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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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a this from think global trade cause that push off prices on fuel inflation. africa's mounting debt is crippling the confidence development. plus we look at how sleep has turned into a multi $1000000000.00 business. counting the cost on i'll just say around the video and stop cool rules. so it is real must take steps to prevent and punish genocide indoors or the around the clock. this is out 0 life. the holes are coming up for just as outside the international court of justice in the hague demand, strong action cases. so this is the death toll times more than 26000 palestinians have now been killed in his rails. relentless and the heads of the us
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is riley, and the gibson and intelligence agencies are expected to attend negotiation, so that by cutting on and the to the so the judges at the international court of justice of coal. don't israel to take all measures to prevent and punish genocide and gather the 17 judge bench view and the top cool. all right. did is relative to more to help palestinian civilians by allowing in more humanitarian aid and also pulled on how much to release the hostages. it continues to hold the as your motor, as part of the case brought by south africa accusing is relative genocide in the gaza. strip more than 26000 palestinians have been killed in israel's war on gaza since october. while the president of the international court of justice outlined the measures that israel must take immediate. so the course indicates the following
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original measures. one by 15 votes to to the state of israel shell in accordance with his obligations under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in relation to this house. the names of guys that take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 is a convention, in particular, a killing members of the group be causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. see deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction and hold for in part in the imposing measures intended to prevent birth within the group. in favor, president donahue, vice president of oregon, judges tonka. behind the noun, yourself to a bundari robinson salon. he was our noted chatsworth,
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french judge at hawk percent k against judge said a 10 day judge at hawk or rock by 15 votes to to the state of israel shall ensure with immediate effect that it's military does not commit any acts described in point one above me favor, president donahue, vice president of oregon judges tomko behind the noun, uses sch way bundari robinson. so he was so no to charlesworth, brand judge, had talked with cent, okay. against judge said, attend a judge at hawk, the rock or by 16 votes to one. the state of israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip in favor,
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president donahue, vice president of oregon, judges tompkins. behind the noun uses sch way bundari robinson. so he was our not that charles was brand judges ad hoc rock syndicate against judge 17 by 16 loads to one. the state of israel shell take immediate and effective measures to ensure the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. in favor, president donahue, vice president of oregon, judges tonka. behind the noun, a yourself to a bundari robinson. so he was so no to charles, where is brant? judges ad hoc rock. the seneca against the sub,
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attended by 15, goes to the state of israel, shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of article 2 and article 3 of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide against members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip and favor. president donahue, vice president of oregon, judges tompkins, behind the noun. it used to tre. bundari robinson. so um it was our no to charles worth. brent judge at hawk was sent against judge said the 10 day judge had talked rock as 515 goes to to the state of israel shall submit a report to the court. an all measures taken to give effect to this order within one month. as from the date of the order in favor, president donahue,
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vice president of oregon, judges tompkins, behind the noun that uses to a bundari robinson. so us, so no to charles worth. brant judge ad hoc was indicating against judge. so attend a judge at hawk brock. that's presiding judge, join donahue of united states while there are things instead of operations in south africa or off to the i c. j really south africa's minutes difference of national relations lady pendle has think judges for dealing with this case. actually. she says the un coats ruining implies a safe spot is essential in gaza. i believe that in exercising. uh the uh old uh that would have to be a ceasefire without its the old uh doesn't actually work. so i would, i would have one to this thing is fine, specifically,
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school know they didn't tell you, disapprove, but how they didn't specify that. and i'm, i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hoped for it. but the fact of deliberating, humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is competing for me requires a ceasefire about israel's prime minister has rejected the international court of justice as ruling 20. it outrages benjamin netanyahu says this company will continue to do what is necessary to defend itself. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false is rages and this and people everywhere should reject it is on the eve of the international a holocaust remembered. stay, ident pledge, as israel's prime minister. never again, israel continued to defend itself against come us a genocidal tear organization. on october 7th,
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i must perpetrated the most horrific atrocities against the jewish people since the holocaust. and it vows to repeat these atrocities again and again and again, our wars against combust service, not against palestinian civilians. we will continue to facilitate humanitarian assistance and to do our utmost to keep civilians out of harm's way, even as come us use as civilians as human shields. we will continue to do what is necessary to defend our country and defend our people. let's close out a judge pays who's been monitoring everything that's been getting on the hagen jones. first of all, how important is this rude in terms of israel's war on draws of the i think it's an important ruling. it's the decision of the court. i think it was interesting to listen to the judge reading out the detailed decision of this court . because when you listened to her and her details that she went through them and
