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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 9:00am-9:29am AST

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of exploring how existential affects to life impacts the human psyche. apocalypse may be coming soon. on outsourcing the israel must in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the conventions. the international court of justice, orders israel, and to prevent and punish acts of genocide in garza, the products that are on the new what you know, just their life. and i also didn't prevent the charge of genocide level against is
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or is not only false is a range of israel's prime minister of objects, the ruling and promises to continue the will and garza most okay. also clauses largest functioning health facility web banking services of clocks. hundreds of patients attract without food, power, or medicine. any of jury orders before the us presidents and donald trump, to pay more than $83000000.00 to a right to accused him of decimation the welcome to the pack them. the humans took cold as old as royal to take measures to prevent genocide in garza, the international court of justice issued the ruling and the case filed by south africa. judges voted overwhelmingly in favor of 6 emergency measures, which included asking his royalty published genocide. the incitement of diplomatic
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editor james bay's reports not from the hague. 17 judges of the un talk, legal body took part in the deliberations on south africa's case against israel. bro tons of the genocide convention is that ruling right out by the courts. president concluded that south africa's planes were plausible, but the situation and cause that was very grave and urgent. and the israel by the dehumanizing language of its leaders, had shown intent. she directly quoted israel's president and its defense minister, minister, golan stated, speaking to his rarely troops on the guards and border. i quote, i have released all restraints. you saw what we are fighting against. we are fighting human animals. this is the isis of gaza. the quotes president then read outlook judges decisions, israel most in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in
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relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the convention include ruling which included the note of the israel properly deal with the da humanitarian situation. but there was no specific cold for to meet. you see spot outside the court, south africa's foreign minister gave her reaction to reporters in exercising uh, the order. they would have to be a ceasefire without the order doesn't actually what the fuck are you disappointed because they didn't specify i'm i have no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed i hoped for it. but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is come back to for me requires
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a ceasefire. this is just an interim ruling. this case is expected to go on for a number of years, but there is another important landmark in just one months time. israel has been ordered to produce a report for the judges explaining how it's complying. with this ruling, james buys al jazeera, the hague, south africa's presidents around the place that has a pull to the high. c j's ruling that he was in pretoria with support is when the decision was announced. the south african government said that the quotes emergency measures are just slice of victory for the international rule of law. we expect israel as a self proclaimed democracy and the state that respects the floor to abide by that mesh just handed down by the international court of justice. after more than half a century of occupation this possession oppression and
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a part to the palestinian people. his cries for justice had been he did by an eminent organ of the united nations. this is rose, probably minnesota benjamin netanyahu has granted angrily to the coals decision. he called the ruling of disgrace. israel has been ordered to report to the high c j and the month regarding its compliance with dimensions. hold on, abdullah needs reports now from tel aviv defensive damage to the court did not cool and these are up to stop is military campaign in gaza. but it also did not throw out the case submitted by south africa on genocide, the intent as israel requests with the law. instead, the international court of justice forwarded israel to take steps to prevent acts of genocide in gaza and ruling that prime minister benjamin nathan. yeah, who was quick to dismiss, often, israel's commitment to international law is unwavering. equally unwavering is our
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sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and defend our people. like every country going into the proceedings. israel was hoping it could rely on the vote of the 6 western judges, a decor, but vote after vote, it became clear that the judges were united in their decisions twice even getting the vote of these really judge. on 2 of the 6 provisional measures by 16 votes to one, the state of israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. but while the quote session was underway, the war continued in gaza is really tags targeting the surroundings of the hospital . and it strikes targeting homes where civilians were sheltering. similar tactics
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made the basis of south africa submission to the international court of justice. israel is under pressure internationally, but the total public support for the war remains high. i think there's a lot of double standards placed on israel if you look at the un resolutions throughout the world. so many are placed are in indictments of israel and countries that are notorious for human rights violations seem to get by without the same scrutiny. so i think this is par, for course, for the international community to place this level of scrutiny on israel is re these over whelming these think that the army is using the necessity amount of power in gaza. and the high number of civilian casualties is justified for israel to reach its schools. even if the court did not hold for a cease fire. oh, for israel to pull out of gaza. this is the 1st time israel is shipped of what
