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tv   Witness Spains Housing Battles  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 8:30am-9:00am AST

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of the middle us bypassing the notorious traffic in the capitol. many accused the president of wasting tax payers money bond to be life. how's the story at the british, roxanne quote, place sold out show. in manila, philippines president for dean and marcus junior, was among the cheering fans. by the way, it was the rest of the crowd in doors, hours of traffic jams to reach the concert marcus flew in on the presidential helicopter itself is said, it was necessary for security. but critics say it was just another example of marcus's tone, deaf governing style. but the thing is, he use the filipinos boxes on watching on god saying the beans and analysts say the incident, gave marcus critics something to focus on the salad. and if there's one thing the marxist have long been accused of, it's their use of state funds for personal benefit. critics say the use of
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a government's healthy copper is in line with the presidents of bringing people off julia's father's 20 years in the presidency. often described as one of the most corrupt in the world. and yet as recently as december, 1 survey suggested, a majority of filipinos were happy with marcus's performance, except on inflation. the same pull, found almost 3 quarters of the population, was dissatisfied with the high cost of living. when i get, don't, i don't answer the number, right? yes, the problem. so let's keep the analysts say revive economy is going to be tough, especially after coven 19. he has done some, some damage. however, we know that the recovery from the pandemic and from the double digit recession of the economy will not take overnight. but we also know that for ordinary filipinos, economic hardship continues to be the main issue of the day. which is why some of
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the president's foreign trips had been condemned as ill time in the necessary as commodity prices sword last year. he was the only as the leader to attend the world economic forum in douglas. in this year he looks set to continue is just setting ways with an even bigger travel budget. pardon below al jazeera, many. and as i said for me, so robin, you can find out more information of all the stories that we're covering by looking at 12 websites without just say that don't come as updated throughout the day about with mon using hoffman on next on to 0 is witness to stay with the phone, counting the cost of the tax by whose face of the red sa disrupting global trade could then push out the price isn't pump fuel inflation. africa's mounting debt is crippling the confidence development plus we look at how sleep has turned into
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a multi $1000000000.00 business. counting the cost on al jazeera, the system is giving you a lot of issues. so this will fail often to go for the 7 foot instead of truck letters. and i'll be in the course. when can i say no spaces? okay. shit or they don't throw it out of the board. so call me on your, on or on the
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way to the, the dfcs or the total. there's no point in the pc cut them on less than the 4 month. 6 of the machine. oh okay. see now let me see here, let me read this talk speak with tongues here and they don't pull it up. and there's part of me, cuz the
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way you send this to will not be the the, the, the, the, the security issues, photographs, cassette. i don't go quite a lot of sheet on the jim noise when there's something showed up. i'll show you why do you wish to allow me enough for the initial to see the in the middle, the show better. i see there's
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a good that the interstate this is good to get us pretty young. be the scale gale, same additional apartment. if they deliver to the dealership or 1st hospital, ms. don't funny. go this on the bottom. you'll payment is they get there should be in this corner here stuff. is it one to for my share of the short notice of it by the time you on hold for 2570. that's definitely the point that i thought you would know that would actually be better once again we'll see them would your last game was considered either. so you might know that's going to that, that's going on us for no problem. me on a so we that, that letter and we that i'm this most of the day coming down as
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a time and this has got us e, the values of to you on a busy god though and must consider, you know, it does just as we 30 s i, we just don't want to know how much when the oh yes, you got a some of the tests and sometimes they lost one visit in about the nothing doesn't when the semester it's not difficult for them both of them at the most, at the end of it done, but i'm more interested in the got the yeah. in this. how much of a to go more or more? not dollars what you can do and i'll show you not on the chevy ask him. fits into i'm not the obvious. yes, it's she just how do you, do you know? yes, the best, although i don't, i don't give you the money and i what a lot of i was hoping to share that i was actually on the system was around me. so i'm no, there's not much pressing on that. i mean, i will, we have not, but are going to the lady that will be in that k r k. last big without the on necessarily. i am is fine. yeah. the
