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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 25, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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i'll get this place is i'll just see it was teams across the world when you close to the fonts of the story the . ready is ran into is that if you will, one of a few hospitals still operating in the gaza strip, the palestinian red crescent coals. it's a violation of international law, the colored civil robin. you're watching all just every log headquarters here in the hall. also coming up palestinians the occupied westbank say that that being unjustly arrested to full stonily members, wanted by israel to surrender. families of captives held in guns adjoining
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thousands marketing tools. the defense industry in tennessee and on the new use a plane crash in russia kills age 74 on board. well, it says it was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war and accuses keith of shooting it down the welcome to the target. we'd be getting garza where the red cross is warning of thousands of preventable deaths if medical facilities and not protected from indiscriminate assault is where the forces have imposed a few. on the out, i'm out of hospital preventing supplies, ambulances from reaching it. it's amongst only 3 hospitals in the strip that can still perform advance surgery and emergency can. yeah, it has repeatedly come on to 5 thousands of displaced palestinians have been seeking refuge at the facility. and that's been continued shelling and gunfire. and con eunice and southern garza is very full says the bottom,
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the un refugees center killing 11 people and injuring dozens. troops of in circle the city targeting residential build inside displaced people being sheltered. and not the more people moved on milwaukee. every 2nd passes with the new casualty. we do not have medicine, and we do not have anything to treat people. they done fired, and a tillery show on the peaceful people inside. workplace has a safe place. the you, an agency informed us that it was a safe place and we informed the people accordingly. eventually people were showed people who are injured and all those killed. we buried the mottoes and the shelter . we should, we buried them. sniper, bullets targeted us directly. where else should people go to recover? resume has low on the days developments from rough on in southern gaza attack. so the goal is a stretch did not stop today as the main focus of the military strikes was directed
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towards the city of can you just the 2nd largest city where the east very force is trying to take full control of the city as they are trying to advance more into the main central neighbor who is the have targets to date, one of the main training centers duct run by the united nations were thousands of out of city is being killed and others have also been wounded. as people had been leading to russell on the very mass is very compartment the ongoing attacks today or call you this has completely killed 40 palestinians along side with more than 50 others being wounded. and the different coal was made by the policy, the ministry of health and international organizations to afford protections for hospitals inside the city as they are struggling to keep a rating on the old, the hood or, and also a destruction of folding them in hon. eunice, in the southern part of the territory, tara composer, which is 0, roughly southern gaus. slicing is breaking down to the occupied westbank following
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another 9th of raids by is by the forces. the army use bulldoze is drawing the rate on jeanine, resulting in clashes with palestinian sciences. right. it's also kind of down to a novelist on my line of data to the palestinians who have family members wanted, by the way the armies say the just being arrested. interrogated and held in administrative detention to put pressure on them to surrender palestinian prison. the rights groups say that as being that up taking this form of systematic oppression says, israel's world garza and the women all being specifically targeted in the latest wave of arrests. lower con, that some of the families and the occupied westbank at low volume vida is the mother of a young man who is wanted by israel and says she's being harassed and threatened and buying the pressured by these ready minute treat to surrender for some of this to so i spent 9 days in prison, they told me to give up my son,
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or they would come back and take me by my house to the class. after i left prison, they would calling us around the clock. i was so stressed because they threatened to kill my son. they also come back then sacked the house and threatened to address to my daughter canyon. her husband says he's also being treated like criminal and it's been in prison twice in 2 months. that sort of so if you look at this picture, they found my hands put a blindfold on me. they threw me onto my face into a jeep with a beat and kicked me. i asked, what did i do? they told me why son is wanted and they want him to surrender. the policy and present or right script says this is a form of collective punishment. that's illegal on the international human rights. little about this, i don't know since october the 7th. this policy over us to family members of one to people is happening more frequently. our especially seeing the women like was more
