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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:29pm AST

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to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the at least 11 people killed in southern gaza or also is riley strikes it a you and sent a sheltering 9800 palestinians. the i'm sammy's a them, this is i'll just, they're alive from the hall. so coming up is ready for us is carry out the tank and drove the tax on some units, getting more than $200.00 pound of students. and one day, also this out rush or accuse is ukraine of choosing down limited replying,
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that says was carrying thousands of ukrainian prisoners of war and tens of thousands of odds and citizens go on strike against controversial economical form. the stays variety minutes where he has intensified at land and sea bombings in the south of gall. so 11 people confirm that the buildings are on fire often and it's very strong and come to you and training center update, say up to 800 displaced. people were taking shelter that i'm calling you and this is under attack, is riley troops. having circled the city, shedding residential areas, hospitals and buildings. hundreds of families have been sheltering. causes health ministry says that these 210 people have been killed in the past. 24 hours is there any protest is including family members of captives of tried to prevent
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humanitarian, ne trucks and mentoring gone, so the catalog asylum, crossing non of a house that is the spokes person for the you ends relief agency for palestinian refugees. it's all my colleague tom mccray is right, the shedding is resumed on its sensitive and rough shows had to be lined inside the gateway to see that the center of uh, february that belongs there, or are they are there? are there money? cuz you wanna just actually, um, the building has to be insight on fi on the without trying to send some of the losses there. got the nice thing with this site. we hope that we can get into there no, very soon will you don't have updated information about how many people are being killed or injured. we are waiting, you know, maybe off the or we wouldn't be aware of all the information. was there any warning before the strikes happened? no. and, you know, we, we have not been able to, you know, have to get to, and i,
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the, from the confound, you know, the last, the 48 hours because the, you know, these are the tags actually, but it was, it's with the compound, the college actually did it when we were aware of i would believe that it's very dangerous. you know, that we try to coordinate that exit all the people, those that id be then tell the display people there, but we, we did not succeed. unfortunately, the last $48.00. as a thought, a cub, i assume isn't that off in southern galls are that stopped with the lights is showing that hit an unreal was centers the scale of suffering. and casualty is now becoming any clara we've been seeing today's what the forces had targeted one of the a training since is one by the united nations in the, the city or upon eunice as also displays,
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considered to be an evacuation since that what people have been saying to us, since the beginning of this will up to following these but the oldest to flee more to self seeking safety now with the expansion of the military operations to reach to the south where it's supposed to be saved. so now those people have been pushed out of these training centers and the intense is very bombardments. now we're talking about hundreds of thousands of palestinians are taking show to inside the training center. now they would be sleep on the mask is very shooting of the area as the people had been seeing, observing the sound of the is really military tense, checking the ground and also they were completely terrified. now they were leaving and fleeing without taking enough items with then just to survive, execute the family members that and it's not the 1st attack that could be conducted against you on facilities. also the international organizations headquarters inside dollars district had been heads. uh, we did the expansion of the attack on the con you in a city where these body forces are insect cleaned out of hospitals. i 1st visit you
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of how do you this as been bought. the did not stop as people were reporting and uh, saying that they were seeing help on the ground, the as the apartments and destruction is in every single corner of con eunice and partic, total cost through the situation for around half a 1000000 people feel less trapped the seats in con eunice yes, some people in fact sent me did, did not manage to get out of the city of con you just because these very bombardment didn't really prevent them from fleeing guns. also they did not find any place safe to evacuate to. we're talking about the unstoppable is but artillery shooting since the early hours of to the is morning, back to at least 30 palestinians, and called us alongside with at least 50 others being wounded. only in that part of
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the gauze district, which had been the focus of the east valley uh military attacks now is the very 1st is are conducting a close contact fighting with the palestinian fighters along side also that the are blowing up residential neighborhoods. one, also the other we're talking about in the past few hours, we have been seeing more residential neighborhoods completed the plugins off by the is by the forces as they are operating in such areas. now the destruction of this house is considered to be a volley tow tool. that is what is using with a tool in the city of countries making conditions to complete immeasurable for residents just to force them to be dropped by making them crime in that very discredited, very populated area of that. but also the attacks continued on the vicinity of a master hospital on a lot of hospitals as well were medical teams. and patients that are completely encircled by these various military times. as they have been saying, medical sources that they are, they are completely unable to work well due to the bottom in the pool. so they
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cannot reach the areas of target things because the is where the forces are preventing the movement and taking full control over the dots in different areas. you called us all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. father couple, i zoom as walden 3 months into as charles warren garza, hundreds of thousands of palestinians are constantly being forced to move. to escape is ready. the bombing and ground rates and hold the river folds from a road with people of stranded between cities. i'm currently handing another seed street here. this tree is, is where a noun it starts. and as you see, surrounding all of these people, floods from the intense bonding and air strikes and also the ground invasion where there is there any forces, hang our stations in this area. people around the me took all of the day what they have under choir. they're telling us that they're standing
