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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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was waiting in dense investigation to get compelling insights into humanity. holden unto stories from asia or in the pacific. 101 east. on i'll just see around the, [000:00:00;00] the hello online site. the news out knowledge from coming up in the next 60 minutes. as early forces and stuff on unison, southern gaza that report israel has filed on one of the regions. non major hospitals displays palestinians, please, so that lies desperately trying to escape another. is there any bombardments or you
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might be an immediate humanitarian ceasefire? who want to buy at the un security council section general calls for peace and amount of terry and access to gaza. also in the program. donald trump is the republican nomination for us president as new types of holes. tech ha, improve sweden sped foundation membership. taking it a step closer to entry, submit a treat alliance. the we begin with the situation in gaza. went on going is riley attacks are forcing palestinians in hon. eunice to flee even further south. the city has been on the heavy bombing by israel in recent days, meaning thousands of people are having to escape to rough us and such as safety. i mean,
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food has the days developments as a mass exodus of palestinians are from, pon unice. has these regularly bomb their way to the center, displaced again and again. these people are running out of places to escape, to seeking shelter, carrying what they can, there is no respite was the fires the bonds, the bullets into closer and closer. the our men are young, you, our children are flesh and blood fruits of our life. we lost them. we lost our loved ones. they have fallen. we lost our property. oh, my god journey, a mother forced to sleep carrying her did son. the weight of carrying him now as far less than the thought of leaving his body behind the he's ready. so just doing the hospital an open fire and this the killed my boy and
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the rest it all men and they are still pulling people from the rubble dusty and bruised. but a life parenting, gaza no longer worry about their children playing with or the worried they will be buried underneath it. the destruction is so immense and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing save to inhabit nothing to salvation. and yet the did remain under the rubble into a value of refuge account. i'm the learn your own from i can apply to and sion today we managed to recover 5 did bodies from under the degree. i can confirm there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried for the living. it is a struggle to stay a life with many of the hospital is not functioning. there is no way to receive potentially live saving treatment. i know i would definitely thing i haven't i used to receive chemotherapy now the,
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now i'm deprived of both the chemotherapy and the payments. the 1st is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer and the 2nd to relieve pain. my health is deteriorating. with every passing day, i'm really suffering palestinians are now forced to stay in rough in south of the strip barbed wire. busy and walls on the side bombing on the other. a girl dressed in a traditional palestinian dress for these are children. simply existing during this war is resisting honey my mode. i was just the cut off of the wall on garza and israel's blockade has meant a shortage of nearly everything in this trip from medicine to food, to clean water that includes as when to set set and it's making life more difficult for than any 2000000 people for displace from that homes and don't have access to that belongings. sorry about, as boone has moved from rafa. it is,
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there's people who had been forced to dates to sleep from a con units. they had a flood. the houses being completely obligated to do that. because these very bottom in 20 left, the family wanted to leave the somebody completely secuity. that's the half as thought to, to robert lee a run away from the city of con, you this seeking safety in rough off the story of the situation was completely risky and dangerous for them as they were fleeing from a very mind the roads that cuz that links between that link between hon eunice and roof. i noticed people did not in trouble and even the hit the roof. i threw out a rushing road because these very ties are stationed on the road right now. so they took very a new, a new roads and minus completely thinking to rough off, but also they are suffering and abuse, ongoing abutment of the city of can you just send with the reach to a rough idea, also facing a very severe problem to present it and the lack of old basic necessities did not
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find any make shift chilton to live inside. also, if this a cold weather they are struggling even to keep pool as are they are living right now in the open without having any shields that will be protected inside the world . and gauze has taken away almost everything that people once have the lives, the homes, and even the eclipse, down to the yoke. somebody said in these places, and i've had them since the beginning of the roll on, i can be stuck up with someone. good. well, i'm not letting my remaining close them and we're happy and gone. so we were leaving for why you online. i've been living in a tent and roughly the and his children are struggling to keep with whatever the i'm going to have a little bit closer to accomplish anything for them on the look at these clothes for like the price of you when to close this calling holly, so some tiny secondhand clothes shops like this is i saw the surf, the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes.
