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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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which is hera, the it is real must in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. takes all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. that you ins, top court orders, israel to prevent genocide and gaza july the amount of terran a but stops charge of demanding a ceasefire. the alarm elizabeth put on this is alice of the on line from doha. also coming up. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is
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a rage is defined as rob rejects the when a prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to carry on his war on gaza. the israel's military opens file and displays palestinians. and they see shown something causes biggest hospitalized and balanced and insight, extreme hunger, hesitant phantom desperately produced easing adam the feed, scrambling around a trucks the it's $23.00 gmc, and we begin at the international court of justice. judges of the world's top court wanted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 emergency measures to prevent genocide and gaza, but did not order receipts far diplomatic attitude. james base reports from the
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hague. 17 judges of the u. n's talk legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel. bro tons of the genocide convention said rolling right out by the coats, president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible. but the situation in gauze that was very grave and urgent. and the israel, by the dehumanizing language of its leaders, had shown intent. she directly quoted, israel's president and its defense minister, minister, golan stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote, i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. the quotes president then read outlook judges decisions, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the
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commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention applaud routing, which included the note of the israel properly deal with the da humanitarian situation. but there was no specific cold for to meet. you see spotty outside the court, south africa's foreign minister gave her reaction to reporters in it so sizing. uh the uh old uh, that would have to be a ceasefire without its the old uh doesn't actually what the hell are you disappointed? no, they didn't specify i'm, i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hope for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid. the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is come back to for
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me requires a ceasefire. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years, but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been ordered to produce a report for the judges explaining how it's complying with this ruling. james buys outages, era, the hague, south african president. so around the plaza has up for one of the i, c. j. 's, runing. it was inventory with a supporters when the decision was announced, the south african governments of the quotes provisional meshes, a decisive victory for the international level. we expect is ryan as a self proclaimed democracy and the state that respects the flow to abide by that mesh just handed down by the international court of justice. after more than half a century of occupation, this possession oppression and a part to the palestinian people. his cries for justice had been he did by
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an eminent organ of the united nations. this is what was prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cooled, a ruling, a disgrace. let's go to home. the son who, if she's joining us, live from occupied east jerusalem for more on this and on surprising reaction from those really government. honda. but does it represent how most people in israel street about the case a condemnation across the aisle from is rarely politicians. let's begin with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who called the ruling outrages. he also gave 2 statements, one in hebrew, and the 2nd in english trying to appeal to the international community, saying that israel is fighting a just war and that they differentiate between the civilians in gaza. and him, us, but the reality on the ground of course, is always showing a different picture. a disconnect between what is really officials are saying about
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targeting civilians and the reality on the ground. additionally, we've been hearing from the defense minister e o r g alons, who said that israel quote, does not need lessons on morality. he also condemned the ruling and we're also hearing from another minister each more ben, we're from the ultra right camp who said that it was a hypocrisy. it is also worth noting that comments from it's a more bend. we're a known altered nationalist were used in the case against israel for genocide, a language. but benjamin netanyahu had asked his cabinet to not speak on the ruling until there was a government consensus. but many members of his government spoke out. anyway, when you are also hearing from the opposition, who said that it was quote bogus. that from that you're located, the opposition leader and we're of the labor party may rob me, kylie who also slammed the ruling. but what a step further to slime, nathan, yahoo! and his government, she said that this is a result of nothing yahoo,
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his policies and his extreme government calling on him to be replaced. these really prime minister ended his remarks by saying that the war is going to continue v a land air and sea until the is really is achieve all of their military objectives. yeah, it was really knows where the, how the president of the quotes that she actually closer to what the defense minister you'll have. guidelines had also said shortly after october, the 7th to show that genocidal intent was plausible. i'm the we will. so gosh, how mos releasing a video of this really captives and guys, and what's been the reaction there to the latest videos. these rarely as easily swam videos like this, calling them, quote, propaganda and a psychological warfare. but this is just the latest in a series of videos released by him us and posting in his stomach. he has showing captives pleading to their government for their release calling on these really
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government for more assistance. and this particular video we saw 3 female is really captives repeating that sentiment. and it's been something that the families of these captives have been preaching to these really government for months, taking to the streets in demonstrations, trying to get a message across that the government is simply not doing enough to help their plight. and the time has simply run out more than 3 months and as the war enters its 4th month, they feel that the issue of the captive is simply not being prioritized or at home to thank you very much for that home. the cell who is live and occupied east, jerusalem. and the reaction to the i c. j we would have in the occupied westbank was muted. child stratford was with palestinians bands. they watched the proceedings on the phone from the hague and send them on. the okey point, which bank shows like pictures from inside. you installed the quote in the hague. i the tooling states that israel and let's take
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a little measures to prevent genocidal ex any to garza. but there was no order of a seaside to stop the killing. so there's little surprise amongst those present when the decision came, the kind of lost hope in international law, international humanitarian law and international and mckenna isms. and they were very helpful today. i'm after this decision. they are more disappointed. israel's won't goal is that continues to be felt in the occupied westbank is already military rates have detained a modem, $6200.00 chemist indians since the how much the tax on some of these well, on october, the 7th he's ready. all me is killed moving 370 polished indians and the occupied westbank since the war began. and these righty, secular violence, has dramatically increased good and cut all the court would have ruled for an immediate end to the is there a the army atrocities and stop the war? because guys and civilians are an armed alone and desperate?