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here and they're sitting here. they have 0 places to go. and not only that, they also don't have any type of transport taste. we are seeing people walking on the ground, holding their belongings. we are also seeing people with trucks where comedies are sharing these trucks to evacuate. either this way to do more south is because of safety or this way to get it back to the center of the gaza city. let's take a look and see how people are evacuating with this is all of what is left where these people have been homeless and misplaced more than one time. as you see, more people are coming and evacuating from community. this is
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not the 1st time we have been seen seeing this list seen as this is a movie, you're a documentary documenting the people evacuating and if leaving their homes just like them not by 1948, but this is real, it's tough and they're all searching for our place, we're talking about laptops where most uh, more than half of the population of the causes is a country resizing there. it's packed and, and we're talking about getting the, which is also talk to people. and a lot of people are old shows, cared of another invasion, otto up to hospice in this area is very close to a lot of hospitals where it has to be seized. and people are scared from the fact that hospitals are also a target and the impact of these ready bombardment of garza is far reaching, tearing families a pot. it's created
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a flood of children. it's been opened according to the your immense human rights group. within 24000 children of loss, the parents, kansas health ministry says these 10000 children have died in the strip since october. the 7th. i'm a how much reports on us on us, on the have each of the pardons. what came in and it's really striking on the home in the say about what the g comes in. central costs, 56 year old brother on us has no philosophy. what's happened to them mom and dad. oh yeah, we should know. my brother doesn't know till now that he's lost all of his family except me. i don't know how to tell him. i'm afraid that if i tell him it will have a psychological impact. the strife did not just go to the pods left, a life changing thing, duties are good. then i know i was with my family at home. i went to
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bring something from the kitchen. suddenly everything fell down and i was on fire in the fire was eating me, then us if loved pain outside with these friends football, their favorite sport. and i'll go full on my legs amputated. what can i do? i want to walk. i want to run. i want to play, i want to see my mother. i want close to where i want to stand up. i want to walk alone on my own. i can sit down. i want to be able to sit down. i can sleep. i stay awake all the time as the main shop on this wondering what he did to this of these so what's the new? what imprisoned rights have also been carried out in janine and hebron. some people
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are reported to have been arrested at least 371, palestinians in kills biased by the forces in the occupied westbank. since october, the 7th the ukraine says it has no reliable information on the passengers on board a down russian plane. the kremlin says it was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war. the ministry transports and came down to give is confirmed the prison. the swap was due to take place on wednesday. so as the plane was caring weapons. so i just work with most of the day keys committed a terrorist act of russian military transport headquarters down flying from caliber ski f field to belgrade to transport ukrainian service. when for exchange,
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this is silver a single time ago russian foreign minister said galen, ralph, spoke of the united nations describing the incident is a criminal acts, mike, hear that i'm spoke to someone else and russian transport aircraft. bill $7.00 to $6.00 was down to was, it was supposed to transport from the mazda region to belgrade, $6065.00 military service, many of the armed forces of ukraine. they were accompanied by 3 of russian officers and the crew of 6 people. all of them died, the cleaning and prisoners of war were transported to the belgrade region in order to conduct yet another swab. be able to join now by daniel hawkins who's in moscow and officials that calling a deliberate acts of terrorism. dr. daniel, the u. n. d, the russian side, unequivocal from the a, the i was on this plane crash as to who exactly was responsible. russian politicians cooling this, an act of bob baretski saying that off to what happened. any tombstone, indigo,
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sions, with kids essentially on the home. so they said they detected to lone, choose to look at launch is coming from the direction of ukraine, the product of ways in which were responsible for the down. and all of this across which they say was on its way to conduct a prisoner exchange, $192.00 prisoners of war from each side. tv, with tons of that sort of a story, of course, has been confirmed by the ukrainian or authorities as well in terms of other cool information. the final authority is have remained rather tight lips, not the confirming, not annoying. so rickly that involvement in this crash and as you said earlier, saying that doesn't have any clear information as to who or how many people were on full display. and to start with the russian side, russian state, media releasing lists of names of people. they say, well on this down the jets and the 2nd level of the russian foreign minister has
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created for a security council session at 3 p. m. uh, new york. so i'm, that's just been a few hours time coming up like getting this incident to the case of boucher when he accused the police side of dragging its feet and holding off a section for 72 hours. the money that the french uh frontier basically was will of course, chattering the security council agreed with this them on hold, i meeting as soon as possible to get an explanation of why exactly this happens. so as i say from russian officials, very unequivocal here. who's a blame, fool this incident and waiting to present that case. and that version of events, of course, in a few hours at the un security council meeting. all right, thanks so much. i, daniel hawkins. moscow. what with the past now, ukraine's ministry intelligence has issued a statement about the ins and let's go to robot fridays. joining us from the ukranian capital. where is the ukranian narrative on this going now?
