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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] news business like just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the the no, i'm for the back to the this is in use our on algae 09 from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians and gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention and historic food in the international court of justice
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says israel must stop kenning cottage, simians in gaza and enjoyed sports as do not commit genocide. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only fault is on regions. israel remains the 5 prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says he has no intention of quitting the war on the d. i. c. j. deliberate. it's bullying is really soldiers fight on civilians. west of the southern, the city of con eunice, and the death toll continues to rise. a cost guys, at least $15.00 palestinians, including an infant that killed in these really strikes on residential buildings in new se of odds. refugee camp is $21.00, g m t and we begin with an historic bullying at the international court of justice
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and was top court has ordered israel to take measures to prevent genocide in gaza. is the 1st ruling and a case fined by south africa against israel. diplomatic edison, james bass begins coverage from the hague. 17 judges of the u. n's talk legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel. brought home to the genocide convention. is that ruling right out by the courts president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible, but the situation and cause that was very grave and urgent. and the israel, by the dehumanizing language of its leaders, had shown intent. she directly quoted israel's president and its defense minister, minister, golan stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote, i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. the quotes president then read outlook judges decisions,
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israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. applaud routing, which included the note of the israel properly deal with the da humanitarian situation. but there was no specific cold for to meet you see spot. outside the court, south africa's foreign minister gave her reaction to reportings in exercising uh, the order. they would have to be a ceasefire without the order doesn't actually what the fuck are you disappointed? because they didn't specify, i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hoped for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid,
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the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is come back to for me requires a ceasefire. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years, but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been ordered to produce a report for the judges, explaining how it's complying with this ruling. james bies. ouch is 0. the hague. meanwhile, in guys, the situation is becoming increasingly desperate areas around a mile and not the hospitals in the south are under heavy fire. the facilities that goes to be coming in operable, palestinian se extreme hunger is beginning to dip into assignments. let's get the latest on the situation. gaza speak to terry cup was i'm was involved a force topic. it seems that this icey j rolling is not changing as rails military
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tactics and gas of the yes, that's right. fully we did not see any kind of any change of military tactics. as the international court of justice had issued orders for the use of any occupation to prevent the genocide acts inside cause and the whole so against palestinian civilians box. while we have been sitting in the past hour that there was new in the lake top. and finally thing, no, it strikes that continue to a target to the residential areas and buildings in different areas in the south as they've been seen. seeing i'm hearing the sound of explode just in the city of con eunice were attacks and fighting continues with the palestinian fighters of the east. very soon just on the facility of an officer. hospice of where the author was shooting did not stop in the western side of the city, alongside with ongoing compartment for the middle coordinates in the gaza strip. you are talking about 3 palestinians being killed in dairy by,
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alongside with ongoing positive shooting of residential building animal set, rock rescue g camber. these areas had been vps up for these really mandatory operations within the past 24 hours, which also brings the desk told today to reach more than 180 palestinians with more than 370 others. be more detailed now say with this topic, because i want to talk about a specific incident with you. it happened in gaza this friday. let's take a look 1st. these really military, it's open fi on displays. people in the out the, her area of con eunice sofa sofa say a number of people were injured. nephews that is really forced, as may be preparing to arrest large numbers in the area. tell you what more can you tell us about the area where this happened and the specific incident itself
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yes, this is an area that schools are the, are a neighborhood which is so a jason to an officer hospital which is also very densely populated with evacuation . we've personally have been evacuating of this area before we'd be moving to a roof as we be knowing that these very forces were encircling the main 3 neighborhoods that hosting residents who are still trust, installing these pages to sleep mode roughly. now as they were trying to flee, they had been talking to advise usability truths. were deployed in that region and uh were a number of residents that being injured as they have been taken back to another hospital for treatments. and this is also a part of what is residents that have been going through the are being terrified through my ties by these very a tax on that region. and those people have been also receiving different appeals of different warnings by the use, very forces to flee and not to exist in the area due to the fact that it will be an area for ministry at celebration stuff. but the palestinians,
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the have no options remain just the don't have any place to go to. i'm in the overcrowding number of people who are being backed into a rough are on the do not want to leave. the house is under the is very intense button. and they want to leave, i'm to secure the assembly members, and this is not the 1st attack. in fact, regarding this, but previously these many a few patients. so we'll just have to talk to the number of residents as they were fleeing to roughly speaking safety. but as the tax also rough continues, know, any place in gauze this trip is considered to be as it saves a right now terry, thank you very much for that. terry capitalism reporting a life from java in southern gaza. now it was muted reaction. i muted reaction to the ice age is ruling in the occupied westbank child stratford was with palestinians there as they watched the judgment from the hague and the city tomorrow and the occupied westbank shows life pictures from inside. you installed the quote in the hague. i am the tooling states that israel must take little
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measures to prevent genocidal ex any to garza, but there was no order of a seaside to stop the killing. was little surprised amongst those present when the decision came, the kind of lost hope and international law, international humanitarian law and international and mckenna isms. and they were very helpful today um, after this decision they are more disappointed. israel's warrant goals that continues to be felt in the occupied westbank is already military rates have detained a modem, $6200.00 carlos the indians since the how much the tax on some of these? well, on october, the 7th these radio army has killed more than 370 polished indians in the occupied westbank since the war began. and these righty, secular violence, has dramatically increased again. but all the court would have ruled for an immediate end to the is there a, the army atrocities and stop the war? because guys and civilians are an armed alone and desperate?
