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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm AST

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the us to happen to next to the stream on out to 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is the news our on algae 0 for the back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the conventions. on historic phoning, the international court of justice says israel must stop cannon policy ends in guys
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law and ensure its forces do not commit genocide. the charge of genocide level against is or is not only form regions. israel remains defiance. prime minister netanyahu says he has no intention of quitting the campaign in. also the size of the as the i, c j gives it's really is really so just spy on civilians in the west of con, goodness and bodies to me and say extreme hunger has to turn to find me in desperate people are reduced to eating animal feed. and crowding age, the it is a 1900 gmc and we begin waves and historic rolling at the international court of justice and was top court has ordered israel take measures to prevent genocide in
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gaza. it's a 1st rolling in a case find by south africa against israel b i. c, j handed down 6 provisional measures. they call on these rather take immediate and effective measures to stop getting palestinians and ensure it's military prevent acts of genocide from being committed. so the court considers that with regard to the present situation, israel must, in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention in particular, a killing groups of members of the group be causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. see deliberately inflicted under group conditions of vice calculated to bring about its physical destruction in holland, in part and the imposing measures intend to prevent 1st within the group. now
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of final runing on whether israel is committing genocide in guys that is expected to take years of deliberation, not the court. south africa's for administer says the case was to ensure international bodies did not ignore the situation in gossip. and now that's as the situation in guys becoming increasingly desperate areas around a mile and masa hospitals in the 7 guys under heavy fire, the facilities i chose to be coming inoperable, and palestinian 6th street and hunger is beginning to tip into from it. let's go straight to gaza and find tie a couple of them was in rav 4, so target is, is icy j rolling today. and his story cooling is it all changing? israel is war. contact is military tactics and got the yes fully. there was no, any kinds of i need to talk to move developments in terms of the military is very
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tactics inside the operations. those that the are happening bottles with palestinian flight just in the city of 5 units and also in the middle govern. 8 of the territory, but we've been witnessing within the past few hours, more is valley attacks and ought to be shooting of the main central areas of han eunice as these really forces are completely destroyed. residential buildings alongside with all the stuff of abutment that had since the hours of today's morning killing at least 28 palestinians, the raging bottles, the uh, with the uh, scripts but also uh, within the past few hours the classes have been aging. uh, close that to a mazda of hospital where the uh is ready, forces are completely targeting the vicinity of the hospital, driving the medical teams from easily, uh, moving team site to vicinity were outside of it, as by tools every day and every single hour. excessive pays, but generally there is no deductible development. we have been seeing these very forces are forcing more people to flee more to run
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a 100 items from apartments within the past few hours. right. and i want to talk to you, terry, about a specific incident in guns or this friday. let's take a look. first of the, this is when these really military open fire on disgrace people in the outside area of con, eunice and southern gaza. the sources say a number of people were injured and the off he is that he's really forces may be preparing to arrest and launch numbers in the area. so kind of what more can you tell us about this specific area and what happened to the yes, fully. now those people in con, units, especially in up the neighborhoods, had been surrounded by the us very soon, which is where a surprisingly existing in that place. they have older people to sleep, taking a certain roads to walk off. but as they were fleeing,
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these very forces had opened the fire against loose people were a number of them being ended up being also taken back to most of the hospital for treatments. this is not the only the 1st time that these very forces were doing that earlier. they have also surrounded the main central 3 neighborhoods of claudia in a city where there are thousands of people are living inside. these people has been informed by the ministry as we've been hearing from a number of them who likely managed to get to run by. you have been told by these very forces to leave taking certain roads. that is not the full several by the way, because that is where the transfer existing and station best. but they were taking minor roads to run where they had been also attacked by these very times as they were leading death. describing the situation to be completely dangerous and or, or a rescue jenny that just said it to be one of the hardest that'd be, have been taken since october, the 7th, but the tax on the, on the central neighborhoods of honey, this continues as also,
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i guess people who are trying to lead to roughly speaking, safety had been on the fire. we did today's evacuation, and terry coming back to the icj is ruling. it's a provisional measures that were ordered today. one of them, of course, calls for increased age, monetary and age into gaza, which is still not happening. and we even have a 4th of these really protesters, again attempting to block age from entering the gaza strip of the yes, what we've been seeing today is all kinds of partial aids being delivered into a gauze of despite the previous un resolution of increasing the capacitive ace into the territory, and right now with the older it should by the national court of justice to allow for move you mandatory and supplies to get into the territory. we did not see more testable developments regarding this plot. people also in gaza are very desperate needs for such much needed supply, especially for those who are living in the most wonderful areas of fighting in