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palestinian c. as in peter e, g at the expense is not clear if it will abide by any of the rulings or how, how. but so dick is, israel has been saying that it has the most moral army in the world. the international court of justice, deans, otherwise. and now is, will, is required to submit the report within a months showing how it complies with these provisional measures for the how many others you tell of. it's meanwhile the united states says the ruling is consistent with its view that israel has the right to take action in accordance with international law. particular haine has more or less from washington dc. it is got a couple at the white house in attempts to use the verdict from the international court of justice as a kind of indication. we simply have said consistently, we find that that, that, that claim is, is on the found. and you know that the court also did not find israel guilty of
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joseph a final decision on whether this is genocide is likely years away. but the court did order israel to avoid civilian casualties and to allow more aid into the gaza strip. us as it has asked israel to do both, but the bombing continues, the starvation spreading. if it continues, this will likely end up before the un security council, which has the power to impose economic sanctions band, the sale of weapons, or even authorize the use of force. but many experts believe the us simply will not let that happen. they really are not going to abandon israel when it comes to guys, or they will put pressure on them to behave more rationally. and i think they're gonna start putting pressure on them soon to wind down the main part of the conflict. but they're not going to vote against them in the security council. you, as president joe biden did get involved into one aspect of the war on garza, he spoke on the phone with the mirror of comforter and the president of egypt. we
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are told they're discussing a potential deal for a cease fire and exchange for some of the captives. now, usually when the key players get involved, it could be an indication that something's getting close, but an official here says nothing is imminent. patio head, elda 0, washington. it's kind of sneezing, also have expressed disappointment that the rules language stop shows, of ordering a ceasefire of some of the year. the international court was supposed to, at least, to demand an immediate cease by a bus. and fortunately back and it didn't, we really disappointed because it's like saying this aggression can continue. it's a pissy rebuilding. yes, we heard about the i c j decision in the hate, and it's not what we expect to most of the displace people of civilians including children living that we hope that the decision would reflect that which human beings, human beings being exposed ethnic cleansing should be trained to the search result, the court would at least amount to cease fire. and this being their best buy thing
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goals that's which is on the bank of a medical shut down it's law just functioning health facility and also hospital. and connie, this is without power, at least 300 patients and 5000 displays, palestinians are trapped inside due to is by the bombardment and heavy fighting. they find the world health organization is quoting for an immediate cease fire. and so it can, we stop to the hospital with urgently needed supplies, doctors without borders as many we did, palestinians will have no options for treatment as well as defensive, intensifies in southern guns. one doctor and also hospital describe the counter conditions on the struggle to treat patients hold on the same and same for the follow up to most teams in our department have left for that. even the clean is of gone. some doctors and nurses just try to keep the hospital selves once we're done treating patients and it's not, it's a disease all stat. and even when it comes to simple things like pain kit is our
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patients and we've suffered severe birds are in pain. they're in desperate need of pain killers. so we are lacking everything all the time. these are the only painkillers we have left them. that's enough for 4 or 5 patients on the door slot. well the say the military has opened fine displaced palestinians in con units. the political souls is a number of people in just that all phase. it is right. the forces maybe having to arrest large numbers of palestinians in the area. well, let's get move on around the approval. if that's a whole is happening ready and goes with how many my moodle, correspondents, who's in rafa, and southern garza and honey doesn't really matter what judge is. so what is legally said that the moment the attacks continue even off to what was set in the hague. the
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yes and the then despite the ruling the cause for an end of all acts of genocide in the gaza strip, committed by the is really military. the bombing continues and overnight the residential home and rough to be in other janina district where the 3 people have been reported killed in the house. a comedy to not only the owner of the house, but also the people who have been accommodating and providing them shoulders for the past few weeks. and since the beginning of the word, but uh perhaps the most devastating things happening right now is the constant systematic tax on healthcare facilities in han you. and as we're talking about the, the largest health care facility in honda and is that, but not as that hospitality within the past few weeks. and since the beginning of the ground invasion has been under it, continue with the bombing and artillery so they can get attacks by also the other