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now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad. there's no refuge except for 2nd hand clothing stores what? even a compact roads come prove expensive. yeah. then what kind of like boy like well i have 200 shekels. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items. appliances. this means i'll tell you before 5 people, most of these are things we desperately need. oh, used to provide legal, nearly 2000000 palestinians, and garza had been forced from the hens. they'll say you think starvation does these? as many of them right now, we're leaving the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes only adds to the misery target as in algebra. roof in southern gauze, the funerals have been held for 24 as rainy soldiers killed on monday. it was the deadliest day for the. is there any minute theresa? some who on golf and began. 21 troops were rigging
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a building with explosives inside the magazine camp when power steering fights has launched, rocket propelled grenade is that a time protecting the forces is really all me is promising and investigation on the other hand, made reports the last farewell young lives cut short on the front lines in garza, in the bloody is they for israel since the ground invasion began. $24.00 soldiers killed $21.00 of them in a single attack. about 600 meters from the border. according to this really military, they were hit by rocket propelled grenades, wild rigging, buildings for demolition, and continued impact cause the explosive to donate one after the other. the buildings collapsed on the soldiers. a cloud of smoke and debris filled the guys skyline. the army says that rescue operations took several hours around the country . people are getting to grips with the rising tools. this war is taking the price
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of oil, which is around this been difficult but, but i think that's a nose, right? you can't believe you have to win the war and you have to uh, get rid of from us and, and make your guys a safe for us. otherwise we have no place to live. israel's chief of staff has lives visited the sides of the attack. his message is when we learn from its mistakes and adapt it's tactics to what has become a guerrilla warfare. obviously might be a fine, will be long and there are many challenges ahead of us. we are really changing the forces and changing out tactics on it. as we know the reserve is will be needed again, or the attack happen is we'll focus is via power on the southern city of han eunice hometown of how much as g as a leader. yes, yes, and who are for the minutes he says is the less strong cold of how mass in this trip and the who moves she clean by. so if we continue at this time in the spirit of the fall,
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them to complete the task and do everything that is required or forces all 3 deep and then the territory. and con eunice fighters from the parents who pressed the 7th brigade and the give out to begin are operating in the entire southern region. we go, let me give out the support for the war remains high among israelis even at a time when 5 minutes. and then you know, as popularity has plummeted, according to the latest pools, only 30 percent of these really seem fit for the job. the 5 minister is also under increasing pressure to bring the captives housing guys back home at any cost, even if it means another, sees fire or swap of prisoners. but this latest attack is also a reminder, for israel is the 3 months and how much is still capable of inflicting pain and the stated goal of destroying how much might not be achievable without a diplomatic solution. without that, how many jersey right to levy?
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the notification security council has held its quarterly open debates with israel's will on gaza at the top of the agenda section. you daniel antonio, good terrace, along with representatives from palestine on israel addressed the security council and you missed it. last week's clear and repeated rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest level of these valley governments is unacceptable. and this was despite this throwing us the deals from even the friends of israel, enclosing those c things around these table. these refusal and the denial of the right to state to, to the policy and people will be invested sleep pro longer conflict that does become, amazes to that, to global peace and security to gabriel. as on the is that the united nations in new york for us gave a very strong message that from antonia gutierrez to as well. what else to antonia good terrace. have to say yeah,
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this is one of his longer speeches that we've heard in recent times about this issue and guys and about this conflict. and it's probably because as he laid out and is very strong speech, there is a lot of suffering and death happening goes are right now. he painted a very stark and a dark, if you will, picture of the current humanitarian situation in gaza. whether it comes to food, water, shelter, all of it is in short supply because of israel's bombardment of the strip for more than 3 months. now, the secretary general's saying that he monetary and situation in gaza is in his words appalling with winter bearing down. he says 2300000 palestinians and gaza faced in humane squalid conditions struggling to simply make it through another day. so clearly his message to the world really and to the other members of the security council and that for an ministers that were at this meeting was the
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situation in guys. it continues to go from bad to worse. probably stay with us gabriel, because we also had from the palestine and israel representatives giving the statements to the security council. this is what they had to say has been um you could look up in choosing the 1st of the one that enjoys support by the international community as a whole mainline nothing yahoo most publicly and repeatedly that he played the kid key role in preventing the independence of the policy on state, on peace in our region and ledges to continue doing so. is isabel oh, so no longer into obtains or illusion that it is somehow it's so fast whereby it's gone choose, continue the cooperation and colonialism and i'll put tides on somehow. so that you've reached another piece of security, how must cx to annihilate isn't? and if you support the position that we leave come us in power,