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does the news, the hundreds of people now being used as captive. they put pressure on family members to have themselves in trouble for you. since is ralph moore and garza more than $6000.00 people have and arrested and placed in administrative detention in the occupied westbank, often in his ready presence without any formal charges or trial. just 5 minutes on to boss were here and tell loon, when will families are facing the same? there among dozens across the occupied west. fine. who's being arrested interrogation and put into presence of gave information on family members and to add to the pressure here. they say they have to enjoy a list nightly rates and drains continuously suckling overhead. intel mood, mohammad ashuelot says his brother is wanted by the is ready army for questioning. he shows me where the army broke into his house that night, smashing in the metro to suddenly when a whole, they asked about my brother. i told him, i don't know where he is. then they started beating me. they didn't find him,
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so they destroyed the tool and entered my house and took me instead. they interrogated me for 8 hours in an open area. what about some of the stuff? he says the recent breaking is cause one of his children to constantly shake and like so many across the occupied westbank. he says these arrests or another form of oppression, discontinued for generations. during con, i'll just say or occupied westbank as the families visiting, kept as held, and also have joined protest isn't until of these thousands of months through the streets tools as well as the defense ministry. the groundwork holding for the release of all is there any capt is being held in johnson or the i'm telling me it has moved from telling me a lot of people here in this world that would say that a priority is to bring back these captives that are in gaza now for a 109 days, especially that and they have been reports that the number of them are dead. and people and the families all worried,
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they keep on saying that time is running out. and then you have also try a very difficult days for israel like yesterday when 21 soldiers were killed in one attack in guys had the largest number of soldiers killed in one basis, the beginning of the ground invasion. so old that brings to the forefront of many questions about what to do next. i think there's still support for the war the way the government puts it forward as a war to get rid and diminished how miles. so that is something at a large part of the population. if not one of the population here in israel would agree on. but there is also a realization that is going to take much longer than what they thought. even though the government has been wandering about that and is in the coming get that cost as a personal cost for many families in not only the families of the
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captive, but also the families of the soldiers. the state of capital says that it's a polls by remark, supposedly made by israel's prime minister. about doha, is roland mediating the release of captives from garza and it leaked recording. benjamin netanyahu was heard saying that to his role was problematic, and he was unhappy. washington didn't apply more pressure on them in a statement published on the x, the guitar re foreign ministry will. but it's such comments which true. they are irresponsible and destructive to the efforts to save innocent lives. i'm the silly isn't occupied east jerusalem with more on this and you all he's comments. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu expressing dissatisfaction on a wide variety of levels in new leaked remarks. he's slamming, looks like that. he's saying that they are of the likes of the red cross and the united nations. but in fact, that the properties are, quote, much more problematic. he's also saying that the united states needs to be putting more pressure on the goals nation, but not exactly elaborating house. remember that these really prime minister has
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not even publicly thank doha, for all of their efforts in mediating and helping secure the release of a 110 is really captives back in november. and additionally, helping a deal just last week that saw 8 going into gaza. some of those madison's going to is really captive, but the is really prime minister also said that he's quote, very angry at a us decision to extend their stay at a base in the consulate for an additional 10 years. this is the largest new us military base in the middle east, but these remarks not being received well by the countries who said that is true. the prime minister's comments are actually not surprising and they are both obstructing and undermining all of the negotiations behind the scenes. that mediators are working towards these really prime minister in these remarks, so that he would work with anyone to help him secure the release of the captives. but that he wasn't actually so fond of the countries who again, had been playing an integral role in these negotiations. have the central jersey to
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occupied east jerusalem in the southern gauze and the city of ruffled the ladaja family have ignited a story of generosity. they built abreast of them to distribute free bread to, to the displaced, which is the respect to both assembly and the displaced palestinians. a lot of the items are called. my name is ro, feed hosting are just a resident of russell. i live near the area where displaced people from gauze, uh, taking refuge. they don't have cooking gas, you know what? they have nothing. they live in tens. i welcome to them into a home, and i have built them a model oven. i provide them with the potable water. let's assume i can well then this from on while out. what type of the oceans of the day, ma'am? yeah, there is no other place where we can bake oven wood is expensive. i know 2 ways available, but we come to the house of all, all shall i mean, baker, to the house. we don't have any utensils, either. bless them. they gave us what we need. they gave us water as well. we,