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a gauze, especially in the north. they have been waiting for long weeks for a to be delivered back, especially with events, 3 acute hunger that they have been suffering from since. the beginning of the fighting with the absence of humanitarian supplies due to the intensifying rates of complex impacts of stuff which restricts that bill which restricts the ability of the international organizations to operate in the north because it's will be a completely a risk for them for completing the right now palestinians are the very disparate youthful set changed. and also they are completely depending on the humanitarian supplies provided by the united nation, which also they are struggling, struggling be day to say i'm a bit big street. acute for insecurity that the majority of gauze, as have been going through now with the evacuation waves situation in the south, is getting much more excessive fiction at the very limited number of
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a distribution centers. of course, because of that still rating provides in a thousands of such as civil services for the majority of these activities in roughly in particular. thank you, terry, for the update update, ty, couple as of my 1st day in casa. now let's take a closer look at what was decided in the hague. this friday, the international court of justice voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures. the court ordered israel to desist from all acts of generous fight against the palestinian people. those acts include the killing of palestinians in the causing of serious bodily own mental home. is there as a tax on guys kills more than $26000.00 people since the war began. the icy j. o silvo, that israel must take steps to ensure its military does not commit acts of genocide . measures must be also taken to prevent and punish the incitement of genocide. israel has been order to take immediate measures to allow basic services and humanitarian assistance into gaza. at least 1700000 palestinians have been
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displaced by his ready attacks and the un says around half the population is at risk of salvation. the court also ruled that his route must prevent destruction of any evidence of genocide being committed in gaza. and finally, israel must submit a report to the i c. j that outlines the measures being taken to address these provisional measures. this must be submitted within the span of one month from the voting provided as a j space has more now from the 17 judges of the international criminal court. the u. n's talk legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel. rule terms of the genocide convention, is that ruling right out by the courts. president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible, but the situation and cause that was very grave and urgent. and the israel by the dehumanizing language of its leaders,
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had shown intent. so she directly quoted israel's president and its defense minister, minister, golan stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote, i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. is the quotes president then read out because the judge's decision was israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention applaud routing, which included the note of the israel properly deal with the da humanitarian situation. but there was no specific cold for to meet. you see spotty outside the court, south africa's foreign minister gave her reaction to reports in exercising uh the order they would have to be
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a ceasefire without the order doesn't actually what the fuck are you disappointed because they didn't specify i'm i have no way that i'm going to say, i'm disappointed i hoped for it, but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is come back to. for me requires a sci fi. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years, but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been ordered to produce a report for the judges explaining how it's complying with this ruling. james buys outages, era, the hague. or let's discuss all this further. now with ideal mind talk, who's
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a professor of law and judge john on human scholar at the rutgers law school and he's joining us from new york. thank you so much. a deal for being with us on august here. it was very interesting to read your takes about all of us today on the social media platform x. so what do you make of this ruling? it's been described as a watershed moment for palestinians. the i c j has said some of the south africa's accusations a crossable. it's recognize the possibility that israel, what israel is doing and gaza to the constitutes genocide, is it in line with what you were expecting? in many ways, it was in line with what i was expecting that following the course, the stablish case law that the court would find south africa's claims, plausible and identify. are we all an imminent risk of irreparable harm to the palestinian people of calls to the, to their rights under the genocide convention are either being violated or maybe violated the purchase measurements are not taken immediately. those are in line
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with my expectations, and those are extremely important findings, time with the legal and political consequences. every state in the world has a duty to prevention of thought and should not be complicit itself and acts of genocide and those obligations arise when ever there is a real risk. the genocide is occurring for may occur. and that is essentially what the court has found, right? so every state in the world now is on notice that it has a role to play in preventing extra genocide on by as well. i'm calling so and certainly not contributing. just subtract through, for example, military support. it's a very significant room, i guess by as significant ruining and interesting that you say that every state is on notice. now we've heard from these really the americans who seem to be satisfied by the fact that the i, c, j, didn't demand, didn't order a sci fi as a south africans wanted to. is that a victory for the middle? and i don't know if it's a victory for them, it is
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a disappointment. even 2 years ago, it would have been almost, it would have been unprecedented for the arts teacher need to order a cessation of military operations. and order like the one we received today, would have been perceived as a total victory for the applicants. in this case, south africa, normally we expect the court to reaffirm the legal obligations of the parties involved and not to go beyond on. it's really only because 2 years ago in the ukraine versus russia case, the court did order an immediate suspension of military operations that raised expectations. the court would do the same thing here. and those expectations use of obviously been disappointed and what else the jake could have done here? what else could they have done? so my own view is that the, i see she could have crafted an order for israel to speak and observe a bilateral immediate humanitarians to spire with. i'm often other armed groups in