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it was quite long, it took the best part of of 45 minutes. she explained that pretty much the court agrees with the argument of south africa, a breeze, in the urgency and the severity of the situation. the fact things could get worse. she quoted senior un officials the on the 2nd general, you monetary affairs, the u. n. a sec cuz you general coating the situation. a catastrophe. she said that in the cause view, these r o x, the close of late come on the following south africa's argument come under the provisions of the genocide convention where she differed from south africa was in terms of the provisional measures that south africa suggested versus the provisional measures that she actually ordered in the court of the 17 judges ordered in this case, because that was the specific
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a cold by south africa for the regency spot. and the court has ordered that israel must stop doing things that could lead to genocide. now the south african minnes up made it clear that she believes that that includes as the spa, that if you, if israel was to follow and comply with this, and they have to have a seized box in order to get all the extra humanitarian aid in order to prevent the masking of civilians as has been taking place now for more than 3 months. but it's not that specifically. and i think israel and possibly the united states will be pleased about that. but there's not a specific um, cold for a c spot. which of course could, if there's a gun, it's a, as, as it's like the, at some point in the coming months to a know the resolution and the un security council. that might be something that the, that the us can point to when, if the us decides us again to use is vito in the un security council to block
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a c spa as a say the south africans saying that not disappointed. and certainly that's the public position, but it would, i think of being um if, if the word c spa and an agency spa had to bring in the ruling, would have put a even more pressure on israel. and those that are supporting his route and continuing its bombardment. no to be of course the united states. right. let's explore that a little bit more. but 1st, if you would tell us more about the implications for israel in what it does immediately as far as goes, was concerned, kind of just carry on in the way that it has been a well, remember, this is a legally binding ruling by the top code in the un system, israel is one of the 193 members of the united nations. 8 should comply with this, but israel's not comply with readings of this cool before. and you've already heard
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the statement of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu showing his disdain for south africa's case. and it seems for what the court has now ruled here. what is interesting is that, although this case goes on potentially for a couple of years, there's a much more important timeline out of this. now is there, i was being told that he must come up with a report in a months time to explain how it is complying with the court's rulings of israel does defy this court then that in the months time i think it things will come to a head again, when that report is supposed to be delivered to the school. so increase pressure on israel. but also i think of the international community. all of the country is united nations will be listening to this judgment. realizing that the court does believe that the genocide convention is relevant in this case, the south africa's case has been taken very,
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very seriously by this court. and i think that might change the international opinion on what's going on in garza. although, if you look at the, the international landscape right now, most of the countries in the world already are on board with the audio. and we just see spots and increasingly a polled by the continuing of orleans and of the increasing dest soul. in garza. and they are at gyms to live with that space uptake. thank you. let's go to the hospital now to a reference southern gaza target who is, is standing by for us the entire cuz the say you are the focus of everything that's been going on during this is really on sold. and now the focus of the decisions of the international court of justice, what's being the reaction to what we've heard yes, disappointments is the reaction among palestinians in terms of the uh, the resolutions of the rulings that today here that i've been had international
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court of justice regarding the evidence provided by itself. so if we can terms of a criminalizing isabel to mention, give aside the tax on society territory. now, palestinians have have the hearing of the ruling today as they have been hearing that the national court of justice has as well to avoid committing acts of genocide involves alongside with allowance to move humanitarian aids to be delivered into the territory and not palestinian sees se generally that there was no any kinds of change practically took place on the grounds here as well as rounding up submitted, treat our tax equity, charles, which is only the past 24 hours more than $180.00 palestinians being killed with mos on august. the $370.00 out as being warranted. and this is completely happened as the, the routing loss here as was hed international court of justice. thomas deals also say that they wanted to hear an olds up by
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d i c j in terms of reaching a ceasefire. or quoting to see spar that might bring a complete so say you should have ministry ads on the ground fox, they are completely disappointed again, we have been hearing from residents inside dropbox that they have been let down again by the international just as well because it it that it's, it's a very good about to step taken that also, but it's been a lot of pressure is of the fact on the grounds continues to intensify. its military attacks, especially against civilians, was more than $26000.00 policy is being killed alone. also, with more than 20 a 64000 about us being wounded since the beginning of this conflict tart. thanks for that. update the from a reference southern dallas and target to resume reporting. let's cross now to tell of eve to how do i go, how much joints is from that? so what reaction would be having to do this?
