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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the the so this is in use our on ology 0. i'm switching back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel attacks p u n center sheltering hundreds of display spot of scenes and 7 gaza 11. people have killed a many more. oh yeah, shot of my brother doesn't know till now. he's lost all of his family except me. families to on a pod is ras. one guys has left tens of thousands of children without parents. also
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this, our families of captive housing guys had joined thousands marching towards these really defense ministry intelligence and another mysterious russian plane crash kids. old 74 on board. oscar says it was carrying, creating prisoners of war and accuses keith of shooting mcdonald. i'm trying to get real skill with the sports and keeping the latest for me for pick up nations. i'm english, neat, tough floss, full time champions. japan can find best spots in the last 16 of the asian come the thank you for joining us. the red cross is wanting of thousands of presentable destined garza. if medical facilities aren't protected, it says only 3 hospitals remain that can perform advance surgery and emergency care . one of them has repeatedly come under attack in the latest bombing 11 people that
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confirmed to have been killed after these really strike on a un training center. in the southern city of con eunice, the u. n. c is up to $800.00 the space people would take and shout to this, the shows have to be landed inside the gateway to see that that makes sense of uh, february that belongs there, or are they are there? are there money? cuz you wanna just actually on that, but it didn't have to be insight on fi of the without trying to send some of the losses there. got the nice thing with this side. we hope that we can get into there in all very soon where you don't have updated information about how many people are being killed or enjoyed. we are waiting, you know, maybe off the or we will be aware of all the information. okay. on eunice has been under relentless attack, is really troops having circle the city, showing residential areas, hospitals and buildings where hundreds of families have been taking shelter. guys's
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health ministry says at least 210 people have been killed in the last 24 hours. meanwhile, is really protesters including family members of captive sales in guys, i have tried to prevent humanitarian a truck from entering the strip at the time i will sign in crossing and as a budget continues, the international court of justice says it will go on friday whether or not to grant emergency measures 5 by south africa against israel, south africa as accused israel of 8 specific genocidal acts. and it's case at the world court. let's get an update on the situation guys and speak to terry cup was on, who's in rafa for as they start with the attack on the un shelter. the un training center in con eunice power, not the 1st time that the u. n. a you inside is targeted in gaza. tell us about this latest incident and what happened?
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yes, fully a no. the only uh today, the training center that had been run by the united nations had been hit today, but we are taking about complete non stop up apartments of the city of con eunice. but today the concentration was against the united nation run chilton, which costs and also it has insight on it. thousands of palestinians who have been taking shields away from the east very from bottom. and now now with the east valley advancements into the main central areas of quite new, just the are costs and trading on creating a systematic, a kind of 1st full evictions of people from these areas. they have been targeting the buildings of the training center where it contains hundreds of people, the inside who were evacuated on the east, very intensive abutment of such areas where those of them have been killed and others had been also wounded, being hardly difficultly, to be evacuated. and full of from the ruffles of the destroyed buildings as these people also will go through per trinity to fleet,
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from that part of the economy to city they had been leading as they are taking full risk as they are trying to secure the assembly. mendez bought the united nations also headset that this step taken by he's been in this in you attacked is a news talk violations of relation according to the principles of the international lou. and also, according to the rules of rules that these areas must be protected as it had been designated in the initial days of the whole safe zones. but right now, power city is off leading to rough on the east, very much abutment where they are trying to secure the some of the relatives that yeah, i was, i was going to ask you where people were headed now for safety because we heard these really military order or them to evacuate from con eunice, but way are they expected to go and, and how safely can they get that of the will generally fully reduced people completely and desperately trying to flee to
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rough or have their struggling to find a clean and clean place to build a make shift tense in order to live insights, we're talking about the roof. i city have been completely overcrowded now with residents. the majority slots apartments, residential buildings become flooded with evacuees besides the united nation. rum tooth is duct right now working a sweet times its capacity where it had also overcrowded with evacuees. now people also try and even to find a very small piece of land in order to live inside the did not find their living in the public, their living at the open as they are also struggling to get to toilets, to a with key apps. as of hygiene conditions the we are literally seeing how they are completely suffering as those people have going through in human conditions. but others say that it's completely better not to die in the city of new this and to lose our children to lose all family members. and to live in deep pain and frustration later. so part of the thing is right now have new options remains just
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to flee to rough as the last remaining place that is supposed to be safe. but be it completely believe that there is no, any place that is safe can cause especially with the at the bottom is that had been also reaching reflected the of to the destruction of a most in the eastern areas of rough. where for palestinians have been killed in the strikes, they know where they don't know where it's safe in guys, especially in the south right now. honey, i'm a huge, sorry topic up was a thank you very much for bringing us that h as the from a rough i tire couple of them. is that correspondent on the ground at the us state department. it says the attack on the un center sheltering civilians in con eunice is incredibly concerning that we've deplored today is a tax on the unions con eunice training center. you've heard me say it before you for the secretary. say it before, but the civilians must be protected and the protected nature of un facilities must be respected and humanitarian workers must be protected so that they can continue