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gaza because the court or laughter of fiction over stage. it cannot directly come off to do anything, but it could have crafted in a order that would have ordered israel to seek such as the spire and then uphold at apply to bias and dive. who would have the ability to be a robin influx of humanitarian relief and it's delivery to the people who are desperately need that is necessary now to prevent and even more severest, mandatory and catastrophe. that's what i personally was hoping to the court would do. i even though i understand it would be a departure from much of what is done in the past. and so how, how exactly now is israel meant to comply with his obligations? not to commit genocide as well as the most specific order ones with respect to the amount of chain of systems. now of course, since really is already under an obligation to allow humanitarian aid under international humanitarian law as well as security council resolutions do these
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orders essentially reaffirm those obligations and provide another mechanism for accountability that you've discussed. israel must report back to the court in one month. and the court has indicated very strongly united moved view israel's representations with skepticism and will really interrogate whether it's really is doing everything in town to alleviate edition monitoring crisis, that his campaign is created as well. i think it's, it's important to come back for a fee to the significance of this voting and this moment today, israel force to answer for its actions in front of the world because the case will not proceed. what impact do you think this will have in the court of public opinion? do you think it will try to isolate is right on the well stage? i think one of the most important things that could come out of today's hearing is simply hearing the suffering that's been inflicted on the outstanding people. coming from the president of the international court of justice. president donahue spent
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a great deal of time explaining the facts on the ground and we have to remember there are many people in the world, especially to israel, who have not really been exposed to those funds, or getting sort of partial information about what's happening on the ground to simply hearing those words during those facts from her from the president of the i . c j i hope will have some hearts and minds and hopefully change the politics that are unfortunately driving this conflict to continue. thank you so much for talking to us. very good to hear your insight into your expertise. i do i talk from rock cuz law school joining us at from new york. thank you for your time. thank you. and while the south african government welcomed the provisional measures as a decisive victory for the international of law, finally to admit it has more than that from john expect. reacting to the order by the international criminal court, south african presidents, silver, i'm opposed to says the international court of justice as a fund of south africa's right to take israel to quote,
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accusing it of genocides. now the government is called this a landmark ruling by determining that israel's actions in gaza, applause of lead, genocide or by the courts determining that according to others. though they call this a small step for human kind and say it doesn't so mean and immediate into the bombardment of cause. but this is what presidents, liberal muscles that have to say when describing the ruling as a victory for international we expect is right. as a self proclaimed democracy and the state that respects the flow to abide by that mesh just handed down by the international court of justice. after more than half a century of occupation, this possession oppression and a party as the palestinian p postcards for justice had been he did by
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an eminent organ of the united nations. it is incumbent upon the tool to ensure that relieving their own space or sight, and that is what we have done. so it didn't come to the end of the precautions if there could be another precautions should be against if the book is that i would have been found by a quote that then they could be present protection. so generally speaking off to the older, the minister of international relations, i had said that she had hoped for a ceasefire, but she wasn't disappointed by the ruling and that it had dealt with key issues. the number of lives lost in garza and the extent of the home close to palestinians . now this is such a neat a victory according to the south african government. however, that also said that they would always pursue any legal or diplomatic means to bring a ceasefire to garza, somebody the miller. i'll just say roger had his book. israel's foreign minister has rejected the international court of justice is ruling calling it outrages and
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even that yahoo says his government will continue its war on gossip. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is rages and decent people everywhere should reject it. is on the eve of the international a holocaust. remember it's day ident pledge, as israel's prime minister. never again, israel will continue to defend itself against come us a genocidal turner organization. on october 7th, i must perpetrated the most horrific atrocities against the jewish people. since the holocaust and it vows to repeat these atrocities again and again and again. our wars against come us terrace, not against palestinian civilians. we will continue to facilitate you man, to turn assistance, and to do our utmost to keep civilians out of harm's way, even as come us use as civilians as human shields. we will continue to do what is necessary to defend our country and defend our people. and these are as far right. security administered it tomorrow. ben give. it also reacted to the world course
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ruling. he appeared to mock the decision by messaging takes make on the social media sites ex daniel levy is a former is really negotiator. he was that israel is a ready at risk of violating the i, c j is going on. this is a good day that for, for the floor a good day for justice. unfortunately, that does not yet translate into a good day for gallstones, who still face this devastation, these upholding conditions and this kelly. because also the measures called for by the court and they went through that do not self employment. but i would all give, this is not so easy for israel to ignore. now there's a war, it's been going right now, and you have some groups. i didn't go for an immediate cease fire. it's ok, is really exonerated. that's not what happens is anyone who listen to followed
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clearly. so that wasn't what happened. the measures including presenting evidence including those and it, beg, quote, to these ready presidencies. right. goldman is the other ministers, they should stand trial for inciting to genocide. israel now is being towed you have the right to self defense with an international not within what could possibly be genocide because the quote case goes forward. i think israel will have to be careful. israel has to report in 30 days for it can be in violation of the school to order lots of the countries to what did those have been providing the 2000 pound bones like the united states of america. do expose, standing now in front of a well, looks at this and sees are shifting the geo political order. a south africa brings this case and gets a remarkable outcome early and my colleagues, i'm easily done, spoke to my staff. i bond co