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well we do, we did here from present and from prime minister benjamin netanyahu basically had a very defiant, don't saying that israel will continue to protect itself, meaning that it will continue it's war and gaza. we also heard from defense minister, you'll have guidelines who just said that israel did not need any more preaching from the, in their natural court of justice. and then we also heard from benny gans who also who is a former chief of staff, a former defense minister, and now a member of the war cabinet saying that israel says start duty to continue undefended 7, those who should have been in the dark at the a r a is how much it does are mazda does gary out a, a genocide, the act against israel by large. i think that israel is quite satisfied about the fact that there was not the provisional made of measurement calling directly for
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a seas fire bought. it does as one come and data is really tv. uh, put it a yellow card to israel and one that it did not expect at least not to this extent . i think israel was counting on the fact that they were several western judges at the hague and that they would vote in favor of israel, mainly do us japan, australia, slovakia, and process that did not happen in all of the provisions. and on top of that you had that is really judge who voted in 2 provisions, games, israel, the one of incitement, and the one of the more humanitarian a. so i think that comes like a huge shock. not only does really government but to the is really a public who are really counting on that division among the judges at the hague. and then when it comes to the ins site meant that is a really
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a debate that has been going on even before today. so that it's really those inflammatory statements by the highest levels of the government here that lead to this situation, or like some people call it this debacle for israel. and it said that if that hadn't happened then probably is drugs would have never been under the limelight in such a way that is actually at the end of the day, a stay on the reputation of the country. but again, we're talking about incitement. people are say, well, the attorney general has already said that he will take action of a, i guess those who said it, but it didn't stop people like it's a more been via, for example, we shortly after the ruling went on to call at the court. the hicks meg and calling it and do some magic. i'm just wondering if it is real expect the votes to go the way that they did. i don't
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think it did expect it to go and the way it did in the sense that it was expecting that maybe to call for more humanitarian aid, it was expecting that it would be a division among the judges. and that then after that, a judge, israel could use itself power to pursue aid of the country, of those judges to a, to be in favor of it. also to need to be able to have multiple political maneuvering at the un security goes and it did not expect to have all these votes that were basically 15 versus to a 16 when these really judge also voted, i guess is what it did. not expect that a drawer and, you know, i think people here keep on saying over and over again, we did not start this. ward was how much we started this. well, we did not want this war, but there is never
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a debate on whether this is on whether it is what was responsible was a big question on whether israel went too far when it came to civilian casualties. even though that is really army itself. admits that at least 60 percent of the casualties in gaza, our civilian is that is something that is of no concern for it is really public, neither it is really government. so in that this really government feels it strong of popular support here. they may as well, but it does admit that this regardless of if it's a bad day for israel, it has said it's reputation. and that probably the, you know, does lie that israel has always been floating each time does a war each time. it does a crisis with palestinian is as it has the most moral army in the world. but that is something that israel cannot say so proudly anymore because of what
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has unfolded in the hague at the moment. how do i find? so that's how the, how much the in the tele vive and let's get more reaction. we can hang out for me. i don't, mikey, who is the palestinian for a minister saying that the ruling from the i. c. j is clear. but it's donald williams, the provisional measures, although it is by the international court of justice. today the i, c. j judges assessed the fox and the little they're all in favor of you might need to be on the international. we call in all the states to ensure that all provision on measures or the by the court arctic implemented, including my is the complaint power. this is a binding legal obligation states. now how to clearly the geishas default is what is the most item war when the senior people in gaza and to make sure that they are not complicit. dicey j o, there is an important reminder that no state is about the little bit speak now to
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need a brand. new joints is from reminder in the occupied westbank and need to be occupied . westbank a seems so much the full out from israel's onslaught on does that what, what's being the reaction where you are? slough house. it is what tell you now that they've been disappointed by the court's decisions, because many here would expect the thing or at least hoping for a call towards a ceasefire. they say that they do not want the palace, city is to be killed while they have food. they don't want the past indians to continue to be under bombardment. why they have a, the main and the most important thing that they want is to stop the blood set to stop the killing. and they believe that that would have put it basically boundaries for israel that has been cracking down above part of city is not just in the besieged because it's true, but also here in the occupied to us to bank as well. they tell you that already,
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after more than 25900 palestinians have been killed in the b, c is garza's to thousands of or under that are both more than 60000 injured in the a call for some provisional measures that does not include a ceasefire a call for a seas far steps towards from what color scheme is really need. right now we are talking about palestinians who have been long saying that they've been disappointed unless zone now only by the international community, but also by the un institutions that have so many resolutions that called for israel to stop it's indian sacraments expansion to respect its obligations. under international law and even those decisions have not been met when it comes to the obligations of israel under international law. many years said that the courts have chosen somewhat of agree area and political correctness over protecting the lives of the palestinian people. but i have to say that speaking to some diplomats,
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some palestinians who have been working in the international arena and they were telling me that at least, you know, we'll take it, at least this is a step in the right direction. this is a step that shows that israel will be held accountable at some stage in an international tribunal that may, you know, the, this might put this role in a position that it will re think about this decision. it's actions against pos been, isn't indeed, it's remarks that we've been seeing a lot of in fighting against palestinians and against their very existence. they believe that maybe the court's decision. no. by accepting the jurisdiction by also accepting that there is a conflict means that there was a case to be held that there's a case to be discussed. and that would pull so many questions for so many international uh, western countries that have been supporting israel not just politically, but also admitted. highly interesting need i think so that does need to abraham and i know romano are in the occupied westbank. i'm going to take someone need his points on the, with mom to show our political on this as a mine,
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what's your sense of what these decisions, layouts and the implications for don't just is ralph, but for us back us to depends on one's expectations. right. and a number of legal scholars we had on i'll just the, or the past number of days have a, gave a very sobering view regarding regarding the, the provision of ceasefire. if i remember correctly, the 3 or 4 i heard said they don't expect the court even if the court does pick on the case that they would not pick on the, the bit about the measured about a ceasefire because they do not think this is where the court would be heading was such a case, especially because the water is not between 2 states and there is no guarantee that the other party will cease fire and so on, so forth. so i think the most important thing that a lot of people on social media, because that's what the discussions and the debates are going on are missing.