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providing civilians with real life saving uh, surrender, tearing assistance that they need their families. are these really captive held in guys? i have joined protests as intel of eve. thousands marched through the streets, reading between the traffic towards israel's defense ministry. the crowd was calling for the release of all is really, capt is still being had in best. who do i have to meet, has more from tennessee or a lot of people here in this world that would say that the priority is to bring back these captives that are in g as in now for a 109 days, especially that and they have been reports that the number of them are dead and deep and the families all worry, they keep on saying that time is running out. and then you have also try a very difficult days for israel like yesterday was 21. soldiers were killed in one attack in guys had the largest number of soldiers killed in one day since
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the beginning of the ground invasion. so old that brings to the full front of many questions about what to do next. i think there's still support for the war the way the government puts it forward as a war to get rid and diminished how much. so that is something at a large part of the population. if not all of the population here in israel would agree on. but the is also realization that is going to take much longer than what they thought, even though the government has been wandering about that and is in the coming get that cost as a personal cost for many families. and not only the families of the captive adults, of the families of the soldiers. the cutoff says it is a polled by remarks, reportedly made by israel's foreign minister about bill has will in mediating the release of captives from guys and it leaks recording,
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bending. and it's now was her se cuts as role was, quote, problematic, and that he was unhappy, washington didn't apply more pressure on them. and a statement based on x, the category for administer, a spokesman one that if such comments where true they would be irresponsible and destructive to the efforts made to save innocent mice as bringing him to saw hold for me on this has not been occupied east jerusalem i'm to tell us more about what these really prime minister reportedly said, that sound good, the country so much i as well these weeks remarks to is really media reportedly said that the prime minister was comparing platforms to the likes of the united nations and the red cross in their, in ability to solve problems saying that caught, that was just as problematic as these 2 groups. now then you have, but that's what he's responding saying. but while these comments don't do any good,
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they're also not surprising, given how these really prime minister has been conducting himself and his rhetoric throughout the entirety of this war. it is saving that these rarely as are also unhappy with the way the united states is apparently not putting enough pressure on her mouth. but the united states wants more aid to go into gauze or something. these really prime minister is not happy with. he has said before, but he is allowing the minimal amount of a necessary to prevent a humanitarian crisis and even told or you are united states diplomat behind closed doors, that there is no humanitarian crisis. when the reality on the ground is showing a much different story that for a 110 days now there has been this disaster, this crisis, millions of people starving and displaced for us to flee their homes multiple times . but it also seems that these really prime minister are sending a message that he wants everything to be done and his way he wants everything to be done these really way. and he is not willing to offer any sort of concessions when
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it comes to these deals. or these negotiation, he wants everyone to be on his side because he feels that what the military is doing. his objectives are just invalid and he's hoping that this will solve a lot of his issues, that military pressure will bring back the captives. but these remarks against the property as against the united nations and even against the united states, are proving to have some backlash for these really prime minister to thank you for that. how does the whole lives that you know, keep bodies, jerusalem? let's discuss this further. now with hassan barry who is a professor of international affairs at katara university, i want to get your view on this. these reports report to be made by next. yeah. well that has, you know, i'm good the categories. why wouldn't it? yeah. who made make these comments if it's confirmed, why would he make them now? especially when cotton has been so instrumental in the release of captives from gus . this is really surprising that you know, and that to me, i would to a different kind of with such a statement. simply because customer has tipton and many in many and many times and
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got to have succeeded in mediating between it is what it is and how much and not so this is not the 1st time by the way. i also got the, has succeeded in even a different and various areas. and emily, i think so, because it has the uh, status at the stage and the record and exhibit at the so these statements are actually, i would say so out of desperation via simply because nothing else has failed and the value around. and he wants to talk to do what he has failed to do at to convince him us to come up with a deal that is favoring his position. not the 1st time either that he's made these critical statements about kata early on, not in this now, perhaps specifically, but early on we had a number of people in these really establishment accuse cut off for example, of funding hamas and so on, which you know, there's no proof off whatsoever. what now do you see casual going forward? be you know if, if they're not happy with what needs to be out. i said,
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does that put into questionnaire role as a mediator in this crisis? i did think so. i think the cuts are, would, uh, would continue to do uh, doing what it has been doing from the get go at with try to convince both boxes to come up with the settlement. because i think the, that's how you prime, in a sense for the 1st she has another month and has just said that cuts her would to continue to do whatever it takes to put that into the war. and it is in the best interest of cuts off to see an end of this violence from about. and because it's good for everyone and, and the cuts out even with the issue and is not only in favor of either how much or or, or is it it comes in a bigger context, it as cuts out or believes that to see a solution when door comes to an end at permanency as far as in the best interest of, of both sides actually is where it is and, and, and how much and the palestinians. but this is a different story because nothing,