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the decision disappointed me. i was hoping just to port to that least protect the people in garza. but now there are no protection for the philistine and people who are there in gaza or the west bank. and some believe the ruling in the hague means is radio army and secular violence in the occupied was bank could get even was i can't decide busy the israel will now increase it. so probation, see this is expected by the ruling is not a surprise. it again shows and justice from wild leaders in justice from the west and well in relation to palestine, part of sidney and for i'm going to study all the mile a key, welcome the action of the international court of justice in ordering israel take all measures to ensure that acts of genocide are not committed in garza but we never do loan for an immediate c saw that means that the silica in garza will continue. and so trust amongst palestinians in the united nations and international
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law is that his lowest ebb since the war began to all stuff. it was a 00 molar in the occupied westbank, international court of justice, the set to make up for the ruling and the case on whether or not israel has committed genocide in gaza. that ruling is not expected for a long time, potentially use. well earlier we heard from francesca albany see the un special rubber tool on the occupied palestinian territories. she says the course decision on friday has acknowledged that is rose actions could violate the genocide convention. quite positive on these on this you were inc and watch, the court ordered because a set for so it does this nice uh, israel's the request to know to consider in the case it doesn't recognize the pros to be debt to the diesel is doing. might reach the genocide convention,
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constituents in crossing just cut genocide and uh in the cord as precisely referred to genocide as the denial of existence although people own the palestinian people. so the recognition that what he's really is doing amounts to these is, is incredibly important because eventually, genocide, the way i see genocide is the rather dorman gene. all set the cool. yeah there's, which is the overall context in which the car and i sold these guys up, but the scribes itself and the court has recommended a number of measures that seeing the fine and complete you turn compared to what is wrong with these duly a means to cease to mingle people, destruction, all city meetings restructure for can you hear the hospital seizing, starving, disobedient scene, gaza. so ultimately,
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what the court is ordering is that what piece role has been doing until now he's brought to an end. and he, by recognizing the rules of the g of jam inside the court, it puts a clear obligation also reminds of the clear of the nation, the member states have to prevent the general signed. so in my view um, from a states responsibilities 10 point member states are called to pressured for is the scott here because there is no other way to end all these rather than a suspicion other than se tional cities. of course, what the palestinians in garza are experiencing is, and i'm president, it is felicia of violence. that ultimately is not new in the sense it has been. he does being there who went through the decades of overdue patients that other students have experienced in the provide policy and territory and divine. ringback
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then the violence that the apology and as of people have devised handheld some people have enjoyed the for 75 years. i mean, the fact that's how we got both brought the knack, stop the very beginning of their new role submission to the core, to be so significant. any nice this what is happening today in a broader historical and still enduring call text. indeed, what's happening to the, to the amount of students seem to westbank is, is on the surface of the lower in terms of the intensity that they, that they are experiencing force displacement summary executions. secular volume image. so is the overall context of the patient which has been are kind of secular coding of practices. that piece is 14 question today,
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while israel's prime minister has rejected the international court of justice is rolling, calling it outrages. but even this now added that he's government will continue. it's warmed gossip. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is rages and decent people everywhere should rejected is on the eve of the international a holocaust. remember it's day ident pledge, as israel's prime minister. never again, israel will continue to defend itself against come us a genocidal turner organization. on october 7th, i must perpetrated the most horrific atrocities against the jewish people since the holocaust. and it vows to repeat these atrocities again and again and again, our wars against combust service, not against palestinian civilians. we will continue to facilitate you man, to turn assistance, and to do our utmost to keep civilians out of harm's way, even as come us use as civilians as human shields. we will continue to do what is
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necessary to defend our country and defend our people. it's more of these really reaction to speak to so. so how do i sound, who, sorry, who isn't occupied east jerusalem for a time to tell us then more about the political but also public reaction to this icy gibbon. a condemnation across the boards and the public from is really politicians in the coalition and within the opposition. let's begin with these really prime minister who said that it was out what he outright rejected this. he condemned the decision by the international court of justice. additionally, he said that israel is fighting him us, they're not fighting. the civilians within gauze. uh, but the reality on the ground is showing a different picture with how many civilians have been killed just in the last 24 hours. those numbers continuously going up our by our you also had a split statement from him one and he root and one in english trying to appeal to an international audience,