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drone a toxin, the snipers and, and times that has been surrounding the vicinity of the hospital, people inside the hospital. they've been filtering since the beginning, the where are by the 1000 that already some of them are really find a way out of the uh, the vicinity of the hospital seeking shelters elsewhere. but the remaining number of those have been critically injured in those with the life threatening conditions are still in the hospital. but with the a list number of medical staff inside the hospitals, extreme short visual medical supplies, particularly pain killers, that anastasia just makes the whole situation. it very difficult, in fact, for a lot of people in han unison. and here of been this place, they told us, uh where they happened to be an hon units to the doctor hospital. they said they were seeing exactly the scenario that took place in gauze on and, and don't know the part when the 2 largest health facilities, the super hospital and in the nation hospital came under attack the thing. and it's
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happening again when the occasion that it is an attack on health care facilities across the gaza strip. of course, uh the ongoing di situation that nasir hospital finds itself and continues. what's the latest, the yes, well does. the husband has been under military use these within the past a few days, but it got more intense and as over night than nearly hours of this morning were talking about and not only people who have been in the hospital about not getting the necessary medical attention but also the inability of the hospital to provide medical services whatsoever. there is a 6th street shortly to fuel forcing the hospital to shut down major parts of its departments. then there is the exhausted over well medical staff of some of them have already left with their families and, and then seeking shelter elsewhere. the situation is across new and it's not only
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concentrated around the vicinity of nonsense hospital, but also further western part of the city. i'm a hospital, a chart of both health facility is also under attacks just gradually pushing the health care facility out of service for us in rasa. thank you. still had him on out of there. i'm rob reynolds outside the federal courthouse, oakland, california where hello city and americans are seeking the 5 did ministrations, policies for israel on friday. the the latest news, as it breaks, the open gauze has left thousands of students across this trip. in limbo, the destruction will lead to our last generation among young people here. many
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people here say that in order for as well. so we main united, nothing. yeah, we'll have to go. the being a journalist is a privilege. i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the
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the broad shoulders everything. so robin, the whole reminder of all the top stories, the international court of justice is ordered as well to prevent genocide in gaza. this up show to the asking for cease fine. is the 1st ruling and a case south africa filed against israel. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu was condemned nicole, it's decision. he said the fact that the i c j is considering allegations of genocide against as well is it describes the us has reiterated a support the israel's rights to defend its cause as just functioning. health facility is on the brink of a set down, also hospitalized for the child and critical medical supplies. at least 300 patients and 5000 displace palestinians are trapped inside to to is really bump
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bump and heavy fighting today. but since you have enough weather us and u. k, have launch 2 s strikes, talking a portion of the day to province. us, according to the reports issued on site today, they asked rights come as humans who the rebels have stepped up a tax on vessels transiting the right seat. the on friday who theme is saw. it's a british tongue of the coast of you. i'm in the shopping center in support of the oppressed, the palestinian people, and in response to the american british aggression against our country. the naval forces, along with the help of god, carried out to target to the operation against the british oil tank. moreland, lawanda in the gulf of 8, i'm using a number of suitable naval miss alice. the hits was by wrecked, leading to expanding many armed forces, the from the continuation of their operations in the red sea. i shall add to the already being against israeli ships of those heading ports of oakland, california until the aggression stopped in food and medicine will deliver to the
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east kind of city and people in the cause of stroke. and i was ready for his car that you know, the 9th of rights in the occupied westbank. north west of jeanine protest is kind of with his body from a hospital is where the soldiers also rated the town of bet. speak near not a judge in the us as heard testimony in a civil case accusing president j. pardon and other senior officials have been complicit and as well as genocide in garza rights groups. what was the quote over to the by the ministration, to end its military assistance to israel. rob rentals in oakland, california. we moved ministration with the genocide of our people outside the courthouse, demonstrators call for a ceasefire and denotes president joe biden support for israel is more on cause a shame on our government. i feel terrible about it. i don't feel proud to call
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myself in american at all. it's discussing, they were there and supportive palestinians and tell us then in americans we were trying to in us military aid. israel. they accused biden and top administration officials of complicity in genocide. under the 1948 international treaty against genocide, they are asking a federal judge to order the administration to stop supplying weapons and diplomatic support. israel today was an incredible day. it was indeed a historic day for the 1st time in perhaps 75 years. we the policy and community are presenting our people and you guys got to tell our story and got to share it over to the case was streamed online as witnesses described the english of losing family. ma'am, experts on genocide in international law, despite strenuous objections like government defense lawyers, lawyers for the government did not address the question of whether jennifer i see