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the decision disappointed me. i was hoping just to port to that least protect the people in garza. but now there are no protection for the philistine and people who are there in gaza or the west bank. and some believe the rules are going to have means is ready on me and secular violence in the occupied was bank could get even was i can't decide busy the israel will now increase it. so probation, see this is expected that by representing the ruling is not a surprise. it again shows and justice from wild leaders in justice from the west and wealth in relation to palestine, part of sydney and for i'm going to study all the mile a key. welcome the action of the international court of justice in ordering israel take all the measures to ensure that acts of genocide are not committed in garza but we never do loan for an immediate c saw that means that the silica in garza will continue. and so trust amongst palestinians in the united nations and international law is that his lowest ever since the war began charles stuff,
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it was a 00 molar in the occupied westbank. as well as the ally the united states as the routing is consistent with its view that as well and has the right to take action in accordance with the international in your to ensure the october 7th attack can't be repeated. the state department said we continue to believe that the allegations of genocide are on found. a nurse, the quotes did not make find thing about genocide, a quote for a cease font and its routing, and that it pulled for the unconditional immediate release of all hostages being held by him. us had to call hand reports from the white house. or here's the white house officials definitely trying to put a positive spin on the decision from the international court of justice. the 1st thing admiral john kirby, of the national security spokesman said when he brought brief reporters on this question was, look, they didn't rule the israel's committed genocide. that question is actually
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a much broader questionnaire, extra years with the court to rule on that. they did say the court that israel should try to avoid genocidal acts, but he also said we also agree with some of what the court said. the court said that civilians should be protected. we've been telling israel that as well. then curry said they'd also said more, it should be going in the us has been telling israel to do that as well. and you ask the question, if they think that what they're asking israel to do is actually happening on the ground. we can all see for our own eyes that civilians are being killed in huge numbers and that the people are starving in gaza. but he did wanna highlight how he thinks they have been able to influence israel. actually, i mean, i think the court's ruling is consistent with many of our, our many of our positions made and, and much of the approach that we've taken with israel, for instance in, you know, the view that israel has the right to take action against the terrace of that on
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the october 7th attack that, that they have an obligation to be mindful of minimizing civilian casualties. that they have an obligation to assist the international community to get humanity or, and assistance. and all these are things that we, that we have been pushing and urging for as well. and we've also just been told that you as president joe biden is getting involved when it comes to the possibility of a cease fire with capt is being released. we know that his ca director, who really takes point on this. he's been speaking with his counterparts in israel, egypt and cutter and talking to them in europe yesterday. now the president's making these phone calls, he spoke to the mayor of cutter and the president of egypt. that usually is an indication that they're getting close to something that they think the president needs to step in and use his cloud, his relationships. so something could be on the horizon for john kirby did say that nothing is immune particle. hi al jazeera at the white house. meanwhile, in gaza, there's been no response from the bloodshed and despair in the south. nicer hospice
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when calling you and it says i'm the senior mid, heavy fighting the a by the that these 300 people are trapped inside and there are no ambulances. the hospital is now just service off to most of the stop fails to evacuate. and this was to say in the area of calling you in as weather as rainy military open fire on displays, palestinians local sol. so say a number of people were injured. they're all see is that is really false. is maybe if a parent arrest large numbers of palestinians in the area and people in gaza have expressed disappointment at the un quotes for reading. some of the year, the international court was supposed to at least the demand and immediate ceasefire bus. and fortunately it didn't, we really disappointed because it's like saying this aggression came continue. it's
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a pissy rebuilding. yeah, we heard about the i see decision in the hate and it's not what we expected. most of the displaced people of civilians including children living that we hope that the decision would reflect that which human beings, human beings are being exposed ethnic cleansing, and who should be treated as such. result, the court would at least amount of ceasefire. thought a couple as an report from alpha, the palestinians today were hearing the ruling by the international court of justice regarding his oldest for these very few patient forces to prevent genocides that attacks in gaza strip and also to allow for more humanitarian supplies. how this thing is a fact support completely desperate in terms of the ongoing is really miniature tax, despite the, the resolution made by the international court of justice as is well, is expanding expenditure tax on different areas of course, because especially in the southern part that's supposed to be a safe zone for guns,
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which also excessive fate. human to tell you a situation and conditions at the very limited number of a human terrier supplies being delivered into gaza strip as more evacuation or just being issued for residents. con you in a city to sleep seeking safety to roughly um its own going from bottom to also for roughly district within the past few hours. tar cubism, which is a rough, rough line in southern gaza. lack of food and water was feeling widespread, hung across the strip that you once has about half the population face of starvation that include hundreds of thousands of children. some palestinians have come on the fire from the israeli military walls, searching for food. katia lopez, holding on has more desperation, is thrilling by the day with hunger be coming from there for many a cost because of the thousands of palestinians around