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saying that these really are always adhering to international law and doing whatever they can to protect civilians. but again, the reality on the ground continuously shows a different story. now he had also asked members of his government to not speak out about the decision until there was an official government. consensus with many ministers have spoken out. israel's defense minister condemned the ruling as well, saying that quote, israel does not need a morality less than the countries national security minister known alter nationalist eton more. ben viewer had also condemned the ruling saying that it was hypocritical. but we also have been hearing from the opposition who seemed to be united in the fact that this decision to them, they say is outrageous. but the labor leader may rock me. i like to get a step even further condemning. and that's when you all who's governments saying that this is a result of extreme policies by these really prime minister. and this is what has led israel here. but these really prime minister has vowed that this is a just war,
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and that it will continue until these really to accomplish all of their military objectives and understand how does that, how mazda has released a new video of capt is held in guys, i what, what do you know about us this, this is a video of 3. it's email is really captives who are pleading to these really government for their release him as the saying that this video was taken on day a 107 of this war. so earlier in the week, these really is usually dismissed, these videos, calling them quote, psychological warfare. but it is worth noting that this video is just a latest in a series of videos of captives that have been released by both hems and palestinian islamic jihad where the captives are playing up to their governments to help them in releasing them from captivity. thank you very much for that home. this a whole slide, very knock. you find the east jerusalem. now south african president, 0 or my poster has been celebrating. the icj is ruling. he was in for toria with
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his supporters. when the decision was announced, the south african government welcome to force provisional measures as a decisive victory for the role of international law. we expect israel as a self proclaimed democracy and the state that respects the floor to abide by the mess, just headed down by the international court of justice. after more than half a century of occupation, this possession oppression and a part to the palestinian people. his cries for justice had been he did by an eminent organ of the united nations. while from all on the south african perspective, let's speak to monkey angle money. now she's a human rights activist and grand daughter of the late archbishop desmond tutu. joining us on out as you are from atlanta. thank you so much for being with us and your reaction for us to the ruling and historic ruling. the judges agreed with most
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of south africa as arguments but didn't order a ceasefire as had been requested by the south african government. are you disappointed by this and i'm not disappointed. i dont, i don't necessarily see the ruling as a law us, but i think the world side i've got a huge debt and by bringing my case to the i c j. but you know, so that for his active, for our common humanity and not calling for a cease fire is almost not surprising because i feel that israel has sort of gotten into this game of words. and we don't politicize ceasefire and what it means. and so, rather than standing and grounding ourselves in the principles of justice and human rights and dignity, we were in this game of words of cease fire is. is this harmful or not? and what are we doing? and i think that the court gave us a medium decision in a, something that they considered politically treacherous. yeah,
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i wanted to talk to you more about the south african go and find out more about, you know, what initiated this if you're the granddaughter of the late desmond to, to a force. and you know, when we talk about south african polish foreign policy, it's often described as being unclear. but palestine it seems, remains the single issue on which south africa support has been consistent. and in this case has been described by many as south africa's proudest foreign policy moment. why was it so important for santa, i forgot to bring this to the i c. j. you know, i think south africa was drawn upon its history, are drawing upon of our history with a party and, and today nothing. yahoo mentions never again. and to allow for, gro was saying, okay, never again applies to all. this includes the palestinians, this is not just a one size fits all. you know, just is that we can meet out to the west and then the global south has something
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else. and so i think that southern africa wanted to hold up and live by the democratic ideals, like ideals that came out of our struggle and is asking the world to do the same. if we're going to adhere to these international laws and regulations and norms as the global south, why can the global north not do the same? why is it, you know, not one size fits all? what would your grandfather, the mates, archbishop desmond, to, to live made of this? and do you think south africa has done now enough to, to sway the court of public opinion? um, it has not done enough to sort of the corporate public opinion. i don't know what well, i mean, how many more dead children and an injured children can we, can we see on a screen to convince the public like that this is a genocide. my grandfather. i, you know, he was not an apologise for any political party and he would not shy away from