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they call bridge the and i personally cook the, i hate this anguish is removed and this will comes to an end, so we can return to our homes. and i hope we can invite everyone who stood by all sides and supported us to and as how many of us the, the 1st month to continue with this. if enough, him, the, for the month of the, have been displaced from has that good offer. we have tons of money because our and we big bread that our neighbors are ours. a family. of course it's been difficult. it took a while until the found flower to bake. the situation is tragic and unlike which one would imagine. thanks to god, the fondest people who welcomed us into that home. not just us, but also all those these over and can be useful free by older people in this neighborhood. the ours are well known for their kindness, and we have been fortunate to come across them. ready and present the brain bracey as hotels with his tuck, his counterpart president richard type owed on the latest,
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discussed a number of issues including israel's war on calls. and so you can see the report from the tech is capital incorrect, but the meeting took place after 2 delays iranian presidents, abraham re c, finally met with the turkish present treasure type as drawn in on cut off. still delays were due to the rapid escalation and the middle east. following is miles war on garza took a round size or close but pins the neighbors chamber more than 500 kilometer border and have a multiple agreements to strength and cooperation in areas ranging from trade to energy. encore expects more from tech, from particularly against the out build for the summer cust party or p k k. and it's doing offshoot the y p g to the consumers eat on this. i would like to reiterate, that sort of keeps stands by it on in the fight against terrorism. we attach importance to deepening our relations without neighbour it on, on the basis of mutual trust and common interest. we reiterated this will now be
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things as the crisis in the region escalates, the leaders signal, it is time to reconcile previous differences or arrivals of syria and the south congress is mostly a more him test. took. he is a security is our security saturday. we've had good relations for many years and we would like to carry this to a higher level. also, we agree that the policy and people should be given their rights that you have to move to kids. and i don't remember, but i'll likely us. um, but you, it does not designate thomas turner's group. john has referred to the group's members as freedom fighters, but he has refrained from breaking, charged them with desire entirely. despite this harsh restore a conqueror has preserved commercial ties with israel prompt and criticism as hold on for me, rob bracey is meeting with ad on a scene as an opportunity for regional partners to help towards the escalating tensions in the middle east and for the countries to recalibrate the relations this
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fide old that's happening to solo challenges around cetera. still ahead, hey, hold on just a the, the the hey everyone, you're locked into your weather report across the middle east and africa and got to tell you we're going to heat waves going on for parts of the arabian peninsula here . so let's go in for a closer look. this includes for us here in doha. all has to do with a southerly breeze here. so pops the temperature up to $28.00, maybe even 30 degrees over the next few days. for central asia, a band of snow is coming in over the higher ground here. and we've also got snow coming in to focused on administered kashmir. so the snow start mountain stairwell
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finally have a layer of powder over then over the next 24 hours or so. circuit winds are starting to shift around is stumble at 9. but look at this cool rain through the bad. that cool air has also press down into ne africa, so temperatures on the low side through libya, and egypt and a breeze. a dusty breeze through southern algeria has prompted some weather alerts in play there. still these rounds of rain, not too far away from zanzibar, that can produce some further flooding rate across the 10s of near. and if we go further south than this keep wave conditions will start to see them flare up across the cape provinces in south africa. and then still this log of rain locked over at northern madagascar, which once again could produce some flooding just to the north of antenna revoked. see you later. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's
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doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line the we are the ones traveling the extra mile. there are the media, don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the eulogy all just bear with me, single robin and the whole reminder of all told new stories. the red cross is warning of thousands of preventable. that's in garza, if medical facilities all protected,
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it says only 3 hospitals remain functional. one of them has repeatedly come under attack because he has not been imposed on the amount of hospital preventing ambulances from reaching the facility. somebody is on his way to come to tell them dogs that have joined the test file since march through the streets tools as well as defense ministry. the credit to, according to the release of full is right extensive still being held in guns is very false, is also conducted low rates of the occupied westbank be on the use bulldozers during rate on jeanine, resulting flushes with palestinian scientists. rates will also cover doubt and novelist in ramallah and other data the russia is accusing ukraine of shooting down a military plane. the plane came down to the city of belgrade in southern russia. the claimant in says the craft had 74 people on board, including 65 ukrainian prisoners of war. but keith says it was carrying weapons.