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you know, once every one to those things is on way. right? and he failed in the background. he failed to convince his own people that he's doing the right thing. and he wants to just to add blame others and pass the button for his video right on. because, i mean he's, he's blame the you when he's criticized to you, when he's blamed the categories is even bit late, criticized and rejected. some of the proposals made by the, by moving his ration, i mean, who's left on his side. now, it would seem that even with an israel, he's under increasing pressure as we see from the families of captives and even within his own war cabinet. and i just think that will do some places out to this patient simply because he can't do anything different fee in the background at the 1st thing that he wants to for secure the release of the hostages. and then he can do this when you continue the war and he doesn't want to stop the war. so it's like a catch 22 or so, you know, if he wants to contribute to the war as, as much as he can, because this is the only way he can uh, secure it themselves internally domestically. but at the same time, if he continues doing this, the, the risk of coming to be hosted is,
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is really high, right? right. they've been reports in the media these past few days of another possible deal to release more captives and will policy and prisoners a given given you know, all this talking, you know, back and forth. do you think any progress is likely to be made on that from one to this moment? we don't know. i mean, how much position is uh as clear the idea month, that seems fair 1st and then negotiating negotiations about the release of the prisoners. have they change their mind that this moment they haven't heard any sent them statements coming from them. and this way this, i'm actually unwitting the to meet him us hopefully. yeah. and they simply say that we want to get the hosted his back and then we're gonna fight you. so if, if someone, the russian one comes up with this statement, it means that they don't really mean to stop the war. they want to continue. all right, i send her, i always get to get your thoughts. thank you very much for joining us. some variety from katara university. joining us on this sandra here and use our now the impact
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of these really bombardment of guys that is far reaching, tearing families apart, is created a flood of children who have been opened. according to the euro. med human rights group more than 24000 children have lost their parents guidance health ways. she says at least $10000.00 children have been killed in this trip since october. the 7th comes on how many treatments on us on us only have each of the pods working and then the threat healey strike on the home in the slot with the g comes in central plus $56.00. the old brother on us has no lawsuit. what's happened to the mom and dad? oh yeah, we should know. my brother doesn't know till now. he's lost all of his family except me. i don't know how to tell him. i'm afraid that if i tell him it will have a psychological impact into stripe did not just scale the pods left. a life
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changing thing, duties are good. no, i didn't. i was with my family at home. i went to bring something from the kitchen . suddenly everything fell down and i was on fire in the fire was eating me this us if loved pain outside with these friends football, their favorite sport and the full on my legs amputated. what can i do? i want to walk. i want to run. i want to play, i want to see my mother. i was close to where i want to stand up. i want to walk alone on my own. i can sit down. i want to be able to sit down. i can sleep. i stay awake all the time as the main shop honest is wondering what he did to this of these. so
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what's the new? what did i do to these really? i did nothing to them. i did not carry a gun against them. i did nothing wrong to these realities the so now on us an awesome alone but the light, but it is right intensifies it's bombardments and because that is not guaranteed. how does that, how much does it have international court of justice says they will deliver an order on the request submitted by saw from africa on friday in south africa's application. it requests the court to indicate provisional measures in order to protect against for the severe and irreparable harm to the rights of thomas to me and people under the genocide convention and to ensure is rest compliance with his obligations under the genocide convention. not to engage in genocide. literally i spoke with michael becker,
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a former associate lawyer at the international court of justice. and he explains what the court vogel it's. it's really important to understand that what the court is going to be deciding on friday is not whether israel is in breach of any of its obligations under the genocide convention. those are, as we've said, south africa's main claims and the case. this is about provisional measures, that's a kind of emergency relief or interim relief that south africa is 16 while the case is pending. and so south africa is asked for a number of things, but to maybe more prominent requests are 1st for an order that were direct israel to suspend all military operations in gaza. and the 2nd leave for an order that would direct israel to not impede and indeed facilitate the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance into casa. and so how the court addresses those 2 requests, if it decides to indicate provisional measures at all, is what to really look out for on friday. so to request is the court likely to
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grant one request and deny another one? because i understand this has happened in the past, like the boss, me a case a few years ago. right. so 1st, what we'll see if the course besides the south africa met the basic test for provisional measures to be if you order it in the 1st place, many ice age experts. and i would agree with, with this view things in south africa did do enough to show that it's claims under the genocide convention, or at least a plausible and very importantly that the palestinian population of guys that faces a real and imminent risk of irreparable harm. and nothing that's happened in the last 2 weeks, i think has changed that assessment. so the court can, the court isn't limited to what south africa has asked for the south. the court doesn't have to say yes or no to south africa's specific requests. if it decides to issue provisional measures, they can formulate whatever set of measures it thinks is most appropriate. and so