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t who is the secretary general of the policy and national initiative and a former policy and information minister. he says western nations, particularly the us, are to blame for his transactions. it means that for the 1st time and 7 to 5 years is that it is stripped out of its impunity in front of international what it means sort of the 1st time is it, the end is held in front of the court for its crimes. that it is committing against the student people. most of what you say the, are you concerned about whether this rooting will actually be implemented 1st to the actions from the is there any government was very clear that they don't listen to the ruling. and they deny what do it are accused of. and of course, we have not been disappointed because the court did not make an audit done or to have that complete and immediate on 10 minutes. he's fire. but it is very clear as the fund administered of south africa said it is impossible for the employment to 6
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. it is a nuisance of the court, including prevention of the killing civilians, including prevention of harming civilians, physically and mentally. and including the, allowing the add to add to each the people and allowing the people who are evicted to come back home. but would love to be possible to implement all of that without the apartment. and they, me did, sees fire. it's very clear. but the models on that, i think this suitcase has opened the. busy wide to, to have units of x, i guess those are, i think many, many people will find now that they have much better and stronger argument to demand. and boy cut their investment on sanctions against. is it and for all the crimes it's, it is committing still, it's ends, it's occupation, and the system will 5 prototype that it has created. in addition, of course, to these acts of genocide or do you think it will have an impact as well on some of
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the bank because of as well, particularly in the west. but the biggest, the land will, of course, will, is going towards the united states of america, which has to be in month one of the supporting but actually bought the superintendent. these would crimes by supplying visitor and with the, with the web funds, with bombs, with the even military personnel, with the advisors, and by for the texting visitor and then the security council, i'm preventing, i noticed that you shouldn't, to advance us. he's fired immediately. and to stop the acts of genocide that are taking place. so in my opinion, those who are and go to their being the judge is not the only israel, but also of those who are supporting visit or unconditionally and preventing the establishment of an immediate cease fire. in a sense, what the international institutions of a rules based old are also in court today. and does this finding speak to the concerns of the global south, maybe the i c j?
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i'm not sufficiently, but to some extent has it provided an opportunity to remind everybody but do with the, with something called the international acceptability of this kinds of could i, is that a practiced by? is it a, i guess the police to me and people's the united states says the voting is consistent with its view that israel has the right to take action in accordance with international law to ensure the october, 7th of time, cannot be repeated in a statement. the state department says we continue to believe that allegations of genocide, unfounded ends. note, the court did not make a finding about genocide or call for a cease fire. it is ruling and that is called for the unconditional immediate release of o. hostages being held by him us that's we're getting john henry and who's at the state department for. so what more did we hear from the state department on this today? as a senior state department,
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official says fully that the secretary of state anthony blinking found out on wednesday the 12 unreal workers i've been involved in the initial tomas attack on october 7th against israel. apparently is really discovered this either through intelligence or detentions, or some other way alerted unread directly on the told the state department. and the state department issued a statement saying it was extremely troubled and gravely concerned over this information. and the u. s. will suspend payments to conrad and that's a big amount of money about $300.00 something $1000000.00 per year. and if it doesn't necessarily mean that those payments won't continue to happen, going forward or henri is really the only agency able to deliver aid on a massive scale there. but apparently blinking called the un secretary general antonio gutierrez, and said he wanted to emphasize the necessity of it, that there must be
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a thorough and swift investigation that the us spending on row will be paused until the us is satisfied by the official at the state department said the welcome decisive action, but the u. s. is gravely concerned about these reports. yeah. and we will be finding out more about these reports and the un i the us. right. a pausing funding for unreal when we speak to gabriel is on to who's at un headquarters in new york in just a few minutes. let's get more on the us reaction. on the i, c. j is willing to the end bringing patty go. hate at the white house, so you've just come from a, from a white house racing body. what have they said? well, they're really definitely trying to put the most positive spin they possibly can on this admiral john kirby, the national security council spokesman. he came out and he said, look, we're celebrating this decision. they weren't, the court did not find that israel's committing genocide. no one in the room pointed out, surprisingly that the court,
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but the court was actually looking at that. that's the longer term case. it could take years, they did say that israel needs to per, per, to prevent genocidal acts. but again, from the white house point of view that the basically say, look, they didn't say it's genocide. they, they said that they have an obligation to protect civilians. we agree with that, they have an obligation to lead to aiden. we agree with that when people point out that they're not actually doing those things. they sort of brush that off. and so really just trying to spin this in a positive light. i have to say it was really hoping to get a question in the briefing because the big question now is, what have, what's the us going to do when this goes to you? and to us, you and security council? are they going to veto the court saying that they say israel should do exactly what the us says they should be doing? nobody asked that question, so i'm gonna keep on it. we'll see if we can figure that out. yeah. and body, i understand that present biden has another phone call with cotton as a near and egypt president, what more do you know about that?