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as dotius, the yoko dish to no fish. yeah. oh, that's not that we go the question yes, one day you want me now when i wasn't that even vocal why the young or k associated the later but or did
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she to is dumber sort of you know, what else will be made us in style? she said no, no sort of getting additional look at the job is, i'm sort of, it is good. but i said he should be, there's no problem. there's not a b o r e your bodily. she said she'd be a no show for so long as you show him that you know, he enjoys when the quantity of what you guys be and lucky a moment i think they need to have to go to ian that wash to see if y'all distribution. if i'm being dish right now to all over the myers, like in our shy to brush for them to know certain amount of time in
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a cd. got to be kidding us or something seen enough money that i'm just making is, but i mean, it was the colors. do you i mean, take on the time of day, well known as movies. easy. very busy, almost always going to fine. was going to the last 4 days and that's what on whichever is units. and then once i run these documents, you know, get, you know, the analogy. is this the reason why and believe almost in the us dollars more interested in already paid the g o may to pay well, in fact, to put together a visual, especially for young and we need to go for another trip to 0. now look at a month ago and it to does me supposed to use, you know, if you're legal, there's a lot. okay. yeah, that's really simple. now to be sure, in case you lose the, the spit
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out in the what do you think of some names? and the problem is sort of funny on is to enter for me is that familiar? suffolk stuff orders types of landmark. i know for you guys are going to get in for a ceiling coating last, i guess customer united, the stores one the got them in charlotte allow me just a little gosh, how lucky that get to get out of the machine. but in
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the there's a restaurant that kick in with that i go to me. i don't know if i did meet that for me to start. i see where she's trying to see that is that is the main issue is still gonna sit and stop with in the room. don't people even trust you. okay, josh, there's amazing english. but most actually the other empty pace. there's the bill. yeah, i don't the much to, to dish the the
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one on tony on the bed window but one that ended on yeah, we actually got gave units to the driver but haven't got to get some money. it's not going to get the wind speed. got it. they've got to, they see the, those don't know about how do you, i thought is a case a window school got so you don't book upon the read all you're going to talk to you about that. i gave it to see about how they had a good i don't know. i know i know a lot or did you of in the the sorry impression by i'm not of simple service or the there's so there's a minus just reading, but it was handled autopay already know. charlie, russian named us anderson because rita. sure. yeah. i'm not sure if you're interested. oh he goes, how do i feel? can be almost good. i want that. i want to speak to uh, a lot a stand the phone but no him but in, in good. let's go your style. i was getting
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a little less than this. i'm glad is it like and like, i didn't want to talk using that through. uh i've, i've seen nothing i've already talked to, and i don't know. it's at the end of a time to get put in a sort of weird, almost how that and i guess they're not, you know, a nothing but, and almost on the bottom of how they're leasing out on. so bill, a nice pass a actually and then was trying to combine yes instead of the i'm over, but i think you look at the, basically the way one of the middle of the policy on the almost any medieval. now, it's all inclusive binding, but event the objective to the location of the scan rather than a single done to the relative what, what does that sound in the most out of anybody can i think that my dad is spending 20. can anybody that guy didn't anybody? don't have anything by that's different than somebody so, you know, at least of course i could be like, i'm and then also while we get you started up the me, they said the dentist have ways. okay. good one, the way so simple to say in the industry of some of the,
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you know, the cautious, the 3 of us, you let me know message will it shut off because of the, the, the, for the love any all at the end of the season. but i need to go much good on that i want us to stay here. so sweet here
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show. so step, unless the mid is better best interest to implementing a new lease or for the sale to is that she looked at or to get into the cost of located above the hoops of our data. the shot record is on the bill. in the video is still going to be a much better she more than that, give it or the shuttle shark. i don't know what it is you know, mean my, you know, or is that of course she does for stuff and like i did them all. it's anita. oh gosh on there. but if someone in other local nursing, sheffield the essential stuff surely. so they spit on it, they did that, she felt hardly so they cannot get all the amount of this. okay. i don't know.