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you cannot pretend to wish for a solution to the conflict. the past 18 years have proven this. but dear friends, there is a formula that can end the blood should, and if the concept stands united behind it, then it will materialize. she'll come us turn in those responsible for october 7th and she'll come us release all the hostages. this war would be over immediately gave was that a consensus and getting more humanitarian aid into gaza as well . the consensus is that more needs to get in and it needs to get in urgently and it need it to get in weeks if not even months ago. so that is a consensus, but where that there is problems are on how to do that. and the problem rest with a ceasefire because well,
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the secretary general and the majority of member states of the united nations have voice to support for a cease fire. or at least a humanitarian paused at the bare minimum uh that has not happened because he's realized not agree to that. it's not heated. the words of the secretary general or the international community. it's voice. it is come out of this, this body here. i will say though that secret condo is the humana, terry, and, and reconstruction coordinator for guys appointed by the secretary general. was in guys a briefly on tuesday. it's only her 2nd time. she's been in guys since being appointed to this very important role on december 26th. and she was only able to spend a few hours in guys because it's so dangerous because of the, primarily because of these really bombardments. so her job is to scale up humanitarian aid going into you guys as best as she can see fit. but you can get a sense of it if she could only spend
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a couple hours in the gaza strip due to security concerns. that just tells you how difficult her job is going to be getting in to the people that need it. the most data. thanks for that. every a lot of us on the, for us in new york, i li, i also spoke challenges there a senior. but let's go on this more on the sean right. he says that there is growing international pressure on israel to recognize the palestinian state. i think there's definitely an international consensus or behind the 2 state solution as it where there is no consensus about the specific solve it. that's why the united states with quote for us to take to situation. but then it would ask for 5 minutes. and if they knew how to choose from the various options of to assessed solution, just kind of strange as if there's another way of saying software, an independent contiguous palestinian state that it could be a state without an army without borders,
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without jurisdiction and so on. so forth. so when it comes to the idea of the 2 steps, you should as a way out of the conflict, there's definitely an over or absolute consensus around the world for the only obstructionist in this case is, is right actually. but we've also heard from others, i think you're not to mention secret the cause of the day. for example, the french foreign minister was quite either meant to mean spoke with kind of a new tone coming out of france about it's not, is there as business to tell. the 1st thing is where to live or how to live. so almost like an answer to these really affordable ministers. it's weird speech at the, at the, at the a you a, the last couple of days. but there also heard from this, lavinia and foreign minister. we've heard the russian far minnesota was spoken about american obstruction. has it been and how america is giving green light to is there as collective punishment in, in a sense? so you can say that's on the overall,
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i think you're not the initial security council around the world. there is a consensus to stop the fight and occupation and have a to say solution. the only one out of this, this close as is as supported by the united states to try and see more ahead on the news out, including russia, strikes major cities in ukraine. michelle's target and residential buildings crate and panic among the people. the 1st primary fee 2020 full presidential republican presidential nomination is on the way polls are being held in the state of new hampshire a week off to donald trump,
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one the iowa caucuses, is there any remaining? major rival is wilma, human, and bassett. nikki haley, a former president, trump visit to the new hampshire facing station and special forces. i mean this is, we just stopped here. we stopped in a bowling side. we painted at random. we may stop at one more. nobody knew we were telling me this is pretty amazing the thing and i don't see a threat to, you know, go through and i don't care and let her do whatever she wants. it doesn't matter. i can just say that there's never been a movement like this. make america great again in the history of our country. i just stop here and i figured i'd say 3 or 4 people and maybe walk inside and you see brad like this. and this is mckayla speak now it's alan official. he joins us live from inside a police station in manchester, new hampshire. so allen, with a few hours into this boat,
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what's the mood where you are of the well, you can see that a couple of people of waiting to catch their vote. there was a real surge about 15 minutes ago. some are seeing that the people are coming in when they're finished with what they can cast their vote. so there's been quite a big turner here, this district peters for 6000 voters. they think that the country is going to be over 50 percent quite easily over 50 percent as well. now the main focus of course is on the the republican nomination process. and donald trump is supposed to be believed, is heading to a double digit victory over nikki haley at the end of last year considered a very popular republican governor here in new hampshire. said that nicky healy would win this state by a lunch like he's been by a site that she's being campaigning, knows a kind of tempered expectation saying that she's going to do well. she really has to get it within maybe 57 percent of the vote of any chance of counting momentum
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into south carolina, which is important for her because it's her home state as the next big test for her . but if she doesn't get that sort of closeness, then really this is weird how campaign is going to end. but if there's good news for the healey campaign of the people we've been speaking to here to is they've cast their vote on the republican side. many of them have been talking about casting their vote for nicky healey. donald trump's. why did you decide to go for them from? i decided to because we need to change clearly who we've been. the last thing has not been working. so i think it's time for a change. when did you make the decision? they've been there for a while. yeah, it's been there since vitamins elected. i did vote for nikki haley. why did you decide to test it? because i don't want trump to be in one of the non nice. so because i am independent but i have been voting democrat for quite a while. when did you make the decision to vote for nicky healey in the primary?