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while i think the court will want to say something about the israel's military operations, i'm not convinced that they will be willing to go quite as far as south africa as ask them to go. or in a complete suspect. there's no dirt activities the out of world news now, and russia is accusing ukraine of shooting down a military plane. it came down near the city of belgrade and southern russia. the kremlin says, the aircraft has 74 people on board, including 65 ukranian prisoners of war. but key says it was carrying weapons. rob mcbride, 3 for some ukraine's capital. this was the moment to russian military transport plane crash to the ground, prompting conflicting claims and counter claims about what and who was on board. russian officials say the illusion. 76, similar to this one,
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was transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war for a prison. their exchange, the, they claim 90 i, across the missiles were detected being launched from the ukraine. you inside of the border launch 2 or 3 murder. let's go from the morning of january 24. moscow time, a terrorist act was committed as a result of which in the area of the belgrade region, a russian transport, a cross was shot down which was carrying out to flight and to transport the $65.00 military personnel of the armed forces of you crying from moscow region to belgrade, who were accompanied by 3 russian officers and a crew of 6 people, they all died. the claims were immediately treated with deep suspicion by ukraine, that accuses russia of conducting long standing this information campaigns. officially, ukraine says it has no evidence of its prisoners of war being on the plain. but the statement by military intelligence, as hinted that if they were on board,
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russia was responsible for the safety flaming must go for nothing. folding keys of transport arrangements for the prisoner swap and for flying p, o w's so close to an active was establishing the truth as being made. honda, by the secrecy that surrounds the highly sensitive exchanges of russia and ukraine in prison. as this was the last christmas, walter carried out to new. yeah. even russia's list of the ukrainian p o. w 's. they say what on the plane is being disputed with a number of social media post questioning the veracity of some of the names from mcbride. i'll just say era key and daniel hawkins has well on the reaction from moscow a while and the media is also ma, solve this crash. small scale was absolutely unequivocal. about who brings school this tragic incidents over the skies of belgrade, saying that this plane was on its way to the level 65. you claim p a. w use as well as 9 russian crew members to present a exchange on the russian explaining both to
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a 192 soldiers to be sent home from both sides. more scope claims. these prisoners never made it to that points because the plane was shot down in what they say was a tongue. they did the live with a tax, big funding on the full since the russian ministry saying the radar is picked up. we saw a launch is from a kind of kid from the quite inside the close. this plane to crash with most of live is now russian. politicians and officials have been absolutely scathing in that condemnation of this incident saying it's terrorist criminal law, patrick. i don't. so saying no negotiations of possible with key of, of to what happened earlier today rushes 4 minutes to suck a loud roof, as well as a cruise for an immediate security council meeting to present russians version of events perhaps show say that, but i also hear what you train has to say about this prison, the exchange was ended so tragically, over the scars of bounds are all this morning and live now to give an amazon to at
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the united nations for escaped, the russian foreign minister requesting an emergency security council meeting over this incident, what can we expect as well, that meeting is now set. it's set for 2200 g m t on thursday. that's 5 pm. local time here in new york, that meeting was scheduled by france, which holds the rotating presidency of the security council. this month. of course, meeting arranged at the request of russia. now what we expect, we, we expected there will be an open meeting where there can be discussions about this incident where we expect most likely the russian for administer circuit lab for off of will attend. we believe he's in new york and has been in new york all week for other matters. there's a, a russia ukraine meeting on monday. he was here for the mid a least meeting that was yesterday on tuesday. so we think he's going to extend his
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trip to remain here on thursday for this important meeting. we expect during this un security council emergency meeting on this incident that laugh rob, or someone else from the russian delegation, will present their evidence of how this plane went down and their, their, their evidence that they say will point to that. it was ukraine to shut it down. we also expect we will hear most likely as well, from someone from the ukrainian un delegation, as well as well as other security council members gave. thank you for the update. gabriel is on to live here at the united nations in new york. it's still a head on algae 0. tens of thousands of on demands go on, strikes because of controversial economic reforms. scientists make a major breakthrough in the efforts to save africa's northern whites rhinos from extension and leave a full, a closing in on an english the have final against shall see details coming up and
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tell me to stay with the the hey, they're good to be with you more outbreaks of showers rolling across the islands of ireland and brittany here, but still hanging onto that warrants, london coming in at 12 degrees. but watch what happens. really. this rain starts to intensifies that hops over the channel and the north sea heavy rounds of rain, eastern germany, western areas of poland through denmark. there is a storm surge alerts in play. not too far away from copenhagen and some fairly last 3 winds as well. so this is gonna be nasty weather for you on friday. let's go back to thursday, the much of central europe. we're dealing with the warrants look at zurich up to 12 degrees, but this is nothing compared to what's going on in spain. feeling more like spring, maybe even summer, valencia 25. that's almost 10 above where you should be for this something you're
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wins will turn around and temperatures will lower speaking of low temperatures, other side, mediterranean, still cool. and we've got this cool brain coming into the bat. that cool air has also flooded into ne africa. so cairo just at 19 degrees. and oh yeah, whether it's in play across southern algeria for a dusty when they're, let's head to the south. we're dialing up temperatures across the cape provinces in south africa, heat wave alerts in play, and still heavy rounds of rain stuck over northern madagascar on thursday. see you later. i a list of c comedians. feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight, they won't be met with fire or in the rise of things i need. are you doing scrolling radio tape,