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don't ask them what you all down. you need to get out there. i'm going through the day. oh yes, but i don't know if i'm gonna hold it, but i do for, i mean, i've seen a little bit of, you know, albany to comply with either place you know that by the date. yes, i didn't turn to look a still go and just a moment later. so bless you. lou touchscreen, the man boy. you know his case study that i'm no, no, no. they don't think we'll just, i same break or much, but i'm sorry to the and when i feed us a lot so so i must get all the rest the fun a. but i also to amelia, are the most out on the $1000000.00. they just are from the shoulders for they don't feel good. i mean,
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they're less than 15 in trouble that here for the lessons on sunday. if you go my daughter on saturday and it will be, i'm not, i mean, small business does not know if y'all no, not a easy enough to not be that's. i mean, thanks. a lot of everything done during the week is the let's see why there's, there's somebody in the face of the
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corner to day whether on your way to change or you not for them enough. how does that have the may i go to a couple of them? are they more and more than what the promo. yeah. go more that will be or not the and the most. i will be more really audio can do this. i'll be on that. there's not, this almost have people tend to think about it. how about the, the, the, the 1st one was gone for the middle of nowhere near to god during the night betters. let us see, those are the mothers shouting odessa, g, i mean you know, the, the photos, the photos,
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the rest of the maybe more or less. okay. one of our key data is host nadia stuck ideas for roland eco. came from this for sure. when it's done coming up with a lot of the the well mama, mama scene or the media model, antonio,
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the desktop la auto. we have had a lot of people that live off the motor pool. she had the on the what went on your own station bill dollar number in either a scene or a nearest to me. raleigh. a c. i had your device like i might of this it out. i mean money. i don't know whether you all might have them here, but i will not be able to see coordinator in the state of georgia. the globe a middle study. yeah. my the yeah, the i need the present, the full i do, the meeting board meeting on the 20th. so hold on. let me see if i'm going to be the water jo john multilateral john. i'll put in a new one of those that can be put in the, in the highly good i just like a little bit. i'm not going to be one right. i am to moment the lieutenant, the human school of old. i guess it's the one to get it nice to see no problem with that. no problem. but the, the model, the done by evolve that as i get the end. yeah. these are we thinking of purpose
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don't i knew the promo like normally. i mean, i, me see of the, out of the age of the, you know, the kind of feel the fish that either if yes the fun is that they all go the speed the is only the little bundle must be used a little more, but i just want the mazda summers name does you know that the must have been, was that he doesn't need to others with a software. so i can use that for the so you can see what i mean that i reach out. or if you say the funding lifestar solution, don't pay for it to somebody, but i mean get, guess get a c k as he gets here. ice, i am the daughter of yeah. so like
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a know why should rashid, should it fiddle for? yeah, sure. for sure. and the name maybe then the nice to you maybe that particular thing will and will not let her know married the the, the fee and the for one more try it out of the she with the at the bottom the money for stuff you understand that go to the large, maybe or out of all you have a motion for the
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most economical concern that the lowest or escalade route just getting frustrated. monique. okay, lessons here is what i do check on thing was that was missing the one that i can think of. okay. okay, don't worry about you got it. yeah, no, no, no, no, my guardian book me to get
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a room for my room room now. no need. okay. yeah, i mean, i know she had another se, stephen, one of the most valuable. yeah. tell me, may i get on? i man, okay. i know you must have a great, you'll notice she all the way i get you. i was beginning, came with something you know. got the idea. i got on the fence now get down, virginia vocals. i'll get the name because i don't think this is diana funding. morgan, ethan, the other thing is this the what the human department of labor and that it will be. and what does it mean to assist in the supporting the ccn does have and they say smoking doses, and they said that since you and this one i'm going to like once you get up at a level becoming associated certainly louder with this one for the man does not say more sentimental when done was done the 100 for the she has to know how it all get
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on your to read. i may have no shock. i started working on message and i see it and you know it asking to do different dealing tomorrow to do a shopping range year study, miniature. i feel imagine why they they are the rest of the confusion time. the research must be the issues they never met. her either then the lady shell that i study, i don't, but it was cool. that's clearly school motor function. cost and we're getting the real good that all the eat. okay. great. up in the federal law party, how it's done. session was fielders to show me the question,
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amigos research and i started out just to go see the sheet on that part of the field. yes, for the look at which i'm on the
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scene going off of the sauce, the full. it's a 120 kilometers in many areas. how does the news continues to find their basic needs to live? here? most of them are to some of the rumbling that happening behind us now i'm not. is outgoing. wants to read from here to the 11 east side. there's new any place in gaza is considered to be safe, needs in the north or the south, and north in you on shelters or in hospitals. oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dimes built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could
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be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's water was parked one of 2 on the jersey. the police degree seeking media feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise of anxiety. are you doing sterling radio tape or i'd be that to that's like exploring how x is central threats to life. in fact, the human psyche apocalypse may coming soon on outsourcing the israel must in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in
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relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention. the international court of justice orders as well to prevent and punish acts of genocide in gossen. the colors of around the new what you know, just their life and i also didn't prevent the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false is a range of.


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