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is or is not a very complex democrat. rather, they argue that matters for all of the military affairs of the expensive domain of the executive branch and the domestic sports. have your toward aging, intervene lawyers for the palestinians, say they are optimistic and we're really hopeful that the judge does the right thing. and does everything within the courts power to stop to this genocide, the arguments were heard and taken extremely seriously by judge white. he said, this is the most difficult, factually, and legally case that he's ever had to contend with plaintive send their lawyers hope that however, the judge eventually rules, at the very least, the case will increase the already intense pressure on biden, to change course. rob reynolds, l g 0, oakland, california. the,
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let's take a look at the of the table, new stories. what donald trump has been ordered to pay $83000000.00 for 8 years of malicious attacks on the women who accuse me of right. the form of us presidents was found liable last year of sexually abusing aging. carol, the rights have been suited for defamation from has described that, that it is absolutely ridiculous. mostly jordan is in washington dc with the breakdown of what trump is being ordered to pay as well. we have to be very specific about how the jury in this case of defamation that was brought by a jean carol the long time journalist and aunt agony columnist for elle magazine brought against the former president donald trump. she had wanted $24000000.00 for emotional damage and damage to her refutation. instead the jury awarded 183w7 about was for emotional law damage. the other
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11300000 was for damage to her professional reputation. what the jury also awarded was $65000000.00 to punish donald trump at herb herb team's request. in order to persuade him not to do this again to her or to any one else. no, of course, not surprisingly, the former us president who wasn't in the court room when the jury came back with its verdict on friday afternoon, said that he will appeal not just this verdict, but another verdict in a separate, twice a year ago may in which that jury felt that he had sexually abused ega and carol, in the mid 19 ninety's out of manhattan department store. of course your team. this government has got plans, some major spending reforms following widespread protests. the dropping of changes to the pension system is aimed at ensuring cobra's process of the cost cutting
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legislation. the president of a malay campaigned all the place to eva whole, the struggling economy. but his wide ranging proposals of product backlash, especially for workers and pensions, pensions, that is why the supreme court has upheld a band stopping the opposition data from running for president. marla cutting down the heart of one of the opposition top job late last year, making an eligible to contest the presidential election. little soon after the government announced a 16 year ban on that from running for office. because i had challenged the decision in the supreme court to keep is one step closer to acquiring dozens of 16 find digits from the united states. the vitamin ministration has approve the 23000000000 dollar sale of the wall plains of the n correct? approved sweden's long delayed entry into nato. it's not to congress to approve the deal. thousands of protested in front of austria is parliamentary goes
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right to an extreme is placed in other cities throughout the whole stream. tom is in front of i'm going to continue that they blocked protests despite got this block to move twice on friday, following 2 weeks of similar disruption. the gangs rising fuel costs and european union regulations who's that won't be the decision to fulfill. so we have decided to continue this mobilization. it's a difficult decision. what's a necessary one because of the problem and this is announcements don't on. so a lot of question is that there are many to months to which the prime minister has not responded to you. i to can use government says it will challenge a high court ruling blocking plans to send police officers to haiti. can you fall into it last year to lead a multinational falls to help stop game violence in the caribbean nation un security council. go to the mission last october, but the high court in nairobi says that deployment is illegals. and so you can
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follow all of those stories on our website. it's all just evidence comments, updates it threw out the day. i'm so hold on my colleagues, somebody's a dime will have another full half hour of news on the other side. all right, the weather is next and inside story exam, you can say no duration of a controversial him do temple in it until like 3 times the the hello. that will have a look at african environment, the 1st of the middle east and live and, and we're seeing some very honest this is what we're seeing west also, whether across that central band of africa have your mind to come from the likes of tanza near to some of the story, the eastern areas of south africa. you can see
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a pulls in that on sunday morning, but the heavy rain were tons later in the afternoon, but it is looking clearer if window in cape town. he came into buildings as a un i'm by so the position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just don't think, look is a problem, did x or to hear the story on talk to how does era what's the risk of india turning into a hindu nation? 5 minutes sitting around for a moody has just presided over the consecration of a highly controversial temple. he says it marks a turning point. what does that mean for secularism in india?
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this is inside store the .


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