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a truck delivery date in carson city. but there's not enough for everyone, sam, and is now a reality for many health workers warm. it's one that will likely get worse and the restroom. elizabeth had a situation these tragic would from and doesn't do justice. the would missouri isn't enough. people are eating folder and that's the routine animals, water, electricity, and internet has been comp, food and flowers. limitations of all i think is just so challenging. many displaced families who have lost everything over the last 3 months. have to wait for days for a single sick, a flower, but we haven't had the the, we don't have jobs and we don't have money. the price of a soccer flyer used to be $10.00. now, so for 200 but came here to face death just for the sake of having one bag of flour . while some people have been killed while waiting for 8. because the health
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ministry says it's really forces recently killed at least 20 postings who were lined up in waiting for food deliveries. a sense of despair spreading was a lot of pain that we are starving. we have to eat animal food. we don't care about death anymore. they can kill me, just wanted to have a bag of flour to give my family, with little to no chance of getting flower. some people are using animal fodder to make their bread. that's until it also runs out how cindy and workers either options or vanishing the so out ahead of how i could for the kids. if, if you go to get flower, you will die. and if you stay at home, you will also die from hunger. and we started eating rice and lentils either, and now the rice has run out with you in officials say, a quarter of gospel population of $2300000.00 men, women and children spacing starvation. and as the war continues, more palestinians are likely to see a similar effect. patsy,
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a little physical again. now is there still a head on 20 people in monte reaction to me instead of the military has ended a peace agreement with groups the brought to you by visit capital. i tell you that it's a stormy story for parts of north america. this batch of severe storms rumbling their way through the deep south and intensifying a, bringing a risk of a flash flooding. some of those states in the southeast corner, pushing their way towards the eastern seaboard. as we go sack today into sunday, we'll see something of a cool down for some of the cities like washington dc, and the likelihood of the return of some wintery conditions across the great lakes and into new england was things cooled down here. we're still seeing lots of heat
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across the whole central areas and it's a central parts of canada. we had bitter cold for weeks and weeks. but now we think tempered is what about the average for this time? if you're still some what the weather is starting to pull in to west and parts of canada as well as the pacific northwest. you can see that is going to cool things down slightly, but still lots of sunshine and wants to building up for california. there in that one can be felt in the north of mexico at least for a day on saturday, but have just come down from one to re into sunday. it will be a similar story from mexico city as that was a whether the tail end from those storms rushes down across the you could time financial or into believe as well as gloss mala, some with the weather coming in for western cuba, but sunshine for the east, that's the weather update. the quote to you by visit, cut some phone, counting the cost of tax, my co pays and the red sa, disrupting global trade could then push out the price isn't pump fuel inflation.
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africa as mounting debt is crippling. the confidence development plus we looked at how sleep has turned into a multi $1000000000.00 business. counting the cost on al jazeera. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know. as far as i said, i'm going on the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the the be watching. i'll just say all the me elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. romando on top stories, the salad, the international court of justice has ordered israel to prevent genocide and gaza, but it stopped short of asking for cease 5 is the 1st ruling and
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a case followed by south africa against israel. was wells prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has condemned eclipse. decision is at the facts of the courses, considering allegations of genocide against, as well as a disgrace and not from hospice. northern gauze of south is under siege in mid heavy fighting nearby place 300 people, the trapped inside. and there were no ambulances, there were reports of more attacks on shipping of e, and then it's closed. a hoot, a military spokesman said miss all attacks said of tanka on file. the crew of the mountain lawanda is reported to be safe. under u. s. navy destroy patrolling the gulf of aden, shut down an incoming missile. this is hearing and the civil case against us president joe biden. and all the senior us leaders of being complicit in genocide as a john for the day rights groups. and a number of individuals have the case for which in oakland, california,
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they're asking the court to order president invited to end us assistance to as well as a jury in the us as well. with the former president, donald trump pay $83300000.00 in damages to aging cow. and the defamation case, both against him, the jury found that cow proved she's suffering damages, as a result of trumps denials of her rape allegations in 2019. that's getting more from one correspondence, rosalind jordan, she's joining his law from washington dc. the jerry award and carol moving 8 times when she austin, her initial little search was reminded what happened in the case of what we have to be very specific about how the jury in this case of defamation that was brought by aging carol, the long time journalist and aunt, i got a columnist for elle magazine brought against the former president donald trump.
