in circle the cecia now reports the soldiers of shooting as some of the people who are trying to get out. the united nations security council is missing to debate the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question. you and chief antonio protera says as well as
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rejection of a 2 state solution for palestinians is unacceptable. as well as holding funerals for soldiers killed in combat in gaza. at least 24 soldiers were killed. the in the states $21.00 of them and a single attack. it is a single west stay for the on the since it's ground invasions again in late october, israel had designated the area of our milwaukee in southern gauze as a so called safe. so it and the will, but it's forces have attacked tents, displace paypal, setup that causing thousands of casualties and often many escaping death. the palestinian mother fled with her surviving daughter to rough us. uh the south. she's been treated for beds at all, not the hospital she described the attacking on was given the on the following monday, nestling the model is i'm not sending them and that's not
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the most. i've been assigned to a 100 and i shouldn't have been seen josie on the, on the side of the split up the site which has issues. so what is that now? you can just bring my vin. um, as soon as i am on the east side for sure. the smoke not let me just finish it. i'm not so haven't been appointment depending on the truck or how much the fast the sooner the main be the yeah, the signing on the main. somebody named was the the be the
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the non was we alone? i'm really lucky. let's look is a look at the movie and stuff for the cause of the has to be on the. 2 bus, what do i have like when i get the bus? the okay, let's bring you some all that well news now the 1st to us primary if a 2020 for presidential nomination contest is on the way polls have opened in the state of new hampshire in the town of dix will not all 6 registered vices cost the ballot for the full make you an investment. nikki haley, a law firm, a president, donald trump, who is seeking the republican nomination again, made a surprise visit to a new hampshire very single station. i spoke to her forces,
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and i mean this is we just stopped here. we stopped in appalling side. we painted at random. we may stop at one more. nobody knew we were telling me this is pretty amazing the thing and i don't see a threat to, you know, go through and i don't let her do whatever she wants. just as a matter, i can just say that there's never been a movement like this. make america great again in the history of our country. i just stop here and i figured i'd say 3 or 4 people and maybe walk inside and you see brad like this and this is okay, let's get more and this with alan especially joins as long from outside of ponies station and not just the new hampshire and trump going into this primary island as a favorite off scoring was sounding victory. announcements. our cool cuz does nikki, hey, we have a realistic chance today slick he is the resigning. save
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it. and if you look at what kristen is a very popular governor here in new hampshire, we see the end of last year that can healy with, with the state and align slide. and then the last couple of days we've had from him on the candidates, ourselves saying that they're going to do well, they are managing expectations because all the polls for donald trump leading by at least double figures when the, the polls close at what is interesting is that here we've been speaking to people in about one in 3 year supporting donald trump and the other 2 are going for nicky healey. so the healey camp would love to see that there's also the chance to vote for the democratic candidate as well on the ballot. but the democratic national party have decided that they'll be new delegates. so we'll do from here because to bite and we'd like to see a different order, but that's not stopping people like steve kind of good. who's been here? i've seen people to write and the name to by the why should people right in the name, steve, if he can't be bothered to come here and campaign and to speak to the people,
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why should they put his name on the ballot for a bunch of buttons i've been to the hampshire many, many times at his career and then gloating last year. so, i mean he's, he has committed to supporting the people in the hamper and doing the work that he needs to do as president, which is what he's been doing for the last 3 years. this is, as you just stated, an inter party issue, but the people in the hampshire are going to send a very strong message by writing and job. i'm to make sure that he is the winner of what they would call the new hampshire primary and the dnc my call contest here in new hampshire. but it's really important that the people in hampshire step up and show who they prefer to be the democratic candidate for the present. but you have from, you have to, you upset when the president himself said he doesn't think new hampshire should be the 1st in the nation that you go somewhere more divest with this more reflective of america as a, as a native born wrangler. and someone who is been proud of the new hampshire primary tradition, we are grateful for the roles in hampshire place and the presidential nominee in process or has. and we're hopeful that that will retain that sunday. but we're here
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to support president body no matter what the rules are. um because we want to make sure that we show the nation that new hampshire new england. and frankly, the rest of the country are squarely behind joe biden, against donald trump and, and frankly, want to support one of the most consequential presidents in the history of this country. there's been a number of people who are pushing the idea of writing ceasefire on the balance and that that could bite and support because there are a lot of democrats who are upset is as position with the guy. so what do you think it'll impact them to be like i, i would encourage anybody to vote for a person who can serve as president and states, not writing in a word. there are plenty of ways to get your opinion across about a policy issue. but there are way too many issues and some like the issue of uh, what is going on in israel, what's going on ukraine, the economic policies of this country. other parts are important to leave an election like this where the protest about it's really important that we, we know right now the donald trump is going to be the nominee of the republican party, even though the voting hasn't stopped. and the 2nd contest,
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what is going to be there, nominate? and we need to have our strongest candidate who's job. i'd be fighting against him and meeting him just like you did back in 2029 dependents in new hampshire can vote for either the republicans or the democrats. yes. and people have been changing their getting saying that go to vote in the republican primary, could they, even though they might be democrats to try and stop donald trump, is that going to impact your campaign to, to bite me on the phone? well, you know, we're confident that the present button will get the most votes, as of right in the voters of every party have to make the right decision for themselves. i've never been, as i say, i've never been a big fan of the protest allowed. so the idea of voting for nikki haley and possibly putting i've given her more support hours away and try to stop what i think is frankly inevitable, which is donald trump's nomination and browse and strengthening job. i didn't just seem some upset to go to, to take that moving or democracy for it and trying to preserve what we have here in this country. so very briefly, 2024 is going to be a rerun of 20 to it. is it right down to the victory for job?