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or i'd be that deluxe. like exploring how makes this central switch to life impacts the human psyche? apocalypse may be coming soon on outsourcing nicely too. yeah, it should be a time to run it within your ups. come and take a know, make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. and unlikely candidate can spend emerges from these quad retirement to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community space housing specialist, a witness documentary on now to 0. news . the
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welcome back of the top stories on how to 0. this news our, the director of the you in refugee agency says these are the forces of fi to artillery shells at the con eunice training center in the southern guns that killing 11 people in injuring dozens for 800 people. with sheltering in the center, the international court of justice is it will hold on friday whether or not to grant. imagine some measures in south africa's genocide case against israel. south africa has requested that the well or order is route to suspend its military operations in god and families that he's really kept his house in the gaza strip. have joined protesters in tennessee, thousands. my sort of 3 supports his rounds. defense ministry crowd was demanding for the release of all these really captives still being held in gas. while these really forces are carrying out intense 9 c in air attacks across con eunice,
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at least 50 palestinians have been killed in the 167 guys in the past. 24 hours. the number of palestinians killed since october. the 7th has now reached 25700 honey my hold re for some rough even though death is the familiar site in gaza, saying good bye to loved ones is never easy. explaining to children is even more difficult this, there is 3 of bodies here, means the funeral prayers are performed throughout the day. i a children search the rubbish for what the birth to keep warm to cook. children forced to help their families survive. this war, india value refugee camp metix work to try and treat the injured some don't make it a child's, a grave just outside the clinic on wednesday as regularly forces continue their
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intense bombing around northwest hospital in hon. unit full of in a tack on a nearby school where people work sheltering dozens were injured in the attack. i mean, the war and the misery there are those who are trying to spread illiterate whole. the sort of side auto doing this raises the spirits and brings optimism off to what we witness from war destruction and the destruction of homes. everyone becomes optimistic at the sight of these roses. also, everything they've witnessed. it's the hope that the war will end. and people will see garza for what grows above its sword rather than the painful memories who is buried underneath the honeymoon mode. oh, just the of the demons who feet fighters have fired a 3 anti ship ballistic miss size at the us container ship masks detroit. the
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vessel came under fire as it was transiting the goal for aiden in the red sea. 15 nautical miles south of an mcculla in yemen. on this high landed in the sea and 2 others were shot down by the warship, us as gravely the ship and crew. a safe mask shipping 9 says is turning around to us flag vessels. as a result, commercial vessels in the area have repeatedly come under attack from who's the fighters since the start of the war on gas to yvonne surprise it in the brain, my ac is into a key on an official visit. he's holding tanks with the ship typhoid one on these are as well on guys and energy corporation between the 2 countries. the trip comes as concerns a growing that the war on guys i could spread across them, at least in kosovo, has moved from across. you right here, right, you see around in president came to to care on wednesday with a high level economic economy and politic politics,
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diplomatic delegation. they held violate tools, tools, and right now they are holding a business for inter cuz you run in business for them as 2 neighbors have very strong economic ties along with a strong energy of deals. and 2 k is also trying to discuss the natural gas field that this has what's to from that will end in a 2002 and a 6 and 2 kids dependent on foreign energy resources. but of course the main odenza of today's meetings were the situation and gaza is miles war and gaza since october 7th, no one expects to lead or is to be able to stop what's going on and gone south. but at least what they aim is to contain the escalation as a growing crisis in the region, especially in yemen and then in the red sea areas, a 2 countries, 2 neighbors, they have a full size. usually this is the relation between 2 countries are tense when it
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comes to terrorism issues, when it's comes to serial when it comes to the call cuz those 2 countries are like rivals. but today, both presenters of tape amazon and you run in presence ibrahim, right? you see so that they are committed to fight against terrorism. but of course on carter has more expectations from tester on when it comes to a fight against the apple to do some work as far as the p k. k. and it's a syrian branch, a y, p chief to drive the world news in tens of thousands of workers in argentina, downing their tools as they launch a 12 hour strike against controversial economic reforms. the new right wing president heavy emulate, issued a decrease cropping or changing more than 350 comic regulations. last month. critics save a new policy, the most protections for consumers and workers, and is unconstitutional. a lot in america to salisia newman is in, but a cyrus with more 2nd
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6 weeks with a democracy . the other one say a article the president is trying to
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read unions per se. a very, very mixed reputation. they've been able to in the past by calling from national strikes, the power lies the country. but also many people think that they are responsible for any of the loads of argentine, or they have a reputation for corruption. and so it's, it's a mixed bag right now. what's interesting is that a lot of public servants aren't here today. the government says that they will have their day off to their salary stopped for having taken part in the demonstration. the government has also described the 3 leaders as a bunch of members of a mafia trying to preserve their privileges. it's not going to last for more than 12 hours.
