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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:28pm AST

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price hikes and forced evictions. and i'm like these candidates and spain emerges from this quadrant time and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community space, housing stack, a witness documentary, or now to 0, the israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention. in relation to palestinians in gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. a historic ruling, the international court of justice says, israel must stop coming, palestinians in gaza and insurance forces, do not commit genocide. the,
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remember about this and this is your life and don't have also coming off todd side, but hey, the protests and celebrate the items. is ruling and call for more to be done to save lives in distress. the objectives is what it is already. so this bottom civilians west have fun, eunice and palestinian say extreme hunger has turned to famine. desperate people are reduced to eating animal faith encroaching a trucks. the we're going to begin with that landmark willing and the international court of justice. the world's top court has ordered israel to take measures to prevent genocide in gaza. it's the 1st one and the case filed by south africa against israel. the i c. j 100 done 6 provisional measures. they call in israel to take
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immediate and effective measures to stop kenning palestinians bound to ensure its military prevent sites of genocide from being committed. so the court considers that with regard to the present situation, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention in particular, a killing groups that members of the group be causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. see deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of vice calculated to bring about its physical destruction and holler in part in the imposing measures intended to prevent 1st within the group. or did somebody get into james? veins is that peg was more on the judge's moving. they basically accepted old
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arguments that were made by south africa. they accepted the urgency, the severity of the situation. they found that it was possible, but was israel was doing well acts that were covered by the genocide convention. and they laid out some of the things that is valid said including statements through the president of israel, from the defense minister of israel to the court. agreed was the humanizing language a specifically at one of one group being the palestinians, despite all that, they didn't come up with what south africa dos for which was very, very specific measures in terms of the orders in these so called provisional measures. and instead of the code has come up with something a little broad, a saying that israel must take every measure possible to avoid acts that could lead to genocide. now the south africans and the south african minister said she would have liked them to have the specific sanction, all, but let me just see,
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saw to be put in place. but she felt that the broader thing that the cortez has ordered actually must mean the seas fall must be put in place. but i have to say no one here is, is thinking that it's very likely that israel will now say, well, the court said this, so we're going to have an immediate cease thought. we know that this state that has been shown by is right the ministers towards the south african case. and we've already heard these ready prime minister probably making it pretty clear that they are not going to cease that bombardment. those countries that don't currently support and regency scott and it goes to notable ones of those all in europe, the u. k. and germany. but of course the one that is used it's vito power in the un security council. the block, a c spa opponent member, the security council, the most notable one, israel's main back of the united states. it says release the stipend, welcoming,
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and the decision of the international court of justice. the group says it's urging the international community to force israel to implement the court's decisions and stop the ongoing crime of genocide against palestinians. alma says the court's decision opens the way for is really latest to be held accountable for their crimes . and to or from the rights to palestinian people to self determination. the group also says that appreciates the genuine possession of the republic of south africa, its support for power steering and people. and it's believe from the justice of the palestinian calls. meanwhile, and guys of the situations becomingly increasingly desperate, it is around all, all of them all are not sore hospitals and the size of under heavy fire. the facilities are close to be coming in. no trouble from palestine. insight, extreme hunger is beginning to tip into finding these are the military is open, fight on displaced people in the all the regional fun eunice, local sources say a number have been injured. and the fears of an arrest campaign that
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a couple assume isn't that all fine, southern gaza. so let's quickly just talk about the reaction in gaza to this reading by the international court of justice. the yes um the palestinians. today we're, we're hearing to the routing made by the international court of justice as they have been seeing the old is made for ease. rather, that representative didn't allow for more humanitarian aids to gotten to gauze island sides with also prevent the genocide across the territory. gates, palestinian civilians, ball palestinians, generally i had a sense of frustration. depression is due to the fact that they were waiting for a ceasefire older and opposed to say should have military acts on the ground. they've been speaking to people in it, showing god understanding their reactions towards this guy saying that they are feeling that the dimensional justice this time did not be at bro to palestinians