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that he has just as curry was briefing that we were told that he was having the call with the egyptian president. and he'd already had a call with the uh, with the mirror of cutter. and what it says to me is some things for us. so we think about this in the last day we had william burns, who is the c i director, but he's there point to person and coming up with a deal to get a ceasefire in hostages out. he was in europe, we believe meeting with the chief of massage egypt to guitar is. so that meeting happened now the president's making these phone calls. once it gets to the presidential level, you can pretty much assume that some things in the works and they need his cloud, his relationships to push something through. so it seems likely they're on the verge of something professionally. a ceasefire potentially a hostage deal. the kirby went out of his way. admiral kirby went out of his way to say nothing is imminent. all right, patty, thank you very much for the moment patty cool hand life for us at the white house
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and uh, as we heard now from john hendrick. uh, the united states. i said it's pausing funding for the you an agency for palestinian refugees after a number of it. staffers were fired over is really claims. they took part in the amount of time on october. the 7th agency comedy, known by sacrament, on raw, has been one of the main groups providing a to people in guys early our team asks un spokesman stuff on the generic about and rise investigation into the allegations on the wall in the i would refer you back to the statement has received, as the commissioner general has received enough information to have taken a decision on separating a number of ink from firing number of, of, of staff members, i'm not going to go more into it at this point. so gabrielle, he's not going to go more into this. gabriel is on the line for us at the united nations. so what more do we know about these games against and as
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well? not much, quite frankly, i will say little bit of background. it's important to, for many weeks since this began, israel has made claims to unreal officials or under a staff members were involved in october 7th. that's not particularly new. these allegations by israel, they never provided any evidence of that publicly. the u. n. it said we will continue to look into these allegations. that's all they were allegations. what's new on friday? is that uh, the on run now has decided to fire several and there were several under a staff members for their alleged involvement in october 7th. now a couple of points here is unrest taking these actions. they say after receiving information from is rarely authorities. what exactly is that information? the united nations would not tell us. also,
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they would not tell us how many unrra staff members have been relieved of their duties. the united states government. the state department is saying 12 i pressed the secretary general spokes person on that. he said i will not confirm or deny any number. all we're saying is several. so in terms of what the involvement was, we simply don't know or what the alleged involvement was. we simply don't know. but according to the secretary general spokesperson, there is enough information for them to fire these employees, pending and investigation. and so what will the us suspending funding for on run mean voice operations and guys as well. the us is by far the biggest funder of unwrap more than $200000000.00 a year. it's unclear if this funding will stop immediately or if just future funding could be put on hold. that is an unclear but the bottom line is,
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any time the us even threatens to withhold funding from audra, that would have a dramatic effect on their operations. i should point out that under a has 13000 employees in gaza, of which only 5000 are working right now. the other 8000 can't work because of israel's, i'm bombardment of gaza and a 153 unreal staff members have been killed from is really bombardment since october 7th. thank you very much for that. gabrielle is on the live at the united nations. now, commercial vessel has been hit by a mis side off the coast of government, according to the u. k. maritime security for andre. it's an ages and a series of attacks on ships in the red sea. the run back to the group has been targeting ships and responses around one garza. the whole fee is confirmed there. find is carried out an operation targeting the british oil tanker marlon wanda, in the gulf of age and on friday,
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all crew members on board. the latest special have been reported. safe are still ahead on colleges here. i will have the option from europe to the icj is ruling and will be live in california where a civil case accusing us leaders of being complicit in genocide in gaza. is on the way the have that is that some lovely mild weather to be enjoyed. of course, parts of europe at the moment is feeling more like spring in winter for the south west of spain and portugal. that's a similar story across from weston areas and central parts of europe. the temperature have come down slightly thanks to a cold front that swept its way from west to east, taking the wintery conditions to the likes of poland, as well as austria,
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with the baltic states and down into the balkans. we're still seeing some of that snow pushed into scandinavia for the likes of new weight is a cooler feel here. thanks to the wind as well, but for the south across the mediterranean, lots of settled weather to be found. some folks missed issues, however, for se, but still lots of sunshine in rome. the 14 degrees celsius and those conditions extend out west for spain and portugal. the temperature is to well above the average for the likes of madrid and those conditions will continue to flood into the northwest. if we have a look at the temperature chunk going saturday into sunday, we can see that will not happening for island. still some issues with wind around coastal areas, but lots of y and bright weather to be found. system. the story for front power is coming back into double digits on sunday, and it's looking for the treasury through to choose day. the