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calling out those that he thought were acting against justice and human rights. and so i think that he would probably be south africa and the team that brought the cases biggest cheerleader in this moment because, you know, he went to the occupied palestinian territories and witness to be segregated housing and roads that reminded him of what he experienced under the a part it for team. yeah. disorder mcgee, i mean historic as it is will likely not be implemented by israel, and it won't be the 1st time. so how, how do we move the lead on now? and i think we continue with what we're doing. you know, we, we do not allow people to say just because of africa has its own else that they cannot bring a case like this to the i c j. and so i think we continue to have conversations like this and, and highlight the true flight of the palestinians. this did not begin on october
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7th. this began over 75 years ago. and then, you know, the context was brought to the court by side of africa, but then today it seemed like the judges didn't want to discuss the full historical context. and so we started with october 7th, which was a horrible day. but why can we not speak about the full measure of history? thank you so much for talking to us. thank you for your time. when getting kamani south african human rights activism, grand daughter of the late south african archbishop desmond to we appreciate your time. thank you. so much have a united states says the i c j of ruling is consistent with its view that israel has a right to take action in accordance with international law and to ensure the october 7th, a time cannot be repeated in a statement. the state department said we continue to believe that obligations of genocide are unfounded, and note the court did not make a finding about genocide or call for a cease fire. it is during and that it called for the unconditional immediate
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release of all hostages being held by him us on during a press conference, the us national security spokesman john kirby said. the course ruling is consistent with us positions. patty cocaine has more not from the white house or here's the white house officials definitely trying to put a positive spin on the decision from the international court of justice. the 1st thing admiral john kirby, of the national security spokesman said when he brought brief reporters on this question was, look, they didn't rule the israel's committed genocide. that question is actually a much broader question, extra years with the court to rule on that. they did say the court that israel should try to avoid genocidal acts, but he also said we also agree with some of what the court said. the court said that civilians should be protected. we've been telling israel that as well. then curry said they'd also said more, it should be guarding in the us has been telling israel to do that as well. and you ask the question, if they think that what they're asking israel to do is actually happening on the
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ground. we can all see for our own eyes that civilians are being killed in huge numbers and that the people are starving in gaza. but he did wanna highlight how he thinks they have been able to influence israel. actually, i mean, i think the court's ruling is consistent with many of our, our many of our positions made and, and much of the approach that we've taken with israel, for instance in, you know, the view that israel has the right to take ash a guess in terms of that on the october 7th attack, that, that they have an obligation to be mindful of minimizing civilian casualties. that they have an obligation to assist the international community to get humanity or, and assistance. and all these are things that we, that we have been pushing and urging for as well. and we've also just been told that you as president joe biden is getting involved when it comes to the possibility of a cease fire with capt is being released. we know that his uh, ca, director who really takes point on this. he's been speaking with his counterparts in israel,
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egypt and cutter and talking to them in europe yesterday. now the president's making these phone calls, he spoke to the mayor of cutter and the president of egypt. that usually is an indication that they're getting close to something that they think the president needs to step in and use his cloud, his relationships. so something could be on the horizon for john kirby did say that nothing is immune particle. hi al jazeera at the white house all turning to another case. now in the 1st hearing in a civil court case, accusing us present, joe biden and other senior us leaders of being completed in genocide is underway. right. schools and a number of individuals have brought the case forward in oakland, california. they're asking the court order, present violent and us assistance to israel. that's very involved reynolds who is in open for us, tell us more about this case, broadband and does the i c j decision today. have any effect on this case in the us of the, as you can see, the jaime,
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the crowd here at the federal court house quite lively, a lot of demonstrating in favor of a ceasefire and denial policy towards israel johnson. now this case was bought by palestinian americans and the city is themselves living gods of taking the administration. the task is doing the president, the secretary of state and the secretary of defense saying that they are complicit in genocide. 48 international treaty against genocide. they've been hearing testimony from quite heroine testimony from people in the united states, and that was dozens of relatives in these really the bombing of, of jobs doctor sitting in the hospital about 12 inches
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wide. and now they're hearing at this point, the expert just definitions, genocide, other international law. so what they want to change the policy must stop supplying weapons and how the military assistance to israel on job as well as diplomatic support for his round the governments lawyers on the other hand, not really address the question of whether or not genocide is taking place that is whether a judge of federal judge. 7 or order change insurance policy has all always been the domain of the executive level of the power.