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the ukrainian president has cold, full, full clarity on the circumstances of the crash. well, mcbride has moved from keith. this was the moment to russian military transport plane crash to the ground, prompting conflicting claims and counter claims about what and who was on board. russian officials say the illusion. 76, similar to this one, was transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war for a prison. their exchange, the claimant's yet across missiles were detected, being launched from the crane you inside of the border launch 2 or 3 murder from us, both on the morning of january 24. moscow time, a terrorist act was committed as a result of which in the area of the belgrade region, a russian transport, a cross was shot down which was carrying out of flight and to transport the $65.00 military personnel of the armed forces of you crying from moscow region to belgrade,
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who were accompanied by 3 russian officers and a crew of 6 people, they all died. the claims were immediately treated with deep suspicion by ukraine, that accuses russia of conducting longstanding this information campaigns, which are with the short i see on the rice. i'm usually jim ok, and it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society . it is necessary to establish all clear facts as much as possible, given that the plane crash happens on the russian territory. beyond the control facts is the key would now stop was to find you believe you didn't assume. officially, ukraine says it has no evidence of its prisoners of war being on the plain. but the statement by military intelligence, as hinted that if they were on board, russia was responsible for the safety flaming must go for nothing. folding keys of transport arrangements for the prisoner swapped on for a flying p,
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o w's so close to inactive, was establishing the truth as being made. honda, by the secrecy that surrounds the highly sensitive exchanges of russia and ukraine in prison. as this was the last christmas, walter carried out to new yeah. even rushes list of the ukrainian p o w 's. they say what on the plane is being disputed with a number of social media post questioning the veracity of some of the names from mcbride. i'll just say era key. the federal aviation administration in the us as the boeing $737.09 planes comes lie once again. the agency holds its lights 2 weeks ago after a duel on an alaska airlines plane shots have minutes into a flight. the s a has approved an inspection and maintenance process so that the planes come pretend to service, but boeing will not be allowed to expand this production of the korea. a tens of thousands of workers in argentina, hold off the job in
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a 12 hour general strike against controversial economic reforms. the boxes were lads by trade unions who say the government's plan will start with the mattress, but worse and people's already difficult living conditions. a lot in america to lucy and even repulsed from the capital one as iris, tens of thousands of trade union members and to the call to take to the streets of argentina, to protest against new president of cub getting malays austerity measures are kind of obvious. you be in the habit stopped funds for soup kitchens, the starving, the poorest lot of favor and the pharmaceutical companies, big business and big landowners. the president is a lunatic. he wants congress to see all its power to him. my heart aches for what's happening in my country. the public sector workers were docked a day of pay. and union leaders could face fines or even prison for disrupting the
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free flow of traffic. but that didn't stop huge numbers of people from taking part in the 12, our national strike trying to find the trade unions. but it is not meant to be any paralyze the country discuss whether or not me but small as it's called very, very young people here, 630 people here say all of their social security minister describes the strike is the work of quote, fuel shows trying to preserve their corporate privileges while the government concedes the industrial actions has cost argentina millions, money. i don't know if that can be no since then. guns say no. the end of the national airlines had to cancel the $295.00 flights of henry dialect. 25 to one or
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200000 passengers suffered today because of these people voted by the many that it was a gamble for argentina's unions. many of whose most emblematic leaders a widely criticized for corruption. so i sort of seem to get the fun to trade unions. i'm not very popular actors in our society. and we have a government that presents itself as the enemy of the union's. so the strike could be counter productive for the organizes perhaps. but argentina is still very powerful. trade unions have made it clear. the strike was just the beginning. this in a country where social unrest fuse by power in this unions amid, in acute economic crisis, have brought down governments before. to see a newman al jazeera window site is french moments of taking their protests to brussels. they're angry at the you and the french government, so what they say are rising prices, taxes and unreasonable ecological legislation. natasha buckler possible