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um, i would say in the last couple of days and what we did just it would be supporting her over trump more for her i it if it came down to her in the end versus bite and i don't know what i do is i did vote providing but i think he's too old personally, nikki, why did you decide? well as a difficult decision, anybody but trump? and alan is also in the democratic primaries. the president joe biden is formerly not on about it. so what is the significance of that? of the ok that's and that's because there was a row between the local party and the national park to the national party wants to move the very 1st primary to south carolina. but the local party said no, it's always new hampshire. it's got to be here at the national parks. he said, no,
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it's going to be said, catalina, it. yeah, i'm sure said, but we're going to head on the date that we were going to. the national party said, well, you're delegates don't count. so bike and supporters are saying, right, what we need know is people to write the name joe biden on the ballot to show their support for the 2nd president so that he can win, even though he won't get any delegates so much. there's also a flip side to that, that are people who are saying, look right the what the cease fire on the ballot and not shows your anger at the bite and administration approach to the warning guy so that they're not doing enough to bring a c spar around in guys and that will show that people are angry about this though we know that they are. i think we know that a number of democratic voters are very upset that position to fight and administration has taken. this will be one of the 1st bill tests of that to see how many people actually put the watch c spy on their ballot to buy who's expected to win. but what will be interesting is the number of ballots that say see spot and whether or not the biking team will take the message and perhaps change that
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approach to what they're doing with their relationship with israel. and the warning guys that's going to be a very interesting nice, and you'll be covering that for us all in such a that for us outside of potent station in manchester, new hampshire, thank you. still add on out of there on the president of somalia tells alger 0 that his neighbor easier here is trying to take over parts of his country. how do they want to, to access the c? by next to pop to somebody, i changing the borders and somebody at the the, the heat waves is going around in west australia is about to be swept away by bolts and obviously swelling, storm full of rain. then just tries and rain along with not the time she's back and they'll be some funding from it. so marble bob has been out from the voltages back
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down to the low, so to the right and that we usually see seasonally, along the top end of all frustrated. he was backing off a little bit and that allows you because the energies concentrate again, it's developing cited in the car and see think that will make land full as a name stone. briefly somewhere in the northeast in queensland. and that means this after that given is not so much energy here to be much, quite very well, i could say help. sidney says 55 versus a very warm and humid. so if you was tempted to come down in the middle of all the news even way, ulton was really very high. recently type of 25 to nice bit below average in christ church with nicely pub from light shots. it's looking fine weather, but lazy looked particularly wet and i would focus on punch limit i use the m c mastery where the best of increased ne, one. so you can suggest some very wet weather. southern china is still quite cool. attempt is rising up in japan and it's pretty obviously still winter and i expect in how kind of particularly support to see a blizzard on thursday,
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the the police to seek immediate shelter. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they won't be met with fire or indeed rise of the things i need. are you doing scrolling? radio tape? all i mean i'd like to select exploring how existential threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse may be coming soon. this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered in the the to watching out is there among the top stores this, our policy is this on units of desperately trying to escape is really a tax troop 7 cycle. the city and that reports the soldiers a shooting and some of the people who are trying to get out the united nations security council has been debating the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question, you and chief on turning the terraces. israel's rejection of
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a 2 state solution for palestinians is unacceptable. profess primary of the 2024 republican presidential nomination is underway in the state of new hampstead, former us president donald trump is taking on his own a remaining major rival totally un invested. back to garza now, and israel has designated the area of on the wasi and southern guns as a circle, safe so early in the war. but now its forces have attacked, displaced people living in tents that causing thousands of casualties, often many escaping deaths of palestinian mother who fled with her surviving daughter to rasa. the south. she is being treated for beds at el nadia hospital. she describes the attacking and was going to be on the, on the following monday, next within the whole entire model. i'm not sending them and that's not
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the most. i mean, as a husband, i should have been seen josie on the, on the side of the layout of the site which has issues. so what is that now you can transfer you to them as soon as i am on the east side for sure. the smoke not let me just finish it. i'm not so happy minutes. even depending on the trust of how much defense you put the salon when i got the admin fee, the yeah, the dining rooms of the meetings inviting was the the be the
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the non was we alone and we're looking the look is it will look into the movie and stuff because of the has to be on the. 2 bus, why do i have like this man? i can bubble bus catch all says mediation efforts to end the war and gaza on going. the foreign ministry says negotiations all increasingly complex stickly. we're talking about, if we had a lot, we believe that the main game of the views whitlow sought it is not an easy task yet, especially at the more the bed war is grinding gaz that the more challenged will be paid away from day one. they've gotten, has never been a negative media to simply, well, i'm not conveying messages. being the parties on the continent,
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we are taking positive initiative. we are submitting proposals. this was the case in the previous rose and our efforts that are being done would continue in this direction. how somehow bought it brings us small on with a mediation, has got to and what both sides of demanding the mediation is under way. todd is talking to him, us and to is right. all the need to bring about a new deal. now we do understand that it has reached delicate phase of this. explains why the outside is a side lift when it comes to the very specifics of that is that now i've also looked outside. suppose suppose it was a visit for the offensive. so let's go inside it was the recent report suggesting that is why it has presented with a new proposal that he said most of these, these are inaccurate or exaggerated. is this the is going to be similar to the one which was broken by contact in november bill this answer is no for the because of thought is this time was so good. guarantees of this is going to hold on for it to hold. how much do you think it has to be a prolong ceasefire? guarantees of these, right?