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so that is the crux of the case and organize, or just folding, whether or not the end result for them a positive outcome already the press your own job. i thank you for that verb reynolds live there in oakland, california. still ahead on this use our outside the hague protests to celebrate the i seduce ruling and call for more to be done to save lives in. gosh, the brought to you by visit castle. had that is that some lovely mild weather to be enjoyed across parts of europe at the moment is feeling more like spring in winter
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for the south west of spain and portugal. that's a similar story across from western areas. and central parts of you are, the temperature have come down slightly, thanks to a cold front that swept its way from west to east, taking the wintery conditions to the likes of poland, as well as austria, with a baltic states and down into the balkans was all seeing some of that snow pushed into scandinavia for the likes of no wait is a cooler feel here. thanks to the wind as well. but for the south across the mediterranean, lots of settled whether to be found. some folks missed issues however easily, but still lots of sunshine in rome. the 14 degrees celsius and those conditions extend out west for spain and portugal, the temperatures to well above the average for the likes of madrid. and those conditions will continue to flood into the northwest. if we have a look at the temperature chunk going saturday into sunday, we can see that will not happening for island. still some issues with wind around coastal areas,
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but lots of light and bright whether to be found system. the story for front power is coming back into double digits on sunday. and it's looking for the treasury through to choose to the weather, brought to you by visit castle in savannah, a construction boom is under way for hotels. h. enormous new hotels were not rated and other 5 will be opened by december of this. cuba so called economic engine continues to stall, as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in old havana, for lack of foreign tourists. millions of cubans depend on tourism. chain, define work, i spend money and others make money. the provision of cruise ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty, there no tourist, almost anywhere. so the big question is, why are they building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built with government money on property, not being claimed and us courts choose one party state system,
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eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom of feet that will take more than just new hotels. the the been watching the news on out to 0 reminder about top stories. the wells top cortez issued a routing that orders these route to take steps to prevent genocide in gaza. is the 1st ruling and a case find by south africa against israel? judges from the international court of justice mo, data overwhelmingly in favor of 6 provisional measures, including a demand that is ralph put an end to the beginning and harming of palestinians
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outside the icy g at the hang. hundreds of supporters of pot assuming somewhere relieved that israel has been ordered to take all measures to prevent genocide by many others were disappointed that judges didn't order is wrapped to stop from what i call responding set. boston has more on the reactions outside the course in the hague, on their way to the international court of justice. it was clear what they wanted to hear. so these protest as the world's highest court was the last hope to stop this growth minutes. we can paint and guy among the palestinians, living in europe, came to relay some good news to their relative spec, home to its uh, verbage, the, it's like uh, storage moment. it's a day that we hold that our hope and then the rest are committed to will be born again. we leave when the court's president joe done to you. acknowledge the suffering of the people in gaza,
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an order israel to take all measures to prevent genocide. the mood changed when it became clear, the court did not order is around to stop the war the running, cuz it's not good enough. i mean, we've made some good ones, but at the same time, you can't really order is ready to do everything within his power to stop the side one. the only thing is to support. this is a turning points. i mean, i look at this and i see that now is the z as it is to this case of g, an aside, i'm years to come now trying to defend itself for us. someone i like as gods on. know i have my son, we lose us thing the on daily basis with our stuff. sorry. what is that is the, you know, side against us decide the news. i have to say to them. they have to go from the product is all over. you're hoping for one thing and that's an immediate cease fire . now the will of course,
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has disappointed them attached to the go to the stories as well. the, to them, the world's highest court is not the end of the road. it's only a step, a station on our way, on our way to our destination, which is a liberation on almost as full by the sun, and good things that are right. so for the policy that unintelligent burleson our way is maybe known, but we will keep it up until we reach destination. and the spirit which went from hope to disappointment, remains unbroken. step 5 since alex is 0, they make every admin. so is the policy needed? and by sarah to the united nations, he welcomes v i. c. j verde 10, said he'll be discussing it with the council of ambassadors on monday in order to do all the things that they're asking for. you need a ceasefire for it to to, to happen. so all these things we will analyze it and we will discuss it
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collectively in the concept of embed it. so those to take the steps that we need to take very soon. so fasten your seat belts. you are into a very, uh, yeah, uh, power for the, you know, the trip that today is friday. we had all these meetings on friday and we will begin, you know, more active processes with members of the security council and monday, and also a meeting or briefing of the security council as bringing gabrielle is under the united nations force in new york. so okay, what kind of impact can, can we expect this routing tab at the one in the days ahead? as well as we had meant through the power steering and pass or the just heard from there. he also said something else. he said, passenger seat belts, and what he was indicating is that things are going to be moving very fast in the