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rather about sending the message or off windows to find from is have taken their protests to brussels. the movement has been growing of costs. france inspired by submitted demonstrations in germany and the netherlands. the farmers are angry at the you and the french government for what they say are rising prices, taxes, and unreasonable ecological legislation. natasha butler reports taking that protest to the heart of the you. french form is demonstrated in brussels. they say the rising cost to new. you environmental rules and make that work impossible. i'm just fed up above the surface to, i'm sorry, frustration. i love my job. i always have but we can't deal with all these a regulations anymore. let me social fits what they impose. more and more draconian standards on us, but on the other hand, all purchased isn't protected. like we need to be clean and clean and which costs
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us more and more. but we're in a global market. so the cheapest way to the french protests, the pulse is a growing european movement began in germany and the medicines in front of them is a big demonstration for more than a week looking roads. and most ways, maybe the south is a country. i'm to say a fall into doors that were killed after a call. he's a blockade with a, with protesting of just 5 minutes to gabriela house. we have system problems which incorporates from keith on the, you know, a whole profession is in morning like a whole rural community is morning. a family is a discharge of the effects each and every one of us telling me to fix the whole country. the growing on rest as a major challenge for the new, the appointed prime minister. the governments made some concessions, including all the fuel costs. farm is still angry, is a competition from for an impulse. and what they say is excessive. you regulation
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talks between natal informing representatives on monday. indeed without agreement. good, a silver sampler for the difficulties and, and that phone us feel about the low pay is very real. what we experience on a daily basis on our farms is the lack of pay, lack of income, and prices that reflect the work that we do. the protest comes come paintings on the way for june to european parliamentary elections in france. marine depends far right party is quoting farms and leading opinion polls making, resulting the crisis ever more urgent for the french government. it's actually about the, i'll just say era virus shrunk as bonham and has approved a new law that aims to regulate speech online off to multiple revisions from the supreme court. the measure passed by 108 votes to 65 opposition politicians and human rights groups. one that the harsh penalties were 5 for speech that criticizes government policies, but back is of the law. say,
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it's necessary to combat incidents comes in home, fully information. now fernandez has more from colombo, on what powers the law gifts, the government. i mean, it allows for the commission to determine what is the truth of speech. it allows us, especially a point it exposes that code uh, in some of the documentation to go in search premises uh and things like that. it also is robert m, because in such definitions, which i use uh, which will then be the base with which uh, certain decisions are taken. and this is what many people are crying file about. it's not just here locally, but also on the international stage. the asian internet coordination, which includes john's, that google meta apple have all said that, you know, this is not an order, it's not workable and it will look at and really affect the growth of the industry
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. the alarm has been founded by human rights activists by people. 5 like i said here and abroad that they go to the point of stifling defense. now we are in an election year this year that is the presidential election. 5 that has been sort of a, these do and for many people, the implications of all of these things, you know, typing the screws, reducing that space, the voice has to be heard. and sort of, you know, tightening on this end is not a good thing, especially when you look at the sort of, you know, politically explosive development as well as an election down the road of mine. who could, has been some say should, has been prime minister of thailand, has been found not guilty in a court case that might have banned him from politics. he died leaving joe on and rots was suspended from parliament for holding share his in immediate company after his party won the general election last year. tony chang reports from bangkok,
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heading into cold with his political future in the balance between them during rep, looking relaxed as he felt his way through crowds of supporters and generous to get into the constitutional cold. despite his demeanour consume, the court might well ban him from politics as it has with other popular politicians recently is. so it was something of a surprise when a not guilty verdict was handed down by a margin of a to one. the judge has agreed that the media company hadn't been active for 17 years, but the judgement would change the fact that peter isn't prime minister, nor is his policy move forward in government. despite his surprise, when in last year's general election, his appointment was posted by the on the like to the of the house. and the party remains in opposition. anyone could have avoided move forward and peter audited, or either you give up politics and walk away from it, ignore it, you know, hopeless. or you actually,