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she had wanted $24000000.00 for emotional damage and damage to her refutation. instead the jury awarded 183w7 about was for emotional law damage. the other 11300000 was for damage to her professional reputation. what the jury also awarded was $65000000.00 to punish donald trump at herb teams request in order to persuade him not to do this again to her or to anyone else. now of course, not surprisingly, the former us president who wasn't in the court room when the jury came back with its verdict on friday afternoon, said that he will appeal not just this verdict, but another verdict in a separate trial a year ago may in which that jury felt that he had sexually abused ega and carol,
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in the mid 19 ninety's out of manhattan department store. this is of course, a situation where this was a civil case, not a criminal case, because the is a sexual abuse happened. and the statute of limitations for bringing a criminal case had run out, but she was able to sue in civil court and she has no one to verdict them, which donald trump now needs to pay her nearly 90 $1000000.00. a course, depending on whether or not he is able to reverse this on appeal. yeah, he has called the verdict and damage is absolutely ridiculous and said he will appeal decision me. right. he also said in his own personal social media posting that he considers this, there is a sign that the administration of the current us president joe biden was behind this prosecution, which of course, is not true. this case was brought before joe biden came into the white house. and
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this is also a case where donald trump is alleging that his 1st amendment rights and all persons 1st amendment rights have been violated. that is also not the case. you can say whatever you want, but there are libel laws here in the united states. and if you say something that is damaging to someone else's reputation and that person can prove it in court, you can be held liable. and that includes money. a lot of money in this particular case for us. thank you very much for that. rosalind jordan live in washington dc kind of has government and says it will challenge a high court ruling. blocking plan was to send police officers to haiti. can you volunteer last year? to lead a multinational force to help stop gang violence in the caribbean nation, the un security council, the order of the mission last october. the high court in my rather the says, the deployment of illegal the government and says it will continue on when it cools
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its international obligations. the leader of indigenous people in the amazon rain forest and brazil, as has been using the bathroom to save the land from legal gold. mine is, it's a yes and it's president new to the silver declared humanitarian emergency. send military forces to stop mining. the leader on the on omani community it says minus continue to threaten to attack them and block deliveries of food and medicine. the military leaders and molly have announced an end to a peace agreement with the good of the move as being seen as threatening further instability in the whole region of west africa. nicholas hawk reports the end of a peace agreement that failed to bring peace to molly. the tv announcement by military leaders came as no surprise to many millions in the capital by myself to be so the piece of payment as an obstacle in uniting the money and people on. yeah, i didn't promoting piece of social occasion to set it up on the i feel the
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agreements was favoring divisions on monday and on by con, support. i commend the gentle decision he did call via code was a threat like the republican we couldn't have exhibited it. we were forced to sign in because out of the time was we now the army, his broad modeling, to be an additional saying, we are ready to fight to utilize our country. of the 2015 algiers peace agreement negotiated in algeria. but signed in by miko by mostly to work on groups and the body and state was seen as a victory for algeria and the united nation, which broke are the deal. but absent at the signing were, i'm groups linked to isolate know, tell you that they have since increased their tax for the threatening body sovereignty. in the statement, molly's military june to accuses algeria of harbouring arcade of fighters and other armed groups. hostile to molly and accuses algeria of meddling in while these
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affairs of the announcement followed a series of battle field victors. molly's army with the help of russian mercenaries have taken over territory in the north last 2 armed groups. the mining governments certainly feels that he's in a better position today to negotiate and they are in a position of strength on the ground could always the recapture in november last year. uh. and so, one thing is very clear, i think in their mind that this time they want to leads the piece effort by themselves somebody and territory. algeria expressed regret at the decision saying it risk threatening stability in an already unstable region. the leader of the turn time, molly a see me go, dies calling for dialogue. you says a form is needed to build a new the multi and piece of equipment you made by molly is formality, is and without for an interference. nicholas hawk, l g 0. the vice prime minister has announced 10 measures is aimed at ending
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protests by foreigners. gabriel alto has abandoned fuel tax increases for follows, and announced, and announced an emergency fund to help catch hold promise. chinese people are on the move in record numbers for the biggest annual migration on the planet. 9000000000 joining us are expected during the next 6 weeks for the learn a new yeah. holiday katrina, you reports from badging. china's annual travel rush has begun with millions of people starting to do any head of the new new year holiday. in february, the government expects a record of 9000000000 trips will take place this year, putting pressure on public transport. how many chinese who migrate to big cities for what spend most of the is separated from loved ones and are excited.


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