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are due to the fact that a policy ends up being killed on an hourly basis. as the numbers of casualties of months, it continues to go. is that on site also with more than $180.00 policy is being killed in the past 24 hours. despite that, they believe that this step is very essential to show that trustees have the genocidal attacks committed by his val inside got killed for more than 110 days on daily basis. they're struggling to have access to who to go to an old basic. this is a piece, but generally they have a belief, a very deep understanding regarding for international efforts made to bring that in to the fighting on the ground. but be expected something better from the international court of justice has the r did not host of issue or any resolution representative on the return of the majority of destiny's people to the homes in
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the north of his central goals, the city and the expansion of the military strikes and military campaign by his bed inside garza con unit, which is also a j. u. some a to, to not for hospital where a group of residents were surprised by the existence of these very forces, recommending them to sleep at 2 rough or has the work leading. they have been shot by these very, a soldiers will work in the region. and this is a part of the disparity genocidal attacks had been committed and carries out against civilians was trying to seek safety in the con eunice while the b b low. we can say that the attached to the vicinity of the muscle hospital did not stop onto the machine and continue to bombard the vicinity of the mass of hospital work. patients in factories and medical teams are trapped inside the house. so being on april to get out to due to the intern supplying great. so as strikes, people are fleeing to ruffle, which was in the past few minutes being targeted. especially, you know,
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milwaukee area where the make shift and have been attacked at this time. for one palestinians killed alongside. you show inside this makes your friends and you, big to wait to for the medical treatment. so with this phone getting a turn on the new place to save for kind of see, and even for those people, you would find the bottom the to as well. all right, thank you very much. again, kind of covers them in the process for more than the ice, which is routing and the situation you guys are enjoying whether you're in special russell to around the occupied palestinian territories. francesca albany is that she's joining us from june. it's very good to have you with us and i'll just do that. thank you very much. the international court of justice didn't specifically call far as he's finding the address that and it's running. i will domestic, should people in guys a be after this a hi road. i understand the frustration and despair of
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the people in gossip who just needs to see the end of this order or the end of the cds. at the same time, i'm quite positive on this uh, on this year inc. and watch the court ordered because a search for so it does dismissed. and israel's request to know to consider the case. he does recognize the growth of energy that to the diesel is doing, might reach the genocide convention, constituents. the procedure is quite genocide and uh, in the cord as precise meetings refer to genocide as the denial of existence. although people on the scene and people. so the recognition that what he's really is doing amounts to these fees is incredibly important because eventually, genocide, the way i see genocide is the rather dorman gene of said the this,
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which is the overall complex, the reach, the kind i sold. today's guy describes it itself. and the core to as recommended, a number of measures that seeing the fine and cool you, terry, compared to what these are all of these julie a means to seize, keeping on people, destruction of civilian infrastructure are, can you hear the hospital seizing, starving, disobedient scene, gaza so ultimately what the court is born, jerry, is that what he's role has been doing until now. he's brought to an end. and he by recognizing the rules of the g o, genocide, the court that puts a clear obligation also reminds of a clear obligation. the member states have to prevent the general signed. so in my view um from estates responsibility justification other than the sectional cvt you
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mentioned, and i hope i hope i'm getting this right. you mentioned earlier that you, you saw this kind of violence was part of, i think it was set for violence. might have been the phase that you use, correct me if i'm wrong with that. but of course that is something that we're seeing in other parts of the occupied territories as well. and dr. bodies jerusalem . and honestly precisely, of course, what the palestinians in gaza are experiencing ease. and i'm president, it is cation of violence. dead ultimately is not new in the sense it has been, it does being there to end to the decades of overdue patients, that other students have experience in the combined policy and territory and the, then the violence said the apology and some people have the policy and as a people have been yours for 75 years, i mean the fact that's how we got both brought the knack box at the very beginning
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of the year and roll submission to the core to be so significant. any nice is what is happening today in a broader historical and still enduring call text. indeed, what's happening to the amount of students in the west bank is on the surface of the lower in terms of the intensity. um, but again that they are experiencing force displacement summary executions. secular volume image. so is the overall context on the new patient which has been your call and get it all set to the practices that he's, he's 14 question today. there's running is binding, but it's not enforceable by the i c j just because of the way it's structured. it has to go to the un security council for any enforcement action or support to take place. how do you think that this is going to resonate with those allies,
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a visual that'd be supporting it to the action is being taking? i'm thinking obviously of the united states particularly which is exercised, is vito on several occasions. and i think that it's going to be more difficult to, to, to defend israel's sense. and it's true that the united states have often used a their be to power to prevent development. busy measure self justice. but i think it's going to be different for you to lee of the countries which have a key or status on respect for international. so i do expect the changes, but of course those who are ok, giving the human rights community, needs to remain on the beach and at the end, continue there and continue their, their action to put the pressure on their goal. them is. and i would say not just in the west, this is something that needs to resonate also has shown as the source on
