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tv   Witness Spains Housing Battles  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 7:30am-8:00am AST

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and the soul of elders are assembled studio, blockbusters, oppenheimer, and bobby of multiple woods. this is also cuz i use our cost or has more oppenheimer receive the most nominations, $13.00, including best picture, best director and best adapted screenplay. the historic drama is about the american scientist j robert oppenheimer, who oversaw the creation of the atomic bomb, played by the irish actors, cillian murphy, who also received a best actor nod. barbie came away with a mix showing nominations for best picture, best adapted screenplay and best supporting actor to drive the director. right. a girl way and lead actress margot robbie or snubbed in their respective categories, despite barbie. being the highest grossing movie ever directed by a woman and i didn't realize it was a race. literally gladstone became the 1st native american to be nominated for best actress in killers of a flower moon. also a best picture contender. gladstone spar,
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trail of an exploited stage woman already won her a golden globe award annually. january which she accepted in the blackfeet language . miss an incomplete document. so those 6 the kids to be the netflix received 18 nomination, including maestro for best picture. the christmas comedy drama. the holdover is also receive that top nod as the 3 independent films, american fiction, past lives and the frankenstein inspired or sacred. after a year of labor strikes and hollywood, some critics say the oscars have come through with a strong slate of nomination. so this is a really strong line of what are the strongest ones i've seen in years. it's 10 really solid movies. really different really distinct voices. these academy award scheduled for march 10th, or also the 1st to require best picture qualifiers to meet new representation and inclusion standards. as for politics,
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hollywood likes to make its opinion known. the stars and directors have reportedly been advised to refrain from commenting on the israel. how must conflict? those who protested in favor of palestinians like previous oscar winter, susan, surround, and have faced industry blow back. a growing list of hollywood names have signed petitions calling for a cease fire. whether they'll talk about it on the oscar stage, the world will find out on the night. heidi joe castro alger 0 to hold. that's it for me to spell it. c, a t a and it'll be much more news for you here off the witness to stay with us. the jo button and donald trump had starkly opposed messages by officer trunk would turn the us into a dictatorship. are you sure your car is? trump's cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out communist
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lockson's passions and the radical left dogs that lived like firm and within the confines of our country. many voters are fed up with high prices and bite and stance on israel's war. on garza as close to decline and support in his own party, trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal crowns is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more fossil fuels in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states, it's likely to be a bitter babel. the
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system is giving you a lot of issues. you notice so for this raphael, i'm going to for the 7 foot instead of truck letters and i'll leave you in the record shipment there. say no spaces. okay. shit, or they don't, do you know, he'd be out of the board, so call me on your issue on the, on the, the, the late to the dfcs or the total the
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pc, many of them are less than the fuel router that, you know. 6 the name of you know, okay, and you know, let me start speak with tongues here and then i'll pull it up in writing because the way you want
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to know the, uh, the, the, and the security issues friday. gosh cosette had them go quite a lot of she done. but then she on noise when there's something showed up, i'll tell you why do you wish to allow me enough for the initial to see the of the in the middle of the show. but i see there's a good at the interstate this is good because a credit you want me to throw in a scale gale same initial visit. they delivered it. i don't know. she was supposed to spit or miss. don't funny. go this on the bottom is
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they get there should be in this corner of your stuff is equal to for my shell much for this the short notice of that by the time you off of the 20 by this company. that's definitely the point that i thought you would know. i'd be better once again, we'll see them with their next game was considered either. so you might notice going to either splendid us for it up probably on a so we that, that letter and we that i missed most of the day coming then as a time. and this has got us e, the values of you on a busy me got the a must consider, you know, it does is supposed to be 30 s, i was just going to know how much when the oh yes, you got a some of the task input the sitting on buffy and nothing, nothing when that this one that's not, it's not difficult the most at the end of it to john,
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but i'm more interested in the got the yeah. in this. how much of a to go more or more? not the shuttle once you get to know show you not on the chevy ask and fits into this. yes, it's huge. how do you, do you know? yes, the best. although i don't, i don't give you the money in the company, so you're not, i was actually on the system was around these i'm no, there's not much pressing on that. i mean, i don't know, we have not, but i going to need when i leave that we'd be in that k r k last big. we're not the young necessarily. always fun. yeah. the as dotius yoko dish to no fish. oh, that's not that we go. oh gosh,
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no sir. one day you want me now when i wasn't dining vocal, why the young or k associated the later but or did she to is dumber sort of you know what else to be made us in style. she said no, no sort of get an additional look at the javits. i'm sort of is going to say, but i said he should be, there's no problem. there's not a b o r e your final. yeah,
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she said she'd be a no show for the long as your show room, there should be. so he and the quantity of what you guys be and lucky a moment i think that i predict, you know, they need to ask for ian that was just kind of described. if y'all distribution about being there's really no rush to all over the myers like in our shy to rush for them to know certain amount of time in a cd. got to be kidding us or something seen enough money that i'm just making is. but i mean, it was the colors do you, i mean, take on the time of day, well known as movies, easy, very busy, almost always going to fine was going to the last 4 days and that's what, how much of anything else. and then once i run these documents, you know, get, you know, the amount of needs give us the small in the,
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in the us dollars more interested. it will be already paid. the rest of the g o may be to pay well in fact, to put together a visual, especially for younger and we need to go for another trip to 0. now look at a month ago. and it to does me supposed to use, you know, if you're legal, there's a lot. okay. yeah, sorry me. she pulled me out to be sure she lives the the spit out and nobody because so name and the problem is funny. understand. all right, so for me is that familiar? suffolk stuff or strip of landmark?