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coming days here at the united nations, the air, but master's actually meeting right now behind closed doors in a conference room here in the basement of the united nations headquarters actually, where they're starting to lay out their, their plan moving forward. we do expect that perhaps by next week we could perhaps see an initial draft of a resolution to the security council. they could perhaps call for a ceasefire. could perhaps do even more, but the bottom line here is that their advisors are discussing one thing, and that's how to hold is real accountable after this i c j decision and gave, but i wanted to talk to you about something else that's happening of the you when right now, i'm washington's announcement that it will pause funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees on ross. and this is after a number of gordon rus staffers with fired over is really claims they took on in
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the minus attacks on october. the 7th earlier gave us the un spokesman stefan to jerry, come back on wise investigation into these allegations, let's say can listen. and then you will tell us more about this on the wall in the i would refer you back to the statement has received. as the commissioner general has received enough information to have taken a decision on separating a number of ink from firing the number of, of, of staff members, i'm not going to go more into it at this point. so gave, what more do we know how many suffers the are involved in these allegations? slowly pressed uh the secretary general's spokesperson. exactly on that question. and he would not tell me. uh, he though they're saying and their release is, is that several, in their words, you under a staff members in the guys that have been fired. and this comes after allegations brought to henri. uh,
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by is rarely officials according to the un that several and their words i'm, are a staffers were involved in the october 7th from us attack. now, what kind of involvement henri is not saying, what is the evidence that israel apparently has the un is not saying. so there's a lot of still questions to be answered out there. but what we do know is from the un is they say that unwrapped has a nuff information where they felt that they should fire these a, these unrest staff members. now the state department of the united states is saying that it's 12 unrest, staff members. but again, the un is not confirming that that will conclude by saying just some perspective. there are 13000 on rough humanitarian aid workers in guys. only 5000 of them are able to work right now because of israel's bombardment of gaza and a 153. under
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a u. n. a workers have been killed since october 7th, because of is really bombing up because the strip gaped. thank you for that. gave it a zone to live at the un headquarters there in new york. it's now commercial vessel has been hit by a mist tied off the coasts of young men, according to the u. k. maritime secuity. from ambry this ride caused the fire in a condo tank. it's the latest in the series of attacks on ships in the red sea. the run by tuesday group has been targeting, shifts in response to it as or as warn gaza that will if he is confirmed, they're fine. just carried out an operation targeting the british oil tank, kamali lawanda in the gulf of 8 and on friday. all crew members on board. the latest vessel have been report is safe. if it's all the way up to shopping center in support of the oppressed palestinian people, i've been response to the american british aggression against our country. the army naval forces with the help of god, carried out to target to the operation against the british royal plank modeling.
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the wonder in the gulf of age and using a number of suitable naval miss alice. the hits was by wrecked, leading to expanding your many armed forces upon the continuation of the operation from the red sea. i shall add to the already being against his regular ships of those heading the ports of oakland, california. until the aggression stopped and food and medicine will deliver to the east kind of city and people in the cause of stress. more now on the situation in guys, a lack of food and water is healing widespread hunger across the gaza strip. that you went to say is about half the population is at risk of salvation, including hundreds of thousands of children. policy needs a desperately searching for food every day with some coming under fire from these really military catello based totally on has. the desperation is growing by the day with hunger be coming from there for many. okay, because of the thousands of palestinians surround
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a truck delivery date and goes to the city. but there's not enough for everyone. sam and is now a reality for many health workers worn. it's one that will likely didn't work. and that's when i listen to, you know, i had a situation these tragic would from and doesn't do justice. the would misery isn't enough. people are eating folder that they're reaching animals, water, electricity, and internet has been con, food and flour is limited. surviving is just so challenging. many displays families who have lost everything over the last 3 months. have to wait for days for a single sec, bellflower. but we haven't had that in the uh, the we don't have jobs and we don't have money. the price of a sucker flyer used to be $10.00. now. so for 200, we came here to face death just for the sake of having one bag of flour. while some people have been killed while waiting for 8. because the health ministry says is