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you pay more attention date and become more hopeful whether it's outside of the parliament for inside the apartment because i'm of the people's choice. but the parliament's enemy lou quotes, previous incarnation future for suspended by the court in 2020. the reform is platform, the 1st part is well popular as ng good time down to establish ment, let's try to shut them down. the call for change and reform and progress in time that is unmistakable index, horrible and scrolling. so, you know, putting that down, denying it comes out of right, high costs for thailand and for the establishment that runs china. so does the quotes, verdict indicate the change and surprise no guilty verdict today and something of a relief to tell him to run rough, but he's not out of the woods yet. the policy will be back here in 7 days time for decision of the constitutional court. just as he tried to lead the crowd search for some shouting out prime minister, it's a job,
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he didn't get this time. but it's still very much in his sites. it's already set up, but the problem is that joe, now are you happy to sit out in opposition for the rest of this term, or we're still the prime minister all candidate according to the constitution. so it anything that happens then i must say, i'm always ready willing and able to lead this country going forward. but that depends on the process that is on a tony chang, l $20.00, bangkok assigned to 7 nouns. the wells 1st i v f. pregnancy in a 7 wise rhino, it's how the process can be repeated to save the new extent to northern lights. rhino alexander bias has a story. it's for now jane and her daughter sat to it's been a day like any other but not for the conservationists who look after them. there. the last remaining northern white rhinos in the world looked after with extreme care under 24 hour armed guard. at the open jet,
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a conservancy which far from the foothills of mount kenya, scientists have just announced a major breakthrough that could change everything for their species. any important moments and i'm really emotional, natalie shakes up an international team of researchers has created the 1st successful pregnancy in the closely related southern white rhino using in vitro fertilization, the sheaf together something which was not believe to be possible. i think the bios like cubic, consult some book to so hot and so effective together of this on or pop nice at that so that you really made some possible possible with this milestone scientists will attempt to replicate the feet later this year. but with an embryo from a northern white rhino implanted in
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a surrogate. if the 16 month pregnancy is successful, it would be the 1st of its kind since 2000 hosting the last 2 known to exist. not annoyed right? it was a huge responsibility. and it reminds of every morning that if nothing is done, then we are facing extinction that we do, whatever it takes, whatever humanly possible, to make sure that these animals do not disappear from the face of the reproduction program is the northern white rhinos. last chance of survival, but the team says it has great potential beyond that and can be used to save other highly endangered species around the world. alexandra buyers out to 0. sports is coming up after the break and a shock at the australian open as well as number to call us authorized is no kind
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of for the finals in melbourne. so be here with the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the right time now for support with joe and starting of the agent. absolutely, yes. slowly to kind of make sure that placed in the new account stages of the asian cult with victory against indonesia, piece of stomach,
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the match for us japan, we're in unfamiliar territory. they needed to avoid the fees to continue participation in the 2 of them in the news with stapled early on with a little help from b, a r. a penalty was awarded and i guess it and way to the japanese. even the lead of the just 5 minutes display japan dominating almost every facets. they had to wait until the 50 seconds minutes. so they 2nd waited again, the man of the moment he's come to the ice thing was put on the cake and the dying moments when way to shortlist afflicted him. to go back one minute into added time, sandy was pulled one back. a cancellation, going to begin, denisia image began that would be most thing to be a possibility that japan could be eliminated in the group stage. but a dominant display is not necessarily margin of victory. i've at least get the fans happy, but yeah,
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better happy. and those 33 was good. they play better when they've been at the happy because they really hard job. i'm very excited. it was a very nice game. and i, i the only actually accepted it, but the going to be going to the sixty's depends last 16 opponents could be the regional economic and political rivals self career. but that will depend on those days results. piece of statement. elgin's era, though, in the days of the match, iraq had already secured top spot and group dean came through a difficult when of a vietnam. they went a goal down just before last time. but i'm in the same, came also bench to school twice as a rock with 3 to win is that also made it that the straight victory at this to me? so here's how group d finished up a rock leading the way with 9 points. japan qualifying from the group
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a 2nd. but there's none of us wait for indonesia who are still hoping to make it out of the group as one of the best such place teams. vietnam had home without picking up any points as to the advocates of nations. now and brokers football, federation, se they appeal a full much bon 100 to coach while it a good on the following the heated argument with the democratic republic of congo as captain john. so member, that's called the band hall. sion on just rec, rocky is watching from the stands is his team take on zambia right now in that final group. s much i came z which opened the scoring and especially 7 minutes. it's currently one now to morocco, one more. okay. i've already qualified to the law 16 and the other match taking place is go list between tons and in the democratic republic of congo. if it stays like that, it means a d, l. c will go through as run is up. so it play some be a will not have enough to go through to go withdrawals and group e, i means that molly went through to the last 16 is group windows and south africa of