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i know for you guys from from of course you're going to get a film called the last, i guess i from united the stores one the color i'm in charlotte. allow me just a little gosh, how lucky let's get to get out of the machine. but in the
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interstate restaurant that kick in with that i go to me. i don't know, but it made that for me to start, i see where she's trying to key that is that is the main issue is still gonna sit and stop with in the room. don't people even trust you? okay, josh, there's amazing english. but most actually the other empty pace. there's the deal. yeah. the much to, to dition the the one on tony on the bed window. but one that ended on yeah, we actually got gave units to the driver but haven't got to get some money. it's not going to get the wind speed. got it. they've got to wait to hear how much money on, but i look into those. don't know about how do you. i thought is a case
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a windows school got so you don't book upon the read all you're going to talk to you about that. i keep it and see about how they had a good i don't know. i know, i know a lot to us did you of in the, the story impressive. i'm no simple service. the socialism on a sheet and but it was handled autopay already know, charlie, russian named us it, or cindy. got the rita. sure. yeah. i'm not sure if he understood, oh, he goes, how do i feel can be almost kind of i don't want to speak to uh, a lot a it's kind of going to know him, but in, in can let's go your style. i was getting a little less than that. i'm glad. is it like and like, i didn't want to talk using that through. uh i've, i've seen nothing i've already talked to, and i don't know. it's at the end of a time to get put in a sort of weird, almost how that and i guess they're not, you know, a nothing and almost on the bottom of the leasing out on so bill a night and those passed a actually and then was trying to combine, yes,
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it said that the i'm over, but i think you look at the, basically the way one of the middle of the policy on the, almost anything. but now it's all inclusive binding, but event objective to be easy scan rather than a single done to a relative when he says he, on the most out of anybody can i think that my dad is spending 20. can anybody that guy didn't get the money generated by that just made up of the day? so, you know, at least of course i could be like i'm and then i'll send while we and get you started of the me, they have done a simple way of okay. get one the way so simple to say in the industry of some of the, the
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not a lot of the cautious the 3 of us, you let me know message will it shut off because of the, for the most part of my esl love any all at the end of the year, but i need to go much good on that. i want us to scale your settings. now the shoshua stuff, the less the mid is better best interest to implementing it. you may use it for the sale to is that change with that or to get into the cost of located above the hoops of our data. you don't have the shot to go to the in
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the in the video is still going to be a much better. she more than that, give it or the shuttle shark. i don't know what it is, you know, mean my, you know, or is that of course she does forced us and like i did them all. it's anita. oh gosh on there. but if someone in other local nursing, sheffield, they the central coastal surely. so they spit out if they did that she felt at least the good cannot get already amount of this. okay. i don't know. don't ask how much hold on you need to get the data to. oh yes, but on the idea of what i'm the i'm seeing a little bit of, you know, albany to comply with either place you know that by the date. yes,
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i didn't turn to look a still goodness the moment theater. so, but you are still investigating the man boy, you know his case study that i'm no, no, no they don't think we'll just i same break or much, but i'm sorry, i guess that's closer. most i do then how come yet a session tossing? i need to be able to seek a gardener. cindy, got doing one of this either. australia or now she'll need talk a little less when i seen us. and i said so i must get out of the one a. but i also to emilia are the most out on the scene for the $1000000.00. they just are from the shoulders for they don't feel good. i mean, they're less the worst in, in trouble that you are for the other for the
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lessons or something to go my go to it and it will be, i'm not, i'm a small business just on that would be on the la e announcement on the dates i'm in thanks. a lot of everything dante of the week or the other day. i see one has somebody in the face on the corner to day. was it on your way to change your mind?