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long, sleek, 2 years should be at time to relish. but in europe's comments, he cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. and i'm like, we can do, they can spend, emerges from these quad for time and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community. explains housing stack a witness documentary on now to 0. in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa the truth? it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seen as convocation inside story on al jazeera,
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the bottom back of recap of our top stories on this island you see are in use on the world's top. cortez issued a ruling that old is israel to take steps to present genocide in guys. is the 1st ruling and the case find by south africa against israel. judges from the instructional board of justice voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, including a demand that is really put an end to the beginning and call me of how the students outside the hague protesters celebrated the voting and call for more to die. as soon as lies in guys, advocates for administer says avoiding sends a clear message to israel. and the european union has said it expects israel and
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her boss to comply with the ruling. the commission released a statement saying, orders of being joshua, court of justice, binding on the parties, and the must comply with them. the european union expects, therefore, immediate and defective implementation. that's go live to hire a faucet in london for a. so this i c, j rolling must increase pressure on your can be this right as well. it certainly gives us serious questions to be answered 2 countries like the u. k, whose government has been opposed to south africa's action just as late as earlier on friday. the foreign secretary david cameron, who is in hist on both, was saying that south africa's motion to me is a national court of justice was on the helpful and achieving and immediate pause and the sustainable ceasefire that was required. there are those in the u. k. of the head of human rights watch here, for example, saying that it means that the united kingdom should immediately stop on sales to
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israel, for example. so yes, there is pressure along those lines so far though european nations and institution seem to be holding to the lines that they had adopted a head of this ruling. that was that pretty straightforward endorsement from the european union that you just read out a similar sort of language coming from spain, which said it called on all parties to respect and comply with these measures in their entirety, spain, calling for an immediate cease fire, the unconditional release of the hostages and immediate regula, humanitarian access, as well as moving towards a 2 state solution from france, there was a more nuanced response, saying that it noted what the i c. j had said and re if um, it's confidence and support in an international court of justice. but it also said when it came to conf contributing to the process itself, that it was going to pay a particular account to the exceptional gravity of the crime of genocide,
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which requires the establishment of intention and also cooling for the immediate release of unconditional release of hostages held inside gaza, including 3 french people. as far as germany is concerned, obviously a strong ally of israel, given the history of the holocaust and the 2nd world war. it is often taken a pretty pro israel stones. it said that it noticed that the i c j did not route on the merits of the genocide case, but that it did all the injury measures binding under is national law. that is real how to abide by it. also talk to the bob direct tara, of a sense of october and noting that how much was also bound by international hiring . thank you very much for that. harry fossett lived for us in london. let's discuss this. the european reaction for the new york in spends with craig, mary, who was a former british ambassador and former rector at the university of dungy. he joins his life from side to, in switzerland. thank you very much. and bassett, or for your time so many describing this has a significant, a historic,
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a watershed moment for palestinians. it is a provision on the ruling just picking up on what about what our correspondent in london was saying that what does it say about countries like the u. k, that continues to defend is rouse impunity in casa, as it's very embarrassing to these countries, because most of them had dismissed of the site that the connection is grand list. so whereas in fact mostly for today and the key takeaways them today is, but the big call to say that is a plausible case of genocide again. so i think that that is, that'd be most stacy evidence of genocide and valid p mistakes. the evidence old intent is specifically set that kind of insight the, the, the presidents of the coach that statements to me is very ministers, including
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a statement to me is baby presidents as evidence of genocidal intent. so this was actually extremely strong and it will not be besides that the case was accepted when israel had tried to have it dismissed. and that will not be a trial for genocide, right? that is. and so the i, the idea that this was in any sense will, she will, she will in determine that to is just is just nonsense site b and c j and said that is a strong p mistakes in case of genocide still enough for us to hear this case against it is proposal christ, they will not be occasionally embarrassing. yeah. it's embarrassing you say for 4 countries like do you get do you think it's going to put pressure on them when it comes to that position? now on guys, what impacts, for example, is it going to have on british politics on prime minister. so not getting his policies that they will have to have an impact because you cannot be