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i'm not going through with you bothering the the gaza strip it. it says the is right is still insist that of the day it has to be based on a sort of on a short pause and the odds and ends of the need to continue the flight to destroy how nice with the outside is. would it be able to narrow the differences between how much and is well, we have to wait and see about it. but if we're getting older, into cases of the international community, i'm the, i'm not a ghost of waiting this time to push for something that could hold hosted by the 0 . so how the united states is carrying out strikes in weston iraq against 3 targets link to contain hezbollah. an armed group linked to ron officials say the strikes and responds to recent attacks against american forces and coalition personnel in iraq and syria. 5 explosions,
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votes have been had south of baghdad specialist prime minister originally. so nice says the u. k. on us will not hesitate to take further action against the who sees a describes the most recent series of attacks on suspected weapons, thoughts and human as self defense or challenges as well. for the 8th time since january 11th, us as strikes if it please the targets in human jet street of the deck of the u. s . s. eisenhower into the night sky or the red sea. and this time, as with the 1st strikes you, k planes joined in the middle of the reaction for r f to my food and took off from the secretary at base and cypress, accompanied by 4 to 10 late to last slits up the darkness of humans, capital santa, according to the u. k, and us government's hates military locations. we hate including underground width and storage sides. these self defense strikes, targeted missile systems and launchers, unmanned aerial, and surface vessels,
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storage facilities, fighter aircraft, helicopters, and attack loads all to go further degrading. who's the, the, who these ability to conduct further attacks on ships in the red sea, initial reports and the pentagon indicate that all the targets were hit since november, who the rebels in yemen have been attacking shipping in the red sea with hijackings, drones and missiles the group says it's supporting how much, by striking commercial ships, they say either linked with rail or a heading to is ready ports for many of the ships target said have no, no, he's ready connection. what the reasons a doing is unacceptable. it's illegal at it's threatening the freedom of navigation . that's why we've taken the action alongside that action as a whole set of patients will be taking, including section some of the pressure. it strikes the design to degrade the who sees military capabilities and send a message to them. and that back is in iran, like much west in foreign and military policy. what the u. k. and us trying to do is just enough,
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but not too much the dangers of escalation are on their minds. david cameron says it's the who's these that are making things with the pentagon says it's aim is to de escalate tensions and restore stability to the red sea. but there's nice on. yeah. so who's diesel? their supporters are backing down a lot about the joy, a lot of people who will not be afraid of the americans honest strikes. we are only afraid of got about the usa. it strikes to like a spray of water for us. this, the person, i swear it will not scare us will turn a hand when i have to use have bound to retaliate for these latest strikes. where we challenge now to 0 london. lebanese need is a warning against is riley attempts to drive the country into abroad a war by expanding its attacks and something, nothing on zayna called her reports as well as demanding his bullet force has pulled back from the border and says, any unilateral cease fire won't be enough,
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it is rarely forced to say they are targeting has been laws, military infrastructure at times. that means homes in border villages, officials in southern lebanon say, up to 250, have been destroyed, and 6000 others damaged along the 120 kilometer porter. and the past 4 months of fighting as well appears to be creating a new reality. it says it doesn't want it's northern border to be vulnerable as it's southern one was when the palace didn't include thomas attacked in october. there's really swans, hezbollah forces to pull back as the house of the it's of tax is right? is trying to push the resistance kilometers away from the border. and it's the we need by force displacement, but slowly meter by you need to, but it won't be able to achieve this problem. the streets and villages in southern lebanon are empty. officials say that around 80000 people close to the border have
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been displaced. daily life has been disrupted, but the handful of those who stayed are defiant by us the phone. number 5, they have tried to send the best. nothing will make us leaf, not the place of tilly doors or wide fos for us. we will remain steadfast because this is overlap. it is easily able to should be afraid to. so far the warring sides have confined to taxed the military targets, but nearly 30 civilians, including journalists, have been killed. officials here are warning against as well as attempts to drag 11 on into a broader war. they accuse us of expanding the scope of its attacks while threatening and promoting proposals that are rejected, such as pushing hezbollah, north of the latania river, which is about 25 kilometers from the border. the how's the bullet says is really threats to expound. the conflict are just rhetoric and pressure to reach a deal, but as well has escalated its fight against the group. and for now, at least at this,