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well, i mean, i thought it, i had to take the maybe i'd go down the promo. yeah, go more of the, not the and then my so i will be moving the audio, get the data. there's another sometimes people tend to think about it. how about the the 1st one was done sort of the middle of nowhere near to got door and night betters. let us see those are the mothers sheldon. okay. she had told me that in order to the photos, the photos, the rest of the different nutrition, the must. okay.
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what else are key data for nadia stuck areas for roland eco. came from this port shore when it's done to come up with a lot of the the well mama, mama scene or the media model, antonio, the desktop la auto group. i've had a lot of people that live off the model. she had the on the one on your own station,
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but i don't remember the neighbors, you know, the nearest to me. volley. i see i have yours, right? just like i might of this it out. i mean, money. i don't know whether you all might of them here, but i would not be able to see a coordinator in the state of georgia diesel. a middle study. yeah. maddie. yeah. the, i need the present, the full i do the meet board meeting on the 20th. so hold on, let's see what i'm gonna do with the water joe john multilateral john, i'll put in the one of his that can be put in the, you know, i have a good time to take care of it. i'm not going to be one right. i am just a moment the human body, steve. all right, just as i've done the one to get it nice to see no problem with that. no problem 50 to model the suzanne, but evolve not as i get the end. yeah. 6 means what are we thinking of purpose don't i knew the promo like normally, i mean, i, me see of the hour sloane or the you don't even
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use the, you know, the kind of done the feel the fish that out they if us go through the sun is that they all go the speed, the is only the little bundle must be used a little more, but i just went to mazda somewhere, you know, said the must have been one. so he doesn't need to others with a software. so i can use that for the so you some seem what does that mean that i would challenge you set it up on that i lifestar solution? don't they put it this way? but i mean get, guess get a c k as he gets here. i just, i am the daughter of yeah. so like a know why should rashid should in the, for the action portion was the name maybe then the nicely you may be that
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particular single and not the other. no married the the the one that of whom she with the, the, the money for stuff you understand that go to thought god, use the out of all you have no i see from the
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show in the store escalade route, just getting frustrated. monique, okay, lessons here. is what i will check on thing was that was missing the good thing about you got it. yeah, no, no, no, no. my guardian book me to get a room for tomorrow morning. now no need. okay. yeah, i mean, i know she had another se, stephen, one of the most valuable yet killing me. i get on. i man. okay. the,
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you'll notice she all the way i get you can see came of something you know, but i can take it. i got like one of them now get down, virginia vocals. i'm getting, i'm getting from there because i don't think this is diana funding was a, you know, the other thing is the what the human becoming the labor and that it will be. and what does it mean to assist in the supporting take what they will see see, and also then they say smoking doses, and they said that since you and this one looks like once you get up at a level becoming associated certainly a lot of work this of the man does not say more sentimental. when done was done the 100, the she a, she has to know how it all get on your to read. i may have no shock. i saw your message. as i said, new device game to should,
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to dition dealer model, to shop latency or study miniature, assume a measured by the name of the rest of the position at time the ratio must be the i'm issues, they never met her either. then the lady shell, then i started out on, but it was squash boilers, motor function, cost them again, the real good that all the eat. okay. get it up at the federal law party. how it's done. session will field is the show me the, the or shots, amigos, shuddery shots and i started out
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of see the she don't that you put a 0 yes. for the record which i'm like, the
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i have the right, the boy costs anyone i want to. and the state has no business getting involved in that. and 3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment, right. how many words would i have to exchange in this legislation? thing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 words pod, 3, the template on out to 0. israel has now impose a complete fees on god. so how do they survive? if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect. if it does a, what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the costs on algae there.
8:00 am
the israeli forces in central con eunice and southern garza, hundreds of forced to flee from the color there, installs the attain. this is alice has 0 at life from don't also come in. last week's clear and repeated rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest level of these rarely governments is an accept you and the secretary general who owns that israel is rejection of a true state solution with.


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