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i'm steve. thanks very much for joining us, like somebody and you have to appreciate your time. so it's interesting that we're still seeing many people turned up here. there will be a search probably in the next hour. so as people start to get or what, and come here and vote before the fully place is close at 7 pm local time. if this pulling place is any judge, we're going to see ton a much higher than we saw in iowa just a week ago. but still the trump campaign believe that headed for victory in new hampshire. okay. thank you for that official that for us in new hampshire, russian strives hipkins and all the ukranian cities. 8 people were killed and moved in 70 were injured. and ms. salis hanks damaged residential buildings, reducing some to rubble. ro mcbride has moved from case this latest early morning attack targeted cities across ukraine with the biology of ballistic
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and cruise missiles. the countryside defenses claimed to have shot down around hoff of them. but folding themselves and debris caused widespread damage and casualties in residential areas such as here in key. the emergency services responded to calls in several districts. yes. and this was shifted to you. i was doing my bed and there was a boom. i'm living in this building, it was terrible. i was shaking over for the most part i, for the 1st time since the start of the war, i had to highlight it was very scary. ukraine, 2nd city. hurricane was also hit by multiple missile strikes, destroying a number of homes you're not born with. so when the messiah tech started, i took cover behind the washing machine. something hit me in the neck. i'm alive. but some people died. like keep how to keep itself with heavy bump up and in recent weeks, as strikes have been continuing back and forth throughout the winter with ukrainian
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forces in recent days, launching long range drugs strikes as far north as rushes baltic, sea coast. that seems to be most coast reminder that it can hit targets anywhere in ukraine. when the yeah, right alarm sounded in keys. some residents took shelter in the subway system. there was a heavy missile an attack on january 2nd. i'll show up again to hit all the exposures because we still have to go to the subway. and once the strikes were over and the alarm ended, people once more to the job of cleaning up public broad, i'll just say era keith to take he has pa them and hesitated to approve sweden spence and membership into nato. you move has been delayed some months because of strain relations between encore us on several west and countries, sweden and finland have been pushing to foss, track in to nature in response to russia's invasion of ukraine. okay,
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that's it for me, molly? inside weather coming up next, then we have inside story which will look ahead to the us presidential election, which takes place nation the, the weather brought to you by visit, cut all the heat waves. it's been around in west australia is about to be swept away by watson, obviously swelling storm, full of rain and just to try it and rain along with not the time. she's back and they'll be some funding from it. so marble. bob has been out from the voltages back down to the low thirty's. right, and that's what we usually see. seasonally along the top end of all frustrated. he was backing off a little bit and that allows you because the energies concentrate in this developing cited in the car and say, think that'll make land full as a name storm. briefly somewhere in the northeast in queensland. and that means this after that given there's not so much energy here, it would be much, quite,
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very well, i could say help. sidney says $35.00 persons of a woman she missed. so if you want tempted to come down in the know if all the news even were open was really very high. recent, they type of 25 to nice people that average in christ church with mostly puffing light shots. it's looking fine weather. it's my easy look, particularly wet and i would focus on the tenants limit. i use the m c mastery where the best of increased ne, one student suggest some very wet weather. something charter is still quite cool. attempt is rising up in japan and it's pretty obviously still winter and i expect in how kind of particularly support to see a blizzard on thursday. the weather brought to you by visit costume tomorrow, 3 years in and joe biden, faces little competition from within the democratic party. despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as the formalities of the nomination, concepts begin,
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does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 year. us election 2024 on elsa's. the. the from painting is on the way in the us presidential election with a repeat contest expected between president joe biden. and donald trump, one is the oldest candidates in us history, the other facing criminal trials. what are the issues for voters and for the world? this is inside story, the .


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