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trying to destroy the party strength south of the autonomy river center for their elsa 0 southern left and on the 2 other well knees now the latest russian s strong so killed at least 8 people in wounded thousands more in cave and all the ukrainian cities, residential buildings where reduced to rubble from broad has moved from the craning capital to this latest early morning attack. targeted cities across ukraine with the bat, raj of ballistic and cruise missiles. the country's defenses claimed to have shot down around half of them, but folding themselves in debris caused widespread damage and casualties in residential areas such as he had when keith, emergency services responded to calls in several districts. yes,
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and this was shifted to you. i was doing my bed and there was a boom. i'm living in this building. it was terrible. i was shaking over for the most part i, for the 1st time since the start of the war, i had to highlight. it was very scary. ukraine, 2nd city. hurricane was also hit by multiple missile strikes, destroying a number of homes you're not born with. so when the messiah tech started, i took cover behind the washing machine. something hit me in the neck. i'm alive. but some people died. like keep how to keep itself with heavy bump up and in recent weeks as strikes have been continuing back and forth throughout the winter with ukrainian forces in recent days. launching long range run strikes as far north as rushes baltic sea coast. this seems to be most coast reminder that it can hit targets anywhere in ukraine. when the air raid alarm sounded in keys,
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some residents took shelter in the subway system. there was a heavy missile, an attack on january 2nd. oh, tool begun to hit all the exposures, and we still have to go to the subway. and once the strikes were over and the alarm ended, people once more to the job of cleaning up rob mcbride, i'll just say right keith tucker's parliament has given it so long a wasted approval to sweden's nato membership id president richard tapp at one is expected to sign the bill and know in the next few days. so them close the order is and assemble with the latest. it's finally 19 months long strained relations between for kids and it's less than l. live mice to over as the turkish parliament . sweden's way to ask questions at the general assembly on tuesday evening. it has been a while. said as after that way then begin is made to accession at full size full of russia's invasion of the
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brain 2 years ago. now, the particle will be on present, the papers on stable took a ratified thing to lo. within a few days, after that correct sped stuff with us administration approved f. 16 cartridge of sales to, to kids, to move 10 years place a back to us congress seems to be resistant against this decision. so everybody is curious whether the usaa ration is going to be as prompt as the circus parliament to approve the sale, which is very critical for to see if that has been fighting against what is full service and beyond this borders in the south. and then to is seen up to solo elders are assembled. let's get the reaction from brussels was stuff i sent so sweet in the road to nato. it has been long and bumpy, but after 20 months of the lease, the west, some military alliance will now soon welcome. it's 32nd member. sweden already
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signed the accession protocols here at nato's headquarters in july 2022. but then 2 countries rejected in turkey and hungry. after long negotiations and sweden adopting strong measures against the for this work. as far to dispute case, we start to consider as a terrorist organization. let's move than it is now. also expected this hungry will follow soon or later. this means that in a little over a year, the alliance has flown from 30 to 32 members with friends and also becoming a full member in april last year. and also with macy addiction of 2 strong militaries, looking at sweden's geographical location. it's seen as an important enhancement for nato's defense is in the baltic sea region. it's been a historic shift for both finland and sweden to abandon. it's that case of neutrality. also, russian station in ukraine was looking for protection from nature,
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especially from article for which has an effect on one member of secretary general of nato stole from birth as early as that he expects that sweden will be a full member bye to live this year. monday to holes is summit in washington sub for elsa, sierra russell gemini, its top code has rules that the government town caught state funding to a fall ride policy. just said that the di heim, that's policy was in illegible for funding as its aims threaten germany's democratic system. it comes as thousands of people protested during the weekend against the fall, right? a s t which has been gaining support. smarty, as president hass on shaken habit has told al jazeera, he believes if you're, if you're is trying to mix parts of his country, it's off the if you're, if you're signed
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a maritime dale with the break away region of smalley and on to any of us yeah, let's take a closer look at the agreements. smalley alon declared independence from somalia in the early 19 ninety's, but as failed to receive international recognition, mogadishu insist that small the land remains paused if its territory or ethiopia lost access to the sea when it shed broke away around the same time. if you're, if you're has been using the post a neighboring disability for most if it's imports and exports. now somebody line plans to niece a 20 kilometer stretch of land along its coastline to if you appear to establish a port and base full at marine force. president mohammed told my colleagues, serial venire how, if you, if you had strained relations with his neighbors, it was no somebody who created this problem. if it would be, has created these problems out of the ones who initiated claiming that they would take an x box of somebody out to their country. and they don't say their amex thing