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a need to go across the world. but this is a global test for international justice. and it applies to the west to the rest, including the countries. francesca alban is, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just say i'm, i'm thank you very much indeed for your time. you as it was, prime minister has rejected the international court of justice is really calling it outrageous. benjamin netanyahu says government will continue, which was on gaza. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is a regions and decent people everywhere should reject it. is on the eve of the international a holocaust. remember it's day ident pledge, as israel's prime minister. never again, israel will continue to defend itself against come us a genocidal turner organization. on october 7th, i must perpetrated the most horrific atrocities against the jewish people. since
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the holocaust and it vows to repeat these atrocities again and again and again. our wars against come us service, not against palestinian civilians. we will continue to facilitate you man, to turn assistance, and to do our utmost to keep civilians out of harm's way, even as come us use as civilians as human shields. we will continue to do what is necessary to defend our country and defend our people. as far right, security, minnesota, it's not been there also reacted to the world quotes for me. they appear to market the decision by messaging, quote, hague shade on the social media side x. daniel dave is a farmer is running negotiator and he one that is already at risk of violating the i. c j is court order. this is a good day that for, for the, for inciting to genocide. israel now is being towed you have the right to self defense. we did international not with a what could possibly be genocide because the cold case goes forward. i think
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there's rel, we'll have to be careful. israel has to report in 30 days for it can be in violation of this court order. what to the countries to what to those who been providing the 2000 pound bulbs like the united states of america. do expose standing now in front of a well that looks at this and sees a shift in the geo political order. a south africa brings this case and gets a remarkable outcome. south african president sit around the close that has been celebrating the success of south africa's case the cables and for tony over the supporters. when the i see, judge judgements came through the south african government. welcome to professional measures as a decisive victory for the international rule. of law, i'm going to live to find the miller in johannesburg. so why is south africa being
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so the time to bring this case and what's the reaction being to the building as well? i think the silver i'm a poor. so these are the african president, touched on that in the address he made the following, that a ruling and that he had said that the pain of experienced by the palestinians was similar to the pain, to the disposition to the oppression that was experienced by south africans. during a party and it's for this reason alone with being a signatory to the genocide convention that the government was duty bound to taking it to the international court of justice. and this really spokehurst on the palestinian struggle and the struggle for liberty. but was also generally about humanity. we also heard from the lady, bundle, she's the minister of international relations. and she had said that one of the ramifications from this older would be that institutions like the i, c, j, have
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a role in terms of defending and protecting humanity. and they should be bound in terms of carrying out their duties. and this would have a long lasting impact. we have at some other reaction in south africa. we're generally people up please that the i, c, j has acknowledged what people in palestine, what people in gaza a going through. um, by acknowledging that the, as the south african government said this was possible, supposedly genocidal. and to that, to some extent, israel would be held to account ultimately many would have wanted in order for a complete ceasefire, but as a minister of international relations and pointed out that ensuring that civilians lives on take and ensuring that the zoo mandatory and aid would ultimately or could imply that it would require some sort a ceasefire from it. i thank you very much indeed. formative miller talking to some johannesburg as well. a lack of food and water in guys feeling widespread hunger across the strip to you and says about a hoss the population is at risk of starvation,
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including hundreds of thousands of children. palestinians are desperately searching for food every day. the sun coming on to fire from use really metric got your locals all day on. as more desperation is growing by the day with hunger be coming from their booth for many of cost because of the thousands of palestinians around a truck delivering date in carson city. but there's not enough for everyone, sam, and is now a reality for many health workers worn. it's one that will likely get worse. and that's where the head of the situation be tragic. the word from in doesn't do justice with misery, isn't enough. people are eating folder and that's the routine animals, water, electricity, and internet has been comp, food, and flowers. limited surviving is just so challenging. many displays families who have lost everything over the last 3 months. have to wait for days for