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wrong yeah, this is a significant statement from the ukranian military intelligence. it is to say the least a casserly wooded, but that does seem to be a significant change of tone this wednesday evening. reading between the lines, it does seem to be given some credence, at least as to these claims by the russians about the presence of ukrainian p. o. w . as principal on that, they sat croft and possibly moving towards an acceptance, although the nothing official yet. but a preparing the ground possibly for some sort of all full acceptance on the positive ukrainians. the yes possibly that will presentable on both display and the possibly it could have had something to do with the time down to get this across all officially those that they will say for the moment is that they have festival confirmed that that was due to be a prisoner exchange this wednesday and this and then saying that the 8 as being cooled off accusing the russians of blaming the downing of this ad across pulling
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out of this prisoner exchange, saying that today fulfilled that part of the bargain. they had turned up at the designated run, they moved point with the russian prisoners ready to exchange. and then saying it was the russians who did not turn up and then significantly accusing the russians of north informing the ukrainian side of how they were going to bring the ukranian prisoners to this prison, the swath of most enfolding on the of the route. and so it does seem as though, as also a note saying a contacting the russians for bringing prisoners the cranium, prisoners of war. if indeed they were on the plane within 30 kilometers, they say of an active was alright, we'll need the thanks so much. rob mcbride as a still a head on al jazeera, it runs presidencies into the key to build economic cooperation and discuss the situation in golf. the
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likes linked to you should be a time to relish but in europe's comments you cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. and i'm like, the candidate can spend, emerges from these quad for time and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community space, housing stack, a witness documentary on how to 0. president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the latest news as it breaks some on
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a new civic challenge. the president is going to face is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage. the native forests on the other half of this gigantic properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air. it's hot, the, [000:00:00;00] the, all right, welcome back. let's get you up to speed with all the headlines now. the director of you and refugee agency says is ready for us, is a 5 to offset of re shells as
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a con unit training sense of killing 11 people and injuring thousands more. 800 people or sheltering in the sense it's very protested. they've tried this stuff aid from getting into the gaza strip. they blocked the entrance to the academy of asylum crossing demonstrates as including family members and captives housing concepts on demanding the release. let's bring you some breaking news just coming in from the international court of justice. a statement saying the world cold will deliver a verdict on emergency measures against israel on january the 26. so this is in relation of costs to that genocide trial, that's going on the i c g 8 j a case broke by south africa against israel. opa as well as actions in gaza. we've seen the that case stopped. and now the statement released by the international court of justice saying it's going to deliver it's
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verdicts on emergency measures against israel. on january 26, of course said that would be the emergency, the emergency measures, not the final ruling. i'll bring him all details on this as we get them. iran president abraham, the ac, is until the care for an official visit. i say is holding talks with president bunch of time out of the known as wells war on casa, and energy cooperation between the 2 countries. his trip comes as concerns grow, the wall could spread beyond the middle east side of costs. all of tells us more about the relationship between the 2. 2 countries have more than 300 kilometers on board there and they have phone call to economic and political relations. but they don't say i to i every regional issue, for instance, despite the oldest corporation old is economic cooperation and cultural mutual
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points. they are rivals and syria. they are rivals in the caucuses. but when it comes to fall aside, especially the length of the war in gaza, advice, israel, and they are sending on it, they are sending on the same side circus president has a tuesday, is right out of genocide and godsa and a to kia sees thomas as a legitimate political party, even a liberator, as opposed to it's made to allies, but also took, here is a country that, that is one of the 1st countries, a recognizing israel as a states. so these are mainly the common points and the opposing the discussion points between the 2 countries. it today, churches present a new reading and present tried to discuss the details of the war in gaza and the rising uh, this is rising repercussions of the war in the region. a tens of thousands of workers and knowledge and teen a, a working off the job is they launch