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really force has recently killed at least 20 palestinians who are lined up and waiting for food deliveries, a sense of despair spreading the pain that we are starving. we have to eat animal food. we don't care about death anymore. they can kill me, just want to have a bag of flour to give my family, with little to no chance of getting flower. some people are using animal fodder to make their bread. that's until it also runs out how sending work receive their options are vanishing. so have the public that could do if you go to get flower, you will die. and if you stay at home, you will also die from hunger and we started eating rice and lentils either. and now the rice has run out. you wouldn't officials say a quarter of goss whose population of 2300000 men, women, and children spacing starvation. and as the war continues, more palestinians are likely to see a similar effect. patsy,
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a little physical again now is here. the less sounds. take a look at some of the days of in use and francis prime minister has announced a series of managed measures aimed at ending protest by farmers protest block motor ways on friday. following 2 weeks of similar protest by farm is furious at rising fuel costs. the french foreign minister gabriela todd, is reversing times to reduce state subsidies on trying to fuel and announce any emergency funds to help cattle farms. a chinese people are on the move in record numbers for the biggest annual migration on the planet. 9000000000 journeys are expected during the next 6 weeks for the new new year holiday. it's hope the travel boom will boost the slowing chinese economy. katrina, you ready for some big? china is annual travel. rush has begun with millions of people starting the journey
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ahead of the union new year holiday. in february, the government expects a record of 9000000000 trips will take place this year, putting pressure on public transport. how many chinese who migrate to big cities for what spend most of the is separated from loved ones and are excited to return home for the holiday. so later i had a very good year. i make good money and i'm looking for to our family reunion. but it's not a happy homecoming for, oh, i haven't heard much money. this positive. yeah. its been hard, but i still need to return through saturday. the new. yeah. because my children and parents own a home economic growth is stagnating off to the current of ours. pandemic china is best thing deflation and struggling to restore consumer confidence. it's hooked the travel days will spo spending. traditionally, people travel through the hometown just send the new year with that family for this year, more people are traveling for tours and,
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and felicia increasingly budget crunches tours, opting to stay closer to home choosing destination such as hong kong, the tropical island of high not, or the northern city of harvey, famous sports ice festival to uh, to the new tires shown funded to the huge flow of peoples accompanied by huge consumption mainland shopping, food, sightseeing, entertainment, culture, and sports. this will be a big stimulus for domestic consumption. in 2023, we booked to restore consumption. this year. our goal is to expand it. we travel agency se countries such as thailand and singapore, which chinese possible holders can enter visa, free on popular chinese ellens. have scheduled an additional $2500.00 flights for the living in the period. but many analysts say up to 3 years of close boat is due to the corbet 19 outbreak. china is international travel industry may not fully
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recover until 2025. katrina you out to 0 aging. how many australians have been celebrating their national holiday about australia day also so protest in solidarity with indigenous australians and demands so celebrations to be abolished . jessica washington has more. it seems to be thousands of people mocked to stream the day by taking pause in a protest march close to change the date of the national day has been growing in recent years. demonstration said, celebrates colonization. and the disposition of aboriginal and torres strait islander in my opinion, they should be now let's try to die. here's celebrate the genocide of any other people. it should be abolished. this is no started i. this is invasion, no to us, observed annually on january. the 26th is really day marks the end of the 3 of the arrival of the british 1st fleet in sidney cove. more than 200 years ago. this is protest included
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a sizable palestinian representation with some participants drawing comparisons between the experiences of indigenous australians and palestinian inside. i can clearly see this country from what it is i'm proud to call on that the the main thing supremacy racism and injustice. also, mr. aliens still celebrate the national day. all those particularly young people are increasingly rejecting its. earlier this week, statues of 2 colonial figures in milton was vandalized. i thing to say is about recognizing that it's got sure i was going to dock history. i want you to say with our best ations paper, the debates around changing the dates of history and the day has gone in public attention for years. several communities have moved the citizenship ceremonies to another date, and some retailers have stopped selling australia de merchandise. jessica washington to 0. some news just in now and
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a jury in the united states has ruled that former president donald trump, must be jean carol $83300000.00. count accused trump of destroying her reputation as a journalist by denying that he raped her in the mid 1990 is. this is the you outside the quotes room in new york, where the jury again has just rules that trump must be 18300000 in comp instead tore damages. and 65000000 intuitive damages to e gene, count a college student to some sports news. and coming up we'll hear from livable manager your can top who's taken the decision to meet english class at the end of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the time that us forces on d. thank you so much for the one young called has announced he'll be leaving little pool at the end of this season. the jim and he's been in the club since 2015 says he's running out of energy is $16.00 major trophies during his time out live a pool and the team are currently top of the english, primarily far as small report it's. it's a decision that comes as a shock to most of the following world. have to close to a decade in the manager seat. your can clock has decided that this will be his last season in charge of liverpool. i love everything about the city. i love everything about our supporters. i love the team,