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. oh, it's a, it's a commercial deal. no, no, it does not do it. so it'd be a, has a commercial interest in somebody you know, in better better the use of it that i bought. i'm the staple for 19 percent event and the ownership of the of service of that that i'm the place where they are now saying is just a few kilometers. oh, if you feel a few 100 kilometers away from that. but there's no need for that, or whatever it is, let us assume that they need another part. and this is what we have been discussing for a couple of months ago. the issue is not with these to be access to the see the fleet to access for all somebody where everyone is somebody above the question is how, how do they want to, to access the c by next impact of somebody drinking the voters? so my idea, this is what's going on right now, it is not a commercial, it is an exception, often a to so as you know, if you, if you're says it's not annexation, they say it's also not
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a formal recognition of the sovereignty of so many of them, they say it is a commercial deal, and i just want a reminder of yours, of what this potential deal is. and the memorandum of understanding between ethiopia and some of the land is that they would rent a 20 kilometer stretch of coastline. and so now the land for half a century for 50 years, for commercial purposes, and for a military port as well. what is the part of that? that's that, that angers somalia. first of all, somalia is a independent test over in the state. when such a deal is i've taken police, if this is a federal government or somebody level us and legit to meet, right. this seems to be discussed. not that break away or not the legion of somebody at all. and above all, eh, commercial and military base, mix it together and do one thing is the last one. the other thing is it is
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a $22.00 long strip of land is the cost on how that is due for land to allow that port is going to be connected to the so it'd be by passing through. so my idea that's another one. the other one is in public domain. util, via said we do this in exchange or for commission. we recognize somebody that's a public and that's all for sure. and they said they didn't sit on the one time that the prime minister said the minister of foreign affairs say the mission was to go to the advice just as many other leaders and it still gets it. so the commission is that what they, i'm sorry, but they have walked that all the way back, somalia has they have said this is not an official recognition of the sovereignty of so many that we don't have that yet. it's, you know, they put it on. no, they put it on twitter. no, the twitter is not the way to communicate between the states. have, have you spoken to vo can prime minister the no, why not? why do i speak? because he's taking part of my content on the screen we, i don't think or talk to me, there's, when he said, i don't think of when i somebody either go write somebody, then we just talk to somebody. so hes on al jazeera, find out why
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a court in kenya is charged a self proclaimed capstone as a compensates with non sources. and why a popular filipino passa is wanted in the u. s. is now under investigation in his country.
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the the suspect of canyon caught me to pull them. mckenzie has pleaded not guilty to $238.00 charges of mountains, sore to move and $400.00 of his followers were found dead last year. knocking web
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reports from the capital, nairobi, pul, mackenzie, and 94 of his associates, a page, and a course in the port city of mon bossa. all of them pleaded not guilty to the charges of months losa, mackenzie van in colson. every night. bush settlements last. yeah. according to survivors, hundreds of his father was either chose to move a force to stop to say, in the hopes of meeting jesus last week. mackenzie and his associates pleaded not guilty to charges of terrorism. and in the coming weeks, they're expected to take more charges to murder and cruelty to children. malcolm web alger 09 baby, kenya, a prominent filipino path. so wanted find the f. b, i is facing a senate investigation in the philippines. apollo, keep boy is accused of human trafficking on sex abuse, but he's denied any room during on
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a be know has as the a sub appointed sort of got a port, a keyboard only has legions of followers based in a sudden philippine city of about his kingdom of jesus christ church has expanded its speech to other parts of the world. but behind the gospel suppliers, former followers say, is an abuse of cult sunday. yeah. but i was told by people whose clothes, 81 night the part of being a so called post or was to massage, keep boy, she said, it was my privilege to be able to touch and be near the son of god that night. amanda says keep roy ended up raping her to ukrainian women also testified before send the panel that they were sexually abused by people. really you have to like sacrifice or budgets. you have to have a sex in people who idealized allegations and this appeared to be threatening. some of his former followers may not go away on those. a few wireless facebook on the
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internet who keep ruining my need, be careful for my lunch. he did not attend the senate proceeding guns and so far he's also been able to avoid facing justice in the united states, where he's been indicted not only for human trafficking of sexual abuse, but also for financial price. the u. s. has not requested for an extradition or lean stone, a former follower who's based in the us says she wants to beat to contribute to solicitation efforts in the us, for instance, by renting a car under her name. the damage of the vehicle was $18000.00, and the ministry don't want to cover that. they told me that i, that was my share, the word of god, or lean says financial obligations burden members with debt, while keep low, enjoyed lavish lifestyle. he also has powerful connections, former president, particular to turn to is a close sprint, and president regina and marcus junior,