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a 12 hour strike against controversial economic reforms. new right wing, presidents, heavy emulate, issued a decrease scrapping or changing more than $350.00 economic regulations last month . now, latin america editor, let's see, a newman is live outside congress and want to sideways. we can see people gathering around you. how is that strike shaping up now? it's certainly shaping up to be much larger than many had anticipated. this is january. it's the month where many, many arch in times are on vacation, where a lot of the factories close to allow that to happen. and yet we are seeing huge amounts of people out here. in fact, where i am right now is an avenue that we are with is the largest avenue in argentina. and if you may, what is the largest in the world and this place is supposed to be empty? the, the avenue,
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the thoroughfare needing to congress is absolutely packed people can't move anymore . at this hour, the, the secretary general of the truck drivers a union, which is the most powerful in the country. it is speaking, they brought forward actually their speech because they're just so many people here that they're afraid to take some problems put arrives. and one of those is that they had promised the government not to block any avenues, any roads that would allow the president have getting the late to impose email prison sent against the trade union leaders according to his degree that'd be passed on. most of the 6 weeks ago, there's been a lot of confrontation between the trade unions and the government. this goes beyond the build tightening measures that the government to announce. we've seen a lot of people who are retired, who are concerned what will happen to them engines, but it's also of home from day to between the trade unions themselves and the state
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and the government, which is described them as my fee. also, members of a mafia style association that wants to keep its privileges that according to the minister of securities, you said that this morning, and there are a lot of police been around here, but so far, people are being allowed to be here out on the streets and we'll have to see how this plays out in the coming hours. all right, fine, so much the se in human there. for me, us president donald trump has beaten nikki haley in the 1st primary of the 2024 republican presidential nomination in the state of new hampshire. despite the loss of the former ambassador to the you and says, he's not giving up the race heads the home state next, south carolina, next month, she said, she's determined to carry on her race to the white house. correspondent alan fisher is in new hampshire. it gives us his assessments of behavior campaign. she's got to
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decide whether she wants to face a month of solar, donald trump or tax. when he made his speech on tuesday night. it wasn't the warm ones that he had for those he lost in iowa. as these were very, very hot and cold or lose the cold de delusional. so she's go to months of that. the other thing, of course, is the donors will wonder if she can actually, when you can convince republicans. part message is something that can be jo by, you know, if you can't convince that republicans at this stage, it's difficult to see you getting into the general election of course, doing or saying don't want to start supporting losing candidates. so they feel like too, and it becomes much more difficult. so it's going to be an interesting 4872 hours for nicky healey. she says she's going on to south carolina. of course, the big question is, is she really as well that brings us to the end of this joe butler. of course the news goes on al jazeera dot com,
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where the results next. and then inside story explodes, the famine in guns and stay with us. the the hey everyone, you're locked into your weather report across the middle east and africa and got to tell you we're going to heat waves going on for parts of the radium peninsula here . so it's going for a closer look. this includes for us here in doha, all has to do with a southerly breeze here. so the pops the temperature up to $28.00, maybe even 30 degrees over the next few days. for central asia, a band of snow is coming in over the higher ground here. and we've also got snow coming in to focused on administered kashmir. so the snow start mountain stairwell finally have a layer of powder over then over the next 24 hours or so. circuit winds are
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starting to shift around to stumble at 9. but look at these cool rain through the bad. that cool air has also press down into northeast africa. so temperature is on the low side through libya, and egypt and a breeze. a dusty breeze through southern algeria has prompted some weather alerts in play there. still these rounds of rain, not too far away from zanzibar, that can produce some further flooding rate across the 10s of near. and if we go further south than this keep wave conditions will start to see them flare up across the cape provinces in south africa. and then still this lug of rain locked over at northern madagascar, which once again could produce some flooding just to the north of antenna rebuilt. see you later. the again look it out to us. so the se in everything is
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good, even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor revenge before record occupied. i mean prison. i'll just there the risk of simon is growing game does have more than half a 1000000 people are facing catastrophic food and security because of as well as war i'm siege, that's the stock warning from the world food program and of the un agencies. so is israel using food deprivation as a war tactics? this is inside story. the


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