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because they've been expectations for some reason that this is the world save you is not the worst save you. it's a court of justice as not of savior. it's not going to do anything the morning after the fix. the decision is just a decision. it's binding, but it's not enforceable. so i think the, the importance of this decision is its own model and the great not, or it's immediate effect on the ground that me, i, and the rest of us, i think, who been following this and you know what? you're watching. the heart wrenching images from guys i would have wanted to cease fire. there's no doubt right. i don't say that judges believe for whatever reason, that is our, if it must conduct a war, it must do it in a way that does not contravene the genocide convention. it should not be target. thanksgiving is on so on so forth. but in the end of the day, what i take away from this today is that is our end today. based on trial for
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genocide or is read is 13 o 4 genocide based on the evidence provided by the south african team by you and agencies. and by the coloration. so official declaration of israeli leaders. and i think there is a clear case here where to buy the the court decided that yes, south africa has a reason to bring up the case in front of the i c j. and that the i c j does think that there is a reasonable evidence for why it needs to pursue this case of genocide. the guess is right. but what did you make of what the, the south african minister neither bundle was saying about, you know, the way she was asked whether or not she was disappointed about the lack of seats for on. she wouldn't be drawing on that. but she said she wanted to see if i didn't come, but she said, the, how do you stop the killing, which is the effective edict of the, of the ruling and provide aid, which is another one without a ceasefire. exactly,
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and these are the words of the united nations secretary general. mr. gutierrez, for the past several weeks. he's been stay, think it again. and again. as late as the day before, yesterday, he was once again at the united nations security council. it was underlining the fact that you cannot distribute humanitarian aid to the people who knew the most without the ceasefire. that despite the decision by the united nations security council to distribute aid that the various instruments on vehicle was needed to distribute that ed, i'm not able to do it because there is no c 5 because the military bombing and on so forth by is there a continuing can hence, i think that tells us a lot about what the next step uh need to be a new been added uh for much with the past. oh do. is that what does this mean for the un security council? right. mm hm. i mean, how was that you on speaker of the account. so now take this and how will the united states that you can germany for the support thing is right,
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the past 4 months. how was it inter but right there. well, we're going to take that point on right now, but not with you. mullin for the time being. thanks very much. and dave, we're going to take it over putty co haines, who joins us from washington, dc for the latest in passing. so what all the implications of the united states from this really, especially as we look ahead to somewhere down the line, another un security council meeting these implications are absolutely huge for the united states. if they had said, if the court said you need to have a cease fire, it's very likely that the by the ministration would come out and reject it. they've been saying all along, we don't support a ceasefire. what the court has done is tell israel to do exactly what the us presidents been telling them to do. he said that the, in his words, indiscriminate bobby needs to stop, that there needs to be targets a bill of targeted operations that some billions need to be protected. now there's actually no evidence that israel has followed any of those assets. but now that
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a court has asked, it just gives more weight to what the president has been calling for, saying when it comes to aid, they have been saying that aid needs to get into gaza. it is an absolutely horrible situation as our viewers well are. well aware of, so now the court has said that what bind is said to do is exactly what israel needs to do. so now the question of un security council is, is really ignores this and it does get brought up before the un security council. of course, people are expecting that the us is going to veto any sort of resolution which they've been doing. this puts them in a much tougher position because the court is just saying, do what do us as you should be doing? now, will they possibly use that veto? we haven't had any reaction from the people in the building behind me. we don't expect, we'll probably hear anything for several hours if they did want to try and find a way out of this would seem to call them basically hypocrites if they reject the.


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