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a political allies. but critics say the tide may be turning. keep loyce news channel has been ordered to suspend operations. you are so in an open hearing like this, used to be on the imaginable one to below al jazeera, many within the studio blockbusters up in high. i'm a and bobby on multiple words that this is all schools. high teacher castro has more. stewart oppenheimer receive the most nominations, 13, including best picture, best director and best adapted screenplay. the historic drama is about the american scientist j. robert oppenheimer, who oversaw the creation of the atomic bomb, played by the irish actors, cillian murphy, who also received a best actor nod. barbie came away with a mix showing nominations for best picture that's adapted screenplay and best supporting actor to drive the director reniger way and lead actress marvel robbie
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or snubbed in their respective categories despite barbie being the highest grossing movie ever directed by a woman into barbie. and realized was a race. literally, gladstone became the 1st native american to be nominated for best actress in killers of a flower moon. also a best picture contender. gladstone spar trail of an exploited stage woman already won her a golden globe award in the middle of january, which she accepted in the blackfeet language. miss an incomplete document. so those 6, it gets to be the netflix received 18 nomination, including maestro and best picture. the christmas comedy drama. the holdover is also receive that top nod as the 3 independent films, american fiction, past lives and the frankenstein inspired or sacred. after a year of labor strikes and hollywood, some critics say the oscars have come through with a strong slate of nominations. this is
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a really strong line of what are the strongest ones i've seen in years? it's 10 really solid movies. really different, really distinct voices. these academy award scheduled for march 10th, or also the 1st to require best picture qualifiers to meet new representation and inclusion standards. as for politics, hollywood likes to make its opinion known. the stars and directors have reportedly been advised to refrain from commenting on the israel, her most conflict to those who protested in favor of palestinians like previous oscar winter. susan, surrounded, have faced industry blow back. a growing list of hollywood names have signed petitions calling for a cease fire. whether they'll talk about it on the oscar stage, the world will find out on the night, heidi joe castro's alger 0 and the asian cop here and catch all those been lation for the palestine football team of beats in hong kong. 3 now and to find the
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aunts to reach the know count stages of the tournament for the 1st time. joanna, i guess they're all, scott has more the the debate that there is on these things, especially when you have access to like a window when they're reading the 1st 30 . hello science team. you earlier. when would be enough to see the press and they got to work against home, home, or data by putting palestine in front just 12 minutes into the match heading the bowling from place range. both teams continue to create the 1st 12,
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but it wasn't until also the break. the palestine really got towing said combined with a head of across the home can keep that to double the leads of someone go to the midway through the 2nd half when you take the bus stop time. the rebounds of the thomas sam schultz came up with all the police in the game hometown were awarded a penalty for a policy and handle as both funds held that breast pumpkins. evanson come out of go hit the ball and that was my 1st agent victory. seals, 3 new, the final school. it's amazing because we were making history, you know, for the, for the national dean, for policy and people for we're suffering. so this is have, we're on, the thing is happy, i think we, we, we may happy also for a me little pharmacy. it's our on the one,
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the rest of the nation. oh, okay, and that's it for me, molly, inside this new south, harry jones. so be here in just a moment. this little, today's used to stay with us here. the started, i screamed when i heard it. and the police officer that like, had me also responded like like they knew something bad happens. well sarah was being arrested. the team of officers killed, taught to get in a garage of gunfire. they make 57 hollins, his body, some of the, some of the bullets break the bones. a sword he's clean for to get to fired. first, wounding a state trooper in the abdomen. and that a pistol allegedly registered to, to,
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to get to was recovered from the scene. they say there is no footage of the actual shooting. just recordings from officers who were nearby. that footage has raise questions about who actually shot the trooper officer. i really don't believe anything mondays. i think there are 9 and there is nothing new. everybody knows that police and i and settle tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is as cool. thanks. 3 question. question. 5 upfront without 0. the latest news, as it breaks, replaced in control of the presence will likely help. well, this immediate emergency with detailed coverage, the war between the army and b. r a has race of the largest displacement among children in the world that to make children and then mobile level to being
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recruited from around the world. the system in russia is beginning to show some planes of fatigue. no one knows what the limits are with your ability, the is rarely false, is encircled. con eunice in southern gaza reports. israel has fired on the one of the regions last, major hospitals displaced, palestinians fleet for their lives, desperately trying to escape and nothing is ready. phone box, the carry, johnson, this is i'll just hear a lot from the whole. so coming i didn't,


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