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a single 2nd, a flower or we have the the we don't have jobs and we don't have money. the price of a sucker flyer used to be $10.00. now. so for 200, we came here to face death just for the sake of having one bag of flour. while some people have been killed while waiting for 8 to gaza. health ministry says it's really forces recently killed at least 20 postings who were lined up in waiting for food deliveries. a sense of despair spreading was a lot of pain that we are starving. we have to eat animal food. we don't care about death anymore. they can kill me, just wanted to have a bag of flour to give my family, with little to no chance of getting flower. some people are using animal fodder to make their bread. that's until it also runs out how sinew workers so you, their options are vanishing. so kind of how that could for the kids. if you go to get flower, you will die. and if you stay at home,
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you will also die from hunger and we started eating rice and lentils either. and now the rice has run out. you wouldn't officials say a quarter of gospel is population of 2300000 men, women and children spacing starvation. and as the war continues, more palestinians are likely to see a similar effect. patsy, a little physical again. now it is here. the 2nd look at some of the days of the news, not the state of alabama is carried out the 1st execution of a prisoner in the united states by using nitrogen gas 58 year old kevin smith was put to death for his role in the 1988 murder christians to them, he has more as far as the state of alabama is concerned, the execution was the success. smith was pronounced to cease by positions at
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82558 year old kenneth smith convicted for his role in a 1988 murder for hire was forced to breed nitrogen gas. a form of suffocation was strapped to a gurney. journalists were allowed to watch. he appeared conscious for several minutes and to the execution. for about 2 minutes following that can a smith shook and rides for about 2 minutes on a gurney. that was followed by several minutes of deep breath smith's lawyer say the use of nitrogen gas violated the u. s. constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. a view back by demonstrators who oppose the death penalty united nations experts warranted could be painful and would likely violate prohibitions on torture. but the u. s. supreme court denied smith's appeal. jeff hood, his spiritual advisor, was with him at the end. over and over again. we were said that this was going to
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be the most humane execution that humanity has ever ever experienced. there is no doubt that even the most hopeful of parsons could not look at what we saw tonight and see any sort of humane. this was the 2nd attempt to execute smith in 2022 prison officials spent hours trying to give him a legal injection, but never hit a vein going forward. alabama as well as 2 other states that still allow capital punishment planned to use nitrogen to inflict the ultimate punishment. kristen salumi, algebra, stelito, brazil is that you had allow me indigenous people to say they're losing a battle to save the amazon rain forest land from illegal gold miners. and you're a good president. little of the silver declared humanitarian emergency. and sudden military foresight. the machines destroy everything to legal mind is using machines,
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destroy everything. they destroy the fluoride, they poisoned the volta and the fish. the fish are food, the food that the native people eat. we don't have shops like you have in the cities. we preserved food, french farmers are blocked, some of the countries may most of ways with tractors and a protest in mining urgent action and low prices for agricultural approaches. they're accusing the government, i'm not helping to cope with what they say are excessive regulations and low prices that they're getting for their projects. long stretches of some of the countries main roads will be blocked. now the top of the hour, we're going to have more reaction to the i. c. j is willing ordering israel to take measures to prevent genocide in gaza kata is the latest state to respond. it's welcome to ruling cause played a key role in negotiations between israel on homeless for the lease of captives and supplying humanitarian aid that the weather is next. and then it's going to be inside. so don't forget the website, of course,
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all the 0 dot com. i'm roll madison. stay with us on, on the the a hello that will have a look at african in a moment, this last of the middle east and live and, and we're seeing some very unsettled weather conditions. pulling off from the mediterranean, bringing heavy rain to parts of the event. if we take a closer look, we're going to see the rain sleep into israel and the occupied palestinian territories with thunder showers for gaza of the next few days. as it goes saturday into sunday. the rain does ease, it pushes as wait for the east, so bringing a wintery edge. so to pots of took a wintry weather as well, affecting iran and for the field. but for the south of this, despite some cloud, there was more in the way of sunshine across the gulf, we could see some breezy conditions blowing down,
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taking up some dust for southern pots of saudi arabia and wind and dust is a story for the north of africa, we've got the hon. nation winds blowing out towards the west and pots of africa, and as long as each why across the north, still some showers being blown down from nobody. flo, it's northern areas of libya because we head south. this is what we're seeing west of the weather across that central band of africa. heavy rains that come from the likes of tanza near to some of the story for eastern areas of south africa. you can see a pulls in that on sunday morning, but the heavy rain were tons late in the afternoon, but it is looking clearer if window in cape town of the political seeking media feels like something is wrong, the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire here in the rise of anxiety. are you doing scrolling radio tape or i'd be that to that just
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like exploring how x is central switch to lights impact the human psyche apocalypse made coming soon on outsourcing. what's the risk of india turning into a hindu nation? 5 minutes and their end from moody has just presided over the consecration of a highly controversial temple. he says it marks a turning point. what does that mean for secularism in india? this isn't side store the .


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