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love to stuff of everything that i still take. this decision probably will all shows you that i'm convinced it's the one that i have to take it is that i'm looking as a to, i'm running out of energy costs doing liber pool in 2015 at a time when the club was being starved. have consistent success, no manager there or had one lead title since county dudley's in 1990. the german has taken liber pulled back to the summit and english football winning every major owner in the game. this announcement comes with liverpool top of the primary lead. and in contention to win for trophies is the passion, but really, you know, the funds altogether, the easiest. regenerate to the slope. please don't go please stay. i says a few things that quiet home about, you know,
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losing the energy and stuff out. so maybe it's hands get some refresher. i know that i cannot do the job again and again and again and again. and after all the years we have together and up to all the time we spend together and up to all are the things we went through to get up. the respect grew for you with the law of grooved for you and the least thing i owe you is the truth. what former labor for mid feelers, shabby alonzo was taken by or laboratory since the 1st place and the german league and is likely to be approached as a possible placement. to be honest, i am not in that moment to think about the next system. i'm thinking about wherever i am right now. i have huge respect for, for jurgen, huge admiration before coming to livable on duty because you're excessive and being bigger. i me plus grown whoever steps in will face a huge task and trying to replicate the success of one of the primary leagues.
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greatest managers far as smile out a 0. what comp says he told the club about his decision back in november. we've been talking to football, writes, and his all consolidate about one of the games. best kept secrets a very successfully pets the on the rocks, you know, usually the leak and football. there's been a bit of leak. there was no legs, it's all about. and you know, years even live in full season at the trustees and what fluids so upset. you know, i'm tired and he's been doing this a news. it takes a lot of energy and the football club like he's done, you know, to be successful. not in the menus less mosquitoes as you know, and. busy is in the lead this been the long this have i don't think was the one in sibley. i think the disappointment in this thing is i think they were to yeah, absolutely. have him in the club for many, many more years. oh certainly. but respect to legend and if the lives you need to break, then you go let them do it really, and i seem to that's, that's the back story. then what's going on here? living?
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i still think to me, right extensive is number one. i think i book for maybe just below and for and with the brain. yeah. so i put in with the body all the unimportant with us and then going to be next to me just below right service and i'll chelsea and ask them. then i will have to do it all again and the full friend of being a chef. i count the match between the premier league rivals at stump the bridge has just finished. and then a little drawer. so it'll be a replay coming up at a drug, which is hopes of winning a record breaking 25th grandson's single sign fluoride. and now the will number one fates unable younique's center in the semi finals district. and i, if i'm supposed to have a tree, which is 1st let's see, melvin says 20 i think was going to and you know, one day uh, who's going to happen. and you know, at least i,
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i gave everything i possibly can under circumstances where i didn't play well. and i lost 2 of you, a player that has a very good chance, the witness for slip. so obviously it means so much to me to, to be no luck. i here here. melbourne, by the way, i know that the tournament is not over sunday is uh, is the final its uh different emotions well facing, sent it in sundays. fine will be daniel met, but this, the russian recovering from think she sits down and it says, send me, does i send? is there evidence funds that we put in in, in the final or 3rd and indian bonsa rubin, the due date you're bringing out his trademark sold celebration is a finish day to the 2nd test against england on a t. well, no sounds the same. look on costs, victory and hodge are bad. they already have
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a $175.00 run 1st, endings half century. okay, but it's high school to is looking for an id. thank you very much for the best and use our for now. knowledge is here, but to stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with all today's top stories. things the the latest news as it breaks the word along over a 100 save, has left many feeling life. you will never end with in depth reports many saying that as long as like 3 until all the caps is about 5 to the price. even if that means i didn't need it from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist unique perspective. some people see these really
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moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sticking up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises. that is all i want to want to know us as a human to have the connection with the stream on out to 0, to the police degree, seek immediate shelter. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight, they will be met with fire and security rise anxiety. are you doing scrolling radio tape, or i'd be that to that just like exploring how x is central tricks to life impact the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on outsourcing nicely too. you should be a time to rush within europe's comment to, you know, make crisis. it's
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a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living image, to price sikes and forced evictions. and unlikely candidate can spend images from this class for time. and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community, explains housing factors, a witness documentary on how to 0, the, [000:00:00;00] the so this isn't news out on out you 0 for the back to go live in to have coming up in the next 60 minutes israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza,


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