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taking that protest to the heart of the new french farm is demonstrated in brussels . they say the rising cost to new you environmental rules and making that work impossible. the fed up budget for, for the service to i'm so frustration. i love my job, i always have but we can't deal with all these a regulations anymore. let me, social fits were simple, they pose more and more draconian standards on us. but on the other hand, they'll produce isn't protected. like we need to be clean and clean up and they put which costs as more and more, but we're in a global market. so the cheapest way to the french protests, the pulse is a growing european movement began in germany and the medicines in front of them is a big demonstration for more than a week. looking roads in both ways. maybe the south of the country on tuesday assignment, and to do so with killed officer a call. he's
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a blockade of what they were protesting. was just 5 minutes. the gabriella house, the offices in providence kitchen, full face from keith on the you. a whole profession is in morning like a whole rural community is morning. a family is a discharge of the effects each and every one of us telling me to fix the whole country. the growing on rest is a major challenge for the new, the appointed prime minister. the governments made some concessions, including on the fuel costs. farm is still angry, is a compensation from for an impulse, and what they say is excessive. you regulation folks between natal informing representatives on monday. indeed, without agreement, the silver was on so full the difficulties and, and go that farmers feel about the low pay is very real. what we experience on a daily basis on our farms is the lack of pay, the lack of income and choices that reflect the work that we do. the protests. com is come paintings on the way for june to europe and paul demetri elections in from
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marine. the pens far right policy is quoting pharmacy. i'm leading opinion polls making, resulting the crisis ever more urgent for the french government. it's actually about the, i'll just say era virus to the tons of these made opposition. political party is held in nature protests to the 1st time in years. bill position is demanding constitutional reforms to reduce the presidential powers. i'm going to electro bought a more independence. the man who could have become thailand's prime minister has retents parliament after he was acquitted in a cold case, that would have been different politics. but uh, let me just not to was suspended as an empty the holding shares in what was a default media company, tiny change as move from bangkok. heading into cold with his political future in the balance between them during rep, looking relaxed, as he felt his way through crowds of support. as in jim is to get into the constitutional cold. despite his demeanour concerned,
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the cold might well band him from politics as it has with other popular politicians recent years. so it was something of a surprise when and not guilty, verdict was handed down by a margin of 8 to one. the judges agreed that the media company hadn't been active for 17 years, but the judgement would change the fact that peter isn't prime minister, nor is his policy move forward in government. despite a surprise, when in last year's general election, his appointment was posted by the on the like to the of the house. and the policy remains in opposition. anyone could have avoided move forward and pizza audited or either you give up politics and walk away from it, ignore it, you know, hopeless. or you actually, you pay more attention to it and become more helpful. whether it's outside of the parliament for inside of the apartment, because i'm of the people's choice, but the parliament enemy, lou thoughts, previous incarnation, future food was suspended by the court in 2020. the reform is platform. the 1st
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part is well popular as ng good time down to stablish been let's try to shut them down. the call for change and reform and progress in time that is unmistakable index or boy scrolling. so, you know, putting that down, denying it comes out of right, high costs for thailand and for the establishment that runs timing to does the quotes, verdict indicate to change the surprise no guilty validate today and something of a really cool limbs are on run for these not out of the woods yet the policy will be back here in 7 days. time for decision of the constitutional court could season dispatch. as he tried to lead the crowd search for some shouting out prime minister, it's a job, he didn't get this time. but it's still very much in his sites. it's already set up in 5 minutes with joe. now are you happy to sit out in opposition for the rest of this term? or we're, i'm through the 5 minutes 0 candidate according to the constitution. so anything
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that happens then i must say, i'm always ready and willing and able to lead this country going forward. but that depends on the process. thank you so much. tony chang out, is there a bank called the scientists of those the wells. first i'd be a pregnancy in a southern whites rhina. it's how the process can be repeated to save the native extinct northern white rhina. alexandra buys has the story for nadia and and her daughter sat to it's been a day like any other but not for the conservationist who look after them there. the last remaining northern, the white rhinos in the world looked after with extreme care under 24 hour armed guard at the open jetta conservancy. but far from the foothills of mount kenya, scientists have just announced a major breakthrough that could change everything for their species. any important moments and i'm really emotional,
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natalie shakes up an international team of researchers has created the 1st successful.


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