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the run this up. but to this is coach jello cut. the country it has quits off to the team, took just 2 points from the 3 games. i started because i have a big problem. they are on their way to qualifying for the last 16 is one of the best place teams bots. they've already fired the coach june. let me just say the i've already ins have disappointing campaign. the shop for mill defeats are equitorial getting, making it back to bots. law says the managerial casualties continued on wednesday. alger is janelle beaumont, he resigned a wonderful loss to martinez, sent the to time champions, crushing out with just 2 points and 3 games that 2nd successive group stage exit from the competition. so let me pull the closing in on the english lea cup final. it is currently $11.00 against for them, but the 3 to ahead on aggregate with minutes left. it went into the 2nd leg to one . ok. so it was d. s o, in the 1st health that the red. well no way. you said the school front of the soul
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to make it interesting like tone, but as it stands, info. what are we going to the final? we have a piece of between 2 twins to show piece against chelsea. and it's a full, is it a, is a funds have been banned from stadiums for 5 years off to ration a be using the teams go keep up my manual subsidized match between engineers and milan was briefly hold, said when the keep a complaint to the referee that had been peas, title or 5 funds have now had the details. pasta police and you know, they have been ordered to play one game behind closed rules. so show could be a strain open. well, number to call us out across has been knocked out of the tournament in melbourne, but alex on does virus very has made a flying stop to the post the final match, dropping just 2 points since of as he took the opening set 6 c brooks of twice in the 2nd and looked to be uncles to wrap things up in recess, thoughts now across quite
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a brilliance high break to take it to full. a sarah sunday to break the about full, full and close out. he's 1st of all went against the top. quite frank opponents in france. i'm i'm side with the, with my level today because i, i've been playing good tennis, you know, the run before this one was i don't have confidence. 7 pretty well. the tide then. so obviously i wanna find out if everyone's allow me, so he's good is not what i'm looking for, but this is not by, you know, it's very full face. well, number 3, daniel method of in the semi finals, the russian needed 4 hours to get past 9. see to who, who patched this match went the distance with method of edging the 5th at 6 full to reach the studies at the time in her in the women scroll down, eastern sky has become the 1st qualifier in 46 years to reach the semi finals in melbourne, the printing and beaten and dental sca in straight sets to move into the last 4 of her grandson for the 1st time. and she left the quotes. she showed us when you're
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free and so just fight again. in cricket, captain ben stokes says he's devastated that these issues of stop teammate, show up a shift from traveling to india for sure. who has pakistani heritage has returned to england from a training camp in upper darby. he in england and wales cricket bolt, hoping the visa visa issue will be resolved quickly on the team proposed for the 1st test in hyderabad on thursday. i'm pretty devastated the buttons had to go through this. and yet when i was the leaders, as the captain, when, when, when did you 2 minutes is affected by something like that? you obviously do get that emotional for them. um, but look, i know he's back in london. i know there's been a lot of people jumping through hoops to try and get this done very quickly. all right, that is what you're supposed to now, it is back to fully. thank you very much for that, joe. and does always munoz and sports on our website that alta 0 dot com. that's it
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for the seas are. but i'll be back in just a few minutes with more companies top so is entering the nation's twenty's russell on guys to stay with us on out. just here the, the, the tools savvy and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable today with this, with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding poor revenge before record occupied. i mean, i'll just soon i have the right, the boy cost anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that 3 part series explodes,
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the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by how many words, what i have succeeds in this legislation, thing use it to flush free speech. of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 words pod 3, the template on out is era. the latest news as it breaks on, and the say that challenge the president is going to face is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage the native, far as some of the other half of this drug down to properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air. it's hot oil rich get rock is facing a crisis. and a final vital results. water as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change,
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or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the play you're watching the news, our analogies here. i'm for the back to life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel attacks a un center sheltering hundreds of display spanish, simians inside of the gaza. 11 duplicate many. oh yeah,


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