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complicit in genocide. and in particular, the if the united kingdom one now to continue sending funds to israel. the time when the i c j has said there's a plausible disk, but the genocide is being committed. i'm that would put the u. k. of risk of complicity in genocide. i would give you k is already complacent in genocide and i don't think we will find that this is the end of the case and i don't think it will end up only being the case against the israel. it's also the case, but the genocide convention is incorporated into u. k. domestic law into english and welts domestic law under the international criminal coal tact of 2001. so to be complicit in genocide as much as the crime and international law it is within the u. k. e. is
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a crime domestically as well. so do you think the causal fairly well it could be a case against ministers individually in the u. k. yes, it could be a case against a u. k. b i c j. but that could be a case against this is not a gun ships. james, clearly david cameron's and for complicity and genocide domestically, but that's perfectly possible. it's a continue on that list called full set of support for what is done through, but it will be a stand aside. thank you so much and basset, or for talking to a thank you for your time, craig. mary is a former british ambassador joining a san from switzerland. thank you. is turning now to another cold case and the 1st hearing in a civil case accusing us present joe biden, and other senior us leaders of be complicit in genocide. in the genocide which is on the way right school, right school. so either and
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a number of individuals have dropped the case for the oaks in california. they're asking the court to order, present violent and us assistance. so israel from brandon was, is an open force, joins us now live, talk to us more about this case, swab, what is it all about? well, finally, let me 1st set the scene for you here outside the federal court house in oakland. there's been a crowd of people gathering the anti war protesters and people in support of these court cases. you can see that they have a large f, a g of president joe biden there, uh, depicted holding a bomb in one hand. and they, they're also of people here doing a sort of performances just a few minutes ago. they were reading out the names of dozens and dozens of children
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names and ages of children killed in gaza in israel's war on gauze. and now what's going on in the port courthouse behind me is a civil case. as you mentioned, have been brought by palestinian americans palestinians living in gaza and a human rights of legal group. we are assuming the president, the united states, secretary of state and the secretary of defense saying that they are complicit in genocide based upon the 1948 international convention on genocide which it there was ratified by the united states. their aim of these plaintiffs is to uh, or have the georgia board or the united states government to stop supply on arms to use will be stopped from the other military assistance, the israel and diplomatic support for israel in its war on gaza. the judge is also hearing arguments from the government,
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and their argument is quite narrow in the sense that it does not even address the question of the site. it rather addresses whether or not a domestic chord in the united states has the authority to intervene in the affairs of the executive branch in diplomacy in the defense and an allied relations and so forth. we've been hearing a very moving testimony from people in the united states who are the last dozens of relatives in gaza. this case is, is still going on, right. it will be a couple of hours now before. so the judge has the final arguments, right? so rob does, does the i c j decision today? will it have any effect on this case in the us? it's definitely, you know, hovering over the entire case has been cited
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a number of times not only by a judge jeffrey white, but also by the plaintiffs attorneys in the defense attorneys, each trying to use it in their whole way to support their own arguments. but as to the question of whether the icy jays, the judgment will actually influence the judge in this case, i'm not sure that that, that, that is germane to it. what the judge has decided is based upon the doctor and a separation of powers in the united states in which your district has its place. the legislative has in place in congress and then the president heading the executive branch as his powers and the, the, the doctrine for 200 the 6 years has been that these are not allowed to, these are here with one another. so if the judge by some of his comments seemed to indicate that he was skeptical as to whether he actually had the power to him, joined the president and the other officials from continuing to do what they are
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doing in terms of their foreign policy. and in terms of aging israel, thank you very much. ron problem reynolds in oakland, california. right. more now on the situation in guys on a lock of food and water is fueling widespread, hung across the gaza strip. the wednesday is about half the population is at risk of starvation, including hundreds of thousands of children. obviously needs a desperately searching for food every day with some coming under fire from these really military caught yellow face, hopefully on record. the desperation is growing by the day with hunger becoming from their booth for many. okay, because of the thousands of palestinians around a truck delivery date in carson city. but there's not enough for everyone. sam, and is now a reality for many health workers warren. it's one that will likely get worse, and that's when they'll listen to that had
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a situation these tragic would from and doesn't do justice. the would misery isn't enough. people are eating folder that they're reaching animals, water, electricity, and internet has been con, food and flour is limited. surviving is just so challenging. many displaced families who have lost everything over the last 3 months. have to wait for days for a single 2nd, a flower. but we haven't had that in the uh, the we don't have jobs and we don't have money. the price of a sucker flyer used to be $10.00. now. so for 200, we came here to face death just for the sake of having one bag of flour. while some people have been killed while waiting for 8. because the health ministry says is really for has recently killed at least 20 palestinians who are lined up and waiting for food deliveries, a sense of despair spreading the pain that we are starving. we have to eat animal food. we don't care about death anymore. they can kill me, just want to have
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a bag of flour to give my family, with little to no chance of getting flower. some people are using animal fodder to make their bread. that's until it also runs out how sending work receive their options are vanishing. the so i'll have that, how about the good do? if you go to get flower, you will die. and if you stay at home, you will also die from hunger and we started eating rice and lentils. and now the rice has run out. you wouldn't officials say a quarter of goss who's population of 2300000 men, women and children spacing starvation. and as the war continues, more palestinians are likely to see a similar effect. patsy, a little physical again. now it is here. it's not take a look at some of the days having use and the us state of alabama has carried out the 1st execution of a prisoner and by using a nitrogen gas,
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58 year old kind of smith was put to death for his role in 1988 murder christian salumi has a story. well, as far as the state of alabama is concerned, the execution was a success. smith was pronounced deceased by physicians at 82558 year old kenneth smith convicted for his role in a 1988 murder for hire was forced to breed nitrogen gas. a form of suffocation was strapped to a gurney. journalists were allowed to watch. he appeared conscious for several minutes and to the execution for about 2 minutes following that kinda smith shuck and rides for about 2 minutes on a gurney. that was followed by several minutes of deep breath. smith's lawyer say the use of nitrogen gas violated the u. s. constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment, a view back by demonstrators who oppose the death penalty. united nations experts
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warranted could be painful and would likely violate prohibitions on torture. but the u. s. supreme court denied smith's appeal. jeff hood, his spiritual advisor, was with him at the end. over and over again, we were said that this was going to be the most humane execution that humanity has ever, ever experienced. there is no doubt that even the most hopeful of persons i could not look at what we saw tonight and see any sort of he mains. this was the 2nd attempt to execute. smith, in 2022 prison officials spent hours trying to give him a legal injection, but never hit a vein going forward. alabama, as well as 2 other states that still allow capital punishment planned to use nitrogen to inflict the ultimate punishment. kristen, so we meet al jazeera,
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how many australians have been celebrating their national day, but australia day also saw protests in solidarity with indigenous australians and demands for separations to be abolished. jessica, washington, rewards and sydney, thousands of people mocked to stream the day by taking pause in a protest. much calls the change. the change of the national day has been growing in recent years. demonstration said, celebrates colonization. and the disposition of aboriginal and torres strait islander, in my opinion, there should be no astride today. celebrate the genocide of any other people. it should be abolished. this is not started i. this is invasion no to us, observed annually on january. the 26th is really day marks the end of the 3 of the arrival of the british 1st fleet in sidney cove. more than 200 years ago, the city is protest included
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a sizable palestinian representation with some participants drawing comparisons between the experiences of indigenous australians and palestinian inside. i can clearly see this country from what it is i proud to call on him that seeks to maintain supremacy racism and injustice. also, mr. aliens still celebrate the national day. all those particularly young people are increasingly rejecting its earlier this week, statues of 2 colonial figures in milton were vandalized. i think the say is about recognizing that it's a shared, it's going to talk history. i'm way i get a stand with our best agents. paypal. the debates around changing the data vestry in the day has gone in public attention for years. several communities have moved the citizenship ceremonies to another date. and some retailers have stopped selling australia de merchandise. jessica washington out to 0. the best fit for this and use our on i,
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which is 0. but do stay with those coming up for half more reaction to the international court of justice. historic bullying today. say with this on out, you sir. what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to freedom. we don't have to leave them in the policy and it's meant to get 50 percent representation and even accountability benefits. no 1000 service at this point. but then you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust that unity often as i find the cool values to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth in unsettled time upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it is
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a question of 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads garza without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. every human mind is unique and manage installed simply emotions can be a challenge. and if you're not helping meant to me, then it's sort of like you do not live in. we travel to south africa to explore traditional healing techniques, being used to improve wellbeing on his ancestors today. first of all, cleansing on to south korea. we're bring cleaning is leading to a limited success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm. stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would among sift at this old sweep. oh no,
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just the israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention and historic holding the international course of justice says israel must stop kenning, finest simians in gaza and enjoyed forces do not commit genocide. the


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